Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0

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Flight Plan Template Guide 2.

Update 30 July 2017

Professional Flight Planner X (PFPX) allows users to create custom Operational Flight Plan (OFP) formats in a pretty straight-
forward and easy way. Formats are stored in plain text a simple Text File (*.txt). Fields and sections can be used to
t create custom
flight plan formats.

Note: This Flight Plan Template Guide replaces and includes previous Template Guides.

The template files are located in \\Documents
Documents\PFPX Data\FlightplanTemplates.. The default template is stored in the PFPX.txt
file.. We highly recommend to leave this file unchanged and to create a new one. Onc Once
e a new text file is created in this directory, a
new drop down item appears on the Results/OFP/Format ribbon dropdown box.
Best practice to create new layouts is to calculate a flight and to keep the text file open in parallel with PFPX. Once changes
chang in the
text file are saved, just re-select
select the appropriate format in PFPX and the changes are shown immediately.
The default PFPX.txt template file contains most of the fields and sections available and can be used for consultation if questions

Note: A flight plan template file should also contain sections for re
dispatch and ETOPS planning

The template file itself consists of text, sections and fields. A field or a section must be encapsulated between <& And >. A field
showing trip fuel would be <&TripFuel>. Depending in the type of the field some formating can be done using parameters.
As <&TripFuel> is a field of the type ‘Weight’, we can add a parameter to adjust the appearance of the field:

<&TripFuel[0]> 37491
<&TripFuel[1]> +37491
<&TripFuel[2]> 37.5


Fields can also be adjusted in length to obtain the desired layout by adding a parameter. E.g. <&TripFuel[1]:10> would force the
field to be 10 characters long. Any other numerical value can bbe used to adjust field length.

The alignment of a field can be adjusted by adding one of the following parameters:
/L Text aligned to the left
/C Text centered
/R Text aligned to the right

By default, Text fields are aligned to the left, Weight/Time fields are aligned to the right. E.g. to right align a field, the following
coding can be used: <&RouteName/R>
Length, parameter and alignment data can be combined. E.g. <&TripTime[2]:10/R> would be Trip Time with parameter 2 (Format
hh:mm) with a length off 10 characters aligned to the right.

Sections are only shown if special conditions are met. E.g. the Section ‘EROPS’ is only shown if the flight is planned using the
Extened Range (EROPS) option. If the flight is planned without EROPS, the sectio
sectionn is removed from the final flight plan.
A section always begins with the section name followed by ‘_Begin’ and end with the section name folowed by ‘_End’. For
example a section only shown for EROPSS flights could look like this:


© FlightSimSoft.com Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0 / Update 2017 1/22

Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0
Update 30 July 2017

Field types
Fields are assigned a certain ‘type’ allowing special formats to be applied. The following field types are available:

Special fields
Some special fields are available for formatting purpose
WU[0] KG or LB Weight units (short)
WU[1] KILOGRAMS or POUNDS Weight units (long)
AU[0] FT or M Altitude units (short)
AU[1] FEET or METER Altitude units (long)
NewPage Begin a new page (For printing only)
# Special formatting field ((E.g. <&#[2]:30> causes the field to begin at the 30st character from left
(line feed) and ensures that two characters left of the field are blank

Weight / Fuel fields

Weight or Fuel type fields indicate a weight in either Kilograms (KG) or Pounds (LBS)
(LBS),, depending on the aircraft weight unit
settings.Conversion is done automatically by PFPX.

The following formatting parameters can be used:

[0] 37491 Weight in KG or LB
[1] +37491 Weight in KG or LB with preceeding '+' or ''-'
[2] 37.5 Weight in 1000s of KG or LB
[3] +37.5 Weight in 1000s of KG or LB with preceeding '+' or ''-'
[4] 37.5 Weight format depending on total fuel capacity
(up to 10000 KG OR LB XXXXXX, above 10000 KG OR LB XXX.X)
[5] THREE SEVEN FOUR NINER ONE Weight in words
[6] 0037491 Weight in KG or LB with leading zeros
[7] 0000375 Weight in 100s of KG or LB with leading zeros
[8] 37500 Weight in KG or LB rounded up to the next 100 KG/LB
[9] 037.491 Weight in KG or LB with leading zeros including separator
[10] 037.500 Weight in KG or LB rounded up to the next 100 KG/LB with leading zeros including

Time fields
[0] 08:07 Time in hh:mm
[1] 0807 Time in hhmm
[2] 08.07 Time in hh.mm
[3] 8:07 Time in h:mm
[4] 8.07 Time in h.mm
[5] 08/07 Time in hh/mm
[6] 8/07 Time in h/mm
[7] :15 Time in hh:mm or mm only, if less than 60 minutes
[8] 15 Time in hh.mm or :mm only, if less than 60 minutes
[9] .15 Time in hh.mm or .mm only, if less than 60 minutes
[10] 08+07 Time in hh+mm

Date fields
[0] 06May2013
[1] Mon 6 May 2013
[2] Mon, 6 May
[3] 06 May 2013
[4] 06 May/10:35
[5] 06May
[6] 2013/05/06
[7] 06-05-13

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Update 30 July 2017

[8] 06 May
[9] 06 May 10:35
[10] 06 May 1035
[11] 13/06/05
[12] 06 May 13
[13] 06 May
[14] 06May 2013
[15] 06052013103520
[16] 05/06/13
[17] 061035
[18] 06/May 10:35
[19] 06May/10:35
[20] 06
[21] May
[22] 2013
[23] 13 (2-digit year)

Airport fields
[0] LOWS ICAO code
[1] SZG IATA code (if available)
IATA code (if available)
[3] SALZBURG Airport name
[4] (Info) Airport General Information as set in Airport record or ‘NIL’ if empty

[0] N35 34.2
[1] N35° 34’ 12.54
[2] N3534.2
[3] 3534N

Available fields
The following fields are presently
sently available in PFPX. Field codes may be adjusted and/or new ones added. Please make sure you
are using the latest version of PFPX and this document.

Data fields

Add1Fuel Weight
Add1FuelCaption Text
Add1Time Time
Add2Fuel Weight
Add2FuelCaption Text
Add2Time Time
AddCruiseSpeed Section
AdditionalFuel Weight
AdditionalFuelCaption Text
AdditionalFuelSection Section
AdditionalTime Time
Adults Text
AircraftOpsData Section

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AircraftRemarks Section
AircraftType Text
AircraftTypeATC Text
AircraftTypeLong Text
AircraftTypeShort Text
AirDist Distance
Alternate1 Section
Alternate2 Section
Alternate3 Section
Alternate4 Section
AlternateFuel Weight
AlternateFuelCaption Text
AlternateFuelSection Section
Alternates Section
AlternatesAvailable Section
AlternateTime Time
Altitude Altitude
Altitude1 Altitude
Altitude2 Altitude
Altn1 Text
Altn1AirDist Text
Altn1Contact1 Section
Altn1Contact1_Address Section
Altn1Contact1_Email Section
Altn1Contact1_Phone Section
Altn1Contact1_Radio Section
Altn1Contact1_Type Section
Altn1Contact2 Section
Altn1Contact2_Address Section
Altn1Contact2_Email Section
Altn1Contact2_Phone Section
Altn1Contact2_Radio Section
Altn1Contact2_Type Section
Altn1Contact3 Section
Altn1Contact3_Address Section
Altn1Contact3_Email Section
Altn1Contact3_Phone Section
Altn1Contact3_Radio Section
Altn1Contact3_Type Section
Altn1Dist Text
Altn1Elev Text
Altn1EnrouteGPSRaim Section
Altn1ETA Time
Altn1FinResFuel Weight
Altn1FL Text

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Update 30 July 2017

Altn1FuelContact Section
Altn1FuelContact_Address Section
Altn1FuelContact_Email Section
Altn1FuelContact_Phone Section
Altn1FuelContact_Radio Section
Altn1FuelContact_Type Section
Altn1GridMORA Text
Altn1HoldFuel Weight
Altn1HoldTime Time
Altn1Latitude Text
Altn1Longitude Text
Altn1RouteRemarks Text
Altn1Rwy Text
Altn1Time Time
Altn1Track Text
Altn1TripFuel Weight
Altn1TripFuelDiff Weight
Altn1TripTime Time
Altn1TripTimeDiff Time
Altn1VerticalProfile Text
Altn1WindComp Text
Altn2 Text
Altn2AirDist Text
Altn2Contact1 Section
Altn2Contact1_Address Section
Altn2Contact1_Email Section
Altn2Contact1_Phone Section
Altn2Contact1_Radio Section
Altn2Contact1_Type Section
Altn2Contact2 Section
Altn2Contact2_Address Section
Altn2Contact2_Email Section
Altn2Contact2_Phone Section
Altn2Contact2_Radio Section
Altn2Contact2_Type Section
Altn2Contact3 Section
Altn2Contact3_Address Section
Altn2Contact3_Email Section
Altn2Contact3_Phone Section
Altn2Contact3_Radio Section
Altn2Contact3_Type Section
Altn2Dist Text
Altn2Elev Text
Altn2EnrouteGPSRaim Section
Altn2ETA Time
Altn2FinResFuel Weight

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Update 30 July 2017

Altn2FL Text
Altn2FuelContact Section
Altn2FuelContact_Address Section
Altn2FuelContact_Email Section
Altn2FuelContact_Phone Section
Altn2FuelContact_Radio Section
Altn2FuelContact_Type Section
Altn2GridMORA Text
Altn2HoldFuel Weight
Altn2HoldTime Time
Altn2Latitude Text
Altn2Longitude Text
Altn2RouteRemarks Text
Altn2Rwy Text
Altn2Time Time
Altn2Track Text
Altn2TripFuel Weight
Altn2TripFuelDiff Weight
Altn2TripTime Time
Altn2TripTimeDiff Time
Altn2VerticalProfile Text
Altn2WindComp Text
Altn3 Text
Altn3AirDist Text
Altn3Contact1 Section
Altn3Contact1_Address Section
Altn3Contact1_Email Section
Altn3Contact1_Phone Section
Altn3Contact1_Radio Section
Altn3Contact1_Type Section
Altn3Contact2 Section
Altn3Contact2_Address Section
Altn3Contact2_Email Section
Altn3Contact2_Phone Section
Altn3Contact2_Radio Section
Altn3Contact2_Type Section
Altn3Contact3 Section
Altn3Contact3_Address Section
Altn3Contact3_Email Section
Altn3Contact3_Phone Section
Altn3Contact3_Radio Section
Altn3Contact3_Type Section
Altn3Dist Text
Altn3Elev Text
Altn3EnrouteGPSRaim Section
Altn3ETA Time

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Update 30 July 2017

Altn3FinResFuel Weight
Altn3FL Text
Altn3FuelContact Section
Altn3FuelContact_Address Section
Altn3FuelContact_Email Section
Altn3FuelContact_Phone Section
Altn3FuelContact_Radio Section
Altn3FuelContact_Type Section
Altn3GridMORA Text
Altn3HoldFuel Weight
Altn3HoldTime Time
Altn3Latitude Text
Altn3Longitude Text
Altn3RouteRemarks Text
Altn3Rwy Text
Altn3Time Time
Altn3Track Text
Altn3TripFuel Weight
Altn3TripFuelDiff Weight
Altn3TripTime Time
Altn3TripTimeDiff Time
Altn3VerticalProfile Text
Altn3WindComp Text
Altn4 Text
Altn4AirDist Text
Altn4Contact1 Section
Altn4Contact1_Address Section
Altn4Contact1_Email Section
Altn4Contact1_Phone Section
Altn4Contact1_Radio Section
Altn4Contact1_Type Section
Altn4Contact2 Section
Altn4Contact2_Address Section
Altn4Contact2_Email Section
Altn4Contact2_Phone Section
Altn4Contact2_Radio Section
Altn4Contact2_Type Section
Altn4Contact3 Section
Altn4Contact3_Address Section
Altn4Contact3_Email Section
Altn4Contact3_Phone Section
Altn4Contact3_Radio Section
Altn4Contact3_Type Section
Altn4Dist Text
Altn4Elev Text
Altn4EnrouteGPSRaim Section

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Update 30 July 2017

Altn4ETA Time
Altn4FinResFuel Weight
Altn4FL Text
Altn4FuelContact Section
Altn4FuelContact_Address Section
Altn4FuelContact_Email Section
Altn4FuelContact_Phone Section
Altn4FuelContact_Radio Section
Altn4FuelContact_Type Section
Altn4GridMORA Text
Altn4HoldFuel Weight
Altn4HoldTime Time
Altn4Latitude Text
Altn4Longitude Text
Altn4RouteRemarks Text
Altn4Rwy Text
Altn4Time Time
Altn4Track Text
Altn4TripFuel Weight
Altn4TripFuelDiff Weight
Altn4TripTime Time
Altn4TripTimeDiff Time
Altn4VerticalProfile Text
Altn4WindComp Text
AltnNone Text
AltnNoneAirDist Text
AltnNoneDist Text
AltnNoneEnrouteGPSRaim Section
AltnNoneETA Time
AltnNoneFinResFuel Weight
AltnNoneFL Text
AltnNoneGridMORA Text
AltnNoneHoldFuel Weight
AltnNoneHoldTime Time
AltnNoneLatitude Text
AltnNoneLongitude Text
AltnNoneRouteRemarks Text
AltnNoneRwy Text
AltnNoneTime Time
AltnNoneTrack Text
AltnNoneTripFuel Weight
AltnNoneTripFuelDiff Weight
AltnNoneTripTime Time
AltnNoneTripTimeDiff Time
AltnNoneVerticalProfile Text

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AltnNoneWindComp Text
ApproachGPSRaim Section
ArrivalDate Date
ArrivalFuel Weight
ArrivalFuelCaption Text
ArrivalTime Time
AvblDelayFuel Weight
AvblDelayTime Time
AvCruiseFF Weight
AvFF Weight
AvgFuelFlow Weight
AvgWind Text
Awy Text
Baggage Weight
BallastFuel Weight
BallastFuelCaption Text
BallastFuelSection Section
BlockHourCost Weight
BurnToGo Weight
Cargo Weight
Children Text
Class2Entry Section
Class2Exit Section
ClimbIdent Section
ClimbSpeed Text
CompanyNOTAMs Section
Configuration Text
ContingencyFuel Weight
ContingencyFuelCaption Text
ContingencyFuelSection Section
ContingencyTime Time
Crew1 Text
Crew2 Text
Crew3 Text

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Deadload Weight
DelayCost Weight
DepartureDate Date
DepRwy Text
DescentIdent Section
DescentSpeed Text
DestPNR Section
DestRwy Text
DispatcherContact Text
DispatcherID Text
DistAcc Distance
DistRem Distance
DOW Weight
EET Time
EmergFuel10 Weight
EmergFuel15 Weight
EmergFuel20 Weight
EmergFuel25 Weight
EmergFuel30 Weight
EmergFuel35 Weight
EmergFuel40 Weight
EngineType Text
EnrouteAlternate Section
EnrouteAltn Airport
EnrouteAltnEarliest Text
EnrouteAltnElev Text
EnrouteAltnLatest Text
EnrouteGPSRaim Section
EROPSFuel Weight
EROPSFuelCaption Text
EROPSFuelSection Section
EROPSName Text
EROPSSection Section
EstimatedLandingTime Time
EstimatedLandingTimeLocal Time
EstimatedTakeOffTime Time
EstimatedTakeOffTimeLocal Time
ETA Time
ETADate Date
ETALocal Time
ETD Time

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ETDDate Date
ETDLocal Time
ETO Time
ETOPSEntry Section
ETOPSExit Section
ETPIncludesMissedApproach Section
ETPNoDiversionTimeLimit Section
ETPWithDiversionTimeLimit Section
ExtraFuel Weight
ExtraFuelCaption Text
ExtraFuelSection Section
ExtraTime Time
Females Text
FinalCruiseAlt Altitude
FinalReserveFuel Weight
FinalReserveFuelCaption Text
FinalReserveFuelSection Section
FinalReserveTime Time
FIRChange Section
FirstClass2Entry Section
FirstETOPSEntry Section
FixETA Time
FixFreq Text
FlightHourCost Weight
FlightNr Text
ForcedTanker Section
ForInfoOnly Section
FPDist Distance
From Airport
FromContact1 Section
FromContact1_Address Section
FromContact1_Email Section
FromContact1_Phone Section
FromContact1_Radio Section
FromContact1_Type Section
FromContact2 Section
FromContact2_Address Section
FromContact2_Email Section
FromContact2_Phone Section
FromContact2_Radio Section
FromContact2_Type Section

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Update 30 July 2017

FromContact3 Section
FromContact3_Address Section
FromContact3_Email Section
FromContact3_Phone Section
FromContact3_Radio Section
FromContact3_Type Section
FromElev Altitude
FromFuelContact Section
FromFuelContact_Address Section
FromFuelContact_Email Section
FromFuelContact_Phone Section
FromFuelContact_Radio Section
FromFuelContact_Type Section
FromUTCDiff Time
FuelAlternate Airport
FuelBurnCost Weight
FuelCapacity Weight
FuelFlow Text
FuelPolicy Text
FuelPolicyRemarks Text
FuelRemaining Weight
FuelUsed Weight
GCDist Distance
GridMORA Altitude
GS Text
HasCRP Section
HasCTOT Section
HasETP Section
HasETPEntryOrExit Section
HasNoCRP Section
HasNoCTOT Section
HasNoETP Section
HasNoETPEntryOrExit Section
HighestGridMORA Altitude
HighestGridMORAWaypoint Text
HoldFuel Weight
HoldFuelCaption Text
HoldFuelSection Section
HoldTime Time
IfAdd1FuelSection Section
IfAdd2FuelSection Section
IfDomestic Section
IfExtraFuel Section

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Update 30 July 2017

IfInternational Section
IfLongrange Section
IfNextLeg Section
IfNoExtraFuel Section
IfOther Section
IfRedispatchAdditionalFuel Section
Infants Text
InflightAPU Section
InflightAPUDepToExit Section
InflightAPUEntryToExit Section
InitCruiseAlt Altitude
InvalidPNR Section
IsCostIndex Section
IsDep Section
IsDepDest Section
IsDest Section
IsEnroute Section
IsFixedSpeed Section
IsMach Section
Isolated Section
IsPNR Section
IsPolarSection Section
LandingFuel Weight
LandingTime Time
LastClass2Exit Section
LastETOPSExit Section
LDG_AirCond Text
LDG_AntiIce Text
LDG_Data Section
LDG_LimitCode Text
LDG_Pressure Text
LDG_Runway Text
LDG_RunwayCond Text
LDG_RunwayLength Weight
LDG_Temperature Text
LDG_Weight Weight
LDG_Wind Text
LDW Weight
LegDist Text
LegTime Text
LegWindComp Text
LimMTOW Weight

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Update 30 July 2017

LSALT Altitude
Males Text
MaxAllowZFW Weight
MaxAlt Altitude
MaxDiversionDist Text
MaxDiversionTime Text
MaxExtraFuel Weight
MaxExtraFuelLimit Text
MaxFuel Weight
MaxPax Text
MaxPayload Weight
MaxShear Section
MaxShearAltitude Text
MaxShearWaypoint Text
MaxTaxiWeight Weight
MELCDLBiasSection Section
MELCDLFuel Weight
MELCDLFuelCaption Text
MELCDLFuelSection Section
MELHasMultipleItems Section
MELItems Section
MELItemsCount Text
MH Text
MinAltnLandingAddFuel Weight
MinAltnLandingAddFuelSection Section
MinAltnLandingAddTime Time
MinAltnLandingCaption Text
MinContingencyFuel Weight
MinContingencyTime Time
MinFlightW Weight
MinFlightWeightAddFuel Weight
MinFlightWeightFuelCaption Text
MinFlightWeightFuelSection Section
MinFuelRemaining Weight
MinLandingAddFuel Weight
MinLandingAddFuelSection Section
MinLandingAddTime Time
MinLandingCaption Text
MinReleaseFuel Weight
MinReleaseFuelCaption Text
MinReleaseTime Time
MinReserveFuel Weight
MinReserveTime Time
MinTakeOffFuel Weight
MinTakeOffFuelCaption Text

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MinTakeOffTime Time
MLDW Weight
MRW Weight
MsgToCrew Section
MT Text
MTOW Weight
MZFW Weight
NewPage Text
NextCruiseAltitude Altitude
NextFixIdent Text
NextLeg Text
NextLegDest Text
NextLegDist Distance
NextLegFuel Weight
NextLegFuelMax Section
NextLegTime Time
NextSubSeqFixIdent Text
No_LDG_Data Section
No_TO_Data Section
NoAircraftOpsData Section
NoAircraftRemarks Section
NoAlternate Section
NoCompanyNOTAMs Section
NoMELItems Section
NoMsgToCrew Section
NoNextLegFuel Section
NoPNR Section
NoRedispatchAlternate Section
NoRedispatchSection Section
NoTankerSavings Section
OceanicEntry Section
OceanicExit Section
OceanicFix Section
OceanicSection Section
PaxCost Weight
PaxWeight Weight
Payload Weight
PerformanceSection Section
PFPXVersion Text
PIC Text
PlannedEET Time
PlanningDate Date
PlanningTime Time
PNR Section
PNRApt Airport
PNRAptLatitude Text

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PNRAptLongitude Text
PNRCruiseAlt Text
PNRDistFromDepToFix Text
PNRFuelRemaining Text
PNRFuelReq Text
PNRFuelUsed Text
PNRHold Section
PNRHoldFuel Text
PNRHoldTime Text
PNRTripFuel Text
PNRTripTime Text
PNRWindComp Text
RedispatchAdditionalFuel Weight
RedispatchAdditionalFuelCaption Text
RedispatchAdditionalFuelSection Section
RedispatchAdditionalTime Time
RedispatchAlternate Section
RedispatchAlternateFuel Weight
RedispatchAlternateFuelCaption Text
RedispatchAlternateTime Time
RedispatchAltn Airport
RedispatchAltnContact1 Section
RedispatchAltnContact1_Address Section
RedispatchAltnContact1_Email Section
RedispatchAltnContact1_Phone Section
RedispatchAltnContact1_Radio Section
RedispatchAltnContact1_Type Section
RedispatchAltnContact2 Section
RedispatchAltnContact2_Address Section
RedispatchAltnContact2_Email Section
RedispatchAltnContact2_Phone Section
RedispatchAltnContact2_Radio Section
RedispatchAltnContact2_Type Section
RedispatchAltnContact3 Section
RedispatchAltnContact3_Address Section
RedispatchAltnContact3_Email Section
RedispatchAltnContact3_Phone Section
RedispatchAltnContact3_Radio Section
RedispatchAltnContact3_Type Section
RedispatchAltnDist Text
RedispatchAltnElev Text
RedispatchAltnFL Text
RedispatchAltnFuelContact Section
RedispatchAltnFuelContact_Address Section

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RedispatchAltnFuelContact_Email Section
RedispatchAltnFuelContact_Phone Section
RedispatchAltnFuelContact_Radio Section
RedispatchAltnFuelContact_Type Section
RedispatchAltnHoldFuel Weight
RedispatchAltnHoldFuelSection Section
RedispatchAltnHoldTime Time
RedispatchAltnRoute Text
RedispatchAltnRwy Text
RedispatchAltnTripFuel Text
RedispatchAltnTripTime Text
RedispatchAltnVerticalProfile Text
RedispatchAltnWindComp Text
RedispatchAptExtraFuel Weight
RedispatchAptExtraTime Time
RedispatchBurnFromDepToFix Weight
RedispatchBurnFromDepToRedispatchApt Weight
RedispatchBurnFromFixToDest Weight
RedispatchBurnFromFixToRedispatchApt Weight
RedispatchContact1 Section
RedispatchContact1_Address Section
RedispatchContact1_Email Section
RedispatchContact1_Phone Section
RedispatchContact1_Radio Section
RedispatchContact1_Type Section
RedispatchContact2 Section
RedispatchContact2_Address Section
RedispatchContact2_Email Section
RedispatchContact2_Phone Section
RedispatchContact2_Radio Section
RedispatchContact2_Type Section
RedispatchContact3 Section
RedispatchContact3_Address Section
RedispatchContact3_Email Section
RedispatchContact3_Phone Section
RedispatchContact3_Radio Section
RedispatchContact3_Type Section
RedispatchContingencyFuel Weight
RedispatchContingencyFuelCaption Text
RedispatchContingencyFuelSection Section
RedispatchContingencyTime Time
RedispatchDestDist Text
RedispatchDestElev Text
RedispatchDestHoldFuel Weight
RedispatchDestHoldFuelSection Section

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RedispatchDestHoldTime Time
RedispatchDestination Airport
RedispatchDestLatitude Text
RedispatchDestLongitude Text
RedispatchDestRwy Text
RedispatchDestVerticalProfile Text
RedispatchDestWindComp Text
RedispatchDistFromDepToFix Text
RedispatchDistFromDepToInitDest Text
RedispatchDistFromFixToDest Text
RedispatchDistFromFixToInitDest Text
RedispatchEnrouteAltn Airport
RedispatchExtraFuel Weight
RedispatchExtraTime Time
RedispatchFinalReserveFuel Weight
RedispatchFinalReserveFuelCaption Text
RedispatchFinalReserveFuelSection Section
RedispatchFinalReserveTime Time
RedispatchFix Text
RedispatchFixFuelRemaining Weight
RedispatchFuelContact Section
RedispatchFuelContact_Address Section
RedispatchFuelContact_Email Section
RedispatchFuelContact_Phone Section
RedispatchFuelContact_Radio Section
RedispatchFuelContact_Type Section
RedispatchFuelDiff Weight
RedispatchFuelRequiredFromDepToRedispatchApt Weight
RedispatchFuelRequiredFromFixToDestination Weight
RedispatchFuelRequiredFromFixToRedispatchApt Weight
RedispatchLandingFuel Weight
RedispatchLDW Weight
RedispatchMinReleaseFuel Weight
RedispatchMinReleaseTime Time
RedispatchMinTakeOffFuel Weight
RedispatchMinTakeOffTime Time
RedispatchNavLog Section
RedispatchOverweight Section
RedispatchPlanTakeOffFuel Weight
RedispatchPlanTakeOffTime Time
RedispatchReleaseFuel Weight
RedispatchReleaseFuelCaption Text
RedispatchReleaseTime Time
RedispatchSection Section
RedispatchTimeFromDepToFix Time
RedispatchTimeFromDepToRedispatchApt Time

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Update 30 July 2017

RedispatchTimeFromFixToDest Time
RedispatchTimeFromFixToRedispatchApt Time
Registration Text
ReleaseFuel Weight
ReleaseFuelCaption Text
ReleaseTime Time
Remarks Section
RemoveAtBeginning Section
RemoveAtEnd Section
Required_Alternate1 Section
Required_Alternate2 Section
RouteCost Weight
RouteName Text
RouteRemarks Text
RW Weight
SavingsAmount Weight
ScheduledEET Time
ScheduledLandingTime Time
ScheduledLandingTimeLocal Time
ScheduledTakeOffTime Time
ScheduledTakeOffTimeLocal Time
ScheduledTripTime Time
SegmentBurn Text
SET Time
SETDiff Time
SID Text
SpeedChange Section
STA Time
STALocal Time
STD Time
STDLocal Time
StructMLDW Weight
StructMTOW Weight
TailNr Text
TakeOffAlternate Section
TakeOffFuel Weight
TakeOffFuelCaption Text
TakeOffTime Time
TankerAmount Weight
TankerFuel Weight
TankerFuelCaption Text
TankerFuelSection Section

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Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0
Update 30 July 2017

TankerGain Section
TankerLoss Section
TankerNotAvail Section
TankerSavingsGain Section
TankerSavingsLoss Section
TankerTime Time
TAS Text
TaxiFuelCaption Text
TaxiInFuel Weight
TaxiInTime Time
TaxiOutFuel Weight
TaxiOutTime Time
TH Text
ThresholdTime Text
TimeEllapsed Text
TimeRem Time
To Airport
TO_AirCond Text
TO_AntiIce Text
TO_Data Section
TO_LimitCode Text
TO_Pressure Text
TO_Runway Text
TO_RunwayCond Text
TO_RunwayLength Weight
TO_Temperature Text
TO_Thrust Text
TO_ThrustSetting Text
TO_ThrustUnits Text
TO_V1 Text
TO_V1Range Text
TO_V2 Text
TO_VR Text
TO_Weight Weight
TO_Wind Text
TOAltn Airport
TOAltnDist Distance
TOAltnElev Text
TOCIdent Section
ToContact1 Section
ToContact1_Address Section
ToContact1_Email Section
ToContact1_Phone Section
ToContact1_Radio Section

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Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0
Update 30 July 2017

ToContact1_Type Section
ToContact2 Section
ToContact2_Address Section
ToContact2_Email Section
ToContact2_Phone Section
ToContact2_Radio Section
ToContact2_Type Section
ToContact3 Section
ToContact3_Address Section
ToContact3_Email Section
ToContact3_Phone Section
ToContact3_Radio Section
ToContact3_Type Section
TOCSection Section
TOCTropopause Altitude
TOCWind Text
TODIdent Section
TODSection Section
ToElev Altitude
ToFuelContact Section
ToFuelContact_Address Section
ToFuelContact_Email Section
ToFuelContact_Phone Section
ToFuelContact_Radio Section
ToFuelContact_Type Section
TotalCost Weight
TotalPax Text
TotalPaxWithInfants Text
ToUTCDiff Time
TOW Weight
TransCoeff Text
TripFuel Weight
TripFuelCaption Text
TripFuelCorrection1000Above Text
TripFuelCorrection1000Below Weight
TripFuelCorrection2000Below Weight
TripFuelCorrectionAddCruiseSpeed Text
TripFuelCorrectionHigher Weight
TripFuelCorrectionHigherWeight Weight
TripFuelCorrectionLower Weight
TripFuelCorrectionLowerWeight Weight
TripTime Time
TripTime1000Above Text

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Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0
Update 30 July 2017

TripTime1000Below Time
TripTime2000Below Time
TripTimeAddCruiseSpeed Text
TripTimeDiff1000Above Text
TripTimeDiff1000Below Time
TripTimeDiff2000Below Time
TripTimeDiffAddCruiseSpeed Text
TripTimeDiffHigher Time
TripTimeDiffLower Time
TripTimeHigher Time
TripTimeLower Time
Tropopause Altitude
TT Text
Underload Weight
UnderloadLimit Text
WCA Text
WearAndTearCost Weight
Weight Weight
Wind Text
WindDataBlock Section
WindDataOutdated Section
WindPrognosis Date
WindPrognosisTime Time
ZFW Weight

© FlightSimSoft.com Flight Plan Template Guide 2.0 / Update 2017 22/22

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