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reimburse for payments made to satisfy the judgment, identify that person, state

the applicable policy limits of any insurance agreement under which the person

might be liable, and describe any question or challenge raised by the person relating

to coverage for this action.

5. In your Complaint filed in Kimberlin v. McConnell, et al., Case No. 16-

CV-1211-GJH (D.Md. 2016) you stated that in conjunction with your employment

by Justice Through Music Project, “Plaintiff’s work includes seeking redress in

federal court for violations of his civil and statutory rights.” Id., ¶ 1. Identify any

instructions, directives, corporate minutes, or job descriptions from your employer

ordering or authorizing you to engage in such activity as corporate business and the

who, if anyone, provides supervision of those activities.

6. Identify any instances in which corporate funds or other resources

belonging to Justice Through Music or Velvet Revolution.US have been used to pay

for expenses or to provide other support related to any civil action (state or federal)

or criminal complaint (including, but not limited to, the Applications for Statement

of Charges at issue in this matter) filed by you against Mr. Hoge, describing the

amount paid or support provided and which entity paid or provided it.

7. Identify any instances in which you or any person acting on your behalf

filed any sort of criminal complaint or report (including, but not limited to, an

Application for Statement of Charges or statement to a law enforcement agency)

against Mr. Hoge, describing the nature of any such complaint or report, when it

was made, to whom it was made, and any disposition of the complaint or report.

8. Identify any instance in which you or any person acting on your behalf

sent any email or other communication relating to or mentioning Mr. Hoge to any

office, employee, or contractor of the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration, describing the contents of any such communication, when it was

sent, to whom it was sent, and the nature and date of any reply.

9. Identify any instance in which you or any person acting on your behalf

sent any email or other communication relating to or mentioning Mr. Hoge to any

member of the Carroll County Forestry Board, the Maryland Forestry Board

Foundation, or the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, describing the

contents of any such communication, when it was sent, to whom it was sent, and the

nature and date of any reply.

10. Identify any person other than yourself for whom you have drafted a

legal document (including, but not limited to, a court paper or Application for

Statement of Charges) from 1 January, 2012, to the present date, describing the

topic and contents of each document, when it was drafted, when it was filed, the

court or agency with which it was filed, and for whom it was drafted.

13. Identify who paid the fees for Tae Kim to defend you as a respondent to a

Peace Order in 2013.

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