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This research is using Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure. Kasihani

(1999) as quoted by Nur Asyiah (2019) in “Enhancing Students’ Integrated
Listening-speaking Competence Through Video Blog (Vlog)” defined that CAR is
practical research, which has purpose to repair drawbacks of classroom’s learning
practices by doing some actions. It is an efforts to improve aimed as answering
questions related with problems faced by teachers during their daily jobs. So,
problems revealed and solved which applied in CAR is real problems experienced by
teachers. As same as Suyanto & Sudarsono (1997) in Purrohman’s “Classroom
Action Research Alternative Research Activity for Teachers” (2011) stated that CAR
is defined as a reflective research by conducting certain actions to impprove or fixing
learning practices professionally.

According to McNiff (2002), action research is a term that refers to actually

seeing your work and seeing what you want it to be. Action research is often
referred to as practice-oriented research because it is done by you, the practitioner.
Since you are thinking and pondering your work, this is a form of self-reflexive
practice. To sum up, classroom action research is a practical way of research which
investigating and repairing problems that happen in learning proccess or even in
social situation.

According to Kemmis & Taggart (1992) quoted by Pratama(2018) in his

study“Improving Students’ Listening Skill Through Watching English Movies”,
action research as a form of self-reflective quest done by participants in an
educational or even social situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of
(a) their social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of the practices, and
(c) the situations in which practices are carried out. They explained, classroom action
research consists of two cycles, each of them contains four action research
components such as planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. After the completion
of the first cycle, some new problems may have been found. Therefore, with the

emergence of new problems from the first cycle, it was necessary to continue to the
second cycle, which had the same concept as the first cycle.

Graph 1. Kemmis & Taggart CAR Cycles

(source: Anne Burns (2010)


This research took place at SMAN 1 Kwanyar Bangkalan. It is located on Jl.

Dlemer No 2, Kwanyar, Bangkalan Regency, Madura, East Java. The subject of this
research is the students of 10th grade. The writer conducted the research for this class
because the English teacher in this class said that: (1) it was difficult for them to
understand about what they listned, (2) they did not have good ability to answer the
question based the spoken coversation, and (3) they did not master many
vocabularies. Based on the situation and the condition of the class mentioned before,

the researcher feel interested in conducting the research proposed a different media,
namely Smile Squad’s video to solve such problems.


1. Data Instrument

In this research, the writer use three instruments to collect data, namely
an interview, a test, and a questionnare.

a) Test
According to Heaton (1975) in Arifin (2009) study “An Analysis Of
The Test Items Of English Final Examination For The Sixth Year
Students Of Elementary School In South Semarang Regency In The
Academic Year Of 2007/2008” a test is primarily section of every
teaching and learning process as teaching and testing is relate to each
other. Testing in teaching is designed to measure the students’
knowledge. As what Brown (2003) stated in Gultom (2016) with his
study “Assessment And Evaluation In Efl Teaching And Learning” test is
defined as method in measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or even
performance in a given domain. Dickson et. al (2020) added, test is one
of the concepts which is used in education to explain how the progress of
learning and the final learning outcomes of students are assessed. To
conclude, test is a method used in education to measure person’s ability
and knowledge.

b) Interview
In accordance with Bingham & BV Moore (1931) quoted Gubrium
et al (2012) on their book “The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research:
The Complexity of the Craft”,  interview is a converse with a purpose. In
addition, Fabelia (2017) stated, interview is a communication process
that uses questions and respons with answers. In the interview process,

interviewers give questions and the person who is interviewed listen,
then respond to questions. Interview is a significant data gathering
technique which involving verbal communication between the
researcher and the subject. Interviews are commonly used in survey
designs and in exploratory and descriptive studies (Mathers, et al. 2000).
As the definitions above, interview is kind of conversation that in the
form of data gathering method which using questions and answers.

c) Questionnaire
As Johnson et al (2012) stated, questionnaire is a self-report data
gathering method that each research participant fill out as a part of the
research study. Questionnaire is used to gain information about the
participants’ thougts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, prestige, perceptions,
etc. As Satya (2012) said, a questionnaire is a set of questions asked to
individuals or participants to obtain useful information about a given
topic statistically. Potter et al.(1972) as quoted by Goyder, John (2019) in
his book “The Silent Minority: Non-respondents In Sample Surveys”
added, questionnaires are a long-established tool for collecting data in
social science research, but are increasingly used by researchers and
professional managers who are not familiar with issues related to their
use in areas such as recreation and natural resources.
To be concluded, questionnaire is a self-report data gathering
method in social science research which in the form of a set of questions
asked to individuals to gain useful information.

2. Data Collection Technique

The main purpose of this study is to achieve the correct and valid data in
accordance with the title of research. So the data collection technique of this
research is conducted steps by steps. Firstly, the writer collects the data during
the research using interviews, questionnaires and tests as the instruments. Next,
the writer analyzes the data and the reflection notes. In the next step, the

researcher maps the data and removes the unused data. Then, researcher portrays
the data and conclude of final result.

3. Data Analysis Technique

The analysis qualitative data is used to measure data from interview and
questionnaire, while the analysis of quantitative data is used to measure data
from test. The qualifications of the scoring based on listening rubric can be
refered in a table below:

“Area of
Classifications “Need works” “Good” “Very Good”
/ Scoring 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts
10 pts
The student The student The student was The student was
was not able to found it mostly attentive able to
concentrate on difficult to and usually able concentrate fully
Ability to the listening concentrate on to listen with and listen very
focus. task and was the listening good attentively
easily task, but was concentration. throughout the
distracted and able to attend assessment.
inattentive. occasionally.
General Student did not While the The student The student
understanding. understand student did not showed a good showed a very
enough understand a general good general
vocabulary or lot of the understanding of understanding of
information to vocabulary and the vocabulary all vocabulary
answer the information, and information, and information,
questions. he/she was with most completing all
able to questions the questions.
complete some completed.
of the

Student was Although the The student was The student
unable to grasp student able to include included all the
specific details showed a most specific specific
when listening, limited ability information and information and
and did not to listen for details in his/her details in his/her
Listening for
include them details, answers. answers.
in the answers. specific
The student's The student The student was The content was
answers were included a able to include always accurate
mostly left out small amount most specific and related to
Accuracy of or unrelated to of information, information and the information
answers. the however, a lot details in his/her given.
information was left out or answers.
given. was not

Table 1. Listening rubric by Irubric

After collecting the data, the researcher analyze the data by using the
percentage formula, the formula used is as follows:

a) Individual Score (X1)

The formula below is used to figure out students’ individual score:

X 1 = x 100

X1 = students’ individual score

y = students’ points obtained

z = maximum score

b) Classical Score (X2)

The formula below is used to figure out the percentage of

students who passed the KKM

X 2 = x 100

X2 = percentage of classical score

n = number of students who passed the KKM

s = total students

4. Success Indicator

Success indicator is set up to establish whether the action in the research
was successfully completed or not. In accordance with this study, the criteria of
success is decided as follows:

The 75% of the students’ listening scores could achieve the target of the
Minimum Mastery Criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English
with score 80 or above.


1. Pre Cycles

In this phase, the writer observe the students’ learning before the implentation
of planned action and gain data from the English teacher, including the problem
which students facing in learning listening.

2. Cycles

Meanwhile in this phase, there will be cycle(s), each cycle is ended by final
test. There are 4 steps in action research such as planning (plan to use video), acting
(implement the video in teaching listening), observing (the writer observes the
teaching learning process and student's activity in the classroom), and reflecting
(the writer and the English teacher depict the result). After conducting pre cycle
research, the writer moves to the next phase, involving: planning, acting, observing
and reflecting. The cycles procedures can be seen as a chart below:




1. Planning
Graph. 2 The writer’s CAR cycles procedure

In planning phase, the writer along with the English teacher create a
lesson plan in order to solve the students’ problem. The writer thinks that
the listening problem mentioned above can be overcome by providing
video as another media and making the learning process more enjoyable.
In designing the lesson plan, the writer and the teacher discuss creating a
lesson plan by applying the determined technique. The lesson plan design
aims to provide teachers with a guide to the teaching activities. The writer

create a lesson plan based on the curriculum and syllabus used recently.
The writer described a project or activity designed for students by creating
a lesson plan in grade 10 of SMA Negeri 1 Kwanyar and applying the
lesson plan. The lesson plan includes specific lesson objectives, materials
and media, presentation procedures, and evaluation procedures. In
determining success criteria, the writer establish the criteria of the action
success. It helps to measure whether the action of this study was

2. Acting

In this phase, the writer implement the planned action. In

implementing the action, the writer acts as an English teacher who teach
listening by watching an English videos in class, and then observing the
student's listening activities. In the meantime, real English teachers act as
collabolator who monitor and observe what happen in the learning process.
This phase aims to solve student problems.

3. Observing

In this phase, the writer observe the process of learning listening

skill by using videos. The important aspects in observation are data
sources, the instruments used in collecting the data, and the technique for
data collection. The English teacher observes the class situation, students’
response, and the writer’s performance while implementing the action.

3. Reflecting

Reflecting phase is the last phase in one cycle. In this phase, the writer
and the English teacher analyze and evaluate learning process in one cycle.
The purpose of this phase is to figure out if the measurement is successful
by reflecting the data from the implementation of the measurement and
linking the results of the observation phase with the success criteria. If the
results of the cycle meet the success criteria and satisfactory, then there is
no next cycle. In the meantime, if the result of the action does not meet the

success criteria, the writer need to perform the next cycle. It should move
to the next cycle in regard to re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing.


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