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Jenna Santoro

Professor Grant

Psychopathology PS- 212

September 26th, 2021

Anxiety Case Study

    In the case study “Fears and Worries' ' Logan, who is just a young boy, had many

symptoms of separation anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Ever since he was a young

child he feared when his parents were away or commuting to work because he feared

them dying in some sort of accident. In addition, he not only feared his parents' health

he also feared his own. He always thought he was dying from some sort of disease.

Logan would experience dizziness, shortness of breath, sweats and anxiety. In addition,

he also had many stomachaches and headaches. When he was just in kindergarten the

parents state he was afraid to sleep alone, be in the dark and in general he was afraid

to be alone anywhere. Although Logan feared of being sick his persistent fear was his

parents dying or being alone, which concludes he suffered from separation anxiety

disorder along with panic attacks. It also states his family does have a history of anxiety

disorders which could play a role in Logan’s case.

    These symptoms discussed before match up with anxiety as discussed in chapter 4

of the textbook. On page 106 Comer states, “The vague sense of being in danger is

usually called anxiety, and it has the same features, the same increases in breathing,

muscular tension, perspiration, and so forth”. As stated above Logan experienced all

those symptoms. He would begin sweating and have shortness of breath but to

consider Logan to have generalized anxiety disorder is wrong. As stated, in the case
study Logan was a good student with fair grades, had many friends and interacted well

with other students in the class. People diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder

cannot complete daily activities and have trouble forming relationships and job activities

therefore, Logan does not fit under that category. In addition, his fear of being sick did

not last 6 months and to be considered under the category of generalized anxiety

disorder the symptoms last for at least 6 months. Logan also did not have panic

disorder because he would not fear his next attack, he would only fear his parents

leaving him. Therefore, his main diagnosis was separation anxiety along with panic

attacks due to the fear of being alone. 

    Some of the treatments Logan and his family tried were psychotherapy.  I think Logan

should keep going to therapy to try and conquer his fears. Therapy is an open

discussion and is a place where he can really be exposed to what he fears the most and

talk about it with his therapist and come up with different plans to defeat it. Therapy is

one of the best ways to help with anxiety but sometimes it does not work for everyone.

Logan could try different medications like benzodiazepines but for someone that young I

do not think it is the best thing for him to start taking different medications because they

could become addictive. When looking at this through a biological view as mentioned

Logan’s mother herself and grandmother did suffer from separation anxiety disorder

along with other anxiety disorders that could have been passed down to Logan.

Researchers say it is more likely for an individual to develop a disorder if someone

close in their family has one too. In addition, when Logan is having these attacks the

mother decides to take off work and stay home with him in this case that is an example

of operant learning. Logan is being awarded after having these fears. The only way
Logan will ever get over these abnormal behaviors is if he faces them face to face. So,

his mother staying home with him is not doing him or her a favor. Although it does state

in the case study the mother has been doing better due to the therapy sessions her

family has attended, she has become less overprotective. These therapy sessions and

recommendations do match up with goals of symptom management. The goal of

symptom management is to treat a disease as early as possible along with supportive

care. I believe if Logan’s family keeps going to therapy and setting goals for one another

he can get over his different fears. Sometimes in life people just need a little push and

motivation to succeed and I think with the proper motivation and help from a therapist

Logan will be all set.

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