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Woodburn School District Staff Retention Campaign

January 25, 2022

Resolution No. 22-000

WHEREAS, Woodburn School District recognizes and values the contributions made by
hard-working WSD staff who are nurturing a new and diverse generation of thinkers, doers, and

WHEREAS, all staff, certified, classified, confidential, supervisors, and administrators have taken on
increased work demands, additional duties, and undue tasks throughout this pandemic.

WHEREAS, WSD staff have risen to the challenges of a global pandemic while working
extraordinarily and stressful hours to ensure public education services continue.

WHEREAS, Woodburn School District values retaining our staff, even more so during a time of
staffing shortages and increased staff turnover.

WHEREAS, Woodburn School District believes talented staff are hard to find and harder to keep.

WHEREAS, Wooodburn recognizes the pivotal and necessary work that staff are engaging in each
day in the face of staffing shortages.

WHEREAS, Woodburn staff persevered through pandemic fatigue to serve the wide range of needs
of students impacted by the effects of the pandemic and interrupted education.

WHEREAS, Woodburn School District appreciates the resilience of staff in staying with us through
the challenges created by the global pandemic to serve our students.

WHEREAS, Woodburn School District works to strengthen its stewardship of public resources and
believes that investing in retaining staff is an investment towards becoming a leader in hiring,
developing, and retaining quality staff, reflective and supportive of our student community.

WHEREAS, Retaining experienced staff improves services for students.

WHEREAS, Woodburn School District works to build community trust, as exampled by the recent
refinancing of the 2015 bond, saving Woodburn residents $5 million in property taxes over the life of
the bond, and believes that retaining staff also provides long term savings of resources that are lost
when recruiting and re-training new staff.

WHEREAS, our community recognizes and supports its teachers and staff in educating and serving
the children of our community.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodburn School District Board of Directors
endorse investing in a staff retention incentive through the 2022 calendar year and expresses its
sincere gratitude to all Woodburn School District staff who passionately dedicate themselves to the
Woodburn’s public schools and students and invites the Woodburn community to join.


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