School Fee Related Literature Review

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School Fee Related Literature Review

2859 Words • 12 Pages

The Review of Related Literature of this study focuses on

the Feedback on school fee increase to the financial
management students of the University of Mindanao. First
on the reasons why schools and university increased their
tuition fees per year or sometimes per semester. Next the
feedback of the said increase to the students in the
University and how will they be affected by the said
increase. In respect to Dave (2006) school fee increase
depends on the cost of Education. This means the cost
refers to the salaries of the teachers, staffs and other
important personnel in a university. Universities need many
Professors because of high number of students. Every year
students enrolled are increasing; the demand for professor is
also needed.…show more content…

So the budgeting of allowance will not be easy. Sometimes

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you cannot buy the required books because you don’t have 1/14
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enough cash left. By these effects this can also affect the
expectation of students. According to Sodexo (2013) a
sharp rise in university fees has also lead to student
expectation of university, service and credentials to rise.
They are paying high tuition, so they expect a better
environment, better facilities, better learning quarters,
canteen and etc. what if the university didn’t meet the
expectation of the students? According to Bedoyere (2013),
a student will prefer to transfer to a different university. By
means of transferring, they can afford to look for a
university that has low cost but better facilities. Paying high
cost, not so good facilities but paying low tuition but almost
the same facilities. Nowadays student are just being
practical on what they can…show more content…

Referring to Hammond (2006) if the student cannot finish

his/her studies. The chances of having a good job is very
low. In these we can see that if the student cannot afford a
quality education he/she cannot have a better future. Nair
(2015) raises the issue of fee hike in private schools in the
jurisdiction of the Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad municipal
corporations that fails to show any signs of drawing to a
close with parents continuing to protest.

According to Dodd (2015), some of the highest fee rises are

being charged at top Melbourne schools including Trinity
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Grammar (up 5.8% to $28,164), St Catherine’s School (up

5.0% to 30,720), Melbourne Girls Grammar (up 4.9% to
$30,680) and Methodist Ladies Clooege (up 4.8% to
$27,300). In addition, the Association of Independent
Schools of NSW said that, while salaries are schools’ major
cost, other factors up costs were rapid changes in
information technology, increasing compliance costs and
general maintenance and upkeep.

As pointed from the President of the NSW Parents’ Council

Stephen Grieve statement, “If you paying some of the more
substantial fees there are high expectations and schools do a
magnificent job of meeting those high expectations,".
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(Dodd 2015). He also said that schools generally keep fees
as low as possible while meeting…


Life Without Student Debt Essay

552 Words  | 3 Pages

When they leave high school they think that they can go to
the most expensive school Document
can pay for, but in reality 3/14
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they cannot. Many parents are encouraging their children to

reach for the stars, which they should, but you must also do
so within your means. You must also understand that
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mommy and daddy are not going to be paying for
everything. In all college is still worth it.…

Persuasive Essay On School Funding

1438 Words  | 6 Pages

School funding is also based on the school population size.

Why should newer schools with high income students get to
have a lot more resources then the other schools with low
income students. Why is it that lower income schools aren’t
given the same resources to help the students? These
students with low income do have the same opportunity as
the higher income new schools. A lot of those students don’t
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have access to internet or even have a ride for

Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Paid?

1856 Words  | 8 Pages

Many people choose to go to college for a career they want

or the education, even though they may not like the work,
they gain experiences and some things others that may not
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have gone to college gotten. One of the main reasons people 4/14
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don’t attend college is because of the cost. This is an

important topic now because it is more important now than
ever since more careers require a college degree. In the past
decade tuition, has risen so much more than other goods or
services. Many people are asking will colleges lower their
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tuition because student debt has risen to 1.2 trillion

The Pros And Cons Of Free College

1256 Words  | 6 Pages

There is a likelihood that it will increase the upper middle-

class as well. Or maybe it will all come from Wall Street
speculation taxes. The point is, all we know is that someone
will pay these dues through taxes, and the uncertainty of
who will carry the burden is not making many Americans
comfortable.” People hate getting taxed, so if free college
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was going to occur. People would get taxed way more
because school cost a lot of…

Analysis Of Charles Murray's Essay 'Are Too Many

People Going To College'
1353 Words  | 6 Pages

Ungar thinks more students should major in liberal arts

because it’ll make them Documentand have a better set
well-rounded 5/14
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of skills than someone who specializes in a certain major.

While a liberal arts degree isn’t a bad choice that just
doesn’t fit every person that wants to go to college. First of
all, even if someone wanted to have a liberal arts degree and
specialize in a certain major that’s going to take even more
time depending on the major. That’s a long time in school
and most importantly that’s a lot of money being spent if
you’re paying for it out of your pocket. Then, a liberal arts
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degree doesn’t fuel the economy as much as the science,
technology, engineering, and math majors (STEM).…

Argumentative Essay: The Rise In College Debt

730 Words  | 3 Pages

In this day and age, it is assumed that the majority of high

school graduates will be attending college, whether a two
year community college or a four year college or university.
The problem with this expectation of young people is that
college is expensive, which is why numerous people are
pushing towards free college for all, not just for the
academically talented. While overall publicly funded college
is unrealistic, this country could slowly overcome this issue
of college debt by providing more two year community
colleges across the nation with the tuition of these
community colleges drastically reduced. The major reason
why many people are pushing towards publicly funded
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college is a because of the substantial rise in college debt
over the last decade.…Open Document 6/14
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Is Going To College Worth It Essay

592 Words  | 3 Pages

That’s why I say if you really feel it’s worth it, it’ll help you
in the long run, and will benefit you for what you need. You
could attend online classes which is cheaper than college
and still get your degrees, diplomas, whatever. There’s so
many other options than going to college and breaking your
pockets, your parents pockets, or even your great parents
pocket. Don’t do it if you really don’t want to there’s other
Read More
things for you to do if you don’t want to. There’s so many
other options in the world just waiting for you.…

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Summary

774 Words  | 4 Pages

Daniel Indiviglio the author of “The importance of College:

A Self- Fulfilling Prophecy.” did see the importance of it.
The author reveals that there is a huge demand for college
graduates, and those who finish college have higher wages.
“Even though college is expensive, the lifetime earning
potential it provides results in its being worth the cost.”
Since getting a college degree takes time and money and
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there is people who cannot afford getting a higher degree of

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Article Summary: The Case Against Free College

444 Words  | 2 Pages

Education is widely regarded as a key factor in the economic

and social development of a country. With the extremely
rapid development of the society, in order to enhance their
competitiveness, increasing young people choose to accept
higher education. Yet, there are different attitudes about
whether students should pay or not. Some people regard
education as a basic right, which should therefore be
provided free, while others think the individual student
should have to shoulder some of the costs of his or her
education. According to Matt Bruenig’s Dissent article “The
Case Against Free College: Free college is paid for by the
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working class people who don 't attend”, Bruenig against the
free college because it seems more fair and benefit to…

University Education Should Be Free Essay

1676 Words  | 7 Pages

The reason I think this way is that in this case everyone gets
a chance to go to the university and that free education can
interest more students in the long run and finally lead to
more people getting a higher education. Universities in a
number of developing countries are very expensive and this
scares a lot of potential students since for most of them,
getting university education means that they will have to get
student loans and be inOpen
debt Document
for a long period of time. If 8/14
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universities would provide free education, then, not only

those young people who come from rich families but
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everyone who wants to study in the university will have an
equal opportunity to receive a graduate…

High Cost Of College Tuition

667 Words  | 3 Pages

To be more marketable to new students, colleges are getting

more activities and taking on a “country club culture with
valet parking, gourmet meals, and dry cleaning.” (Campo)
This has caused college tuition increases for new students to
pay for these expensive additions or repairs. College tuition
has risen quickly in recent years which has restricted people
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from pursuing higher education and left college students to

Cost Of College Essay

644 Words  | 3 Pages

In the end, you will be spending money on college debts that

will negate any increase in salary. In summary, many of the
costs will consume you when your trying to pay them off.
Many colleges will have high prices and make it extremely
hard to go to college. A post secondary education would not
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be worth the cost because of student loans, graduation rates,
and the lack of real…

How Does Student Debt Affect The Cost Of

Higher Education
957 Words  | 4 Pages

Without these numerous factors that vary vastly among

different colleges and universities one simply may not
assume every student that finances a loan goes into long
term debt. College admission may be a hard decision when
it comes down to price. Many other students fail to attend
their dream school due to the financial struggle. Ultimately
there are students that pay the full price for admission no
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matter what the cost just to attend their dream school. To
many students college is worth the price for admission.…

Raising Minimum Wage In Pennsylvania

623 Words  | 3 Pages

Being paid with the federal minimum wage that is currently

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$7.25 per hour is not very amusing to most college students.
Not only tuition is the only…

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Andrew Delbanco's Making It In America

1388 Words  | 6 Pages

Delbanco explains how students have changed their reasons

for attending a college when he states, “...yet on the
assumption that immersing themselves in learning for the
sheer joy of it, with the aim of deepening their
understanding of culture, nature, and, ultimately, themselves,
is a vain indulgence” (222). Secondary education has
become too expensive for learning to be an indulgence.
Students only go to college to get a degree in order to gain a
high paying career. Davidson explains how dire the situation
with low paying job is by saying how the process should
work, “Only through productivity growth can the average
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quality of human life improve” (339). Unfortunately, the
productivity growth only leaves a bigger pay gap.…

More about School Fee Related Literature Review

Life Without Student Debt Essay

552 Words | 3 Pages
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Persuasive Essay On School Funding

1438 Words | 6 Pages

Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Paid?

1856 Words | 8 Pages

The Pros And Cons Of Free College

1256 Words | 6 Pages

Analysis Of Charles Murray's Essay 'Are Too Many People Going To College'
1353 Words | 6 Pages

Argumentative Essay: The Rise In College Debt

730 Words | 3 Pages

Is Going To College Worth It Essay

592 Words | 3 Pages

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Summary

774 Words | 4 Pages

Article Summary: The Case Against Free College

444 Words | 2 Pages

University Education Should Be Free Essay

1676 Words | 7 Pages

High Cost Of College Tuition

667 Words | 3 Pages

Cost Of College Essay

644 Words | 3 Pages Open Document 12/14
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How Does Student Debt Affect The Cost Of Higher Education

957 Words | 4 Pages

Raising Minimum Wage In Pennsylvania

623 Words | 3 Pages

Andrew Delbanco's Making It In America

1388 Words | 6 Pages

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