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Tablac, Claro Jr, A.

Feb 17, 2021

Bs Crim 1-A

Activity 2.1
Identify some achievements in the field of science and technology of the following
presidents and trace how they helped shape the Philippines as a nation.
A. Corazon C. Aquino
Presidents, Corazon Aquino have a lot of notable accomplishment in Science and
Technology in her administration, these are the following:
 The National Science and Technology Authority was replace by the Department
of Science and Technology or (DOST).
 In her administration also, she encouraged scientist’s and inventors to bring
Philippines to its former position as second to Japan in the field of S&T.
 She also encouraged private research sector to bond with public research sector,
she wants to link the both sector to create a progress in research development in
our country.
 In her time of administration, funding for the S&T sector was tripled. In addition,
she amends Free public secondary education act of 1998, Science for the masses
 Moreover, Science and Technology Master plan and Research Development plan
was formulated.

B. Fedil V. Ramos
President, Fedil V. Ramos, popularly known as FVR is retired Filipino general and
politician who served as the 12th President of the Philippines, in his time of administration
there are a lot of accomplishment in aspect of Science and Technology (S&T). these are
the following:
 In his time of administration our beloved country gained a significant increase of
personnel who specialize in the field of S&T.
 He also the President who tripled the funds of Science and Technology sector in
our country.
 In addition, during of his administration the modernization of science and
classrooms was made.
 Health care services also promoted in his administration through local programs.
 Moreover, in the time of his administration he created a program for the gifted
Filipino Children in S&T.

C. Joseph E. Estrada
President, Joseph E. Estrada also known Erap is the 13th President of our country and
during of his administration a lot of achievements in Science and Technology are made.
These are the following:
 He amends Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (R.A no 8749) this is to protect and
preserve our environment and ensure the sustainable development of our country.
 During of his administration, effective irrigation technologies are done to help our
agriculture sector.
 He also promotes the basic health care and basic nutrition and useful education
 He also pushed our industries and schools for the advancement of internet age.
 Moreover, in his time of administration he establishes or ordered that there must
one science high school in every province.

D. Gloria M. Arroyo
President, Gloria Arroyo also known GMA is the 14th President of our country and during
of her administration a lot of achievements in Science and Technology are made. These
are the following:
 During of her administration, numerous laws and projects concerning the
environment and science helped push STI.
 In addition, she strengthening the schools and education system so that students
focus in their study of sciences, technology and mathematics.
 She also provided extensive support for graduate S&T scholarhip rograms
 Moreover, four new Philippine Science high school campuses were established
during her term.

E. Benigno C. Aquino III

President, Benigno C. Aquino also known “Pnoy” or “Noynoy’ is the 15 th President of
our country and during of his administration a lot of achievements in Science and
Technology are made. These are the following:
 During of his administration, our beloved country launched the first Filipino
Microsatellite, called Diwata-1.
 During of his term, our scientist identified and described 25 new species of
marine benthic algae that have successfully implemented 45 research projects.
 President Aquino also recognizes achievements of semiconductor, electronics
 Moreover, number of workers certified for Technical-vocation training increased.

F. Rodrigo Duterte
President, Rodrigo Duterte also known as Digong and Rody is the current President of
our country and the first from Mindanao to hold office. In his administration a lot of
achievements in Science and Technology are made. These are the following:
 In his current administration, signed “Balik Scientist Law” (R.A 11035) also
known as an “act institutionalizing the balik scientist program” this is for more
incentives to returning Filipino experts, scientist who would share their expertise
in the coutry.
 Also universal healthcare act in our country signed into law by President Duterte,
this act will automatically enroll all Filipino citizens into the national health
insurance program.
 Moreover, in his current administration our President Duterte approved the DOST
developed technologies that can locate environmental hazards in the Philippines.
 In addition, Duterte administration launched the ambitious $180 billion “Build,
Build, Build” (BBB) program to address the nation’s mounting infrastructure

The achievements of the different administration in the field of Science and Technology in our
country bring more ease in our daily life, also this help our nations to fight any mounting
problem that can slowly our nation enhancement. Moreover, this gradually changes in our
Science and technology bring unity as a whole nation, to stand together in facing nation problem.
1. Trace the development of science and technology from pre-colonial times up to the
present. What you observed?

Our country Philippines have scientific and technological development in the pre-colonial
period, in view of the fact that our ancestors have a knowledge in various aspect of
sciences and technologies even before the Spaniards came to our country. This includes
systems of farming, as we all now our ancestors invented different tools to make them
ease in farming also in association of farming our native ancestors in cordillera also have
knowledge in mathematics especially in terms of engineering, a good way of example of
this is rice terraces, that we all know recognized as the “Eight wonder of the world” this
rice terraces have complex and extensive irrigation system that have evolved reveal an
amazing feat of hydraulic engineering executed by our primitive ancestors. In addition,
our ancestors also have a knowledge in animal raising, they already also using certain
plants and herbs as medicines, in terms of transportation our ancestors also invented
different modes of transportation. Example of this is balangay for maritime and chariot in
terrestrial. Therefore, our ancestors in the pre-colonial period have a strong evidence or
trace that sciences and technology existed even before Spaniard and other colonizer came
in our land. Now, I’m born in 20th century wherein technology and sciences are rapidly
spreading entire the world and information age come. But because of the help of
Philippine History, I learnt that and observed that our sciences and technologies are also
gradually upgraded throughout the decades, because of influences of different colonizer
that we adapted. In terms of health and sanitation, transportation, agriculture, sciences
and technologies our country are now far than before, I mean a lot of changes
development in this aspect is done and its continuous to develop and upgrade through
years that we cannot imagine.

2. What do you think are major contributions of science and technology to the Philippine
nation building?

I think all aspects that associated with sciences and technology helped our country to
developed nation building. Agriculture, modernization of transportation, technologies,
health sciences, scientific research and also literature etc. are the factors that unifies us as
a nation building, every aspect associated with sciences and technologies has some
different roles in making our country well developed, and it should be link each other to
achieve ease and comfortable life that everyone dreams.

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