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During your turn, when you make a successful attack and gain Advantage, you may use a single

Manoeuvre you know to improve that attack’s effects or to gain an additional benefit during that
turn. Each Manoeuvre costs one or more Advantage to perform, which must be paid immediately. A
few Manoeuvres require Full Advantage, meaning that they cost all of the Advantage you possess,
but always at least the minimum amount listed.

Manoeuvre Description/Effect Cost

To Hit You may take +10 to hit the target per Advantage spent. 1+
This is included in the calculation for SLs for damage
Called Shot You may choose the location you hit on your target, 2
rather than rolling
Deep Cut When you inflict a Critical Hit, add +10 to the result on Full Advantage, 1+
the Critical Hit table for each point of Advantage you
Disengage You may freely disengage from the target. 1
Positioning You or your enemy move up to 2 yards after the attack, 1
without disengaging
Reload Immediately after the attack, immediately test to reload Full Advantage, 1+
the ranged weapon.
Trip The enemy is knocked prone. An opponent that is one 2 or 4
step larger costs double. You cannot trip creatures
more than 1 step larger.
Taunt Compare your attack roll to your Charm skill. If you 2
would succeed at a Charm test, then the enemy you
struck suffers a -20 to attack anyone other than you
until the start of your next turn.
Threaten Compare your attack roll to your Intimidate skill. If you 3
would succeed at an Intimidate test, then you now
cause Fear (1) to the opponent struck
Set-up Choose one ally who can see and hear you within 6 2
yards; they immediately gain 1 Advantage
Swift Attack You may immediately make a second attack. Full Advantage, 4+
Deadly Blow Your attack immediately inflicts a Critical Hit. Full Advantage 4+

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