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Fill in the table with the correct comparative and superlative forms
of the adjectives:

adjective comparative superlative

a. interesting more interesting the most interesting

b. lazy lazier The laziest

c. warm warmer The warmest

d. crowded More clowded The most crowded

e. happy happier The happiest

f. quiet quieter The quiest

g. young younger The youngest

h. good better The best

i. boring More boring The most boring

j. clear Cleaner The cleanest

k. pretty prettier The prettiest

l. hot hotter The hottest

m. difficult More difficult The most difficult

n. big bigger The biggest

o. simple More simple The most simple

p. bad worse The worst

2. Look at the photos of the two people or things and make a
sentence about them with a comparative adjective and than:

a. (tall) A giraffe is taller than a dog.

b. (healthy)
c. (popular)
d. (hot)
e. (difficult)
f. (cold)
g. (fast)
h. (scary)
i. (crowded)
j. (beautiful)
k. (bad)
3. Write sentences with I think… and the comparative form of the
adjective in parentheses. Use your own ideas. When you are finished,
discuss your answers with a partner:

a. (good) I think comic books are better than movies.

b. (important)

c. (cool)

d. (beautiful)

e. (difficult)

f. (delicious)

g. (easy to understand)

h. (fun)

i. (nice)

j. (boring)
4. Look at the information in the tables and then write about it using
superlative adjectives:

Three Brothers Pete Greg Sam

Height (tall / short) 178 cm 164cm 171cm

Weight (heavy / light) 91kg 80kg 95kg

Age (old / young) 27 29 24

a. (height) Pete is the tallest brother. Greg is the shortest brother.

b. (weight) Sam is the heaviest brother. Greg is the lightest brother.

c. (age) Greg is the oldest brother. Sam is the youngest brother

Three Countries Mexico USA Canada

Size (large) 1.9 million km2 9.8 million km2 9.9 million km2

Population (big) 122 million 318 million 35 million

Temperature (hot) 28 degrees 21 degrees 17 degrees

d. (size) Canada is the largest country.

e. (population) USA has the biggest population.

f. (temperature) Mexico is the hottest country.

Three Towers Burj Khalifa Petronas Taipei 101

Height (tall) 828 metres 451.9 metres 509.2 metres

Age (new) 2009 1998 2004

Floor area (large) 309,473 M2 395,000 M2 412,500 M2

g. (height) Burj Khalifa is the tallest tower.

h. (age) Burj Khalifa is the newest tower.

i. (floor area) Taipei 101 is the largest tower.

Three Business People Bill Gates Amancio Carlos Slim


Age (old) 60 80 79

Money (rich) $79.4 billion $73 billion $72.9 billion

j. (age) Amancio Ortega is the oldest business man.

k. (money) Bill Gates is the richest bussiness man.
5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then discuss your
answers with a partner.

a.         Vanessa            is the nicest person I know.

b.        Pizza             is / are the most delicious food.

c.            The beach         is the best place in the world.

d.               Chinese is the most difficult language to learn.

e.             Hungry        is the worst problem in the world.

f.           Futbol          is the most popular sport in my country.

g.            library        is the best place to study.

h.       It 2              is the scariest movie.

i.    My dad                 is the oldest person in my family.

j.         Eugenio Derbez            is the coolest actor in the world.

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