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Domingo Suriel

Esteban Hidalgo



Report #2

A River Flows from It: The “Sanctuary Doctrine” and the Hydrological Ecclesiology of the

Temple Ross E. Winkle, Professor of New Testament Pacific Union College

Throughout the semester there were various things that were learned about the sanctuary have

been what the Bible has directly shown regarding its construction and its components. In the

book The Sanctuary Doctrine it speaks about the deriving of the eschatological prophecy of Dan

8:14. In short what this means is that Jesus is our heavenly priest and is interceding for us until

the time of the second coming. In the few pages that were read it was clear and vital to notice

that the sanctuary doctrine, subsumed under the concept of Christ’s ministry in the heavenly

sanctuary, remains the twenty-fourth in a list of Adventism’s twenty-eight fundamental beliefs.

Personally, to me this is major because a core belief that started in the era of the great

disappointment is still present in the lives of Adventist to this very day. This is vital to our era

because it shows that even though things got off to a rocky start when God is at the center of all

your operations little by little, you’ll be redirected back towards him and his plan for your life.

CHRIST AT HIS SANCTUARY Toward Adventist-Evangelical Dialogue Roy E. Gane.

Throughout the books of this semester, we were blessed with reading the book that consisted of

material of Christ at his sanctuary. In a few of the chapters of Christ at his sanctuary it spoke

about Christ’s Sacrifice as the Remedy for Sin and its Results. Personally, this was a deep

chapter because it spoke about what the savior of the world would have to endure for the world

and how having Christ in our hearts and lifestyles makes everything better. It also spoke about

Christ’s Priestly Ministry in God’s Heavenly Sanctuary; this in itself is a heavy subject because

it speaks about Jesus as the one interceding for us in front of the father to make sure that we are

clothed in the blood of the lamb and the reassurance that he gives.


A recurring theme throughout the sanctuary was how can God’s sanctuary be justified through a

judgement. It was stated that the headquarters of God is where he has his throne (Jer 17:12). Just

as the United States has Washington DC as its capital and where all its government is run, the

sanctuary is where God runs the important decisions for his nation. At first this was a difficult

task to comprehend but overtime I was able to comprehend and apply it in my form of learning

and teaching others and believe it or not it was a very useful method of learning.

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