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Area Access Manager

User Guide

Lenel OnGuard® 2010 Area Access Manager User Guide, product version 6.4
This guide is part 2 of a 2-document suite, item number DOC-800, revision 1.015, April
Copyright © 1995-2010 Lenel Systems International, Inc. Information in this document is subject
to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written
permission of Lenel Systems International, Inc.
Non-English versions of Lenel documents are offered as a service to our global audiences. We
have attempted to provide an accurate translation of the text, but the official text is the English
text, and any differences in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may only be
used in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Lenel and OnGuard are registered trademarks
of Lenel Systems International, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Integral and
FlashPoint are trademarks of Integral Technologies, Inc. Crystal Reports for Windows is a
trademark of Crystal Computer Services, Inc. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle
Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this User Guide may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Portions of this product were created using LEADTOOLS © 1991-2010 LEAD Technologies, Inc.
OnGuard includes ImageStream® Graphic Filters. Copyright © 1991-2010 Inso Corporation. All
rights reserved. ImageStream Graphic Filters and ImageStream are registered trademarks of Inso
Area Access Manager User Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction ...............................................................9

Conventions Used in this Documentation ....................................................... 9

Getting Started .............................................................................................. 10

Licensing Requirements .................................................................................................. 10

Permissions ..................................................................................................................... 10

Passwords ....................................................................................................................... 11

Enable/Disable Strong Password Enforcement .............................................................. 12

Change User Passwords ................................................................................................ 13

Error Messages ............................................................................................................... 13

Accounts ......................................................................................................................... 14

Log In .............................................................................................................................. 15

Single Sign-On .............................................................................................. 16

Directory Accounts .......................................................................................................... 16

Automatic and Manual Single Sign-On ........................................................................... 17

Configure Single Sign-On ............................................................................................... 17

Log In Using Automatic Single Sign-On .......................................................................... 18

Log In Using Manual Single Sign-On .............................................................................. 19

Troubleshoot Logging In .............................................................................. 19

Assigning Directory and Internal Accounts to the User ................................. 20

Access Level Displayed Upon Login ............................................................. 20

Log Out of the Application ............................................................................. 21

Exit the Application ........................................................................................ 21

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Chapter 2: Main Window ...........................................................23

Customize the Select People, Summary, and Area Access Manager Main
Windows ..................................................................................................... 30

Menus ........................................................................................................... 31

Main Window Right-click Menu ..................................................................... 34

Chapter 3: Personal Information Window ...............................37

Personal Information Window - Common Elements ..................................... 37

Personal Information Window - Cardholder Form ......................................... 40

Personal Information Window - Visitor Form ................................................. 42

Personal Information Window - Badge Form ................................................ 44

Personal Information Window - Access Levels Form .................................... 46

View Personal Information ............................................................................ 47

Chapter 4: Access Levels .........................................................49

Multiple Active Badge Access Level Assignment .......................................... 50

Access Level Assignment on a Segmented System ..................................... 50

Reader Assignments to Cardholders Report on a Segmented System ........ 51

View Access Level Assignments ................................................................... 51

Filter Records Displayed in the Main Window ............................................... 52

Remove Access Levels from Cardholders or Visitors ................................... 53

Assign Access Levels to Cardholders or Visitors .......................................... 53

Assign Activation and Deactivation Dates to Access Levels ......................... 59

Chapter 5: View Video ...............................................................63

Permissions ................................................................................................... 63

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Area Access Manager User Guide

View Video ...................................................................................................................... 63

Automatic Video View Count ........................................................................................... 63

Viewing Video ............................................................................................... 63

Selecting Cameras .......................................................................................................... 64

Automatic Video View Count ........................................................................................... 64

View Video Window ........................................................................................................ 64

Chapter 6: Reports ....................................................................65

Reports Window ............................................................................................ 66

Configure Which Reports are Available in Area Access Manager ................ 66

Run a Report in Area Access Manager ......................................................... 67

Chapter 7: Print Report Options Window ................................69

Print Report Options Window ........................................................................ 70

Print a Report .................................................................................................................. 71

Chapter 8: Report Print Preview Window ................................73

Report Print Preview Window ....................................................................... 74

Report Print Preview Window Right-click Options ........................................ 76

Report Print Preview Window Procedures .................................................... 76

Preview and Print a Report ............................................................................................. 76

Search a Report for Specific Information ........................................................................ 78

Appendix ...........................................................................79

Appendix A: Access Level Assignment Wizard .....................81

Using Listing Windows .................................................................................. 81

Find People Window - Cardholder Form ....................................................... 82

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Find People Window - Cardholder Form Overview ......................................................... 82

Find People Window - Visitor Form ............................................................... 85

Find People Window - Visitor Form Overview ................................................................. 85

Find People Window - Access Levels Form .................................................. 88

Find People Window - Access Levels Form Overview .................................................... 88

Select People Window .................................................................................. 90

Select People Window Overview .................................................................................... 90

Select Access Levels Window ...................................................................... 92

Select Access Levels Window Overview ........................................................................ 92

Access Level Assignment Wizard ................................................................. 93

Summary Window ......................................................................................... 94

Summary Window Overview ........................................................................................... 94

Appendix B: Bulk Access Level Action Results Window ......97

Bulk Access Level Action Results Window Overview ................................... 97

Appendix C: Access Level Activation Dates Window ............99

Access Level Activation Dates Window Overview ........................................ 99

Appendix D: Person Count Threshold Value ........................103

Appendix E: Troubleshooting ................................................105

Login-related Problems ............................................................................... 105

License Not Installed ..................................................................................................... 105

Incorrect Username/Password ...................................................................................... 105

Login Access Disabled .................................................................................................. 105

No Permission for Area Access Manager ................................................................. 106

No Permission to View Cardholders and Visitors .......................................................... 106

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No Access Levels to Manage ........................................................................................ 106

No Permission to View Fields in Search Results Lists .................................................. 107

No Permission to View Fields in Search Results Lists and Visitors .............................. 109

No Permission to View Fields in Search Results Lists and Cardholders ...................... 109

Report-related Problems ............................................................................. 110

No Reports Available in Area Access Manager ............................................................ 110

Incorrect Reports Available in Area Access Manager After Upgrade ........................... 110

Index ...............................................................................................111

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Table of Contents

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

Area Access Manager users can assign, modify, or remove access levels for
active badges. This effectively grants or restricts a cardholder or visitor’s access
to readers that control specific areas. An Area Access Manager user has control
over specific access levels that are assigned in System Administration. Area
Access Manager can be used to:

1. Assign temporary and/or standard access levels to a cardholder or visitor’s

active badge(s)
2. Modify the activation and/or deactivation of an active badge by creating a
temporary access level. A temporary access level is any access level that is
assigned an activation and/or deactivation date.
3. Bulk modify the access level activation and/or deactivation date of active
4. Remove access level assignments from a cardholder or visitor’s active
5. Preview or print reports
6. View personal information for selected cardholders or visitors

Conventions Used in this Documentation

The text in this manual is formatted to make it easy for you to identify what is
being described.
• Where a term is defined, the word is represented in italics.
• Field names, menus, and menu choices are shown in bold.
• Keyboard keys are represented in angle brackets. For example: <Tab>,
• Keyboard key combinations are written in two ways:
– <Ctrl> + <Z> means hold down the first key and press the second
– <Alt>, <C> means press the first key, then press the second
• Window buttons on the screen are represented in square brackets; for
example: [OK], [Cancel].

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1: Introduction

Getting Started

Licensing Requirements
To use Area Access Manager, you must have purchased the Area Access
Manager. In the Access Control section of your OnGuard® license, the following
will be listed:

Area Access Manager Application: In Use - the number of concurrent Area

Access Manager licenses being used

Area Access Manager Application: Max - the number of concurrent Area

Access Manager licenses you have purchased

For more information, refer to “Installing Your OnGuard License” in the

Installation Guide.

Permissions are set in System Administration or ID CredentialCenter. In order to
log into Area Access Manager, a user must have the following permissions:

1. The user must have permission to use the Area Access Manager application.
2. The user must have one or more access levels to manage.
3. The user must have permission to view access level assignments.

Note: If the user has permission to view access level assignments but not modify
them, then the user can log into Area Access Manager, but cannot assign,
remove, or modify access level activation dates.

4. The user must have permission to view either cardholders OR visitors. The
user must have permission to view at least one of these.
5. The user must have permission to view at least one of the cardholder search
results list fields OR at least one of the visitor search results list fields.

The following table describes these permissions:

Permission How to set the permission

Use Area Access Select the Area Access Manager checkbox on the Administration > Users > System
Manager Permission Groups form > Software Options sub-tab.

At least one access The access levels that can be managed by a user through Area Access Manager are configured
level to manage on the Area Access Manager Levels form in the Users folder in System Administration. (To
display this form in System Administration, from the Administration menu, select Users,
click on the Users tab, then click on the Area Access Manager Levels sub-tab.

View access level Select the Access level assignments checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder
assignments Permission Groups form > Badge sub-tab.

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Permission How to set the permission

Modify access Select the Access level assignments and Modify checkboxes on the Administration > Users
level assignments > Cardholder Permission Groups form > Badge sub-tab.

View Cardholders Select the Cardholder checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission
Groups form > Cardholder sub-tab.

View permission To view the cardholder search results list, select Administration > Cardholder Options >
for at least one of Cardholder Search Results Lists form.
the cardholder
fields in the To view the permissions for the fields in the cardholder search results list, select
cardholder search Administration > Users > Field/Page Permission Groups form. You should add a permission
results list group for Area Access Manager users with the necessary cardholder permissions set to “Yes”.
(For more information, refer to “Add a Field/Viewing Permission Group” in the System
Administration User Guide.)

For example, if Last Name is listed in the Selected Fields listing window on the Cardholder
Search Results Lists form, the View permission for the Cardholder Table/Last Name Field
entry on the Field/Page Permission Groups form should be set to “Yes”.

View Visitors Select the Visitor checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups
form > Cardholder sub-tab.

View permission To view the visitor search results list, select Administration > Cardholder Options > Visitor
for at least one of Search Results Lists form.
the visitor fields in
the visitor search To view the permissions for the fields in the visitor search results list, select Administration >
results list Users > Field/Page Permission Groups form. You should add a permission group for Area
Access Manager users with the necessary visitor permissions set to “Yes”. (For more
information, refer to “Add a Field/Viewing Permission Group” in the System Administration
User Guide.)

For example, if Organization is listed in the Selected Fields listing window on the Visitor
Search Results Lists form, the View permission for the User-Defined Visitor Table/Visitor
Organization Field entry on the Field/Page Permission Groups form should be set to “Yes”.

In addition to the above:

• If the user can view cardholders but cannot view at least one cardholder
search result list field and the user cannot view visitors, the user will not be
allowed to log into the application.
• If the user can view visitors but cannot view at least one visitor search result
list field and the user cannot view cardholders, the user will not be allowed
to log into the application.

The system-wide report permissions are not enforced because Area Access
Manager only contains reports that are specific to data that is available within
Area Access Manager. This means that any Area Access Manager user can run
reports in Area Access Manager.

OnGuard® includes strong password enforcement, which checks the user’s
password against password standards. This functionality is designed to enhance
password security if single sign-on is not used. If single sign-on is used

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1: Introduction

(automatic or manual), OnGuard does not enforce password standards. For more
information on single sign-on, refer to Single Sign-On on page 16.

The system’s strong password enforcement also checks the Lenel database user’s
password when logging into applications. Database user passwords apply only to
Oracle and SQL databases. For information on changing your database password,
refer to the Accounts and Passwords chapter in the Installation Guide.

Password Standards

When creating a strong password keep the following guidelines in mind:

• Passwords cannot be blank.
• Passwords cannot be the same as the user name (e.g. SA, SA).
• Passwords cannot be Lenel keywords.
• Although not required, your password should contain numbers, letters, and
symbols. Spaces are also acceptable. (e.g. August 18, 2002).
• OnGuard user passwords are not case-sensitive.
• Database passwords conform to the rules of the specific database being used;
passwords in SQL Server and Oracle 11g are case sensitive. Passwords in
Oracle 10g and earlier are case-insensitive.
• The maximum value for a strong password is 127 characters. The minimum
value is 1.

Notes: For Oracle databases the following account username and passwords are not
allowed to be used together:
System and Manager
Internal and Oracle
Sys and Change_On_Install

Enable/Disable Strong Password Enforcement

Strong password enforcement is enabled/disabled in System Administration or
ID CredentialCenter. When you install OnGuard, by default strong password
enforcement is enabled. When you upgrade, by default strong password
enforcement is disabled. To manually enable or disable strong password

1. Select System Options from the Administration menu in System

Administration or ID CredentialCenter.
2. Select the General System Options tab.
3. Click [Modify].
4. Select or deselect the Enforce strong passwords checkbox.

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Note: If you disable the option to enforce strong passwords, you will continue to
receive a message stating your password is weak every time you log into an
application until you change your OnGuard password to meet the password

5. Click [OK].

Change User Passwords

User passwords are checked every time a user logs into any application. After a
user logs into an application he/she can change his/her user password.

1. From the Application menu select Change Password.

2. The Change Password window displays. Enter your old password and new
password in the appropriate fields. Refer to the Password Standards on page
12 for guidelines in choosing a secure password.
3. A message confirms that you have successfully changed your password.
4. Click [OK].

Note: If you get a weak password message the next time you log into the
application, carefully read the message. It may be telling you that your
database password is weak and not your user password. To change your
database password, refer to the Accounts and Passwords chapter in the
Installation Guide.

Error Messages
Read weak password messages/warnings carefully to avoid confusion about
whether your user password or database password is weak.

If you have a weak database password you will receive a warning every time you
log into any application, until you change your database password. Although it is
not recommended, you can acknowledge the warning and continue working in
the application. This table describes the password-related error messages that
may be generated and which password you need to correct.
• To correct the database password, refer to the Accounts and Passwords
chapter in the Installation Guide.
• To correct the user password, select a password that meets the standards
specified in Password Standards on page 12.

Warning message Password

to correct

Database password violations: Your password is a keyword that is not Database

allowed. It is highly recommended that you change your password to
meet our minimum password standards.

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1: Introduction

Warning message Password

to correct

Your password cannot be blank. Please enter a password. User

User password violations: Passwords cannot be the same as the user User

Your password is a keyword that is not allowed. User

Anyone who wishes to use OnGuard applications must enter a user name and
password in order to access the software. The System Administrator should
create a unique account for each user of the applications. The System
Administrator can also, for each user, create a list of permissions, which specifies
precisely which screens, fields, and buttons the user can access.

During initial installation of the application, default accounts are created. These

User name Password Type

sa sa system account

admin sample

user sample

badge sample

These are provided as samples. You may change the passwords and use the
accounts, or remove them. The exception to this is the system account, SA. By
definition this account has permission to do anything in the system. A user with
system access has unlimited access to the application. You cannot delete or
change the system account except to modify the password, which you are
strongly encouraged to do as soon as possible to discourage unauthorized use.

The first time you log into OnGuard to configure the application, you should log
in as SA and your password should be SA.

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Log In
This procedure describes how to log in without using single sign-on. For a
description of single sign-on, refer to Single Sign-On on page 16. To log in using
single sign-on, refer to Configure Single Sign-On on page 17.

1. Click the Start button, then select Programs > OnGuard 2010 > Area
Access Manager.
2. Your system may be configured to prompt you to select a database to log
into. If it is not, proceed to the next step. If it is:
a. In the Database drop-down, all ODBC system databases currently
defined on your computer are listed. Select the database that you wish to
use for your application.
b. Click [OK].
3. The Log On window displays.
a. In the User name field, type the user name assigned to you. When
logging in for the first time, your user name is SA.
b. In the Password field, type the password assigned to you. When
logging in for the first time, your password is SA. Note that the
characters you type do not appear in the field. Instead, for each character
you type, an “*” displays. This is intended to protect against
unauthorized access in the event that someone else can see the screen
while you type.

Important: After logging in for the first time, you are strongly encouraged to modify the
password for the system account as soon as possible to discourage
unauthorized use.

c. In the Directory field, select the directory that you wish to log into. For
user accounts not using single sign-on, the default is “<Internal>.”
d. Select the Remember user name and directory checkbox if you want
the values you just entered in the User name and Directory fields to
automatically be selected the next time that you log in.
e. Click [OK].
4. Your system may be configured to prompt you to confirm that you are
authorized to use the application. To accept the terms of the authorization
warning click [Yes].

5. If segmentation is not enabled, skip this step. If segmentation is enabled:

a. The Select Segment window opens. Select the segment you wish to log
b. Click [OK].

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1: Introduction

Single Sign-On
Single sign-on simply means logging into OnGuard with the same user name and
password that you use to log into Windows or logging into OnGuard using an
LDAP user name and password for authentication. LDAP (Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol) is a software protocol that enables you to locate businesses,
people, files, and devices without knowing the domain name (network address).

Single sign-on allows scripts using the DataConduIT API to authenticate. These
scripts will be run under a Windows account. The account that is making the call
to the API can be obtained easily this way, and the script can be restricted to
those actions that the user is permitted to perform (using standard OnGuard

Note: The use of the explicit username and password for directory authentication
to Windows is strongly discouraged. It is recommended that you do not store
Windows passwords in the OnGuard system, since OnGuard uses reversible
encryption and Windows does not. If explicit authentication is required, you
should use an account that has view only permission to the directory in

It is possible to assign both an internal account and one or more directory

accounts to a single user. Assigning both types of accounts increases the
flexibility of the system during the authentication process. If the directory service
is down or cannot be found from the workstation where the user is logging on,
that user can instead use the internal account. Using both types of accounts
means that you need to manage the internal account user names and passwords in
addition to managing the directory accounts.

Important: Allowing a user to log on in multiple ways increases the probability that the
user's access to the system could be compromised. It is recommended that
you standardize on either internal or directory accounts, but not both.

There are cases where assigning both an internal account and a directory account
to a user may make sense. In a system where directory accounts are
predominantly used, you may also assign an internal account to a user who needs
to access the system from locations where the directory service is unavailable. If
internal accounts are predominantly used, you may want to assign a directory
account to a user so that the user does not need to enter in a password to log on.

Directory Accounts
To log into OnGuard using single sign-on, a user name, password, and directory
are required. A directory is a database of network resources, such as printers,
software applications, databases, and users. The following directories are
supported by OnGuard: Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Windows NT 4
Domain, Microsoft Windows Local Accounts, and LDAP.

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Automatic and Manual Single Sign-On

When a user account is configured for single sign-on, the user can log into
OnGuard automatically or manually.

For example, with automatic single sign-on, users simply start OnGuard and they
are automatically logged in under their Windows account and directory.

With manual single sign-on, users must manually enter their Windows or LDAP
account information (user name and password). Users also have the option of
selecting a different configured directory.

If single sign-on is not used, users manually enter a user name and a password
that is different from their Windows or LDAP password. The directory is hard-
coded to refer to the internal OnGuard user directory.

Notes: Manual single sign-on can be used with the following directories: Microsoft
Active Directory, Microsoft Windows NT 4 Domain, and LDAP.
Automatic single sign-on can be used with every directory supported by
OnGuard except LDAP because it doesn’t provide all the account
information required.

Configure Single Sign-On

By default, user accounts do not use sign-on. To configure single sign-on the
System Administrator must add a directory and link a user account to the

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1: Introduction

Notes: For more information, refer to “Add a Directory” in the Directories folder
chapter of the System Administration or ID CredentialCenter User Guide.
For more information, refer to “Link a User Account to a Directory
Account” in the Users folder chapter of the System Administration or ID
CredentialCenter User Guide.

Log In Using Automatic Single Sign-On

Automatic single sign-on is supported with Windows domain accounts.

1. Click the Start button, then select Programs > OnGuard 2010 > Area
Access Manager.
2. Your system may be configured to prompt you to select a database to log
into. If it is not, proceed to step 3. If it is:
a. In the Database drop-down, all ODBC system databases currently
defined on your computer are listed. Select the database that you wish to
use for your application.
b. Click [OK].
3. If your Windows account is linked to a user, a message will be displayed that
says, “Attempting to automatically log you on using your Windows account.
To bypass this, hold down SHIFT.” To automatically be logged in, do
4. Your system may be configured to prompt you to confirm that you are
authorized to use the application. To accept the terms of the authorization
warning, click [Yes].

5. If segmentation is not enabled, skip this step. If segmentation is enabled:

a. The Select Segment window opens. Select the segment you wish to log
b. Click [OK].

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Log In Using Manual Single Sign-On

Both users who want to log into OnGuard using an LDAP user name and
password for authentication and users who want to log in using a Windows
domain account can do so using manual single sign-on.

1. Click the Start button, then select Programs > OnGuard 2010 > Area
Access Manager.
2. Your system may be configured to prompt you to select a database to log
into. If it is not, proceed to step 3. If it is:
a. In the Database drop-down, all ODBC system databases currently
defined on your computer are listed. Select the database that you wish to
use for your application.
b. Click [OK].
3. If your Windows account is linked to a user, a message will be displayed that
says, “Attempting to automatically log you on using your Windows account.
To bypass this, hold down SHIFT.”
To manually login or to login using a different user name and password, hold
down the <Shift> key. The Log On window opens.
a. In the Directory field, select the directory that you wish to log into. The
default is “<Internal>.”
b. In the User name field, type the Windows user name assigned to you.
Do not enter the domain\user name just enter your user name.
c. In the Password field, type the Windows password assigned to you.
d. Select the Remember user name and directory checkbox if you want
the values you just entered in the User name and Directory fields to
automatically be selected the next time that you log in.
e. Click [OK].
4. Your system may be configured to prompt you to confirm that you are
authorized to use the application. To accept the terms of the authorization
warning, click [Yes].
5. If segmentation is not enabled, skip this step. If segmentation is enabled:
a. The Select Segment window opens. Select the segment you wish to log
b. Click [OK].

Troubleshoot Logging In
If you attempted to log in and were unable to do so, make sure that the following
conditions have been met:
• You entered a correct user name/password and specified the correct
• If your system is configured to display an authorization warning, you
accepted the terms.

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1: Introduction

• A valid license is installed.

• You have permission to use the application.
• If you attempted to log in and were unable to do so, make sure the following
conditions have been met:
– You entered the correct user name and password for the selected
directory of a user with permission to use the application.
– If the system is configured to display an authorization warning, then you
accepted the terms.
– Verify your acs.ini file has the correct LicenseServer Host and Port
settings. The LS License Server service must be started on the specified
– Log into the License Administration application to verify a valid license
is installed.
– Software based licenses must be activated.
– USB and Parallel licenses must have License Key Drivers installed.
– If using single sign-on, ensure the pc user you are logged in as is linked
to an internal OnGuard user through an operational directory.

Assigning Directory and Internal Accounts to the User

It is possible to assign both an internal account and one or more directory
accounts to a single user. Assigning both types of accounts increases the
flexibility of the system during the authentication process. Meaning, if the
directory service is down or cannot be found from the workstation where the user
is logging on, then the user can use the internal account instead.

However, using both types of accounts means that you need to manage the
internal account user names and passwords in addition to managing the directory
accounts. Allowing a user to log on in multiple ways increases the probability
that the user's access could be compromised. For that reason, it is recommended
that you standardize on either internal or directory accounts, but not both.

There are cases where assigning both an internal account and a directory account
to a user may make sense. In a system where directory accounts are
predominantly used, you may also assign an internal account to a user who needs
to access the system from locations where the directory service is unavailable. If
internal accounts are predominantly used, you may want to assign a directory
account to a user for that user's convenience, so that the user does not need to
enter in a password to log on.

Access Level Displayed Upon Login

After you log into Area Access Manager, records associated with the access
levels available in the Access level drop-down will be used to display records in
the main window.

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Area Access Manager User Guide

• If there is only one access level to work with, that access level will always be
selected by default regardless of how many people are assigned to that
access level.
• If you have multiple access levels to work with and the first access level in
the Access level drop-down will return less than 5000 people, then the first
access level will be selected by default.
• If the first access level would return 5000 or more people, no access level
will be loaded by default. Instead, the Access level listing window will be
expanded, and you can choose which access level to load.

Note: Although the default Person Count Threshold value of 5000 works well for
most systems, it is possible to change it. For more information, refer to
Appendix D: Person Count Threshold Value on page 103.

Log Out of the Application

1. Select the Log Off choice from the Application menu.
2. All open data entry forms will be closed. The main window will open again
as it did before you logged in and most of the toolbar and menu options will
be dimmed. To access most of the application’s features you must then log in

Exit the Application

The main window can be closed using either of the following methods:
• Select Exit from the Application menu.
• Double-click on the Control-menu box, an icon in the window’s upper left
• Right-click on the Control-menu box and select Close.
• Press [Alt] + [F4].

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1: Introduction

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Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 2: Main Window

You can use the Area Access Manager main window to do the following:
• Display cardholders or visitors assigned to a selected access level
• Display personal information about selected cardholders or visitors
• Allow cardholders and visitors to be assigned to access levels
• Allow cardholders and visitors to be removed from access levels
• Display all active badge IDs for cardholders or visitors

The Area Access Manager main window can display two different types of
records: cardholder and visitor. Only one type of record can be displayed at a
time. When the View > Person Type > Cardholders option is selected, the Area
Access Manager main window displays cardholders, as shown:

When the View > Person Type > Visitors option is selected, the Area Access
Manager main window displays visitors, as shown:

When the Active Badges option is selected in the View menu, the Area Access
Manager main window also contains a Badge ID column. In this view, the listing
window lists multiple entries for each cardholder/visitor, one for each active
badge assigned to the cardholder/visitor. For example, if Scott Johnson has two
active badges, 13 and 14, then he will be listed twice.

revision 1 — 23
2: Main Window

When you right-click on a record in the listing window in the Area Access
Manager, a menu is displayed. For more information, refer to Main Window
Right-click Menu on page 34.

Area Access Manager Main Window

Form Element Comment

Title bar The area at the top of the window that displays the window’s name. In the main window, the
title bar contains the name of the application, the name of the ODBC, and the name of the user
account that is currently logged in.

Menu bar A horizontal list of options that appears at the top of the main window. Each option has a pull-
down menu.

Access level Lists the access levels that can be assigned and removed from a cardholder or visitor’s active

• Access levels are created on the Access Levels form in the Access Levels folder in
System Administration. (To display this form in System Administration, select the
Access Control menu, then select the Access Levels option.) Only the access levels
listed there for a user will be available in Area Access Manager for the user to assign and
remove from cardholders’ active badges.
• Access Levels that can be managed by a user are configured on the Area Access Manager
Levels form in the Users folder in System Administration. (To display this form in
System Administration, select the Administration menu, then select the Users option.)

Assign Access Opens the Access Level Assignment Wizard, which allows you to assign access levels to
cardholders, visitors, or specific cardholder/visitor active badge IDs. Selecting this button is
the same as selecting the Edit menu, then selecting Assign Access.

Remove Access Removes the assignment of the selected cardholder, visitor, or specific cardholder/visitor
active badge IDs from the access level that is displayed in the Access level drop-down list.
Selecting this button is the same as selecting the Edit menu, then selecting Remove Access.
This button is grayed out until at least one cardholder, visitor, or specific cardholder/visitor
active badge ID is selected in the Area Access Manager main window.

Personal Displays cardholder/visitor, badge, and access level information for the currently selected
Information cardholder/visitor records. On the Area Access Manager main window, selecting this button is
the same as selecting the View menu, then selecting Personal Information. This button is
grayed out until at least one cardholder/visitor record is selected. If you select multiple
records, you can cycle through them by clicking the arrows in the lower left corner of the
Personal Information window. For more information, refer to Chapter 3: Personal Information
Window on page 37.

24 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Area Access Manager Main Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

View Video Displays cameras associated with the currently selected access level. Video is only available
for cameras that have a device-camera link configured with a reader assigned to an access
level. For more information, refer to Chapter 5: View Video on page 63.

Access level The Access level activation date fields consist of a date field and a time field. They are part of
activation date the Filter bar, and are only shown if the Filter Bar option in the View menu is selected.

The Access level activation date fields work in combination with the Access level
deactivation date fields to filter the records shown in the main window based on the access
level activation date and access level deactivation date assigned to a badge when an access
level is assigned. The access level assignment to the badge is only valid (active) between the
dates and times specified in the assignment. (To learn how to assign access level activation and
deactivation dates, refer to Assign Activation and Deactivation Dates to Access Levels on
page 59.)

So for example, consider a badge that has been assigned an access level with an activation date
of 1/1/2006. The badge will not be allowed to gain access to the readers contained in this
access level until 1/1/2006. Similarly, if the access level assignment to the badge had a
deactivation date of 1/31/2006, the badge would not be allowed to gain access to the readers
contained in this access level after 1/31/2006.

The records displayed in the main window depend on what you select in the Access level
activation date and Access level deactivation date fields.

• If you select an activation date but no deactivation date, then all records with an
activation date after the specified activation date will be displayed.
• If you select a deactivation date but no activation date, all records with a deactivation date
before the specified deactivation date will be displayed.
• If you select an activation date and a deactivation date, only those records whose
activation and deactivation dates fall between the two specified dates will be displayed.
• If you select no activation date or deactivation date, all records will be displayed.
• If you select an activation/deactivation date, records without access level activation/
deactivation dates will not be displayed in the main window.
Note: Keep in mind that these fields are merely filtering which records to display; the date
and time do not actually get applied to the badge itself.
Each time you modify the access level activation/deactivation filter date or time, the listing
window is updated with the people that fall within the selected date/time range.

revision 1 — 25
2: Main Window

Area Access Manager Main Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Access level The Access level deactivation date fields consist of a date field and a time field. They are part
deactivation date of the Filter bar, and are only shown if the Filter Bar option in the View menu is selected.

The Access level deactivation date fields work in combination with the Access level
activation date fields to filter the records shown in the main window based on the access level
activation date and access level deactivation date assigned to a badge when an access level is
assigned. The access level assignment to the badge is only valid (active) between the dates and
times specified in the assignment. (To learn how to assign access level activation and
deactivation dates, refer to Assign Activation and Deactivation Dates to Access Levels on
page 59.)

So for example, consider a badge that has been assigned an access level with an activation date
of 1/1/2006. The badge will not be allowed to gain access to the readers contained in this
access level until 1/1/2006. Similarly, if the access level assignment to the badge had a
deactivation date of 1/31/2006, the badge would not be allowed to gain access to the readers
contained in this access level after 1/31/2006.

The records displayed in the main window depend on what you select in the Access level
activation date and Access level deactivation date fields.

• If you select an activation date but no deactivation date, then all records with an
activation date after the specified activation date will be displayed.
• If you select a deactivation date but no activation date, all records with a deactivation date
before the specified deactivation date will be displayed.
• If you select an activation date and a deactivation date, only those records whose
activation and deactivation dates fall between the two specified dates will be displayed.
• If you select no activation date or deactivation date, all records will be displayed.
• If you select an activation/deactivation date from the Filter bar, records without access
level activation/deactivation dates will not be displayed in the main window.
Note: Keep in mind that these fields are merely filtering which records to display; the date
and time do not actually get applied to the badge itself.
Each time you modify the access level activation/deactivation filter date or time, the listing
window is updated with the people that fall within the selected date/time range.

26 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Area Access Manager Main Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Person search type This field is a part of the Filter bar, and is only shown if the Filter Bar option in the View
menu is selected.

Enables you to select whether to include badge activation dates when searching for
cardholders and visitors.

If “Search for people with current badge activation dates” is selected, then badges that have
the status “Active” and have badge activation/deactivation dates that fall within the current
date/time are listed in the listing window.

For example, if you have a badge with an activation date of 1/1/2005 and a deactivation date of
1/31/2005 and you are using Area Access Manager on 1/10/2005, the badge would be
displayed in the main window (assuming the badge is assigned the access level selected from
the Access level drop-down). If you were to use Area Access Manager on 2/1/2005 this badge
would no longer be displayed in the main window since the activation dates assigned to the
badge have already gone by.

If “Do not include badge activation dates when searching for people” is selected, then all
badges that have the status “Active” are listed, irregardless of their activation and deactivation
dates. This search option is useful in scenarios where there is a person who has occasional
access to a building, and the IT department enables and disables the badge depending on when
this person comes into the office.

revision 1 — 27
2: Main Window

Area Access Manager Main Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Listing window The contents of the listing window changes depending on whether visitors or cardholders are
displayed. If cardholders are displayed (View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected), the
listing window functions as follows:

The Activate and Deactivate columns are always present, and represent the activation and
deactivation dates of the assigned access level for each cardholder/visitor badge ID. If Active
Badges is not selected in the View menu, then the dates shown are the earliest activation date
and the latest deactivation date for all active badges assigned to the cardholder/visitor.

If Active Badges is selected in the View menu, the listing window contains a Badge ID
column. In this view, the listing window lists multiple entries for each cardholder/visitor, one
for each active badge assigned to the cardholder/visitor.

Additional columns displayed are determined by the fields listed in the Selected Fields column
of the Cardholder Search Results Lists form in the Cardholder Options folder. For example,
you might want to include Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Extension, and Department.
These same columns are displayed on the Select People and Summary windows in the Access
Level Assignment Wizard.

The results displayed in the listing window are filtered based on the settings in the Filter bar,
which is displayed by selecting Filter Bar from the View menu. The Activate and Deactivate
filter criteria currently being applied are displayed in the status bar.

To sort the listing window’s contents by a particular column, click on the column heading.
Clicking the column heading toggles the sort order between lowest to highest and highest to

To select all items in the listing window, select Select All from the Edit menu or press
<Ctrl>+<A>. To deselect all items in the listing window, select Clear All from the Edit menu.

If visitors are displayed instead of cardholders (View > Person Type > Visitors is selected),
the listing window functions the same way, with one exception:

The columns displayed are determined by the fields listed in the Selected Fields column of the
Visitor Search Results Lists form in the Cardholder Options folder. For example, you might
want to include Visitor Last Name, Visitor First Name, Visitor Organization, and Visitor Title.
These same columns are displayed on the Select People and Summary windows in the Access
Level Assignment Wizard.

28 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Area Access Manager Main Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Status bar The status bar is an area along the bottom of the main window that is displayed only when the
Status Bar option in the Edit menu is selected. The status bar displays the following

• The activation and deactivation date and time filter criteria that are being applied to the
listing window. (If no filter is being applied, no filter information is displayed in the
status bar.) The filter criteria can be changed using the Filter bar, which is displayed by
selecting Filter Bar from the View menu.

• The current person type setting, which determines what type of record is displayed in the
listing window. When View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected, cardholder
records are displayed. When View > Person Type > Visitors is selected, visitor records
are displayed.

• The number of records currently selected

• The total number of records displayed in the main window

revision 1 — 29
2: Main Window

Customize the Select People, Summary, and Area Access

Manager Main Windows
The columns displayed on the Select People window, Summary window, and the
Area Access Manager main window can be changed using System
Administration. To change the columns displayed:

1. Start and login to System Administration.

2. From the Administration menu, select the Cardholder Options option.
3. If you are customizing the view when cardholders are displayed, click the
Cardholder Search Results Lists tab. If you are customizing the view
when visitors are displayed, click the Visitor Search Results Lists tab.
4. Click [Modify].
5. In the Fields column, click on the field you want to be displayed in the Area
Access Manager main window, Select People window, and Summary
window. (Only one field can be selected at a time.)

6. Click the button to add the selected field to the list of fields that will
be displayed.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all fields to be displayed are listed in the Selected
Fields column.
8. The order that the fields are listed in the Selected Fields column is the order
that the columns will be displayed in, from left to right, in the Area Access
Manager main window, Select People window, and Summary window.
Select a field in the Selected Fields column, then:

a. Click the button to move the selected field one position to the left,

b. Click the button to move the selected field one position to the

Notes: The Activate and Deactivate columns are always the last two columns in the
listing window of the Area Access Manager’s main window regardless of
the list configuration specified on the Cardholder/Visitor Search Results
If active badges is turned on (View > Active Badges), the Badge ID column
will be the first column in the listing window of the Area Access Manager’s
main window regardless of the list configuration specified on the
Cardholder/Visitor Search Results tabs.

9. Click [OK].

30 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

The menu bar is a horizontal list of options that appears at the top of the main
window. Each option has a pull-down menu. Area Access Manager contains the
following menus:

Application Menu
Menu option Function

Log On Logs you into the application.

Change Password Opens the Change Password dialog, enabling you to change your password (you must have the
corresponding system level permission to do so).

Log Off Logs you out of the application.

Exit Ends your session.

Edit Menu
Menu option Toolbar button Function

Assign Access Opens the Access Level Assignment Wizard, which allows you to
assign access levels to cardholders or visitors. Selecting this menu
option is the same as clicking the [Assign Access] button.

Remove Access Removes the assignment of the selected cardholder or visitor records
from the access level that displayed in the Access Panel drop-down list.
Selecting this menu option is the same as clicking the [Remove Access]
button. This option is grayed out until at least one cardholder or visitor
record is selected in the Area Access Manager main window.

Set Activation Displays the Access Level Activation Dates window, where you can
Dates select when to activate and deactivate the access level that is assigned to
the selected cardholder(s), visitor(s), or specific cardholder/visitor
active badge ID(s). This menu option is only available for selection
when a cardholder, visitor, or specific cardholder/visitor active badge
ID record is selected.

Select All Selects all records listed in the currently selected access level.

Clear All Deselects all records listed in the currently selected access level.

Set Automatic Specifies the number of video channels that should be launched
Video View Count automatically when viewing video. If the total number of cameras
available is greater than this value, the user will have the choice of
which cameras to view.

revision 1 — 31
2: Main Window

View Menu
Menu option Toolbar button Function

Toolbar If selected, the Access Level display listbox, [Assign Access]

button, [Remove Access] button, and [Personal Information]
button will be displayed. If not selected, they will not be

Status Bar If selected, the Status bar at the bottom of the screen will be
displayed. If not selected, it will not be displayed.

Filter Bar If selected, displays the Filter bar in the Area Access Manager
main window, where you can specify access level activation
and/or deactivation date and time criteria that all records
displayed in the main window’s listing window must meet.
This in effect filters the records displayed in the main

The current filter settings are displayed in the status bar along
the bottom of the main window, as shown.

The view setting for the Filter bar is stored per-workstation,

and is restored each session.

Active Badges When selected, the listing windows in the main window and
in the Access Level Assignment Wizard: Select People
window will display a Badge ID column. The listing window
will list multiple entries for each cardholder/visitor, one for
each active badge assigned to the cardholder/visitor.

By default, this option is not selected. Whether this option is

selected or deselected is stored on a per user basis on each
workstation in the registry. This means that if a user selects
this option and either logs out of Area Access Manager or
exits the application, the next time the user runs Area Access
Manager, the setting will be restored.

32 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

View Menu (Continued)

Menu option Toolbar button Function

Person Type Contains a sub-menu of different person types. When a

person type is selected, that particular kind of record is shown
in the main window. You can only select one type of record to
be shown in the main window at once. Choices include:

• Cardholder - If selected, Cardholder records are shown

in the main window
• Visitor - If selected, Visitor records are shown in the
main window

To be able to select the Cardholder option, you must have

permission to view cardholders. (The Cardholder checkbox
on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission
Groups form > Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)
Otherwise, this option is grayed out.

To be able to select the Visitor option, you must have

permission to view visitors. (The Visitor checkbox on the
Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups
form > Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.) Otherwise, this
option is grayed out.

This setting is saved in the registry. Therefore, the last saved

setting is restored from session to session on the same

The current person type setting is displayed in the status bar

along the bottom of the main window, as shown.

Personal Displays badge, access level, and cardholder or visitor

Information information for the currently selected cardholder or visitor
record(s). Selecting this option is the same as clicking the
[Personal Information] button. If you select multiple records,
you can cycle through them by clicking the arrows in the
lower left corner of the Personal Information window.

Note: This option is grayed out until a record is selected

in the Area Access Manager main window.

View Video Displays cameras associated with the currently selected

access level. Video is only available for cameras that have a
device-camera link configured with a reader assigned to an
access level.

Reports Opens a Reports window that contains a list of available

reports to print or preview.

revision 1 — 33
2: Main Window

View Menu (Continued)

Menu option Toolbar button Function

Log Displays the AreaAccessManagerCardholderBulk.Log file

(which is stored in the C:\Program Files\OnGuard\logs
directory) in the Bulk Access Level Action Results window.
The log is written to when:

• Multiple cardholder or visitor records are assigned an

access level.
• Access levels are removed from multiple cardholders,
visitors, or active badges.
• Updating the access level activation/deactivation dates
for multiple cardholders, visitors, or active badges.

Note: When the active badges setting is used, the log will
only be written to if active badges for multiple
cardholders or visitors have access levels assigned,
removed, or have an activation/deactivation date
removed or updated.
A failure will be written to the log if:

• badges are segmented and you try to assign an access

level to a badge that the current Area Access Manager
user does not have segment access to.
• you violate the system/segment hardware settings for the
maximum access level assignments allowed per badge
including total, temporary, and standard access level
• you violate the system/segment hardware settings for the
maximum badge number length.

Refresh Updates the display window.

Help Menu
Menu option Function

Contents Displays online help.

Search Displays online help.

About Area Displays copyright information, file versions, and additional information about the
Access Manager application.

Main Window Right-click Menu

When you right-click on a record in the listing window in the Area Access
Manager, a menu is displayed.

34 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Main Window Right-click Menu

Menu option Function

Remove Access Removes the assignment of the selected cardholder or visitor records from the access level that
displayed in the Access Panel drop-down list. Selecting this option is the same as clicking the
[Remove Access] button or selecting Remove Access from the Edit menu. This option is
grayed out until one or more records are selected in the main window.

Set Activation Displays the Access Level Activation Dates window, where you can select when to activate
Dates and deactivate the access level that is assigned to the selected cardholder(s), visitor(s), or
specific cardholder/visitor active badge ID(s). Selecting this option is the same as selecting
Remove Access from the Edit menu. This option is only available for selection one or more
cardholder, visitor, or specific cardholder/visitor active badge ID records are selected in the
main window.

Personal Displays badge, access level, and cardholder or visitor information for the currently selected
Information cardholder or visitor record(s). Selecting this option is the same as clicking the [Personal
Information] button or selecting Personal Information from the View menu. If you select
multiple records, you can cycle through them by clicking the arrows in the lower left corner of
the Personal Information window.

revision 1 — 35
2: Main Window

36 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 3: Personal Information Window

The Personal Information window is displayed by:

• selecting one or more cardholder/visitor or badge ID records in the Area

Access Manager main window, and then clicking .

• selecting one or more cardholder/visitor or badge ID records in the Select
People window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard, and then clicking
[Personal Information].
• selecting one or more cardholder/visitor or badge ID records in the Area
Access Manager main window, and then selecting Personal Information
from the View menu.
• double-clicking on a single cardholder or visitor record in the Area Access
Manager main window. (When personal information is viewed this way,
only personal information for the selected cardholder or visitor will be

The Personal Information window displays cardholder/visitor, badge, and access

level information for the selected records. If multiple records were selected, use
the arrows in the lower left corner of the window to cycle through the records.
(These arrows do not appear if only one record was selected.)

The first tab may be either the Cardholder tab or the Visitor tab, depending on the
type of record(s) displayed in the Select People window. If View > Person Type
> Cardholders is selected, the Cardholder tab is displayed. If View > Person
Type > Visitors is selected, the Visitor tab is displayed.

Personal Information Window - Common Elements

The forms in the Personal Information window are visually divided into four
sections; the right section, the upper-left section, the middle-left section and the
bottom section.

Several of the form elements in these sections are common to every form in the
Personal Information window. Refer to the following table for descriptions of the
common form elements.

Note: This documentation refers to cardholder and visitor data fields that are
shipped as the default by Lenel. If you have used the FormsDesigner
application to customize your cardholder or visitor data, the elements on
your forms may be different.

revision 1 — 37
3: Personal Information Window

Personal Information Window - Common Elements

Form Element Comment
Common form elements - right section

Photo display Displays the cardholder/visitor’s photo as it appears on their badge.

Signature display Displays the cardholder/visitor’s signature as it appears on their badge.

Last access This field displays information about the most recent valid access by this cardholder, including
the triggered event, date, time and reader name. This is the same information that is displayed
when Show Last Granted Location option is selected in the Cardholder menu in System

Note: The information that is displayed in this field in Area Access Manager cannot be
configured any differently. Therefore, even if the Show Last Attempted Location
option in the Cardholder menu in System Administration is selected, only the most
recent valid access can be displayed in Area Access Manager.

Badge ID Displays the numeric identifier assigned to the cardholder/visitor’s active badge.

Issue code Displays the issue code assigned to the cardholder/visitor’s active badge.

Prints Displays the number of times the active badge has been printed.

Activate Displays the date when the badge becomes valid.

Deactivate Displays the date when the badge becomes invalid.

Common form elements - upper-left section

Last name Indicates the cardholder/visitor’s last name.

First name Indicates the cardholder/visitor’s first name.

Middle name Indicates the cardholder/visitor’s middle name.

Cardholder ID Indicates the cardholder’s ID number.

Note: This field is not displayed for visitors.

Badge type Indicates the cardholder/visitor’s badge type. Badge types are configured in the Badge Types
folder in System Administration.
Common form elements - bottom section

Displayed if more than one cardholder or visitor record was selected when

was clicked. When selected, moves to the first selected record.

Displayed if more than one cardholder or visitor record was selected when

was clicked. When selected, by default moves 10 records back.

Displayed if more than one cardholder or visitor record was selected when

was clicked. When selected, moves to the previous selected record.

Displayed if more than one cardholder or visitor record was selected when

was clicked. When selected, moves to the next selected record.

38 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Form Element Comment

Displayed if more than one cardholder or visitor record was selected when

was clicked. When selected, by default moves 10 records forward.

Displayed if more than one cardholder or visitor record was selected when

was clicked. When selected, moves to the last selected record.

Record count Indicates the number of the record selected out of the total number of records selected in the
previous window. For example: 6 of 10.

You can type in a number and click <Enter> to jump to that record number.

OK Closes the Personal Information window.

revision 1 — 39
3: Personal Information Window

Personal Information Window - Cardholder Form

40 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Cardholder Form Field Table

Personal Information Window - Cardholder Form
Form Element Comment

Cardholder data Displays the cardholder’s information such as name, address and department in these fields.

Record last Indicates the date on which the selected cardholder record was last modified and saved.
This date is updated only when cardholder information is changed, not when badge
information is changed. The last changed date is saved individually for each badge record as

revision 1 — 41
3: Personal Information Window

Personal Information Window - Visitor Form

42 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Visitor Form Field Table

Personal Information Window - Visitor Form
Form Element Comment

Visitor data Displays the visitor’s information such as name, address and organization in these fields.

Last changed Indicates the date on which the selected visitor record was last modified and saved.

This date is updated only when visitor information is changed, not when badge information is
changed. The last changed date is saved individually for each badge record as well.

revision 1 — 43
3: Personal Information Window

Personal Information Window - Badge Form

44 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Badge Form Field Table

Personal Information Window - Badge Form
Form Element Comment

Badge listing Lists all badges for the selected cardholder.


revision 1 — 45
3: Personal Information Window

Personal Information Window - Access Levels Form

46 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Levels Form Field Table

Personal Information Window - Access Levels Form
Form Element Comment

Show levels for Lists the badge ID and issue code (in parentheses) for the current active badge. If the Show
badge ID (issue inactive badges checkbox is selected, the list includes both the active and the inactive
code) badge(s) assigned to the selected cardholder. Select a badge ID (issue code) from the list and
the corresponding access levels for that badge will be displayed in the Access levels display.

Show inactive When selected, the Show levels for badge ID (issue code) drop-down list will list both the
badges active and inactive badge(s) assigned to the selected cardholder.

Access levels When the Show unassigned levels checkbox is selected, lists both access levels that have
display been and that can be assigned to the selected cardholder/badge record. If the Show
unassigned levels checkbox is not selected, only access levels that have been assigned will be
listed. If they exist, also displays the access level’s activation and deactivation dates.

Show unassigned When selected, the Access levels display lists both access levels that have been and that can
levels be assigned to the selected cardholder/badge record.

Number of levels Displays the number of access levels that have been assigned to the selected cardholder/badge
assigned record. For example: 6 levels assigned.

View Personal Information

To view personal information about one or more cardholder or visitor records:

1. In the Area Access Manager main window or the Access Level Assignment
Wizard: Select People window, select one or more records.

2. Click .
3. The Personal Information window opens.
• If multiple records were selected, use the arrows in the lower left corner
of the window to cycle through the records.
• If only one record was selected, these arrows are not displayed.
• You can double-click on a single cardholder/visitor to view personal
information for just that cardholder/visitor.

Note: The first tab may be either the Cardholder tab or the Visitor tab, depending
on the type of record(s) being displayed in the main window. If View >

revision 1 — 47
3: Personal Information Window

Person Type > Cardholders is selected, the Cardholder tab is displayed. If

View > Person Type > Visitors is selected, the Visitor tab is displayed.

48 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 4: Access Levels

What are access levels? An access level is one or more reader/timezone

combinations used to control hardware access by one or more cardholders.
Access levels can be assigned to active badges to define which readers a badge
has access to and at which times.

Types of access levels. OnGuard has two types of access levels: standard access
levels and temporary access levels. The difference between the two is that
temporary access levels have an activation and/or deactivation date, and standard
access levels do not.

Creating standard access levels. Standard access levels are created on the
Access Levels form in the Access Levels folder in System Administration. (To
display this form in System Administration, from the Access Control menu,
select Access Levels, then click on the Access Levels tab.)

Creating temporary access levels. Temporary access levels are created by

specifying an activation and/or deactivation date when assigning an access level.
Think of a temporary access level as an override for a standard access level. The
activation and/or deactivation date is applied to the selected active badge, not to
the whole access level.

Controlling what access levels can be managed by a user. The access levels
that can be managed by a user through Area Access Manager are configured on
the Area Access Manager Levels form in the Users folder in System
Administration. (To display this form in System Administration, from the
Administration menu, select Users, click on the Users tab, then click on the
Area Access Manager Levels sub-tab.) Only the access levels listed there for a
user will be available in Area Access Manager for the user to assign and remove
from cardholders’ active badges.

In a segmented system, any access levels that are configured as assignable by

users in other segments MUST be listedas access levels to manage if the user has
access for one of these segments.

What cardholders/visitors are shown. Only cardholders/visitors with active

badges (active status, with an activation date before or the same as the current
date and less than or the same as the deactivation date) will be shown when
viewing access level assignments or searching cardholders/visitors to assign
access levels to.

Viewing access levels assignments. The Area Access Manager main window
allows the user to switch between the access levels they have permission to
manage. When an access level is selected, the cardholders with this access level
will be shown in the list.

Segmentation. A user will only be able to assign and remove access levels from
cardholders who have active badges that are of a badge type that the user has
segment access to.

revision 1 — 49
4: Access Levels

Remember, in a segmented system, any access levels that are configured as

assignable by users in other segments MUST be listed as access levels to manage
if the user has access for one of these segments.

Multiple Active Badge Access Level Assignment

Many systems are configured to only allow each cardholder/visitor one active
badge. Systems can also be configured to allow multiple active badges per
cardholder/visitor. This is done in the Active badges per cardholder field on the
General Cardholder Options form in System Administration or ID
CredentialCenter (Administration > Cardholder Options).

If the system is configured to allow cardholders/visitors to have multiple active

badges, then you may wish to use the View Active Badges option in Area Access
Manager to assign any of a cardholder/visitor’s active badges to a particular
access level. By default, this option is not selected. When you select it (View >
Active Badges), the listing window of the main window and in the Access Level
Assignment Wizard: Select People window will display a Badge ID column. The
listing window will list multiple entries for each cardholder/visitor, one for each
active badge assigned to the cardholder/visitor.

By default, this option is not selected. Whether this option is selected or

deselected is stored on a per user basis on each workstation in the registry. This
means that if a user selects this option and either logs out of Area Access
Manager or exits the application, the next time the user runs Area Access
Manager, the setting will be restored.

For more information, refer to Chapter 2: Main Window on page 23.

Access Level Assignment on a Segmented System

Access levels that are configured as being assignable by users that have access to
other segments will show up in the Access level drop-down list in the main
window as well as in the Access Levels display on the Select Access Levels
window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard when assigning access levels.
This allows users in different segments to assign access levels from a common
segment, but does not allow them to see each other’s cardholders. For this to
occur, the following conditions must be met:
• The system must be segmented and have the Allow access levels to be
configured as assignable by users in other segments feature enabled. For
more information, refer to the Segmentation appendix in the System
Administration User Guide.
• The access levels must be configured to be assignable by users that have
access to other segments. This is done on the Access Level Additional
Segments form in the Access Levels folder in System Administration.

50 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

• The access levels must be selected as access levels to manage from the Area
Access Managers Levels sub-tab on the Users form in the Users folder in
System Administration.

Also, when cardholders are segmented and an access level is assigned to a

cardholder that does not currently belong to the cardholder’s primary segment or
additional segments, the segment assignment is made behind-the-scenes so that
the proper access level assignment can be made.

Reader Assignments to Cardholders Report on a

Segmented System
A report that you may wish to make available in Area Access Manager is the
Reader Assignments to Cardholders report. This report enables you to print a list
of all cardholders that have access to a particular reader. By default, this report is
not available in Area Access Manager. To make it available in Area Access
Manager, refer to Configure Which Reports are Available in Area Access
Manager on page 66.

If any of the access levels that are configured as assignable by users with access
to other segments are available for an Area Access Manager user to assign, in
order for the user to see which cardholders are assigned to the readers that make
up these access levels in the Reader Assignments to Cardholders report, the user
• have segment access to the segment that contains the levels that are
configured as assignable by users with access to other segments AND
• be able to manage one of the access levels that belongs to this segment from
Area Access Manager.

For example, a common segment (Common Segment 1) may be defined with an

access level (Level 1) that controls two readers. Now this access level (Level 1)
is configured so that it can be assigned by users with access to another segment
(Segment 2). If a user is defined that only has segment access to Segment 2, this
user would then have Level 1 available to manage through Area Access Manager.
When logging into Area Access Manager as this user and running the Reader
Assignments to Cardholders report, the user would not be able to see which
cardholders are assigned to the readers that make up Level 1. The user would
need to have segment access to Common Segment 1.

View Access Level Assignments

The access levels that can be managed by a user through Area Access Manager
are configured on the Area Access Manager Levels form in the Users folder in
System Administration. For information on viewing access level assignments on

revision 1 — 51
4: Access Levels

segmented systems, refer to Access Level Assignment on a Segmented System

on page 50.

To view access level assignments:

1. On the Area Access Manager main window in the Access level drop-down
listbox, select an access level to display. This listbox lists all access levels
that the currently logged in user has permission to manage.
2. If the access level you selected has 5000 or more people assigned to it, a
message will ask you to confirm that you really wish to display that access

Note: Although the default Person Count Threshold value of 5000 works well for
most systems, it is possible to change it. For more information, refer to
Appendix D: Person Count Threshold Value on page 103.

3. Cardholders assigned to the currently selected access level will

automatically be displayed. Only cardholders with active badges (active
status, with an activation date before or the same as the current date and less
than or the same as the deactivation date) will be shown.

Filter Records Displayed in the Main Window

The records displayed in the Area Access Manager main window can be filtered
based on their access level activation and/or deactivation date. To filter records:

1. From the View menu, select Filter Bar. The Filter bar is then displayed in
the Area Access Manager main window.
2. If you wish to display records with any activation date, deselect the date
checkbox in the Access level activation date field and proceed to step 4.
3. If you wish to filter based on a specific access level activation date, select the
date checkbox in the Access level activation date field and then type a
numeric date into the field.
4. In the Access level deactivation date field:
• If you wish to display records with any access level deactivation date,
deselect the date checkbox and proceed to step 5.
• If you wish to filter based on a specific access level deactivation date,
repeat the procedures in step 3 in the Access level deactivation date
field instead of the Access level activation date field. Choose the date
that all records displayed must have been deactivated before.
5. In the Person search type field, select whether to include badge activation
dates when searching for people.
6. Each time you modify the filter criteria in the Filter bar, the listing window is
automatically updated and displays only the records that meet the criteria.
The filter criteria are displayed in the status bar for your reference.

52 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Remove Access Levels from Cardholders or Visitors

You can remove one or many cardholders or visitors from an access level easily
using Area Access Manager. Here’s how:

1. In the View menu, make sure that the Person Type (cardholder or visitor)
you wish to remove access levels from is selected.
2. In the Access level drop-down list on the Area Access Manager main
window, select the access level you want to remove a cardholder or visitor
3. If removing a cardholder from an access level, select the cardholder(s) or
cardholder/badge ID combination(s) you want the access level removed
from. If removing a visitor from an access level, select the visitor(s) or
visitor/badge ID combination(s) you want the access level removed from.

Note: A cardholder/visitor may be listed more than once if that cardholder/visitor

has multiple active badges. Select the active badge/cardholder or active
badge/visitor combination that you would like the access level to be
removed from.

4. Click [Remove Access].

5. A warning message will be displayed; click [Yes] to proceed with the
removal. The currently viewed access level will then be removed from the
selected cardholder/visitors’ active badges and the badges will be
downloaded to the appropriate panels.

Assign Access Levels to Cardholders or Visitors

You can assign one or many cardholders or visitors and any of their active badges
to one or many access levels easily using the Access Level Assignment Wizard in

revision 1 — 53
4: Access Levels

Area Access Manager. (For more information, refer to Appendix A: Access

Level Assignment Wizard on page 81.) Here’s how:

1. On the Area Access Manager main window, click .

2. The Access Level Assignment Wizard begins, and the Find People window
is displayed, as shown below:

3. Specify the search criteria by typing a full or partial entry in the field(s) on
which you wish to search. For drop-down list fields, you can select the
desired value. Here are some examples:
• Type “Lake” in the Last Name field to find all records of personnel who
have the last name “Lake”.
• Type “M” in the Last Name field to find all records of personnel whose
last name begins with the letter “M”.
• Type a cardholder ID in the Cardholder ID field to find the record of
the person who has that ID number.
• Select an item in the Division drop-down list to find all records of
personnel who work in that division.
• Enter no search criteria to display all cardholder/visitor records. On
systems with a large number of records, this may take a long time
because all records that you have permission to view are returned. If you

54 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

select no search criteria, the following warning message is displayed,

which informs you of this. Click [Yes] to proceed, or [No] to cancel.

4. You can also search based on access levels by clicking the Access Levels
a. Select a search type in the Search type drop-down list.
b. Select the access level you would like the search to be based on.
5. Click [Next].
6. Depending on what you entered for the search criteria, the following may
a. If one or more cardholder/visitor match the search criteria you entered,
the Select People window is displayed, as shown below:

• If only one cardholder/visitor matches the search criteria, the record

that matches the search criteria is selected by default.
• If more than one cardholder/visitor matches the search criteria, no
record is selected by default. All matching records are deselected
and available for selection.
b. If no cardholder/visitor matches the search criteria you entered, a
message is displayed that says “No people with active badges were
found that match your search criteria. Please try entering less specific
criteria.” If this happens, enter new search criteria and click [Next].
c. If you entered no search criteria, all cardholders/visitors are displayed in
the Select People window. (On systems with many cardholders/visitors,

revision 1 — 55
4: Access Levels

be sure to select a search criteria - searching through thousands of

records could take a lot of time!)
7. Optional - If you need to view more information about one or more records,
select the record(s) and then click [Personal Information]. The Personal
Information window opens. If multiple records were selected, use the arrows
in the lower left corner of the window to cycle through the records.

• If only one record was selected, these arrows are not displayed.
• The first tab may be either the Cardholder tab or the Visitor tab,
depending on the type of record(s) displayed in the Select People
window. If View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected, the
Cardholder tab is displayed. If View > Person Type > Visitors is
selected, the Visitor tab is displayed.
8. If assigning access levels to cardholders, select the cardholder(s) or
cardholder/badge ID combination(s) that you want to assign access levels to.
If assigning access levels to visitors, select the visitor(s) or visitor/badge ID
combination(s) that you want to assign access levels to. Click [Next].
9. In the Select Access Levels window, select the access levels you want to
assign to the cardholder/visitor(s) you selected in the previous step. You
must choose one or more access levels to assign. The currently viewed
access level (on the Area Access Manager main window) is selected by

Note: The definition for an access level can be viewed by right-clicking on an

access level and selecting Level Definition from the right-click menu, or by

56 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

double-clicking on an access level. A small window opens that lists each

reader and timezone that makes up the access level.

a. If you wish to assign an activation and deactivation date for an access

level that is listed, select the access level and then click [Set Activation
Dates]. Alternatively, you can right-click on the access level and select
Set Activation Dates from the right-click menu.

Note: For more information, refer to Assign Activation and Deactivation Dates to
Access Levels on page 59.

b. The Access Level Activation Dates window opens.

1) In the Activation Date section, select the date and time that the
access level will activate.
2) In the Deactivation Date section, select the date and time that the
access level will deactivate.
3) Click [Set Date/Time].

revision 1 — 57
4: Access Levels

4) Click [OK].
10. Click [Next].
11. The Summary window is displayed, as shown. If you agree with the
summary of the access level assignments that you are about to made, click

12. If the access level(s) are successfully assigned, then a message similar to the
following is displayed. The access levels are assigned to the selected
cardholders/visitors’ active badges and the badges are then downloaded to
the appropriate panels.

13. If an access level fails to be assigned, then a message similar to the

following is displayed:

a. For information about the failure, click [View Log] in the message. The
Bulk Access Level Action Results window opens and displays the log
file. For more information, refer to Appendix B: Bulk Access Level
Action Results Window on page 97. When you are finished viewing the
log, click [OK].
b. Click [OK] to close the error message. You can view the log again at
any time by selecting Log File from the View menu.

58 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Assign Activation and Deactivation Dates to Access Levels

When you assign an activation and/or deactivation date to an access level, you
are really creating a temporary access level. The activation and/or deactivation
date that you assign only applies to the cardholder(s) or active badge ID(s) that
you select, not the entire access level. To assign activation and deactivation dates:

1. Open the Access Level Activation Dates window from one of the two
following places:
a. Main window
1) In the main window, select the record(s) you wish to assign
activation dates to. From the Edit menu, select Set Activation
2) The Access Level Activation Dates window opens. The access
levels listed in the Assigned Access Levels listing window depend
on how the window was opened. In this case, only the currently
selected access level in the Access level drop-down list on the main
Area Access Manager window will be listed in the Assigned
Access Levels display of the Access Level Activation Dates
window since this is the access level that is currently selected. For
more information, refer to Appendix C: Access Level Activation
Dates Window on page 99.
b. Access Level Assignment Wizard

revision 1 — 59
4: Access Levels

1) In the Access Level Assignment Wizard: Select Access Levels

window, click [Set Activation Dates].
2) The Access Level Activation Dates window opens. The access
levels listed in the Assigned Access Levels listing window depend
on how the window was opened. In this case, whatever access
levels were selected in the Access Levels display on the Access
Level Assignment Wizard: Select Access Levels window will be
listed in the Assigned Access Levels display of the Access Level
Activation Dates window. For more information, refer to Appendix
C: Access Level Activation Dates Window on page 99.
2. Click on an access level entry to select it.

3. In the Activation Date section, either type a numeric date into the field, or
select a date from the drop-down calendar.

• To select a month, click on the and navigation buttons.

• You can also select a month by clicking on the displayed month to
access a drop-down list of months. Highlight the month you want to
select it.
• Navigate to a year by clicking on the displayed year to access the year

spin buttons .
• Once you have selected a month and a year, click on the day that you
want the selected badge to activate on.

60 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

4. In the Deactivation Date section, repeat step 3, choosing the date when you
want the selected badge to become invalid.
5. Click [Set Date/Time].
6. Repeat steps 2–5 for each access level entry.
7. Click [OK].
8. A message requesting confirmation is displayed. Click [Yes].

9. A confirmation message is displayed, indicating that the access level has

been successfully updated. Click [OK].

revision 1 — 61
4: Access Levels

62 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 5: View Video

The View Video feature allows users managing an access level to view associated
live video. Multiple video windows from different cameras can be displayed at
the same time. The number of video windows displayed automatically can be
configured or the user may be allowed to select which cameras they wish to view
video for.

There are two permissions associated with viewing video in Area Access

View Video
To view live video in Area Access Manager, users must have the following
permission configured in System Administration: Monitor Permission Groups >
Monitor > View > Live Video.

Automatic Video View Count

To modify the Automatic Video View Count value, users must have the
following permission configured in System Administration: System Permission
Groups > Software Options > System Configuration > Modify.

Viewing Video
The View Video feature can be configured to allow the user to choose which
cameras to view or to automatically launch cameras when the total number
available for the currently selected access level is less than a specified number.

To view video for the currently selected access level, click the View Video
toolbar button.

revision 1 — 63
5: View Video

Selecting Cameras
If the number of cameras assigned to an access level is greater than the
Automatic Video View Count, the user will be prompted to select which cameras
to view. The reader and panel names are displayed for the selected camera.

Automatic Video View Count

View Video can be configured to automatically launch video for fewer than a
specified number of cameras. For example, if an access level has three cameras
available and the Automatic Video View Count value is 3 (or greater), live video
will be displayed for all three cameras without prompting the user to choose
cameras from a list. This value is configured by selecting Set Automatic Video
View Count from the Edit menu. To always prompt users to choose cameras
from a list, set the Automatic Video View Count to a value of 0.

View Video Window

Live video cells can be resized and repositioned within the View Video window.

64 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 6: Reports

Reports can be printed or previewed in Area Access Manager by any Area

Access Manager user - no additional permissions are required. The reports that
are available in Area Access Manager are configurable via a report type in
System Administration. To be able to print or preview a report in Area Access
Manager, that report must be assigned the “Area Access Manager” report type in
System Administration.

There are two reports that have the “Area Access Manager” report type assigned
to them by default. Thus, the following reports are available by default in Area
Access Manager:

Report Name Description

Access Level Listing of each access level, with each cardholder that has
Assignments to that access level assigned to them. Also summarizes the total
Cardholders number of badges that need to be downloaded.

Access Level Listing of each access level by segment, with each cardholder
Assignments to that has that access level assigned to them. This report also
Cardholders By summarizes the total number of badges that need to be
Segment downloaded to each segment. This report only works on a
system using segmentation.

Any other report that you want to be available in Area Access Manager must
have the “Area Access Manager” report type selected; any of the default reports
that you do not want to be available in Area Access Manager must have the have
the “Area Access Manager” report type deselected. For more information, refer
to Configure Which Reports are Available in Area Access Manager on page 66.

Reports run in Area Access Manager are filtered based on the access level(s)
assigned to the Area Access Manager user. This only applies to reports pertaining
to access levels, access groups, Area Access Manager user levels, or readers.

Important: When a system is upgraded, the default report settings are set again. The
default reports mentioned previously become available again in Area Access
Manager, and any reports that were configured with the “Area Access
Manager” report type must be reconfigured to be available in Area Access

revision 1 — 65
6: Reports

Reports Window

Reports Window
Form Element Comment

Description Shows a description of the currently selected report.

Report listing Lists any reports available in Area Access Manager, which are configured in System
window Administration. By default, there are two reports available: Access Level
Assignments to Cardholders and Access Level Assignments to Cardholders By
Segment. These two reports have the “Area Access Manager” type assigned to them.
Only reports with the “Area Access Manager” type assigned are available in Area
Access Manager.
Print Opens the Print Report Options window.

Preview Displays the selected report in the Report Print Preview window.

Close Closes the Reports window without printing or previewing a report.

Help Displays online help for this window.

Configure Which Reports are Available in Area Access

The reports available in Area Access Manager are configured in System
Administration. By default, there are two reports available: Access Level
Assignments to Cardholders and Access Level Assignments to Cardholders By
Segment. These two reports have the “Area Access Manager” type assigned to
them. Only reports with the “Area Access Manager” type assigned are available

66 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

in Area Access Manager. To make a report available in Area Access Manager, do

the following.

1. From the Administration menu in System Administration, select Reports.

2. In the listing window, select the report that you want to become available in
Area Access Manager.
3. Click [Modify].
4. In the Type(s) field, select the Area Access Manager checkbox.
5. Click [OK].

To remove a report from Area Access Manager, do the following:

1. From the Administration menu in System Administration, select Reports.

2. In the listing window, select the report you wish to remove from Area
Access Manager.
3. Click [Modify].
4. In the Type(s) field, deselect the Area Access Manager checkbox.
5. Click [OK].

Run a Report in Area Access Manager

1. From the View menu, select Reports.
2. The Reports window opens. Select the report you wish to run.

3. Preview or print the report.

• If you wish to print the report, click [Print]. The Print Report Options
window opens. For more information, refer to Chapter 7: Print Report
Options Window on page 69.
• If you wish to preview the report, click [Preview]. The Report Print
Options window opens. For more information, refer to Chapter 8:
Report Print Preview Window on page 73.

revision 1 — 67
6: Reports

68 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 7: Print Report Options Window

From the Print Report Options window, you can:

• Choose a destination for the report. Choices include:
– Preview Window (the default)
– Direct Export to a File
– Directly to a Printer
• Update the subtitle used for the report

This window is displayed by clicking the [Print] button in the Reports window.

revision 1 — 69
7: Print Report Options Window

Print Report Options Window

70 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Print Report Options Window Field Table

Print Report Options Window
Form Element Comment

Print Destination Includes the Print to a Preview Window, Export Directly to a File and Print Directly to a
Printer radio buttons. Also includes the Printer drop-down list and the Prompt for Number
of Pages check box.

Print to a Preview If selected, the Report Print Preview window will be displayed when the [OK] button is
Window clicked. In the Report Print Preview window, you can view the selected report on the screen.

For more information, refer to Chapter 8: Report Print Preview Window on page 73.

Export Directly to If selected, the Export window will be displayed when the [OK] button is clicked. Choose the
a File report Format and Destination from the drop-down lists.

Depending on what you choose, enter the destination and format information in the
corresponding window, then click [OK].

Print Directly to a If selected, also select a printer from the Printer drop-down list.
If you select the Prompt for Number of Pages check box, the Print window will be displayed
where you can select the print range, number of copies and whether or not to collate your

Printer drop-down Select a printer in this field for the report to be printed on. This field is enabled for selection
list only when the Print Directly to a Printer radio button is selected.

All printers currently configured for use are listed.

Prompt for This field is enabled for selection only when the Print Directly to a Printer radio button is
Number of Pages selected.

If selected, the Print window will be displayed where you can select the print range, number of
copies and whether or not to collate your report.

Report Subtitle Includes the Report Subtitle textbox.

Report Subtitle Type the text here that will be displayed as the subtitle on the report.

OK Prints the report using the options you selected.

Cancel Closes the Print Report Options window without printing the report.

Help Displays online help for this form.

Print a Report
1. In the Reports window, click [Print].
2. The Print Report Options window opens.

revision 1 — 71
7: Print Report Options Window

3. In the Print Destination section, select whether to print to a preview

window, export directly to a file or print directly to a printer.
4. If you selected Print Directly to a Printer in the Print Destination section,
select a printer in the drop-down list and choose whether to Prompt for
Number of Pages.

Note: If the Linkage Server is running under a local system account it may not
have permission to access a network printer (depending on its
configuration). If this is the case you must select a local or default network
printer. Contact your System Administrator to determine what account the
Linkage Server is running under and the printers it can access.

5. In the Report Subtitle section, type the report subtitle. The subtitle will be
displayed below the report title on the report.
6. Click [OK]. The options selected in the Print Destination section will
determine where the report is sent.

72 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Chapter 8: Report Print Preview Window

If you click [Preview] in the Reports window while a report is selected, the report
is automatically printed to the Report Print Preview window.

Previewing a report is done in a window. While the Report Print Preview window
is open, no other window can be opened. From the Report Print Preview window,
you can:
• View an on-screen report created in the Reports window.
• Print a report, save it to a file or send it over electronic mail.
• Search for any textual information in the report.

This window is displayed by:

• Clicking on the [Preview] button in the Reports window while a report is
• Clicking [Print] in the Reports window, selecting the Print to a Preview
Window radio button on the Print Report Options window, then clicking the
[OK] button.

revision 1 — 73
8: Report Print Preview Window

Report Print Preview Window

74 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Report Print Preview Window Field Table

Report Print Preview Window
Form Element Comment

Report navigation The display in the left portion of the Report Print Preview window. The report navigation tree
tree lists the records contained in the report, in a hierarchical arrangement.

The information is content-sensitive. The report type determines the entries in the tree.

For example, the default “User Transaction Log” report is arranged in date order, so the tree
will contain a list of dates. The tree for the default “Text Instructions” report lists alarms. The
“Access and Denials, by Reader” report has an entry for each queried reader, with subentries
by event date.

If the tree has branching entries, you can expand the branches of the tree. When you click an
entry in the tree, you move to that section or record in the report. When a section or record is
selected via the report navigation tree, that section or record will appear in the preview
window with a blue box border. For more information, refer to Preview and Print a Report on
page 76.

Preview window The display in the right portion of the Report Print Preview window. The preview window
displays up to one full page of the report, depending upon the zoom level set. If a report
appears too large for the current window, either adjust the zoom level or use the up, down, left,
and right arrow keys to scroll and see the rest of that page of the report.

For reports that contain more than one page, use the arrows or the <Page Up>/<Page Down>
keys to navigate through the pages.

Click to displays a Print window from where you can select the page range and number of
copies to print, then initiate report printing.

Click to export the report to a file or to your organization’s electronic mail system.

Click to toggle the display of the report navigation tree on or off.

Zoom From this drop-down list, you can select the magnification level of the preview window
contents, with respect to the actual size. Choices include 400%, 300%, 200%, 150%, 100%,
75%, 50%, 25%, Page Width and Whole Page. Selecting either Page Width or Whole Page
displays the corresponding percentage in this field.

You can also type a number directly into this field, but you must then either press <Tab> or
click outside of the field for the number to take effect.

Click to move to the first page of the report.

Click to move to the previous page of the report. Another way to do this is to click the <Page
Up> key.

Page count This display indicates the page number of the currently displayed page, followed by the total
page count for the report. For example: “2 of 4.”

Click to move to the next page of the report. Another way to do this is to click the <Page
Down> key.

revision 1 — 75
8: Report Print Preview Window

Report Print Preview Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Click to move to the last page of the report.

Click to terminate the report building process. This button is especially useful if the report is
lengthy and you want to view only part of it.

Click to display the Search window from where you can perform a text search of the report.
When you enter text in the Find what field (in the Search window) and click [Find Next], the
view jumps to the first occurrence of the requested text or a message is displayed if no match
was found.

Report Print Preview Window Right-click Options

While viewing a report in the Report Print Preview Window there are a number
of right-click options and identifiers that appear depending on what section of the
report is highlighted.
• Field: Tells you what field is currently selected.
• Text: Tells you whether the current selection is text.
• Copy: Copy the information into the clipboard.
• Freeze Pane: Freezes the section of the pane so you continue to see the
information as you scroll.
• Unfreeze Pane: Unfreezes the pane so the page scrolls normally

Report Print Preview Window Procedures

Preview and Print a Report

1. Select a report from within the Reports window.
2. Click one of the following:
• The [Print] button, select the Print to a Preview Window radio button
and then click [OK].
• The [Preview] button.
3. The Report Print Preview window is displayed.
• On the left, the report navigation tree may have branching entries.
– If the tree has branching entries, expand that branch of the tree.
– Click an entry in the tree to move to that section or record in the
report. When a section or record is selected via the report

76 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

navigation tree, that section or record will appear in the preview

window with a blue box border. For example:

• On the right, the preview window will show the first page of the report
as it will look when it is printed. Click a section or record in the preview
window. When a section or record is selected in the preview window,
that section or record will appear in the preview window with a blue box
• Click and drag the split bar to resize the report navigation tree and the
preview window relative to each other.

• Click the button to hide the report navigation tree and maximize
the space used for the preview window.

4. Use the , , and buttons or the <Page Down>/<Page Up>

keys to view other pages of the report.
5. Select an option from the zoom drop-down list to change the size of the
display. You can instead type a number directly into this field, but you must
then either press <Tab> or click outside of the field for the number to take
effect. If a report page is still too large for the window, you can use the up,
down, left, and right arrow keys to scroll and see the rest of the page.
6. To save the report to a file on your computer or to send the report to someone

using your company’s electronic mail system, select the button. The
Export window is displayed.
• Select the format that you want to send the report in from the Format
drop-down list.
• In he tDestination drop-down list, you can choose to export the report
to an application, a disk file, an exchange folder, a Lotus Notes database
or your electronic mail system (if you have one).
• Click [OK] and follow the instructions
7. To print the report from within the Report Print Preview window:

a. Click the button. The Print window is displayed from where you
can select which pages to print and the number of copies.
b. Select one of the following:
• The All radio button to print the entire report without user
• The Pages radio button and enter a page range.
c. A message box will be displayed to indicate the status of the print

revision 1 — 77
8: Report Print Preview Window

Search a Report for Specific Information

1. To search through the report for specific information, click the button.
2. The Search window is displayed. In the Find what field, type the word,
contiguous words or number you wish to locate in the report.

Note: The search is not case-sensitive.

3. Click [Find Next].

4. One of two things will happen:
• If the requested information was found, the preview window display
will move to the first occurrence of it.
• If the information is not contained in the report, a message box will be
5. If the requested information was found, click [Find Next] to move through
successive occurrences of it.

78 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Appendix A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

The Access Level Assignment Wizard is started in one of the following ways:

• In the Area Access Manager main window, click .

• In the Area Access Manager main window, select the Edit menu, then the
Assign Access option.

This section contains screenshots of each of the windows in the Access Level
Assignment Wizard, as well as field tables that describe the function of each field
and button on each window.

Using Listing Windows

In the Access Level Assignment Wizard, search results are displayed in listing
windows. To select a record you must click on the checkbox to the left of the
entry. A check mark will then appear, indicating that the record has been selected.

This is what an incorrectly selected (deselected) record looks like:

A correctly selected record can be highlighted, but does not have to be. However,
a check mark must appear to the left of the entry. The following diagram
illustrates a correctly selected record:

Multiple entries may also be selected:

revision 1 — 81
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Find People Window - Cardholder Form

Find People Window - Cardholder Form Overview

The purpose of the Find People Window - Cardholder form is to locate the
cardholders to assign access levels to based on a specified search criteria.

The first tab may be either the Cardholder tab or the Visitor tab depending on the
person type setting. If View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected, the
Cardholder tab is displayed. If View > Person Type > Visitors is selected, the
Visitor tab is displayed.

82 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Level Assignment Wizard

Find People Window - Cardholder Form
Form Element Comment

Person type Select the type of person to search for; choices include cardholders or visitors.

If you do not have permission to view either the cardholder or visitor person type, then that
person type will not be available for selection in this drop-down list.

To be able to select the Cardholder option, you must have permission to view cardholders.
(The Cardholder checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups
form > Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)

To be able to select the Visitor option, you must have permission to view visitors. (The Visitor
checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups form >
Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)

If you switch from one person type to another, the search user interface changes for the
appropriate person type.

If you are currently viewing one person type, launch the Access Level Assignment Wizard and
then assign access levels to the other person type, after the assignment operation has
completed, the main view is switched to the other person type. If the access level operation
failed for all people involved in the assignment operation then the view is not switched.

Person search type Select whether to include badge activation dates when searching for cardholders and visitors.

If “Search for people with current badge activation dates” is selected, then badges that have
the status “Active” and have activation and deactivation dates in the current date/time range
are searched up.

If “Do not include badge activation dates when searching for people” is selected, then all
badges that have the status “Active” are searched up, irregardless of their activation and
deactivation dates. This search option is useful in scenarios where there is a person who has
occasional access to a building, and the IT department enables and disables the badge
depending on when this person comes into the office.

Last name Indicates cardholder’s last name.

First name Indicates cardholder’s first name.

Middle name Indicates cardholder’s middle name.

Cardholder ID Indicates the cardholder’s ID number.

Badge type Selects which of the cardholder’s badges (if he or she has more than one) is to be the active

Address Indicates the first line of the cardholder’s address

City Indicates the city of the cardholder’s address

State Indicates the state or province of the cardholder’s address

Zip code Indicates the postal code of the cardholder’s address

Phone Indicates the cardholder’s telephone number

Birth date Indicates the cardholder’s date of birth, in mm/dd/yy format

revision 1 — 83
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Find People Window - Cardholder Form (Continued)

Form Element Comment

E-mail Indicates the cardholder’s e-mail address

Record last Indicates the date on which this cardholder record was last saved. This date is only updated
changed when cardholder information is changed, not when badge information is changed. The last
changed date is saved individually for each badge record as well.

Title Indicates the cardholder’s job title

Department Selects the department in which the cardholder works

Division Selects the division in which the cardholder works

Location Selects the location at which the cardholder works

Building Indicates the facility in which the cardholder works

Floor Indicates the number of the floor on which the cardholder works

Office phone Indicates the cardholder’s office telephone number

Extension Indicates the cardholder’s office telephone extension, if applicable

Back This button is grayed out because this is first window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Next Proceeds to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Cancel Exits the Access Level Assignment Wizard without assigning any access levels.

Help Displays online help.

84 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Find People Window - Visitor Form

Find People Window - Visitor Form Overview

The purpose of the Find People Window - Visitor form is to locate the visitors to
assign access levels to based on a specified search criteria.

The first tab may be either the Cardholder tab or the Visitor tab depending on the
person type setting. If View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected, the
Cardholder tab is displayed. If View > Person Type > Visitors is selected, the
Visitor tab is displayed.

revision 1 — 85
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Access Level Assignment Wizard

Find People Window - Visitor Form
Form Element Comment

Person type Select the type of person to search for; choices include cardholders or visitors.

If you do not have permission to view either the cardholder or visitor person type, then that
person type will not be available for selection in this drop-down list.

To be able to select the Cardholder option, you must have permission to view cardholders.
(The Cardholder checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups
form > Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)

To be able to select the Visitor option, you must have permission to view visitors. (The Visitor
checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups form >
Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)

If you switch from one person type to another, the search user interface changes for the
appropriate person type.

If you are currently viewing one person type, launch the Access Level Assignment Wizard and
then assign access levels to the other person type, after the assignment operation has
completed, the main view is switched to the other person type. If the access level operation
failed for all people involved in the assignment operation then the view is not switched.

Person search type Select whether to include badge activation dates when searching for cardholders and visitors.

If “Search for people with current badge activation dates” is selected, then badges that have
the status “Active” and have activation and deactivation dates in the current date/time range
are searched up.

If “Do not include badge activation dates when searching for people” is selected, then all
badges that have the status “Active” are searched up, irregardless of their activation and
deactivation dates. This search option is useful in scenarios where there is a person who has
occasional access to a building, and the IT department enables and disables the badge
depending on when this person comes into the office.

Last name Indicates visitor’s last name

First name Indicates visitor’s first name

Middle name Indicates visitor’s middle name

Badge type Selects which of the visitor’s badges (if he or she has more than one) is to be the active one

Organization Indicates the organization that the visitor is affiliated with

Title Indicates the visitor’s job position

Address Indicates the first line of the visitor’s address

City Indicates the city of the visitor’s address

State Indicates the state or province of the visitor’s address

Zip code Indicates the postal code of the visitor’s address

Office phone Indicates the visitor’s work telephone number

Extension Indicates the extension at the office phone number specified where the visitor can be reached

86 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Find People Window - Visitor Form (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Last changed Indicates the date on which this visitor record was last saved. This date is only updated when
visitor information is changed, not when badge information is changed. The last changed date
is saved individually for each badge record as well.

Back This button is grayed out because this is first window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Next Proceeds to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Cancel Exits the Access Level Assignment Wizard without assigning any access levels.

Help Displays online help.

revision 1 — 87
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Find People Window - Access Levels Form

Find People Window - Access Levels Form Overview

The purpose of the Find People Window - Access Levels form is to locate
cardholders or visitors to assign access levels to based on what access levels they
already have or do not have. It also enables searching for existing access level
assignments in order to edit the activation and/or deactivation dates.

88 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Level Assignment Wizard

Find People Window - Access Levels Form
Form Element Comment

Person type Select the type of person to search for; choices include cardholders or visitors.

If you do not have permission to view either the cardholder or visitor person type, then that
person type will not be available for selection in this drop-down list.

To be able to select the Cardholder option, you must have permission to view cardholders.
(The Cardholder checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups
form > Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)

To be able to select the Visitor option, you must have permission to view visitors. (The Visitor
checkbox on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups form >
Cardholder sub-tab must be selected.)

If you switch from one person type to another, the search user interface changes for the
appropriate person type.

If you are currently viewing one person type, launch the Access Level Assignment Wizard and
then assign access levels to the other person type, after the assignment operation has
completed, the main view is switched to the other person type. If the access level operation
failed for all people involved in the assignment operation then the view is not switched.

Person search type Select whether to include badge activation dates when searching for cardholders and visitors.

If “Search for people with current badge activation dates” is selected, then badges that have
the status “Active” and have activation and deactivation dates in the current date/time range
are searched up.

If “Do not include badge activation dates when searching for people” is selected, then all
badges that have the status “Active” are searched up, irregardless of their activation and
deactivation dates. This search option is useful in scenarios where there is a person who has
occasional access to a building, and the IT department enables and disables the badge
depending on when this person comes into the office.

Last name Indicates cardholder/visitor’s last name.

First name Indicates cardholder/visitor’s first name.

Middle name Indicates cardholder/visitor’s middle name.

Badge type Selects which of the cardholder/visitor’s badges (if he or she has more than one) is to be the
active one.

Search type Select the search criteria for the selected access levels.

Access Levels Select the access level you wish to search for.
listing window

Back This button is grayed out because this is first window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Next Proceeds to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Cancel Exits the Access Level Assignment Wizard without assigning any access levels.

Help Displays online help.

revision 1 — 89
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Select People Window

Select People Window Overview

The Select People window is used to select cardholders, visitors, or specific
cardholder/visitor active badges to assign access levels to.
• If only one cardholder/visitor matches the search criteria, the record that
matches the search criteria is selected by default in the Select People
• If more than one cardholder/visitor matches the search criteria, no record is
selected by default. All matching records are deselected and available for

90 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Level Assignment Wizard

Select People Window
Form Element Comment

Select All Selects all cardholder/visitor records listed.

Clear All Deselects all cardholder/visitor records listed.

listing window The contents of the listing window changes depending on whether visitors or cardholders are
displayed. If cardholders are displayed (View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected), the
listing window functions as follows:

The Activate and Deactivate columns are always present, and represent the activation and
deactivation dates of the assigned access level for each cardholder/visitor or badge ID. If
Active Badges is not selected in the View menu, then the dates shown are the earliest
activation date and the latest deactivation date for all active badges assigned to the cardholder/

If Active Badges is selected in the View menu, the listing window contains a Badge ID
column. In this view, the listing window lists multiple entries for each cardholder/visitor, one
for each active badge assigned to the cardholder/visitor.

Additional columns displayed are determined by the fields listed in the Selected Fields column
of the Cardholder Search Results Lists form in the Cardholder Options folder. For example,
you might want to include Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Extension, and Department.
These same columns are displayed on the Select People window.

To sort the listing window’s contents by a particular column, click on the column heading.
Clicking the column heading toggles the sort order between lowest to highest and highest to

To select all items in the listing window, click [Select All]. To deselect all items in the listing
window, click [Clear All].

If visitors are displayed instead of cardholders (View > Person Type > Visitors is selected),
the listing window functions the same way, with one exception:

The columns displayed are determined by the fields listed in the Selected Fields column of the
Visitor Search Results Lists form in the Cardholder Options folder. For example, you might
want to include Visitor Last Name, Visitor First Name, Visitor Organization, and Visitor Title.
These same columns are displayed on the main Area Access Manager window.

Personal Displays cardholder/visitor, badge, and access level information for the selected cardholder/
Information visitor records. On the Area Access Manager window, selecting this button is the same as
selecting the View menu, then selecting Personal Information. This button is grayed out until
at least one cardholder/visitor record is selected. If you select multiple records, you can cycle
through them by clicking the arrows in the lower left corner of the Personal Information

Back Returns to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard. This button is grayed
out on the first window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Next Proceeds to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Cancel Exits the Access Level Assignment Wizard without assigning any access levels.

Help Displays online help.

revision 1 — 91
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Select Access Levels Window

Select Access Levels Window Overview

The Select Access Levels window is used to:
• assign the specific access levels that will be assigned to cardholders/visitors
who were selected in the Select People window.
• configure any activation/deactivation dates for the selected access levels.
• set an activation and deactivation date for an access level that is assigned to
cardholders or visitors.

92 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Level Assignment Wizard

Select Access Levels Window
Form Element Comment

Set Activation When an access level is selected and the [Set Activation Dates] button is clicked, the Access
Dates Level Activation Dates window opens. Using this window, an activation and deactivation date
can be assigned for an access level that is assigned to cardholders or visitors.

Select All Selects all access levels listed.

Clear All Deselects all access levels listed.

Access Levels A list of access levels you can assign cardholders or visitors to. Click the icon to the left of the
display access level listed to select that access level for assignment. Multiple access levels can be

The definition for an access level can be viewed by right-clicking on an access level and
selecting Level Definition from the right-click menu, or by double-clicking on an access level.
A small window will open that lists each reader and timezone that makes up the access level.

Back Returns to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard. This button is grayed
out on the first window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Next Proceeds to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Cancel Exits the Access Level Assignment Wizard without assigning any access levels.

Help Displays online help.

revision 1 — 93
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

Summary Window

Summary Window Overview

The Summary window displays a read-only summary of the access levels that
will be assigned to the selected cardholders, visitors, or active badge IDs.

94 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Level Assignment Wizard

Summary Window
Form Element Comment

People who will be Read-only list of cardholders or visitors who will receive the access levels specified in the
receiving access Access levels to assign display. By default, this list is sorted by last name.
level assignments
If cardholders are displayed (View > Person Type > Cardholders is selected), this display
functions as follows:

The Activate and Deactivate columns are always present, and represent the activation and
deactivation dates of the assigned access level for each cardholder/visitor or badge ID. If
Active Badges is not selected in the View menu, then the dates shown are the earliest
activation date and the latest deactivation date for all active badges assigned to the cardholder/

Additional columns displayed are determined by the fields listed in the Selected Fields column
of the Cardholder Search Results Lists form in the Cardholder Options folder. For example,
you might want to include Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Extension, and Department.
These same columns are displayed on theSelect People window and the Area Access Manager
main window.

To sort the listing window’s contents by a particular column, click on the column heading.
Clicking the column heading toggles the sort order between lowest to highest and highest to

If visitors are displayed instead of cardholders (View > Person Type > Visitors is selected),
the listing window functions the same way, with one exception:

The columns displayed are determined by the fields listed in the Selected Fields column of the
Visitor Search Results Lists form in the Cardholder Options folder. For example, you might
want to include Visitor Last Name, Visitor First Name, Visitor Organization, and Visitor Title.
These same columns are displayed on theSelect People window and the Area Access Manager
main window.

To change which people access levels will be assigned to, use the [Back] button to return to the
Select People window.

Access levels to Read-only list of access levels that will be assigned to the cardholders or visitors listed in the
assign People who will be receiving access level assignments display.

To change which access levels will be assigned, click [Back] and return to the Select Access
Levels window.

Finish Assigns the selected access levels to the selected cardholders or visitors. Upon finishing, the
access levels will be assigned to the selected cardholders’ or visitors’ active badges and the
badges will be downloaded to the appropriate panels.

Back Returns to the previous window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard. This button is grayed
out on the first window in the Access Level Assignment Wizard.

Cancel Exits the Access Level Assignment Wizard without assigning any access levels.

Help Displays online help.

revision 1 — 95
A: Access Level Assignment Wizard

96 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Appendix B: Bulk Access Level Action Results Window

Bulk Access Level Action Results Window Overview

The Bulk Access Level Action Results window is displayed by selecting Log from the
View menu. The Bulk Access Level Action Results Windows displays the
AreaAccessManagerCardholderBulk.Log file, which is stored in the C:\Program
Files\OnGuard\logs directory. When multiple cardholder or badge ID records are
assigned an access level, the results of the assignment are written to this log.

Note: If viewing active badges and performing operations with active badges, this
log will only be written to if you select an active badge for more than one
cardholder. Selecting multiple badges for one cardholder will not get written
to this log.

To view the log simply select Log from the View menu (or navigate to it using Windows
Explorer). If no bulk operations have occurred yet and you select this menu option, an
error message will be displayed. The log file will not be created and written to until the
first bulk access level operation occurs within Area Access Manager.

A failure will be written to the log if:

• badges are segmented and you try to assign an access level to a badge that
the current Area Access Manager user does not have segment access to.
• you violate the system/segment hardware settings for the maximum access
level assignments allowed per badge including total, temporary, and
standard access level assignments.

revision 1 — 97
B: Bulk Access Level Action Results Window

• you violate the system/segment hardware settings for the maximum badge
number length.

Bulk Access Level Action Results Window

Form Element Comment

Access Level Displays the AreaAccessManagerCardholderBulk.Log file, which is stored in the

Action Results C:\Program Files\OnGuard\logs directory. When multiple cardholder or badge ID records
listing window are assigned an access level, the results of the assignment are written to this log.

Note: If viewing active badges and performing operations with active badges, this log will
only be written to if you select an active badge for more than one cardholder.
Selecting multiple badges for one cardholder will not get written to this log.
If no bulk operations have occurred yet, an error message will be displayed when Log is
selected from the View menu. The log file will not be created and written to until the first bulk
access level operation occurs within Area Access Manager.

A failure will be written to the log if:

• badges are segmented and you try to assign an access level to a badge that the current
Area Access Manager user does not have segment access to.
• you violate the system/segment hardware settings for the maximum access level
assignments allowed per badge including total, temporary, and standard access level
• you violate the system/segment hardware settings for the maximum badge number

OK Closes the window.

98 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Appendix C: Access Level Activation Dates Window

Access Level Activation Dates Window Overview

The Access Level Activation Dates window is used to configure the activation
and/or deactivation date for access levels. It is displayed by:
• Clicking [Set Activation Dates] on the Access Level Assignment Wizard:
Select Access Levels window.
• Selecting a record in the listing window of the main Area Access Manager
window, and then selecting Set Activation Dates from the Edit menu.

revision 1 — 99
C: Access Level Activation Dates Window

Access Level Activation Dates Window

Form Element Comment

Assigned Access The access levels listed in the Assigned Access Levels listing window depend on how the
Levels display window was opened:

Method 1: In the main window, select the record(s) you wish to assign activation dates to.
From the Edit menu, select Set Activation Dates. If the window was opened using this
method, then only the currently selected access level in the Access level drop-down list on the
main Area Access Manager window will be listed in the Assigned Access Levels display of
the Access Level Activation Dates window since this is the access level that is currently

Method 2: In the Access Level Assignment Wizard: Select Access Levels window, click [Set
Activation Dates]. If the window was opened using this method, whatever access levels were
selected in the Access Levels display on the Access Level Assignment Wizard: Select Access
Levels window will be listed in the Assigned Access Levels display of the Access Level
Activation Dates window.

Activation Date If the access level should always be activated, then deselect the date checkbox.

If the access level should be activated on a specific date, then select the date checkbox and
click the arrow to the right of the date checkbox. A calendar will drop down, where you can
select the activation date.

By default the activation date begins at 12:00 am (midnight). You can change the time by
typing a new time or by using the up and down arrows to the right of the time field to scroll to
the time the access level should activate.

Deactivation Date If the access level should never be deactivated, then deselect the date checkbox.

If the access level should be deactivated on a specific date, then select the date checkbox and
click the arrow to the right of the date checkbox. A calendar will drop down, where you can
select the deactivation date.

By default the deactivation date ends at 12:00 am (midnight). You can change the time by
typing a new time or by using the up and down arrows to the right of the time field to scroll to
the time the access level should deactivate.

Set Date/Time Enabled only when an assigned access level is selected.

Updates the specified activation and deactivation times if necessary based on the level of
granularity that has been set (in the Granularity field on the General Cardholder Options form
in the Cardholder Options folder).

For example, if the granularity is set to 30 minutes and an activation time of 1:01 pm, 1:15 pm,
or 1:29 pm is specified, the activation time will be changed to 1:00 pm. The time is always
rounded down to the nearest increment of granularity.

Clear Date/Time Deselects the Activation and Deactivation Date checkboxes.

OK Enabled only when an assigned access level is selected.

Closes the Access Level Activation Dates window and applies the specified changes in
activation and/or deactivation date for the access level that was selected.

100 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Access Level Activation Dates Window (Continued)

Form Element Comment

Cancel Closes the Access Level Activation Dates window without changing the activation and/or
deactivation date for any access levels.

revision 1 — 101
C: Access Level Activation Dates Window

102 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Appendix D: Person Count Threshold Value

The Person Count Threshold value is a setting that determines whether records
assigned to an access level are automatically loaded in the main window when
logging in or when switching which access level is displayed using the Access
level drop-down. This is useful for systems that have large numbers of
cardholders and/or visitors assigned to access levels, as it can take awhile to load
a lot of records.

The default Person Count Threshold value is 5000; if less records than that are
assigned to an access level, then the records will automatically be displayed. If
5000 or more records are assigned to an access level, then the records will not
automatically be displayed.
• If you are logging in, then the Access level drop-down will be expanded, and
you must select an access level to display.
• If you are already logged in and are switching which access level is
displayed (using the Access level drop-down), then a warning message is
displayed if the access level you selected has 5000 or more records.

The Person Count Threshold is only used when you use the Access level drop-
down. If you modify the records being displayed using some other method, such
as applying filters from the Filter bar, assigning/removing access levels, or
enabling/disabling viewing active badges, all records will be displayed.

Although the default person count threshold value of 5000 works well for most
systems, it is possible to change it to a higher or lower value should you need to.
This is done by adding the following ACS.INI file setting:


This setting is not in the ACS.INI file by default. If you wish to use a value other
than the default value of 5000, you must add this setting to the ACS.INI file and
set it to the value you wish to use. If you add or change this ACS.INI setting, you
must shut down and restart Area Access Manager in order for the changes to be

revision 1 — 103
D: Person Count Threshold Value

104 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Appendix E: Troubleshooting

This section describes the error messages you may encounter when working with
Area Access Manager and a list of actions that should be taken if the error
message is encountered.

Login-related Problems
The following error messages may be encountered when attempting to log into
Area Access Manager.

License Not Installed

Error message text: The license for this product was not found. Please have
your administrator make sure that the license is correctly installed on the license

Check: Verify that a license with Area Access Manager support is installed on
the License Server. For more information, refer to Licensing Requirements on
page 10.

Incorrect Username/Password
Error message text: The username/password combination you have entered is
incorrect. Please make sure your username is correct and then retype your

Check: Verify that the username and password you are attempting to enter are
correct. If you still receive an error, contact your system administrator to receive
a new username and password.

Login Access Disabled

Error message text: Your access to OnGuard 2010 is disabled. Please contact
your system administrator.

revision 1 — 105
E: Troubleshooting

Check: An administrator will need to log into System Administration or ID

CredentialCenter, select Users from the Administration menu, click the General
sub-tab, and then deselect the Access to this system is disabled check box for
your user account.

No Permission for Area Access Manager

Error message text: You do not have permission to use Area Access Manager.
The application will now log you off.

Check: In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, verify the Area

Access Manager check box on the Administration > Users > System
Permission Groups form > Software Options sub-tab is selected for your user

For more information, refer to Permissions on page 10.

No Permission to View Cardholders and Visitors

Error message text: You do not have permission to view cardholders and you do
not have permission to view visitors. The application will now log you off.

Check: In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, verify the Cardholder

and Visitor check boxes on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups
form > Cardholder sub-tab are selected for your user account.

For more information, refer to Permissions on page 10.

No Access Levels to Manage

Error message text: There are no access levels for you to manage. The
application will now log you off.

106 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Check: In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, select

Administration > Users > Users tab > Area Access Manager Levels sub-tab and
configure the access levels the selected user account can manage in Area Access

No Permission to View Fields in Search Results Lists

Error message text: You do not have permission to view any of the cardholder
fields in the cardholder search results list and you do not have permission to view
any of the visitor fields in the visitor search results list. The application will now
log you off.

Check: In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, select

Administration > Users > Field/Page Permission Groups form, and then do the
• Verify that the field/page permission group assigned to the user account has
permission to view the cardholder fields. At least one of the following fields
must have “Yes” specified in the View column; only those with “Yes” will
be displayed in the cardholder search results list and in Area Access
Manager. However, the Activate and Deactivate fields will always appear in
Area Access Manager.

Cardholder Fields
Table Field Name

Cardholder Allowed Visitors

Cardholder Asset Group

Cardholder Cardholder ID

Cardholder First Name

Cardholder Last Name

Cardholder Middle Name

Cardholder Person Record Last Changed

Cardholder Replication

User-Defined Cardholder Address

User-Defined Cardholder Birth Date

User-Defined Cardholder City

User-Defined Cardholder E-mail

User-Defined Cardholder Extension

revision 1 — 107
E: Troubleshooting

Cardholder Fields (Continued)

Table Field Name

User-Defined Cardholder Floor

User-Defined Cardholder Office Phone

User-Defined Cardholder Phone

User-Defined Cardholder State

User-Defined Cardholder Zip Code

Badge Type Badge Type

Title Title

Department Department

Division Division

Location Location

Building Building

• Verify that the field/page permission group assigned to the user account has
permission to view the visitor fields. At least one of the following must have
“Yes” selected in the View column; only those with “Yes” will be displayed
in the visitor search results list and in Area Access Manager. However, the
Activate and Deactivate fields will always appear in Area Access Manager.

Visitor Fields
Table Field Name

Cardholder First Name

Cardholder Last Name

Cardholder Middle Name

Cardholder Person Record Last Changed

User-Defined Visitor Visitor Address

User-Defined Visitor Visitor City

User-Defined Visitor Visitor Extension

User-Defined Visitor Visitor Office Phone

User-Defined Visitor Visitor Organization

User-Defined Visitor Visitor State

User-Defined Visitor Visitor Title

User-Defined Visitor Visitor Zip Code

Note: The Visitor First Name, Visitor Last Name, Visitor Middle Name, and
Visitor Last Changed fields from the Visitor Search Results list (in

108 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

Administration > Cardholder Options) map to the First Name, Last

Name, Middle Name, and Person Record Last Changed in the Cardholder
table on the Field/Page Permission Groups form.

No Permission to View Fields in Search Results Lists

and Visitors
Error message text: You do not have permission to view any of the cardholder
fields in the cardholder search results list and you do not have permission to view
visitors. The application will now log you off.

• In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, verify that the field/page
permission group assigned to the user account has permission to view the
cardholder fields. For a listing of those fields, refer to the Cardholder Fields
table on page 107.
• In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, verify the Visitor check box
on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups form > Cardholder
sub-tab is selected for your user account.

No Permission to View Fields in Search Results Lists

and Cardholders
Error message text: You do not have permission to view any of the visitor fields
in the visitor search results list and you do not have permission to view
cardholders. The application will now log you off.

• In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, verify that the field/page
permission group assigned to the user account has permission to view the
visitor fields. For a listing of those fields, refer to the Visitor Fields table on
page 108.

Note: The Visitor First Name, Visitor Last Name, Visitor Middle Name, and
Visitor Last Changed fields from the Visitor Search Results list (in

revision 1 — 109
E: Troubleshooting

Administration > Cardholder Options) map to the First Name, Last

Name, Middle Name, and Person Record Last Changed in the Cardholder
table on the Field/Page Permission Groups form.

• In System Administration or ID CredentialCenter, verify the Cardholder

check box on the Administration > Users > Cardholder Permission Groups form >
Cardholder sub-tab is selected.

Report-related Problems
The following errors may be encountered when attempting to run reports in Area
Access Manager.

No Reports Available in Area Access Manager

Error message text: At least one report must be configured with the Area
Access Manager report type in order to view the reports dialog.

Check: Log into System Administration and configure the report(s) that you
wish to be available in Area Access Manager. For more information, refer to
Configure Which Reports are Available in Area Access Manager on page 66.

Incorrect Reports Available in Area Access Manager

After Upgrade
Problem: I upgraded my OnGuard system, and now the reports that are available
in Area Access Manager aren’t the same as they used to be.

Solution: When a system is upgraded, the default report settings are set again.
The default reports become available again in Area Access Manager, and any
reports that were configured with the “Area Access Manager” report type must
be reconfigured to be available in Area Access Manager. For more information,
refer to Configure Which Reports are Available in Area Access Manager on page

110 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide


Access Level Assignment wizard ....................... 81 Cardholder form
Access Level Assignments to Cardholders By field table ..................................................... 41
Segment report............................................. 65 Cardholders
Access Level Assignments to Cardholders assign access levels...................................... 53
report............................................................ 65 displaying in Area Access Manager main
Access level displayed upon login...................... 20 window ................................................. 23
Access levels....................................................... 49 person type................................................... 23
Access Level Assignment wizard................ 81 remove access levels.................................... 53
assign to cardholders.................................... 53 shown........................................................... 49
control which can be managed by a user ..... 49 Change
create standard access levels........................ 49 columns displayed on Area Access Manager
create temporary access levels..................... 49 main window ........................................ 30
definition...................................................... 49 columns displayed on Select People
overview ........................................................ 9 window ................................................. 30
remove from cardholders............................. 53 user password .............................................. 13
reports Create
Access Level Assignments to standard access levels .................................. 49
Cardholders ............................ 65 temporary access levels ............................... 49
Access Level Assignments to Cardholders Customize the Select People, Summary, and Area
By Segment ............................ 65 Access Manager main windows .................. 30
types............................................................. 49
view assignments .................................. 49, 51 D
Access Levels form (Cardholders folder) Disable strong password enforcement ................ 12
field table ..................................................... 47
Accounts ............................................................. 14 E
Active badges
access level assignment ............................... 50 Edit menu............................................................ 31
view................................................ 28, 32, 50 Enable strong password enforcement ................. 12
Allow access levels to be configured as assignable Error messages.................................................... 13
by users in other segments........................... 50 Exit the application ............................................. 21
Application menu................................................ 31
Area Access Manager F
main window overview................................ 23 Filter
overview ........................................................ 9 reports .......................................................... 65
report type.................................................... 66 Find People window ........................................... 82
Assign Access Levels form overview...................... 88
access levels to cardholders ......................... 53 Cardholder form overview........................... 82
activation and deactivation dates to access Visitor form overview ................................. 85
levels..................................................... 59
B Help menu........................................................... 34
Badge form
field table ..................................................... 45 I
Badges Introduction........................................................... 9
multiple active ............................................. 50
view active ............................................ 23, 28 L
Licensing requirements....................................... 10
In Use setting ............................................... 10

revision 1 — 111

Max setting .................................................. 10 Access Level Assignments to Cardholders . 65

Log out of the application ................................... 21 Access Level Assignments to Cardholders
Logging in By Segment .......................................... 65
using automatic single sign-on .................... 18 Area Access Manager type .......................... 66
using manual single sign-on ........................ 19 configure which are available in Area
without using single sign-on........................ 15 Access Manager ................................... 66
filtering ........................................................ 65
M make available in Area Access Manager..... 67
Main window ............................................... 23, 37 Reader Assignments to Cardholders............ 51
Menus remove from Area Access Manager ............ 67
Application .................................................. 31 run in Area Access Manager ....................... 67
Edit............................................................... 31 upgrade implications.................................... 65
Help.............................................................. 34 Run a report in Area Access Manager ................ 67
View............................................................. 32
O Search
Overview report for specific information..................... 78
access levels................................................... 9 Segmentation ...................................................... 49
Area Access Manager .................................... 9 access level assignment on a segmented
Area Access Manager main window ........... 23 system ................................................... 50
Find People window - Access Levels form . 88 allow access levels to be configured as
Find People window - Cardholders form..... 82 assignable by users in other segments .. 50
Find People window - Visitors form ........... 85 cardholder segmentation.............................. 51
Select Access Levels window...................... 92 configure access levels as assignable by
Select People window.................................. 90 users that have access to other
Summary window........................................ 94 segments ............................................... 50
Reader Assignments to Cardholders report
P on a segmented system ......................... 51
Select Access Levels window............................. 92
Password Select Access Levels window overview............. 92
enable/disable strong password Select People window......................................... 90
enforcement .......................................... 12 Select People window overview ......................... 90
overview ...................................................... 11 Summary window ............................................... 94
standards ...................................................... 12 Summary window overview ............................... 94
weak database warning ................................ 14
Permissions ......................................................... 10 T
view video.................................................... 63
Person Count Threshold...................... 21, 52, 103 Temporary access levels ..................................... 49
Person type.......................................................... 33 Types of access levels......................................... 49
cardholder .................................................... 23
visitor ........................................................... 23 V
Personal............................................................... 40 View
Print access level assignments.............................. 51
report............................................................ 71 active badges.................................. 28, 32, 50
Print Report Options window ............................. 70 menu ............................................................ 32
field table ..................................................... 71 video ............................................................ 63
View Video ......................................................... 63
R automatic video view count ......................... 64
Remove access levels from cardholders ............. 53 permissions .................................................. 63
Report Print Preview window............................. 74 selecting cameras......................................... 64
field table ..................................................... 75 window ........................................................ 64
procedures.................................................... 76 Visitor form field table ....................................... 43
Reports Visitors
assign access levels to.................................. 53

112 — revision 1
Area Access Manager User Guide

displaying in Area Access Manager main

window ................................................. 23
person type................................................... 23
remove access levels.................................... 53
remove access levels from ........................... 53
view multiple active badges for................... 50

Weak database password warning ...................... 14
Access Level Activation Dates.................... 99
Bulk Access Level Action Results .............. 97
Find People .................................................. 82
main ...................................................... 23, 37
Personal Information ................................... 47
Reports......................................................... 66
Select Access Levels.................................... 92
Select People................................................ 90
Summary...................................................... 94
Wizard................................................................. 81

revision 1 — 113
Lenel Systems International, Inc.
1212 Pittsford-Victor Road
Pittsford, New York 14534 USA
Tel 585.248.9720 Fax 585.248.9185

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