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A. Review of Literature

1. Reading

a) The Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the skills that must be mastered by everyone,
because reading is very important activity without reading, we will
miss a lot of things whether it's in terms of education or non
academic. In learning English there are some skills that must be
mastered, reading skill is a skill that must be mastered while
someone learning English.
There are some definitions of Reading skill :
 McEvoy, Graves and Park (2003: 6) state that reading is
a process in which the reader actively looks for meaning
in what he or she reads.
 According to Urquhart and weirt in William Grabe
(2009:14), stated the Reading is the process of receiving
interpreting information in languange from via the
medium of print. According to Johnson ( 2008:3),
Reading is practice of using text to create meaning.

Based on some of the above definition, it can be concluded that

the skill of reading ability is important in the process of learning, in
which people would know a lot of things from reading.

b) The Teaching of Reading

In this recent days, there are more students lazy to read, let alone
read a book in English, reading textbooks especially when the people
not support it, because environmental factors greatly affect the
people in the conduct of actions, including reading like what has
been said by Najamiah, N., 2017 ; Children's reading interest is

strongly influenced by the surrounding environment. Therefore,
reading interest needs to be instilled and fostered since the child was
a child. The family is the earliest and dominant environment in
instilling and growing and fostering children in their reading interest.

Thee use of media that is not suitable with the students to make
students bored in reading so that students will be lazy to read,
because it the teacher’s is important role in honing students’ raeding
skill. many teachers make changes in explaining something included
in the sharpening reading skills of any student, much of the media
that supports students to hone the ability to read it, as a magazine, a
website, an English Stories application etc.

2. Media

a) The Definition of Media

In the teaching of media is needed so that students do not get

bored while studying, the media can also help students more
interested in learning. Reiser and Dick explain some advantages or
importance of the media. One of the advantages of using media is
that media can motivate students in learning activity. Some media
can be used to invite students‟ attention and to arouse their curiosity
by presenting various images and sounds. Media can be used to
present information that is needed to deliver the message to the
students. Heinich and friends assumed , instructional media gives
students‟ required experiences to build their prior knowledge.

Teaching media based on Arsyad (2009:4) is a media that bring

instructional purpose of massages or information of learning. Media
is means of expressing massage and information. According to
Heinich, et 8 al in Nurrochim (2013:17-18) stated that medium as a
mediator that delivers information between sender and receiver.
When the media brings instructional messages or information that
contains learning purposes, it can be called as teaching media.

b) Types of Media

There are many ways to identify and classify media based on

the physical characteristics, nature, complexity, or control of using
(Widayanto, 2015). However, the researcher classifies teaching
media into three classifications based on its physical characteristics.
Those are two dimension media, three dimension media and audio
visual media.

 Posters
A poster is a pictorial device designed to attract attention
and communicate a fact, an idea, or a story, also an image
rapidly and clearly. Poster also can be defined as a graphic
representation of some strong emotional appeal that is carried
through a combination of pictures, cartoon lettering and other
visual arts on a placard.
 White Board
A whiteboard is one of the most familiar media in
learning and teaching process. It has a smooth shiny white
surface, which can be written: on with particular marker and
wiped clean with a dry cloth.

4) English Stories Application

English Stories Application is an American fanpage/community

page on Facebook, a group content creators who gained fame by
publishing light-hearted comedy skits and wholesome vlogs. The group
has built an audience of more than 1.6 million subscribers on the platform
( It is known for their videos that representing
everyday life relatable moments with a touch of comedy. This fanpage has
a motto to make people smile as they watch the videos. This group consist
Markian Benhamou as the founder or the creator of the fanpage, and the
members are Kurt Tocci, Sam Li, Brianna Fernandez, and Afomia. They

also widen their range to reach out more people by joining Youtube and
even Instagram.

B. Previous Studies

To support this study, there are some researchers which are related with
this study are listed below.

The research was conducted by Andi Nirwana in 2017. They

sought to find the effect of using Reciprocal Teaching Method on
students’ reading ability. The result shows that the improvement of the
students’ reading ability through Reciprocal Teaching Method was improved
significantly. It was proved by the students’ mean score in teaching and
learning process in cycle I and cycle II. The mean score of the students’
reading ability in cycle I is 6.4 categorized as fair and became higher in cycle
II is 8.4 categorized as good.

The significant differences between the writer research and the previous
study above is that the media that is used. In previous study above use
reciprocal teaching method, meanwhile the writer use English Stories
Application as the media.

C. Conceptual Framework

After reviewing the literature and the previous related study the writer
understands that inputs and exposures are the most important things in the
process of second and foreign language acquisition. The more students get
apprehensible inputs and regular exposures, the more they will performed very
well in learning and obtaining the target language. But, to be able to
successfully learners, students need to master all the language skills including
reading. Since reading is not easy, teachers need to develop a modern and
probably better media to help improving students’ reading skill.

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