A New & Very Advanced Physics - EnS in The Study of Futures Scenarios

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A Preliminary Report

A. R. Bordon E. M Wienz



A Preliminary Report

A. R. Bordon E. M Wienz

Whatever you may read into, or believe of, what we say here, we live all of us on Earth in
interesting times. One of us in the second half of my life cycle, and will probably not survive the
more interesting times forthcoming in the next four or five decades. The other is barely
reaching the half mark of his lineage’s life expectancy.

The material presented here, in the form of a preliminary report, comes from the joining of the
natural capacities of the human body and the being inhabiting it, and a technology array that is,
and unfortunately remains, proprietary to this day. It is a product of very advanced physics and
daring applications. In this essay we will benefit from its fruits.


First, let’s go through a brief explanation of the technology itself. Extension neurosensing is
both a method and a set of procedures that involve several elements in a working array.

The elements are (1) a human operator, (2) a computer-driven array of energetic sources (low
electromagnetic, sound, and light) that help increase the electrical capacitance of the human
operator’s cells to a level or threshold, (3) processes that instigate the formation of a stable
photonic (or auric) field around the body, (4) the reaching of another cellular energy threshold
that stimulates the formation of single/coherent antifields (or harmonics of the field around the
body), (5) the union or conjugation of the antifield with a computer generated 3-dimensional
avatar, and (6) the development of a visual point-of-view through CNS (central nervous system)
and brain hemispheric synchronization technology. To all of this, (7) the human operator adds
his or her own will – or vector-intention.

This is the technologically-assisted equivalent of clairvoyance on demand. When we focused on

what the next 100 years will be like, what follows is a summary of our findings. This essay does
not address the how-to, the technology behind the method and the procedures used.


Will the Earth survive these challenges? Its integrity as a planet will, but life on its surface will
be severely challenged – from a meteor once and from an asteroid a second time. Yet these will
not be extinction level events: life will go on. We will also discover in most surprising ways that
we are not alone in the universe, and find out the true framework of how we came to be as a
species on this planet. No science fiction writer to date has even come close to the scenarios
rendered by extension neurosensing as being history-streams (or time lines) we as a species
will collapse into reality as we move forward in time.

Still, humankind will forge a forward path to adolescence and then adulthood under the
challenges of an idiotic megalomaniac who will claim himself “king of Earth” and sweet-talk a
willing mass into believing his word. Those who survive by seeing through the shenanigans and
the mirrors used by this artificer will see his demise and ultimate rise of a humankind drastically
reduced in numbers. The bogus issue of global warming will become clear by recognizing its
accurate sources, and will become moot, for it will be the least of our problems then.

We are not talking about biblical prophecies, though what has become available to us through
ENS parallels uncannily much of what students of the Bible read as predictions from Revelation.
These are elements in scenarios we have unusually high confidence in, not because there are
uncanny correlations between what we have come up with and what other sources of futures
information have developed, but because seven neurosensors have derived unusually similar
information from what seems to us to be a collapsing cumulus.

A collapsing cumulus is actually one that is changing in accordance to the pattern of quantum
collapse of the scenario elements. When two or more neurosensors encounter in parallel, but
independent of each other, such quantum collapse of broad events found in the interfaces of
two or more extensions is a significant event in the technology used. It means a higher
confidence in the information derived and in the method used to derive it.

Here is then what we have encountered in the cumulus, when we began to derive information
from it. Please keep in mind that the time intervals are ranges and their limits are plus-or-minus
50 years either way.

When confidence in the method and in the protocols used was well established, we began to
look at everything at once. We used heuristics (i.e., search questions) like, “What is going to
happen in the next 100 years?,” and “What physical changes will occur on Earth in the next 100
years?” The emerging information was both quite explicit and quite surprising. Some of what we
got correlated well with other information already in our possession.


Our planet is clearly a member of a solar system composed of 8 planets on an ecliptic which
more or less hosts relatively circular orbits for each of them. Pluto is another story, and so is

Europa; as such they have no bearing on our report here. Earth and the inner terrestrial
planets, on the other hand, are already being affected by gravitational effects from a good size
planet known to us as Planet X, about which there was a lot of noise back in the late 1980s and
early 1990s. On Earth, this is an unacknowledged contributor to global warming and a portend
to other stresses to the integrity of the Earth. It is no accident that there has been an increase
in volcanism and tectonic activity on the surface, in the form of volcanic eruptions and

Statistically speaking, the severity of earthquakes of 4.0 will continue to increase, due mostly to
east-west subduction along the Pacific rim, the African Rim, and the Asian subcontinent. The
earthquake issue also bring along with it the likelihood of tsunami in the 10 to 500 feet range,
depending on conditions at subaquatic epicenters. Additionally, gravitational effects due to the
presence of the incoming planet will eventually (in the next 50 years) extend to the rocky pieces
along the Asteroid Belt. This will eventually begin to cause proximity disruptions on members of
this band, and resonant disruptions to members of the Kuiper and Oort belts, just outside our
solar system. This will result in loose cannonballs, some of which will be of some concern to us.
We are already seeing such an increase in meteoric and asteroidal activity.

Technologic development today is being focused on the development of propulsion systems that
will enable us to have technological alternatives for dealing with these external threats. Mention
of most of these developments have already been made by concerned people in the public
domain. However, the context within which they have been developed is not consonant with the
frameworks within which their disclosures and discussion have been made on a whole host of
websites, books, television programs, and films. This is most disturbing to us, because the
greatest weapon at humankind’s disposal is the size of the biomind (6 billion-plus).

I can understand official reluctance in giving official imprimatur to information concerning these
threats. But, according to our emerging Working Model in life physics, communal human vector
intention is the most potent force on Earth – something that makes nuclear and particle energy
weaponized technologies be like bows and arrows in comparison. This is yet not fully grasped in
official circles, let alone understood. And therein lies one of several conundrums for humanity.

A Conundrum Of Another Kind

One of the great potentials of extension neurosensing is the capacity for detection, decoding
and decipherment of living matrices of life forms anywhere in the universe. In other words, any
time there is a life form anywhere in the universe that is an electromagnetically oscillating
biological mass (or having tissue that emits a life field), it will be detected by a neurosensor.

We have managed to detect a relatively large number of such oscillating biological entities, and
have been able to place locations to approximately 100 of them. However, our confidence level
in the validity of these findings is yet not to where I’d like it to be to do a complete and full
disclosure. Nevertheless, phenotype (the physical characteristics we could “see”) tells us there
are basically four forms, or biokinds. The first three we classified them to be ontobioenergetic

(that is, they are intelligent biological life forms). The last class was an interesting one, and we
labeled them ontocyberenergetic (that is, they were much like a ‘Terminator’ type of cyborg
with very advanced internal network and AI). (Don’t think it was Arnold Schwartzenegger!)

The first class was made of groups of humanoids, just like us. In fact, the only variance we
detected was height and weight. Our best estimate is that these people, males and females, are
anywhere between five and seven feet, and some even taller. In terms of other physical
characteristics, skin color ranged from very light to very tan, almost black but without Negroid
features. Others displayed Negroid features, but were relatively light skinned and hair straight
and brown-to-dark brown. As nearly as could tell by mere gnosive observation (not examining
the inside of their bodies to discern physiology and genotype), all of these appeared to be
carbon-based. The humanoids represented about 60 percent of our sample.

The second group was sauroid, or what the popular literature refers to as lizard-like or reptilian.
These, too, offered wide variances in phenotype and genotype. There were humanoid-like with
leathery-hard skins who were extremely tall (seven feet by our estimate), about the same
height as us Earth humans (5.6 to 6 ft.), and a third subtype about 5 feet tall at most. All such
forms were male-female typed. Then there were the moth-like, very large and very tall, with
what can best be described as wings or wing-like protrusions between what we could discern as
arms and the trunk of the body. By very large, we mean seven feet and taller. No
distinguishable male-female types were discerned. The third sub-category was the group
referred to in the literature as “the grays.” Of these, there were at least a dozen variances – in
height, body types (including eye size and construction), weight, skin color and means of
reproduction. This class represented approximately 30 percent of our sample

The third group was a small conglomerate of biokinds that looked humanoid, but their genotype
and biology showed them to be iron-based (for two humanoid-insectoid blends), one sub-group
of magnesium-based (circulatory system) make up, a third sub-group of silicon-based (sensoria
and skeletal structure) sol/gel (soluble/gelatinous) silicon states, but the beige color skin looked
rough, even harsh (like the unpolished surface of cement blocks).

The fourth class was ontocyberenergetic – that is to say, they were intelligent, cybernetic
organisms dressed by organic tissue. Their shape was hominid, with a larger head than the
trunk-head human proportions, and estimated height in the near seven feet range. These are
groups we have not examined closely as of yet. There were several groups in this class, some
of which we found to be not from our galaxy.

In Conclusion

While verification of the data is a problem (for, those who have information that could confirm
or dispel their validity are not talking, nor are they willing to talk to us), the global descriptions
generated from the data are strong and reliable. In other words, they come from more than
two neurosensors keying in on the same heuristic questions, on more than two examinations of
the information cumulus.

This line of research continues to date.

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