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Section 2.

Coding PreTest (Kids)

Name :

Part 1.
Go to link
Or search on google with keyword artist loops lesson 7
Complete the levels below.
Input screenshots of your coding answers from several levels below!

1. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 3 below!

2. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 4 below!

3. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 7 below!

4. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 8 below!

5. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 11 below!

Part 2.
Go to the link below:
Play the game of level 1-10.
Input screenshots of your coding answers from several levels below!

6. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 2 below!

7. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 4 below!

8. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 5 below!

9. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 9 below!

10. Input a screenshot of your coding answer for level 10 below!

Last Step!
Upload this document file (this .docx after the file name is changed to Coding(Kids)_Your
Name) as the answer to gforms Timedoor Coding Academy Recruitment (Kids Teachers) and
move on to the next sections!

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