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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 0, 2017, 1–8 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

ley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Development of the gingival

sulcus at the time of tooth
eruption and the influence of
genetic factors

Tooth formation and eruption tooth is removed and replaced with a metallic replica,
the replica tooth will actually erupt (37). Molecular
In embryos, following the migration of cells from the events are also crucial for eruption to occur, as pro-
neural crest into the first branchial arch, cells of ven by the fact that injection of epidermal growth fac-
the newly formed epithelial dental lamina grow into tor and transforming growth factor-alpha accelerates
the underlying mesenchymal tissue, where they form incisor eruption in rodents (13, 54), whereas colony-
enamel organ (epithelial component) and dental stimulating factor-1 stimulates molar eruption in
papilla and dental follicle (mesenchymal compo- mice (11). Among other molecules, parathyroid-hor-
nent), starting the process of tooth morphogenesis. mone-related protein, interleukin-1 and osteoclast
The dental follicle is a sac composed of connective differentiation factor have been shown to play a role
tissue that surrounds the unerupted tooth, gives rise in tooth eruption in mice. A recent experiment in
to the periodontal-supporting tissues and has a piv- patients with cleidocranial dysplasia affected by
otal role in the process of tooth eruption (34), which delayed tooth eruption, showed elevated levels of
is a fascinating unique human event inasmuch as a mRNA for RANK, osteoprotegerin and colony stimu-
developing organ exits the boundaries of its bony lating factor-1 in the dental follicle, confirming the
crypt (62). In humans, the primary dentition starts role of bone remodeling guided by the dental follicle
forming at 6 weeks in utero and eruption is usually in tooth-eruption disturbances (17).
complete at between 2 and 3 years of age. The sec- The dental follicle eventually develops into the
ondary dentition starts forming in the 20-week-old periodontal ligament, which drives the final stages of
embryo and eruption occurs between 6 and 25 years tooth eruption (see Fig. 1). While the basal lamina is
of age. This is characterized by exfoliation of the in contact with the enamel by hemi-desmosomes, the
deciduous teeth, which are gradually replaced with reduced ameloblasts, together with other cells from
the permanent dentition. The permanent anterior the enamel organ, form the reduced dental epithe-
teeth and premolars are successional, deriving from lium, which surrounds the crown of the tooth until
the dental lamina of their primary predecessors, while eruption. Immediately before eruption, cells of the
the secondary molar dentition is accessional, deriving reduced dental epithelium and cells of the basal layer
from an extension of the dental lamina (12). The for- of the oral epithelium proliferate and migrate into the
mation of an eruption pathway as a consequence of connective tissue (56). As the tooth breaches the oral
bone resorption is crucial for successful tooth erup- mucosa to enter the oral cavity, the reduced enamel
tion, and this process is genetically guided through a epithelium develops into the junctional epithelium, a
template called the gubernacular canal. Interesting nonkeratinized epithelium that starts covering the
experiments show that if the dental follicle is surgi- incisal area of the enamel, forming a continuum with
cally removed then the tooth will not erupt (9), but the oral epithelium, while reduced epithelium and
crucially if the dental follicle is left intact and the ameloblasts still cover the more apical part of the


Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the process of tooth more apically. (C) Physiological status upon completion of
eruption. (A) The reduced dental epithelium (formed by tooth eruption, with junctional epithelium in continuity
ameloblasts) surrounds the crown, while the basal lamina with the oral epithelium and formation of gingival sulcus
is in contact with the enamel by hemi-desmosomes. (B) covered by oral sulcular epithelium. (D) Formation of a
Upon emergence of the tooth into the oral cavity, the periodontal pocket, with proliferation and inflammation
reduced enamel epithelium develops into the junctional of the junctional epithelium, loss of epithelial tissue–con-
epithelium, which is in contact with the oral epithelium nective tissue attachment and formation of pocket epithe-
coronally and with reduced epithelium and ameloblasts lium.

enamel. This process of formation of junctional because of the effect of bacteria able to invade the
epithelium continues for up to 4 years during erup- epithelial tissues and the effect of cells involved in the
tion (56). A space, termed the gingival sulcus, is local host response (6). In brief, the presence of bac-
formed between the enamel and the free gingiva. The terial products subgingivally triggers the release of
sulcus is covered by a specific type of epithelium, ter- inflammatory mediators by the host (42), initially by
med oral sulcular epithelium, which is very similar to vascular endothelial responses, including neutrophil
oral epithelium (34). Even before tooth eruption, migration into the gingival crevice, which is regulated
potentially pathogenic oral bacteria, such as strepto- by cytokines and chemokines and accompanied by
cocci, start colonizing the oral cavity (55, 61). Upon proliferation of the junctional epithelium (‘early gin-
tooth eruption, plaque colonization occurs on the givitis’). If the accumulation of bacteria within dental
tooth surface, and colonization with mutans strepto- plaque in the sulcus continues, there is a shift in the
cocci seems to increase with the number of teeth composition of inflammatory infiltrate toward a
erupted (22). Subclinical signs of inflammation, with higher number of plasma cells, together with T-lym-
the presence of a subclinical inflammatory infiltrate, phocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, gradually
exist in the junctional epithelium, even in a physio- moving to ‘established gingivitis’ and eventually to
logical state (7). This physiological state can be dis- the ‘periodontitis’ lesion, with a predominance of
rupted by processes leading to periodontal plasma cells and the presence of tissue damage. In
attachment loss (Fig. 1D), which are characterized by addition to leukocytes, resident fibroblasts and junc-
gingival inflammation, deepening of the gingival sul- tional epithelial cells can participate in the tissue-
cus and creation of pathological periodontal pockets. destruction process, with the activation of metallo-
Therefore, in periodontitis, upon bacterial coloniza- proteinases leading to connective tissue destruction,
tion subgingivally, the junctional epithelium converts apical migration of the epithelial attachment and the
into ‘pocket epithelium’ with loss of cellular continu- formation of a pocket, typical of the established peri-
ity in its coronal portion (48). This is probably odontal lesion (42). During tooth eruption, the

Influence of genetic factors on tooth eruption

junctional epithelium has a high content of mononu- 3p21-p22.1) (45). Similarly, physiological interindivid-
clear cells, providing a favorable environment for the ual differences in the patterns of tooth eruption may
initiation of local immune responses (49). Interest- be caused by yet-unknown common genetic variants
ingly, characteristics similar to an ‘early’ periodontal (62). Table 1 shows some of the genes, genetic loci
lesion appear during tooth eruption, with predomi- and cells suspected to play a role in the process of
nance of T-lymphocytes (49). It is conceivable that tooth eruption and potentially affecting nonsyn-
events occurring during dental eruption and during dromic variations in tooth-eruption patterns.
the formation of the gingival sulcus could potentially Recently, the results of a genome-wide association
predispose to dental diseases, such as periodontal study investigating the genetic influence on the tim-
diseases and caries. ing of permanent tooth eruption were published
(21). The study was based on records of 5,104
women from the Danish National Birth Cohort and
Genetic influence on tooth was then replicated in an independent sample. Four
eruption genetic loci associated with delayed tooth eruption
(with p < 10 -11) were identified. Two of the four
A complex network of signaling between the epithe- loci (rs12424086 on chromosome 12q14.3 and
lium and the mesenchyme in an embryo regulates rs4491709 on chromosome 2q35) had previously
events leading to the formation, maturation and been associated with primary tooth eruption (44),
eruption of primary and secondary dentitions. confirming possible parallel mechanisms for the
Genetic factors regulate these processes, so, not sur- eruption of primary and permanent teeth. These
prisingly, genetic defects underlie dental abnormali- two single-nucleotide polymorphisms are also in
ties, including anomalies in the number of teeth and linkage disequilibrium with genome-wide significant
anomalies of tooth morphology, structure and erup- single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with
tion (12). Common human genetic variants have adult and childhood height and with breast cancer,
been associated with the process of dental matura- respectively (21). The remaining two novel loci
tion (43) and with the emergence of the primary (rs2281845 and rs7924176) belonged to genomic
dentition (27). As seen in RANKL-co-knockout mice, regions without any previous significant genome-
in which teeth do not erupt, genetic factors affecting wide association study results and were linked to
bone turnover play an important role in tooth expression of transmembrane protein 9 and adeno-
eruption (31). It is thought that a concert of bone- sine kinase in monocytes respectively (21). The
resorption and osteogenesis genes, regulatory genes, combined effect of the four genetic variants was
proto-oncogenes and soluble factors is activated at most pronounced in children between 10 and
specific time points during tooth eruption in the 12 years of age, in which children with six to eight
dental follicle to permit tooth eruption (63). Interest- alleles for delayed tooth eruption had, on average,
ingly, epidemiological studies have revealed that 3.5 fewer permanent teeth than did children with
dental maturation seems to occur independently of none or only one of these alleles (20). More
other forms of biological maturation (4, 15). There- recently, another population-based genome-wide
fore, prospective candidate genes for eruption distur- association study was conducted on a total of 9912
bances should be explored, possibly by using individuals from the Avon Longitudinal Study of
genome-wide approaches rather than by studying Parents and Children and from the 1966 Northern
other biological maturation traits. Several genetic Finland Birth Cohort. The authors tested 2,446,724
conditions involving disturbances in tooth eruption single-nucleotide polymorphisms in both cohorts
(including delayed or failed eruption) have been and analyzed the results using fixed-effects inverse-
identified, including, for example, gingival fibro- variance meta-analysis. They identified 10 indepen-
matosis, osteopetrosis, oculofaciocardiodental syn- dent loci for which genome-wide significance for
drome, Hunter’s syndrome and Dubowitz syndrome. ‘age at first tooth’, and 11 loci for ‘number of teeth’,
Delayed tooth eruption is also a typical feature of had been recorded, including genes known to play
Down syndrome (12, 30). Nonsyndromic distur- a role in tooth and other developmental pathways,
bances of tooth eruption include natal teeth (33), and genes showing evidence of association with
primary failure of eruption (1) and familial nonsyn- craniofacial measurements (18). Some of the single-
dromic primary failure of eruption (14). The last nucleotide polymorphisms identified were in agree-
feature in this list is associated with mutations in the ment with previous reports (21, 44), confirming
parathyroid hormone receptor 1 gene (chromosome their probable role in influencing tooth eruption.


Table 1. Some of the genetic loci or genes and molecules suspected to have a role in tooth eruption

Gene variants suspected to affect timing of nonsyndromic Molecules suspected to affect tooth eruption
tooth eruption (chromosome) (ref. no.)
Parathyroid hormone receptor-1 (chromosome 3) (12) Parathyroid-hormone-related protein

Adenosine kinase (chromosome 10) (20) Epidermal growth factor (13)

Ectodysplasin A (X chromosome) (44) Transforming growth factor-alpha (52)

Homeobox B (chromosome 12) (44) Colony-stimulating factor-1 (11)

RAD51B (chromosome 14) (44) Interleukin-1

rs 12424086 (chromosome 12) (21) Osteoclast differentiation factor, RANK (17)

rs 4491709 (chromosome 2) (21) Osteoprotegerin (17)

rs2281845 (chromosome 1) (21)

rs8079702 (chromosome 17) (44)

rs 4844096 (X chromosome) (44)

rs 9674544 (chromosome 17) (44)

ADKVCLAP3M1 (chromosome 10) (18)

MSRB3 (chromosome 12) (18)

HMGA (chromosome 12) (18)

BMP4 (chromosome 14) (18)

KCNJ2KCNJ16 (chromosome 17) (18)

FAM155E-EDA (X chromosome) (18)

Unfortunately, no data on periodontal conditions of

the individuals examined were presented. Further-
more, no functional insights into the effects of these
gene variants on tooth development could be iden-
tified in these studies.

Genetic influence on periodontitis

The concept of interindividual variability in the pre-
disposition to periodontal diseases has been sus-
pected at least over the last 4 decades (3). Studies on
twins estimate that half of the variance in the risk for
periodontitis is attributable to host genetic factors
(38). Expansion of knowledge of the host genome and
of the laboratory techniques for genetic analysis have
produced a wealth of evidence on genetic variants
affecting disease predisposition in the last decades.
Host genetic variants could potentially influence the
onset and progression of periodontal diseases by
affecting behavioral factors (such as oral-hygiene Fig. 2. Genetic pathways likely to have an effect on the
behaviors and/or smoking addiction), inflammatory development of periodontitis, segregated into broad mech-
and immune responses to microbial biofilms, wound anisms of action.

Influence of genetic factors on tooth eruption

healing and structural factors affecting the periodon- between the six main groups of matrix metallopro-
tium (see Fig. 2). As we stand, very few truths are set teinases and endogenous inhibitors, such as tissue
in stone in the periodontal genetic literature and, inhibitors of metalloproteinase, regulate periodontal
unlike other diseases, a consensus on a genetic risk tissue turnover. The levels of matrix metallopro-
profile is lacking. Single gene defects with a Men- teinases in periodontal tissues, gingival crevicular
delian pattern of transmission are responsible for a fluid and saliva may be one of the main processes
small subset of early-onset syndromic forms of peri- involved in controlling periodontal tissue destruction
odontitis (24). However, most cases of periodontitis (46). Genetic factors affecting matrix metallopro-
originate from an increased susceptibility profile (as a teinase activity could potentially predispose to exces-
result of the presence of a combination of common sive tissue breakdown and more advanced
gene variants) and its interaction with bacterial colo- periodontal destruction. Hence, considerable
nization and environmental factors (29). Linkage research effort has been invested in identifying
analyses, candidate gene analyses with case–control genetic variants in matrix metalloproteinase genes
designs and, more recently, genome-wide association that could lead to the onset and progression of peri-
studies have investigated genetic factors associated odontitis. However, limited evidence- mainly in Asian
with the periodontitis trait. The results have been populations- has been obtained to date (52). Essen-
affected by small sample sizes, inclusion of subjects tially, different genetic variants in different genes,
of different ethnicities and lack of focus on functional some common and others rare, are probably able to
single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Currently, single- predispose to periodontitis, although different ‘ge-
nucleotide polymorphisms in genes affecting the netic forms’ of periodontal diseases are not clinically
inflammatory and immune responses, such as inter- differentiable. A better understanding of the genetic
leukin-1, interleukin-6, human leukocyte antigen, factors predisposing to the formation of periodontal
vitamin D receptor, antisense noncoding RNA in the pockets may also help in diagnosis, as is the case
INK4 locus (also known as ANRIL) and cyclooxyge- for other dental diseases, such as amelogenesis
nase-2 perhaps offer the best evidence for association imperfecta, which is characterized by the forma-
with periodontitis (16, 28, 47, 50, 52, 53), although lar- tion of abnormal enamel. Amelogenesis imperfecta
ger, more definitive, studies in different populations is inherited as an autosomal-dominant, recessive,
are still lacking. These candidate variants affect the X-linked or sporadic trait caused by to defects involv-
response to the subgingival biofilm in the periodontal ing a variety of genes, such as amelogenin X, enam-
sulcus, thus predisposing to the loss of cellular conti- elin, distal-less homeobox 3, family with sequence
nuity in the junctional epithelium (Fig. 1D) and the similarity 83 Member H, matrix metalloproteinase-20,
subsequent pathogenic process leading to periodonti- kallikrein-related peptidase 4 and WD Repeat domain
tis. For example, commonly occurring interleukin-1 72 (25, 32, 59), which often result in similar clinical
and interleukin-6 single-nucleotide polymorphisms phenotypes. As more is known about the genetic nat-
and haplotypes have been associated with many dis- ure of amelogenesis imperfecta, genetic classifica-
eases, such as cardiovascular disease (26, 58), owing tions have been introduced (autosomal-dominant
to the effect of these gene variants on increasing pro- amelogenesis imperfecta, autosomal-recessive amel-
duction of these cytokines (interleukin-1 and inter- ogenesis imperfecta, X-linked amelogenesis imper-
leukin-6 respectively) (10, 19). This proinflammatory fecta and enamel abnormalities as part of a
state could predispose to a constitutively excessive syndrome), although phenotypic–genotypic correla-
inflammatory cascade, with the ability to lead to col- tions are not always good (12).
lateral periodontal tissue damage upon subgingival
bacterial insults, or to create an excessively ‘inflamed’
environment, which could, in turn, predispose to the The example of localized aggressive
growth of particularly pathogenic bacteria, such as periodontitis
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (41). Another
example is given by matrix metalloproteinases, which Localized aggressive periodontitis, previously known
are calcium-dependent zinc-containing endopepti- as localized juvenile periodontitis, is a rare form of
dases implicated in cell proliferation, collagen degra- destructive periodontal disease that affects young
dation and rupture of the extracellular matrix in individuals. Epidemiological studies suggest a preva-
physiological processes, such as tissue remodeling lence of localized aggressive periodontitis of less than
and embryonic development, but also in pathological 1% in the general population, with a higher incidence
conditions, such as periodontitis (46). A balance in African-American subjects (2, 36). Localized


aggressive periodontitis is unique among periodontal then stimulate re-activation of a periodontal cytome-
diseases as it has a very rapid progression but is con- galovirus infection, causing reduction in antibacterial
fined to specific teeth. Progressive attachment loss immune defenses and a disease-causing shift in the
and progression of some cases diagnosis of localized normal subgingival microbiota (51). Other authors
to generalized agressive periodontitis has been identified cementum hypoplasia using scanning elec-
reported (8). However, a 14- to 19-year follow-up tron microscopy in subjects with localized aggressive
study of 11 subjects with localized aggressive peri- periodontitis and observed a correlation between
odontitis, with no consistent maintenance therapy, hypoplastic areas and alveolar bone loss, suggesting
concluded that not all cases of localized aggressive that this could be responsible for weakness in the
periodontitis show progression, even in the absence attachment apparatus predisposing to early-onset
of therapy, suggesting possible ‘burn-out’ of the local- periodontal destruction (5, 35). They hypothesized
ized lesions (39). The characteristic severe periodon- that such cementum defects could be attributable to
tal attachment and bone loss on first molars and hereditary systemic factors. Similarly, aplasia and
incisors, with no destruction on neighboring teeth, hypoplasia were observed in teeth extracted from two
has long puzzled researchers. The pattern of destruc- patients with leukocyte-adhesion deficiency and
tion coincides with the sequence of eruption of per- early-onset periodontitis, suggesting that alterations
manent teeth (first molars and incisors are the first in cementum formation and maturation may play a
teeth to erupt) and is exemplified in the radiograph role in the etiology of early-onset periodontitis (60).
shown in Fig. 3, which demonstrates extensive alveo- As a result of the low prevalence of localized aggres-
lar bone loss localized to first molars and incisors in a sive periodontitis, genetic association studies in
16-year-old nonsmoking and medically healthy sub- patients with localized aggressive periodontitis are
ject of North African descent. It is interesting that pre- few and far between (23, 40, 47). In this context,
molars, and even second molars, show very little, if genetic factors affecting tooth eruption could poten-
any, signs of periodontitis-associated bone loss. Given tially be responsible for determining susceptibility to
the patterns of destruction, it is plausible that distur- colonization with specific periodontopathogenic bac-
bances of tooth eruption (for example, because of teria and periodontal tissue damage in a short period
hormonal disorders or colonization of the newly during tooth eruption. In other words, genetic vari-
formed gingival sulcus with specific bacteria) could ants that affect the timing of tooth eruption (as dis-
play an important role in the pathogenesis of local- cussed in previous paragraphs) could, in theory,
ized aggressive periodontitis. A strong association has predispose to localized aggressive periodontitis by
been found between the presence of A. actino- shifting tooth eruption to less-favorable times of host
mycetemcomitans subgingivally and active disease development. This, coupled with specific microbial
phases and the risk of periodontal disease progres- colonization occurring at the time of the formation of
sion (20). A possible role of cytomegalovirus infection the subgingival sulcus in the permanent teeth, could
during root formation (causing malformation of the be a determinant factor for the onset of localized
attachment apparatus) has been hypothesized as a aggressive periodontitis and perhaps even the gener-
possible cause of localized aggressive periodontitis alized form of aggressive periodontitis. However, at
(57). Hormonal changes at the time of puberty could this stage this remains in the realm of theory because
no published study has investigated associations
between the timing of tooth eruption or genetic vari-
ants affecting tooth maturation and localized aggres-
sive periodontitis or other more common forms of

Tooth eruption is characterized by the sequential
replacement of primary teeth with the permanent
Fig. 3. Dental panoramic tomogram of a 16-years-old non-
dentition. Microbes start colonizing the tooth surface
smoking patient of North African descent, showing the
typical features of radiographic bone loss of localized and the newly formed junctional epithelium immedi-
aggressive periodontitis, affecting first (upper and lower) ately upon eruption. Events occurring during tooth
molars and incisors. formation and eruption could predispose to such

Influence of genetic factors on tooth eruption

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