Pried: Same Beautiful

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Deepak Mishra

1. In 2018, the Supreme Court of India decriminalised homosexuality. Let’s imagine it’s
2045 and same-sex marriage is legalised. Think of an interesting name and tagline for
a dating app for the LGBTQIA community and design a logo for the same.

Concept Note

To think of an interesting name and tagline for a dating app in 2045 for the LGBTQIA
community and design a logo for the same.

For centuries, there has been a sense of frustration in the minds of the LGBTQIA
community due to everything they have gone through in this society. But now when
same-sex marriage is legalised, there is a sense of victory in them, they feel like finally,
they have won their rights backs, they have pried their rights back from the claws of a
stereotypical and cruel society, who has not been good to them for ages, and they want
to keep enjoying this victory forever. And with this, many of them are looking for a
dating app, to start exercising their rights openly. And since it’s 2045, society also now
conforms to the thought of same-sex relationships.

Creative idea:
We name our app something which gives them a sense of victory and reminds them of
how valuable this freedom is, to be in an open relationship with same-sex; At the same
time, it communicates to have pride not only for themselves but also for their loved
ones openly in 2045. It also clearly signals that this dating app is meant exclusively for
the LGBTQIA community.
We name our app

Pried is a past tense of the word pry. Pry means to get something with much
struggle. Pried is pronounced in a similar way as Pride.
LGBTQIA Pride means: Confidence, self-respect, and solidarity as expressed by
LGBTQIA people, associated with openness about one’s own sexual identity, and the
celebration of LGBTQIA culture and history.

Also, our tagline aptly captures their feeling for the same sex, with whom they are
seeking an open relationship.

Our tagline:

Same is beautiful
Our Logo:

2. The 2019 South-Korean film, Parasite took the world by storm by touching upon the
theme of the class and social divide which had universal resonance. Watch the film (if
you already haven’t) and write an alternative ending within 200 words.
While living in the basement, every afternoon Kim used to get flashbacks of the party
day. On a similar afternoon, while watching his face in the mirror, he saw how terrible
he looked now, and suddenly instead of his face, he started seeing the face of Geun-
se in the mirror. And at this moment he starts getting the flashback again where Geun-
se came running towards the garden with blood on his face, and on seeing Geun-se,
Da-song fainted. Suddenly he remembers his daughter telling him that Da-song’s first
seizure happened after he saw a ghost, he concluded Geun-se was the ghost for Da-
song, so seeing him again at the party triggered the attack. He realizes the power of
fear and decides to be the new ghost in the house where now new tenants were living.
The only difference between Geun-se and him was that he won’t be a ghost just for
the kid, but for the entire family, that too intentionally. He thought of exploiting this fear
well to keep himself alive.
With this, the story comes back to zero, back to the start, not the start of Kim's
journey, but the journey of staying alive as Geun-se.
3. Choose one person from the world of creativity who has inspired and shaped you in a
significant way. Write a reflective essay explaining this person has influenced you and
impacted your work, in not more than 300 words.

Kshitij Narain, most probably you haven't heard his name before, because he’s not
one of the heads of Ogilvy’s and McCann’s of the world like Piyush Pandey or
Prasoon Joshi. He’s the head of a young Creative agency based in Noida. He was
my Creative Director and my boss in the previous Ad agency where I worked.

I was a management student who was about to complete his BBA in 2019,
companies for placement had started coming in, I even got placed in a company
named Deloitte but my interest in writing and advertisement didn’t allow me to
accept the offer, I started applying to ad agencies but all of them wanted someone
with some experience, which I didn’t have; That’s when I saw this post on LinkedIn
by a person, who had won a Cannes award earlier, he had started up his own ad
agency a few years back and was looking for employees, so I contacted him, told
him everything, and he just gave me the opportunity. The person I am talking about
is Kshitij Narain. I still remember when I started working and did lots of mistakes,
instead of getting angry, he used to say “Koi dikkat nahi, sab seekh jaega.” And he
used to tell me where I went wrong. His calmness was something I always wanted
to learn.
Whenever I get out of ideas, one of his advice which always helps is to,
“Juxtapose two opposing thoughts to get to a good idea”.
Most of the basics I know, from how to approach a brief, to how to draft ideas, I
learned from him.
He always made me realize that I had much more ability in me than I thought I had,
which has not only helped me do consistently better in my work but also in my life.
4. Take a watch, a stapler, an eraser and photograph it. Then use the image to make a
single poster/print ad for Swiggy India to increase home delivery during upcoming
India-England Cricket Series.
5. This particular image by Charles Ebbets titled, “Lunch atop a Skyscraper”. Write down
5 different interpretations of the same with each being nor more than 100 words.

Interpretation 1:
As usual, they had their breakfast at home and took their lunches with them at work.
The only thing which was different that day was, they were to work on the tallest
building in New York. They were being paid for every minute they spent on the top, so
they decided not to come down even for the lunch. They ate their lunch, but little did
they know, the pillar they were sitting on was ages old, and its maintenance work was
never done. This picture turned out to be the last picture of these 11-construction

Interpretation 2:
The guy on the rightmost corner, paid for this picture to be captured and edited. He
wanted to show his wife the amount of hard work he does, and why he takes alcohol
to work; To calm his nerves. Though the real reason was his addiction. Also, he
wasn’t a construction worker but a drug dealer. He paid his friends to dress over and
act, to help him answer his wife’s question, “from where does he gets all the money?”.
But, even after getting paid, his friends at the leftmost corner couldn’t resist drugs,
even in the studio.
Interpretation 3:
The construction workers had heard enough from entrepreneurs about the risks they
take in making decisions while sitting in a cabin, with a coffee on the table, and the AC
regulating the temperature. These workers thought of capturing a picture which not
only proves to the corporates they were working for, but the entrepreneurs &
corporates of the world, that what taking a risk actually means, and who is the actual
risk-seeker, when they are sitting 800 feet above the ground with no table to keep
coffee, and no AC to regulate the temperature.

Interpretation 4:
A team of 20 construction workers was working on a skyscraper. Every day they came
down to have their lunch. Nine of them were too chaotic and were used to eating other
people’s lunches. The remaining eleven tried bringing the food which tasted awful,
but those 9 friends still didn’t care and kept eating other’s food. Since those eleven
friends didn’t feel it right to say on someone’s face that they don’t like sharing food, so
they decided to eat at a place where it wasn’t easy to share food, and what better
place than a pillar hanging 800 feet above the ground.

Interpretation 5:
A leather shoe brand wants to communicate to its target audience that they can rely
on its shoes for the grip and balance they desire. Another USP of this shoe is that it’s
very lightweight shoe. So, the leather shoe brand decides to shoot an ad picture
where construction workers are wearing and relying on its shoes for the balance they
need while working on the skyscraper, and even when they are sitting with their legs
in the air, they don’t feel like they are wearing anything and they are having their lunch
in a very carefree manner.

6. The air quality in Delhi is the worst of any major city in the world. According to various
reports, air pollution in India is estimated to kill about 2 million people every year.
Create an Instagram Filter to spread awareness about the perils of climate change.
The filter should be engaging enough to convince the viewer to try it and hence be
more aware of the reality.
We create an Instagram Augmented reality filter that automatically adds exaggerated
smog and a face mask when a person takes a selfie using the filter. It also adds a
heading “My Smogfie!”. This filter clearly signifies one of the problems caused by
pollution (i.e., Smog), and makes the public aware about the existence of an issue that
needs to be worked upon. Selfie is something which we see daily on Instagram
stories, it’s a common social behaviour, the Smogfie taps exactly that behaviour to
increase engagement. And those who want to make others aware of the issue can
also use this easily.
7. Write 1 Terribly Tiny Tale in not more than 140 characters. Ensure the story captures
conflict that one goes through adolescence.
Superhero Naveen is a young boy with a weird dressing sense for he likes pure white-
coloured dresses denoting purity. Naveen thinks he has a superpower, but which
actually is a weird power which no one wants to know, hear or even believe. It’s his
water purifying skills, he can drink the dirtiest of water and pee the purest of drinkable
water. Yes, you read it right, that’s what his superpower is.
Like every young fellow, he also wanted to be special, and he even is, and he has this
secret which he wants to share with everyone, to get that extra attention; but for all this
to happen, he needs to convince people about his powers, and to do that, he’ll have to
showcase his powers to them, but who wants to see it; “NO ONE” thought Naveen.

8. Create a 10-sec thumb stopper video to sensitise men not to pee on the road/in the
open, instead encourage them to use public toilets.
My Video link:
On YouTube:
On Google drive:
9. Complete the story with the following beginning and end in not more than 300 words;

When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and
now here I am in the middle of one.

It was autumn. I was sitting in this park where TikTokers used to come regularly to
make Tik Tok videos. I could watch them imitate Mirzapur dialogues while I was
waiting for someone on the park bench. She came. Her face was a magnificent piece
of art, my eyes were hooked. A tea-seller came by and asked “Would you like some
tea?” by the time I could respond, she replied, “Yes, for two.” I didn’t like tea, but when
she handed me a cup and looked at me while I sipped, it was the best tea I ever had.
Just then, it began to drizzle. And like every girl she had this purse of infinite things,
she pulled out an umbrella and opened it. I was still under the drizzle. “HAHA
ROFLMAO! Don’t be silly, come under the umbrella” she said. I too started laughing,
her laughter was infectious.
After a few minutes, she said “So Deepak…..”, reading her tone I sensed shit’s going
to fall.
“Who do you like?”
I felt like replying ‘you, a hundred times you.’ But just couldn’t, I just shrugged my
She asked, “Will you answer if I do first?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“I like you,” she said.
I dropped my cup.

The tea spilled over my hands. I quickly took out my handkerchief and started rubbing
my hands, and then I looked up, I didn’t find her. She disappeared; I don’t know where.
I tried finding her on the dark web but the only result was a BT. I tried thinking, where
could she be living. Then suddenly I hear the same sweet sound again,
“She lived in a place called imagination.”

It is not down on any map; true places never are.

10. How can you convince us that the submissions for all the above assignments are done
entirely by you, to the best of your abilities, without taking anyone else's help?

I can’t convince you that I haven’t taken anyone else’s help. Because I have, but
before I got the assignment. The knowledge that I used for completing the above
assignments is not something which I have built all by myself, it’s been built over time
with the help of many people, most important of them are my family, my teachers, my
previous boss, and my current boss.

Though I can say that the above assignments are done entirely by me, from
ideation to execution, to the best of my abilities, and to convince you regarding the
same I would quote Eben Pagan.

“You can’t convince anyone of anything. You can only give them the right
information so that they convince themselves.”

And that is exactly what I will try to do next, giving you the right information precisely
about why I won’t cheat and why I have completed all the above assignments all by
myself, to the best of my abilities.

I quit my management career for a creative job in the advertising industry, which paid
me extremely less only because I loved what I did and I had faith in myself and my
skills. Cheating in this exam would be like cheating with my faith and my belief in
myself. If I clear this exam it would strengthen my belief even more. But if I don’t clear
this exam, I won’t say that “Wins or losses don’t matter”, because I have this belief
that it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, until you lose; And after you lose, it will matter
more than ever, that is the reason why I can say that I have given my best in this
exam; Because it matters for me.

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