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Nama Sekolah: SMK USJ 12 Kod Sekolah: BEA 8635

1. Nama Guru
Nur Ashiela Binti Abdul Manaf
2. Judul 3. Bidang: Health Science
The Other Side of Vaccines
4. Tarikh Pembentangan 5. Masa:

6. Tempat Pembentangan
7. Sinopsis
The book in written by Kate William of Curtin University of Technology, is independently
published in 2019 which is the second volume book with 514 pages. This book focuses on the
manufacture of vaccine in the lab and also discussed about the rumours that make public fears
about the effects of vaccines on their health. They're shaping up to be one of the most
controversial issues of our generation. We're constantly bombarded with messages from one side
of the vaccine debate. This is the orther side of vaccines. With more than 1400 references
included, you'll discover why anti-vaxxers theory is flawed. There also a discussion about what
really happen to only 4-5 % people that died of infectious diseases and the cause of it.The truth
about vaccines in 3rd world countries is the main concern of the author and what is our
responsible as a modern nation.

8. Nilai Pengetahuan / Pengajaran

 Myth Versus Fact about Vaccines
 The process of manufacture of Vaccine in the lab using DNA Recombinant
 We should understand the cause of the terror of society about side effect of vaccine
before judge and try to educate them
 Vaccinations are one of the best ways to protect yourself and your children against
many serious diseases
 Vaccines stimulate your immune system to produce an immune response similar to a
natural infection

9. Aplikasi Ilmu Dalam Organisasi / P&P

As a science teacher, it is very important for me to deliver the correct factual info to the
student about vaccines as we are in the pandemic Covid-19. From my reading, I can provides
numerous examples of how vaccine can help our body to build up the immune system to fight the
disease.KSSM science Form 4 silibus Chapter 5, Genetics also has a subtopic of Genetic
Engineering Technology that discuss about the procedure of recombinant DNA to produce insulin
and vaccines. So, I can relate the knowledge I got from the book to explain deeper and better to
the student. This is also improve my understanding about the myth and truth about vaccine and
how to explain to others the important of taking the shot of vaccine in order to achieve the herd
immunity in our society.

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(Nur Ashiela Binti Abdul Manaf ) ( )

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