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The Outsiders: Vocabulary Quiz

1. A bold resistance to authority

a. hesitation b. aloofness c. defiance d. cunning

2. Obnoxious or stubborn
a. scatterbrained b. disgrace c. indignant d. ornery

3. Disinterest; distant in feeling

a. aloofness b. nonchalantly c. reluctantly d. defiance

4. Incapable of serious or meaningful thought

a. scatterbrained b. disgrace c. ornery d. unfathomable

5. An institution for young offenders

a. defiance b. reformatory c. ornery d. indignant

6. Showing strong displeasure at something unjust or offensive

a. nonchalantly b. incredulous c. aloofness d. indignant

7. Hesitantly; resistantly; unwillingly

a. defiance b. unfathomable c. hesitation d. reluctantly

8. A delay due to fear or uncertainty

a. disgrace b. defiance c. hesitation d. roguishly

9. Loss of respect or honor

a. gallantly b. winced c. unfathomable d. disgrace

10. Indifferently; casually

a. reformatory b. nonchalantly c. reluctantly d. gallantly

11. Unable to comprehend

a. scatterbrained b. hesitation c. unfathomable d. indignant

12. playfully, mischievously, or dishonestly

a. reformatory b. quivering c. roguishly d. gallantly

13. shaking uncontrollably

a. quivering b. winced c. roguishly d. cunning

14. acting bravely or nobly

a. roguishly b. reluctantly c. gallantly d. nonchalantly
15. tensed the body; flinched
a. quivering b. winced c. cunning d. surveyed

16. examined; looked at; inspected

a. surveyed b. winced c. ornery d. scatterbrained

17. subtle; shrewd; crafty

a. incredulous b. cunning c. indignant d. disgrace

18. skeptical or disbelieving

a. disgrace b. defiance c. incredulous d. indignant

19. found not guilty

a. grimacing b. mimicking c. acquitted d. recurring

20. arrogant or conceited

a. stupor b. aghast c. leery d. cocky

21. to distract or turn away from

a. divert b. veered c. bleak d. leery

22. suspicious; wary

a. acquitted b. contemptuously c. delirious d. leery

23. without hope or encouragement; depressing

a. conformity b. bleak c. delirious d. cocky

24. returning again to the mind; occurring again

a. recurring b. mimicking c. grimacing d. divert

25. acting according to social standards; compliance

a. contemptuously b. mimicking c. conformity d. aghast

26. scornfully; showing disdain

a. aghast b. contemptuously c. leery d. bleak

27. imitating or copying action or speech, etc.

a. grimacing b. stupor c. conformity d. mimicking

28. worshipped; regarded with adoration

a. idolized b. delirious c. aghast d. acquitted

29. wandering in the mind and talking nonsense

a. delirious b. stupor c. leery d. aghast
30. struck with shock or amazement
a. grimacing b. contemptuously c. aghast d. recurring

31. making an ugly or contorted facial expression

a. mimicking b. grimacing c. conformity d. veered

32. mental numbness; daze; lessening of sensibility

a. leery b. stupor c. cocky d. divert

33. swerved
a. acquitted b. veered c. idolized d. delirious

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