Poor Monk: Languages: Common, True-Draconic, Common-Draconic, Goblin, Dwarven, Undercommon, Giant

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Poor Monk

Male Dragonborn Human Mnk 13, Shiba 1, Forsake 6 : CR 20; AL LG;

Medium Humanoid (Human (Pheonix), dragonblood); HD 13d8+ 1d10 + 6d12; hp 203;
Init +10; Spd 70 ft; Fly 70ft
AC 58 (60 dragon), touch 34, flat-footed 52; Energy Resist 15, DR10/evil, DR7/+3, SR 39 (43 Evil),
BAB +15; Grap +16;

Atk Unarmed (+5,Good,Lawful,Natural) (+38 B NL 2d6+21 (+22 +2d6 Evil, +21 +1d4 +2d6 Evil
outsider/undead) /x2)

FB Unarmed (+5,Good,Lawful,Natural) (+38/+38/+38/+33/+28 B NL 2d6+21(+22 +2d6 Evil, +21 +1d4 +2d6 Evil
outsider/undead) /x2)

Stunning Fist DC 37 (39 evil)

SV: Fort +26, Ref +21, Will +33 (+1 spells, +2 fears, +2 against enchantments, Fail = Try again next round)

Str 12, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 36, Cha 16

SA: +2 Dodge Against Dragons, Immune to Frightful Presence, Flight (+10 jump, 30ft average), AC Bonus (+Wis)
and +2,

SQ: Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Evasion, Fast Movement 40, Still Mind, Ki Strike (magic, Lawful), Slow Fall
60, Purity of Body (immune to disease, except magic and supernatural), Wholeness of Body (26 hp /day), Improved
Evasion (No dmg on suc Ref, Half Dmg on fail), Diamond Body (Immune to poison), Abundant Step (dimension
door 1/day), Diamond Soul (SR 23), No Thought (add Wis to attack and dmg), Ability Bonus, Fast Healing (2hp/rnd
30hp /day), Forsake Magic (Saves against all magic, even if beneficial, SR 16, DR7/+3, Magic Destruction (destroy
700gp worth of magic items per day or lose DR7/+3, NA = Con, Natural Weapons (weapon as Nat), Slippery Mind
(fail enchant, try again 1 round)


Feats: Sacred Vow (+2 perf Diplomacy), Vow of Poverty (AC+10 exalt, NA+2, Deflect +3, Ability +8/+6/+4/+2,
DR 10/evil, Exalt Strike +5 (Magic, Good), Energy Resist 15, True Seeing PHB 296, Sustenance (No Eat/Drink),
Greater Sustenance (No Breath), Freedom of Movement PHB 233, Regeneration 1hp/hr 1hp/5min non-lethal, Mind
Shield (immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and attempt to discern alignment), Improved Unarmed Strike,
Stunning Fist DC 37, Combat Reflexes (6 AoO/round), Improved Disarm (+4 bonus on disarm, no AoO), Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus (Unarm), Great Fort, Iron Will, Lighting Reflex, Improve Initiative,

Nymph’s Kiss (+2 Cha Checks, +1 saves for spells and SA, +1 skill point per level (20)), Vow Non-Violence (+4 to
stun fist DC), Vow of Peace (Calming Aura DC 25, AC+2, NA+2, Def+2, Attacked with Manufactured Weapon
Fort DC 26 or shatter, Cha save bonus or Weapon 2+1/2 CL), Servant of Heavens (act of good, +1 luck to any roll
or check 1/day), Nimbus of Light (+2 dip +2 sense motive against good, bright light (common lamp) 5ft shadow
10ft, extinguish at will, illuminate free), Gift of Faith (+2 fear despair), Exalted SR (+4 SR against Evil), Sanctify
Ki (+1dmg to evil, +1d4 to evil outsider / evil undead), Holy Ki (+2d6 evil), Fists of Heaven ( +2 Stun DC evil)

Possessions: Nothing but a simple hooded traveling cloak, and plain clothes.

Languages: Common, True-Draconic, Common-Draconic, Goblin, Dwarven, Undercommon, Giant

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