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The Introduction:
The name of the text and the author are identified in the first sentence
The name of the text is in “quotation marks” (play) italics (novel)
The thesis statement is clear and specific
The thesis statement itself is one or two sentences
The theme is not one word – it is a complex and complete argument
The theme has been divided into three distinct parts of an argument
The parts of the argument are clearly outlined – usually one or two sentences for each part of the
It is one paragraph in length
The Body Paragraphs
The beginning of each body paragraph clearly states the topic of the paragraph
Each body paragraph includes (at least four) quotations to support your argument
The argument is being constantly developed throughout the essay – the argument is connected back
to the thesis many times
Each body paragraph is only one paragraph in length
The Conclusion:
Restates the thesis in a different way
Clearly outlines the parts of the argument - usually one sentence for each part of the argument
It is one paragraph in length
Organization and Development:
Many quotations are used throughout the essay (12+)
Citations are correct [“It was the best of times” (Lee 54).] OR
[Lee relays that “It was the best of times” (54).]
Quotations are adequately discussed- the length of quotation is followed by equal commentary
Quotations are appropriate – they are the best possible to prove each point
Quotations are well-integrated into the body of the text
Quotations are not in a sentence by themself
All information presented is focused on the events of the text – this is a literary essay
All paragraphs are equal, both in terms of length and depth of ideas
The essay is five paragraphs in length (or includes longer quotations)
Works cited follows this form:
Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication.

If the text is referred to, it is called a “novel” (or a “play” in the case of a play) not a “book”.

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Knowledge, There is little knowledge
and understanding of the
There is some
knowledge and
There is satisfactory
knowledge and
There is good
knowledge and
There is excellent
knowledge and
understanding work or text shown understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the work
work or text shown work or text shown or text shown through the
and through the essay in
relation to the topic
work or text shown
through the essay in through the essay and an through the essay and a essay and a persuasive
interpretation  chosen. References to the relation to the topic interpretation of its sustained interpretation interpretation of their
implications in relation of its implications in implications in relation to
work or text are infrequent chosen. References to
to the topic relation to the topic the chosen topic. 
or are rarely appropriate in the work or text are at
chosen. References to chosen.  References to the work or
relation to the chosen times appropriate in the work or text are References to the work text are well chosen and
topic.  relation to the chosen generally relevant and or text are relevant and effectively support the
topic.  mostly support the support the candidate’s candidate’s ideas in
candidate’s ideas in ideas in relation to the relation to the chosen
relation to the chosen chosen topic.  topic. 

1. The essay shows knowledge and understanding of the text

2. There is clear interpretation of the implications of the text
3. References are relevant and support the ideas throughout the essay
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Analysis and descriptive and
The essay is The essay demonstrates
some appropriate
The essay demonstrates
generally appropriate
a The essay
demonstrates an
The essay demonstrates
a consistently insightful
evaluation  demonstrates analysis of textual analysis and evaluation of appropriate and at and convincing analysis
little relevant features and the author’s textual features and the times insightful and evaluation of textual
analysis of textual broader choices in author’s broader choices in analysis and evaluation features and the author’s
features and the relation to the chosen relation to the chosen topic. of textual features and broader choices in
author’s broader topic, but is reliant on the author’s broader relation to the chosen
choices in relation to description.   choices in relation to topic. 
the chosen topic.  the chosen topic. 

1. The writing can be described as analytical and/or evaluative

2. The writing can be described as insightful
3. The writing shows an appreciation of the ways in which textual features and broader choices
construct meaning in the text
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The essay is adequately
Focus,  Little organization is
present. No discernible
Some organization is
apparent. There is little organized in a generally
The essay is well
organized and mostly
The essay is effectively
organized and cohesive.
organization  line of inquiry is apparent development of a line cohesive manner. There cohesive. The line of The line of inquiry is
is some development of
and in the essay. 
Supporting examples are
of inquiry.  
Supporting examples the line of inquiry. 
inquiry is adequately
well developed. 
Supporting examples are
development  not integrated into the are rarely integrated Supporting examples are Supporting examples well integrated into
sometimes integrated
structure of the sentences into the structure of are mostly well the structure of the
into the structure of the
and paragraphs. the sentences and integrated into sentences and
sentences and
paragraphs.  the structure of the paragraphs.
sentences and

1. The ideas are effectively organized (there is a logical progression and separation of ideas)
2. The writing shows good coherence (the whole close reading works together and is well designed)
3. The essay is supported by integrated references to the text
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Language Language is rarely clear
and appropriate; there are
Language is sometimes
clear and carefully
Language is clear and
carefully chosen, with
Language is clear and
carefully chosen, with
Language is very clear,
effective, carefully
many errors in grammar, chosen; grammar, an adequate degree of a good degree of chosen and precise, with
vocabulary and sentence vocabulary and accuracy in grammar, accuracy in grammar, a high degree of
construction, and little sentences construction vocabulary and vocabulary and accuracy in grammar,
sense of register and style. are fairly accurate, sentence construction sentence construction; vocabulary and sentence
although errors and
despite some lapses; register and style are construction; register
inconsistencies are
register and style are consistently and style are effective
apparent; the register
and style are to some mostly appropriate to appropriate to the task. and appropriate to task.
extent appropriate to the task.
the task.

1. Language is clear and carefully chosen

2. There is a high degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction
3. The register and style are appropriate for the audience (a University professor)

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