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October 26, 2010 – Kikuoka Mercure Golf Club

What’s New in HCM Talent Management?

An introduction to the latest features
delivered with Enhancement Package 4 & 5!

Werner Smeets
Your logo Project Manager

1. Who’s Flexso?
Your logo
2. Introduction SAP HCM Talent Management

3. The new face of Talent Management with SAP ERP HCM

• E-Recruiting
• Enterprise Learning
• Performance Management
• Managing & Developing Talent

4. Highlights of Enhancement Package 5

5. Summary

© SAP 2010 / Page 2


1. Who’s Flexso?
Your logo
2. Introduction SAP HCM Talent Management

3. The new face of Talent Management with SAP ERP HCM

• E-Recruiting
• Enterprise Learning
• Performance Management
• Managing & Developing Talent

4. Highlights of Enhancement Package 5

5. Summary

© SAP 2010 / Page 3

Who’s Flexso?

Flexso has become one of the most successful local SAP partners with
a team of over 85 SAP experts in Belgium & Luxemburg

Our Mission is to help our customers to optimize business processes in

HR, finance, sales & supply chain by providing up-to-date expertise in
new SAP solutions & technologies

SAP implementation & Education Partner

 Silver Partner for SAP HCM & NetWeaver
 Associate Partner for SAP BI/BO & Financials

More info:

© SAP 2010 / Page 4

Who’s Flexso?

SAP NetWeaver
Portals / KM / Java / Web Dynpro / Adobe / ABAP / etc.

SAP Business Intelligence

SAP BI / Business Objects / CPM

ERP (R/3)  and beyond (ECC)

HR  HRM, e-HR
Sales  CRM
Logistics  SRM, e-procurement
Finance  FSCM

SAP Foundation
ProcessIntegration (PI / SOA / WAS / etc.)
System Management (BC / Security / etc.)

© SAP 2010 / Page 5


1. Who’s Flexso?
Your logo
2. Introduction SAP HCM Talent Management

3. The new face of Talent Management with SAP ERP HCM

• E-Recruiting
• Enterprise Learning
• Performance Management
• Managing & Developing Talent

4. Highlights of Enhancement Package 5

5. Summary

© SAP 2010 / Page 6

Integrated Talent Management
with SAP HCM

The SAP Advantage

•Integration across SAP

HCM Talent Management
One organic solution with one
point of entry and one
common set of data

•Integration with other Talent

SAP HCM Processes Management
Maximum reuse of the with SAP
existing HR investment
•Integration with SAP
Business Suite
Cross-enterprise integration
to provide HR data
throughout business

© SAP 2010 / Page 7


1. Who’s Flexso?
Your logo
2. Introduction SAP HCM Talent Management

3. The new face of Talent Management with SAP ERP HCM

• E-Recruiting
• Enterprise Learning
• Performance Management
• Managing & Developing Talent

4. Highlights of Enhancement Package 5

5. Summary

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Overview new features

 Enhanced requisition monitoring for Managers
 New portal role for Recruiters & Recruiting Administrators
 New functionalities for Candidates

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Requisition Monitoring

Requisition and candidate tracking

 All involved requisitions
 All shortlisted candidates for these requisitions
 Direct access to assigned tasks: questionnaires,
interviews, etc

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Recruiter Portal

Requisition management
 Less clicks to enter data
(simplified from 12 to 4
 Ability to create requisitions
from existing positions
 Concept of lead recruiter

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Recruiter Portal

Candidate profile
 Improved look & feel with more
 Can easily be enhanced by the
 Short (quick overview)
 Long profile (complete history
of profile)

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New Functionalities Candidate

New functionalities
 Tell a friend
 Hot jobs
 Job agents

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Enterprise Learning

Enterprise Learning Learning Solution

New features EHP2

• Course program
• Instructor portal
• Virtual Learning Room

New features EHP4

• Admin portal
• Rapid content publishing
• Offline course distribution
• Manager learning services
• Enablement of concurrent
and global employment

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Course Admin Portal

Web interface to perform day-to-day training administration functions, such as:

 Monitoring resources and capacities
 Scheduling courses and managing participation
 Correspondence follow-up
 Course Catalog

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Course Admin Portal

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Rapid Content Publishing

Web interface to publish e-learning content

 Files can be published in rapid succession one after the other without waiting for first file
to complete publish process
 Any single document, such as Microsoft Word, Adobe Flash, or Microsoft PowerPoint can
be published as a LearningNet
 Authoring environment is not required to publish content

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Manager Learning Services

Managers can monitor and drive the learning activities of team members
 Mandatory course assignments
 Course participation

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Concurrent & Global Employment

Unified learner experience

 Learner does not have to log in using
multiple usernames
 Unified qualification and pre-
requisites check while booking
 While booking a course, all personnel
assignments are displayed (Portal +
Learning Management System)

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Performance Management

Overview new features

 Cascading objectives capabilities (corporate goals/values & team goals)
 New ABAP Web Dynpro user interfaces (predefined & flexible process)
 Calibration enhancements (only predefined process)
 Enhanced integration SAP Enterprise Learning (mandatory courses)

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Cascading Objectives

New web application for cascading goals & values

 Corporate goals and values by Talent Management Specialist
 Team goals by Manager

 Planning phase: define and cascade corporate goals/values and team goals
 Appraisal phase: define rating (0% – 200%) goals and cascade to all documents which
contain the goal

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Predefined Process

Predefined Performance Management Process

 During planning phase, goals are set for company, team and employee
 Review phase consists of reviewing and updating goals
 Appraisal phase consists of appraising individual performance and calibrating team
performance ratings

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Predefined Process

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Flexible Process

Flexible Performance Management Process

 Leverage complete backend functionality

Enhanced functionalities
 Manager can create documents in mass
 Status change descriptions (instead of button texts)
 Tab configuration (instead of one long template)
 Process configuration (to guide user through process)

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Flexible Process

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Managing & Developing Talent

Enhancement of business processes

 Talent Profile – concise set of talent relevant data
 Talent Assessment – manager’s potential assessment
 Talent Review Meeting – new process for talent calibration
 Talent Development Plan – long-term endeavor

Managing Succession with SAP Talent Visualization

 Handling of key positions & job architecture
 Nominate successors & build successor pools

Manager + Talent Talent

Management Management Management
Employee Manager Team Specialist Specialist

Talent Talent Talent Review Development Succession

Profile Assessment Meeting Plan Planning

© SAP 2010 / Page 26

Talent Profile

Employee can maintain profile in

employee portal
 Internal work experience and projects
 External work experience
 Education and accomplishments
 Mobility (preferences & dislikes)
 Career goals
 Career type and level
 Targeted job, job family or even
broad functional area

Information about the talent profile

is maintainable by
 Manager
 Talent Management Specialist

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Talent Assessment

Align potential evaluation of talents

for all managers
 Manager’s assessment on employee’s
 Objectivity and compliance ensured
on competencies, barriers, and risk
 Talent Group nomination

Talent Groups
 Groups talents by common criteria
 Each group has a number of attributes
(support team, etc)
 Talent in a Talent Group has a status
(nominated, approved, rejected)

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Talent Review Meeting

Facilitate Effective Talent Review

 Support of calibration discussion on
talents in a meeting

Prepare TRM
 Define TRM details (e.g. status,
agenda, etc)
 Select participants
 Select talents
 Create handouts

Conduct TRM
 Potential x perform. interactive grid
 Drag-and-drop for fast changes

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Talent Development Plan

Talent Development Plan

 Independent from annual performance document
 Long-term journey

Structure and monitor

 Well structured plan using selection of development actions
 Progress monitoring of development actions and entire plan
 Accessible by manager and talent management specialist

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Succession Planning

Key Positions

Job Architecture
 Job architecture extended with Job
Family and Functional Area
 Assignment and inheritance of
competencies to all objects

Succession Plan
 Simple process in two steps
 Readiness and ranking

Successor Pools
 Based on Job Family
 Successor pool provides talent supply
in agile way (e.g. new positions, etc)

© SAP 2010 / Page 31


1. Who’s Flexso?
Your logo
2. Introduction SAP HCM Talent Management

3. The new face of Talent Management with SAP ERP HCM

• E-Recruiting
• Enterprise Learning
• Performance Management
• Managing & Developing Talent

4. Highlights of Enhancement Package 5

5. Summary

© SAP 2010 / Page 32

Enhancement Package 5

 Enhancement of the recruiter's work center, including new dashboards
 Additional queries and use of TREX search engine for ranking
 Transfer of candidate data (personal, contact, education, work experience, and
qualifications) to HR administration in case of hiring

Performance Management
 Enhanced functionality to cascade goals (performance, etc)
 Enhancements to the predefined performance management process (process steps, etc)

Managing & Developing Talent

 Succession planning analytics (key positions with or without successors, according to
readiness and successor bench strength)
 Cross-analytics for talent management and personnel administration (departures, entries,
lateral moves, promotions, and other actions by talent groups)
 Data migration for the former succession planning data model

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Enhancement Package 5

Enterprise Compensation Management

 New ABAP Web Dynpro user interface
 Functional enhancements in the compensation planning and approval process (employee-
based budgets, dependent plans, flexible setup of planning table, etc)

Service Delivery
 ESS are redesigned based on the ABAP Web Dynpro development environment including
usability improvements for the user interface
 ESS- and HR-related roles can be run on non-SAP portals

© SAP 2010 / Page 34


1. Who’s Flexso?
Your logo
2. Introduction SAP HCM Talent Management

3. The new face of Talent Management with SAP ERP HCM

• E-Recruiting
• Enterprise Learning
• Performance Management
• Managing & Developing Talent

4. Highlights of Enhancement Package 5

5. Summary

© SAP 2010 / Page 35


SAP Talent Management

 Significantly improved usability and user experience with clear focus on ABAP Web
Dynpro user interfaces

 Enhanced and new processes in Talent Management

 Process support provided for talent and performance calibration

 Enhanced capabilities to provide transparency on talent demand and talent supply

 Improved integration across the complete talent management suite and beyond

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