Project Management in Organizing A Movie Premiere: Red Carpet Events Limited

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Red Carpet Events Limited

Professional W Maingi of the Case Study report consisting of neat and organized solutions
Event Planning and Management 1


Event Planning and Project Management Concepts

Grace W Maingi

Wichita State University

Dr. Simon Gilmore

Management 4890
Event Planning and Management 2

Executive Summary

Welcome to the future of event planning! Red Carpet Events Ltd. was founded in 1998 as a

Professional Total Event Management Company based in Los Angeles, USA. We bring to the

community of Los Angeles a new breath of air in the event planning market; thereby promising to

deliver an event that the guests will have fond memoirs of.

Whether it’s a private or business function, a small gathering of friends or a gala, we will work

with you to create a beautiful and unique experience. We combine old fashioned values, go the

extra mile, and use cutting-edge event planning software explaining why we lead the market,

providing the same quality results, every time.

Red Carpet Events is an equal opportunity business making its expertise and products available to

help customers plan their own events. Our event planning software brings interactive event

planning as close as your personal computer. We take care of planning the event as well as

hosting the training through the use of our strategic business partners. Through these and other

affordable products and services, we proudly say that we are the number one resource for any

Event Planning and Management 3

Table of contents

Problem Description…………………………………………….….4


Project Goals………………………………………………………..6

Methodology……………………………………………………….. 7

Mind map……………………………………………………………7

Work Breakdown structure………………………………………….7

Responsibility Matrix………………………………………………..8

Network Diagram…………………………………………………….9


Critical Path ………………………………………………………….10

Resource Histogram………………………………………………….10

Cost Performance and Control……………………………………….11


Event Planning and Management 4

Problem Description

One of the major problems which event planners confront is effective crowd control. Helping

guests feel secure is vital. The team analyzes the risks posed by crowds, thus more security

capabilities are needed. A safe plan therefore needs to be implemented. Effective security guards

need to be hired.

Appropriate contingency and emergency operation plans have to be in place and be tested due to

the potential for significant and enduring disruptions. An information management system is

needed to provide a way to manage and document the management of emergencies and

implementation of a contingency plan.

Lighting planning is a critical part of the overall planning process. Lighting can transform a gala

into an exciting, elegant environment. Functional lighting should be enough for the venue to be a

safe one. Exits must be clearly lit to facilitate an orderly departure in the event of an emergency.

Wall and ceiling lighting adds drama and appeal to the venue making it look more glamorous,

accentuate the intended mood and help tie together the colors used for decorating. Point

illuminate contents and attract people to certain areas, while stage lighting can be used in the form

of spotlights, flood lights or colored light shows.

Event Planning and Management 5


This event plan is aimed at bringing to light all the potential issues and factors that need to be

taken into consideration before the actual event takes place.

Being a red carpet event, strategies for success have to be developed, making sure the purpose of

the special event is important enough to merit the time and expense needed to properly stage,

publicize and evaluate the event. Ways to evaluate the event’s success are also developed.

A budget is then created to provide the event planners with financial blueprint. This budget ought

to be specific, and include other revenue opportunities as well as expenses printing, permits,

insurance, speakers, food, supplies and security.

Logistics are then considered such as the size or space of the building to be used, utility support

needed, setup coordination in the form of chairs, tents, portable toilets, parking and signage, clean

up, emergency plans, transportation and public services such as police and fire departments.

Publicity is also planned. This requires creative thinking balanced with practicality. The primary,

as well as secondary objectives are considered. All available media is brainstormed and a detailed

list is made with names of whom to contact and when.

The event will then evaluated by issuing questionnaires for the participants to fill. This enables

the event planners to find out whether the event fulfilled its goals and objectives, to identify what

worked and what needed fine-tuning, if the event was well attended, and evaluate the worthiness

of all that was given into staging the event.

Event Planning and Management 6

Project Goals

We hope to organize a 300+ person movie release on June 12, 2011 in Los Angeles, California in

order to attract celebrities and stakeholders for the film industry and the media

We also hope to provide a safe and enjoyable ambience by allocating 50 security guards on

location of the premiere and have at least 6 speakers and stereos and 70-inch screens to

successfully show the premiere to everyone in attendance for the entire duration of the premiere.

We hope to finish the premiere within the scheduled time by doing everything possible to drive

the project to the end and stay on time. We expect to avoid guessing and incompetence in the

planning of the scope so as to have reasonable time schedule with which to work.

We hope to finish the project within the scheduled budget by doing our best to track our

expenditures and know where the money is going. By finishing the project within the scheduled

budget, we hope to demonstrate our ability in running the project responsibly.

We hope to finish the project with the same level of quality by revising our project plan when

problems arise, but with no compromise on the project quality. While it is important to keep

deadlines, it is equally important that we keep the project’s quality high throughout.

We hope to finish the project within the specified guidelines making sure that we meet the

customer’s needs. We hope to do this by finishing the project with expected specifics to verifying

our accomplishment by customer handoff and closedown.

Event Planning and Management 7


Mind Map

Monitorin Execution
g Event Goals &
Management Tasks
Closing and Planning Planning
meeting Priorities
Contacts Agreement

Work- Breakdown Structure


Planning and Room and Dinner Guests Staff Speakers

supervision equipment

- Planning - Site - Menu - Guest list - Shoppers - Invite

- Tables/chairs Shopping list - RSVP - Cooks -Transport

- Budget - Setting - Shopping - Name tags - Servers - Thanks

- Disbursements/ - Decorations - Cooking - Special needs- Hosts

- Coordination - Equipment - Serving - Cleanup
Event Planning and Management 8

Responsibility Matrix


Project Mgt. Team

Quality assurance
BPR / Planning

Program staff

Execute Planning Tasks P R I A/P/R

Refine Base Definition of project P R I A/P/R
Develop communication strategy P R I A/P/R
Determine project feasibility P R I A/P/R
Prepare initial capacity plan P R I A/P/R
Prepare detail work plan P R I A/P/R
BPR Phase complete P R A/P/R

Where P = Perform, R = Review, I = Input, A = Assign and Approve

Event Planning and Management 9

PERT – Three time estimates

Network diagram


Meeting Initiatio Plannin Executio Monitorin Closing

n g n g
Event Planning and Management 10

Critical path method


Start Execut Finish



Resource Histograms




6 Tickets

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Event Planning and Management 11

Cost Performance and Control

By knowing the budget before planning the event, and sticking to it, we avoid surprises when

renting the event facility or working with vendors by getting all agreements in writing.

We build a 10% contingency into the budget to accommodate unexpected expenses, checking all

the invoices against written quotations and questioning all charges that do not seem to compute.

The Cost Performance Index (CPI) is calculated as follows:

CPI = BCWP where BCWP is the Budget Cost of Work Performed and ACWP is the Actual

ACWP Cost of Work Performed


The primary goal of this report is to identify action initiatives that make up the overall success of

event management. To that end, we identify all the key factors in event management that are

rather similar to those of project management. It is expected that the event will be successful and

that the participants will have had a great time as well.

Event Planning and Management 12

References (2010, November 27). Event Lighting Issues. Retrieved January 03, 2011, from
M. Debora. In Planning Special Events: Blueprint for Success. Event Planning Tips. Retrieved
January 03, 2011, from

Project Management Institute. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK
Guide) Fourth Edition. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute,
Inc., 2008.

Project Smart, Co. (2000). Five Goals of Every Project. Retrieved January 3, 2011, from

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