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.urn '1'JIJI! AM' 0' LtJIl'HBRIE

A etuq ot the UN aDd _ t..t10 e18n1t10u0e

ot IMMtr,y .ncl n.r1oal pzoport101l 111 the
d_1&n or Bazopau bowel- ad. plaokecl- eViDc
1fte. lau 111 the e1xtMatb . . . . . .
e18hteeD_ a.Wr.S.M

!hee1e pr. . .W tor the . . . . . Ph.D. (RCA)

Depariaent ot Sta41_.

Ro7a1 Coll... ot Aft

Boston Spa, Wetherby
West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ,uk




117 .1noue IIStl'-1e 18 aWal_

who. ill dlwne . . . . haft

an4 pat1eo.
~ ~

8'1'" of ~lr
... people
tala• •

to . . . ., taR _1_ aa4 . n -.107able.

ftUloat tbe aid of tbe CulWk1an J'oaDdati._. who 110

....-o-q end___ ~u bnIMl-ldDded ..~,... tor .,

pro,,"t with the ftnuo1al 8appOZ't tor IV neoee..r1q

en..1ft Uawl•• 1t 18 u. to .., that va. follOldlw

Iowa d.., .... ftr7 8pe01al debt ot tbMka wh10h I . .

aoIaIowl.... bat ...... hope to npq to Prot. . . .

Chria~ Comtozt wbo ... __ both 1up1ft.UoIII ...

p141a« atR ill ., ~ tIIzwIIa thl8 • . . , IlIA ......

'l'o Cba1"1.. hue • •" " Galla..... va. .taft or J. all

A. . . .• . , WU'ilaltt ~ ... tIw*a te tile ....".,

h11- t_
ot the11- ....1ed8e.... tu ..tu t ..... btnall .,..
with 110 tzot.4q _ Sataen - _ ill. . . .

which for 118 haa gi'Yen the work a real sense of practical


'1'0 Christopher Hogwooc!, who hae generoual,. brought hie

perceptift scholU'llhip to bear upon rv work despite the

busietJt ot schedul.. , IV profound gratitude.

I should also like to ahow ., appreoiation to the aaaeu.

statts who haTe ottered their help and co-operatioD 1D

II,)' researches. at the Viotoria and Albert HuMuaI

Ashllolean Jfuaeua, Donaldaon Collectionl Warwick Counv

MuaeWI, Dol_taoh Colleotionl Paris ecm..natou.1 Consenatoire, a__ t~""1 eo-unate 41

?,filano, Cutello SforMeOOI Stradlw.ri Archl.,.., Vueeo

Cinco, CreIIOn&.

In partlcular, wt¥ II08t oordial thaDka an preHDted to

... Jos1aDe Bru-R1ool, ... PlOftnoe Abondanoe, MIle JI1a

aD Yaer.lberp-Awouten, JUsa J. Morrie, Peter'l'homtaa,

Dr Cl.-na WD Glelob, Petu- Briaoa. aDd the priftte

ownez-plqen who haft eo kind17 _truated their

treuuree to lIlT 8O'I"Ut1D.J.

M;y «ratltude, too. tor the orpniaational pnl_ ot Li.

"1ndeor. tor the inftluable uaiataJloe ot the RCA 11bftl7
aWt, tor the patl.' lIdrioe aII4 help ot ... tathR ia
the pbotogzapblae ot tbe ~ 4n.winp tor nduoUaII to
the pr.aent platee, and to )Ire Je"it.r Jlart1n tor 80

branl,. aareeing to tne troll WI¥ hudwr1 ting.

_ . . .tea' tbanka, _ftd until laa'. are tor.., wit.,

••1, who a... orpn1aed, driwn, Usnalate4, reM, ft-

punctuatecl, and helped oow, but, abow all, hall bee, to her, thia ia dedioaW.

fAlLE or COJffIIt8

1. DamUC,.'lc. •
,....."r. , IRIl! RlB'ftm 19

4. PIOPCIft'1c. "
• .",.. ot Pro,.,u.. 40
1» lat1aeal.... Inatiema1 . . . . 41
o 0014_ s.ou...... the ft". •• d ...... .,
4 !he loot Pzopoftt..,. 41
• !be -'1oa rs.os. 41
t !be I.1o "0111.. 111 . . _ _ of ... BellI 51

• .,.t.. of ........., "

5. !D IIStatllalB "
• tile ~ (nat. I-DXI) 56
1» .,...~ Q

• le1MUaa ot.. ,lee "


6. AII&L1II8 " ' . . . . . "

i) mu 10
... I . . . 9ie1. ~ a ' .tt. (.. 1".,) n
... D .....10 ftel . . . C t. . . . . . . . . .d.
(.. 1"') 11
Ill. m . . 9So1. latuna ."1'•• (.. 1"') IS
... lY tt.CIIW ftal. s • ., .... (JMr) "
. . . . . . . ftel • .,..... fte1a. ( .. 1,.) 1M

JIL n Put _ _ •• Y1ole, LoUa . . . . (1.",) 114

11) LWS Dl IRACCIO 111

lit. nI Lba cia "'10, as-l . . . cia

JIll. nn Lin cia ._10...... .-.01& (0. 1515)

cia 8a1o

( •• 1585) lit
11K. IX Liza cia . . . .10 ( . . . . _ _ _ ) (o. 1510) 1"

111) noLIIB (nou, YIOI-mrJ4 ) 141

IlL I Y101ia (-.11 . . .1), . . . . Mati (1~) Ie
IlL II nelia. neola AaU (0. 1'70) 1"
IE. III Y101111, Alltode ftaawd (1"') 1ft

IL IIY ftola, Ot.n.u.1 hole • . . .1 (0. 1610)

lL I'f fta1 __11o• • • lirE (1111) 115
1.) 'fIOLI8 . . . . . . 1"
... XU ftola •• 0 , . ( . . . =h •• ) (0. 1-,,0) 1"
... mI ftala ......, r.J.- A11eteee (1714) .,
.) DB • iVCIIii_ m
11K. Jml ......... . . , . l0iii •• (1M6) III
... ID .......... ~, latUnal.a_

II. JlIate (......). - . . . . tc.s"

( .. 1")

(.. l4fO)-
... m . . . late, _ . . . ( .. 1".,) IJ1
... JIU Alto Ide, lie. I . . . . ( .. 1,.,) ."

Hz. XXIII Chl\kroM, "'\eo ......bus (1614) 241

b. un !Mono, .1&00"- 1IDria. Gol.' (11:54) 25'
IK. XXT !beofto, 111__1 Jtaaabe (1162) '"
b. :an: . . . . (.... .mo.) (0. 1640) 165

Statiftri (0. 1710) 272

b. xxnII _.pol1. . . . . .01tae • .101M=--
YlNOOla (115') 171
rilt.) om.. lIT
IlL DB Ci'" (__ -rnca.) (0. 1650) .,

... xxx leU 01'.... """. fteu. (1'76) 194

b)~ ~

IlL XXXI Oulw. 1e1*lR . . . (1511) ,oJ

IlL DIll OUtU". ~ Coello ( I . ) ""

IlL DIlII Oaitu. . . . . . . . . . (184) 514
1. ~ O~ dAL1DI 51!
I. OiDltl!I~ ,,,

9. oaICJ,U8IQ8 J44
10. JOOLOfD '"

.,.,..111 '"


BE J\ I' T Y :\'ill rclidt (r~Jll\ the form :lnd lorrdj1ol11knc.e of .the ",Iwk, with rdj1ccr to till.:
[C\ palt" oi the l',ll'tS \\'Ith rcb,lrd to clCh othcr, ;\lld (II tlll'l\.: :\~,lill
to the ",h(lle; Ih,lt the
ftrlldllrc Ill,ly :11'1 ' c;lr all entire aillt compleat body, wlinl'in l';1Ch m~'mbcr 01;;1'1.'<':5 \\'itll the olhu',
alld all Ilcu:!Elry to GIllljll)!l: wJut YOll illtcnd tll fUl'm,

This is one of "the several particulars that ought to be

considered" with which Andrea Palladio, with "Vitruvius
for master and guide", begins the first chapter of his
First Book of Architecture (Venice 1510). In fact, this
particular "particular" provides us with a good working

idea of what artists mean when they talk of 'proportion',

for although he himself does not here use the word,
Palladio is really s~ing that where there is design-
interrelatedness - where there is proportion - there,
also, will be Beauty.

Such is Palladio's view, an opinion shared by countless

practitioners and theorists of all epoohs, but one also
hotly contended by many others, drawn mainly from more

recent ague In writing the lltuq whioll tollow, I ..

ot oourH deolariDg 117 allegiaDoe to the tOmB' poov.p ot

t beliewn t I certa1n17 I could Deftr haft Uftdertak_ the

ri&'ouN ot the work wh10h tollon without the tuncluental

oonriotion ot rq belt.r that the lutll1en ot the 16th,

17th ucl 18th ceturi_. 11k. 80 .aII7 ot their OGDtapo-.,

ft%7 OOIltedent.., the uohiteot. and J)&1Dt.nI, clid

Weed Mke oon8oi0U8 . . ot nu.r1oa1 pzooporUaII 111

their 4..1cDa. I t.g1fte that tM8 baa Ion« be. __ pea-

!heM an 4-icM wh1ata It tor GM, haft t .... 41tt1cNlt

to ft00D011. wi til the w1cle17 belel oba1D of 14_ tbat the

80rtal bon haltw..Y be. . . . the Aftiat an4 the tron.D,

"7 the . , . . . ot
poricl. . . 1__' . . . _ilOipliMt

1'el...t1_ ot the __ • bat ."ID_" "7 tile a-ble

elllta-oe ot . . 0-., ..uu.c Ida to "ua~ 8peoia1

olea:r17, 111 • waft_, laq--...., a pri,oIUt..ta.

which, whi1et _11 •• .--1...,. . tile ozan-

.. a of iat.1tl_ t _ _ • a.t~ e•• _tee
hill ot . . eb.1eet1w, 41aeU_ late1leet. _ ~ It

.... plainq iIIpon1ble that two 8UOh 41...... prooetIlJ ••

ooald work topther, u4 l _ t or all tlu:ouIta taw Idnd

ad pzocluota or a '..mal' worker.

In the cue or . .teal tnau...nta, which, aiftoe the late

or t.yre or OrpNaa, haft ott. bMD rep,mac! .. poa_ _

eora or a QllP&thetio -ato ot their 0.,

there 18 a turtbar reluctance, . . . eapeot.l~ 1D the

OODM1"ftt1ft _tuN ot the plqer who baa aD &otift,

ft~ tba a 00II..,lat1... , relat1. .h1p with .. tDatm-

. .t - a rel_tuoe 1;0 aooepi; the 14_ tbat ... objaot ..

-.rm aDd 't_liDe' .. a _10&1 1Mb- _ ' ' ' ' ' be the
nnlt, it GIl17 in pari, ot aD . . . . . . . 0014 &III MOb&-
aiGal, . . poe1Uwl7 DII1IId, . . .ttaeau.. hoalo.ll1'.

1D n. ot the APJI01tl... ..u__ to follow, . . . . . . .

ot tb1a RbjaoU... nJeott. 1a a ••.-zoe of aaotlI' how

lIUOO.eM the _ _ton of ~ ~ . . ., :ID

I'8GOIIOtl1ltc what an alP .17 _14 to be two .........

"1418 po1ari.u., the oal-.J.aW, ••• doa1J, . . .. . . .

appn .... ~ .... the ,....,.] SataiUw Y1.t... . . It _.
ot OOIIX_, 11M ttazwcIa the . . ..., of -a. lnat of .lilt
tbat ttde al.....aaJ fu8toa ta _I W.

Ia ~t~, _ a.1-. .......... .att.

1IIWIb ........... tie ..tM1t... Iddut..t ...,.1••• , . .

•• t.J ..... 1 . . . . Sa . . . . . . . .1.-.


.at partioular17 in uoh1teotmoe. where pel'ha,. 1ta ....

can be ~ . .i17 apprehacl.t. B.- the beet ot tbeee

atu4i., nob .. the a1pitioat .boh1teotual PrlDolp1.

ot Itwlolt Wi ttkowr, the tft1 t ot OOIl8idnabl. raaeuah

1....., ...ur otteriJlp ""- we1&hV __U . hw1e4

back ap1nat the Yeq .,.,....t 01 thoaPt t!le1zt authon
had tM7 Wft ftl'PW"iDc. It 18 therefore with __
tbaII a 11ttl. dUtieS__ that I IIiake .. own a.ll a.tr1-
batlaD to the ti.14 011 the behalt or a~ _ioal

Altbouah .. au. are IIOt 4s..' w1 1u to wtttkow&-'., that

i., the _tab11•• JII' of the priJIoipl• •f .....-1IW
~ witbiD • 11-- 41IMdplDe, tile )ll.'U1- -

__tere4 111 • lta 8t'aII7 01 _leal 1Mbulll_ . . of

a ft17 d1ttuwn' _tan......U"!a8. 411'!'a.' ..........

• , leu' of theN p:robl_. . . . . haw ~ ... _ '.

to ....u., 1. the ,....,.. s.,. . f tile SM. at .....

.. ' . . .' oattm 7.

reMU'ObetI 111 bailie Ul. to .pmt. '-14_ . . a18Uac
lM1141Dca ttll •••l . . . . . . . . .14aa1t1e ~ or 1dat.Ua1
dcoa IBU, on. wi"- '" areldteota tIl ••••l . . . . . . . .

arch1 tecta ad the 11M of nUlKtrioal propon1aD 1Ja the

t01WUl.a~1on ot ~he11' work. f o . knowl. . . . 110 ..u--

l_~ uoh1ftl. _terial hall ....1' OOM to l18ht 0 . . . . .111&'

the ... ot INCh 4. .1p prooee... b7 the luthien ot the

- - period. aDd ~t Uw niclaoe that \heir 4_ieDa ....
OODae1'Nd with a b14rh depee 01 u,.4eoe OIl tor.l1Md.
poMU7 and pl'Oport1onal kDowle4p 1. 09tiWb.bdftc. . .
. . eball 00II8 ~ . . . . ~ no auch twr.l.~_' reoor48 haft

. .rpa. d_p1" . . . ubautl~l... local1... re••aro", 18

• a.78teZ7 whloh . . rill Deed to OOIHIlcl_ later 1D oar


01..... thie .1tua~ioD. \h_, th1e .'-'7 wUl 00II0ftB

1tM1t rith hiatorioal 400uaeu 01 a cl1It_ _t. but ..,

1... ftl1cl. k1ncl. It rill be an . . .i-t1ae. '-7 aanttal

. . . . . . ., aDd d-1cD 1IDal.781a. 01 a N1nut 0ftJIIt.
no,1oft ot h1etor1oa1 .~ _1oa1 Sum la". bJ'

wMob -.De I hope to _tablle1l n.111' the 'pzo~

4_ias'I appnaoh' 01 eu'q 1utb1. . . ad ,....,. to ftYla!

• t .. 4-icD priao1piM *lob I . . .1. Ute to tIdDk will

be 01 . . to . . . . 1.t.IWmI ...Id. . . . . . onate ....
_buill .... tocIa.J. .tlMmt all, l' 18 _ _'ial to ......
e" that lt will be • •~ of tile " " " " • . , BI"!E'-

.sa ill _1-.1 iBe".I.' ..... lUll _ ...... m"!

_,,,,,,, "n lOS m" I, wa14 .. __ to . .
. ., the •• 1NdiO . 1 ••• 1 of _ t.b ,.,.See r..
.,re on the correct thiomessing (and, when applicabl••

arching) or the IIOIIt au1tabl. wooct. whioh rill oonta1n

the proper :Nacmant wllllle or air, thaD 1t dOH OIl ...

aHthet1oal17 sat1st)1n« planar diapoait1on ot two ot the

three dilleD.1on. ot that wlu.. Where the WiD 00IIb1M.

ho...,.r, .. ha.,. the art ot the blthier.

llulc.l wUwt_tII ..... , toZ' _, al..,. __ o..~ of

• ftZ7 apeoW e~, lIoth _ • p~ aII4 U ......,

to wt.a. Vlelr ..,..Uo w1_ ..... - ' 1 . - ..... _u.-t.t,

or e1apq . . . beho14_ to _ _ _ _ _ of tile ~

rtohDNa ot their penueallt1M ... __ .toUe4. ja

h1etortc.l 401 II _. u..r aft 0""", too. of • ".,.

.peed_' .1p1t1oaDoe, . . . .1_ tile t.,hwtlocieal __

~ of tile ... of tile t.lnaU.,. • •' . - ill . . . . .

to the at of . .le, apn•••1 thzoaP ......U.,. an
iBn· ••••• ..,. 1OOia1 _,.Uta. III tide ...,. . . . . _

• 11.s. .n..u. of . . . .1•••• of aft ... lOO1eV.

their _ _ _ , .... the . . . . .tiaDI of ~ .... ,...

MIM and ohft'1llhl4 __ . . bU._. lenSIw with t - .

-tb1Dc ot tbI1r PI . . . . . . . tbItr _. FI.W

. . . . . . . . . tee1i1tp. ~Mi' tb1a .-.,. tile De....

. . . til ....1......... - - .......t.aac ..... ~


iII.p1ra1iioD. wond.r UlCl oar1.M1t7. ancl 111 _ nlat1allM1p

ot Uu1i. haft 411101011" _ _ _ _ ot 1ihe . . . 8eCIIWt

..pee" ot 1ibe1r d-1cD Mk....,. 111 _ ft%7 na1 .....

I haft tha __ pririltt8M to 8han . . . of the prn1ou8-
q lo.1i thou&bu an4 ooa.14. .'10ft8 of 1ihe1r . . . . .

'.l'beM 1ihou&hu. 11k. the laftsuap of _ JlMt . . . . . . .

• hapeel b7 prn1ou8 auatc. aDd OCIII~ _"1-"', ther

will tbereton be appnolate4 aD4 1IDClentooct bet... it.

beton . . .1D1IIc the n1cI..oe ot _ t r i o . . pzepoft1aa-

a1 think1llS in the iuu..., aaplM. we _14_ the

.theM1i1oal ou1ilook ot the ... wh1ab _ _W tML ...

40 1ih18. lIoweftr. we __ , ru., 1mclenUDd oar o.a

pr•••t-4q nla1i1aalthip with . . . . . . 1;1_. wh10h 18 or_
ft%7 41ft__ ' _tuft tz. that or GIll' aarq latb1er.
IDcl.... . , r""'" an the two polaftUaa ot • ___t1oal

_ppl"OaGh. that ,.mape the pea...t oblltaol. _ ~

• tbMSe. that _ _ ............S..-l ,1 ••' . _

.... "7 u. . .q ~. u.. ..t Sa • • rs.-auc tIIa•
. . . . . th. __ , bat lit fttMJi . . a l l " _ t.. 2OtIt-

_~ EI t _ talat .... w1t '" tile . . .

to be ta1r. 1t 18 BOt • taS1S,.. ,...I1R to ..,.. _ _

u.. tha,. __ ~ tile ~. of • ,..,...
u.. . . IIhoD14 40 _ ....... tile . . . . . . et • ___
t I Iii Ii; l
! ! ~ I I I i f
~ I I
~ , I iI
f ! f
I! I ~ i ! ! i I f I I
'8 i 1 ~ • -
~ It I I i ~ ~ I ~
I rt
I• •lif·!111
i f i! s
i fa = & ~i


f -

l • f r :t f • ~
I· ~ # t • • f I
:t ! · ~ I a i ~ I
-1 i g! r r· f
~ f • ~ • f i I a
... i .. ! r
I r I~

. ~ ~ r o_

0 0

I~ ...~Ii:: ·
~". a I .... • f
_... IS. fi.2 -~ . .
~ • ~~ f ~~ • ~ r I

Iii j i ~

! :
tl I r- 'I 0
0 - -
0 .,. ..... ....

g ~ I1 I I III
- I
I a !~ 1I ~! ¢I iI !~ !! f~ ~~ ~
I f
f = I .1
I Ir ~~ -.~ I ~ ~ i j I, ~
: ~ : II ! j I
~ ~

I I~
I £I ~
I ~ =[ I i
! ~ a1- S
I I.
I i f

r S ~ f I Iii I i
! lEt ii, f I I J J !....
i -
• l4 -

0 ....0\

i . . .aetial to underatand that l-.ruage .. 414 tM

culture whlch eqa4vecl 1'_

Aa aocieV haa altered cmtr halt a .Ulenni• • 110 too has

the dl. and tuno'lan of _theMtloe oh.anp4 .., . .ne

MnkiDd'a lIMCla. '1'hoee nee4a are DOlI oftftbelld.Dc. with

the 'ftt%'1 tutu. of our uieteaoe titnateaecl b7 b1cnaa1nc 011 e..-.r-d:1ll1Jl1ah1n8 ~laal~. Cau«h'

up 1ft thia at44.J moe, .an .... hia an17 hope . . b7per-

WOhnolQD'. Por th1a teohDolo«r (pezMpe . . on. .n-

.. _ftov), the oba8el. . . . . . . . .u... ia OBOe apia the

,...,... - bat i ' 18 • " , .• • At _"P' • ~

- . . n ot tbe nai., u4 110' . . of bow _ _, bat of

bow little ~ ~.FSna.

1ena1a_ _ _ bo. . . ., &1....,.. ..... ~ MtUDc ott

UpoII tile trail towuda. h1&Mr tlltaaolocr, . . of ooa_
1»1_ _17 fne . . _ _ _ ot ita .1ft ~bUl'i_.

!he aoal or .....u ..... _t _ 7ft __ ott. . . tIP to

tee •••lecJ. bat . . . . . ill hmlll' wi", ... =l'net·

the . . . of... .r.t _ ... _1..... fa Pr"'....
... nato . . t-.t to • ,..~ he . a If . .t ..aM ..

...... ' witll tile .19W __ of _-.aU_ • .o, t • ...

JreoplatoJl1ata ot tile 16th
ph_a. . . _
b1f1aM1 with, _
the ...W ... i .

w.iW • • tIMt.,.u.e
ttu.4 of _ ' - . !be _ t . t .-Rl.:t.. 1...u . . .

dootrine or this faith, ita artiel.. - arithMt1e, po-,r, utroftOlll7, and ...1e - wre 808J)e18 to the etenal

order ot lluabe 1n 1ta clitterent 1JOd_, that la, .. pure,
atat1aBu7, ~, anct appl1e4 II_her. ~,the atuq
ael knowledp or _th. .t108 wp1recl the clnot1ca clue to

a uniftl'Ml truth, am ita ap'plioation .... l1li eot ot

Th1. -..oh hu our ftlat1oaah1p with the t..table z.litf·

0/ ............. tz.1u zfle . . . PNftMDl 727" ot

ill tbe art ud 1U. fd tile 'reta.... to 1ta
-1M at

It .., be helpful at thi• •__ to ooulclezo how tb1a

011-..'- ot tboaIbt . . bZ'OlUlbt aboat, b7 GIIII1n1ac, albe1t

bri.rq, the iDtl_ _ wielded .., _ . . . .t1_ ill the

h1atGz7 ot 0U1" GIIl __• lD th1a ~peot. I haw __

p14e4 '" the atilmlau.. 110ft of Pnt' •• U' JIonoSa DUe,

.~"""Uoe 2
whoM 1-"

....w. .1. I." .....

-3M' tw .....
wi.'. 1a ...... Qa1. . . . . 1

to "II•• _.-1",


Ute •••aoaal 1Jmaaioall ot . . m.. 1b11~ the tllft-

ate. ot lad - . t the people • UII8 S-tria (14th

-taJ' Ie), • ..tb04 of a.1.tau.. . . - - ' of 1l1li4
. . . . ' " tbe BU.'. 0W1"t'J..- ... to .....trt.... ill . . .
that the . . . . . t.4 . . ..u ____... ~

.te~. !lata 1.. to • t~ .,.t. of 1aI .......

. . t - ,_, .un'• .nil, ... '.u.' _ _ .1 .. ",
- ...........t.z:r - • -81ft of tile ftle-•

.u..... tIWI U • I.. , . , Mt.-U. ...'10 u. til . .

~ of -.a- _,.,.............. U. ia . . IIJdftt of
1Iuodot18·. talea fait It 18 IlL d 1~ IIelSewd tIIa, tile

et'f'il1Pau... et . . ~ .... tIIoae at .........'.- tile tun N~ u _ _........ it
to . . . . . .

1. ta1rq K81 to 1M«1De that the MXt .te» towa1'4

ar1~t10 ud PGMU7 ahould haft b.- . . . b7 ~,

in order to ..tat) juat 8UCh a practical Deed . . tile . .

d.Nor1bed lv Herodotaa.

The H1le and 1_ oul'tuna, t.ow.fttZ'. 40 IIOt proyid. the

lie. 1D Cl• •1eal Creeoe with I7tha&ofta aDd hill toll-..

en, who, b1 their ph1loaoph1oal approaoll, tnnatoz.4

the .1-.t. ot the _theMtS_ wh1ah t'-.Y hU 1Dber1W
rro. the EgyptiaM aftd Bab,y1Oftiana. Arietot1. te118 _

that the J7tMgoreeu "applied ttw.elft8 to the .~ ot

_th_tSoa and weft the tiret to IMhuoe that ao~·.

aooord1ncl7, the7 aft oreclSted with ~riDc tale nb3eOt •

• paola1 and iDdepen4_t .tatu.. 17tba&a1U 41d ..,h to

d.ete1'll1M the nabra IIJI4 pb1l0e0pb;r of Gzwk _theMtS_.

raains arttta.tl0 aDd _b7 to the1zt lSbeal-at nail,

. . panu1 ta ot the lDtell"t. tned ot eJI¥ _tenal ..

ac_uo1a! aUli V.

Par oar JNZ'POH, pahape ~' • .n iIIJIort-t

nwlat1aft _ IIOt hill talitl_ lT .ttzt. . . . . . . . .
ot the IIq-.n - tbe bno-'- ot • zt&bt-ucle4 vs..1e.

_JOG' be. . . _to ... ul....u.. ITt... ,...



rliscovererl thAt the Musical conoon8J1ces - tht'! prime rnuRi-

cel intervRls of 8J1 octRve, a fifth And a fo\~th - were

pr~uced by strinffS of the enme thickness and tension hut

of lanpths in simple arithmetical proportion. Thus,

strinps in 211 ratio giv~ an oct~?e or diaPft80n; in 312

ratio, a fifth or seaquialtera; whilst those in 413 ratio

.~ive a fourth or sesqui tertia. This was a.loo fOlmd to

apply to strings of similar length, hut of tensions in

'harmonic' proportion, Mrl to the maaa of the vibrating

membrane, whether it be of strings, RnTils, bells,

glasses of water, or the speaking lenpth of pipes. This

rtiveraity of example is illustrated in the charming wood-

cut from Gafurio's Theorica "usice of 1492, and shown

here in Fi~. 1. This rl iBcovery is primArily importftnt

to us beCAuse it marks the emergence of It. 'pLU080Phy of

numbers', which was to be 8. cornerstone of Greek belief

an-l an inspiration to Renaissance thinkere.

To the Pythagoreans, nUl!lbers were the elements of nature

anti the essence of all things, the whole of heaTen was a

~laioal seale in whioh the planets glided in diTine

harIIol17, I'II8.king "music of the spheres". Fig. 2 shon a

later graphic realisation of this Tision, froID Hobert

Fludd's (1574-1637) "Utriusque coai Historia". A fuaoua

follower of Pythagoras, Phllolaos, shown with his IIl&ster

in Fig. 1 demonstrating nutes of different ratio,


distilled belief in the uniyereality of number in

the 11nesl

"Were it not for numher ftlld its nature, nothing

that exists would he cleM' to anyb<><l7 either in
itselt, or in its relation to other things ••••
You ca.n observe the pov'er of number exercising
i teelt not only in the arf,..lrs of dellOn. and.
F,Ods, but in all the acts 8lld the thought. of
~n in all handicrafts and musio."

Another Pyt~rean 'riiecovery' 'fII'hich conce:m. u. 1a that

of the theory of proportion - tt:e three _an. I ari thlDetic,

geometric, end harmonic. 'Th.f!8e are tully eXJb.ined in

eection 4&, but for the present can be unrlerstood &a

'mocies' of proportion. The Pythagorean theory ot propor-

tion, howeYer, dld not aCCOlmt for, or apply to, incoa-

mensurahle nagn1tude. (a.ounts which could not be

l'8 tiona.l1sed by whole nUJIbel'll) and yet, &8 ..e haTe aeen,

the Pyt~rean. did reoognise their existence. one sup-

pose. theretore that they regarded such phenoMfta . .

'anti-number', helonging to a pri.itiYe and 1noo.prehen-

sible chaos, and matheMatical~ "beyond the pale",

involrlng, as they do, the territying concept ot the


The natural heir to Pythft80rean IMth8lllf\t1cl!I ..... Plato.

who, al tho~ naturally IIOre 1JIportant to us tor hi.

phlloaophical wri tinga, .... &lao the lounder (367 ~C?)

ot the renowned .lcad....,. the reOO8ftiaed authortt,. ill

I!lft thema tics, Mrl a connp.ctinp, link hp.tween r'Yt~r&s

anrl the later p-eoroeten of the Uniftrsity ot Alexandria,

ano thence eventually to the scientists ot the Renaia-

aance, a8 Cftl1 be seen by the ACRrtemy' f! flUDOUB motto

which reMsl "Let no onp. iP,norant of 1IRthCfMtica enter

here" - a principle later Mopted M" di.seminated in

stern pretaces by }'oth COPf'rnicus (0n the He-.olutiona of

the Heavenly :3rherell, 1543) ar,~ Leonltrdo (Trattato della

Pi ttura).

It oould be said that in his mathematioal beliet. Plato

WU IIIOre Pytha80rean than Pythagoraa, for the conyiction

that nature is precisely ordered to a ~them8t1oal

rationale was given greater significanc. by the Platonic

helief 1n the supreme power of human intelligence, th1.

led PlRto to .eek beyond ohser..nble nature, to ideal

nature - the true reality, "the IIIOst real exiRtenc....

Whereas Pythagora.a was ooncemed with the number tound

in the harnlony of RlU8ic, Plato, baliering knowled8e to

be remoYed trom sensation, soU8ht throU6h a "chain ot

causation" tor the M1'I!K)nies of nwnbera th-.l..,.., bar-

..oni. . heard only by the a1Dd. For Plato

" ••• the things of this world Aft all illperteot

copies of Porme which exist externally,
which are the true and only object. ot knowledBe.
but oan only be appreheded by direot oonteapla-
tion of the lIind, treed . . tar ... pos.ibl. hal
the oontusing iapertections of the physical world."'
~\ 3



Without question, tLe P:reRtest cnntrihution made by l'1nto

to the l'1Rlnstream of our suh.iect WA.R atudy the

Til'OBeus, for us one of the two I'IOst important literary

works of Mcient til!les, a book thRt was a'98i18.b1e, in

lAtin, to ;:uropean thoURht even tr.rou~>t\ the I1Iu-lr AJ'lO

eFlrly r:irldI(~ Apes, when its 'GOti', as creator, was scen

t)y Chri~t1anB RS ftnRlovous ,.,.i th the Creator in Genesis.

'l"he Titrll\eus i8 a. formal el"lr.oriiMent of MUch of the l'ytha-

gorean/Platonic nUfllber-cosl1lOloPJ. the spirit of which . .

h1l.VO A.IreMy r;lil"lpaect ar,ove. In describing the lM.terial

ru;d structure of the V.'or1d-Joul, J-l'1to explaina its con-

stituent divisions accoming to the tlal"lllOl1)' of the

mm!;ers 1, 2, 3. 4, 9, 13, R.'1d 27 which 1A the combination

of the sqw\res FUlti cubes of the double Md triple propor-

tion, stlU't1n~; from unity, thElt is, the two p,eornetrica.l

pro~Te9sions 1, 2, 4, 8, ~I~ 1, 3, 9, 27. These numbers,

often drawn in the I.amda arrangement, Fig. 3, contain in

their ratioB all the actUlll musical oonsonances a8 well

8.8 the divine h.ft.rt'lOny of proportion. The square, 4 and

9, and cube, B and 27, are numbel"8 of two-dimensional

plAnes, and three-dimensional solida. Plato further

demonstrates how "God eternally geometrisee lt by assigning,

in a mystical atomic theory, to each of the four elements

one of the tour regular salida, in which tor. take the

particles of that eleaent. The fifth 'PlBtonic' solid





is the TJodecah{'dron - "'hich incinentf1lly cannot he con-

structed from the 'two ll'lsic t:v-pes of triangle' - this

"~ userl for 8rr1!nginp' the constellAtions on the whole

he~ven". These f~ili~r, t~lly ele~ental, fi~res are

piven here in Fip,. ~.

The other iMportant book from CIA.9sical Greece relev:utt

to our study, and one haTing a most profound influence

in the shaping of our culture, is the renowned. "Elements"

of }o;Uclid (c. 325 Be). This I118.8ter-work - the standard

textbook of geometry for over two thoU88nd yesra - was R

unification of Greek mathematical knowledp,e, collected

anrt presented in an arrangement 80 coherent and logical

that its great and enduring influence on civilieation has

been as much for i te rational systematisation as for its

content. In fact, it contained thirteen books, the first

six and lMt three of which were devoted to p:eometry

(plane and solid), the seftnth, eighth, and ninth to

arithmetiC, And the tenth to irrfttionals. The title

II}'lements", "ccorrlinp; to one ancient COfIUIIentator, 4 means

'ueginn1nP.' lilt th~ beginning'. Fuclid does 80 by giving"

numher of definitions or Axioms. Theae set out proper-

ties of points, lln~s, ourfaces, an~ figures, and are

Ctlretully formulated to be accepted 88 unarguable truths

- the materia from which the succeeding Propositions &re

10g1cal~ built to form the entire system ot geometry.


This included, in book five, t'<e theory of proportion,

hoth cOl'lmensurR.hle Md incoIMlensurahle, attributed to

'Rudoxus of Cnidus (401'-'55 BG), a IM.8ter IllAthemticlan/

astronomer who had also origina terl several theorems of

the "golden section" of f\ 11ne.

The ach1eye~~nt of the ~lement8 1s threetold. firstly,

it preeenterl in concise ~d aooessible tora the corporate

Greek underst8J'1dinR of geornetr,y, a body ot knowledge

which - philosophy and 'liberal' eduCfttion aside - Wall

also to proye of ineotif'l8hle praotical ftlue to lIMY of

its students. Socol'ldly, 1 t deMOnstrated, w1 th all the

ir.l.'etutahil1t,. ot its own proots, the SUpft_ power ot

human reason, and 1 ts ability to deduce and tormulate

aocordinp; to systellfttic laws of thought. 'l'hlrdly, and

lastly, by 1 to universal acclt'lim ftJI a lIIOdel or pure and

ele~t lone, the Elelleflts finally eltnated the study

of J!tI\thematica trom the merely use1\ll to the def1n1 ti'ftl,.


Euclid hi.self was educated in Athana, it 1. thought by

the pupil. ot Plato, but with the conquering or Egypt by

Alexander, and the consequent endOWBent or the great city

or Alexandria, Euclid was to beooae one or the round era

ot the great 'mueeua' and libra.r.J . . tabliahed there under

the culturally enlightened rule cr Ptol~ I (~06-2A~ BC).
fifth the ~eti811l of M early 1)1RR~i1ey (further aided

}'Y some finR1lcial tr.~llep.ment) PtoleIIIY flSsembled the

~atc8t minds and talents of the ancient world around a

new tntellec~~l hub, its spOkes radiating out through

Arabia, Greece, Asia, }\lrope And .&.fricll.

Cul turally t the true 'nombril du monde·. Alexandria

achieved one of the first coBlllOpolitlU1 BOcietie., a

centre not on~ of Helleni.a, but a180 ot s..iti... Ita

sing'Ularly diyerse peoples mixed And treely exchanged both

culture S commerce - the grMt explOtlion ot trade

maldng the practical d8Jllland. ot geographJ, naY1gation,

and engineering on the preYioualy aloot and abstract art

of mathefll&tioe. In this 'fIIt¥. Hellenistio _t~Uoa

became a yer.y difterent study from the re.oYed idealistic

phllo80P~ ot the Clusical scholara, instead, it __

braced practical application by ~t, suneyUlg,

and construction.

The Bcience of . .chanic., particularly. bur~ed in Ul

atmosphere hungry tor the wondrous and the aatoni.hing.

Water-clockB, water-orpna, ~, and all aanner of

~Uoalq- and h7dro.tatiaalq-pownd autoata

appeared, to advance knowled«e, expand the econoB,J, and

4&ssl. the populace. For the Alexandrian., atheafttioa

was & po.ertul but obedient ••rftnt, and on. or it.


greatest !!lasters WA.8 A man whose intellect and whoae fate

symbolise those or his ~ - Arch1llede8 (c. 2H1-212 Be).

He .88 born in, and returned to, SynlCUSe in ~1ei~, but

studied at Alexandria. Altho\~ hie greate8t work ....

in the field or ge~etr.1 - ext.n~inK the work or ~UdoXU8

and Euclid, determining a Yalue for" , disoovering the

proportional relation8hip betw. .n a cylinder and it. in-

scribed sphere, working on conoida and apheroida, on

spiral8 and parabolu - hie rue _ tounded neither em

.sthematice, nor on the celebrated ~rostatio prinoiple

that bean his MM, but on the ~ioua . .ohanioal

dences that so tired the popular t.gination, oontr1-

ftJ"IC •• which, incidental17, hie lotty Greek .1Dc! d1eda1D-

tul1~ dit!l1ld8eed &II 80 ~ ~-ga... and beneath the

d~iV of true intellectual purau1t. AlMmpt th_

inventione .ere enginea of war, built to detend Syl'8.CWle

again8t the ROMn .(hanee, one such was a giant oonoaft

lIirror used to burn the Roman 8h1~ u they caM wi th1D

bow nhot. Archi. . . , it is . .11 known, died under the

sword of a Roaan soldier while In rapt cont~platian or

a IIIflthemaUcal ti8'U'8 - a g:r1.~ inCident, and one

which sadly s)'1llOOl1... the tate which 1Ma to befall the

Greek spin t of leaming before the brutal indifferenoe

of Roman ignorance.

Other RoMn oonqueata in the Medit.rnnean inoluded that


of Alexandria itself. Here, fire was used by Caesar to

rlestroy the r~ptian fleet &8 it ~ at anchor in the

harhour; disa8troualy, the names aweeping imrard tro.

the sea on~11fed the Great Lihrary, annihilating the most

precious archiY8S the world had evp.r known. ReMIt sup-

pression followed Roman persecution, and the stitled.

people inevitably turned to the hope ottered b~ the new

Christian ethic, IU1 appeal lodged in siaple Fa! th, and

one renouncing the 811asHd abstmct knowledBe at the

Creek cul tun aa pagan. The scholars at the JluseUID ot

Alexandria had to tl . . the cit)', SCAttering with thn the

dOl"Mnt seeds of their bright Greek culture. 'Uhat

retr.ained of the J.!.UB4tum WR.8 callously put to the torch b1

the V~sle. inY8Sion of 640, the re~ining hook. and -anu-

scripts, accorning to legend, supplying- the f'urnaoee of

the public baths with six .antha ot hot water and stesa.

Hafore tollowing our ~8ed .tical hi.tor.r into

the bleak wasteland. ot the Dark Agee, there 18 perha~

one exceptional Romn to .me. ...hould be introduoecl,

and he is Marcus VitruTiua Pollio, an architect workin«

tor the Emperor A~tU8. Vi trunu·. De Archi tectura

Libri Decem, the '1'_ &olca ot Azch1tecture, are a rant

and wonderful .arr1~ or Greek theor,r, wh1ch he profound-

ly respected, and hla 0Wft pract1cal app11cat1cm,

containing all the Ji!aperor or Ra.e ahould dH1re to know
conc(>rnin,- en"inecrin,~ ATVl IU'C' ,1 tectllre. If! rnet, Vi tru-

ViU~'B f, rnaders~'ip waR protA\!.ly not in his own

IMp"ril11 T{O!'1e, !llt in the of tt:P. ren&is8Mce, when

hir. work was to become the nible, the lOCU8 classicus, ot

Rrch.ttf>cts Md nrchi tf~ctural theorists. He lists some

1,.<lfJic requireMents tt'l\t tr.e IU'Ctitect should Mtll, 8uch

AS ~. ~I,o"'le(~i·e of hiStory, of philosophy, ot medicine,

anil as trono!T\Y , ~e shoulti be ins tl'ucted in geometry

and h",ve an \milerst~lndint~ of Music. '!'his last 1s ex-

plained n~Ay to any puzzled Ronan reader in suitAbly

pI'Osaic tPrr'l!l concernirlg not only the I\COunt1CB or II.

theatre hut, per+.aps "!lore acceptably, the correct 'tuning'

of the stretched strinr:s ot the balli8ta, or war-catapul t

- HorM music indeed.

J;evertheleB8, VitruTius did introduce, it to the mre

reoeptive ears ot a later audience, 80IIMt concepts or pro.-

round and tRrwreachinp- infiuence. lfot least ot these wu

the idea, ot Greek origin, that the h~ body itaelt ...

the repoai tory or the moat iJlportant canon ot proportion

to be tound. Thea. proportiona, which are 8traisht-

ro~ co~8urabl. ratio8, aywaetrioal17 deployed, he

rp.corda, before explaining in a hi8hly ll1gnitiotmt

p8.ssaee h01f a man with limbs outRtretched deeoribee both

a cirole IUld a equare. (r.tteotiT8ly, Mn 1s bom of

theae two priH t1gurn ot pertection, h7 the jtI:Itta-


.... ..... ..' . .~_ _ _ 4 _

_ __ _ __ _ ~ -J,u


> [

." ..,:-"- -

position of their centres at his U1Il,Ulcua, the point or

his birth.) l'!8IIY drawings, and indeed deaign philoso-

phies, arose out of thi8 Pas8888 from the handa and ..inda

of renaissance artistsl two of the IIOst beautiful draw-

ings are included here, the no. quit.' taailiar i~ froa

Leonardo (Fig. 5), and a aecond, by the lIIporlant archi-

tectural theorist Francesco di Giorgio (F~. 6).

Only one incormrlf!nsurable proportion 18 uaed or .ntioned

by Vitruviu8 - and that only in paIIs1ng - the diagonal or

the square (Pig. 1). whos. ir.rationali~ had 80 di.turbed

earlier Greek authors. VitruYiua'. didaotic approach

_braces the rund,...ntal principle. or architecture which

he Me8 in te1'm8 whole exact lIIe&Iling . . haft a little

dirticul tJ in tully comprehending, or accurateq t:rana-

lsting' ord1natio, dilpositio, 8Ur7thllia, a,...tr1a,

decor, diatributioi that i., order, ~t, har.o"7,

., propriev, and econc.;y. Maft7 Dr theM are.

however. rounded axiOMt1call1. on the proportional bul.

of beaut1 in d •• iBl', and thererore were &lao or 8%'Mt

releYlU1ce to arta and discipline. other thaD arch1teoture.

Yi tru.iua'. 'oMer' il OM «iring due ...sure w the

MDlbera of a work oon.ider.! .epu'lltel1, whil.t hill ~

_t17 giYel balance to the proportion. or the whol., bJ

using ratios baaed on the .is. or those _bera - the

lIOdulua. or unit or MIUIU%"8IIeI1t. '1'hia. as we ahall _ .

is an important desigrl-prooes8, evident in many of the

inatrumer.t outlines to be discussed l~ter in this study.

t:urythmy, incidentally, is a beauty of rlisposi Uon.

according to one l6th-oentur,y Vitl"llYian cOIIUIlentator,

Daniele BBrharo. "~li8 bealltiful manner in music . . well

as in architecture is called E'uri thllia (harmony), mother

of grace and deliRht." Before their red1eCOft17 in the

15th oentury at 3t Gall, the Ten f~oks had been lost for

a lonp:' time, 8. barnn period in our cultural h1eto17 1n

whioh r:urt thlll1a henelf withdrew tmSH!l into tlw darkn....

The eolipDe of Greek cuI tun 8lId the collaps. of Ro_

left a vaCUU!'ll of mathematical thoU8ht in the West. '1'he

fntgments of Greek knowle<4.... were se&ttered in the

?.astern world, but would eventually be driYen to &.!rope

to re-emerge and re-form into a structure ot powerful

influenoe. Until then, mBn7 suoh fragments were pre-

serYed anel explicated on by- a htRhly orpniN4 Arab cul-

ture. Indeed, the 80ienoe ot owes a great

deal to Arabian scholarship. as do our S7st_ ot eoono-

atcs, finano., COIIMrce and indust17. Dot only for their
invention ot the alBebraio approach, but .lao tor our

yery number s7ot.. and notation, which itaelt is Hindu-

Arabian in or1«1n.

The hr18bt torch of Greek learning ... puaed 011 to

medieval Europe b,Y the A1'IIlba, both directly and indirect-

ly. '!'he T~lements of Euclid ••re fiI'8t tranolated into

Lftt~.n (c. 1120) froll An I\rabic version obtained in Spain

hy the hrPl'ftt scholar Athelharrl, or Adalard, of llath,

aaongst whose othftr Arahic tl'llllRlationa was the Liber

A.l~ri.rll1 de nUffl8ro lnrlOruJll, a I!!tuC!y ot the Hindu

numerala. written in ahout U25 by al-1<howar1 ••i. A more

oblique path tor NeoplAtonic thought oa.e thr0u8h the

many works or Al Kindi (1 c. t~7'). ~)o_t1Ma called

"the Phlloaopher ot the Araba", hiB full, glorioua naM

was Abu Tueuf Ya ~b Il)n Ishaq ul-K1ndi. He was one or

the earliest translators And co_eataton or Aristotle,

8l1d was in turn tl'Mslated into LAt1n bY' Gherard or

CrelllOna 5 (1114-87). AI Kindi wrote on a ride rBnR'8 or
topic. in which l118them8tioa can be aMft aa the connecting

theme. hie Libellum .ex quantitatua was apparentl16

referred to by Ghiberti, and was probably uNd 1'7 Le0-

nardo, &8 well aa by Daniele Barbaro.

HeYer in our cultural hi.to17 hae the .tudy ot MtheIIa-

tio. been held in 10wr e.tee. thu 1 t ... durin« the

Dark and Middle ~.. At tiret it ... ed that practi-

cally ita eol. function was to .ake aatrologioal tore-

oaat.. and, &8 an understanding ot utrology ... an

e.aential part ot medie'ftl 'medioine'. it ... larpl1

the physioian. who received the lIOat ooaplete _th_tloa1

education of their n'lY. One of the earliest univeraitiea

offer1ng this teaching waS the 12tr-cp.ntury ~iver8ity ot

Hologna. ~;l1ch matheonatic8 Wft1J comparatively elenJentary,

Mn )10 doubt the !.aslc geometry which WIl8 taueht 1n this

atmosphere of dry scholasticisBl aohieved a IIetaphyeical

ni..:nificllIlce which was perhaps rather nearer a superati-

tious nUlIlber-nythology than 8. truly UeoplBtonic philo-

BOp}'Y. Neopla.ton1s11 did endure however, and W&II

tolera ted, and even eDlbl'8.oed, by the Church, al thoueh

naturally with certain theoloRical reaervat1ona. 1 At the

tiN? of the lIliI'A.culoua 12th-centur,y surge of building,

HeoplAtonic mathelMtical ideas were circulated, and were

to prov1~e ~8tic food for the hungr,y t.Aginations ot the

great Gothic buildersl ChlU'tree WR8 M early centre of

NeoplA.tonillt learning, and her 1I08t IVlrnlloua treasure,

the Cathedral, the subject of many intere8ting proportion-

al analyses, ahelters beneath her exqui8ite atone

po rtal 8 , in the OOIIp&ny ot earthly k1n811 and queen. an4

hea~l1 ..inta, prophet., and I!U'lgel., the ~8 ot the

Greek philosophers, includinR P,ythagoru hbHlt, 00II-

plete with the bell. of .ath. . .t1oal ha1won7. Europe ...

awakeninB, And awakening to a Greek call. PollOW'in« the

tirst oontacta with Cl_1oal worD thr0u8h the Arab

world ca-. further exohan8e. DOW d1:rwotl,y 1'1"011 Gnek


mipTatin{; frofl1 Constantinople, 1'l1l~ Turkish tyranny.

Bxnctly how the f!}i~ty explosion of intelleetual and

creative enpr/~ thnt we c&11 the RennisBftnCe came ahout

is too hrond n Aul\iect for MY but the moat eketch~ and

econo~ic of annotations in our ehort history of mathema-

tics. ile can at least S8,y thA.t the ~1 ting .park tor

this exploBion Wl'\S t) e rehirth or the power of

reason, and that much of the tinder wAS provided b7 the

influx of 'new' knowledge N'Hi the new poesibilitie. that

it suggested. CoJJmerce and Indul'It17. Md the new c l _

of free labour which gave power to thea, liherated the

artlssn ilIII'tp,ination IUld enpo;endentd the independent incen-

tive to i"'prove working proee••etI. The .. included aD

inveJJtion of J!reviousl,y Ullll18gi.nable power - that cr

printing, a 'process' which &IIpl1.fied and spread the

turbulent intellectual forces which had led to 1 ts birth. 9

'ifuch of the renewed beliet in Man's reuon . . . 'bono. .

fai th' transt.rred troll the incnuin«1.J d iaputed tenet.

of Christian theolOftY. J>1rided, and ralling, the

Catholic-Prot. .tant sohi_ robbed the Church or llUoh or

the UIIquest10JHtd conrideD" it had prerioua17 .,j07ecl,

forcing the n. . intellectual energ to MIce " n_

approach towards Man'. poeitioa in the 18'IiftZ'M. And

log1call,y, like a child, it. placed MIl at it. centre.

'l'he Vitruvi8l1 fiwres (Fi'~ r; MO 6) eXA.",infld earlier

are thU8 not only ~cArle~ic commentaries on an ancient

text, hut contP.mporary phi1ol!lop~ic8l cieclamtions of an

u-'1T'!'A.tchefJ eloquence and econo",y. Mathematics was 8.g!lin

hailed A.S a universal truth, and A. urliversal lan~,

in which All was wri ttefl Anti through which ft.ll m1hllt be

und erB toed, MId - such was the new oon t1dence - be .22!l-

trolled. This regard tor the certitude of nuaber is

reflected in the words ot Lecn&rdo -

"The utlnOst .joYMce to the bod,. i. bestowed upon
it hy the lir;ht of the BUn,
the utmost joyance
to the spirit is hestowed upon it by the 01ar1 t7
of lIIB.thematical verity."

}.'8 thema tical verity WM even reconcilable to ~th.r

Church provirling itA application was restricted to the

nature of God's earth an~ did not seek to re-order His

heavens as Copernicus, Kepler 8lld Gallleo did. God

created the world according to rational _the_tical

prinCiples (the Creator i8 otten depict." with dividers

in hand) 8J1d He created IIan 80 that he 818ht underetand,

and a8 "Love 18 the rlaughter of underatamcUIIC", a1&ht

loye IIi. Creation. i'hu8 could a 8cle1'1tiflc .\ud7 ot
nature'. _theu.tioall1' defined procn... be MDot1tled

as an aot of worship, &8 Galileo oonti~.

"Uor doe. God le.8 a4IIIirabl1' diaco...r HiMelt

to us in Nature'. action., than in the Scrip-
ture'. saored diotions."

We e8tabliahed, then, the.t the cliata ot the Renais-

aaIlce was r.v~ thel'!lf\ticE\l. It was 1M.theM8.ticAl, thoUfth, not

only in itA heliefs, !Jut 1n the utilitarian aspects of

its ~veryday affairs. Within this cont"lUJ'lity, the artist,

if not a geoMetrical thaumAturC'iflt, wu at the 'Y817 leut

8. hi~,:hly aocoapliohed Prflctitioner of "",the_tics. He

had to hel frequently he "8.8 not only painter and sculp-

tor, but altlo architeot, engineer, ballistioist, 81'Kl

general des1p;ner. Indeed tor Alberti,lO the tiret

require!'1ent of the PAinter WM knowlerlge of geoeetr".

The imPAct on thio society ot the n ••ly tranalated Greek

works was not only one of oontent, hut also one of tora.

As we mentioned earlier, a work 11k. Fuolid's Fle.enta -

1 t 1mS tint printed 1n lAtin 111 Venice in 1482 - had IL

profound 1nnuence on 1 ts readere, in pu't beCAuse ot i ta

elegant and luc1rl . .thod01OQ. 'i'M rebirth ot th .. spirit

ot Greek leaming cleared the . . , tor a tlood ot ~,

the desire to oo.unicate retlft1'Ch and expound philoso-

phies ot work .... giYen further stimulation, 1»7 the

SOCit1tieB, acad8P.'liea, and guilds which grouped th...el.,..

around their subjecta, and turther opportunit7 tor dia-

ser,inILtion by the new wonden ot publication. As a

reaul t, 'instructional' treeti... abounded, and wi th th_

e.- a ooll])Ar& t1 'ft11 easy &COMa to proportional know-
led8e. Apl*1d:lx A (J)8Be 362) gi.... a ll8eral iiat ot
efll"ly works nenlinr: either nirectly with g80l'Ietry Md

proportion, or with Al~cific RpplicAtions, 8uch AS ~rchi-

tf>cture, paintini7 and 8culpture, or l'!uAio itself. At

lenst some of these wert' Aour09S of infolT'l&tion aVPI.ilable

to the eArly in'ltrul'lent f'!' or to PJlY p:u1l(~ society to

whioh he ma,y Mve helonged. ~roflt of the treA.tiaea quoted

fU'e ltllliM, but the belief 1n the importance ot number

A.8 III. uni-rnreal hA.l'fllOnic 1nstnunent at crea.tiYlty, which

18 their common link, was one held in other parts ot

}:urope, including l''mnce, Jo.'ngland lUld 3pa1a.ll Indeed,

we lI'1R:1 leAve thiB account ot the mAthfIMtioal o11.Jlate in

which the &rt ot the luthier estal,lished itselt with a

yolcR not from Italy, but from the North. Albrecht nBrer
wri t1n~~ to hi. tr1end W11i bale! P1rkhe1mer about the wider

applications or his work on hl.lP.llU'l proportion81

.. • • ... thi8 book deals w1 th nothing but Propor-

tion, I desired to k. .p all reterences to
Painting tor the book which I intend to wr1 te
upon that subject. For thi. Dootrine at Pr0-
portions, it rightly understood, will not be
ot use to painters alone, but al80 to aoulpton
in wood aDd stone, sold_ithll, _tal-foundera,
Ilnd potten who tashion thinge out at olq, . .
. .11 .. to all tho.. whO d..ire to t1cufta."


Pa.lhl.clio'IJ rer..arks on Beauty, which opened. thi.e 8~.

gi ve. as we have said, 1\ Bound idea of what proportion

in ~t impliesl they suggest a quest ror a 'natural'

rer-osetlll beauty thro~ the Tirtues of unit,' and sia-

plicity. Janctified by the r~ith or the arti.t, thi.

que.t becomes the tultibtent of a sacred, tiMl.... pledge

between t01"lllll ~nd _tena, ft h~ to the original

creation or Ord.r out ot Chaoe, and ot ~ MiJltaiDecl

by the diYine eoono~ ot Nature.

But i1' the conuqueftc•• ot p1'Oportion ~ be NeD . .

protound, it. applioation i.e uaual17 St.plio1~

is one ot the priM direct1.,.. ot 'proport1olJ&l1t&'. and

tor all 81gnitiouce aDd .ttecti........ the po-

_tri.. and proportional eoh. . . UM4 1a the tollcrriDc

inatrwDent-4.. tgn. are, on the whol., aooord1Dc17 __


to follow, the fflAtheMAtics involved being or an

elementarj nsture.

Hefore el"'.barl,ing on our own quest of proportion,,

i t It'oul(' 1)0 as well at this staFe to acquaint oursel..-es

with th~ principia. of our 9uhject, the rurlimentar,y laws

anci processes of proportion whioh we st'lall ....t during

the course of our specific analyses.

a Types of Proportion

In mathematics, proportion 18 order in relatiODship, it

10 constR.nt ratio between three or more teraa. '!'hi. con-

stancy CRn operate in three distinct mod •• of proportion,

whioh Are oa.lled 'means'. These arel the ar1thMt10, the

geometrio, and the harmonic means, 8l1d their origins are

traditionally held to be Pythagorean.

Mean, of course, denotes the 1ntel!'Mdiate ten in a

seriee, or progreaa1on, or three terma, Md the abcmt
types of proportion describe the d1rrelWlt ftlat10Dahi~,

each of them constant, which the two outer, or extreM,

terma have with their '_ana'. To explain how each cd

them work., I shall need to empl07 .a. a1aple a1pbra.

The ari thmetio proportion appli.. when the MOOnCl tem

exceeds the first by the _ _ a.ount .. the third eXCH48

the second (that ie, b-e - o-b). 'l'h1. 1a all additiw


progreeeicm, where the terms are increaaed by the addl-

tian of a oonstant faotor, eo that the arttn.-tl0 . .ane,

b, is quite simply an • aTerage' of the two, a

and 0, or

b • , + 0

The gee.trio proportion applies when the firat te1"ll 18

to the uecond &8 the second ls to the thim (that le,

alb. ble). '!'his is a wltiplloatlw progreeeiOll, where

the t81'118 are in01'MHd b7 .w. tiplloatlon 1»7 a oonetut

tao tor , 80 that the poMtrio Man. will be the square

root of the produot ot the two .xtz ••••• or

b. Fa4
Both thae ~ ot prG81"HaioD ari. . 111 the 4eetpa
analyHd later iD thi. stuq.

The thiM type ot progree.ion, the harIIoI!10 proportlon.

was not found. It ls a «004 deal 110ft OOIIplex thaD the

other two, Plato thought it

"a gitt rro. the bl••Nd aho1r ot the . . . . to

which aankiDd 0 . . . the bomI ot the plq ot oon-
SonaDce and MUU1"e, with all th~ oonUibQte 12
to rh7tb11 and _l~".
It can be said to appl,y when the f1rllt te1"II ls to the

th1rd ten .. the d1fference betwMn tM tint and HOOIId

tens 18 to the d1fference between the .eocmd Uld thUd

tene. Algebraloal17 that 1.

o o-b

whioh is .to aq the harmonio _an

b. 2&9
ft + C

Expresse,l in nUDIbers. with a constant mean, b. or 4, the

respect! va &1'1 thaetic. 89OJIMttric, and harmonic serie.
would then be

b Bational and Irrationa! Ju.ben

A progression t or ••ries, thM\ is a wooeeaion or three

or more numbers related by a ocmetaDt ratio. Ratio
1 tselt i. the relationahip betwHn two OOIIpU'ab1e ..... i-

tude., such . . "4. w••hall be enoounter1n« MI'I7 ratio.

which oan eometimes be expreued oo....n8U1'llb17. that ie,

:111 whole numbers, or, aooording to the ach_ or 1ndiY1-

l'8t10 - a single aJIOunt, obta1Ded by diY1dinB the larcer

tara by the amaller. In deo111al ratio te~ "4 would

be, to the cuato.r,y three p1acea, 1.,,,·.

'1'0 be able thu to expresa a relat10nahip by aM tem ia

extraely con'ftllient, and in this wq the proportions ot

rectangle. may be perfeotly d_cribed b7 one figure - a

1. ",. rectangle tor aDap1a would be OM no.. a14_

were in "4 proportion. Here. howeftr. the deoi-.l

system has introduced us to another puz.ling a.pect ot

numbers. Whereas we 'know' thAt 1.3"· is re&lly the

straightforward traction ot t or l~. in ~eci_l ter118 it

i9 irreaolnble or incolllDensurable. the repeating or

reourring t18ure stretching into an intini V ot deci.l

placea, coming nearer Bnd nearer to the 'true' 'YILlue ot

It. but neftr being able to aohieft it - a IIOrt ot _the-

matioal tantaliaa. Where a deoillal UIOUDt not on17

cannot be r8aolftd. but al80 exhibits no repeet1n«

sequence of numbers. it ia called Ill' irrational nuaber,

and is in ettect a epecial case ot inooa.ensurab111~.

A tamiliar example ot the intinite irrationaliv ot what

IWSt be a t1nite quantity i • .n , the tormula which haunt.

the geometry ot the cirole. the aphere, and their

c Golden Section, and the P1bonaooi '''_ben

Another well-known Me! lnexhauatibq lntr1su1Jl« irration-

al quantity which . . will be _tin« i. the D1~ Pzoo-

portione ot Fn. Pacicli's treati.... the irrational _. our

so-called golden section which ..uur8a 1.618 to thl'M

place. ot decimal. Aa can be Heft rn. 1 t. ro~

_. (1 +10
the irrational 1ngndl8ftt in ~ i.l5. a proportiollal

factor (2.236) which we will alao encounter separately.

'rhe golden section, according to Kepler one ot geOllletry'.

"two great treasures", has been the subject ot enol'llOUB

reSeArCh and study, an object both ot Pft.88ion &IIOtmting

almost to deification, and of derision of the fierce.t

anti-proportioni.t kind. Wi tn... the l,-rical waxing of

Pacioli'. descriptions of it. effects - e.sentiale,

81ngolare, ineffabile, mirabile, innoa1nabile, inextima-

bUe, 8UPrelDO, excellenti.s1mo, inoompreheneibile, dig-

niesiao. Despite the faecinatian by writere suoh

a8 Pacioli and Fiero della Jrancesca for the remarkable

properties of ~, the golden aection, it appeal'll to haft

bP.en a little neglected ~ Renaissanoe architects,l'

a1 thoU8h aocording to the anal,-sis of 80M pa1nt1npl4

And a rew or the instruAent des18n8 whioh rollow, it ...

utilised elsewhere.

For Paoioli, then was 'insuffioient 1nlc and paper ill

existence' tc describe all the properti.. ot hU DiriDa

Proportione. here hoWftr, . . IllUBt be 1_ ublttou. and

list only a few or its essential peaul.1ar.1ti... The

altematift MM, golden 'cut', .,.t probabq deriTH

f'roII one unique oharaoterietio which aocounts tor the

particular riom... ot resonance ot the _ proportiOft,

and thill ie the sectioa, or 'cut', at the golden MUI

~...._ _ _ _ ~;~_ _ _ _ _ _ .c


point, b, of a line of any length, ac (Pig. 8), eo that

ababa as It distance ab i. quan'itied as 1, then

be will be 1.618 aJld ac will be 2.618 (which bcid_tally

also equals ~2). '!'he reciprocal of ¢, that i . ~. ie

0.618, which with the equatione

¢ • 1 + ~
~2 1
.,., -1+¢-1+1+1

(1' - ¢2 + ¢• 1 + ~ - 2 + ¢ ~ .; -/5 + 2

etc., etc.,
demonstrates 80IIething ot the endl_ proportional oon-

sonance encapsulated in the ftlue ot ¢, and aleo ite

fundamental arfini ty with both unity and.;5. It. tor

eXAMple, a square or unity is removed troll a ; reotangle,

it leaves 8 rectangle measuring 0.618 x 1 which in ita

tum theretore has a ratio ot ¢, 1.618. Thia relation-
ship is exploited in a grid coiiplex in the plann1ng ot

the Allets8e .101a d'amore (English Violet) which ia

example XVII below.

Another important properV of the 80lden ratio .... in a

progreaaian, e.g. 0.618. 1, 1.618, 2.618, 4.256, 18 that

1t oonetitut_ a ~t1OD seri_. which 111 to 8IV that

each ftCtor 1e the 8UJII or the preftoue two tn., thie.

of course, is perfectly illustrated by Fig. 6, where aa

18 plainly the IIUII or ab and be.


In th18 ~, the golden aection progression parallela the

well-known summation aerie. ooJalOllly known lUI the Fibo-

nacci nUJ'l'lbers, a whole-number progression whioh starts

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, A9, 144, and so forth.

This was tirst propounded by the IIIILtheMtioian Leonardo

of Pisa, called Fibonacci, in conneotion with the breed-

inp: output of rabbi ta, and Bet down bI him in 1202 in his

Liber Abaci, which baa surri'ftd in ita second 'ftraion ot

1228. (It was a180 through this book that the spread of

Hindu-Arabic numerals was encouraged.)

It DIf\Y seem stranre that a breeding pattern should follow

R Fihonacci, or whole-nUJ!'lber, p,olden-aection aeriea, but

in fact very many natural phenomena clearly tollow geo-

tftPtrie progression. in their growth or aotiYit,- pe.ttem••

The number of 'nodes' in the contra-ep1rals of a pine-

apple, fir cone, or the seeds in sunflower heads or

artiohoke hearts, all coinoide with the abo... seriea, &8

does the distribution of 1..... around the ate.. ot

plants, this 1s the 'law' ot ph711otax1s. S1II1lar17, the

e%quiai te poIIIetrie. round in I'!I8ll,1 sea ahella refieot the

na tuml economy of form engendered by this and other

'pleasing' geometrio ~1ons.


I I-b


d The Hoot !-'roportionals

In the P.'eornetricfll rliAcn8Sio118 to follow, irrational pro-

portional systems other thRJl ~ will be encountered, as

well M straif,'htforwR.l'd ratio!'! of whole numhen tound in

the cOmMensurable schemes. Specifically, the.e are rs

(to which we have preTioualy been 1!ltnlduoed by it.

golcten section cousin) and also the F ratio, which

apneara but onoe as a IIIljor proportional ele.nt.

The root proportion., which each po•• es. their own indi-

vi(~ual cMrncteristicB, are be.t explained tintly in

diAgr&JIIIIIB.tic form. I"iR. 9 aho•• the ai.aple 88OID8tric

~Jlera tion of the root rectangle. (./2• ./3, 14 and ./5)

from trle original unity of the square. 'ifa haft already

met the value ot /2, as produced by the diagonal at &

square, as Vitruvius's only irrational proportion

(Pig. 1); by dropping this diagonal down UKl reta1niftg a

ahortaide at 1, our new rectangle will haft a ratio or

../2 (1.4142). The d1A80nal of this rectangle will pro-

.,te a If" (1.7}2) rectangle. which in turn Pl"OIIOt.. a

./4 (2) rectAngle (the douhle square), who•• diagonal

.111 give us a.f5 (2.236) rectangle in the MINt wq,

and 80 on.

In Fig. 9 theBe ratio. are expreeHd. .. rectangl.. , aDd

as such, If". 14, and /5 appear in eo. ot the «riel

D - -', v -- -~E

/ '-~

\ "'"",,,
/ \

- \ !


fiG. 10

f\chernea w!':ich occur i1" the il:~truncnttl. while IS is alao

oece.!Jiorlttl1y utilineil in ('overnine series or progressions.

A simple rule-and-oompasaes method of generating both the

¢ and .f5 rect81lg1es directly froll A square is gi ....n in

Lesson 2 of H.ubridge's EleJDellta of Dyn8DIic S)'1II'Iet17. 15

Hambridge explores the structure and characteristics ot

various fundamental rectangles in a Wa::J which, al thoU8h

not totally rele~t to th~ particular applicationa which

here follow, III8..Y give the reader a fuller underetandiD6

of rectilinear proportion than I haTe room to giTe.

e The Vesica Piseis

Another important geometrical derloe, one which has oem-

sistantly appeared in the analyaed desi8118, is the figure

colDt!only called the Veaica :Piacis, the ....a •• l or bladder

of a fish. It ifl formed (Fig. 10) by drawin~, with co.-

passes of Ii fixed radius, tirst one circl., oentN At

then a aecond of the IJ8IIe radiua, centre B, OD the oir-

cumterenoe of circle on., whoa. centre, A, it rill inter-

sect. The two circle8 oMRa At pointe V and P, and it 1.8

this described ahape which baa earned the figure ita _ _ •

'!'he ff¥e of the tish 1a aituated at point C, the qe ot

the ff rectangle D;·l"G which oontaina the .,..e1ca. The

whole-number and 13 resonancea of thil ti~ are d1e-

cus8ed further in the desi8ll ot Ex. DX. VBPA i8 •

FIG .11

rhombus of ho equilateral trilt.lle,les; from theee can be

<leri ved 8. hex8.#~n tend, fall ow in,;: a method published hy

nUrer in hie Course in the <\rt of VeR8UrePlent with COIR-

paRses a.nd Ruler, hy the adoi tion of n rurther circle,

R pentnp:on (see }'ig. 11). This WIlS n quick method for

"1Tnlfing- A. pentnnm, "hie.: lfRS Rlso included in the

Gt~or::etria oeutsch (alout 14R4); i t ie, however, not

totAJly accurate, in thAt the two bftse angles of the

rentnt-.""'OJ'l COf'\e out at 8.rout one third of a degree too

obtuee. For many prnctical purposes, of course, th1.

would he quite adequate R8 would the ~iad other oon-

etructions which can be genera. ted from the .,..sica IlOther

figure. ~~m this initial collision ot two equal circlea,

the equilateral trilmgle, the equare, pentagon, hexagon,

octagon, deCl\KOn, dodeoaROlJ, &8 well as the ff and

R'Oliien Hectio" rectangles, ClUl all he extracted.

It 1!i harctly surprieing, then, thl'lt 8. drrice 80 saple

to draw, but hA.'Yintl: such proround. potentiality, should

have heen adopted 88 a sacred womb of geometrical generR.-

tion by the ancient builders of both F..aate:m and We.tem

(pI\rticularly Gothic) religious archit.ecture. 17 In ract,

" ••• it constituted the great and enduring 8ecret of our

ancient brethren. "Ie The vesica 18 ... lso to be tound as

the R'ftOtnetrical basie ot the 'lDMdala', which i8 80 llUoh

a part of the 1conograpt\7 or Chri8tian Art (Fig. 12 shan

fIG .12 '

thp. vesieR throne of Ghrist in Glory, the Limoges :iA,cra-

I"lentary, c. IlliO). 1'1 his "City of !tnvula.tioll tt , John

!:ichell gives the m8snillV of ito Greek n~ as The

H01iI'fit of 1!oliefl t anti Ttr1 tee,

''''It);oW''h tlle vesica was particulRrly ir,Ollen-

tial at the beginning of Christianity, AS it is
n.t pll such P~'riOrlA in hintory, i t has heen
respected frotll the earliest times lUI a sy1!lhol
of t~e s&creG ~rriApe, with the spiritual
world ot essence8 as the oircle on the right
penetr8.tin~ the worl~ of material phenoMena on
the left."

','(hen used in the design of musieRl instruments, however,

i t is more usually !!5U. the IIIMdala. form or the vesica

itself which 1B e1t~ifiO&rlt, but the ' ...s1ca relat1on-

ship', a8 it were, of the parent circles. Most cOlllJlOnly

these will coincide with the anchoring lower-bout corner

arcs of an outline whose relationship, lett and right

sides, are thus geometriCAlly defined And securec! in

their sy.aetry, while in other scheMs, the ftsica

arrangement of Circles is U8ed only as an 'inrisible'

planning agent. In practically all cases, ho. . . .r, the

vesica radius proftll to be proportionally sienifioant to

~he Boh. . . in which it features.


f '!'he Ionic Volute in the GeOllMttry or the Read

'rhc heMS of the instnlr.lellts whioh follow, a1 though all

servini-; the 8Ma T;I't1.ctica1, nechanical 1\U1ction, diapl"

fln enOI"'lo\Ul variation in form - a di'Vera1ty which echoes

the multiformity of the body outlines. 'rhey may be

BtraiR'l1tfonrflro, like the simple. stl'81ght-s1ded, tra-

pezoidal, open fZ'A1!le for pegs, found on IIIUV lute., the

lCflf-sh"ped, r.?ar-mounted peg-box of the lira, the nat,

frumed-out peg-board of the pui tare, or be the more

~cul ptu~ ",ffAirs f011n(' on th~ viola, the violins, and

~ few other im'ltrUl'l8ntR which ha~ lAteral 'Ptt«ll P!01D'1ted

in A reg-hox of flowint'"': curves, teminating in either.

cE'lrved heM. or II. volute.

This latter type or head, whether 1 t term1nll.te. in a

eR rveod heRtl (hW'lEU'l or 8J'l 111\8.1) or fl soroll, arrords the

luthier more oPI~rtun1t1es for aesthetic expression treed

cf acou!.'tic Rtrieture8 thlU1 all'!Ost MY other part ot the

instrument. It is 1n the oonception ~~ execution of the

'head' thAt we ohRe~ not only the contin'~t10n or the

maker's skl1l8 seen elsewhere 1n the instrument, but,

IIOre p&rtioularly, a grtt&ter insight into hi. peraona11t1

and aeethetic vision. 'n1e BaIlIe e&.ri be said of the de.18ft

8l1d cutting of the Boundholes. Even in the cue of

Bcroll-heads, where 8 p&rticular volute tO%'ll 18 the

. FJl:'. 13

estnh118r.ed model, R1J in the case of fl11 but one of the

scroll-heAds cover@d by thin study, there 18 1\ eeAyr,ingly

infin1 te for its aesthetic interpretntion.

'1'he geometric archetype, which forma the standard model

for the Bcroll spirals found in the heads of the ma,jori t;y20

of members of the violin family, 1s the volute of the

Ionic order of classical architecture. In j'll"Bctice, only

the centre two turns of the two and three-quarter turn.

of the classic volute are most usual~ adopted by the

luthier, who could haYe originall)- acquired the neoessar.J

rlrawing Lnowledge either from architects, .aona or

carpenters, or directly from the editions ot VitruY1ua,

or writers and oommentators after Vitrunua.

For those wishing to follow its goometr,y, I reproduoe

here the text (helow' and diagr&ll (Pig. l~) given by

Joseph G.. U t (b1cyclopedia of Architecture, London 1894)

de8cribing the construction of the Ionic volute acoording

to Vi truviua.

" ••• th~ vclute, the centre of _)'I.08e eye, as 1t

is called, is found by the intersection ot an
horizontal line from E, the bottom of the
echinus, with a ftrt10al troll D, the extreaity
of the cyma re'Yeraa. On the point of inter-
section, with a radius equal to one part,
descrihe a oircle. Its Tertical diameter 1s
called the cathetuB, and forms the diagonal of
a square, whose aidea are to be bisected, and
through the points of bisection the axes I, 3
and 2, 4 are to be dran, each being divided

into 6 equlll pnrts. ':'he points thus [(.lUnd

"ill ~Prvc for drawinf: the exterior part of
t~o volute. '.L'hus, plAcinf': the Tloint of the
com~~SBCH in the point 1, with the radiu8 lD,
tJ:e <1uarlrl'tnt DA iR (lp.s~ri1led. ·.. ith the radius
2/, ar:other qUAdrant I!\8.j' t.e described, and 80
on. ~)1mi1rlrly, the Buhiiivisions below the
points used for the outer lines of the 'YOlute
serve for the imler lines. '7he total he1f',ht
of thp yolute is 16 parts of a module, whereof
q art> A.l 1 0ve the horizontal from F, MId 7 below

g ~3y8tenfl of '~eA.8UreIllent

In discussing the mathematics of instrument-deBigns apan-

nin~ a porioe of oyer three centuries, and BeYen or eight

't:uro~·e8Jl cOtmtries, we are fortunpte in being able to

unite our findines by one system of measurement served

})..i one F;ethoii of JU.·oportiomll calculation - the IIstriO

system AJlCl the decimal ratio. Neither of these, howeoyer,

were el1lployed by the t'tlU'ly de8i~ers whoae work .e are

eXAnining. Por them the whole number .as aD iaportant

concept lUlel one wh10h WIUI retained, 11'1 dealing with quan-

t i t ! " less than unity, by the use of fraotions, which

are the",.elvea the expresaions or whole-number ratios of

un1 t1' - this mad(~ calculation a rather complex affair.

But when we co~e to cons1rler the units of me~nta

which were used, we are faced . ith ewn further

oomplica tions.

In Ita11 alone, practioal11 each .ajor town had it. own

R.yfltel" of meUAllremente, set ont in H I>llh11c place for the

conl'l\11tation of the rHfferf'nt tnv!es ,)_n'~ occupationa,

lihic h , often in the RR-MC town, 'f'oulil I·e u"ing 1n(Uvl~ual

A~,,·~il1lised 'mit~ which nifferer. according to their work,

so thn.t !\ cloth ~rchAnt coulrl !1e C'lttirW to a different

'l--'T"P.ccio' fro1'" BEt:! ~d3 nei;;h~)our, n mp.son or c.fU"'penter.

"'oreover, 1"\8.n~' of these CI'Aft~!Men not neae.earily

nAtive to treir town, or even COlmtry, or work, anrl with

thp. poss1hle existence of specific R'Uilrl tl'l\di tions ot

mensurement now 10Rt to us, a known oriffin or IU"I inetru-

"ont 18 no p,uarantee of the application or a p~1oular

star.oarrl of ~easurement'o use in its manufacture - 1\

state of arfairs conrinnl~ hy PlOnt than one Malysis.

The whole question or units of measurement is a field

whici': is particularly poorly served by writtan stud7.

~)uch little knowledge 88 can loa gleaned has often been

oonfusinR p.nd contradictory, while even the direot

measurement of the surviving publio 'standards' has

i'roven an unsati8faotory source or information. There-

fore, fIl8 above &11 we are seeking by th18 etudy to e8tab-

!ish the consoious \lse of geo!'letrio&1 and proportion&!

systems hy early luthiere, anrl as, by rlef1nition, these

con8i~er8t10n. are independent ot 8peoitio units ot

measurement, PArticular systems are only reterred to when

their use has seemed obviOUS, direotly rele'9IUJt to a

pnrttclIl.nrly ~lH in '':Of:t CFH\(~S onl~; p ~f'rtl\in proportion

of vectcr~ A;l;'(>f:\r to corref>j'onri to a BlJt~..:e8ted \111i t. (It

')foulc~ 1'I.::reA.r, llOweveT, that the l~rtl!lf!wick systeM, thf!

Brunswick inch, ~r.ich CA.J1 te trp.J18crihed as ~3. 7r mrn, W8.8

118eo. hy ver.:,' ~~a."y MAkers, not only those 1rorking in the

north. It eM be found directly p,overnlng overall

measurel'lente in un! ts of comr.en8UrAb111 ty as in },~. III,

a VenetiM inetruJr.ent, or merely tUI an 'intangible

resonance' occurring in the sche~e ot ~iOU8 instru-

ments. )

'!his ),3 ,'erhaps too contentious a. question about which

to :'>Elb~ definite statements, eyen in l~. III, where

"~:runs'l'iic~: inches seem clearly present - their apparent

/10lAi11l'ltioll could l'e 8CCOunterl for simply by thf!ir coinci-

dence with A. pervading unit or cOm1'!4'mBurability. As

levels ot proot Yary so oonsiderably hetween ind1rldua18,

it i8 prolJably beat lett to thf! reader to Mke his own

decisions on the IlAtter ot original units or measureaent

&rid, it lie 80 wishes, to ignore arq conclusions sU8eHted

in the text regarrling such systems.


':'r:i:" next ~ection cO!'l'l'prises Ue instrument eXlU":ples the.-

nelves, which are tiisCllBSed 1n~ividllAlly with main (lraw-

ing o"'~'la.te, toxt, l:...,ri supportive fi,~reB. They are

preceded, however, hy R few Ml'r-!.grRpha in explanation of

elmwin/{ lUlrl W'lftlysia procedure, categorisation, and

c~ter18 P,Overnin~ their selection.

R The nrRwinga (Plntes I-XXXI)

FRced with the probleM of recorrl1ng information troll!

three-diT'lenaionnl ol).1eots for two-dhtensional geometrioal

lUlalyois, the 1n1 tid choice of I'ledium lay hetween the

use of photographio or drawing techni«lues. It was an

easy ohoice, ~de eaftier hy long faMiliarity with the

t!rawing prooess, aM an equally long penonal record ot

T'hotographic incOllpetenoe. But the real reucm, apart

from thia quite ..alid practical one or controlled and


rel!txerl exar'linfltion, is the element of distortion which

is in trodncec1 \1:1 a ClUllerl\ record inp. a.n iJMRe trom a.

sinl~le viewnoint Rt varyin,v ,!istA.nce fro. the difterent

parts of the instrument. Adrled tu this, there are very

s,~pcial prohlcl'lls to be overcome in photogl"Jllnh1ng the

rounrle<1 P.dp,es a.n(! ~ell~l plAtes of instruPlente often

covereo t)y 8hin~, VElrniBh, as well 8J!I the f)Z'ftcticall,

insurmollntA.ble rlitricul ty of controlling condi tiona of

lii~ht and environment, 'in the field', 1n Buch placea &8

1'!I\l8eU1~ workrooms. By uBin,.!, drawinp", I hAve

been ahle to ~a.intl\in 1\ constAnt relationahip of rlew-

point to p.l\ch part uf the in!'ltrul'I'Ient, whether it he la.rge

or small, !vwc :ieen A.blo to control Ilspects of lie,-ht

a'1d reflection to express the form and modelling of

three rlimensions within a rigirlly accurate two-dimen-

~ional outline. In t}~i8 WBY, too, the d.iverse condition.

of li.~ht (and CONfort!) under which theBe drawings were

merle have been minimised by aOopt1ng fairly standard

light sourcea and the white void of the paper as


DrawinR' WIle neceBBaril;y restricted to parta or the

instrument that were analysable anrl likely to yield

infoMlltion, which meant prillArlly body-out11nes, and

head-plan and/or elefttion. Where, tor inatance, a pe«-

box was of extre.ely shallow Curft, which would probab17


not he ~rol~ortionl\lly planned b:f radius, and exception-

Ally diffi~11t to analyse if it were, ita eIeTation has

heen omitted from the main r1mwin~. In the 08.89 ot

instruments hRvinR a wall of ribs 8ePftratin~ table tro.
bACk, rih-depth (a 1II8asurelllent conAtant1,y V&Z')'ing .1 thin

each eXAMPle, in a violin u8lUllly presenting the slight-

est of tapeI'ft towa~ the top block) would be recorded

for lAter reference, but was never found to haTe a:n:r

nroTlortional sipnificance. The IIleflSUI'fltIlent of the vallI t

type of sounrt-box, found in memhers IUld reIati .... of the

lute family, is discussed in the introduction to the

lute family section.

~le MCt}10(~ of f'WMUremp.nt finally arlopted waa an estab-

1 i!'\hen onp., com~iRtinl~ of fIVIl'<in/? cAr.-l-'P8ttems covering

thp outlines (cut IlWn,v in thA centre in the case of

lK)l\elled or arched plate. to a?Oid distortion) on to

whioh the contoura were caretuny draw, s~tr1oal

aocuracy being In&intained by linking the pattem.. A

'traoiDA" Method, linked with the -..1n pattem, .... UIIed

to record the 8Oundhole. in an arched plate, their cor-

rect orientation being oonfil'M8d, as wre all bod,y and

head outlines, by exhaU8t1~ .ulti-d1rectional, perpendi-

cular calliper oheck.. Acouraa,y ... of the . .sence,

there being no point in proceeding with analysi. ot a

faul ty drawing.
"llsicnl instru!"'C'nta are (U1other reflf>ction, N'l<>nr,' hu."lllJ1

rtrtifll.ctR, 0; thi>"!~ cr~.,inr: of mEU" to cre"lte

IUlri th~refore poning no ViRU..,.l rlisturhanco or threat.

Trot all ulotruments, for prR.ctical reasons, £!!1 he sYII-

rietrical, l.ut wherever possihle symmetry dominates, even

to the Mortion, in many CMOS of viols, violins and

11.;e instrwnents, of the two-piece back, where a piece

of timher wi th stron#~ hori,.ontal p:rain conCiguration, or

, f18l!'l8S', i.s 91'11 t, turned ifI.s1lte out, anrl .101n~ to

present A. perfect (or nf~l'lr-perfect) 8ym~tr,y of pe.ttem

flaring outward8 from the central 8ea.m.

The rudel riernA.rcfltiOll of R. syrnrnetricr.1 design becomes in

this way a powerful yet invisible 8g8flt, a line of

duality as inscrutable as a mirror, a line rlenoting ft

plane, in which is seated the very spirit of the instru.-

ment, .Just AS for Leonardo th~ human soul 1fd 8ituated

wi thin the axiAl plAne of symmetry of the hrain.

This partioular design idiosyncrasy pro~ to be extreae-

ly convenient in the compilation of the drawings, the

vertical axie of symmetry suggesting itself &8 an ideal

division in the graphic presentation of the dual1t,r ot

the iflstrUl'1ent, as plRstic real ity, 8n f1 &8 ~metric

r1p.Hii'11. "rere fAnRP'lp, i~HltT"l,"ento Are shown in the

left-hp.!)(l si'le of U:e "nit" pIA t(~A, with th., ClIAtom8.r.r

fit t 1r" fl 0 r 1)riel /':8 nnri tR il pip.~e, M:! chin reste being

rer'oveil. ;'eg-HhAfts Are indicflterl, hut &s orip,inBl pee:B

rarely survive, Mel lIt8 their 'c;vlindrical' position 1a,

by function, not fixed, the visually distracting peg-

hf'1\.ns RTf> not. :;trirlc~ are R.l80 not drawn in (eYen

where their originsl nU!llber Rl'ld dil!lJ)Osi tion retll81na) ,

O¥'in~ to the r1anger of viBWll oonfusion in a drawing

-mere such lin(>sr fortMJ perform R 1IIOre illpOrtant ge0-

metricAl function. Thi8, perhaps, will explain the

physical impossibility, ft.pparent in the draw1n8B, or

table. seemingly de'YOid of sound-box... (the aoUDdholea

are left white, rather than Bhlldowed, for greater c1ariV

of form) firmly fixerl to necks, ant! heAring bridge8 and

tflilpieceB secured 'in suspension t without the agenc1 ot

8trinll'8. .'

Th~out the ..xing of the drawings, the _jor

cri ter10n was thllt of visual clRri ty. An unforeseen pi t-

fall, but one onoe identified BOon rectified, W88 the

rP.mBrkRhle rlegree to which humidity C8D affect the d1men-

810ns of paper, and therefore of recorded iM8e.

The inevitable restriotions of format aize IIIq have

'/ /



cAused Bome disorientation of soale in the In&in draw1nge

(the plates), the im&p,8s presented depicting instruments

of overall lengths varying from approx1_ teq 500 mill to

nearly 1300 11lIIl. To pro?ide a point of sca1. reference,

a small, square centimetre-baaed acale key ia included

1n each plate, and is shown here aotual slae ln Fig. 14.

b The Analyse.

Not Burprisingly, the practical analys18 of the instru-

ment deaigns soon s1lg8eateci the IIOst aui tabla order and

_thod for so doing and, althoU«h a W'livereal approach

to proportioninp, is certainly n21 attributable to the

!!l&f1y luthiers whose work 1s here discussed, a universal

in?estigl1ti?e procedure ctid prove to be the !lOst


Having recorded the neoeBeary outlines and checking-

measurements (and ha.tng rendered the laft-hand 8ide of

the drawing) analysis was begun by tiret examining the

o'Y8rall measurements - body-length, string-length, upper-,

aiddle-, and lower-bout ridtha atc. - tor proportional

relationship, this would also entail estimating major

ratios like the body-oonta1ning rect&ngle(s), and check-

ing for possible Rrid-planning. Next, the body outline

itselt w.a broken down into its constituent single-

radius &rCa. 'l'he centre. of the.e area were located by


& simple device, aftde by enPTB.tng a aeriea of ooncentric

circlp8 on a clear perapex aheet of suitahle a1H, and

rtr111ing 8 smell hole at their centre* thia WR8 lain

~inst the contour in queation and moved until the two
OUrv8a coincided, the centre .8.8 th8fl tMrked. In thia

way, MY multi-centred cu.rY8, or paeudo-el1pae, can be

reaol Ted in to it. COIIponent area. Theae aeJ)A%'a te ftCtora
woulrl be recorded, reftaling MY ~",etr1ca.l deei8n pro-
cessea Auch ...a grirla, planning &reB or circlea, ft81caa,
etc., while their Arithmetical ~luea, upon generation,

Might di9c10ge the preeence or II. proportional .ch....

The whole prooedure i8 a alow but not unexciting one,

particularly when 'Y8Ctora deriTed by IIMt&sureaent from aD

instrument's geometry are arithMetically confirmed b,J

cAlcula tion froll 1 ta SYBtMl of proportion. 'l'hl'OtWtout
the 81I1llysea, 8. general margin of error of 0.5 _ ...

el"'lployed, III thoup,h where larger 81)8c1l1ene exh1 hi ted

m88surementa lying outside this tolerance, yet aeemingly

relAted by obvious intention to an overall aoh... of pro-

portions, they were 80 decl&red, together with the

difference or their deviAtion.

In this way, the deaign make-up of each of th1rtr-three

eDUllplea (thirty-one inatruaenta and two inatl"WlMmt c!raw-

inga) wu hroken down into 1 ta co_ponent geoMtr1cal and

proportional processes. To facilitate a general Yiew of

tids nf_'cessA.rily lenrrthy exposition, a BUIIII'lIU"Y chart of

the cC'llbint'd fUlalyaes follows the instruments themselvea,

it is fully eXi-lained then, but nsakes use of certain

sy"holfJ to repre9ent proportional and rreometrical find-

inp,s, An~, a8 these are included as An Rdditional summary

in the indivirlual texts, i t would he as well to giYe

ex; 'lane.tion of them here.

In order, they follow, IIOre or less, the investigative

procedure outlined above. There are thirteen aymbols

which will tall into tour main categoriee'

i) significant linear and rectilinear ratios

ii) arc-baaed geometriee

111) proportional a,.at...

a. rational

b. ir1'ft.tional

iV) spiral ~lIetry of head.

These are:


vertical linear ratio

hor:i ',:on tnl 1 incnr rn tio

UJ ~)if~nificiU1t containing' rectnnf,'le

L'] <rid or plruminp rect'Ulcle


® vesicA. pi:-;cis

r' '..
~ t
plarmin,q' arcs


n. C corr.r~ensuro.1: Ie plYlDortions

~n •
0 [~olrlen section !,ro po rtions

V ___J root five prorortiulJs

/3 root three pro}oortions*


(!;c) ionic volute

.,,,\ pseurlo spi::.'al *
*Present in only one application.

c Categorieation

The instruments, which technically speak~ are all

Chordophones, are first st.ply orp,anised into two groups

- howed and plucked - then subdiYided into fu11ie.

following a generally aocepted orp,anologic~l pecking

order, that is.


i) Viols (F.xa I-VI)

ii) Liras da Rraccio (Rxa VII-IX)

iii) Violins (Viola, Violoncello) (Exa X-XV)

iV) Viow dtAlllore (ED XVI-XVII)

v) Kits or Pochettes (Exs XVIII-XIX)

Yi) Lutes (Exs XX-XV)
vii) V!andore and Mandoline. (ED XXVI.XXVIII)

viii) Citterr1s (F.xa XXIX-nX)

ix) Guitars (r~ XXXI-XXXIII)

The instruments are arranged chronologically within each


Although the Bubtitle claimB thi. to be • atudy ot bowed-

and plucked-string inatrumenta, the reeder N8J ha~

noticed the absence ot one or two striftR8d instru.ents by the aboft head1ngll. !h1. 1. becawa8 the,. were

conaidered either too ditticult to anal,y_ (ae 111 the


caae of the harp, which like the keyboard in8truments,

and, dare I include, the hurdy-gurdy, belong to different

tradi tiona of de8ign and .nutaeture than the ODe I hope

to explore), or were just ot too fomidable a llcale, or

too rlelicBte conetruetion, for eate and/or pract1cal

hAnttlin~ and drawing (1n which cate~r.Y I h&ve had to

plRoe the Tiolone, double-baall, and, regrettably, the

baryton), or they were IllUsioologioal ftriantll ot no great

design 8i~iticanee or bod7 outline Yarianoe (e.g. the

001as010n. ), or qui te 8illlP1y are instl"Ull8nts which BUr-

vive in only one example. which itaelf may not be typical

(such as the orpharion and 'Yihue1a). Frequently tar IIOre

than just one of thelle r8l1erfttionll haft applied to lUI

1nrl1'Yidual oategory. in addition to a turther problem

which, of oouree, hall atCected rtry eeleotion ot eXAllplee

1n all oategoriell, thnt of aoce. . ibilitl.

d Selection of F.Xamples

For the luthier, the d.signing oC a .ua1oal instru.ent

i8 only port, though undeniabl1 a rital pari, ot the

complex task ot aotually produoing enoU8h inatl"UMnta to

keep hiM"elC. A deaign i8 conoe1wd and drawn, and work-

inp; pattema Md IIOUlds are rro. 1t, to produce, 1t

the d.. ign is weo••stul, nUMroua .,.raion., allot which

.111 have, in addition to the ori81nal _tt8r ot the

archetypal design, an individual spirit of their own,

crel'lterl by the spontaneous and unique fusion of two
VRriRblesl the particular chl'lr&cteristics of the material

and the particular 'mood' of the lMker. Depending on the

working methods and the nature of the indiyidual maker,

these variables C811 evolve cons1rlarably aw~ troll the

oriR'inal design, leading to the formation of 'n.... ' arche-

types, or they oan remain fairly static, until the .adel
i teelf ie superseded in toto.

Whether or not a design is giyert opportunity to nolve,

our ohief conoern must be with the luthier's conceptual

design-thinking, and that is ~ing to be at its 'purest',

or IDOst ey1dent, in an instrument nearer to 'the arche-
type' - a point confirmed by the anal,-sUl of lIMY of the
instruments whioh follow.

The selection of au1table e~ples has therefore been

influenoed by the following oonsiderationsl
i) to ooyer &8 wide a field of the multifarious

I classic' bod,. outlinellas pos8ible.

ii) to study the earliest suitable fora of each

type or ftriant, in an approach to 1ta

ii1) to coyer &8 wide a geographical spread aa

permitted by 1) aDd li), bearing ln .iDd

that Mftny instruments h~d either their
ori.~in8 0 r heat tD8l'\Ur~oture in Italy,

.. ~ich is consequently well represented.

iv) to offer as wiele a chronological spread 8.8

ii) allowed within the chosen period.

v) to inolude the work of renowned and influ-

p.ntial luthiere, e8pecial17 where the,. are

associated with a particular tor. or variant.

rl) to represent a8 lIIAlIy d ifrerent pi tah-8ise

members within each 'ramily' ot instrument8

as possible.

Tii) to select only examplea 1n ori~al COD-

structional condition, although where neee8-
aity dictates, to inolude thoa8 with known
minor al teration to be identified I!LI'ld
explained 1n the text.
6. A!iALYSIJ O}o' IN3TlHJMJ:3n' }:XA}T~ (}t~X8 I-XXXIII)


It is g"ef1erally ~ot:'epte(l thA.t the viol fBmily, A.8 we know

1t, fi~t appelU"erl on the MustCRl ocene in the latter

hRlf of the 15th centur,y, and, top,ether with ita plucked

counterp8.rta, the lutes, thereBfter I'lft.intained n consider-

a.ble 1nf'luence on T!!Usioa,l thought over an extensiw period

of time. Indeed, from their first introrluction, viola,

1n one form or another, have been actively making .usio,

B.8 viols, until ahout the third quarter of the lAth cen-

tury, and, if you accept the double-bue wi thin the riol

genealogy (a vie• •hich hns heen ohallenged), then the

instrument's record of BerTice could be 8&1d to be


Early examples come l!lOstly froa lta~, and the three

Italian viols whioh are discussed in detail below i.aedi-

ately illustrate the surprising "fILriev of shape and tOril

that -.rked the earl,. development ot the tnat1'Ullltllt, a

clut.raoteristic .hioh no I!oubt led to Gerald Hq.a' a oft-

quoted de8oription ot the riol &8 "a Yer,r Proteus among

F, C!t. 15

j.!x. I, 7i f'('8 1 c;-lA t Pl. I



c. 1550

Acc. no. not known

The firRt of the six 'riols examined 18 a bft88, of the

cornerless, ~litftr-sr.apedt 'fiedel' form with sloping

ehouloere and allA gobs baok (l1te!'ftlly 'hunohbaek',

, '
.;' r referring to the inward slope of the upper portion of
/' \ \ I
I "':j
i '
the baok). Deepite this .i.leading deaoription of
1 l"l,~
'sloping shouldera' and 'hunchbaok', the instruaent 1s

of hMdsOIIe aapect, and now torae part of the .xtensi....

collection of the Conser.atoire Royal de ~ique in

Brussela. It was tMde in Bresoia by Pelegrino di

z.netto da J.!ichelia (1520-1) and probabl,y date. tro.

,.' -----

around 15501 the original labe\~_~l~ haa been loat,

although a photograph of it d088 surri.... , whioh I ha....

been able to reproduce here (}o'ig. IS).

Its g80l18tr,-, an analysis of whioh {ollon, rtlmtf\ls 0011-

mensurable ....cton go?eming the arc-radii of the bod7

(' I



\ 1I

r- - _. -- - . . B.I. _ . [

outline, and the string length, bridge and nut positions.

The value of the common factor, the unit u, is calculated

as 32.75 mm, an amount which does not appear to conform,

in either whole or simple part, to any likely system of

measurement then used. This could be due to either a

straightforward irrationality of the designer, or to the

enlargement of a previously designed tenor or trelJle

viol; the relative pitch, or the strin," length, itself

generating the unit of commensurable proportion used in

the rest of the instrument's design.

The overall proportions are exa~ined in Fig. 16. All the

brackets are multiples of the basic unit u. The string

length AC is 655 mm or 20u; divided in r..alf (E'~ t the

octFtve), i t coincides with the top of the body, T~ , thus

allowing an octave fret to be tied around the finc:er-

board, which at this point leaves the support of the r.eck.

BD, the body length, is in fact a little (3.5 mm) over

19u,2 3 and the distance from bridge-line, C, ~o tail, D,

is therefore (19u) - lOu, or 9u (295 mm). The widths of

upper and lower bouts are also commensurable; TT'

measures 262 mm (8u), while QQ' is 327.5 rom (lOu); they

are therefore in 4:5 ratio.

No proportional significance was demonstrated in either

the positioning of the fold in the instrument's back, or

the depth (slightly varying) of the instrument's r1bs. 24

r" . ::'. ...l ;'

The analysis of the body outline can be seen in Fig. 17. For

:he sake of clarity, only the right side of the symmetrical

plan is discussed; this ~ill be the usual procedure for all the

following instrument analyses, and renders the dissection of the

main instrument-dra~ing, through the small textual figures,

more comprehensible.

The outline curves are initiated in Fig. 17 by arc G'H', centred

at I', radius measured as 33 mm. It can be assumed that this

must be the cornman unit u (32.75 mm), which here makes its only

appearance as a single factor. This small arc is then joined by

straight line H'J'to the main upper-bout arc J'L' ~hose cen~re,

K, lies on the centre line (ED). It is here that the true beauty

of economy of the outline starts to become apparent, for the

radius of this arc, 131 ~~ or 4u, is common to upper, middle and

lower bouts. Thus the upper bouts are joined by short straight

line L'M' to middle-bout arc M'O', centre N', whose radius, as ~c

have already mentioned, is 4u, or 131 mm. The counter-curve of

the lower bouts is directly connected to the arc of the middle

bouts at 0', arc O'Q' being centred at P, on the horizontal QQ',

the level of greatest ~idth in Fig. 16. The radius of this arc

is 196.5 mm, or 6u. The curve is continued by arc Q'R', centre

P' (the counterpart of P, PP' therefore being 2u in length) and

of the common-bout arc radius, 131 mm (4u). The lower bouts are

completed by arc R'D*, centre C on the centre line, the bridge

*In later analyses the equivalent arc is referred to as

"the arc of origin" of the lower bouts.

position. The radius, 295 _, i . equal to 911, and there-

fore gift. a lower-bout arc-radius ratio aequ.noe of


'!'he daahed circle, whose centre on the oetre line i , at

F, patl8" through the tour C8lltriDge of \be 'I' hole••

Its rsdiu8, 98 _, equal. ,U (, x ,2.75 _ aotualq

equal. 98.25 _ - in practice, howeftr, ~th1Dg 1_

than 0.5 _

0.5 _ or I..
argin of error).
18 8carce17 IMIUUrab1e. M7 diU.renee of

will therefore be resarcle4 .. aoceptab1.

The &rC8 ftpl07ed ill the ounH of the JJ88'-box aft, per-

halMl, not quite .. oaretul17 OOMid~. !be bead 18 ot

811ghU7 UMxpeoted d_ip - al thoaP Ulo~ Bfteo1a

in character. It lacke a bee1, aDd the aMi__ t ot bH4

and neok i8 OCIIIHqu.tq • •'ltIa' walt, ~ the othez-

w1H dec18i" Y1par IUId olear 4_1&D of the heel 1 tN1f.

1'he .ozoll 11 "r,- _11 oanoelw4, _t ...,q eMt - ..

deep, in taot, tbat ita NI011lUc. wi_ the flat . . . .

of the P8«-bos 1"811.. DOt - tIM _tie '1roaiItc _t' of

the . . .led pi tab of the '01'011 illto the pl-._ of h

tud17. but rather GD a tnnk oonuut be'- the ~

of the JMl«-box ud tMee ot the ....11, 11111* . . t ill _

1nolMCl, ourNd 'V'. tea1nat1Jt« at poillt V ill ftc. l8.

Flu. 18

Indeed this solution inYol'ft8 a nloe adaptation ot the

01&881cal Ionl0 wlute - aa . . ahall _ , the II08t COlI-

I"IOn1y 118ed splral tor tho design of 80r0ll-Meds.. tt'he

outer whorl of thia spiml oorresponda to the edge ot

the soro11 (Fig. 18) froll the eye.25 untolding to point

~. In this head, howrntr. the inner whorl, which.

al though sta.ying oloser to the outer line than in the

classical eXlUlple. oorr8sponda to it, and tor. the

benlled edge, oont1ml1.ftg be,yond point B, not dn1at1nc

troa the 8Pi.ra1, but c.a1ng at point Y. !'he Saportat

outer edge is eont1maed troll point B by arc Be. oeatre A,
radiue 56 _. which, 11ke 8011e ot the other wcton 1Ja
tile peg-box, ... not proportional17 81pit1aant. !be

curYe 18 continued. lq arc CD, OMU. W, 011 11M PKG ot

the containing rectangle PG'HI, ita radl_ theretoft equal

to this rectangle'" ahortalde, i.e. 95 _. Wi th a lone-

side ot 190 _ and a amort.ide or 95 _. PGHI 18 .~

rectangle, or double aqU&re - ita ftluee, ho.....r, do 110'
1ndiTidual17 relate to the aiD eohae. !he CU1"'N or the
peg-box undenide 18 oon'imaecl b7 aro lZ. oenUe Q, radi_

1,1 • • thi., ot ooaree. i. a ftOtor O<! DB to the ..til

~..unmlb1e aoh_. al thCN«h i te 1aolaW appeuuoe

in the heed is probab17 a ooinoid_oe. B 1a ext.4ed 'b7

a straiBht line until the COUDter-ouJ.'W of the hMlt/neot

-For geoMtrlcal ooa.tftot1G11, _ ..u. ",f, pap 51.

join is met. The top curve of the peg-box is initiated

by arc FJ, centre R (on line }~I of head-containing rect-

angle FGHI); its radius is 78 ~m. The straight line, JK,

joins this arc to arc KL, centre M, radius 95 mm (equal

to FI and to the radius of arc CD, whose centre, N, lies

on radius KM). The curve is completed by arc LO, centre

P, radius 24 mm, also concluding the analysis of this

bass viol by Pelegrino di Zanetto.


~. II, Figw 19-22, Pl. II



c. 1575


Ace. 1'01 1

!hiB treble nol, toming part ot the Hill oolleot1aa ot

1net1"Ull8nte at the 'elmol.., Mus.,., 18 or the MZ'Q-,

comerl... , t tied.l t "far1ev with'' IhcNldft'll.

It QJI lIOat p%Obab17 .ad. in Venice b7 Oiowmd Maria ot

Brescia around 1575, aM no~ .. p:rerioUa17 etaW to-

Boyd8ll betw.... 1520 and 1525.26 .....rUtel_ it ie . .
ot the eArli•• t tHbl. Tiol. to eurri.... All identiaal

con ot this instxu.nt b7 the 1uthier 1'1e1&ah, a t01"Mr

owner, can be touM ill the oo11eot1oll at the Caete110

Storzeaoo in IUlan, ditteriDs -17 111 d.tail. of ttttlnp.

108'18, althouBh the MUU1"888Ilte gt..... an, tor our JJUI-

po. . , 8Z'OU17 lI1elea4i11«, 1ft that they Uto1111!. the ouna-

ture ot lIOd.l1ecl platee, and in ttli. )lU'tietllar aaapl•

• considerable error ... .ad. 111 the "'UZ'IMftt ot the

.lddle bouta, which are given ao.e 8 _ .hort.

Analysis or this treble revealed a Yer,1 beautitul geo-

rnet!')', govemed by an ari thrJetio sert.. relatillg to.;s-

~tr"1. The tenta ill this aeriea expreaa the ratioa

of the radii of the arcs used iJ'I the dea1grl or the out-

line. I shall call the terms, in aaoendi"8 order ot

'talue. a, b, 0, d, and a, where a-55 _, b • 72 _,
c • 89 _, cl • 106 _, and a • 123 _, ancl the unit or
dirterenca between each, u, - 17 _. 'l'helr relat1cmshipll

and their IS partW i t7 are clearly ahoa 1ft the tollow-

ing table.

Radii 1D
whola no. _

extr •••• ot .lU • .t. •

.ari... 55 a
2.2~ • (/5)

dinaiona ot
tel"M by unit.
17 - A •
u 3.2'(5) • (/5 + 1)

11 - ll. • 4.2'(5) - (/5
u + 2)

11 - £
u • 5.2'(5) - V5 + ,)
11 -, . u 6.2'(5) • ' " + .)

m11 • .t.
u • 1.2'(5) • tJr + 5)
_.A__ ~~".. ___ ~
~---- I

.I .

. J_

-r Q' :~--y
I ,

I r
- - --~-

J !
I ~

: . -----y .J,

Le. 19

The 0108e By1IJ)at~ that,/5 a~tr,y baa with the gold_

proportion (¢) 0&11 be shown when the third ten ill

diY1ded by the firatl

Berore dalOnat1'8.ting the use or theM ar1thaetlca1l7

proportioned radii in the inlltru...t, it .hould be DOted

that the 'unit or dirference', u (. 17 .),27 41ri4. . the

boq 1~ b7 21, the atring l~ b7 18.5, the .....

length b7 7, and the heM. 'depth' (ill P1g. 22, Ga) b7 ,.

The OTerall proportions of length aDd willth are .hon 111

Pig. 19. Here the heed length, n, or 7u C8Il be . . . to

diY1de the bod.J lanatb, BD, b7 ,. !hi. length (BD •

~56 -) 111 twice the upper_bout willth XX' (178 _) 80

that rectangle QRS'l' i. a double -avan, or ff t1gure.

!he aiddl... and low.r-bout widths are al80 in whole

nWlber relatioaahipl

~ 216.. • 1.5 •
TT' • 144 _

_ ... & _at be&ut1tul 8Gb.... Heft, tor the 1'1rIIt t_.

is what we .hall aall a "cnat oirol." . . . . bJ". !he

drawing i . lup17 ..It-upluatol7, the OIItliM ill GOD-

.truoW in.ide a o1ftuwaz'1W o1role. 1IIIWIIl , . . . .....

ot the outl1M (1u a.atft, C, beiJIc abo at the oetn


/ "' , ,

. .,...:p

, ,

\ (71 I


r· - 20

of the boc!7-plaDe. BD) and wh1ch. in ad41t1cm. acta .. a

planning oircle tor oerta1D arc oentree. !he Maria

ach_ ia turtMr enriohed b7 the un ot a . .1oa p1a01_

arrans-ent which OOIIbiD. . with the sr-t oircle to

detenine the lower-bout oonti8uraticm. !be .... iO&

piao1a _rpa as eme ot the lIOat 1aportant. uc1 COD-

atantl7 1"eC'U1T1ng, planning derloea .pl07_ 111 ...1oa1

1nat:ruaet d..1p. as i_ reftalecJ b;y the poMtrioal

anal1'a1a ot -.DT ot the tollowiD« exupl_. aDd. . . _ _ •
it hu ot courae been e:uained in 010Mr d.ta1l 111 aD

earlier secticm (4 ••• pap 48) ot th1a _tuq.

JI'1g. 20. the arc of or1g1ft 111', u we haft . . . . to~

peri ot the great circl. oenu.ct at C, it. %'II4i_ 18

theretore 178 _. which . . oaa al.o axpw. .. 2 x 89 _.

or 20, that 1s 2 x u tJ5 + ,). YI'bfte./5 repraa.u the

ratio ot the ab••• ot the aritbMUo Mri... 12, _
and 55 _ (!} !he ourft i. oouti.JNed. 'b7 ... uo, R'I',
toning part ot the weioa p18018 ~t, . .a.l
at G . . ct. Iu~. wtdah i. thftwton _ taaU4

t1ft-teN aeriea. .A IIiIort .-'.t

ot the lCJWft-boIat w1dth, .a.-nll 72 _ • tact. '- ta the

lower to 1I1d4la bou. (u • •11111&1- 11M

liM, I'J·. 007

.1oiMI ...

II14dl. . aDd gppe:r-boUt aurwatan or a. Zunto Ylol),

their eu:ne 4al1Deated • aft J'K'. a.. . P' . . tile


,, /


I \

great circl•• and or radiWl 106 _. or d (u (.15 + 41 ).

'!'he upper-bout .ection i8 roxwed tv one ....piDB arc.

K'U'. centred at L on the centre liD•• it. ra41ua

meaaur1ng 89 - . or c (u [./5 + ,]).

Pig. 21 g1Yea the CN1'ft. and poei tioniDg or tit. 'C'

hole.. Ae we ha........ the arc rad1ua d, that Po... the

lliddl.-bout cnarw .... centred at poiftt P' OIl the B%'8&t

circl., a line 4ra1lJl rro. th1tI point throup the notchee

or the 'C'. Uld . .tin« the cetre 11M at ". ro~ the

arla or the 'C' hol.. 'C'-hole CeBtr1Jt« i. aohiew4 b7

Man8 or a c1rol.. centre C. ra41_ 72 _ (b), whiob
touche. the iDner cum or the .1d41. bouts and p1. . .
the lowr centr1Dc. and. al.o b7 _ _ of &II 1DterMcting

arc, centre P', and rad1us 12, . , or • (u[$ + 5]).

The .aiD 1mMtr 8Il4 outer cunea or the 'C' hol. ~

..1.... are fo1'M4 b7 U"08 who. . aetna. Y' u4 W'. lie

on the PP' axis and whoae racll1 ...are 55 • (a) ...
72 _ (b) reepect1ft17.

At tlrst .1gbt, the head of this riol. Ooa 111 oatl1De

.l....tion in Pic. 22, i. perbapa a l1ttl. 41. .ppoiatiDc.

partioular17 to tI7" IIOre aocuato.d to the uq1I1a1_q

oonoelye4 and euauted 80l'01l. or the late er-••
8abool or rioliD _k1D«. lIMl.... follow1q tile bolcl

tbne-d1aeml1oaal1V of tbIt z..tto'. HJIOll. tbe "'1.



o Fl (- 22

of the "Venetian head".found here and in the following

example,appears to be flat and lifeless. Seen to advan-

taee only from the side, the ionic spiral of the scroll

is carved in relief into the flat plane of the cheeks

(see main drawing). This type of head is of course

economical in both material and makin~-time.

Despite these initial reservations, which in any case

should be thought of as generic idiosyncrasies, the

analysis of the head design of the Maria viol proved to

be quite rewarding.

The arcs of the peg-box are given in Fig. 22, where the

elevation is shown superimposed with its containing grid

of 3 x 7 squares, of side 17 mm, which, as the reader

will recall, was the crucial 'unit of difference', u,

between the important vectors of the body geometry. The

quadrant arc Be, centre A, moves out from the ionic

spiral, and is continued by arc CD, centre N, radius

85 mm, or 5 lmits of 17 mm. The lower peg-bo~ curve is

completed by counter-curve arc DE, centre P, radius

59.5 mm, ~ units of 17 mm. The upper peg-box curve is

initiated by arc FJ, centre 0 (on FI produced), radius

102 mm, or 6 units of 17 mm. A straight line, JK, links

this arc with final arc KL, centre M, radius 51mm, or 3

units of 17 mm.
" ,




, I


Es. III, Pip 23-29, Pl. III




o. 1590


Aoo. :leu 1426

'!'he Clcl11ano t ..117 .... luth1en womiDc 1ft Y_1oe

~t the 16U1 ucl l7Ul a.Wriee, •• ot tboee

ltallu tu1l.J Qlllaat1. . . . ...,. . . . . . . , taWllrias

'\he __ t .. tCl1Wl •••• , oauM . . . ~1aD to h1noz'1-

_. All . . will _ later, 1t 18 1DteNaUng ttat •

_her ot the Cic11luo t ..ll~, .... G1oaa'battlllta, 111

IIIIIltlO1H1d b7"O a..a.l dal Pall..., 111 hla iIIpozw

taDt v-t1. . of the rio1, R880la Rubert1M., pablUhel

1D Venice 111 154'.

!be C1c11luo .. aN . .tiDe ben 111 Jatu.ta, .. the

label ot ttl1. 1Dau--t, with 1ta 0Dri.0aa abb:nm.att..,

tell. • • "Jat18ta tiel • t _to C101U,_ ill , .••

Th. 1II.truMDt. which datea tz. the laat quaria" of tM

16th oentar)'. 1• • - - riol, DOW paZ't ot the oolleoUa

at the Jmaula CoIutenatou. ...... It 111 of the . . .~,

II08t .1.p"t or cI..igBa, with it. cllaharaonlou ourwe,

111-oono.l..... ar.a, and cllatul'b1n« lIIbalanoe be. . .

tzoont and beok plate,29 ita u. .~ltloanoe 11.. 111 it.

position in the nolutlon or nol cI•• ten, beariDg as 1t

doe. 80 MD7 'clae.ic· reaturea, albeit lIOM. .t srace-

1."17. I .houlcl .tnu that th. . . . . .thetl0 cl.feau are
applicable to thi. ftriant t01'll in paenl, aDd not caq
to thla particular UIUIple, which, tor all th18, dOH

poe.... a certain rigoroua oharIa ot 1til own.

poMtrloal acta.., when . . -.1or.lt7 of . . OOIIVoll1nc

WOWft aft nftoe4 to auple .alUpla of . . .i.e _1 t.

!he _it ltMlt 1. or sna' 111'--' ill that l ' WII14

appear to or1g1Date 1ft Bftnawlok 1Itobee, 4eep1te the taot
that the ia.tru.ent 18 tro. the y. .u.. ....1 of -.lt1ac,
aBd that 1t., Ia,tlata cto11t.., like hill tatba-

'!'h1. un1t of ~" ....s .. ~ the ....p-

ftCtoril 1ftto 00• • •Rftb1119, _lata of at ~

1aobee (59.45 - , taan .... _ 59.' -) • .All w111 be
... bJ the l.te 40..... ill th1a .-.-. tIda

desire for rational, whole-nUliber relatlonahlpa 111

deeiBn-ftoto1'll . . . . to he aa IIUOh a gu1d1llg pr1Ilolple

tor the early luth1er as it ... tor the archltect, iDdeecl

the "nodal point ot RenaisllaDCe ...thetica".,a

'l'be _tap~eical 1aportance or thiB II18t- lq 111 1ta

analogising naual proportions. parlicu1ar17 th. relatioD-

shipe or the -.11 inteeera (such as 1.2. 2.,. '-4. 1'4.

etc.) with the audible pJ!'Oporiiona or . .leal 1IOUDd. (It
.... a P,ythaeoreen nftlat10n that the . .10 _toal con-

sonancee are deriDed by 8Mll wbole-m.ber aUoe.) !be

ultt.ate u. .... not the tranet1pratloa ot the ~

Yinal arts b7 abstract . .10. but rather a deeper -.roll

tor a coaio order ot _theMtloa . . . ren..ow 111 all

phenOllena ot b-.uV. sirill« ...... ftC'll,attoa. aacl

hu'IIoIt7 to all cnat1oa. !h. zenl tiDe ,"porU. . . . .
uect exteDe1ft17 1>7 Ren.l....,. ut18ta ... on.
reterred to by tha in olua1oal ...leal ' - - - _

~b:ra1c CODftlI1eDoe wi til »efta,. .... _~loa1 thaa

aoouatleal reI.......

This baa been 418.e. bere . . . . . . -.11 ...~

rat108 do ooour 111 the -.ill pzoporUoae ot leeth ot th1a

ear17 riol. a1 tbouCh. ot 0GUrM. _ haft 110 ..., fd a.-

iD« lt 1ta d. .1pft thouIht ot tt.a 111 _l00-propor\loaa1

8U688.ta he ~ at l-..t haft been acquainted with the

...10&1 818nitlcanoe ot th_ mt1oe. !hi. i. the

Otmaael u.tlee on nol-pla71D«, publiahed 111 Vetloe,

154', which I Mnticmecl earlier.

This iJlportant tnat1ae bean a .at 1ntelWllt1D« plaw

(Fig. 23) in whiah a tft ot the •...leal. proporUoDa an

DaMd. defined, and applied to the 8triJta' l-cth f4 •

nol, pJ!'tHIumab17 tor 'the regul.at1all ot the 1"zeta. It 1a
alao thi. tr.at1M whioh -.t10118 a _ber ot th1a

"er'. t&llil.7 - Gioubatt1eta C1oillano - eo eYe . . a

piece of fud17 hiatoz,-, DOt to . .tiGn IIOUD4 oa-.ze1al

proPll88Dd&, thi8 work, with 1ta 1no1d_tal proporUanal

mowle4p, ... pzobab17 quite t.111azt to oar 4_iper.

In tbe larp th'aw1Dc, I haft oon.......t17 _ttaW the

poei tion ot the br1d,. aooozd1a« to that 1IIdioaW b7

Guau1. !'hie 1. lower than later aftia. . . a.n• .,.r
Sial*Jll tor the olau1oal Yiol, bat ow1n« to the _laU...

poalt1on ot the Id4dla beata, the lOWft' .1u... of . .

oonteaporar.r eu.n1 would be .ore ~t ... _
l1keq boll th. pob' ot Y1ft ot bow1It«. . . .... tIda
br14se poait:loD 71e148 ~ oamtnot-. . .Ie .II~ (18

B1'unawiok in__ ) -.s1W- tv both atrill&' ,......

(642 _ • 27 Ir. iD.) &JKt tat )IOII1u.a. . . . the

8e00n4 bet, whioh 18 the ' - - (-,.r, ~__). Sa

71.' _ (, Dr. in.), the t1nb tnt, wh10h 1.8 the 1aWlwl

I . ____

f' I G. 2. !l.

ot a 4~ ("4&,". s.ltuitertta), i8 160.5 _ (~Br. iD.),

u4 the 84mtDth tNt. which gt.... a lIWIical 5th (":5&2",
Seaquialtera), i8 214 _ (9 Hr. in.).

It should be stated, howrfer, that the uae or whole-

nUJRber ratios, in a design u relatift17 oo.plex aa a

lIWIica.l inatruaent, cannot posaib17 ha... the __ riaual

ianediaC7 that they would retain in the atrai8bt line

plafte, and _illple ~lu. experience of Rea1U81lCe arch!-

tecture t where their WItt re.a1Da 110ft nideat.

Pig. 24 shon the beaic proportions ot leDgth ot the

Ciciliano 'riol, it ia theM ratioa that aoul4 be 4 _

cribed &8 'musical' in a l7thaaono-Platonic..... For

the Bake or d4lllOllatration, their _ieal DOII8ftolature 18

AD, nut to butteD, MUuree 892.5 . , wh10b 18 15 _1ta

or 2f Br. in. (59.5 -). This i. dirided illto , ..-1
5-tmi t parte, .lB, .DC, aII4 CD. The ntio ot neok- to

bod7-1ensth, AltaBD, i_ the1'etoze 1,2 (41&,.... or oota... >t

sWlar17 the ratio ot the n41_ ot the an ot oric1a of
the lower bout., BD, 'rt _it., to owall l-.rth AD. 15
unite, i_ &lao 1.2 (d1&paIIGIl), .......... the __ wotor

ED, 'rt _ita, to bod7-len«th D. 10 .lta, 111 nUo "4

ltG, ZS j
The dlttlcultl•• ot a ' . .loal' 1Dterpretat1on of propor-

with1D thla 8II&17a18. To begin with, the oonoept or

ratio, .. I -.ttlaned earlier, oanaot haw tba __ rele-

ftftce here .. it baa tor the arohlteot wtlo, at thls t l . ,

was dealing prillArilJ' with the dlstribatl_ ... apportlon-

IMnt ot static ftOUngI_. whlch 'b7 def1ll1tian are ratioe

1B th. . .l .... Ccmft%'N11', the 1Mv-t 4ee1per . .

dealing pr1ltclpal17 with the dlapoelt1aD of &rae, . .lob,

baTing a a1Dgle wctor of n41ua, ...... 110 _ _ lNi1'-1II

relationship ot mtlo.

The pout ot reterace in th. oa •••nauab17 1JI'OPOrll'"

d_18D. .. IIUOh . . 111 the inca •• I.auabq propofts...4

inetraeu. 1JMrritabq beoc_. the ..u1eet all HI

ractor. Here lt 18 u. the unit ot ~ Br. 111., 1D _

later in.traeftta it 1a ;, the _11. ., tall of • 801• •

. . geI1uati0D8 of th1a ' . .taft ......

'1'0 return to the ClailiaBo ~1a. tbe .... of ozicSB

... ahowD in 1'1«. 24 and ita nlaU..atIa1p wltla ... "'1'-

all proportlona of len«'h d1aclu8tMlct 111 '_leal' t...
I t i . .bon ap1II 111 1'1«. 25 .. lUI aN JIIII', Nil'. ?t -t
oeatre B. It 18 ooatin,*, b7 an "1' ( _ an III) 1Ibloll
ls part ot a ....1_ p1801II ~ . . . . . at . . .

Gt. This figure is itaelt a ratioaal, ~le one,

containing the ratio 1". The r&diUII at the c1ro1_

reveals the r1rat ot the .1nor iDaccNz'aci. . of the imttra-

sent's -.theaatloa. their rad1us 'bein« just OWZ' 2.-

ahort or 2u.,1 '!'hie arc 18 b7 arc I·JI.

C8Dtred outaide the outline at S. It 1s ot n4iua ,68 _.
which 1s IIOre than 6u ('57 . ) but equal to a _ 41ri81cws
ot the cmt:rall bodT length, i.e. lOu • ~~ • ~7.7 ...
'1'h1s ~ Yalu. ~ or ~ not be a coiDcid__ - at tm7
rate it 1s the onl7 appeu'lmGe at the iDOCI_...-abI.

80lden aeotion iD the ecm..e of th1e rio1.

An important proPft"l7 of theM ~, J'l' ... n, ia tbat,

when produced troa the lowr OOftten J' ..... J, the7 CIJ!"OM

on the centre liDe at poiDt I, the o.tre ot ue ot

or1e1J2 HDH', aDd halt dlri8ioa ot AD (nut to _tton, _
Pig. 24). '!'hie 18 the position oooup1e4 b7 a roM Sa

A HCODdar,r wa10a p1Hia OlIn be u.. (1'1«. 26) . . . . .

the .1cldl. bouta Oft the oeu. cmMIIIt • • ,~ tile

tour comen L, L', J, an4 Jt, the can. ot the two

circle. po8it10ne4 wMft the baeJul ot .... IC' bol.. ~

the horizontal centft 1iDe. PoiD" It _ the r1&bt-bal

ftaloa cbole, u4 • OIl the lett-hull o1ro1., an . .

Flu. Z7

FIG. 28

bouta. On ~he r18h', 'h18 arc i. JI)(' and ita

radius i8 1~. '!'h. remaining aiMle-boat aro X'L' 1.

cen'red a~ M' (em Kllf') and i8 ~e onl1 oocurrwnoe, 1D

this d•• ian, of the l.Dlit, u, alone. A circle, centre C,

the centre of the lIOdel, and or radiu ~, au be drawn,

which, like the second .,..ica piacia, pierae. the tour
corn era or the in.truaent. The _in cum ot the I C'

hole. 18 an arc centred at O~ and ot r8diua It u.

The geometric oonstruotlon ot the upper bouts 18 YU7
be&utltul. the Min ftOtor, 4u, 1. an lIIportant -..un-
aent as .e shall.... Here, Pi8. 27, 1t tor. the Bd1ua,

vr', or the _in arc Lt p', wi til 1til oeatre at \he Op»Oe-

1n&' upper 'C' hole centring (1ft P1«. 21, point Y> and

pa88iBg throu8h ke, point E, 011 the oenu. 11.De. !he

counter-cune, P'Q', i8 oeDtred at ft', and 1. ot l"84ia

2a, wh1ch ia, or oourae, halt t.bat ot the MiD 4u uppezw

bout are.

'!'he pometrical 1aportance ot th1a • wotor (2,a _. OZ'

10 Dr. in.) 18 ahon in Pia. 28 where the appezwbout

arc peL' 1. pI'OCluce4, oroMinc the cetre 11M at po1llt
" the ooinoid_t oroaa1ng or ~ I'S (ud IS') u4

paae1ng throu8h ita oeDtre point S. !bu po18t S OM

then 'be aleen .. 1he oatre ot a bno. .t1cal an, n4i_

4u, wh1ch pieron the upper comer L, the 1lppG' 'e' hole

centring V, the centre, F, on the centre line ot a circle

piercinr, the four 'C' hole centringa, and ttnal17 thl"OUlh

D, the base point or the .adel.

The head or the instrument is s:lJlilar ill tOl'll, and ftM1'k-

ably 8imill'lr in IJ8OII8tr,y, to that or the preceding no1.

It, too, is of typical Venetian foX'll, with ita spiral,

again that or the oluaio ionic wlute, caned ill re1iet

into the extended plane of the cheek. Here, howewr, the

vectors ot the peg-box area, and indee4 the CYf'8%'al1 pro-

portion., bear DO direct link with the relit of the

'lhe head i., howrfv, IIOst detillitel.7 1a1d out 1ft BraM-

riok inches. Like that ot the Maria 'rio1 (Ex. II), the

head or this inatru.ent tit. exaotl.7 into • , x 7 cr14

rectangle, and, 1D thi. cue, Ute ¢d 18 or square

Brunswick inch• •

Fig. 2'9 depicts the ~u, ot the he.4, ocmta1necl 111

the , x 7 reotangle POHI. !he ionic wlute teftdllatee at

B, the outer Ipiftl beiD« u.s OOIltlnM11 '" cauadftDt aI'O

Be, aeJlt:re A, n4i_ 41.5 - <tl Br. in.) wIlloh 18 •

quarter or the owrall 1~ ot heM, PO. !hi. era 18

oont1mled b7 UC CD, oeau. I, 1'II41U11 166.5 _ (1 Ir. iD.),

apill the Oftza11 head 1~ !hie ie 00UIlta-0uw4 '"


DE, centre 0, radius 68.5 mm (~Er. in.). ° is also

the centre for the initiating arc FJ of the upper, or

front, peg-box curve; its radius is 4t Br. in. This is

linked by straight line JK to terminating arc KL, centre

M (r,IK being tangential to the scroll) and radius 2 Er. in.

(fUll) •

, \


, ,
, I"

, I

Ex. IT, ft~ 30-~4, Pl. IT




B7 the besiMing or the 17th oentu;r, nol....1n« 1ft

England had reaohed & peak or, wi ttl the nol..

tioD or & VPe or'riol or alA 117 pan 4-lcD, a1l4 ODe

&8 ,.et tree t:roa the ~._ or ....,ration t01lB4 ia

'riola, reoo_8Dda the work or ti... !nclHh ..un ..

... Hen%'1 J.,., whoM tine tear ~l ~ the Yiotoria

and Alben collectlon 1_ heft cmo.. to zepz:._.t tIl18

"olu.lo" ~118h Ua4iUaa 1ft riol d_1&D.

!h1a paniCNlar 1Deu..nt . . _ ' 1 ' " . . C. S... t .... 18

hi_ "D1otiaau7 of Y1ol1ll 1IaUn- (1896) •

...... teor riol . . ablblW ., U. Soatla

1._1qtoa . . . . ., Loa4oa, 1872, wi til tale laMl

'Hen17 J&1 in SouthwarD, 1667.' It hu .iz

strings, ttmed OM-fifth higher thaD the baaa-
'rio1, catgut treta, and a beaut1tu.l17 oarw4

The date ot 1667 ~e8 it an ext"...11 late work tor Jrqe,

who was lIIIkiftg nola "in Southwuke" t%'QI about 1615


'!'he lower back of this beautiful inet1"'UD8Ilt baa autt.re4

.ome later alteration, auppoeedly to al1a- 1t to be
pla;red on the shoulder (t) - but tor our JNZ'POs.. , at

least, the plan and pometr1oal COD8truot1on ot the

inet1"UJl8Dt l"Main unapoilt.

One ot the IIOIIt bMut1tu.l t.tuna ot the olMel0 ton

ot the nol i8 the 'alopDg shoulder', wldah, bJ ....

ot 1IIIal1 outwazd-turDiag aroa be. . . the . . . Mel upper

bouts, grao.tu117 reeo1wa 41ttenl108e ot 41notlC111.

! 1... h&mcmioua ftr8iOll or thia OOUIIte:r-ou:z NCl Uppu'

bout was ...., in the ear17 Yenetian 'rio1 b:r 010111uo

(Xx. III), whoe. outliM thta oluaio mel.l ot Jap'.

ou17 IlUpertloia117 rn_bl_. aeo-tr1oa1 Mal78iB

rewaled, howner, that the .ore l1keq cteet • tOUDdaUaa

ot thta 'e1opiDg 8houl4er' . . the old. . acauue4-eboal4ttZ'
ot the au1tu ton tCNn4, tor a.ap1e, 18 the IIuia
trebl. nol (b. II). Indeed, it . . not waUl th1a elia-

OOftrJ . . . . . . that a '4alp boq-l.en&ib' - GM ot the

k~ ~ta 18 iDa~t . . . .U7 - ooul4 ...

deteX'llined.. In thi8 caae, the Jqe nol, the • ""iID
body-length' W&II shorter than the aotual top-plate ot

the 1nstruaent, the exact ditterence being due to tile

... ttletic l~eftin« ot the .odel 'h7 the aMi tioaal,

counter-dlrectlcmed, cune ot the upper bouta, .. -

shall He below. ".,ce the cloor g8OII8tr1oal kinship

between thie and the squared-shoulder soh... (Ex. II)

than with the supertic1alI,. .ore like -odel ot the

elcillano (Ex. Ill) who•• 'deaiDJ bod7-1ensth' U!I.
equal the length or 1 t. top-plate."

The crucial d.. tp boq-leagth or thls riol . . . .ta-

.ined by the ..tabll.Met ot a poillt or upper lia1 t to

the bod1, • po1nt later hldden b.1 the 1nab'uMnt'a dne-
loped d.e1~. !fhta upper lillit, in Pig. 30 pou.t B, . .
... lty located when the upper arOa ot the upper beNta,
which ehared • co_on oeJlUe on tbe centre 11M ot tM
iDet1'Wl8llt, wen extended to Joia 1D • ocat1mloua &rO,

C%'O.aiDg the oentre 11M at I. !h1a 4i'ri4e4 the -trill«

l~, nut (A) to brUp (e), in Wa, whll8t tM ~

itae1t din4. thla na, thJpotheUaal t bo47-1acUl, 8,

aaotq in bo, tm. pnduo~ • trlJlU'Ute tliYia1ala rr.
nut to button, the unlt 8, - Be, - CD (- 209.5 -) bellw
the lazpat ten, -2' 1Jt a _ sm.., whla1l, tacatbeI" with

• related, aeoondar,r _ ••1'1.. , AO"" pzaot1aalq the

whole oon.u.ctlon ot the -dol' _ plu.


,- "" "
I \
, I

---- C.


--- , /

\ I
... I
I -p~/

D H'

fiG . 31
A8 in the geo. .try ot the older, oornerl_, Jf.ar1a rio1,

a great c1rol. can !lOW be constructed, r&dl_ ;2' centre

C (the bridge line), croning the centre 11M at pobta

B and D (the lower extr.lt7 ot the boq), '1«. ,1. Iu

lull 81~lrloance wl11 be understood when the 00Il8Uuo-

tlon or the aiddl. bouts 18 d18cuaeed.

'!'he lower boutll are tomed b7 thrM &rae. !he tirat, the

arc ot origift DH'. 111 ceRUed at C - 1 t theretore alllO

tome part ot ttle great circle, and baa a 1'II4i_ ot -2.

!he next &1"0, H'I', centre G', i8 ot 1Wllua 112 _, the

only -.jor wctor in the d. .1gft which doee DOt ooatOfti to

the ~lden .eotion aoh..... '!'he tiMl lower-bout arc 111

I' N'. which i. oentred at J and baa a r&di. ot 210 _

(allowiDg 0.5 - enor>. thia, too, 18 a -2 ftCtor.

'!'he .i441e bout. are constructed troa potat P' (aDd ita

lateral inftreion) OIl the ~t circle (ndi. -2). !be

point 1. located b7 OroS8iD« the snat dale with _

inte1'lleoting arc ot ;2 ndi. . . . .tnd at B. the _tri-
O8l1,y 818nit1out point which i8 the a.u. ot the

lnllt1'UM'ftt'lI roM. Point pt, the, 1. the oentzoe ot the

_in lliddle-bout are R'Q'. ita radi., 129.5 _. 1a ~ 1D

the main . . ri... 'rh. two, _!nor, II1ddle-bcNt araa • • 'R'

anc! Q'.', are ot r&di. }6.5 _. aJld 26 _, rapeoU_17.

Dei tber ftlue ot _ 81cn1t1auoe.


'!'he rw!1i or the upper-bout sch_ contOJ!ll to the .eoond-

a1'7. though relaMd, ~ .eri. . prni01Jllly a1l1lClecl to.

This will be called " a • -h' ad "c. It 18 relatecl _tHe

_t1ea117 to the _in .ert.. ti. "1' and "2' b7 1t. -.101'
ten ~ • • 160 _ •• ~.

'the are, S' L'. wh1 ch rOrM a larfII't part ot the Uppe1"

bout. (and which ori«1Da!q fIIIl'" the bo47-1~) 18 ot

rad1ua ~, oetre O. on the l.1fte. .uo L'.', _tzoe

X, .,d nd1U8 160 . , _ ( • • ot .aiD Mri.), 8hal1ow
the cun.t tor the comer, wh1l. the upper CftJr'ft. the

aounter-ourft S'U', 1s ot radius 61 . , _ (61.1.) and

oe.n tred at'!".

!be ,.1t108 aII4 1IKtMCl tbe aiJI 0U'ft ot th8 fe' hol. .
are plotWd b7 the .1II«1e ~. . ot _. P1n~, a 11M
1. dawn (Pig. ,2) rrc. the of the I'OM (W) to the
lower oomer X'I thie, 1IIo1d_tal17, ,..•• 4tl!'eOU7 almw
one ot tbe ten ......ta1 4tn.iGM ot the NN. !he
1lppU' 'C' hole . .triJt« 1i. _ tltta u._ g ' at Y' _
that EV' • _.

A Mocnd liM, cl!PD tma the ..".1' comer .'

upper oentriDs Y', _ta the OIIIVe 11M at pout P, 80

that "" • fJ. Point P 18 in rut the o.tre tor the

circle, ad1. _, whiob piuaee both . " . . Mel 1.-. 'C'

hole oentriJlp.

'!'he -.1D aroe, which ton both the 1JIIIB ad outa'
ot the 'C' hol_. are of n41__ , the oeu.. ott..t _
that the Neultbg 0,.111« Daft"Oft .11&hU7 toIIud. the

upper oentriD« ( _ Pig. ~).

!he deoorat1ft bord.r ot partl1Dc around the Oft! mae

&lao ah1b1t. theM gold. . . .t1oa 'fIal... The toe

'pin0be4' poillt• •taU._e4 . . . i t ..... JfortIl. South•

...t aDd . .t. hull the o.u., p.14 _ ill the ftrt1oa1,

ancl ~ ill the horlJlOlltal. plue.


'!'he head or th1. tenor 1. or the ope-aozoll ftri.eV,

where, true to the riol.....r'. Woa or l i P " " 'both
rlaual and or ocmatructiml, the '8Z011D4' ot tbe ap1za1
1. p1eroect ~ hal aM a14.ot the heM to the othno.
unlike the aoroll. fCNlKl ill _ben ot tbe rlo11ll t...s.q.
Ilepnt ud aU7 thou£h thia 18, the re.a1t 18 DOt tile

:repa1ra ill ill. eplend14 hM4 teat1f7. !hie late wtn-

.at or 187.'. eboR DO or hl8 ,..... . . .

orattau. '!be IIOzooll. lilt. the mot or tJae _ _ , 18

t.t00ne4 with tiM rellet of tol~. _ .....

18 the cue ot the obeek )lllDela, tz. • pvt. . . . ta ~

toa of • pU'tta'. -.t.

!be owzall t01'll ot the .o:n1l, how. ., _ _ ••• IT'"

-.- -,-----'

fIG 33

the tt7- 1s not a1nta1Mc1 .. 1t nOR 1IIto the ~ of

the J»I'-boz. Weed, 1 t . . thi. ettHt ot t1cbt.iaa'

111 the .piral .. 1t uncnarlecl that led _ to ilrneUpte

the po_1b111 V or iu be1Dg a poq......... pMaIlo-
.piral, which 111 taot It )I1'Uft4 to be. !beN , .....0-

.p1ra1. are s1llpq -.4. with ral. aad ~. . .

re17 on the poinu and. &JIgl.. proriclecl bJ tile nsular

poly8Qll. . . buM tor the aroa which IIhape ttt.. !be

etreot or 't1cht.1D«' .. the 8piral clewlopa 18 ot

oourae due to the ren1 taDt dia1l11ahU. pzoport1oa ot

it. pol1~ oriliD.

Pis. " IIhon the 00I18tzuotiaa ot the .,iral. -- to'

the po8eter ot th1a 1 u u - t to cl_1&D 1ta 8Oftll.
It 18 buecl1lpOD the . . . .u, ot the beptllaaa. a ..u
heptqoa . . drawD, aDd. with oa.pMM8 act l'Ule, ita

aid_ ..... procluoecl aDd __ .. 1Wl11 tor aroa wh10h at

MOb n1Dc (ot ~) wen inOlC .... 1l 111 n41_ b7 the

length ot OM 8iel. ot the~. !he uoe tIIaa tol~

one or the min tor obta1nlDc a __ttl eU1ptloal c.rN,

'fbi8 ap1ftl 1a 8bowD ill Pic. 34, the oatlille of the ....

in _l. .ttaa, .. the iaportut Gater ~l"te of the ....11.

the clotted line rz- A to ~ oolllo1d1ll« aaot~ wi til put



fiG. 34

at the spiral dra1lll 1ft Pig. " . '!'he -.11 MOtion 1'%'011
A to the tt7e at the spiral is another MOtion ot the ....

spiral reiterated, as it were, to prn.t the spiral ot

the scroll tro. clo.1ftg too t18bt17. 1'h. 1Jmer aune ot

thi. spiral is Dot ~tr1oal17 related but cuwd to
gift a auitable taper to the hept8fpna1 .p1ft1.

'!'he traoea.ble n4ii that t01'll the CNZ'ftIt ot the pea-boz

relata exactq to the MOODC!ar7 _ Hri_ ..,107'14 1ft the

upper beNt. ot thiB, and, . . RCh, di.0aue4


lD Pig. '4 the aro ot the spiral tlOll8 tza. A to B, aDd

then CNr'ft8 uta _ U'O, BC, 1Wll_ ~.' centre D, DC
baa. the lonpi4e ot the rectan«le, DPQC, which ...al__

the .piral ot the .oroll. An Be tlow til. iDto U'O OB.

1'841_ -b' centre P. !hla mar CN1'ft ot the pee-bos 18

thera oo.pleW b7 a IIhort .tn1&bt U.H. lIl, OOIIMOUac

&1"C CI wi tb oounter-ew..a· &1"C em, nAt_ _ , oenUe I,

fiowlDg 1ftto the 'heel ot the heM. ShariD« put ot •

001ll0id.t n41_ with th1a aro 1. U'O - • Dldl.

; , oentre 0 (reotucle JPQO .ol_a. the _Un .....

ot the iD.u-th th18 aro 1II1t1&_ the uPJIU'. 01"

boat, 0UZ'ft ot the P81'-ba. '!be U'O, rJ, whlab teDd-

nate. this cune, • wold.. .• 1t UBder the aaroU, 1a


centred at L, its radius relating to neither of the

preceding ¢ series, but equalling the short side of

spiral-enclosing rectangle DPQC.

" ... ...





Ex. 'f, JP1p '5-'7. Pl. 'f


o. 1700

Aoo. 10. 168-1882

fiellte 18 .,,~.,. with elabozateq 4ee1pe4 . . 1'1obq

1nla1cl deooza~1cD. H. . . the U¥ _ h e or the Reabuc

eohool (beoawtna • 01t1_ ot . . . . . . 1B 1669), ... h1a
Nduot1wl1' laY1ala iMu.-te .,.. ... Ida the . . . . .
~iCII ot the .o.t oe1ehzate4 lut. mlk. . ot h1a U8e. h1a
work aoh1.niII« -.amKla1 pri. . . -fuo ... lI1JIcie hate

100 IIa:rk or 50 Qa14_.-

As . .11 aa lutea, hiB woztahop pzooduoe4 _ _ . . . .1t1oat

sui tan, ol'teme (he _ _ _t ..q the illDnato1" of the

bell oittem, _ . . XXX), and _ _ Y10la (bJ ta.. . .

• •t on DIIq . . . _ h e of the .sol ~). ~

W B.11w1B,~ _ t0ft7 .... __ .sola _ 'I'1elD ....
"rift_ MO,...t 1Ib1ab, it ooWcl be ..u, aft tCMlll __ of

~ _ , apeo''''ar ex ,.1_ ot tile an of latbute.


tmrortlmatel,y, fielO'. deooratl... tacl1l1;J' hall quite

daulecl the eyw or popular judlM"t to hie equall,y partI-

cular oontr1butiOll to the to1W.l no1utlO1l ot rio1 dMip.

TIia pereonal ri.lou or the p.aba-outl1De 1• •\r1k1nc17

graoetul, aDd, aa we ahall _ ill \he to11ow1Bg ....q.1a.
rutid1oua17 .planned. JIoat 1410111Bomtl0 18 hiB u..\-
IMIIt or the II1ddle bout., which haw a DOtab17 01*1

aapeot, hanMm1a1D« the now of uppe~ aDd loftr-bcNt

cunature. 'fielke'. pattem t07: the rio1 . . OGDtu..t

b)' hi. tollowell" t07: the ahori t t . l.n to ..... ___
tacture, and the iDnuenae ot ita setle ourN8 Gall

ocou1onalq alao be Mel ill a t.ot the later Ge~

'1'b18 penloula7: . . . " .. . . .teA 'bat tboGPt to I-.w .... o. 1700, 1a DO aoeptt. to the ftelk8 pol~ of

la'l'1ah deoozoat1oa, the baak . . .u.. beu." al1...,daa1

.oenee or ·tri..... ' ot lala14 ... ~.... (epatttto)

i-toZ7, while the t..:.t 18 ..... witla ~/I'YW!1 aMok-

en4 partlUc. and. Nt with a tzwHeI 1...., nM, alSet

lWZ7 poote.quee aD4 ~ 1n1ai4 illto to7:to1. . . .11.

topthe with _ stile .tJwwa~ padtloMt aot.p-

l.a7: ,....1. ot _tbe-ot..,...1. !he ta11pleoe 1_11 Sa

.iped and claW (18,,) 1»7 a pnrioa8 01IDer ot tile
Jl i g t: a
j ~ )II ~ iiI ! ~
f [(li) ..- ~r ~!~
f ~.
i5 ~~ : ii i£ f-

~ ~ .. ! ~ I"

J; : 5 f i. . ia f.. (
~ ..0 iS' I
i i.. a • t
f· I i
• :
i ~
.... i

~ r ~
i I~ I i!;it
l! ~!i.
!a fi !
, I g 'I ~ ~
f : ~ f I ~
I i . ~ o

f ~1f
~ (I
flot ~
• .. t: ;
I J ~
Ii ~,~ IK


r r ~ i~iI
! 1 Iiia I fitf iI
I f. : s....
if· . J~[rlrli ..
f ~ 05! ~
:-,!2 sa
(t f.

! I f i ·f l r = Ie"
! I I
~ I f r ~ f.f f iii'
l i t =- ~
Ii f ( ! ! I : I f i
~ If=-
! i f
!. f! ii!ril= lit E~ ~ I ~ f;
f JJ

I 1i ~ ! J J ~ I = , ,I I
I· ~ i

fIG. 35 . -~.

"l1'8t17. the string length and bo4,y leDgth both Muure

671 _. that 18, AC - ID - 671 _, the neck. AB. MUUNII

:500 - (AD - !D, or 971 _ - 671 _) which 1s the _. . . .

the upper-bout width W·.
The ratio or striDg length to neck length, ti '
or the ratio of body length to DeCk length, Ai '
or the ratio or bod7 lagtb to upper-boat width. ii..
all equal ~: - 2.2}6 orJ5 (u do rati. ~.I.eto.).

Al thoush .1cldl.. (qq') and 10WU"- (II') boat widtba 40

DOt :relat. in a 'NrI o~ _ (:: - ill : - 1.71~ •

the other two p8matations 40 iD4ioate"'- hamclla71

the ratio ot lower- (II') and upper- (pp.) baat w14tha

-II: _i - - 1.2~ • (5 - 1
pp -
and the ratio ot upper- (pp') aIICl 1I1d41e- (qq') boat ri4tb8
l!I!! m_ II.
• qq' - 217 .. • 1.)92 • 2.618 - 1.2}6 • (p + 1) - ~5 - 1 •

!he aiII grid (Pig. 36) 111 • IIOphUt1oated ...twos

of aquarea. {5• ./5 ftr1aDt. _. m4';;- notucl_. It

18 puhapII Met n:plO1"114 MIl ......... lIT tile n . . .••

_iDg the tolloriJtc oheok ll8t .. the _ t iIIporiat

ratios, aDd scm-tic .ipU1...... '1Ir' _ '~t'

rectancl- an uncl..U .....

m (/ · A J


L .. - --


M'b'b - ;e - 1.M') - m+/5- 1 (~~iJt8)

or .. '.'. + . .'b'b

3n- - m
W ( through bridpliM (G»

sa·.'. 1 -

.. 'b'b _ 1.2~ -15- 1 (fuo~r1=u!l(:) and)

_ 27111 _ 2 &11 ~ + 1 (OYezall reot.ngl., Dut)

'7t. • - P to ail AD
or ..·t't + tt'))'b
m oonta1D8 1. . . boaa, with )
rr'b'b - 371-
'7~ - 1 - L!J loIMr-boat aN IDI' prod1lM4
to tom o1rel., a.u. H,
JNlH1Dc tana-Ualq through
d1. ball.

oc',', 6n. 1& (OGIJta1II1D« boq 1-.rUa. )

- ,00.. • 2.236 -" 5 ~:-1ftg tbrou&b uPlIft

60(1) 'bott7-top, aBo', thzov&h

oc'l'l - ~. 2.(00,) ./4 upper-bout 814_ to

gg'i'il () doubl. ,,\IaN

J.owut-boat Ga1'ft.tbe
117 tt' at g', _ . ..
00'.'. •
,00 . .
,00.. • 1 • m .'1'1, 00· . . . . . . .
jj'o'o an· all ...-z-

kBHl 1. 485, . 1 618 iii ,lottia« OIDU. U II'1f'

!k'l'R} 300.... • 11. ~t u . '{Dr

ka'I'l} 485.,.. r;, plotUltc _u. of {I'"

&k'l'I} • 485.'" • 1 • L!J, J.owut-boat uaa {D
v~ _____ +-



fIG. 37


The ~ outl1De, whlch tlt. 110 8IftJ8'17 1Bto th18 8ri4,

ot the OOIIpOIMtDt arc radll ..,...1:8 we haw &1~

enooun1:ered 117 thelr oo1ncid_ce with gr1c! l1M8, ucl It

18 theretore DOt aurpri8iD« that the .ohaM 8Oft1'II1Bg
the ~ arc radll 8hould &180 be /5 baMd. In taot,

the nell1 are drawn troll • sec-eV1c 1Mt1'1.. in whlch the

con.tant .w.tlplloat1on tactor 18./5- 1, or 1.236. Th18
gi. . . . .ix-tea p~, a, b, 0, . , e, and t, 18
aill18eu. f t l _ •••1IUftCl ...

64.5, 79.5, 98, 122, 150, and 185.5.

Checked by oalCftlla1:1an, \he . r t . nebl
64.4, 79.6, 98.2. 121.4, 150. and 185.5.

IDI' be1rl1t a ...to1rola a.nbM at 8ri4 pout I, 1_

radlua, 185.5 . , 18 ~ ~t 111 ,...;5- 1 MI'1ee,

that 1. ~- l)t.

'!'he lower bout. a1'e 00IIp1eW b7 the 1Ihal,101r oazw of

arc I'K', a.ntnd at 1 aD tile oppoel1:e .itt. - th1a a.tN,

too. ooaun 1B the piA! ot Pic. ". !he ndt. ot &1'0

I'X' 1. 485.5 . , whloh 1. touzo t t . . the tGlU"tb taa,

~- 1)cl, ot 121.4 _ (act.Iq 485.6 _), at, __
diYide4 b7 the pnriCN8 - - , (t:~:~ :} prod_ 2.618,
or ~ + 1, or f. All the rl FSnfllS n4l1 an a1lls1e

occurrences drawn directly from the~- 1 progression.

The middle bouts comprise three separate arcs: N'R',

radius 98 mm, ~- l)c; R'QI, radius 122 mm ~- l)d;

and arc Q'W, radius 64.5 mm, the smallest of the terms,

(/5- l)a.

The upper, like the lower, bouts have only two constitu-

ent arcs: main arc MIL' which is centred at E, the centre

of the oval soundboard rose, and of radius 150 mm,

~- l)e, and arc SIU', centre T', radius 79.5 mm or

(~- l)b; the two arcs connected by short straight line

L'S' •

The oval rose has an outer border of purfling, which,

measuring 76 mm x 57 mm, yielded the ratio 1.333, or 4:3.

This same ratio was found in the radii of the leI hole

arcs, the shallower outer curve centred at V having a

radius of 201 nun, while the inner curve, centred at W, a

radius of 150 mm. This measurement, 150 rom, also occurs

as term five, ~- l)e, in the main series. The sound-

hole centrings themselves are centred by a circle drawn

in Fig. 37 at F; its radius, 122.5 mm, may also be con-

sidered as (..;5- l)d in the $- 1 progression despite

the small deviation in measurement.

: r1l
~ 1]]1
[3 J5


b. '(l, F18II 38-40, Pl. n







Ace. Ko. 149

101' the lut

H1eoW All
~ of . . Yiol f_~ pm,..,
auple of iu ,......, •••'-1", the 18th-
I .w
oentu17 PnDoh 1Imow.U_, the ~ •• Yiole ('put-
d_ _ ' not hen -1Jtc 'owaoat', lMt 1itualq ...

regarded ft17 M1'1auaq bJ "ioolociata, the pud•• _

had a bri.t 111., imlpi1'iD8 1itt1. _10, DaM of whiob

ts aooounted notabl.. Like the hazodl-8~, the ~

sua . . in ~ tor a abort period ill the 1Mb 0lIl'-7.

wMn, 1%re8peotift ot ita Eaiaal .t_. it . . thoaPt

to be a Hitabq buaolio " ' •••017 to the paatoa1 paM

ot faah1cll'laltl. lII4i_. Ia . . . . oUe1M it a1eo .... a

turt.be1' ..-tto . . . . . . . - _UlaI the YioUa, ita ~

..t _iGal eqa1.t.t, it ill ~ .......... _ . .

lap, l_YiIIc the pat. . . . . . . oet.1'tIIN t.Ne.... BOt

~ the 4.11-.. whi. 8IdII of tbe.... lot
iJ r~ I~ I f I 8 ~~ g~ ~~
·I ~
I~ ~0t - \[. . .~
. I
I~!J i ~.c::
~ ~

·"ii . . i~:fJ
i ~
~ i 0
~ i· 1 ~
~ ~
= ~

Ilflt) I&r!~ J I til ! ! i If! I p!

.... ~ 0t - \ ' " ~ ....

fl· E It ~ ~

i f I I ....
! I f a r .. i ~ ~
t I.
. . : e.-.!
i r.. r I"· I :a I.
~ J =~
I f ~ i r , '~ I~ ·ttl .. · I· i f ~ !~ ~
(tlil ~i~~ .. S I I I"
~ ~I
~i i~ ii Ir J! •'ii i
1 "II 8

I ' i
I li ! I
. ! I . f i f I.. ~i [~ II I E
[ ! i(
i ~ f Iff : · ~ f : I ~ I fi
fir J ~ ~ ~ i I
, .,
Iriii I i ~
f·= i 1
· f r
8 "
q I ........
~ ~ • • f I ~ V'

Jfar1a nol, b. II, 8l1d 110ft a1pifioutq 111 BL V, the

baaa Yiol b7 !telke.

As with the Jay., the Guerean'a aotual bocq length, BD,

was " Ile&8Uraeftt 1mr8lated to WI7 ecm- or .,..tea UHcl

in the reat or the inau-ent ( . . Fie. 38). Wh11at,

howner, the upper-bout &rail of the J.,e nvealed a

crucial t dea18n bod7-length', here DO euch dena. . . to

be found, the equiftl. . t uoe 112 the Guerean DOt beins

011 the centre line. Despite the abHnoe of thla 'lIOiat
or upper 11111t,,6 the proportional pr1ncip1. attMlMMl to

1t. and shown 1.11 Pig. 30, atill appl1ee. Heft, ftc. ,..,
the atrin« length, AC (nut to bridp), 305 _ . . . ta.4

to be tw1ce CD (bridp to taU), 152.5 ...

Al though bere there 1. DO, Weed GaD be 110, sreat otrole

4J8OII8tr;r .. tound in the Maria eM 1.11 the Jqe, a o1rol.

can be drawn. oenbe C (the tne brida'e poeition) wb1ab
de.orib_ part ot ~ 10-.1" beNte, tile aft of or1c1B JmRt.

When produoect, HmI' ~ the _be at 0, 41Y14-

A OOUDterpart tor tiNt two related _ 878t.e, .... :r.peo-

ti"'17 tor the upper l.awe" ..uc.. ot the Jap nol,


te1'lll8 are ahown sa the horiaonWJ. bracUU ill 11«. 38,

that ia, the width or upper aDd lowa- boaU. !heir nla-

tio.n.hip, as ~, i . not an aao' one, bat oloe.

enough, giftll theJ5 actta. ot the, to ....

tion here. their ratio, 158 mM1194.5 .., 18 111.2,(1),

1.23(6) being $- 1. Both thea. wctore (158 and 194.5)
are the -.jor tar. in nparatey'5' ~1ona, . . . .
8hall ....

Fig. '9 show the ODtl1ne ual7H4, wi ttl Ita OOIIPOI*lt

area. "l'he arc or origin or the lOftr beNte, . . . . _

in FiB. ,8, 18 centre4 at C, the t:r. bridp position.

It. radius 1a thenrore 15'.5... !he lower bouta are
CODt1Due4 b~ arc H'I'. oetre C', n4iua 87... !be
cum i . OOIIpleted b7 U'O I'l" I o.tzoe I (011 the oppalli.
eels-). racliua 194.5 - . !b_ two f t l _ -riD« ./5

87 .. 1 194.5"
1 • 2.2".

!he uddl. belate aft ather _a azobl~ d1ap0ee4,

U'O B'B', Ddi_ 25 •• 1e 18 2.24 nlat10Mb1p (/5'>

with .au U'C ft'Q' I o.u. pl. n41_ 56 . , lNt the

-.11 uo QI)(t. 1'841_ 18 •• doee DOt zelate PftJlOft101l-

••17 to aJf7 other wotuo. !be..tll ld4ct1e-bcMt ftOto1t
ot 56 _ 18 not anl7 the 1WI1ua ot the 'o.a\riDs o1n1e' t

which, centred at C, the bridge-line point, can be drawn

thro\J8h the 'C' hoI. centr1nge, but is aleo the radi_

or the inner curft or the 'e' nole. thaIIelft.. The

outer curte is ot radius 76 II1II, 88Ilin an unrelated nuaber.

The three upper-bout arcs are governed b1 the second./5

progression. Arc M'Je'. centre X on the opposite edP.

18 or radiua 158 _. The Ctlrft is ccmtinU84 b1 arc It'S'.

centre J'. radiua 70.5 _. and COIIplete4 b7 the ooantez-
OUrft ot the shoulder. arc S'U'. centn "'. r ••U_ '1 • • _

Thus the ftlue. 158. 70.5. and ,1.5 GIlD be . . . . . . a,ff

progreaiOft •

158 I 70.5
beiJtc 1 I 2.2(41)
and 70.5 I ,1.5
be1Jt« 1 I 2.2,(8)

The head or thie Cuenu Ylo1 1a aul'llDllDted bJ & ..11

canwct r.-1e b..t with aur11Dc. fiowv-topped ba1r. !be
peg-box obMka and . . . an abo deooaW ..... with

w1nd1D« IU'landa
how..,.., .. .,..
oazw4 1D n1let.

.t .
with tbe pnpo1"tiGllal nplatiGa
mob 0IIft.

ot the pec-box 0U1 , . . . . baa - - ftJ*I4e4 _ tM 4eooa-

tlon. lone of the ftOtozw wh10h ..,....1 tbeM CIU"tM _

the oonta1D1nc notuc1. appeu- to alate to tho-. . . .


in the main scheme, or indeed to each other. They are

drawn in Fig. 40, and an account of their values follows.

The carvine of the hair ceases, and the curve of the peg-

box back conmences at B, with arc BC, radius 48.5 rr~; its

centre, L, does however lie on line SF of the containing

rectangle PGRS. A straight line, CG, links this arc to

counter-curve GH, centre I, radius 65.5 W~. The main

curve of the top of the peg-box is given by arc 1~1, centre

° (on IH), radius 85 nm. This is connected, by straight

line 1~, to the small completing arc KJ, radius 26 mm,

which shares a common centre on SP with arc Be at L.



One or the rn oerta1D anoeetore or the rioliD, the Lira

da Brace10, wall a IIOphi_ticatecl Italian iD.tru.nt wh1cb

riret appeared at the eJ1d. or the 15th cent1lr7. a probable

dne10JlMllt troll the .edina! "da b:raooio" Yiolu an4

tiddle.. Pew ea.plete 1tru eta braoo10 nrri.... which 18

eurpri_iDg g1ftft the iIlportance placed upoD the iD.tft-

MDt b7 the ari.toGftC7 and b7 the neoplatoal8ta.· who

qui te .rmneouaq j1Idp4 1 t to be • lillt wi til the tablel

l7re or the AIIe1_te. It . . 1111tialq lor the plaJ~

ot thl_ in.tru.nt that Lecaardo . . acoepted 1IIto tile

Hrrloe ot LudoYioo Slona at K1lu.'7 Ida lira beiDa aae

ot h1_ own .uru.taotun • .ad. ot 811...1' (01', . . . l1ke17,

decorated with .1lftZ') and bariDe the aha,. ot a bone'.

heed. UntortuDate17, thl8 1Dau...t 4 _ DOt aurri....
al thouBb anotbe1' "GOlIa b1UJ!"Za e 1l1IOft", 117 01ownD1

ct'ADdna or "erona, a 11ft. ot snat antbzoo~o, ....

871Ibo11e. utraWlllll108 dON, and 111 . . . ia the ....t-

hi_tori_ehB . . . . . or 1'1. . . .

1. or the tulq 4.....l0pe4 tOZll, wi til two pdn ot OODeft

gi'riDg the outoee'l7 tbne bcMta or the riolia ~.

rz- 1COD08ftphioa1 md__ • 1t baa ~ _tabl1ehe4

that or1«1Bal17 the, 01' triola', .. 1t . . tun


called, . . ot a comerl... guitar tora, whioh later

adopted tint the lower u4 thea both pain ot 00ZMft

.. ill the pnaent auple. '!'he bi-lobe4 10W1' bout, and

• nat' pqwbox are both vp1cal t.bnI ot the 11m -

the t01'Mr being tound on17 OD the "braco1o" wra1aa aDd

not 111 the 11ft de Cuba. (One oould thenton IUppoae

that \he neul tin« reoea . . to tu1l1 tate plq1nc what

i. a quite .iuab1e tnatrumet ...t-t the neck or


lk. VII, !'1p 41-4', Pl. III


o. 1575

Aoo. Bo. 8

'thia 1Ileu,.." 18 iD 'he Bill oo11eoUaa a' tba Mb-

IIOlean . . . . - l ' is ~ -.11_t 01 the IAIn'1Y1111' L1zu
cla Braoc10
38 and 18 tulq deecr1bec! in tbe BoJd- oata-

lope. '!'here appears to be . . . doubt aD4 .,.'-7 _ to

1 ta PJ.'O"NIIUOe. 't pz••• t It b-.ra a label 01 C1cmamd
JIar1a cla Bneoial "01o&D .aria bretl1aDo 1D Y_tia" ,

which, .,.t pzobabq, it baa DOt alwap po•••••4, .. It

. . . . like1.7 that this 1Datzu.ent and the 11ft GIIOe . . . . .

and oaretullJ deeor1becl b1 JCajor Hajdeot1 111 h1a iIIpR-

taDt .~ are ODe aIId the _ _ • Hajdeati's 11a. . . . .

bore a talae "Da1ttopngu" (ftett. . . . . . .) label. III

.ianII as to 01emmal Maria'. utee woul4 app&U' to lie

iDoorreot ( ... DOte 26). IUJd it th1a. mlCloabte4q Y__

tlaD. 1Da~t . . . . . b.J Ilia. Ita date woal4 DOt 'be

o. 1525 bat • pod balt--ta17 late. 1IIh1ob. . . the
eridea_ of ita tulq 4ewlopacl a_te • ..u __ te ..
- I

I \

I '
------ -- --,,I",:.

I! ).'
) ~ .


HandltOM thOUlh thi. 1mIt~t 18, it doe. not, I r ..l,

oc.mancl the sa. _tbetic reepon. . . . the Ciemuuli Maria
treble riol (Ex. II), whoa• •1IIpler, .ore ~eoaa,

deei8n Pl'Ojecta a . . . . or hanon7 which I tiII4 laakiDg

111 the, albeit .ore ooaplu, leu oareM~ __ lira.

BarIIoIl1oal~. am ~tr1oalq. the 4. .icD ot both

inatr.enta i . 1nteNtitiDg, and thoqsb 41tte.r1Dc ill pm-

ponional 1178"-. each . . . . \1M ot • "gnat oinl." to

encc.pu. the Mia Idddl_bout an oenu..•

•, aft Mown in P14r. 41. 'fhe H .Arable eohe_,

which ,.. ahall enoountu' ill the U'O n411 ot the _tliDe.

15.5 - . A ~-ooIlta1Dift« rectancl. 18 4n. 1It Pig. 41

- n;p - .uuriJI« :587.5 - (~ ~ 1») __ 2,2.5 _
(lower-bout width II'), «1..u. • nUo.
m., • .ia
232.5 _ • 1511 • 1.vvv OZ' "5.
IDo1d_talq D. 387.5 18 abo . . . . . .t to 1~
Y...tiaB~. !be 10_. , .., wU.. U' &leo . . . .

ba:nIon10. horiscatal. 1iDeu' raJa".....1' wi. ~

ricltb W' (ft' •• ..-ne 186 . . . . u.)a

1l •
· l5a 1.25 .. 4'5•
1ta •
w·. l86 _ • ....mas ~ (6.48) y..u. iDobItI.

~// __ I

. M' I


'!'he _ _ 8,8te. . . toaac! to AOftBI the 8tri1l« 1-.rtb OZ'

nut and bridge PM1 t1on.. Str1l1g lAn«tb AT 18 •• ~

.. '25 - or. al1cnr1J1g 0.5 - 1IftOr. 21u ('25.5 -),
which 18 80 e.rnnse4 that aeok 1-c\h, 0, 18 cme th1r4
A.T. or BT - 2AB. 'ftle 1 . . - below the bridp, D, 18

alao co_ennnbl. to the MiD . - - . YD - 170.5-. • 11u.

'!'h. 'great c1ftl.' anc1 OOII~t-uc nA11 are drawn ill

Pig. 42. lD th1• • cm-, the 'gnat o1rol.' 1. IIOt -

w11 :1JJtegn.ted sa it . . 1a \be Jfaria treble Yiol,

where, as w11 .. poa1t1on1n8' the aU41e-boat an o.Uw,

1t ~80 toned the lower-bollt U'G ot oJ:ic1a, OODDeOUac

the two w.1oa p1ao1. U"08. ot ooane, the b1-lobe4

bottoll of the 11m preolud_ th1a peU.au1a1" a.rnne.II.t,

and VI. oiro1., •• U'Il1"84 .. 19'.5 _ (19'.75 _ • 12.5u),
18 cau.cJ. at C, ,..a1.ftc throu&h the Mq-top I, 111441e-
bout arc centn 0, &lid . . . . the 10wr bout 10. . to D.

!he outl111e ~ at 4, with U'O 411', MIla. Bt.

nA1_ 108.5 _ .... .,.. Xt ...~_ •• with U'O B'X'.

ceaUe (P. ad1_ 62 _, . , .... lIr an I'J', . .u. It,

n41ua 9' _ ... '" (tile 41. . . . .

thenrore al_ _it retaW, be. . 46.5 _ .. ,.,
_"'II. I ... I' 18

II' • 15u). I'Jt p!\MbIae4 pes.s. tIaaaP tile to.I- 'tt

hoi. oentJ.o1Jl«. !be 1..- . .til aft OOIIpl.W . . _ t e -

GUI'W J'lI'. OSIItft L', nti_ ,1 _ 01' aa.


ne%'W, tor the t1rat tiM in ttli__ tuq, _ . .t the

nolin-t,-pe oomer, the rlo1-tnNt come1'll 80 tar en-

oountered are true poMtrioal poiDu, ill that u.. _
arc. toning the comer actuall1' _t. wbenu 111 the

cue at the Y1ol1D-tne, the two aomezr-tOZll1Dg &l'OII

neftr touch, but are Mparate4. an4 Ii,DUd. by a abort

etra18ht line. 'fhu8, in the latter oue, two ..pante

pointe ot arc terminat1cm actua11,. ooour at the OOZlleral

tor the eake ot olar1V, bowe..r. 1D auoh _ _ tbnulb-

out th1. -tud7, Oft~ one 'OG w' ooznezo-teJ:ld.Dat1Dc
letter w1ll be giftD . . . it . . ill a 110ft tn41t1aaalq
correct _th0401os;r 1D ~ __ ot the riol-Q'pe oomer.

'!'be aiddle bout. an to%MCl b7 thne anIIl If'.'. MIl,"

p', ra41u 15.5 _ or UJ .a1D an .'Q'. o.aUe 0' em tile
•gnat airel.', ra4iu 125 _. or, allOlriag a 1 _ 8ft'01",

8a (124 -h ud r1Dall1', U'O Q'S', aetn R'. racli_

ap1n 15.5 _. or ..

!he upper boab, whoM .un aro oau. an ~ Sa

si.nar 'tr1.anplu' t ....laD to the laftr baate, .tan

at g' with OOUDter-cNzoN S'U', o.u. If'. n4t. 51 _
or 2Ia. Ifhe CNrN V'.', adl. 108.5 _ or -ru, ia OIIJtat
at T on the opposite _id. ot the pla, whil. ita .......

part Y' 1s alllO the oeu. ot the aut aft. W'X'. a4i_
71.5 _. or "'. '!'be outl1M 111 oc.plet.t .. uo X"'.
i'- ... ?-,--'--,~~.-
....,- ' -l
I -. -- I -._____ ,

I I 1;;--(;
/Y i
, '

/ I

I \\ II

'-, -. "-.- --'-" , ~+.1

j I
'\, I
\ '

i, I :

' - - - --:.----..,..-- ----!


centred at Z on the centre line, radius once more

108.5 mm, or 7u.

The circle piercing the If' hole centrings is centred at

F on the centre line; its radius, 64 mm, is just too

large to be considered a unit vector, 62 mm, 4u, being

the closest term.

The beautifully decorated head, with its delicately

painted moresques recalling contemporary Italian harpsi-

chord decoration, is here puritanically given in bare

outline, in Fig. 43. Whilst no proportional significance

was found in the ratio of the containing rectangle, or

its components, the three arcs which form the convoluted

sides of the peg-box revealed the same commensurable

ratios as the main Bcheme. From top to bottom in Fig. 431

arc A'B', centre C', has a radius of 46.5 mm, or 3u;

short straight line B'D' connects this arc to arc D'F',

centre E on the opposite side, and of radius 77.5 mm or

5u; the remaining arc, F'H', is centred at G', and of

radius 46.5 mm, again 3u; (3:5 was the overall body

ratio). The peg-box is completed by straight line H'l'.


- ,]
" ....





b. nIl, P18. 44, n. nIl



c. 1585'

.loa• • • 9

'!'he two re.a1niDg ...,,1_ or l1za 1Mm .0_ to be

con81dered are both Breeo1a, an4 ~ or a41oa117

d1ttering 8oat., the7 baw e1ldlar ~ oat1ta., that
18, b1-1obed and no-, ather .... toar-, ~.

'!'he t11'8t, and ~1er ot tbe two, 18 attributed to

0e.8pu0 da Sal~, and tone part ot the Ma.o~ till

oolleoUoD, where1D 1t 18 oatal0fJM4 .. L1a-'Y101& ot

"!v'brid-tODl, tOUDd durin« the 8U"17 . .l1lt1all of tM

Y1ol1D t . .U~ and« . l _ b ot the 9101& ..a

11m da bmoolo". Ba1DH, too, paR. . tb1a puUCIIIlu

aaapl. witil the mel.,. 4...1op1111t ot the 'nola' ..

"lI1dd1. _ b e ot tbe YioUJI PfIIJP-. It _ _ qat_ ..

l1ke17, ho....., tbat the ~t taaz-eV1np4 etate of

th1. t u u - - t 1• • late altezoattaa hnulbt aboat 111

the 1Dteaete or proloapct . . (1oJel- 'ftNObee tor the

beauV aDd power ot 1_ t..). and that th18 . . . . . ...,


\beD the i u u . . t beton \III would or1«1Mll1' haft

poetIMMlCl the chanoter1at10 leat-ehape4 . ., with •
tacil1ty tor cbaMta or bourdaa at1'iDga ( _ Pl. VII),
rather than the 110ft tudllar 80%'011 head with toar
laMral pese, which it DOW~. !he lira £l'OUp,

deap1te i " iaportanoe in a.nai8tlPCe ...10 u4 caltun,

mains a ..,sterioaa, inllUtfio1entl1' ne.rohed area ot
orpnolOl7. without turtber knowlec1&e, the aaot ori«lna1
atate or an inatruMmt euch . . \Ida GaD on17 be • _tter
or conjeoture.

ot 110M ot u.... paphl_ ad ot tM t . aal'riY1ltc tDnft-

...u baa been .-d. bJ Lau:nnoe Witte.'" Ia Witte'.
Yi. ., the claM 01.'..., b.r the label ot Uda ~l_

inau-.t - "Cupuo 4a Sa1~, ill Br.oia 1561" - 18 too

aarl1' (th. fint aoozd, or other 'n00z04'. of Ida -*-

1nB in Breaoia be1B« troa 1565) u4 he pnt. . to da.
the in.truMllt rra. 1600 - whiob .... b7 twa . . pre-
MDtec1 tin41np ot paph10 ericl_ _ _ _ putaape •

l1ttl. late. '!'he sr-t nr1•• M4 tbentora the .......

M aDthent101V. ot daW au..... laNla b ot oou_ •
lfhateftr 1ta daw. there _ _ l1ttl. doa})t that Gupao

Bertolotti, Galled cla Salo, !II. the author ot th1a lira,

whoM powertul, torthright d_ieD 18 uphelc1 lv' 1 ta

equal17 row.t wo1'Danehip. !be cur1aua 11004 __ 111

the belly ia cedar ot LebMoD. ot a YiaoMUa 'arou-

hatcbed' growth, which DO doubt contribute. to the

in a tru.ent • a ~t austere oountenanoe.

Hone ot the ~U of 0"tU'all beittbt or width 1D

e1 ther thia or tbe tollcnr1D« GUlPl. . . . tound to . _

been 00IUI1duwd pnportioMteq. 'fbia 18 " " _ ' ,

although, . . a «lance at· "t1 obazt 1 on ~ 325 rill

oonfirll, not aoeptional.. It 18 1IIl1'0riuDaw that 1D both

caH8 no reliabl. end_a. of ori&'1M1 -triac l-.rth,

nut. or exact br14p poaition exiat. to enl1cbt. tbe11-

pometri.. which rill therefore be oolUl1clere4 111 boq

outlille onlJ.

!'he body d..i~ of the Gupao lira . . tound to be

BOftmed b7 a oc.e ...~1. ~ _ _ 011 DOt GM, but

no unita, 11-d1Jc .., Hal.. of 8IPeeat1OD, wh1ob, ,....

l1ar17. an not obricNal.7 related to OM anotbezt. &1-
thouah each 1. 1nctepaclentlJ _tabl1abecl b.J the _

!he -.ller unit, u, p'ftma . . upper-baut u . of the, . . _11 . . the ,.,.1t1cmi118 of . . ttt ~.


It i . oalou1ated ... 11.15 . , ancl 18 aee-tw1fth ot the

upper-bout width, which 18 OOftUuot1oMlq dlY1de4 into

thfte equal pan. b7 • weioa piH1a ~t, ..oh

mdt_ ot which theretore -..uzw . , .... abal1 _ .

fhe 1arpr un1 t. U, BOwm. the llidne aDd lower bout.

ot the d..14IIJ, 1t -..urea 21.5 _ and 1. ill ~ one-

twell'th part ot the lower-bout width, whlob 18 .1a11arq

d1rided into three eqaal parta ot 4U b7 the . .loa p1801a

dnioe which PEOri4- the ..". . , . ot the 1..- baate.

ConaiD.er1ng the ub1quitou _tun ot the wat_ p1ao1a

oon.tructlon, 1t 18 aurpriaia« that, out of the tbne

uupl. . ohoHn here, _oh ba~ bl-loW lower boata

(. a_1«n which ~1atel1' ....... the two 111'-10004

.,..1_ eirel.), 01117 ene, thie llza ot c..puo, aotualq

1noorpora_ the dm••

!hie can be __ ill Pia. 44 oeat:n4 at 0 .. a'. !tie

oaU1De bq1D. with .... t.aa uo tI', e.ta 0', R4t.

86 _ or 4U, lt oontu... with an I'B', _ t a I _ tM
o.ttft 11M, n41aa theRt... 6U (l29 . ) . ,abozot
.tra1«ht liH HIl' OOImeota th1a an with 001!'IIer ooantar-

!be IdMle boate, it - - ~ au .. aalle4, Mcla with

an If'.', _ t n P', DI4_ .Il~ . . 16 _, wIIUIa.
allowing a 0.125 _ error, proola1.M tid.. ftOtor . . O.75U

and thererore & quarter or the 1Mxt ftOtor, the ndiua ot

arc N'Y', centred at 0', ...aur1ng 64.5 _ or,u. !he
arc, as well as haYing oblisator,y tangentialit,. with i_

two ad.1oin1ftg arc.. ill alao tanpntia1 to aro ". J' pro-
ducecl. and with arc I'R' produ0e4, .. can be . . . 1ft the

draw1nc'. Ra41ua O·P·.· produoed will &lItO cm>aa the

oentre liM at po1ftt C, the 'theoretical' W)d..1 centre.

!hl_ 1_ the -tap wh.n the -.11. . oa .2W'U1'ah1.1III1t

(u - 17.75 - ) tak_ Oft%' the 4_ip. !z'o .,'.' 18

centred at Z 011 the oppoeite .1d. of the in.u-. n_t. at

a one-third diYi.ian ot the uppuwbaut 1d4th ( _ illp1ied
...1oa 1ft Fig. 44). It. r&di. th.refore •••~ au. or
142 _, whioh lnoidental17 i. &180 the dt.taD_ QOt.

'!'h... &1'011, when produced. dOWll1JUd., ozoaa the oeD'"

liDe a little below poiDt p. and tileD. . 1Dteneot the

oppoai te lower aotmdho1e oentriDc. aII4 the oppoIIt te

comer. '!'h. upper bouta aft 00IIp1.W b.J' an .·X',

oetn Y', n41_ •••1IUl!*t _ 89 _, wh1all, a11ow1ac

0.25 _ erzor, ...-la ,.. (se.75 .).

The ...u1er 1IDit .,..te. 111 &lao UMd 1D poettiODine ~

, t' ho1... The oi1"01. pi.zeiac the tOUl' 'f' hol.

oentriDp ill oetncl at poiDt p. ita n4iu, n ., 18

.. '!'he upper 'f' bo1. oentriJl«a aft p1uoe4, too. lIr


the upper, constructional vesica circles, radius also 4u.

In addition, F is the point where the current bridge

position crosses the centre line.

The head of this instrument, as we have already discussed,

is a possible scroll replacement to what may have been a

leaf form of peg-box. The present head, however, would

seem not to be a restoration "in the old style" as Boyden

suggests, but an original, old, Brescian head, perhaps

even from a tenor by Gasparo himself. Handsome though

this cannibalised scroll is, with its fine ionic volute,

its geometrical scheme is of no relevance to the lira's

original design, and is therefore not analysed here.

~J) C
/. .


...... .~ • .( ,I: '..'

/. i
-';L .
,- .

EK. IX, Figll 4~6. Pl. IX



c. 1570
MAKI!1i tOOOiOli1l


Aoc. lien 1415

epeobn, d_p1te 1 ta enomiv, _ onoe .u.s ...

pla,yed &11a epe.1la . . a lira 4a baooio. All 14_ of ~

how tIO ].up • 11a _

1D!entool 1'J". the

p~, the
.aD ,/laW lIIr • plare -
ttcwn of Apollo ia ~ I.
pZWpUIltoJ::r .W117 fOZ' 1IIh1aIa U .,.. . . . . .

.. PiIr. 45. !he haM of tba U.a (t qn') 1Ib1Gb Apollo

18 plq1D« ill alIIo ... _ the flat, leaf......

VJMt wiUl ..... pecII - " - I178t1aa1 ...... 01 .~ I .

both Apollo'. anbaio qn, ... ' . . . . . , .~, tile

!be orid_1 __ ... fttUap tar tbia UIIIIPle ...,. 1-.

8iDoe puMCl 1&to 1i11bo, a1aac with ...,. pnports..!

thie 8~.

Aa with the preoe4in« nap1., the tabl. hu "-- ....

trom cedar or Lebanon, a ra~r CO&1'IMt tt.ber appaftllt17

11'1 pl_titul euppq 11'1 16th-oeDtu%7 B1'eaoia. '1'h1.

inat1'WlMmt, 1ile. EK. YIII, aleo ~ a Gaa))&1'O da Sala

label, a1 thou8h here it 18 an olrriOlJ8, bandwritten

counterfeit. !he true author o! thi. giant lira i. un-

known, he waa c.rta1n17 BrHcian (the prrdoaa attribu-

tion to Guparo 18 howner un l1lc.q ) and be . . mldoubt-

ed.17 a akilled worker, .. the 1I4a1zab1. partl1Da 4_1IDa

or the back iDlq d..",.trate. A ..nutacture date with1a

the per10d 1560-80 111 pema~ the _1; 11ke17.

In deal1Dg wi ttl the 8eo.8U7 ot the ~1 0uJ)UO 11ft,

it waa ~t1oned apropoe that DO olear o'Nftl1 propozo-

tions or height or width rH01... th ••••1.,.. 111 .1tha'

that or the preunt ...,1.. Heft, 1D the aba __ of

theM, or -1 tmo_bl. rom of plamdltB o1zale, rect-

angl., or other dm._ 8Uah . . tM ....1_ p1M1a, c.l7
the ~b1. aoMM, 1Ib1oh pftZM all but . . t4

the oo.poIHIDt &1'0 m41i. -Uta to 4:1.801. . 887 pJ!DJIa-

tiOM1 OOD8idezat1ona or ita ..-r.

!he ~ oatU,_, bzoken clown 1IIte i_ ....U , - t uea,
111 dra_ 1D P1«. 46. !'be 1..- lMNta, wIdab, _ _ . . .

preriouaq . .U0ae4, aft m tonal " .....i .. __

atzuati_. 00 ___ at 4, with ... 41'. !tWi aft, . . .
z:. y y z. W'



oentre 18 at C'. 18 or radiua 112.5 _, whiob, 1ft the

co.menaurable acheae .....arM 50. where 11 • 22.5 _. '!'be

oune i8 cont1Jmed b7 arc I'J', oenUw Je', ndl_ 1'5 - .

or 6u, and i8 te1'lliDated by COUDter-curft J'Jf'. oena. L',

rad1ua 22.5 .. or u.

!he aiddle/upper-bout outline is .tarted with arc M'N'.

centre P', ra4iua alao 22.5 _. u, thua _king the OO%'llft'

81J11Htricalq 01Irftd. Point O' 1. the o.Uw of the nat

arc )lI" whoM 1'841_ 0'''' 1. 111 l1De with poiat , em the

OeJltre liDe. This ra41ua (or arc If'Y') -...ane 90.5 _.

whioh. allowing a 0.5 _ error, ie t&k_ ba'a to be 41a

(90 -).

~e upper bout. ooneiat ot J-t two U'OIII V'W' IID4 W'X'.

" . ' 18 oentncl at Z 011 the oppoelte .1d., 1. lup

rad1ua, 225 - . '"in« uaoU7 10.. !be 1ut U'O of the

outline, the reta1D1D« upper-bout U'O .'X', o.tntt at Y',

i8 the OII~ arc neti_ which clo. DOt ftlate to the _It

8Oh_ . ,..m1Dc the net of the 1Mb Int. 1Ior do.

th1a rocue ~t. of 129 •• rapand to _ otbar

pan ot the a_tp ~ two Jdaut ...,u... the

liret 18 ita npetlUan .. the iatenal CO' (Pia. 46)

betweeft the ..:t.D l.,......:baat a.tne, --' the . . . . . .
. . the C.u8t11J1oe, 5'0', _ 11M 1'8'0', pout S' _ills

when 10' 1Bteneota the IICJI81hole -V1Jtc obo1e


centred at F. No convincing rectangular or other plan-

ning rationale could, however, be justified for these

coincident amounts.

The radius of the circle, centre F, piercing the four

If I hole centrings, was measured as 69 mm, which cannot

quite be considered part of the co~ensurable scheme

(3u = 67.5 mm). The distance between upper and lower

soundhole centrings (102 ~~) was found to be the same as

that between the two lower centring points.



Perhaps DO Bingle e'ftmt in the hietor.r or Weetem . .teal

inBtrullellU hae had gnater iIIpaot on subaequent ...teal

thoUBht and practice than the _rpDoe. ill the 16th

oentur,r. ot the Yiolin tu1q.

!be exact tiM and place otro.atanoee 01 that &ppea1"aDOe

an et111 DOt tulq _tabl1 . . . . a1 t.bou8h the beluf 18

pnea117 helcl that the t ..11-7 ftIOlw4 faa both the

low17 zrebeo aad the 10rV 11m cla bm001o. aDd that tbB
tint rioliDe _1"8 or the 'nola' ~. the other
_ben ot the t8ll1l.7 4....10p1ll« up ad d.owa 111 pitoIl-

el_ rra. theN. !he tint '.-11 now' (tbB

'T101iDoll') wen. 1ft tact. tbne-tItr1ap4. al thcna&h 80

'1'here _1"8 &lao _ben or the ta1q other 'ban tboM

which now tON the 0lu810 q1ariet. that 18. Yitt1iD.

nola and nolanoello (the d.oub1e-bu8 is nal17 a ...1-

tleet oroheetzal ftriant rra. the rio1 tM117. 41 ~

"in« 110 m. oontnbua riol1D). !be.n-tGa ot the
tonal nap ot th... tbfte ..u. cllY1B1oIIa. ho• .." ....t

that the 111~ 1ubi . t .1_. auaIa .. tbe teDor

Yiolae. tile YiolaDoe11o p1ooolo, ... Yio1iDo ,10001.,

'!'he earl)' noUns, in Englancl particular17.

tonal COIBp8riSOD with the gentle concord ot the 'riolll

and Tiol OOD80ne. At tlrat. the nolin's .oft inol.1....

vigorous TOle. was uaed in lIWIic ot the danae, ancl that.

according to the la..,.r Bopzo Worth (165)-1754), .t

ra ther a low lIOOial 1....1. "the WI. ot the no11ll bed

bin litl. in EDglanc! except b1 eo-m Ficllen", encl . . . .

Mereenne (16~) thousht that "the nolin ill too crud.".

'l' lfaoe. who.. eathua~ tor the 'riols we haft

alree.d1 8ftCOUDter.4, . . equal17 eoathiD«. !be ".ooulcl-

ing nolins" whioh ade hill "Bull Glow" and tl11ecl "hie

braina full ot Priskes" were, bowftr. • good deal. 1 _

brilliant lUlel penetrating 111 . , . . than the

. . ouraelftll are UHd to h-.r1ll«. a 'rio11ll whlab 111 tum

lacks the .ilTer,J _1101lft_ and -.nth ot ita ~

predaoeuor. Apart t1"OIl the oolHllc!ezable aCOWltloal

d .....lop.enb aocOIIpl1ehecl b7 the pwat er..a-.. _ten.

this dltterence in IICftDkl ie, to a OGMUuable ......

rio11ll b7 the iftoreuiD« teabnloa1 41 ..... u4 ohans1IIc

tonal ortteria. ot lta late P~.

!heM structural .odit1_tloaa. which hIul bee . . . b7

about 1800. 1IIolwlecl tbe replao.att ot tbe 014 bua-bar
with a lonpr••touter ODe, U. 1~1as or the 1'1It&'u-
boar4. ot the be1&bt and . .bar ot the ~

flO .47'

(. thua OJtce and tor all eu.-inc the inetzu.nt' _ ~le

.. a _ladie one) and, II08t CftOW ot all to the 1netru-

MlJt'~ qutw.:m 4. .1p, the len«then1n«. N-Ul'11nc. ADd

re-oontour1ng or the MOlt. 'fh1a laet 1a ot anat pert1-

HIlC8 here, .. II1lOh altuaticma to 014 1HtruMnta

iIMrri. tab17 obacan . . . or ~. 4_1&nar' e 0rig1Dal.

~tr1cal plan.

'l'onal17 ftlue4 iDau.ete rare~ __pelt thie 'neok

8urRe1'7', which .lther 1Jnol"Nd re.Mlelling aa4 reo-
angling, or, lION tnqu.t~, oc.plete replaG.I.ot ot

the 0rig1nal Deck, . ith the old heed beiDA' patted CD to

the n.., extended. neck.

'!'be UDtOn..,- _Ul.Uo ....... ot tb1a lIOdit1oatiaa

are d . . . ._trated b1 P18a 47 ad . , an oric'1M1 Deck . . .
a IIOdlt1ed HOk zwpeotl...17. It will be 0. .' " at
once that tbe o%'Rllft10 bamaa7 ot . . .___~ ie loet

with th18 .ltemt1_.

DHk and the la'-r dleouded t1apZ'boucl .e..

In ftc. 47 the Job be. . . . the
18 111 1 _

_lope .tIl . . .
with the . . . be. . . tul. . . . rille.

ot boud ancl __ 011

Ia pI'OtUe, tile
11M towud.e the heM, tbe . . . . . . . . .10 ot the
.14. of tIda

0rig1Dal. .ot hariltc ar-ter . . . . . with the ~

taper ot the MM, troll the obi t. Z'CMI4 lIIto tbe .."U•

• reowr, the or1c1M1 . . . . (RppOrtiB« \be o14er, __


4.11oa~. tingerboartt) reconciled, 1>7 ...... ot 1u archect

underelde, the curt'e or the table-arohiftg wi til the

Pig. 48, where the .traight back ot the new tiDaerboud

jute out unBpllpa~hetloalq owr the oontoUftCl md.l11DB

ot the table.

'!be Y1ol1ll

'!'he atreae dl.,.rel~ or teml, nlah ohuaoteriH4 the

earl,. 4ew10]JMllt ot the rio1, tW. no Vue puall.1 111

the t01'llll ti.,. Jeu'II ot tbe riOUlI taaiq. '!he . . . .t1&1

.hape ot the nol11l . . euoq toma1111e4, with ao au__
queD~ drriaDt -j071nB ....,. ....... ot ..,....42 !he
cmacial nolutlon or ~he iD8~l'WI.a', both aooae'1o ...

... thetio, !'roll the 16th to the 18th oent1lz7. _ then-

tore &COOJIpll.hed wi thin COIIpIIft'lftq DU'1'W aDd. inti-

l1ite17 nbt1. OOMUaiIlu. Aooozd1llal7, I haft 4eo14e4

to . . .iDe thi. sn4ual 4...10~' tbzoauIb toar 1D8ua-

_ta, 4atlng 1'1'GII 1564 _ 170'. _ttl lau rz. thne

akere united b7 the IICNIt 1apo1"taa' aa4 t.oft~ bIMU-

1670, and two bJ ADtae10 Sta41.ri. aM ot 1666, .a the

-Ba1l1u1- ot 170'.

BE. X. F1sa 49-54, Pl. X





Ace. Iol 10

Our tint ftIUIP1. Mleote4 ~ tbe Yio11D tai17 18 ...

or the ear11.. t ot r. Ei"iDg etr1Dp4 laau--ta. All

exquieite Yiolin tro. the bud ot ADdrN Oat1, i'datee

troll 1564. and 18 one ot the thirV--1cbt 1Det~ta

.ade by that great _tar tor KiDs Char1. . IX ot Pnnoe.

The back and ri"- bear tracee ot the pdDW z001&!

ineignia and _tto ("P1etate ., Jus'1'1&") ueed b7 tM

young king (onl,y tourtMll leu'll old when thia 1Hua..,

. . coapl.ted.) and h1a _ttl_, Catber1De de "'lei, wbo

1108' probeb17 oa.t_loaecl the 'th1zv__lcb,t ('-1...

-.11 YioU. . . . . .1... l.up Yio11u, ab '-on, ...

• 1811' bu• • ) to be UMCl bJ the _lo1u8 of the Pnnoh

oourl. '!'he aound ot Uti. bod7 ot ab1.Jlp . ., ha... __

tl.'Ul7 t zwal' • 1laa. on17 a bu4ftal of theM Char1.. IX

.ba'i. aurriftd the d1epenal ... d_mao,ton of 0CNrt

propar\7 b%'OU8b' about b7 Ule rz-oh Rnolu'laa.

H 0

fIG. 49
include l!2 CharI•• IX ilI.t~ta. a -.pitioat luae

nola (one or the au 'teno1'll') and till. beautlfUl

inat:ruaent, one ot the twelTe eall pattem noli.•

which would haTe pl~ed the upper-tftble pu"\a in tile

royal ooncerta.

Deepl te its u t n . q ear17 date, th1a riol1D 18 a M17

dneloped in.t1'WleDt, the product or Ofti' th1l't7 1MZII'

experience or a _ter luthier, ~ the tint .rnat
viol1ft-Mker to 8Il1n widespread 1'eOOfI'Dlttc. tu bia wort.

Ita pometr;, is rather ooapln, laok1B« the ele«ant

eGOftOII7 t0UD4, tor exuple, Ua the 4. .tp ot the Maria
treble nol, or the ..-tr1oal raoill V 41t1p"'" 111 the

.ore ooapln: acb_ or the teor nol • J... Like both

theae inat1'Wl8l'lta, bowftr, bat _liD the othft riols..

here to be dl.ouNC1, thl. batt .t111 nta1M a tzaoe

ot the '~t alrele' B'tOMU7 which _ 8ha11 alIIO ......-

tar ill the Breeoiu nola b7 -..:tat. !be 'ana' otrole'

(ndiae t boq leath, 0." C) 1e 110 1. . . . __ ben
.. a oentriDg l'I1de tor the ldd41e-b.., ana, .., . . .
• t111 pl"Oncte the touncJatlOD ot the GaUDet the an of

or1ciD, in P14r. 49, a:ro BlIt'.

It ie this tea, ft4iae CI, or CD, _lab 'beaa••• tM

largee' teN, -6' in a ......-pan ; H1'1_ 1Oft1'II1Itc tile

B G'


, .... ,


upper-bout dee18n, and, to a l ....r extent. the po.1tiOli

ot the 't' holes and the radi1 ot the .!Dor area ot the

serio arel

Fig. 50 showe the saha.. tor the upper bouu. The OOIIPO-

site curve C'S' is initiated b7 the -.ill quadraDt aft

G'X't oenu. B'. rad1_ -4 (cr. be1q the n41_ ot aD

iJIportaDt ~5 aro). '!'he 01I1"ft then ahallon with arc

M'N't centre L. on the centre 11M. 'l'h1a n4i_. llka

that ot the --.11 oountar-cnu: •• U'G "'S', baa DO -n-

eal re1a t10nahip to .1 ther the _ eeri. . , or M7 oUlez'

_jor ",ector useel in th1. d.eaip.

Fig. 51 e_e1".. a further use ot the _ aeri_. AD an

ot rad1us JI" cene C, pierces \he 't' hoI. at i u centn

V' bet1l'eel'l the meldle notah_, whllet - arc ot n41aa -4'
alao centre C. piU'O.. the lower I t' hole a.ntr1Dc. W'.
'!'he lIIporiut ~5 an . .ti~ e&l'11e 1. . . . . . . . . . . .
U'O LP'O wh1ab d.t1Me the hnOtbaUoal wrUaal .........

tion ot tour ~ reotacl- (tor olariV on17 ball the

~tr1oe.l plaB 18 . . . .) • .me.. eU. . . .'., ma' aD4 DPt.

pl.zoe the OOJ.'DUW s· u4 !" nepeoUft17. !be -tabli11b-

MIlt, 111 th1a ~, of pobt P' (84, ot oouw, Ita

lateral iDftnlO11, p) 18 ot az-' ~ 111
detem1ning the ftCtor wh1ch 1. to ooaplete the plott1DC

ot aiddle and lower boute. .. . . aba11 _ .

This vector could be d..or1bed . . being d1etant17 zrelatecl

to the ¢ seriell d1_ouued abo.,.. lIattta.t1oa117. it 1.

in fact j of
X ~06" - 10.666 _. or 70.7 _). wi til
9J ( 2
an add1tional oo.meneurabl. zrelati0D8h1p with the bod7
I_8th of whioh it i. one-tU'th <,sr- - 70.6 .). Ceo-
-trical17. it. ro_. and relat1Oft8h1p to the bod7
outline aDd the _ . . ri_. 1.. d _ t a W 1a P1«. 52 _
dNWing the we10a pl.ol. on the horisaeta1 _ t n u....

point. P and P' <1... 011 lin. pcp'). ".. oa_aII zwtlua
ot the ....loa p1aoia 01rol_ 1_ equal in "tal. to ~

wctor that . . . . . . !be nlatlGMhlp . - - - the ff5

radlW1 01rcle. the ....10& p1aaia . . . . the outU,1Ie 18

shown 1D Pis. 52 b7 the 11ae8 ot 1ateneot1_ - QQ'Qw

and RR'R".

tM. -.Jor wotor ot 10.7 _. !he U'O U'Rw. ad1.

70.7 • (_uanI .. 70.5 .), _ t n I', oonttna. the

'8ftat oimle' an ct 0ric1B DR'. !he. OOUDtu-ou .. R"'l'
OOIIPletee the 10IIV beNU. !he n41_ ot tb1a U'O. like

1t_ uppe-baat OOUD.~. 18 .tta...tioalq wu.laW

to the obr "tal. . . . . ill th1a iIuItrl[ -t.
FiG. 53

If arc H'R", and ita lateral inftraion HR. radi1

70.(1) DII, centrn K' and K reapecti...17, are p%'04uoe4

to tom circlea, they will croee on 'the OeDU. liM at

point F. !hie poiDt, F, ia 'the centre ot a circle

piercing the upper and lowr oent1'1Dga ot the • tt bo1...

Ita radiU8 18 5' _. which 18 the diatance Xl', aDCl,

1ncidetltalq, twice the 'equiftlen\' dtitaDce }~, ( _

FiB. 50) in the upper-bout OODlltruct1cll.

The 1I1dd1e bout. an &leo ~ ill ftc. 5'. !be-.1a

arc Y'Z' ill ot rad1ua 10.5 _ (70.7 _,> which, . . 418-

ouased abOft, i. the 1'IIdiua, too, tor .u ~"

arc H·R". '!'he.1nor aroa oc.pleti118 the 0Qrft ot the

1I1441e bouta, S'X', X'Y', D4 Z'''', all ba.,. n411 or _
lIer188 values. fI, -2' and -1' reepeot1w17.

Thi. OOIIpletn ~ ualJ.1a ot the . . . . .t to~

seo-tr,r ot thi. 1ub'aet'. boQ '-ieD.

'!'he neck ot thl8 Alat1, like that ot 80 ...", otbR

11441. . , baa been l~ed u4 .,.1t1-.4 &OOO1'tiIW

to mdem praoU•• 4' III the ~ (Pl. I) 1_

pment poIIi t1_ 18 ahon to the left of the OIBtn 1iDe,

to the ri8ht I haw 1D4ioated ita probable ortc:l.,

lencth (appmn-teq 5 - ehorter u.a PI'".t oaaI1-
t1on). 10 awo-t:17 . . tound to oarnlate the total

leagtb, But poe1t1Clll. 01" .triJt« l.acth to the Mbl II

" .


used in the bod7 de818n.

The b-.d ot tbis 1IuIt~t ... a oriap, d.licate beaD• •

8uggeat1ng an illusion or it. ~ out ot the wood,
rather than i te haftriB been 0&1"IItd Ira. it. 'l'raoee ot
the or1«1nal pa1nte4 deco:n.ticm rl F in ill . . .piftla ot

the 801"011. The head, like the other pu1I ot thl8 nol1D,

..... to daortstrate & 1"\IBPd17 iDdepa4et 88OMtz7.

none or the ra4ii or it. arcs haft aII7 nlat1oMh1, with
the ftrioua ftOtcmI or the bocl.J "la, - 1 t 18 a 0QIIpl• •

UJd aepaft.te oonoept1an.

'!'he analyaia or the head 18 8hcnrD in Pis. 54, when 1t

is contaiMd rithiD two rectugl. . or the __ (1.342)

proportiOl1, aIIDeDcl lcmp1d. to ahoz'tIIi4. - QRS'f whiob

contains the .piral or the aoroll, aDCl PQ!U which OCBI-

tatn. the ~boL IJ'he ep1:n.1 1 belt i . that ot the

uaual eluaie ioIJie ftlute, tzaoed 1D Pis. 54 b7 the

...tIer dotted 11M (the lazoau d ....i • ~u.c tile

beftl ot the aoro11, wtdah ooft'NpCIIIU naaal17 to the

ilmer line ot the 10111.). Ita ocmtonttJ' nUl ~10

.ocl.18 cea••• at " (no..,.l. Am. 18 aleo 1.,., ill pa-

porticm). '!baGe, the ndl1 ot the __ • ...-' U'OII ooa-
tora to • 1.W aer1_ bMe4 _ the &14_ of th1a ____

or rectD«l... !he ~iOll ill whole...,. .Ul1-

HU. w.1_ tal ", 41, '5, 26, 1,. !baa, ... ep1al

is continued by arc AB, radius 26 mm , centre Kj arc Be ,

radius 35 rom, centre Jj short straight line CD , to

counter- curve arc DE , radius 35 rom , centre N. The upper

curves of the peg- box are equally elegant of construc-

tion : arc FG , radius 19 mm , centre Jj counter-curve arc

GH, radius 47 mm , centre OJ and finally arc HI , radius

63 mm , centre M.

Ex. XI, PiS- 55-58, Pl. XI


c. 1610

Between the la, 'riol1a and tb1a pI• •' aupl. U . • •

period or about 100 7-.rII ot d""lo~t, u4 two ,..n-
tiona or the A-.t1 tud.l7. .ioola.. the IftDdIlGll ot
Andrea, ~ H1e~ (ot the 'bz'othen'MaU,

Antonius and Hi.~), and ia the . ., .,1..-..117

celebrated -.her ot ~. Ul_Uioua ex. Df1tI• • tu117.
1'hia tame ari_ Itot an17 ~ h1a ....,1110.' 1Iletn-

~ta. and the snat tonal a4....~t tbe7 np•••' ,

but al80 ho1I the oonaiduable inn. . . be . . to baw

.. teacher aad lIOdel tor the . .a••1l1llc . . . . .UoIl 01

luthi.m, who _zoe to briJIg tile Cnaane_ eabool of

nol1ll _ki"" to an wariw11e4 _1tL

. .1a 1tHlt had hucll7 etood ntll . . . . . . . .. . ,

or 110 ....1ob..,... . theM two -.u.. !'he SftaIUiBI'
d. . . . . tor 1ftAtC',."... all bril1s-. fa. 1ta p~

are reneeted in the b. . . . . JIIOPOrU. . and 10wr ___

111« ot the late'riol11l. !Ilia -pl., wh1ohldel_t ....J,


bears M earlier label of 1664. i8 a ~led "tp:U4-

pattem lt ~ti. aDd it was probably ada in 1670 ....

the -.ster _ . .11 into his HftDtb de0a4e.

Aa . ith the pre-rioua example t tha neck hae been leng-

thened, here probabl1 by about 5 or 6 .1 Wa 8UppoMd

o~ position ot the head, ... ".11 as the or1g1.fta1

outline of the right-hand upper bout (8oaewhat reduoed

by wear ud re~), are theretore g1ftft 111 the MiD


There i8 a .eked17 IIOre relaxed appraaoh to the . . . .t-

neal planning or th1a inat1"UMDt than th. . . . 111 the

ooapla haDIonio orpnisation ot wctora round ill the

Andrea '-.ti preriolUl17 4i.CN88ed. It . . 41.00......

that the boq plan or the .ADclru. . . AOftZ'lled b7 • • .....-

teX'll ¢ Beri. . , wi tb ~ iaportant lonr-bout 8IlCl 1I1441e-

bout arc (in that Ral1 pattem, 70.7 . ) be1Jtc _theMt1-

cal17 related to it. _ ~av:n.b17 Nlated to tba

boq l.,gth. III th1a iDau.-t. . . . . ahall _ . the

aiDor ftOtozw aft DOt iDoozporaW 111 the -.11. . tour-

tamed _ prognu101l. but, lite the equiwleDt 10lllft-b0at
tftll (here n.5 -), molft u....l.... iDte whole naaber
and .1JIple tmoti0ft8 ot Brunniak 1Dchee, the rMUl tiDa'

acme. being a aoaallhat un11kel.7 II1xt1Jft or ftt10nal u4

irzat10nal .the.atioal ftluea.

fiG. 55

'!'he other great dU'rerence in planning 0C0U1'II with the

centring ot the lower-bout arc or er1g1D. In the Andna.

1t 1MB centred at C, the centre or the .odel and tileft-
tore related to the 'great c1rcl.' seo-b7 round. 1ft

contempor&ry and later riols (Ex. II and Ex. IY). lD

the Nlcola Amati, howeY81', this o.,tft baa ab1fted up-

wards on the centre line to a gold.. sect10D dlnal. ot

the lIOdel, thus girlng a shallower .t.rt to the ~

bout curfts.

'!'his centring point is shown, point E, 1'14r. 55, pwm1Dc

the arc or origin ot the lower boau (lIDH'). i d1ri4_
the bod)- length, BD (:'55 _ or fJ,> into two ~ ftluee.

ED • 219.5 - or ~2' and ~ • 1'5.5 - or -1. !hi. lut

tera, halwcl (and allorillg 0.25 - erzor). AOftZII8 the
. .in arc of the upper-bout oonstruotlon. al80 deplct.c1 1B

1'i8. 55. It 1a arc G'K'. GelJtre Q', adl_ -.-ftC! . .

6e _ (67.75 - • :r).
- !he ourftt thea aballGWll witil am

)ltllt, oeJ'Im L, 011 the centre ii,M, and ot ft41u 84 _.

the ftlu _. wh1ch aa.ple. . the tCJU-1ie1'II _ aerie81

_,"55 - . _2,219.5 - . _1,1'5.5 - . _, 84 ...

(All .,.lues tak.. to rteareet 0.5 ... ) !h. ouzw 1e then

oowpleted by oounter-ou.rft U'C )('S', ndi_ ,a _. wtd.ab

au be interpreted at 1t Ir. in., the tint of the

_11er ftOtora. ha1"IIaD1oa117 UllftlaW to the .ua

fiG. 56

'!'he. . simple tractions or ~runswick inohM are &180 rOUlld

(?1g. 56) in the radii or the II1Dor ft%'C8 or the aid.Ue
bout•• S'X', radius 12 _ <t Br. tn." X'Y', 1'841_ 30 -

(It Br. in., and equal to upper-bout oounter-oarN N' S' h

and the lower arc Z''l'', radiWl 18 _ <t Br. 1ft.). !be
..un arc, y,z', or the .1ddle bout. 18 or nd1ua 68 _,

which i8 the . . . . . . that or the ..tB upper-boat U'O G'M' ,

that ia 7. It i8 cenUe4 at J', a ,oiDt equ1418taa'
(:roll ¢-point F., and oean.-poiDt C, 011 the oeDVe liM

(aee locating area in Pig. 56). A line draa ,.,.". J'

aC1'088 to the centre line _tiltg at 0, and a liDe

dropped trom J' to the base line _tin« at I', tON a

h1pothet1ca1 rectangle or ~ pmportioD, J'I'DO, whoM

8id. . relate to the inatzou.ent'a br14ge 81M'! _t pM1ticm.

The long a1d •• or this rectangle, OD and Jil', . . . . .

195 . , which ia &180 equal to the 1IIportut brl.4Be-

locating tactor, BY. !he probable or1«inal nut poe1t1cn,

A, apPl'OxUate17 6. lower on the oenu. 11M than at

preHnt. would &lao be 1D _ relat1oaah1p to :BY, eo that

AI • (120.5 .).BY • 195 _

.. OJ' (or »1 1 ).00 (or JII·).

'!'be OOlUItmot1oD of UIe 1OW1" . .ta 1""IIhlJ' oaR""",

111 1ta diapoeit1cm or ftId11 u4 u., to "-t or U1e
upper bout. (the1zt pzooportia.l. iataftlatlouhip is, of

oouree, qu1t. 41ftenat). !h1a 41ft. . h . the 'OhIBI

fiG. 57

ueed ~ Andrea Amati in the lllla1l-Pftttern T10lin preT1oua-

ly 8Nl1yeed, where the .tn lower-bout arc (H'R" in Fig.

S,) continued t1'OII the arc or origiD to the counter-c:w;'ft

ot the lower comer. nere, ill Pig. 51, the corner

counter-oune 'l"R' .irrors ita .iddle-bOut neighboar,

Z'T', haying the ..... radiU8 t 16 _ (~Dr. in.), and
leading into an iJ'Iteraediary arc, Rtp., oeDtred, 11ke ita

upper-bout oouain. on the centre lille at U. Thia arc

(halt the lower-bout IINMUIUreIIeJlt - 208 - or et Br. ill.)

can be produced to the line, .men it croe_ at

C, the oentre or the lIOdel. The prilloipal lower-boat

arc, P'R', centre Je', ia or r&di. 11.5 _ (..uurecl).

which, thoUBh unrelated to the _ progreuion, ilexp1"H8-

1ble in Brunniok inch. . (, Dr. iD• • 71.:54 . ) , and

again, as in the prn10ua YioliD, will diY14e the boq

ltmgth by rift (here, ''t- - 71.2 . ) .

'fhe lowr boute ot the 1na~t are ..".eW b7 ue ot

oriBiB DH', centre E, ndiua 219.5 - . or -2' the onq

_in aeri_ hanaltio ftl_ to ooou:r ill the lowz-boat
aoh_. !he..tll _ dlria10D ot the bod7 leeth. D.
which ca.. paiDt I. 08Il &180 be 1Jmtrie4, th1a at....
point F, the oentn ot the cirole which pi. . . the
upper and 10,... oentriD&8 ot the 't' hoI...

body outline, bet1"f\y8 ft. :rAther 110ft casual approach to

ach. .tic geometry than .e found in the Andrea '-tie

Th ... work 1 teelf in careful enough, and the reeul t ftZ7

beautiful, though of a ditterent character troa the Mr-

velloue "Alard" 10ro11 of 16491 perhaps in the later

Beroll one can Me 8OJI8thing ot the 3tradiftZ'1 heeda to


Fig. 56 abo,.. the head out11De 0011ta1ne4 in. two aI'D'HtD4

rectengl. . - aoroll, QRM', and. P8f1\-box. PQ'l'U. In the

Andrea !ati, the equift1ent ot theM two notaftA'1- ....

round to be ot the __ proportiOll, and toptiJer wiU1 a

thicl, inacribed rectangle ot 81111lu mtio, proY1.decl a

aeri.. whioh 8Oft1"M4 the radii ot the heM uc! ~boL

Here there ia no euoh orsani..tion. 'l'he two IIftIlCf*l

rectan«lee are barIIonically unrelated, . . are the radii
ot the ftri.oa8 OOIIpOnet area, whoM oentre., like the
Andna 1ICM11, take DO heed ot the oonta1niDg no'tanBle.

'!'he ionio "f01ute ot the aoro11 np'ftHII'teti 1D P1«. 58 b7

the dotted liMe tera1Da_ at A, where it 18 ooatiDU14

b7 quedrut arc 0. oetre I, Ddi_ 27.5.. Aft!C 18

centred at J aM ot n4iua 46.5 •• a IIIIort atmiabt liDe,

CD. oomecu Be with the ourlice arc, DE, OIIltft . ,

rad1ua ,1 - . Point. i8 &leo the oentn toZ' upper pee-

box arc m, which 18 therefore part17 ocmcentrio wi.


arc ED; IH has a radius of 54 mm. The peg-box design is

completed by straight line HG, and terminating arc GF,

centre L, radius 13 mm. No mathematic or harmonic scheme

could be found to unite these values, which, with the

exception of line RS, the depth of the head (48 mm or

2 Br. in.), also failed to comply with whole or simple

fractions of Brunswick inches of the kind used in the

smaller vectors of the body scheme.

One interesting factor to emerge from the head analyses

of the first three examples (Exs X, XI and XII) of violin

here given is that the length of the head was found to be

half the maximum width of the lower bouts.

\ I
\ I
\ I


Ix. XII, F1ga 59-62, Pl. nI






JIoch haa be_ written .beNt Afttc.10 Stra41ft1"1, • _

whoae oontriblltiaa to the d....10,..nt of the rio11B, ..a

thereb7 to . .io it..lf, 18 iDHUable, uct wboH pm-
tOUDd arUa'tz7, UbU'1'1IIc iDtuitiaD, ...a 11111t1_ _ _ _

beoue as 1~ iD h18 1011« 1U.U. .. 414 h1a oc.-

MqUeDt 8114 1ID8pOi11Ds wal tb. 44 01... , u.., hia ....,..

t1pre" atatue, I haft decided em . . GOfttauUDc Stn41-

ftri.a to aa.p1.t. the d....1op1D« . . . . . . . ot en.aa._
Y1011Da, the tiret 18 • nre ear17 110ft ot 1666 (the 7e&1"

'befora hi. tirIIt -.rr1aae), the Macmct, • eelebraW

rio1in ot 170', D in.Uta_t which nfieotll tile ftall

i11u.iftation of h1a ,.i_.
Deapit. the . .t abauaUft ~, _ _ of Stadi-

'fU'i'e -.r17 lit. atill Z'Mta 111 Meow1t.J. Pna the

1Deu-.nU or h1a 014 _ , ..... tile _ter pmu4q
4ecl.area the total of hia 7euII .....tIl the «ate ot
_k1ng,45 it haa bee _tabliJ1he4 that be . . bam 1a

1644. but DO det1nUi" acoount ot hia ear17 UaiD1Dg baa

,.et been _de. ProIa the character ot hi_ ear17 wort, it
has been COIIcluded that, like ~ ot hi_ ,uw COII'--
porariee, he IIWJt haft bee a pupil ot 11001& ""1.
Thie ill eupported b7 the label ot th1e ear17 Stra41ftr1,
which Nadel



the "ALtDOnJS" ..aJIing 'toater-eoa' or 'd1eciple'. 1D4ee4,

the debt to .ioola GaD be pla1n17 . . . ill the 4ee1p

analy_i_ ot thie riolill, toptber with U. 7~ _ ' .

01m . . .rging perecnaliVI aoaept1Dg __ el_ta, whi1.

que_t1oniDg &lid rejecting otber parU ot the 1BIuIr1W

pattem. 00IrpariDg the COftt~ Xloola riol1D with

th1e 1666 SUadift1"1, the 1apr...1Oft 181.&t __ like u4

ftrt unlike. Alnad7 there 18 & t ..liDs ot

length ad elepnoe46 in the latt.r WOft, althoalh it 18

onq a traction lonpr aDd narroar than the AaU. !be

etteat, aa~geo.eU7 1'Wftal8, 1a .... abDet _t~ ""

the .ore 1Ibal1_ u..t..t ot tile 1I1ct41e hoata.

!'he 70UD« ADt.1o' _ attitude tc.ucla ,.,...:1.. 1 ...

-tz7, like h18 _ter _leola'., ..,... to be h .... t-.

Aadna'., tor, __ .... _ _ taoe _ to

oZ'lllll1. the -.11 woton .....1oa1~. . . . . . . ~

ot the ft~ . . .17 Matt. .....hte.. the a-dU. . of

I • I

'- .. .. \
.... - -

the ~b7 18 ra~r .ore care.ful thaD that ot U1e

11001a. !he _iD golden HCt1011 body d1natOll (poillt E,

f t . 55 and 59), tor nup1., 1s the tooua, 1ft the . . .

ot the Stra4iftriua (l'i«. 59), tor two oomersD« 11Dea

whioh pus uaat17 thJ.r0u8h the upper and lowr It' hol.

aentr1n., whenaa the BaM tooaa D the 1100la oocura

lD the Stra41ftriu, too, the maker' a ftIUd tor the

huia proportions ot 1-.rtb is d_tzat.t bJ' the haao-
ata orpn1..tiOll of Oftftll to ~ 1 " " a d1apoattiGll
not oonaideNCl in either ot the two . .t18 heft ~.

!hi. orRUillat1cm, the . .t 1lWlta1Md IUId beautiful \1M

ot _ proportiOll tound 1ft the Dsm Int. uti1te. toar

out ot the tift tame 1ft the procnuioll.

_41516 - . ;,"56 -. -2 1220 - , ;11136 - , ;. 84 -

(the lut ten in PftOtiae noor4e4 .. 8'.5 -). Ia 1'1«.
59, the oftm11 1eDBth troa the top of the . . . (heft
ahown in ita or1«1Da1 poai t1GB). M, to the ba"- 01"

baae line. D, -..urea 516 - , -4. It 18 diri4.. 111 _

proportion at B. B1) beiD« the boq 1-cth _" *toll 111
tum ia diridecl b7 _ at B. MIl 1a. . . .~ at". I la the

iIIportant aetriDg poiDt tor the lGRr-bad &ZOO of on,u,

ita poeltlon, at the _ 4ina1oD of ID, 80 that U • -I'
ud ED • ;2' - Me 111 the .100la Allatl, but DOt 1D tile

AMrea. !be _ dina10ft ", . . . . I' · -2 UMl rJ) • -I' 18


the centre ot a oircle, pie:rc1n8 the upper aftd lower ·t·

bole oeDtriItp, ita rad.lua, 59.5 . , Uluatratee the . . .

tendenCIT to _bpl. trae'iou ot Brunawick inch_ which

were tOUDd 1D tile Nl001a, and whlch an COIlt1mMtd hen,

59.5 • • ~:Dr. iD. (thentore &180 .....1xth or the
bod7 l~, ,56 _ (Ml) • 15 Dr. in.).

A ~ 11M ot the fJ proportion 18 dl.c10M4 b7

or1g1nal. mat poai'1aD A, 1Ibeft a ; didal_ ot the -trills
1ttD«th, AT (iD plu, ,15.5 . ) , OCOllZ'lt at B, tbe poiBt

BV. 195 - .

'l'be C0D8Uuction ot both upper, and partloulu17, lowr

bouta 010• •17 toll.,.. that ot the GOII~ .1001&

A.t1 nol1D. !he MiD ~ . .r1.. 1. ap1D UHd 111 the

upper-bout ~, whioh 1a _hown here in 1'1«. 60. All

with the equiftlent arc 111 the Matl, .un quadant aI'O

G· .. • 1. ot l!'Bd1ue 68 _ - exaot17 halt ot ct1atanoe DB,

thue qual1t71Dc the :ra41_ Q' G' in _ tema .. !j. !he

cum the 8bal.1on with arc M'I', a.u. L GIl tile «*abe

liDe, rad1us 8'.5 _ (or, al101d11« _ U'1"01" or 0.5 •• _).

upper-bout .oh_ or the Stn41'fU'1ua whlob ctntatee

81&nltlout17 rro. that or the .1ool&. Ben, the COUDter-

0U1"N 1. d_peZ' and the oomer aborter than 1D ...
" ,

, \

fIe. 61
prerioua insb'uMat, but ap1n ita baZIIonioalq UDftlate4

radius i8 -117 expneaible . . a Jmmn1ck 1Boh h'aotion,

in this case -} Br. in. as apiDst the It Ir. iDe redia

U8ed in the Aati. A. we .ball _ . M arc of aaot17

the .... r&di_ ie Wleel 111 the equ.1ftl_t oouater-cNrft

or the lower bout • • practice not tollowed in either or

.odel or hie _tar art. . . . . . we haft o~. iD the

increased radius and ooneeq.nt IIhallorin« or the a1a

II1ddle-bout arc. !he cune or the lliddle beNte, P1«. 61,

ill initiated by arc S'x', radi_ 10 _. Md, 11ke the

other lliddle-bout area, i . hamon1call,y unnlaW to .....

Min .eri... 5'X' ie oont1mJed b7 arc X'Y'. redl_

(1 Br. in.), which ehal10w the aurw 1IIto the aiD an.

The centre ot the aiD arc. Y'Z'. le .tlll equ141. . .t

tro. ;-potDt E and o_tre-point C, . . the larp 10aaUlw
area in Pig. 61 d . . . .u.te ad, althoa8h buIIonioal~

unrelated to the -.1D acm-. the aaot ft41_ of ..... U'O

appeara to haft _ _ cleo1decl b7 • _ cllY1elO11I . . .

J'Y'IY'I, . . 111.618. 'fM 1d4418 . . . . are WJwf-W

b)' aro z't' •••11_ 18 - OJ!' i Ir. u •• t.ot1ltc • "tam

to \he .sete111Md _ .1001&, to wid_ the lOIIU 'bOIltil

3~tr1call,. cuned lower oomera are aohirNd., moe

acre, by using the .... _11 redi. ot ZI'l" tor the

lower-bout OOUDter-oune T'R'. This 18 oontimIK bJ arc

J-('P', oentre U, :radius 10'.5 _ (0.5 _ ahorter thu the
Aaati), an arc wh1ch, when produced, ero.... the cenUe

line at C. The _in lower-bout arc P'H' 1s aentrecl at K'

and is at J:'IIdiua 71.5 _ (, Br. iD.) - again acme-tilth

din.ion ot the bod.1 l_cth. !he oeaUe, Je', i. &180

pieroed b7 the 1I1441e-bout oentn-locatiD« arc oentnd

at E. I 1., ot oOlU'8e, in it. tum the o.Ue ot the

arc or origiD DH', ndiua -2' wh10h ooap1etM the Iowr-

bout .cm-.
Pig. 62 is the geoaetr1oal plaD ot the rather ....rt1...
head ot this 'rio1in - a head which, thoa8h laoId.D« the
ca18 auanv ot the 1'1001& A_ti, pr....te a .zoe thu

OO1nJ)enaator, nBOUr aDd _ou11D1V. AIIide t'l'OII tbe

IIMner ot i t8 execution, IIUOh ot th18 bold.... 1a u.o.-
able, in d_i8D, to the poIfVM, 1II'J1atel"J.'lllpW

. .in upper peg-boz arc m. Apia, the two oontatat . .

reotaD«l.. , PQ!U aDd QB8!, aft ot d1tteriD« pzoporUaat

and theft i. DO a'''''' to hanlaD1_ the aepuate n411

in the 4_ip. 'l'he,r 1aD10 ~lute 1. repneeW

ill J1g. 62 bJ the 4aaM4 11., which tenia... at At to

be oont1maed bJ tile .-t1'lUt' aro AB, OIIIUe X, n41_
27 _. !be J ot the a4jo1a1n« arc Be DOW It... _

the side of the containing rectangle, unlike both the

preceding violin heads, where it lay inside the rectangle.

The radius of BC is therefore 49 mm, the depth of the

head. A straight line, CD, leads to the terminating arc

DE, centre N, radius 31.5 rrm. The main arc of the upper

curve, previously mentioned, is lH, centre M, radius 73mm.

It forms the whole of the peg-box top apart from a short,

initiating, straight line, PI, and a small counter-curve

HG, centre F.

Perhaps more remarkable than the strange concoction of

irrational and rational systems employed in both the

preceding and the present examples is the apparent use

of the Brunswick inch in a centre which possessed its own

unl·t 0 f t th e Cremonese lnc

measuremen, . h • 47 The explana-

tion for this may lie in coincidence, in that the overall

body length, being a whole number Brunswick inch factor

(15 Er. in.),4 8 means that other measurements in a com-

mensurable, or part-commensurable, scheme will also be

likely to coincide to whole, or simple fractions o~

Brunswick inches.
\ ,



- --\ I

Ex. XIII, F1ga 6}-65, Pl. XIII





undoubtedl1 the .at eleput, the BI111a1 8ta41w.d of

170,. Made at the be«1mliDg ot the _ter'. ao-oal1e4

Golden Period, it i_ a tiDe ow_1eal ....,te. __ atiB

to the tuoua "!etu· (1704). Alaa, DO blaok-a4-wh1te

drawing OM awn ~t that .anel1o. 1~ - . ' _

ot wood and -.amiah, li8ht and oolour, wh1ch i. eo . .

• part or the uncI_table obariea of theM Ift&' iD.u.-

.ental but • OOIIpUatiw «laDoe at the two c!ruriDp of

the 1666 and 170, aupl_ (n. nI ..... nIl) ehoa14 at

l ...t OOD'"7 aa. of the repoee ucl GII'I1a1W . . . of

the later in.trua_t. Ban, then 1a • az-te f_Uac

now without thftaab

line cbeok the d1deiaaa of uppe1'.

lliddle, and tow.r bouts, *118' tbe
1101_ now auta lIpGDA~~ u

air or oala
In abort, the lDet%'l.ellt 18 • OOIIPlete aII4 peteot
ot the

- -~ - --

\ ,

D __ .. _______ •• J
fIG. 63 ,.

ezpreaaion or StradiftZ'i'. penonal neion ot the

luthier' e art.

It ehould be .treaHCl \hat the full . . . . . ot tbe

ditterence uJ)a1'Ilting th_ two produotll of Stradift1'1

can onq real17 be OOIIJ)1'eheDdecl in tel"M ot plastio

qualiV. DitterenCH ot quantiv. ot ~t, an

ot oouree diaoem1ble. aDd in . . . wap 80ft _117 die-

CWIMd, but r1JJal17 ODe baa to IIdIIit that DO ft'OC&Uoe

ot the ep1r1 t . . eftZ' aohie'ft4 thzooush a . . . . .Grip-

tim or the 'bod7. Xnerthel_, an egeination of the

de.ign ake-up ot this inetm.eDt, 'ri.... apiMt thoR

ot i tB precursora, do.. otter ao.e .cd. .t 1nai,pta to

To bq1D wi ttl, there 18 DO loapr the OOlItIC'" or inteG-

ti0ftS1 use ot the SOld_ fttio. wb10h . . ftid_t 18 u.
preceding nol1ne. AlthoQsh, natunlq . . . . with _

loIIg a d-isn no1utlOD .. the nolift' •• ftet1cM of 1ta

\We an b7 DOW 1Dhftet iD the baato f~u.. !l.-

are giwn in Pitr. 6" which ahoa14 be . . . .N4 wi.

Pig. 59, the equift1_t .tap of ..qat. ill . . 1666

littl., on17 the IMoluatr.t.Dc-leDAih ftlat1aaabtp, OIA.V,

aDd the tooaae1Da or the 'f' hole _trilllll at Bt "-

..til _ diriaicID of the boq. w... ..... the o1zele

C I -L
f \ ---,
'- ...

pleroiDg the tour 't' hole centriD8e DO longer baa 1t.

centre on the inwried ~ d1na1on, but, instead, 1.

centred, _ belO1f 1t. Perhaps the ...t oruoial reDUD-

cia tion of the golden sect10n scme- 111 tound in the

bodJ outline, with the dieestabllahMnt ot ~ point E . .

the oentre of the arc of origiD, and its .. ttl.... t at

point B, the top ot the bod7 out11De. Apart t1"OII giYiDa'

a IIOre 8ha1low .tart to the lowr-bout oontomatioa.

this also heraldtl the ~eurable intentlone ot the

nainder ot the ecme... and. to ltD extent, aeolwa

!he arc of or1g1D HJ>H'. as . . haft aa1d. 1a centnd at B,

and has a lleasured raclla or '54.5 _. the boQ 1.ngUa.

The next arc, H'P'. OeDtre I'. n4i1l8 n ., tbentore

baa a direotq ~1. relationahip with the go

ot or1«1D ot 1a5 (allow1Ds 0.5 . , 01: 0.1 • z 5, ..

error). !he 0U"ft ooatu.- with an P'R', U,
radius 102.25 • (the -n. . tri4th, PUP', beiDs hi_
UP', 18 . . . . . . . 204.5 _). 'rb1a 18 the tin, ot the

ot ar1 tbae'io . . . , whiab 18 buecl upoa a _i' ot 17 _.

in thi. oaR the Dldl. caD be apaae4 . . &a

(1021<)2)•• 6(.01». !be lowr boat. are 00IIp1ete4


by oounter-ourye R'T', radius 17 mm or u.

The Idddle bouts are also started nth an arc, 'l"zt, or

. this 'u' radius, which onoe again enaurea that the lower

alllO or radius commensurable to this schue ot art thMtio

proportion, it --..uree 85 - which divides, ~7:' to 5u.
The :remaining two IIMller wotora, area ytx' and X·S'.
haft radii or 24 _ and 10 . . reepectift17. Neither ot

th. . relate to aJ'l1 traceable eo.....

'!'he upper bout. an in1 ttaw bJ U"O S'll', &lao nd1_

17 111ft, or u. '!'be cune 1_ oont1maed 'b7 U'C X'1(', oenu.

L, on the oetre line, rad1ua 8'.5 _ (balt the . x i. .

width), tor which DO eclwMtic aoooant ... The

_jor upper-bout &1"0, OOIIpleting the bod1' outliDe, 111

~rant arc M'G', centred at Qt, and ot n.d1_ 68 _.

which 18 ell'aOt17 41t (t= - 4).

In thi_ botI7 outline 1M . . . a tar tulle ..,11t1oat1aD

at the whole . .'be zwonanoe., -17 pari1al17 declared

1D the pnriou _ Ylolt.. AIMl . . . the tol1eriDc

1UIal7et. 1Ihon. the proporUcaal . . . . tOlDl 1Ja tbe

'!'he aiD dmwiDg _how -ttWIs ot the aa.pact ,.,... of

th1_ ...ter17 1tOZ'011 - • heM ...m lftIMIer 1a pzoporUala

FIG. 65
thM those previousl)' eX&J!lined. Fig. 65 givetl the break-
d01lll of the peg-box curYe8 into their co_poIlent &rCa.

'!'he large containing rectangle PRSU _asurea lOS _ b)'

52 mil, giving a ratio or 2.019, which a1gbt be take . .

8. F rectangle, or double square (a solutiOD also fOUDd

in the head or the 2'cletto nol, Ex. I). The oeme"itlaIt

rectangles PQf1'lJ and QJIDT ,however, did not relate 1D

ratio either to one aDOther or to the pe%'eIlt nctaDgl••

'rhe 8uperbb c&rftd ionic volute ill traced in Pig. 65 b7

the outer broken line, finishing at A. '!'be spiral 18

continued b7 the usual quadrant arc. AD, rad1ue 28.5 _.

centred at X, thence b7 arc Be, oeatn J. radiu 42.5 ._

8traight Une CD. aDd OOUD~ lE. oentred at If on

PRSU, radius 28.5 _. The upper pes-'box 0U1"ft has the

same bold, Olle-arc awep &8 the ... ter's earl)' nolin

preYioualy anal7aed. '!'his 1& arc IB, CeDtra M, radlua

63.5 _. and it i8 rini8hed orr b7 aall oounter-cuJ.'ft

HG, centre F, radius 19 _.

'!'hue the 1I111iMtre woton tor the pec-box an. 111

progneS1ODI 19. 28.5 (trioe). 42.5. aDCl 6'.5, whlch,
allowing a aall -.zciD tor the i.DaIIoti'_ _ or ~-ft-

MDt, meals a besut1tul ~tri.o PJ.'08N881aa tuBec1 to

the ratio ot 2.,.

28," 1 5 11' 42,,. 1 49 6",. 1 49
19.- • , \2) 28.,..·· 42.,..··

A summarised analysis of these four Cremonese violins,

presented as one development, is given in Appendix B, in

the form of a chart of comparative arc radii of the four

body outlines.

Ex. XIT I ~ 66-69 I Pl. XIV



e. 1610


Following the tradlt1cm that a good pupil ehoulct surpua

hie .uteri Cio. Paolo Mag1n1 8IIIIObled 111 his work the

ngol'OWi or1g1.Dall V of bis t..oher, Gupua da Sal~,

with a grandeur atlll entlre17 _eml1Nt and thoJ."OU8bl.7

'BreeciaD' in character. He .... Uul7 the aposH of the
Breacian aohool, and DO further . .parate ct...lOJMftt ...

to follow his d_th , pro'bab17 of the p~, ill 16,2.

'!'he quintessentlal :8reeciaD qual 1t1... of stnncth aDd

Yigour rnaiDect I howe-.-, .. 1Dd1epeMble .,..te 1D the

ewlutioll of the IIOre refined aDd ideals of

the ere.onee. school, aDd, without theM D1OIQ'81u iDn..

ers0e8, • d.l Gen. woald oerta1n17 Dewr ha... arilleD n:.
the ApollOlliaa aaad_i • of Cz_.
AMl1a1B of this partloala1" ".,Jl1, & eaperb, aaillina-

17 rare, acmtralto ftola, oiraa 1610, did 1"eftal • ftZ'7

fine ~le cec-b7, bu.t it alao enta11ecJ & oem-

fl'Ontat1GD with tbne of the prinoipal pz-obl_

eDOO1DlWred when obtaiDiD8 and proc_1Dg proportional

1nt01'll&tlon f1'OII an e1derq 1Debument.

i) Di8tortion aDd ..~tr7.

11) The 1nc1deDC8 ot a poin' 'j_' llie-inc' 1ft lID

otherriae complete and oonnncing IICheM oriDg

to either.
a) war to the tabrioa or
b) a _k1DB-, or c!raw1nB-, errora or
0) a 'lu' aiDute', arblh'u7 or 1DtulU...
declslon ot the Mkez'.

iii) Our use ot a deo1al 878t. (here with a 0.5 _

....11_' tactor) to ezpz ••• , ud 41ecau, ca-n'i-

tiea (bued on • hoat ot dittering UD1t8)49 aD-

doubted17 or1g1Dal.17 oonoelwd . . traot1ou,

which, althOUBh tar 1_ OOIIfWlt.' and UD1...z-

eal17 applicable tha the d..w.l _,ie, ......
tbel_ beau'U'U1q &DCl 1'1ft1tel7 apr ••• thee
,.J i . ot rela'iOft8hip, . . _11 .. theU

quan'1'7. 50

"87 on-, .. 111 the cue of . . 1..- boat. of tIda

iDau.en" all thrM probl_ aft 1molwd a' oaoe.

!hle beoue a~t when the l.owft-boat rid'Ul . .

-..ured .. 1 _ abort, Oftftll. of ,.., 111 o~,

aooozdiD« to the eapporl of the r.' of the _ . " tile

':rue and 1Dtended width of \be ~ 4eetp. CJat, ..

in the case or the IIC)st ooDlOn probl., nUliber 1} on the

above list, 'Distortion and aaymrnetr,y', the probl_ CNUl

be isolp. ted, as it was round to be in the lower comer.

of this instrument, which oonaequentl1 pro"Nd to be a

Ii ttle dirficul t to reaolye.

'nteref'on, with III.Y primary directi. . in .1nd, that ot

producing an expoae ot the'" WMt ot ~U7 and naMr10al

proportion in th... d. .igns, the tolloriD« --17818

treat. the lowr-bout width not .. 245 _ (.._zed> but
as 24(6) _ (planned). '!'hi. 0.4" _rg1n, I r ..l, 18

&IIIPly justitied bJ the reaul tiDg ~i V ot \he

ach_. '!'he use of' a bracket a1"OUDd the lut c11g1t of •
tigure indicate. a ft(ttor baH4 OIl, or a aubcUria1cla or,

'!'he third probl_, too, art-in« holt the neoeeear,r 11M

ot the deciMl .,I1t., ~ app&1'Wllt at an ear17 _'-

1rt the anaI7.ia. Here, the uaual proftllO or • 0.5 _

ainillua quantit7 can b4tca. re.triotl... , be08DM, wIdJ.e

it ill impractical to ...are u _ , ..tler tIID 0.,..,

a calculated quaDt19 II1cttt wll ......ltate v. . . ot
a ealler cllriaian. Suob a aituaUoa 000Uft iD tile

unra. .ll1ng ot \be . . . . or OOEAIlMJUftbl. praporUoD

whloh 8Oft1'IUI tide 1mJ~t. line,. bal0 lIDit . .

cl_iocmtnd Ga.' an to all the -Jor wettoft, aDd . .
1'\ ~---r--- j

!) "

I " " __ .:

I! .
fi "" L .
X, )~\ I "
: ;"-
' --'\1;iF ".


\ D ~
'''-~r-- .J
"-------- -y-----~~
''-----_. ,. ----y--
Fic:;, GG


FIe;, 67

calculated as 16.4 I!III (u).

This un! t was rotmd to goTem the ba8ic oftral1 propor-

tions, Tert10al and horizontal. In Fig. 66, the b0d7

outline 18 dran 1ft 1 U containing reotanBle, .bod, which

!Ieasures 410 _ x 24(6) _. or 25u x l5u. giriDg the

ratio 5(5 (1.666·). The w1dtba ot upper. Iddd1e, anti
lower bouts (q•• XX'. and pp.) alao haft the . . . _it


,.. - 196.5 - - 12a. (all.oriDc 0., _ error)

XX' - 1,1 _ • au (&l1ori1t« 0.2 _ errGzo)

and PP' - 24(6) _ • 1511 (0.-'" ermr. dieouaM4 aboft).

'!'he 8IIOWJta 12.8.15 pe1diDg two 8illp1e ratios c4 ,.2 . .


Fig. 67 1s drawn to ahow the beau ot the bod7 ..-u,-.

The centrally p11lCed 018 point. C (ooinoidiq with the

bridge position), i-.d1ate17 augeeta sz-t o1ro1e I'HO-

nanoee. a1 tbough here such a ti4Jure 1a Dot UMCt . . .

plaDniDg airc1e • .A. 81a11ar ~t _ tomlll. nth-

out the beautiM ft8iou. ill th. tint••• Ylolia

anal,ys1a. that ot the Andna Mati (Ex. X) ot 1564.
Another s1a1lar1 V with that example 18 the 11M ~ tbe

.... Yeoter tor aiD lowu--bout and .idd1_boIat U"O zwl1i.

One . .peat oa_aa to all the Ylol1Da anal.7H4, .. 0IIII ...

oem.trued trc. .lppenc!ix B, _ the 5.1 ratio ~ ..,.

. .,. - - -- H' ~
-------··J r
:) C.

length to the lower-bout arc rad1\W, th18 rule ...

also toUDd to apply to the "-«gin1 nola, where 1t tormed

part of the OOIIPrehena1f t OOIIIIMmaurable plan.

The outline itself 1s initiated, Pig. 68, rith the arc

of origin 'DR', centre C. radius 205 mm, 12.5 u. U i.

continued by arc H' PI, oentre l', the _jor ~1oa p18018
arrAngement, whoa. radius, 8(2) _ (one-tUth bod)- length),

equals 5u. '!'be curv'e is .hallowed b;r &1'0 P'R', O8Iltre U,

on the centre line, red1. 12(,) _ or 7.,.. '!'he lowv

bouts are tea1Dat.4 1>7 OOUftter-clUrft an I''''', 08DUw J',

radius MUUrecl aa 24.5 . , 1.,. (alloriJtc 0.1 _ eft'OZ').

The lliddle bout. OOIq)riae three amal 'l'Z', Z'T', ud

T'S'. 'l"Z' is centred at W'. Ita n41ua, 22 . , appean

to relate to the .c~ 'b7 being a third ot the IIiDor

upper-bout "18810& radius, which would gift 1t a 'u-ratiJt«'

ot 1.",. '!'he MiD II1ddle-bout aro, Z'T', OttDtn 0', ..

we bay. said, equal. in radiua the princ1.,ulowr-bout

arc H'P', i ••• the --'or fttI10a zadi_ (n'). P1a". 68

.bon that • liDe 4ft_ horisontaIq rz- ,0111' L OD the

centre line pa.... tbmuP X· (rith X, the paiD' or ..x1-

. . Jliddl...bou' width) and OIl to 0'. !h18 11M LX'O' 18

an 888J!"88&te ot the a1Dor and ajor ....1oa n411, wb10h

&OWn raepectil...17 the uppn- ad lowz-boat 'PCb •••••

here appwpriate17 oaeiag toptber 1a the 111441. .... .

LX' 1_ 65(.5) _, the upper ...loa radlua, while X'O' 18

82 _, the lower ....10& radlus, 4..,netrattDg the 4'5

relatlonshlp ot the two parte. LO' 18 alao the shorl

ald. of zectangle LO'F.'D, whlch, MUUriI'Jg 229.5 _ z

U7.5 _. 18 alllO oc_ennrabl. to thle _oh_, be1Dg a

rectangle 1411 (229.6 . ) x 9u (147.6 . ) - rectaDgl.

d8Ol_1 ratl0, 1.555·. '!'he Idddl. bouts are OOIIpleW
by arc T'S'. c.ltre V', radlus -..ur.d . . 16(.5) . , or

!he upper bouts _tart wi til aN S'X', cent. I'. ot the

__ ndlU11 . . U'C 'l'Z'. that 18 22 •• one th11"4 ot the
IIinor, upper-bout ....10& ra41ua. !he cane theft obupa

c!11"ectlcm wi til U'C If'.', part ~ the upper ....i_ U'ftJtP-

. .t, the cenu. tor thia r1pt...1de cum be1ac at Q,

the centre or the left-eid• .-loa oiro1., 1 ta ndi_ 18

th.rerore two ...lea n41i. or 1,1 _ .. ~

(1,1.2 _ a8 caloula'-4). that 18 au. Aft .'G', pan ot

the ...lea ocmetmcUaa, 18 oatred at Q', ita neti_.
65( .5) - , being 4L !he outline 1a 1IP to the
Beck b7 arc C'.', oea'tred at 0, l'II41_ theretcmt equal

to that ot the lower-bout are ot orS,«1B. that 1a 205 . ,

or 12.511.

'!'he poe 1tloniDg or the • t' hole_ 1a sbon ill Pig. 66.
The circle which piezoea the tour C8Ilt:r1Jlp baa 1ta
fIG. f>9

oentre at P, ita radius ot 6, _ did not oorreepond to

the proportional aoh_. Linea drawn throU8h the two

centres, howeftr, 00Dft%'88 at point t on the oeaUw 11__

tD ....urea ,07.5 _, lind Bt 102.5 . , r be1Dg a "4

diri.aion of the ~ length, BD.

'!'be boldD. .s and . ...nlon ah1bltecl ill the bodJ d-1cn

or this aplendid nola 18 not quite . . rrid_t in the

head. Thia is all108t entlre17 d_ to the slader, under-

_eed character or the P88'-b0x, wh10h t..parta 811 unex-
peoted (and UDWaDW) illpreaalO11 or 4e1ioacv' where one

was led to anticipat. atnn«Ua. .....rthe1.aa, the b8II4

baa lIftloh or beaut7 to itt and is oerie..1D17 one ot the

.,st beautiful1), conceiftC1 heada to be ual788d tor th18


'!'he poIIeu" traoed in Pig. 69. a..:metn.te8 a oantul

regard tor tbe oonta1n1Dc and ~t rectucl- 'tIh1ah,
topther with the U'C radii, r.poDd to a1llpl. GO nau-

ab1. 1'&t108, a . . . . not d1reotq nlaW to .... 16• •

unit which goyemecl the bocl1 plaa.

'!.'he a1n notanB1•• PRSU, i8 1,2.75 _ (1,2.5 _ ..

118MUZ'84) z 59 - which 8'1..... ratio ot 2.25 ("4). 'l'be
8CZ'Oll-conta1n1q rectuc1.. Q1IS'r. 18 a one-thb4 wrii-
eal din.ion ot PRStJ, and t~ •• aauea 59 _ X 44.25 . .
ratio 1.",· (or 4"). It I_we a 'r1 n'''''ft'. the pee-

box-containing rectangle, PQTU, which measures 88.5 rom x

59 mm, ratio 1.5 (or 3:2). A further rectangle is

implied by one of the arc centres, 11:; this is IROM,

118 mm x 78.6 mm (78.5 mm as measured), which also

yields the ratio 1.5 (3:2).

The arcs analysed in Fig. 69 begin with the continuation

of the ionic volute, by quadrant arc AB, centre G, radius

35.4 mm (35.5 mm as measured). This vector has a 415

(1.25) relationship with QR (44.25 mm), and a 3:5

(1.666·) relationship with the radius of the next arc,

Be, which is centred at J on PR, its radius therefore

equalling head depth RS, that is 59 mrn. A straight line,

CD, connects this with counter-curve arc DE, centre N,

radius also 35.4 rom. The top side of the peg-box is

initiated by straight line PI, leading into main arc IH,

centre M (see above), radius 18.6 rom (2 Cremonese inches?)41

which has a 4:3 (1.333·) relationship with head depth RS.

The outline is completed by counter-curve HF, also centred

at J, and, once again, an arc of 35.4 mm radius.



Hz. xv, Pip 70-72, Pl. XY







'!'he 1ut _ber or the no1iD ru117 to be dealt wi til

here. the Yiolonoe110. _ &lao the lu' ot the SZ'OOP to

enj07 aD 1ndindual 11010 caner. Bet... it ooal4 l_ft

ita 1'61. . . 'Bua noUn'. and oball-.p the 11010 ,.i-
tton ot the tenacioaa AUIba. the nolcmoDo, or riol__
0.110 . . 1t 1I'I1II to 'bttooae, h&cJ tin' to n4uoe ita
d~alODa to a .,re ~ble u4 'fiextb1.' al...

'!'hie appeare to haft bee &C00IIP1Uhed b7 the e4 ot the

17th centur;r, ODe ot lta . ., iIIportaDt auUlon beiIW

AntODio Stftdbari. 51

III InBlud, the mn a ••• 11e -.4el '.110

ooournd DOt ..aob late tha the Italiaa ....10,....' -

po. .1b17 the outoc.e ot aWJuo, thoa&t' quite eepua• •

c1rauaetaDoea. !he pn-' .....,t. 18 .,., . . . aD

lDaau..'. a .-11 '.110 t.. tM atcl1ah Mhool, ....

b7 Jamk ~ -a' tile lata "101:111- (-.111' Wri'• •

or read, .. "at the !ass Vl01 1a••• "), "St. Paul'. Cburoh

7', London". It i8 dated 1718, and beara hl. 1n8eDl~

IIODogr&II ot a HI oal11graphloal17 intertriDed with 1til
own in'YereloD, purfied in the oentn ot the back, . . . .11

.. an inlaid noral dnio. on the hoDt. lD Ida Dictlon-

ary ot Vio1iD 1iakere, StaiDer ~t1ona auch a cello of

Barak Bomu dated 1718 (poeelb17 .... tb1a ..-pl.)

which "wall ftlued at 15 ~ in 1790, bu.t BOW (189(;)

the price is h.ishe1"".

GeoMtrlcall,y, thi. iNltmment . . . . 11ttle 41aappoinu...

Onl.J a t .. tantaliaing eohoH ot propor't1cma1 th1nkiJl«

_1"8 tound, with DO OM liM ot thoush' ....nUts 1tN1t

nttiolent17 to pJ!'OCla1a 1 t to be the lQ'atea ..t.

!he . . . And diapoel tloll ot area t01'll 1_ boq oat-

liDe .. other noliD tlllli1.J _ben hen Mal,....,
al thou8b it aanJIOt be aa1d that tIw7 Mow __ .... . .

oaretul17, or iDdeed i t the7 haft ne b.- . . . ....

acioue17 at all. 'l'be r&dl_. up'. ot l~t an Jl'P'

(Fig. 71), tor eBIIPle, ben dtrr1atee f1"OII tbe bor11101ltal

_ the rnult or elther a caNt.. (or iponat) tomat_

ot the .udel, or, .. I . .peat, an U'blbu7 altemtlO1l

ot cunature, that is an alteatioa to the .ae1 or
d. .1p aroheVPe prn10ua to thiII aaple'. -.mataotuz.,
thue negatlng U7 or181Da1, pzoporilcmalq-bue4

U:, ,----Y----:
• ,
"- _,__
- I

-- ' ',T'._' --

,- ----y-- '),

FIG. 70

poIIetrioal conatruction pnMnt.

Viewing IIOre poIIi tiYe17 wba t nnerthel_ i8 • haDdao.

inatrutlMtftt, it ia ODly tair to add that ao.e proportional

relationships did eaerge and these are di80uaHCl below.

In Pig. 10, the nerall proportion., wrtioal ucl horitlOD-

tal, are shown. Wo s~incant 'conta1Ding' notaD«l•

• '.W'

or 5.6.
'!'he. . two 'axi. . width liMa' (W' . . . . . ) - liMa
which aleo 1Dtereeot the oomar-oca: •• U'O oetree ot
upper (Q aDd Q') and lower (X aDd I') boata - CaD be

0CIIIJl60tecl b7 • equue, or aiel. 419 _ (wnf_ lower-

bout width. W'), in Pig. 10, th1a 1. INl-.ft W'W'W. !'be
two annaecl notua'l_, WID.J attd D'J']), __ ......

apia, aD ieolaW pta. Nett. tan-, heft It Sa the

CMlttftlt« at • of the lowr aD4 1IppIt1" &Z'GII of 0Z'1c1D - •

be1ll« • _ elinaioa ot IDa
nl • 6 (6)
• •".,.. • 1. 171 1. 18 •

On. 1101'8 ratl0 18 indlcated 111 fiB. 70, altbouP i ' aut
be stresMd that thls 18 a hn»othetioal one. The 'cello

hae untortunateq undergoae the uaual prooeea ot neck

alteration, I haw theretore bad w ita original

8tring leJ\8th (or nut position). It ... aohl.... bJ

generatlon and calculation rro. ~t. take fro•

• 81111lar 81.. aDd VPe ot 'cello, 52 .tll1 po. . . . . . ot

1 ta ori«1 n a 1 neck. This auaee~ a strill&, 1. . . .

bet. . . 7 - and 17 _ aborter thaD at pnee'. ID tao"

the extr8lle tigure ot 41tteraoe, 17 _. woW.4 Pft a

string length ot 650 _ - uao'17 trice the di.tanoe

hoII bridp to tail.

650 ."25.
the _ _ proportiOlls beille ~, 111 the Jqe and

Guenan nols. It ahou14, bowwr, be repeaw. tha,

Giwa Ule pauoit7 ot proporiicnal _"-rial P:&'Is.t 111

the radii ot the OOIIpGfteDt &:roe, It would be a need1..",.

unprodaotift euroi. . w «1- the aaata-'f1 oa.lntu:r to

the ~ oaUille ftcan. 1M __ a table or 118'
ot the OGapal*lt azroa 4n. 111 Pia. n is Ai..... which

will allow .", ,.'i.' nMer to -.zeb f\1rt.bao 8boal4 ..

80 riabl he is oaut1anecl, howeftr, tor althoucb a t_

hopeful 'leads' were tound, DO me tactor or qat.

unites all, or nen a oon'rincin« _joriV, ot the

ot arc.
G'U' 126
223 (Gelltred in opposite 08fttre ot)
preftOUll arc, OIl

X'T' - 6,
Z''l'' - 44.5
- 21
RtP' 209.5
P'H' - 149
H'D - 439.5 <,->
Badi_ ot
circl. pi.r-_
[ oiftB t -bol.

!'he .pleacl14 "-4 . . . 1lttl. . . . ~~ to ..q.,

. ..;.. -- -- =--::..:. . .

............ '\,
',..- - -~ ~ .. \,

./Do \. ,\

,~ \ \

,I /' \ "

, T B


Like the body plu, the anal1.18 or the head ot the Barak

Norman re~ad 801M oftmll cc.B8118Urable proportions,

but &180 the absenoe or a containing reotan«ls or s18ni-

tioant ratio. ThwI, the length ot the head (in Fi8. 12,
PH). as in 8 .....ral Yiolins alao ..aured, equalled halt

the width or the lower bouts (m actuall1 ~ 210.,

and the lower bouts 419 _). This distance, that or the

horizontal plane or the head-conta1nift« reotan«l., PRS'l',

is dinded in the analy.i. by no ftrtieala. QU parti-

tiOlUl the soroll <QR, ot QRS1J, i8 appmn.. te17 a one-

third d1ria ion ot PR - ~• '.04') I aDd n 18 a ftZ'ti-

cal on 1Ihich three &Z'O o.u.e - one that ot the quMrut

arc AD - 118. YB auu the hMd-ocmta1n1D« rectangle

(PRST) at exaotl1' • quarter d1riai_. !hi. gi.,.. the

quadnnt uc, AB, o.ntzoe ~ (OD n), tile 0Urft IM4iJt«

~1'011 the beautitul wlute, a radi_ ot 52.5 _ (* heM

l~). Arc BC, Ge'ltzoe 0 (on VB), ra4i_ 65 _, CClDt1-

nuee the om'ft, . . .t1llg .trai«bt liDe CD.

DE, oentre -, baa • radia ot 105 • (t heII4, ....

this connects with carlioe U"O EF, o.atn I, z.U.

52.5 . , -tohiDa, _oe again, q..t1'ut arc AI <t heM

leDCth). The upper ~ O1ltliM Nc'1n with 8tn.1cb'

liM PJ, l1Dked with..tll aro n, o.tre L, nodi. l~

<f head lensth). Sba1pt 11M IH 0GIIIle0ta thi•


arc with the small, final, counter-curve arc HG, centred,

like the quadrant arc, at K, and of radius 20 mm.


"'l'be lOft17 riola d'uore deaenu ita aauti-

ful naae, tor it expneHa such laD«uiau.t
aDd tenc1erne... Ita sound i8 argentine or
811ftr.7', and exoeptional17 II@1'e8able and ....t.
It 18 a pity that ita use i8 80 l1a1ted." 5'
Few would d.iaagree with Kattheaon that 80 . . . .t aD iIlatru-

how it aahieftd IIUCh a title is aD interesting u4 lone

UlJeolftd question. 54 Opinion i8 dirided betwee tho. .

who take "nola d'&I!ON" to -.zI "nol ot loft". and

others. _intaiaing _ . .tea oric1B. who o1a:bl "-riola
eta More" . . "riol ot \he 1IocmI". !be tint, aDd . . .
8'8ft8ral17 aooepted explanaUaD (pezbape b.J ZIUOD ot the
IIJIIPllth.tio t1llbre ot tba bau-.t). 18 gi-.- oultuzal

which otten inoludee the ouwd bM4 t4 a aitab17 bliJJ4-

Aphzodite. Cod4.a of Loft.

tolded Cup1ct, and aoaet1Me a 'lIOmll , -heel tomed of •
eoallop llbell - the atUibate t4 Cupi4 _~. 1'_ _

!be ...,..a, IJIoorUta'. dm.-

w.tioa is gi-.- orauo1oc1oa1 andeoe _ n . . . of ...

d'..,re tuilJI. oh!el. aDd ......t ...tea _tED In.

_ique. obaaoter18tio. the _t of .,...u..tl0 .trlnla.
which lie puei...~ neponai... baeath the bow4 aUiap

- a a7at_ quite oa m UlCDPt II1d41. aa4 Jar . .tea

1natru.nta. !he peculiar aoun4-hol_. too ...... 111 all

their "tluillg ....:mI. w.riatiOO8, .on tban • little of

the But in the1r oal1igraplv (Pig. 7').

The tW'ling ot the a~th.t10 atriDga 1a pnerallJ'

accepted to correspond to that ot the bowed atr1D88.

This brines us to 1et another peoul1ar1t,r ot the 1natro-

Mnt. for while 1II08t other atr1Dgecl inetraenu ot the

late 17th and 18th centuri_ had one atandard t.lmiDg,

the cm-leon1c d· . . . . adoptec1 an 014 . .tea or wrdJt«

the atriDge "L7ra ~", acoorcU,ng to the d. . . . ot tbe

...10 (eoordatura). wh1ah u.ua117 __t bariDg the opa

str1nga (bowed and IIJIIPILthetio) t.e4 to the tenio obcml

ot the piece to be pertoma4, he_ .t~t. n.z ...

tion "that it. use i . 80 I11dted", tor the poor p1.a.Jv
baa to )mow u ~ d1fferent .~t . . the ajoZ'

and airIor ke,ya in whioh he 18 l1ke17 to plq. 1ft prac-

tice, this aotual17 ...,. . . . . or .1&ht tuntDp,

althouP eme early anthont" Joaeph MaJ-." ott. . ..

alIT as enwnteen, wh11at another, tiael," ana-
laborioua but ftliat explaDatiOM of the iDabi lat'.

tuD1D88, tiniehee 111 • tone ot del.t. with the ...noel

"th.,. 8Q' do . . t.he7 w18h - let ....-q ....1bl. ~ of

. .10 tune it ill the -.Y 1 t IIU1 ta hill beet."


tile usual au, ot the .oft oa_aa aill: (bcnNcl) st~

iDstrument, to as -ro- lUI fteDt,'-tour on IIOIIe ot the 110ft

extraftgUt so-called '&I«lillh 'iolete'. Bod7 lengtha,

too, "f1U'7, troll rlol1D-ei_ .aderatea to am-orippliq

g1anta. '!'here are, honl'., two clear vpea of outl1M

eaplOJedI the nol tom, and the ao-oalled 't.tooMd'.
or .w.tipl_bouted. pattem. Both are repraa.W here

in the two e. .pl.. choa.l • a:1.x bowed, a:1.x IIJIlpathetio,

riol-outl1ne, nola d'aIIOre, and & ...... bowell, atxtee

sympathetic, 'teatoofted' tOfta Jl:lt«11ah Yiolet.


Ex. nI, JPiga 14-75, Pl. XVI


c. 1750
JW{;'1l tOO:ROO


The tirat ot the two violaa d' U01"e to be di. . .MCl 18 a

tine inatru.ent, regrettab17 unaiBDed, b.n probab17 -.4e

b)" one ot the -.kera ot the Boh_ian aohool, about 1750.

The ~ outline, although d11'terent 1D t ..11ll«, OWM

much to the classical ton ot the nol whlob . . . _t

earlier in this 8\wJ.71 ED IV. T. and n. b7 J.,., !,

and Guerau. Here, ot couree. the uaual nol ~ COD-

atruct10n 18 «1'981l gna. .treDgth b.J the h1ch arching of

the upper plate, a ftZ7 UD-nol-1ike ahuacter1lltl0 - but

a re1ntorcelleDt e..."t1&1 to nob • atNotuN, 10.484,

... 1t ia, with two aeta ot etriD«8 at ta1r17 hiP teatc..

'!'he neoks ot iDstruMJlta ot the nol tD117 aft PIOJIOZI-

tional17 10ft8ft' thaD thoM ot the nc1111 1ftQ, . . . 111

the two olualoal enapt. __ '1__ . . . . . tid.. , a.-

biDed with tbe b1&bez' poelUon ot the ~ • .-1W ill

tbe mat/br1d&'e. or aUi.aB l-.rtb AC, bdD« trioe the

length bew.. bridp an4 battaa, or WI CD. lit the

viola d'..,n th1e ratio 18 of 81"at iIIportaDoe ow1ac to

the 81J1Pa\betl0 atriDp. A8 I . .tlanecl ear11_. til-.

. - :-\

t- .'_~K" ~
: I

'--- --- ----to ; I

) , .-C____ " __ : .11-<)
I ~
:: I ~. \ ;
Ii : I'

\ I
l' 0 I',
~ :: (
o '

I '~.J.)
: : l

D j : :0
l'-_---.. ..-_'
- v -J. 0

fiG. 74


are 81 tuated belO! the pl~ str1ng8 - 111 taot. the7

1'I.lD troll the upper JMt«-box. ,...tng O'ftr their on nut

(below A) throuch a tunnel ~th the ~.

through hol. . irI the bridp and th_ _ to the tail, Oftr

another nut, to be anchored 111 pirls in the bottoll block.

Thus they have not one but l!2 aoanding lengthlll that 18,

abo... the br1dp. AC, and below 1t, CD - hence the 1apor-

tance of this ratio, tor it AC - 2CD, then the reault

will ~ two choin ot 87J1Pathet.l., OIl. '1IOUDd1JJc' aD

octa.,. abow the othft. lB this oue, howeftr, althcNP

the bridp is 1D \be ceu.. C, ot the lNId7, 0 , tbe . . .

(aut A) ammot be, aDd 18 not., ...und . . halt the ltoq

length, 80 that .d - Be - CD. AB ia 1D tact a little

sooner, which i. acoounte4 tor bJ the thick:nea ot the

two nute. at A and D, aDd the bridp at C (at the CMIIlU.

of the boq wheIl the two '.ld.' of the II1JIP&thet,io

8 tringe are in octa.,..). !his explains ~, «1wn Ulia

octa'" priDc1pl., . the BUt point, A. is not ino11llll" ill

the vertical proponl0D8 s~ ill Pig. 14. wldah theft-

ton COIIstst ODl.7 of Be • CD (. 118 _). '!be boriSCIDtaJ.

linear pmportiCllll8 are also ahowft ill Pia. 14' the l~

bout width, II', 18 222.5 _. the II1ddl. boate, EEt,

111 _. aDd the upper-ltoat rid., U', 1a 171.5 ... !b1a

Ii"" ntl08 ct.


fiG. 75



518 (1.599)

514 (1.25').
Thi. laet ntio, as .. ahall _ . &OftZD8 the nlatiaa-

.hip betweeD the two ~ble 8oh ••• whtah zule

the lower and upper pan. or the d_1BD. !be 518 mUo

alao app1in to the nc'tan«l. ~ which 'oontaiu' the

80undbox '56.... 1. 6 • 518 ) •

( 222.5-!

Purther plamliDg or the boq OlIt11De 1a I'i~ m Pic. 15.

As . .11 .. the f..uiu an 1WlU. the ftIII4er rill DOtioe
UJe . e or plam1Ds~, and the nWm of the ana'
oUel. ( ... bit II, n, nI, x, aDd ~). !Mft abo

appeara to be • B1"UD8Wiok 1Datl n •••• • 111 . . , of the

..pant. wotora. 0IIl¥ tile poiDta nlewa' to tile

..q.1a or the n.b\-MIMI halt 01 t:M iData gil' aft

!he ouUiM i. 1DiUated 'b7 snat o1re1. U'O of oricia

lJR', oeftu. C, ra4iu 178 - (balt the bod1 1encth -

BDICD.211). It 1s oontinued by arc IT'I', oentre G',

radius 89 ..a, aga:iJS the ratio 211 (CJlI IG'U'). !'he lower

bouts are OOIIPleted b,. a:ro I'K', centft L, which U ...

outside the outline, on the A%W&t oircle, We n41ua,

ItL, 18 267 111m, and. gi..... ratios ot 312 (26711",8) and

311 (261.89) with the other lowoer-bout aft ra411 ...-

tioned .bo~. A equan, D'I'L, oan be COIHItmoted,

Wling radiWi ItL . . ita base, ita top, ft", paaiDs

throu&h point B, the top ot the bod7. !bu, the tbfte
ftOtora ot the lower boat. ooald. be ezpx. . . . . . .
ml tip1.. ot the ~l..t ta., a q-.ner 41fta1oa of
the bod7 1cagtb, -.biob tor olariV .. win .u • .ajar

178 • 2 -.j. U, 89 • 1 ~. v, 267 • , a j . U.

'!'he middle bouts -.ric the ~ trca the '-.jor

unit', oo_eneurable 1I18te. of the 1011e%" boat. to the

'a1nor unit', oo.aemrurable ."..te. ot the upper boa'ta.

'1'bia 18 baM4 OIl • unit ot 71 . , • tUth cJlriat.l of

the bod1leg\h, pftD« • 1..-•. " . boat aUo of

89171 (1.25'), or 5.... wh10h . . znealecl ..-l1ft19 the

0ftftl1 pmportlO1M1 ot wiAltia. !be nzn lI1d41e-boat ue,
.'R', atl11 :nlatee to the to.. (~) _IT. - 1ta
red1_ 1& •••.area _ 26.5 _ wbloll, a1loftJt« tor
~t 267126.5 (10.015). pwa a atl0 ot 10.1
with the pze0e4ia« ..,.. . . .

'l'he _b lliddle-bout aro, R'Q', centre P', i8 ot radiua

71 - , or 1 IIl1nor un1 t of the upper 8ch_. '1'he ~l

arc Q'l(', completing the centre cune, baa the . -

re1at1onah1p with the large upper-bout ndiue. (1ft . . .

R'N' had nth large lower-bout radius U'. that.j1Il0.

Its «(t'lt' 'a) rAdiWl II8&8U1"e8 21.5 _. while that ot the

upper-bout arc M'X', centred at 0, i8 213 . , or 3 Unor

unite. Again, a 'pluminB equan' (here WI·ytZ) can be

draa, &l thoU8h here there i8 DO zelat1onah1p with the

great circle, the top ot the equan, a14. 'IX', pua ••

throtl&h 13, aide WZ pu_ th.rouBh O8IJUe 0, aDd aide ZT',

the b.... ot the equan, pa. . . aloag the bott. or the

IIOUDdhol... !he upper boats are oontiDued tma M'~' b7

U'O K'S', cenb'e J', and ot ndi_ 11 . , or 1 Idn. 11.

Th. oounter-curft S'U', oenu. T', 18 ot rad1ua '5.5 •

(halt .in. u) ginng uppe~t 'NOtor rat1c. or ,.1
(6.2) and 211. III both upper- and lower-bout ~. the

aiD unit ... related to the owra11 bout w1clth . . 215,

1••• "'UP"''''- 71-. 2.5
-~ 1 m,5- 2 5
- CN8r 89- • • •

'!'he whole proport1oaa1 planD1Jt« 01 the ~ _U~ wo-

tore has thereton beea ....., ~t1tta1q.....,.ct, the

two .illp1e ca. lnaa:rahle . . .1.1, -.jor ad 1I1Dor. &1"e

~q 1IltepaW, both with .... other and with

the 0W1'al1 pzvport1cmll. H1II« a qUU'ta' a1I4 • t1ftIa


respectively of the body length[3~~ 4 2~~ 5(.014)].

A further geometrical device is drawn in Fig. 75, the
vesica piscis. If this is centred at points f and fl in

the soundholes (118.5 mm apart as measured), the result-

ing figure fits inside the containing square abcd, touches

radius OKI (and of course KOI), and passes through centre

L (and LI) on the great circle.

The beautifully carved heads of both this and the follow-

ing instrument were not drawn in elevation for analysis,

since the curves of their peg-boxes were extremely

shallow, and therefore thought unlikely to yield any

accurately measurable information.

, \


I \
I /
I I ,
I / , I

" "II


" /I
" I, 1/

" '/
" "


" I


Ex. XUI, IP1ga 7~78, Pl. XYII





Oftr • dOMft Yiol. . d'uon .... b7 Paul. All. . . an

known to aurri.ft, and . .t ot ttl. are . .t1oDed bJ' Itan:7
Danka 1D hi. II1lrNT ot 1mowII 1Dabl Plta, 'MUen ot the

Viola "'80ft' ,57 apJ*ICle4 to Ida 1Jnallable pz-otU., !be

.,iola d'~ (Bob d. 1aa108M. 1976). !be P2 •••t

a~, 1Ih1oh baa bDww.wr .11llle4 IIr DIDIra' Bet, 18 aD

'~1ah .,101." da'1Dg ~ 1124 aat beariJIs ..... ' - -

ad ain.. IIJIIPatbet10 etr1Dp. It 111 rz. the ea.1

10 _tletactor" explanation baa .... __ toaDll te the

__ BDB1111b .,101.t. Ia the t1nt tnataaoe, '.tolet', OS"

''riol.tta'. would nomal17 4eeoribe • -.11 Y1ola, ad

7ri tnatZ'UMDta oal1e4 lra«1111h "lolet an al.-.p luav
thaD the .~ nola d'..-n. aDd, of ooarM, \hen Sa
dt..,re, which are both quite ".&1te17 nolwd 1D .mat
we would now call~. Dun pata tonud XiDaqt.

"ri. . that '' II8J haft bee • oon~ (Le0-

pold Mozart?) lI1.,...r - ·engelhatt·, -.niDg up110,

haYing been the intended adjecti... , all explanat1cm which

at leut conforms to the celeetW of the 1D.tra-

MDt. Whateftr ita orig1Jla, the _ _ Bngl18h ~101.t 18

usuall,. reeened for a aub-tJpe ot l.arpr nola d' aIIOft,

with an increaaed IMlber of QllP&theUo atr1Dp, u4

whioh are .ore 00Imarl~ ot smlt1ple-boate4. or t ..t00ae4.


Ae we haft . . . . and 1ndM4 ehall _ , paot1~1J- all

the lnatl'UMl'lt 4"1811- ~ 111 th1e .tuq an ........

ioa1~ 8Oftme4, to sr-'- or 1..... a t . t , ~ the

proportion. of \heir a.paaeDt uo "11, _ t__ with.

.. 1 t ..... 'poaitioBal plllDDiD«' '" _ _ of the wei_

p1eo1a (ED II, III, nu, X, XIY II1II4 xn). tile sna'

oiro1. (ID II. IT. nI, X. XD 8IIIl xn). or pUa fa the

to%'ll of plamllll« ecr-z- or oem.tat... no....1 • • eta.

(ID 'f, YII, XI'f, X'f .... xn). !he baeD. Wi__
n1....t 1Mu.-Iat ...,1_ pmtwlr ualpe4 Sa th18
.~ - tor owall cia.. .. -.ill 8s -q Chat I,

MOtion 7, 1'32.5.
i8 radically changed awq 1'1"011 the proportional repl.a-

tion or arc ftCtore, toward a .:n"8 "f'18oroUa and COIIPle.

'positional plarmiDg' ot arc centree, wain« planlliJt«

rectangular grid.

'!'he reader rill obee1"ft, t1'Oll the main drawing, the great
coaplex1t7 or the All.ta. . •• ~ oatti,De. '!'be 1DCft&M4

nuaber ot area, aDd. the great .tree. laid CD their poe1-

tioning b7 • plalmiDg' eirel. and nctaDsl_. . . . .11 . .

the grid i teelt. naul ta ill rather a balq blot to

aftftl tor the lUI&l7au. ~ ot thie. I 8hall 418-

cus. the seo-trr in two 'lqera'. !'he tlrat rill be

the, b1 IIOW, tu1liar proceee ot ....mning the priDoipa1

~t. (string leDBth, nut ad bridp poalt1oDa,

body length, and bout ri4tba) tor owzall poportloaal

relat1oDah1,., rollowed. bJ • wctor-b7-wotor haaaa1e
~ ot the outl1ae, while the MODDII 'lqer' wl1l oaa-
.1st ot a ~ ot the all-1JIportaDt po14 I178Ma . . .

tUJalT'1oa1 oonwni. . ., the two .,... . . or pro. . . . .

being ~~ ooaoe1ftCl. 1Dtealepllld_'. u4 ......

atmot1onal17 1uepuable.

Fig. 16 abo_ the outl1De or the nolet, ita wrUoal

/ p-,,\ l

.. \ .. ~ I ,

\ !
... .. 'I

. :..f:, . \ ~
( (
. \\:
~- - : :-~:~~;.- ----- - -)~
'. ,
. ,,
, ,/ ]'
~:'f(.'.____ _____ ._.

axis ID, and its br1~ poeition E. All the bmoketa COD-

'YfIY, the length, BU, caD be d1Yided 1Dto tift equal parte

(.ob ot 85 _), with the br1dp liD. talliDg on a ~ - ~

din.1on ire. the bottoa. !h18 18 aleo the upper point

em the centre liDe, where the two weioa p1aoia o1rol_,

which are pert ot the lower-bout conatruct1_, crou aD4
intersect each other. Apart troa two plunin« oirol.. ,
whole nuaber relat1on8h1pe do DOt ooour elaewtleft 111 the

d ••1p, which 18 otherwiee 8Old_ aeot101l reculate4.

Other ftrt1cal aDd horisoatal ratto. an dealt witll la_so

in the c!l8C\1Uion ot the grid.

Apart r:ro. the ..-1oa p111018 ~t, other oml..

an .ployed to plaD aD4 .,..tr1oal17 ... u:r the oatliDe

(He Pig. 77). As -.D7 ot theM e1rol.. just .u. bariltc

a oeDtre-01rcwaterenoe relat1oDah1p with one uother, the

aohae 1. not u lICmlpUloua11 OOIIPOs. u 1 ta OOIIp&ftiaD

gr14, but i. Il4Iftrt.hel_ qui_ band_. !he rad11 ot

thea. cirol.. , like the ndii ot the _'\line &l'OII ~

_1.,.., bear tft tmOM ot huEIdo OOMiduattc.. apart

troll the two upper 'plannillg o1rol.. ' oenu.! at 'f (whiGla

are of nd1_ 155 - ad 59 - . which ~ rela_ 19 fJ + 1,

1.e. 1;i:! 2.627 ~ 1.618 + 1) &IM1 the Gin1. . .tnt! at
P (wh1ch p181'OH the two wei. o.u. I Uld I'. U.
lower II01IIIdbol. o.Uo1Dp D aDd D', and .,., wde• •

oeaUe G ot Ule II1dclle Girol.), wboM n41w., 77.5 _.

· - .. '. Z'
1 .


'. I~



is halt the radius ot the larp oirole oentred at ,

(155 -).

G ia alao the centre of arc ot origin (H)DH', rad.iu

2'9.5 _. whioh initiates the 1natZUMDt'a outline. !'he

lower bouts are continued b7 ft81ca arc H'J', oenu. I',

radiua 87.5 _, and OOIIpleted by arc J'X'. oerstn l',

radiu. 27 _. ~e _e. hen, ot a lo..r-oue loaaUDC

let~ indicate. 1ta presence in the ¢ 4 am..

diacwsaed hereatter.

!he m1ddle-bout aeotion oould he 8&14 to .tart at X',

with arc K'L'. racliu. 21 _ (the __ .. the pnoecl1JIc

lower-bout arc) aDd cenu. II', --.t17 p1.aoe4 at the lower

aoundhole cenu.. The cune 18 ooat1maed 'b7 L'II',

g' (spin a grid. point), racliUII 38.5 _. 'IM..u. 1I1d41...
bout arc M'lI" i. prorided b7 cirole oentn G, nd1_
74 _, whioh pull" just below the bridp liDe, DCl the

eeot1oD 010_ with ara .'0', oentze p', nd1_ 11.5 - .

!he upper bolita an 1D1ttated 1»7 uo O'P', u (tile

top ot tile aoanclboud nee), 1'1141_ 108 . . - - pzaduoe4,
thi. arc p1Hoae the oeD'", p' <-a p), ot tile top 111441.-
bout &rO, aDd D&ft'OIr17 wi •••• Q ( of a1II oizoole).
Ifbe UIldulatiJJB 011%.... ot the appe1" baats bePa tbeU
e1Jnaaas _t1Ga with aft P'QI, _ta we, n41_ 44 _ -

W' is aituated _ the .-11_ plaaniDc o1zole (ada.


59 -) which, like ita larger OOIIpar1iOD, 18 centred at ".

The 0Urft ot the bouts tak_ an :lmIa1'd dip with arc Q'R',

centre Y' (on Ute larger circle, radi_ 155 _),
and radiua 62 _. It bulges outwards aga1D with arc R'S',

centre X', on the _ller circle, and radia 38.5 _, aD

UIOUDt encountered earlier u a Idddle-bout ..ator,

centred at 8', aDd here ha'f'iDg a , relationsh1p with 1ta
two nei«ttbouring radii (~.:. 1.6l0:Or ti). Ifh. t1nal

arc ot \he outline i. ap1n an 1DcurriDs one, S''r'.

centre Z', radiua, _ ..,tionecl, 62 - .

The «rid itselt, wh1ch 18 & ntioulattc. ot Oftrlapp1ltc

~ rectangl.. Md aquane, 18 s1~ ill Pig. 78. '!'he
cltagru 18 lazpq Mlt-explaDato17, aDd the ooapoIl_t
rectangl. . and equarea will tbererore be .ore _117

followed £l'OIII a check l18t than f'1oaII a 4. .c:ripti_ tat.

BetON giYing euch a l18t, howeftr, it will ~babq be

ot help to MDtion a tew ot the -.1or t1aane 1Do11llt.t

in the drawing. Piretq, the whole boq 18 oatliM4 to'
a oonta1D1Dg rectangle .. 'b", of _ zatlo. !he aid. of

thi. rectangle PUB thzou«b the top, I, and Mttaa, D,

ot the boq, aDd touGh ~t1alq tM lower boata at

the point ot _Xi . . width. !be _ _ _ tbod 18 applied.

thzou«b the top, J, and GIl each a14e U. po1ftt of

width ot the upper (j and. j'), and 1I1cl41e, lMNta,


i A I ---rI



,I \.., c.
(I.. p
---- c',-:-l (~

t\ , ,

" t
I --- ' ij--'u,/,-
~---.- ---

, ;.

iI I
I i


• I

6 hkm of D

its base line ddt intersecting the centres, I and I', of

the lower-bout vesica arrangement. Rectangle ee'f'f

frames the middle-bout width and main circle diameter

with the base line, fDf', while the square, gg'h'h, gives

centres for the middle-bout arcs 1M and 1'M' (gg' passes

a little above true centre C). ~g'h'h is also the exter-

nal companion square of ¢ rectangle ii'g'g, which links

the body plan to the nut position, A.

The following is a check list of these, and other, rect-

angles, giving measurements, ratios, and summarised

significance. Again, many of the vectors of this scheme

appear to relate to the Brunswick inch.

aa'b'b .. 122 = 1. 619 overall body-containing rectangle


cc'd'd = ill ... 1.607 upper and middle bouts, vesica

206 pis cis centres

ee'f'f = 222·2 ... 1.618 middle bouts

p,-g'h'h "" 216 =
ill arc centres for middle bouts

ii'g'g = ill ... 1. 616 nut position

.ill upper and middle bouts, upper-bout
jj'k'k = - 1.607 planning circle centre, V
196 ... 1.6198 lower-bout arc centres
11'm'm "" 121

nn'o'o .. ill
155 arm soundho1e centrings.




'!'be Kit, or Pochette, ... the tiD,;v 1mItru.eftt UH4 b7

danc1ng-aaatera of the 17th and 18th oeturi.. to die-

creet11 ark time and tune for their pupils. In . . . .ee,

it is a highly portable, literally pocketable, noUn,

carried, with i te tiD1 bow, in a tubular oaae 1IIaid. the

long pocket. ot the te&cher'. coat. 1'he ue.l tOZ'll ot
the 1netruaent ... the eo-oallecl 'rebeo' ahape, which

... atra18ht-aide4, narrow, aDd ~11ke (beoe

the tubular aue). althoup ~ 1Nfti... with .u1a. . .

riolin bodi.. , .,..t~ t ..toaMd ill oatliDe liD OIIZ'

tiret exuple (1686). IIon:rare i . the VPe npr. . . . .

here b7 the eeoond epeci-. (1760) whiall. lite the ,...

ceding riol. . d'uozw, bu lUI ~t ot 818JI8tbMlo

etriDp bel_ the fin8erboud. IA........1- . . . . . . .
to oollapee (or ahould it be . . . . .la,), with ' - , iDto

a hollow . .lki"....tiak, . . . . . __ nutee ad olariDeta,

.. _11 . . the .... apeotel ewr4., ..., .. 4ftDId.Dc-

nuta, ot the 8U'~ 1,. "'-1'.
One obaraoterieUe lIa. an to .,.t Ute, bow~, 18 the
arcMie, 'B', toza ot 8OUDdbole ( _ bII II aIMl III),
1IIM4 heft no doubt to .ildm . . the ...t-1Dc .ttect ot
the Opellinp to the ftr1 IIaft"OIr aotBIdbouda.

Ex. XVIII, F1ge 79-80, Pl. XVIII

X~ or POCHE'1"1'E


Ace. Hoi 2764

AlthoUBh it ..... to be aD l1I1uaual17 OOIIplu out11lMt tor

8uch a lIOd_t 11ttle inatruaeat, thi8 ~t ot 00II-

wlutiOJUl ia aleo tound in pochettea other than th18

eDIIPle of Borbon t •• One _em is the poohette, tbouIbt

to be Italian and once to stn41ftft, whiob

i8 ill the Donaldscm oolleot1oft. !hi. baa the __ ~

outline, but a d1ttennt heed, beari.D« a 0GIl •••t1oaa1

.0%'011 head ot the wlute aIlCI .-outoheoll of the

BorboD. 'l'he te.ptatiOD to attribute the DoDa1411011

pochette to SUa4i"fU"1 18 ancIentan4able, for • ....,n

the MD7 paper Jattune ot u.u..-t OI1tU.... len _
the _ter an a ___:r ot kit 4_1ID8 of ~ f . . .,

two ot which an 111.11.&1" to th18 tt..toaDecl' tom. It

as lIltentlt1ng to oc.a-- the ..ulDe 01 the ~

(1686) with the

Jone or the

0U1"fte _ _
Sta41ftd. Jl&tteml (0. 1100'),

found to oor.reepcar4 111 . . of


( '.
I \
I -'
I -"


, I

\ /

" ,,< " . . . z'
fIG. 79

the d..i8J!a, whereu the he1Bht ot the '.UcU..bout

cOlIIP1ex', that ia, dietance RJ( ( .... Pig. 79), . . r0UD4

to be the BUe in all three . . . . - the cmly 00_ an


The body pometr;y ot the )\orbon pochette 1e Mown 111

Fig. 79. As oan be seen. it re'ftala a further 8ltUIP1e

of great oircle plaml1Jlg, althoueh here. as 1D the Jq.

nol (BE. rf). the obele doe. not oo1no1cl. with the aro
or 'or1«1n. aa in Ik. II (JIIar1a 'nble Y1ol) and BL In
(&nOI\YIIOU8 Yiola d'UIOft). '!he n411 ot the
outline area wen 8Oft1'Ile4 bJ a eillpl. oa. _8II1"U1.
eah_ baaed OIl a _it (u) ot 9.5 _. which ... the _it
radius or the Dal1. .t U"OII 1D P:lg. 79, 81wn the 1___

cue letter. ot at, b'. 0', 4', ana .' tor their O8Ilt~.
!he top, 11ke the bo'toa, or the iaau. llit'. oat1iDe 18
det1Md b7 a (.iD1A~) .....i_ p1801a, aD ~t

which. . . it 'aaohon' the .., ill b1.oal bal....

exb........ ....
weft, I

ot the iDam .at at __ ot ita top

ft8ioa U'O 1. W'U', O8IlUtlt at Y', mai. 19 _ or h.

'l'he ouzw 18 the 1Dt1ae4 b7 .,,. Mt aft U'S't

oenUe 'I', PM1 t10ned 011 the pw.' o1ft1e, . . ,...,1_

47.5 - or 5L The GUr'ft i . ol0H4 b7 the tint ot ~

.-11 &1"08, S'R', oaUe .', ndl_.. U'O R'P',

ceu. d', ra41U8 ., . . . . the OOZIIft, whlob 18 tume4

by inftZ"M U'O P'O', oeaUe C, &1ao n4l_.. !he .....


arc, middle-bout arc O'Jr', is centred at Q', aDd ot rediua

28.5 _ or 3u. When produced, this arc, aDd arc U'S',

centred at T', touch tangential17 (see dotted liDe in

Fig. 79). The lliddle boute are continued b,- atraiPt

line N'M', and then tum inwards with arc M'L', centre gt,

radius 38 . , 4 u, and are co.pleted by ~l arc LtK',

centre b', in the lower aoundhol. centriJl«, ndiua 11.

The lower bouts &leo start (or enct) nUl • .-11 arc -
X'J', centred at .', ra41ua &leo u. '!be)' CU1"ftt iDwazrda
with -.1D arc J'H', CeJltred at Z' (oubicS. "'. gnat
circle) and ot 1'841ua 66.5 _, or 7 lID1 te. !be outliH

1s completed b,- the echo Yeeioa pi.oia aroe ot the top,

.1 though here the,- are beaut1tul17 oormeoW b7 the &l'O

01 orig11'l, whioh 1s centred at the upper iDterHotioD ot

the two area (E). 0w1Dg to war, or aD error in drawing

or Mk1ng, th1s lowr 'fttliea 1s • tractiOD ~ler thaD

the upper one. R'G', centre I', has • radiua or 18.5 _

(0.5 _ short or 211), which ..u. diaMter ID', the n,U.•

ot arc G'D, '1 _. ~1nB this _ W8Z", or

error, the tiDal two outline ftOtoZ8 WDUld be 2a aDd 4a

respect!"17 •

'!'he soundhole oentrinBe are pieroea b7 • oizole 41'UD rz.

, on the .,.tn U ... , 1 b ftdi_ 18 31 - . jan short or
4u, which would haft pwn • ftdiva ot 58 _. !'he 0.'--



of the curves of the soundholes have also been drawn in

Fig. 79. The outermost curve is centred at XI on the

great circle, while the inner curve is centred at Y'.

Their radii, 107 mm and 82 mm, are not related to the

commensurable scheme. The only linear measurement,

vertical or horizontal, to yield to the 9.5 mm unit,

apart, that is, from the above radii, proved to be the

string length which, being 304 mm, divides iQ.4.

9.5 to 32u.

The diminutive head of the instrument is shown in outline

profile in Fig. 80. Here again, the radii of the arcs

were found to be multiples of the basic unit, u, of

9.5 mm. Onoe more, the overall proportions (e.g. the

containing rectangle WXYZ) have not been considered pro-

portionately. The under-curve of the volute is started

with arc AR, centre 0, radius 19 mm, or 2u, continued by

arc Be, centre D, radius 66.5 mm (7u) and completed by

short, straight line CE and counter-curve EF, centre G,

radius again 19 mm, or 2u. The top side of the peg-box

consists of large arc HI, centred at J, and of radius

66.5 mm (7u), short straight line IK, and the inner curve
KL, also centred at 0, and of radius 6.5 mm.


~ -
... - \





L -----/----

Ex. XU, Pigs 81-A" Pl. XIX

}'O\.-,.rern: D• AXOUR


c. 1760
RA'rl'IS'l'A GT'llOTA


Ace. 1(01 Ro( ,.,

The idea ot • pochette d' uour 18 iDtri.p1Dc, tor _ ia

inclined to .uppoH that ncb & t1D7, ril»l_ . . . . . . .

.. in thie 1DetrulleDt ot Battieta c.o... woal4 be . .

inautticient ftIIOIIAtor to aaplU'7 u4 baeld.t the . .tie

nbrat10lls ot 87J1pathetic s'triDp, bot a~t17 it ia,

and the :resulting 80Uftd is d_cr1bed _ 'e11ftZ7'. Al-

though rare, and iDdeed ita ..tar littl. ma., till.

uuple ia DOt 1Dliq_. theft beile a tiDe 't..toaDett'

pochette d'&8OUr with 'n-' IIOUDdhol_ 111 U. 0011.0-

tion or inat~te at Budapeet, whil. tM "bopolite

Mus..- or Art (x.. TOZ'k) baa two tiDe epeo~. OM ot
which, bear1Dg a cuwd oup14'e hM4 or aoeptioDal
beaut7, 18 or owrall oatl1De to our .,.

Genow. u"-lq worbcl in 'fufta, ........... __ a

papil of G1an Pnnoeeoo CeloD1aU. !he ~•••t •• ,.b.


.~ \

which 1rU made probably c. 1760, beare the . . . 601d_

yellow w.rnish that his teacher Wled, and baa a gnLoetul

little body or Yiol outline.

Al thou8h or dirrerent rora, time, and place, the pl'Opor-

tional s1stn used 1D thie de.ign ia 'ftry auilu to that

uaed in tne prenoua example, the G&a~r Bone. pochet.,

that i . a .Ulpltt, CO_Insurable eoh-, baM4 an a ...u
unit, u, which here equale 9... It CaD . . _ _ ft«Ulat-

1Dg the ridtha (horizontal linear proporUGa) ot tile

upper, 1I14dle, and lower bouts in Pig. 81• •', the

upper boute, _aaure 90 _ acroea. or lOa, the 1d441.

bouta. " ' , are 54 _ ride, or fia, and JUt', Ule 10IIII'1"

boute, ....ure 108(.5) _ or 12u (twice the a1d41e-bout

~t - .e. also Ex. XVI, Pig. 74), wbiGh Ai.,..

bout ratios or.

10 I 6 • 12
or 5 I 'I 6.

'!'be outline ibelt i . bzok_ 40a :lDto . . , . . , __ ...

radii in Pig. 82. Hen, the 1G11111' boa. aft - to haw

the __ -'--circular .tet .. thoee ot the-ne~Yio1
(Ex. T). '!'hi. 18 arc DR', OlaV. 0, wblob hu • a41_
or ~(.25) _ (HR' R .. eanac 101.5 . ) , or, all.,... ....
0.25 _ .. .arPa, &a. !be ~ ot the nat, .... ~

oUler, lower-bout aro i. poe1t1'" _ the oppae1tie ....

~ I

>{' \2\

R:> '::'
"",'u r- '-J,.N

"~ ~ /

MI-'---__ .... H'

-- ... D
fiG. 82

or 'the inaUument, so that arc H'I', centre Ht haa a

radius of 108.5 _, l2u, twice that ot arc m'.

'!'he middle bouts COItprtae three area. 1'J', oenh"e .. ,

radiua 13.5 _, equalling 1.511, .un arc J'l', centre L'

(l!!!! poei tioned by either circle or grid), ra41_ 36 -

or 4\1; and tinal17 K'O', cetre 1f t , ra41_ &1110 1'.5 _
(1.511). !be upper boota, like the lower __te, 8ft &1110

JIl'ri-to:raed b;y ." arc oeau.d GIl the oeaa. tb18

is arc O'Q', oenu. P, :rad1us 45 • or,.. ..... CIII"N

continues with arc Q'S', O8Iltre H, radi_ 55 • (the

.... as 1"841_ OR') fir 60, and the outU... 18 -.pleW

upper oentree ebould haft been oaanectect to their ~

eirel. 'b7 'tt a ud DOt 'b7 the 014 'B' a. !be o1J.oole

pieroiDg th. . . tour o.atna 18 a.tnd at P GIl tile a.tze

line, 1ta 1'841_, " _, 4088 DOt zwlate to the .ai,
878tea, 1ta otrcs.tennoe 18 . . .tial to the .Wl..

1t 1s ahOWD 111 Pte. 82 wi ttl 1 ta a.tze at z. 1te ad_,

72 . , be1llg trice the .ua Iddclle-bout 8C n41ua . .

The question ot IItring length and bridge poei tioa 111 •

trlclq one. At preHnt, the inlltruaent 111 aet up with

ita bridge at E, no doubt the tpoeltlon ot gre8teet uae t ,

that la, where the mark8 aDd wear to the bel17 1Ddloate.
by & eon of !l&jority 'Wte, where the bridge baa &1.,.
been. Bearing in II1Dd that theae 11ttle pochettee nn17

cont01'll to normal luth1er practloee. lt IIhould, howftr,

be BeIltionec1 that the notohM ill the .ouncDJol_, which

would nor.l17 indicate the ldeal bridp poIIltl_.

eugeat a higher placing (ill Pig. 82, e), • pollitt.

which gi.... the 87llpe.thetio .triDp a hamcmlcal17 tWM4

atring length 011 both .id. ot the 'briq., 80 that hieD

ill . . ,.1. a ooaaiden.tiou DOt at pr•••t catered tor

with the at B. In praotloe. howe.,., the luthier,

ill adopting th..e eoundho1_ alit! poIIl t1cJDiDg ta.. 110

010_17. has reduced the width ot bel17 at thi. po1at

( . ) , 80 that there 18 acuoe ~ ~ to ataad •

bridge, DOt to Mntloa the pauolV ot wood. rIB. inills t_

it to Yibrate. 11M the nilltiBs oeatfte ~ oaaaeoW

b7 ttt. rather thaD 'bJ 'B'., thie prob1_ 1IUIll4 DOt

ari... and the ha1'IIonloal17. ad _theUoalq, . . .

Uke17 'bridge poeitlon would tbeD be poealble. I thaw-

tore napeat tlat the ct-13D arohetne ot th1a iDau--t

~ . .11 haft clUtere4 in thi. reapeot.

'!'he incorporation ot 87J11P8thetic atr1ngB, with their

additional tuning-pep, baa MUt a .uth lonpr pec-boz

tor this pochette thaD tor that ot the Borbon. A8 with

the bod3' de.1p, there is a t ..ling ot organ10 poaae

about the head, with ita wiute te1'll1nal, which hall been

oune-aDal78ed in Pig. e,. '!'he 'fOrtu or thi. dmw1ll«

i8 1neritabq crowded aDd ooDtuaiq, to aw1d sr-tft

Jalddle, I haft theretore Dot loaded the t1pre with
_de letters denot1Dc . . oeau. ot &1'08, o.ntne

which the re.der ahould atill be able to t1Jld boa the

The owzall ocmta1B1Dg rectaD«l... ~, Jt<liS, u4 OPQ1l,

ap.1D weft not tOUDd to haft aJJ7 propori1oD&l a1pit1-

C8llce, alt.hou8h caoe or twice • n41ua 414 oorneJ*14 to

the bod7 d..1gB (11 • 9 _) appear 111 the ,1...d.D6' ot the


'!'he ari~t1o _ _ CIt.· ; '), how.... , . . UMII . . . .

the iaporlant OUWl' .1ute ot the beII4 18 110 80.......

!he area, wboM ZltdU. oo.prt... tid. aritDetio ~

a1oa, ani a, Be. CD, and _, aacl the1r n411 111 111111-

_tree nepeot1w17 na.ct 5.5, 10.5, 15.5, aDd 20.5. !he

0Urft 1. then ehall0w4 b7 an J1P. wboee «*In.. 11_ _
beed-ocmta1JliBe' reotugl. a14. 10 prod_ _ , .net . . .

radius measures 51.5 rom, which is 0.5 rom short of being

the sum of the preceding volute radii, but is also half

of measurement NO. The under-curve of the peg-box is

then continued by straight line FG, and counter-curve GH,

whose radius, 37 mm, equals the height, PQ, of the head

rectangle NPQS.

The top curve of the peg-box commences after straight

line NI, with arc IJ, whose radius, 99 rom, equals ~ of

NO. Strai~ht line JK then connects this with the curves

of the inner volute arc KL, centred on line NP, radius

24 rom, arc h~, radius 9.5 rom, and centre arc MA, radius
6 rom - curveS whose radii have a more arbitrary relation-

ship than did the arithmetically organised arcs of the

outer volute.

ri) LtJ1'm3

The aingular iIrportaDce ot the lute .. a k87 llU8ical ot the Renai.llano. 18 atteete4 to, DOt 01217

by the enorllOUB wealth ot . .10 1t ftD88Ildered, but aleo

by the poeta, writera, and paintere, who tound in8pira-

tion in the sentle lI8gio of its sound, or in the pure
and deceptift17 81aple beauty of 1 ta tora. '!hie priM

position, bowner, 1e not wbataftt1ated b7 the matber of

early lut.. to aurri.ft. wh10b 18 ~tably t.. hal

1Dwntori... al&Oh . . that '-ken tEa. the -J:IdDa .took

ot the _teJ.O luth1er, Laaaa ~... at hi. d_th. 58 _
mow that lutea, and h1abl7 .t\1l8Cl .... at that . . . . .
proclaoe4 in what __ to be . .taniahina qUaDtitl. . b.J
the Ge:nan oolQDtea ot lute . u n u.n worIdItc ill

Borthe:m ltal7. Alaa. the nmarkab17 f':m8ila _tun ot

theM tnatru.eDta, which helped 81ft ttl.- the ft8OD&Ilt

toDal qualities tor whioh the7 . . . _ priM and OOD....

quent17 eo ride17 1JHd. baa _ t that. of the tboaaaDCIa

ot _ter-in.t~ta .ade 111 the l&tb oaatm:7. aoaroe a

haD4tul R1"I'1,.., n.a in part. !M.t u-et 110 16th-

that it lett ita ............. 18 4_ BOt Jaat to

their 1Dbenat tacU1V. lMt alao to . . 0DDtt.m.l

ohupa 111 the .tun ot the _io lteelt. with the

iDozeuing d.-Dd tor • cJaeper ftSiater to the inab+ .t.

'!'hue 'good lut.. ·, whioh uual17 MIUlt old lutee ( s . - l

JohnsoD's Diction&r,1, 1155, diaolos.. that a lute a1ght

take up to eight7 ;YHX'll to reach ita best toDe) 59

oonstant17 beirlg titted with n.. neokll, heeda, br1.dpe,

and bare. to keep apace ot lllU8ioal tuhien, at a rate

which lett 8ftIJ Praetori_ a little daHdl ..... tzoa 7e&r

to year, so .ny ohaD8H are being .ade that DOthiD« "17

detinite 0811 be written.,, 60

In short, the old, h1gh17 prised lute bodi. . . . . oem- b1 subsequent plqen to be interoban8Kbl., 8114

the striDptop, DeCk, and hMd VPe, ooneidezoatioBa to be

cuatoa-ti tted to the p~Z'II' __loa1 Me4a. wi. . . . tile

oorreaJ)ODden08 betweeD the 'JJaslillh' lutenist J&Oq1IH

Gaultier and eonetantirl HlQ'gena 1D Hollucl (l647-8}c

"'lbere 1. oerta1D17 here Mother 1d.nd ot lute

ot !olopa tor ~ aill8'1D«. I' 18
ODe ot the large lutes ot Scomel. It 1 -
would pI.... let _ know 1D what tulltaB ;roa
would 11k. the neck to be. &DC! whether .JO'I
would lik. l ' to be both tor the plq1Jt« f4
piec.. and alao tor 81D81n8, I rill haft l ' 61
put into p1a:f1Jt« order."

KaDy tiDe lutes haft theretore had worklDg oanera

tbroUBhout the whole period of the 1ut~"s .....

sailing, i t not UDder dlttenDt oolOU1'8, the oerta1Dl-J

bl _an. ot dltteftnt rigiDp. When the lute t1na1q
..,t out ot t_hlen iD the 18th oenturJ. aurriY1Dg bod1.
were otteD 1et again re-used, 1D the -.nutacture .1tbez'

or ht1rd7~i_, or, later, in CODftraicma to BUitara

and . . . mandolon... '!'he 19th-centl11'7 torpra ot
'antique' artif'aota aleo did their ehazoe ot lute bod7-

snatching, in order to oarmibalise diw1'M r •••1n8 aDd

f"rapeta into IlU8piciouel), owr-cleooraU... 'collectors'

pi. . . ', 1IM7 or which ha... regrettabq rOUDc! their W':I

into 80M 1IIportant public collectiou. to be 4i8p~

a8 genuine 16th- or 17th-centul7 inatru.mts.

It i . theretore tor ~s or cauUon that I haft

decided, in this section. to contine..,. aDal1- to the

pn-r, aspects ot bod7 d_iBn, although where atrine

lengtH, nut or bridp poaiti0ft8, are tbou8bt to be

original, then or oouree ttl... , too, are takeD into


!he bodies ot the bowed 1nat~te that we haft 4ia-

ouaMd 80 tar haft backa 4_1BM4 CD the __ two-

dt.enaional pIa .. the t:rant,62 with • aeotion ot

ftrtical ribs, . . .tt.e pazal1el, _ t t . e aboet

illperceptibq tapered, r01'll1ll8 the aid. . ot tbe ao.4.

box. tho _oloaiD« the . . . .t1al wl_ or a1zo. '1'0 oar

purpoM, thia hall preeenW no tun:bar di8OWl81cm. 1D

plane geoaav.r teme, \ban the bod7 plaD 1belt (ad,

where rel....t, aD eleftticm of \be .... d..ip). With

the lute ton ot bo47, bowftZ', the two-dt..alonal 'bod7


outline ri. .s into a ftUl t ot •• _1,,«17 COIIplu, thae-

daanaioDal curftfI, which caD, ho....:r. be rendered. bact

into the two-dw.n.ional, plane .....trJ in which the7

1Ift'8 undoubted17 conoei'Hd. ,
6 '1'0 thill ad, I haft

ana17l1ed the on17 tini te ~ta whioh oould be

taken h'oa the 'ftUlt, a longitudinal protile, topthe:r

wi th a horisontal oroaa-aeotioft at the wid. .t poiDt.

I -) -=- .


. ,



,.-- - , -. .-

Ex. XX t F1ga R4-85





Aoo. NOl 7295

Perhape the two __ t a1snit10111lt inatru.nt ...,1. . in

thia aection are the 111" 1»7 Bana Prei and GioftImi

Hieber. whioh -.rk the ohanp 111 c:tew10~t of the

'oluaio' 1natruMftt troa tha aqu18ite :Bo1~ 'peuo1-

.ml,d' tOl'll, with Ita lonB. abal1aw ou.zwe, to the tullar,

broader shape ot the later 16tb-oe'tur7 ,.. .tiaD 1. . . .

Detore disouaa1Jlg both tMee ancl the other lutea, _ haw

& unique opponunlV to a ••hN! the d_iIJD or • 15th-

century lute, ~ the OODol.. worldll« 4raw1ag left

by the Dutch aobolar Bear1ou. hMult of Zwolle. It 18

«1.... , with 1ruItJ."UCt1oDe tor ihe tom1Jt« of tt. .uu.

u4 \he .ak1Dg ot the 1Dterior .-14, OIl • 81JW1e . . . t,
which toma pan of • .anuoript u-t1M OIl . .1_1

Inamm._ (8&1n17 k87bouU) now in the B1bUo~

R.tlonale in Paria.

This eh. .t ia shOWft heft in P1«. 84. !he paper 0I'l which

H~ ______~L______,

G ,I

fIG. 85

axia t reaul tiDg in 8. sli8ht diatortiOl'l in the drawing.

Arnaul t Hems to ha~ Mde one or no erron which he

ra thor oharIItngl1 correct.. tor eXAllple, the lsrt-hancl

tigure is the correction tor & eectlon tnoorreot17 dra_

in the IIOUld end-new on the rifJftt ot the page. He al80
ataried hi. drawing too hi8h OIl the page, tor wheJa he

aa.. to draw in the aurpr1a1Jlg17 long MOt64 he 1'BIl out

ot PIlper, unperturbecl, he explain••
"1 t . - the neok should haw the 1encth of the
11M i k to the nut, but here it 18 too abort,
beoauae the paper 1. not 1011« enOQlb."
Amaul t ~tiOll. DO ~ta .. __ , _t olear1.J
dstin.. the proportions that the late aboald haw, _loll

aN all der1ftCl hoII .1IIple, whole D~ aUoa. ~

the eake or olari V, I haw nclzaa Amaul t'. lute

aooording to hi. written in.Uuot1aM, GldtUac thoee

liD.. pertaining to the IIOUld oonstmoUaa, Pig. 85 (Iv

oon.tructlOJl &lid 1etter1n«).

tbe nAil W' aDd H'3 ---ills at the poiDt . . . the

OIDtn 11M ucl lap o1role o1Naate,... _ , . 'fh1a

beoaM. the oeDUe I tor tbe &1'0 JBJ', whlob oo.p1et..

the bod7 oat11De. !he ndl1 IJ aD4 BJ' an tIl_ detez-

II1ned b7 tan«aC7 to the lupr aroa.


The radii of these two circles, centre E and centre C,

have a ratio of 7:12. All other measurements are

developed from whole number, vertical or horizontal,

divisions of this body outline. Thus, the neck AB is

given as being equal to the body width HCH'; the bridge

position, G, on the centre line, as a one-sixth division

of BD, and of GD, the lower third to be the bottom block;

the soundhole is centred at F, halfway between the top

and the bridge, BG - F, and its diameter to be one third
of the horizontal piercing its centre, KFK'.

Apart from this commensurable approach to ratio, the

other important design factor to emerge from the drawing

is the large vesica piscis, VP, in which the whole lute

body is inscribed (main arcs HJ and H'J' geing produced

from the main diameter HCH'). Interestingly, the use of

this significant design device is not alluded to in the

Ex. XXI, Figs 86-89, Pl. XX



o. 1550


Ace. BOl 67/1965

util18iDg the . . . 0U1"ft tor aat11De ad 0'.10_ •• nte.

alike, ... aupened_ 1D the earq 16th -t1I17 1»7 •

• U .•er, .ore lIO)Ih1.t1.W IIbapt - the ___ n.eI 'pear1-
1IOU14,65 tora ot the ear17 BolopeM IMIhool. Du. h...-
i8 paid to the aniab7 ad *111 ot V. no .,., pr.-
tigioua luthiera ot thi. dne10s--' 111 IIu7 larwll'.
"InstruOtiOD book tor the Lute"," writta 1D the 166011.

"tau JIaler Liaull.g

aDd RaM ~ Li-t.a FritJV
haft " - the two oIdet. . 1......... that ....
11m at BoIOSDa. who baw nnclend tbau . . -
t.ortal b7 the _1041_ ..... of taa, ,. I_
1nsb'uMnt, and will .tUl . . . t - . NIOUD4
thnaP all the ..nh . . , . . . . 1t w111 p l _
God to .a1DtaiD the huIIoa7 ot the 11111wne. "

and JohD Eftl7B, on a ns1t to Bolopa 111 1645. lone

after 1t bad oeued to be a 0.'- or lute .u1D«. wzotel
"!h1. p1a. baa &1ao baa O.1ab~.!JP' 111'- bJ . . 014 _tal, 11011-. 'EI. _
Pre1. and lf10h0laa 9ooIIftlt. which 1IUe of
extraordin8J!7 price, the worklllen were oh1e1'l7 67

Indeed, these inst:rwnente haw alwe;ye been in great

demand, despite their consequent "extraord1nar,y price".

"-ace epeaks of Jlaler lute., "pitt1tu1 Old, Batter'd

Crack'd '!'hings", ~ued at one hUlldred pounds apieoe

(1676), when a tine new lute, " ••• tar 110ft taking to \be
cOllrltOn", would coet but three or tour pound ••

It baa been 8st1Mted69 that Mal. .•• output ot 1Mu.a-

menta I8J' haft been u hiBh .. tour tbouaand luw. 411Z"1Bc

his working litet1ae, but ot tIt._ 01117 thfte aupl_

BUrrift, ai.i1ar17, 01117 three Pre1 lawe are .nut,

111UJll_te • oollll1denbl. reputat1Gll.

I baft abo. . , thea, to n~t t:hia iIIportaDt aaboel

with • lute b7 Bua Pzre1 in about 1550. It 18 the

ineUuMnt cace o...t b7 Brio 1fal1'J*III7. 'bat wbiob ia . .

lodpd in Wazw10k Coanv ..a. (A_ _ion • • 67/1965).

'1'he condition of the 1Ilau.-at 18 aupr1a1llc17 aoo4.

0ri«iDal. the HOk. M.s, aD4 br14ae _ _ lat..

probab17 17Ul-oe1ltal7, nplao.R.D. of the .-rU_.

aborter DeCk u4 tltUltp. wIlloia .at l1keq waal4 haft

oarr1ad 01117 au or lIfteD ~ 0817 tbe bocIJ =ah .R.


E. _. ,4 j
" .

/--- j

/ !
/ f :
' '
,-'-'-- .......
' ... __ '1,-
,/;':', -',
----,-I •
. J

H j
fro 86 G

1 tNlf rill theze1'ore be ooneidere4, ancl aft aooount of

1 ta poMUy folloa.

Fig. 86 eho.. the bod3' outline or the table of the lute

in80ribed in 1t8 oontain1n8 rectangle, RPGB. !he rat10

or thia reo'-sgle 18, or OOU1'IIe, tilAt of the wrUoal

and boriscmtal ax_, AD ad ifNI, of the late pt. 1teelt,

uct 1t co.ea .. DO aurprUe, 81-.- the hanaDioae aapeot

of tbe in.Ui Int, that thla atto IIboald be ....nq

1I1.618 - 1:be 'ROld . . rat10' (~

Jff'. ,aT.,..·. ·
497.,.. 1 618)

Ha-ring . .leotecl th18 . .t beaut1~, lNt .the..t1aalq

1rrational, eoh_ for hie . .10 popoZ'tt., it 111 inte-

-tins. . . we ehal1 _ , that he1 ehcNld __ Nwn 111
the :r-.1niJIB, traceable, proport10Dal dec1aioD. to the
rational, ~le rat1011 of the kind UM4 '"
Amault a oentuz:J earlier ( _ earlier 418. . .1011). !h1a

1. IIhown alIIottt t.ediateql ill Pis. 86 the al'O or

ori«1D, IDI', 18 draa, oatnd at po1Dt A, . . . . the
ontN liDe _u the apper lia1t or the tab1.. It.

radiua is theNtON the boQ t.tctb. 497.5 _. aDd tile

radii AI and AI' p1ezae the o e u . C aDd C' ot tbe 1Ibi-

quitoue .-ioa p1ac1e oauUuotioD, whOM . . , oiro1_

tOl'll the oont1mat1aa of thla 1__ an, tzoa. I to J an4

trc. I' to J' (for the ..a of o1ar1V. OIlq the zolaht-
bud s1de ot the .,..trioal plan 18 aaal7Hd ill Pia.86).
~ ..

/' - .....
/ "-
I / \


I \

,, .... , "


\ t I
, " "-~~-- - _ / B .,.

" .... I

---_L_---- D
fIG. 57
'!'h. radiue ot th_ oiro1•• 1. lID iIIportant wctor ill

the dee18n, deMOnstrating tile fin' ot mi's oo. . . .ar-

able ratioa, being 115 ot the Oftmll 1~ AD

(~ 497.5pa ~)
eI· 99.5.. • 1 •

'!'he re..1ning 0UZ'fttI or the outline are OOIIPl.W (Pig.56)

by area J'''' and M'L'. Arc )If'L' i. uu-17 IIhallow,

oentnc! at 0, with a Dldi. ot 765 _. tor which DO

haraonio 1'8IIOlut1arl oould be -.d. tz.. the ""ton ot 'he

body sche• •

!biB bringe U8 to fig. 87, which deale w1 tit the 4_iaa

decisions -.d. withill the outline - the poait1C111 ot the

bridge. aDd the si.. ua plaoiJJ« ot the!'Me. !h18 lut

queet10n ot the %'OBe i . an iIl~ one. t_ 1t ia BOW

thought quit. 11017 that the cmtt1ft« ot late !'Nee . . .

a speo1aliHd oocnrpatiOll. 1Iftdertat. b7 .ldl1e4 South

Genmt cran-, and that the poat I_U_ 1~

ot the 16th oentar, purohue4. their ~ late-

belli 'blaDka' r:ra. the Wo:rUl. with the zoeee a1~ CNt.
It would the ra lin tor t"- to ....u.ot the1:t odU. . .
around thi. a:1.t1Jlg t.tan. UntOrtuaate17. 110 fta1
l~t GaD be tbzown GIl th1a quite ~lb1e theoZ7 . . tbe

....trJ ot theM ear17 1..... ~ . .t hoII the

e:IIIIIPl. . ual1Hd it woal4 appeIIZ' that anater at_ttc.
Is pa1~ to the lu...r proporUaa n41at1D« tr. the
circular border itaelt (i.e. rroe the circuaterenoe ot
the rose to the body outline aDd bridge poeiticm) thaD

to either .) the poa~tion ot it. centre within the Yerti-

cal axia, or b) the harmonic relationship ot ita ai_,

radius, or da-wr to the oftrall proport10Dal aoheM.

Th1s thought proce.. i8 da.:>natrated here in Pig. 87.

where qui te ind~ent11 ot the actual a1_ ot the ro. .
(which 18 not harIIon1cal17 :related to the aiD ~) or

1Dc!Hd the poe1 tion ot ita oeDUe, the proporUou &1"OUDd

ita oircuate1WlGe aDd w1thiD the bod7 oatl1De, with the

incorporation ot th. bridp poeit1OD, an .1.....t17 418-

posed by IIe8Il8 or the a!llple, whol. m.ber atia. ot 1.1,

1.2, 2.,. and 1.,. 'rheee are beat expl'MM4 1D w.. of

_i U. in tbia O&H 81 _ 1ft 1.a«tIl. tta., 111 th. wzti-

oal o1a AD. there are two _i _____ A, the top of

the tabl., aDd the top ot tbe 1'088, . . th... an ..-11J

two _1ta be. . . the ltrid&'e, I, ... tbe 1OWI" edp of

the roM. 1_Yin« one be. . . . the bri4p u.. at B

aDd the 10WZ' edp of the tUle, D. ana aiwiJu-lJ' . .

_1t be. . . tbe l.n . . ft&bt a.. ot tile __ u4 the

ad~a08Dt edpa of the tabl.. !Ida ia . . . . .tatel . . .

olearq b7 the 4ot'" o.-_uto o1zo1ee 1'II41aUac oat

~ the mae 111 Pic. 87, 111 eaoh . . . the 1*\11 bellls
1Doz •• "".b7 OD. mtit ot 81 . .

Pr-------\-\ 1

1 1

fio. S8 1

seotion ot this design is not the __ . . halt ita plu.

NeTertheleaa, ita depth i_ equal to halt ita width.

Fit1'_ 88 shows the Ye~ieal, or longitudinal. eeotioa.

whioh can be inscribed in two annaed golden MOtion

recta.nglea, AA'F"P and PP'D'D, whioh are therefore rela-

ted to the main outline-oonta.1n1n« ~ rectangle, EPGH, ill

the ratio 114. The lower or theae two reotangl.. OOD-

tains the '(G'D'D. which, . . 0IUl be eMIl, i_ ot

great 1aporlance. 'rhe d1a«oaal. QD', of th1II ..-zoe
pu,a.. through the c_u., 0", or the lo-t U'O, JIS,

whoae radius, 99.5 _. ua.ct17 equal.a that ot the oorne-

poDding ..,..i08 pieoie aros, JI aDd I'J', used in the

tront ot the inatzou.nt, 1rben thia iIIportaDt ftOtor _

shown to haft a 1'5 re1atianllhip wi'" the Oftzal1 l-cth

AD. A Yertleal 11M cIft_ tbrousb oeaUe C", in Pic.ea,
.eta the baae 1i1le, DD', at R, that ie, the poillt when

the ribe ot the ftUlt ri.. ..., rz. bah!Dd the
tben1Dc "laoe", eboa 111 ozoea-eeot1oa .. lit. B....
another ~le ntio 18 t~, .. lIliDD' equala
1.,. The lowet are. IS, 18 oont~ bJ' the 81'0.

S'f, whoae o_tre 1i•• 011 Q'Q procluoed,aDd aa.ptetea.

_tin« the back ot the neat at U, ~ an ft, ot n411

672 _ aDd 187 _ rupeotiw17. 1.1ther ot theM laat

-.tUM ... round to relate bullcm1oa117 to the net ot

the eoheae.


The cross-section taken at the widest point is shown in

Fig. 89. As I mentioned above, although not semi-

circular in section, like the lute of Arnau1t, this Frei

lute's depth (Q'Q) is half that of its width (WW').

Q'~V'Q is therefore a square, containing the smaller

square, YVZX, which in turn yields the quadrant arc

defining the joints of the ribs. This arc, ZY, is

centred at X, and its radius, 132.5 rom, is again related

to the important vector, 99.5 mm, of the vesica pis cis

arcs and longitudinal cross-section, here in the ratio

Thus, although broadly planned to the overall accommoda-

tion of the golden ratio, the detailed planning of this

most beautiful instrument is entrusted to the rational,

whole number, so-called 'musical,7 ratios such as 1:1,

1:2, 1:3, 1:5, 2:3, and 3:4.

*Here given to nearest 0.5 mm.


111111111111 ",


F.x. XXII, Figa 90-94, Pl. XXI




c. 1580


Acc. HOI 1561

Unique uong the in.tnaeata d1aouM4 111 th1a MOttoa,

and indeed practically ..aapt all other IRU"driJlc 16th-

centur)" lute., th18 1n.t~t. 111 the lut q1lU"ter
or the centul7 by GI0ftD111 Hieber ot '_loe, ao. ntaiD
1 ta or1g1ftal head and neck - a tact which 18 _tufJ1D«1I'
ccmt1med b7 the anal.7a1B ot 1 ta . . . .b7, a.p1a1nec!

below. Apart t1"OII the ftriticatlon ot the heM aIMl

DeCk'. autbeDtlclt7, the anal7aia alec NWIale the tall

ateDt ot the later alteatlcae, u4 .tt.uft ~.

ot the 10Rr put ot the ~ ( . - 14_ of wIdIIa OM ...

pined haa e. .i natl_ ot the !lulu. lot i_It), ...

. .tabliabea nat aut haft _ _ the orip.., ftldp poll!.

t1oD, betore the 1. . . pari or the tabl. -.ta1De4 It.

dl.tortlDc d.-p aDd npabt. !b1a au be . . . ..n

clear17 111 the 8&1D dftwiq, where the ~t flat _ _
.tate ot the lute'. baH (which, NSNttab1l', baa .,..



'D - - - -- . J -~

t.hought by 80M .adem luth1era to be a pa:n10tllar

feature or this in8tru.-t, to be oantulq reproduced

in the1r own raoa1a1le_} i8 dm_, withill the ncoaatruc-

tad original outline. That thill i8 comot 18 clearq

supported b7 a) the :rema1ning outl1De 88CMU7, b) the

in8t1"Ull8ftt'8 type, and, with the reinatateaeDt ot tbe

true bridge poa1t1an, 0) the t7P1oal

proportion8 theft round 1D the lute'. plu.

Indeed, the eetablillhMJ3t ot the or1BiJ'lal bridp l1ne

. . the initial thft84 1ft the unftwll1D« of "'- Hiebu'.

dea1gD geoaetJ:7t

"lJDtw1etinB all the oha1Da that tie

!'he hidd_ IIOUl ot ~."

B1 tIli_ repoeit1oniDB, DOt cn17 were the hamDlJio pnpo1'I-

tiona within the table itaelt mol.,., bat the oon.-

quent, or1g1Da1 _triDg length ... tMD alao tOllllfl to be

!hie intomat1clll, too, is giftll 1D the d,...s ... aD

the l.n-bud .14•• the pnMIlt. altced JOII1UaB ot the

bridge 18 1Ih&Ma, ~ with the appzopriate tnt poei-

tiODe, while on the r1Bbt-baDcJ _14. I haft d~ the

auppoeed or1BiJ'lal br14p U.-. . . . the 1"ttrieeIl tnt'1IIc.

!be OOIIPle., pze-alteatt.. bod7 oaUsa. 16 . . . .

with the HOt. 1ft P1«. 90, wbeft 1D 18 the bo47 l-.,tb


fiG. 91

(A 'being tite top ot tit. table) and B the Dut ot the

1nstJ!'Ullellt. Here. no proportional s~itioanoe ..

round in the notangl.s oontainiDg the ~ outline. or

the neoK and body together. .. . . the cue with the

body area of the Prei lute. which, . . the 1'Mder will

reMIIber ..... preciael)" det1necl 1>7 the elegut, thou8h

so~tical17 taolated. SOld_ MOt1oft rectangle. LiDear

proportion, howewr, baa been OCIIlsiden4, tor _ t1JMl

that overall to bod7 lengUa, i.e.

676.5 .'451 •
1a , . 2,

or, al te1'll&t1"17, bod)" to neak len&"th


451 .'225.5 -
equal. 2. 1.

'l'he BeOMtr.Y of the bod7 outliM (Pia. 91) to1low u.

. . . pattern .. that tOUDCl in \he Prei 1a.. a1 tboIIIb

the proportional relatiGDahip bew.. the

yeetors 1s d1tte1Wlt.

!'he arc 01' or1B1D IDI', DOW obaourect 1>7 cia..... 1a .t.oat
certain to haft bee oentnct at A. (Aa .. taft ..w.
this i. corroborated b7 prnioua uupl. [Ot. Prey, the

rerrining area, and the OOJUJequent ~bl. ooheIdaa

.. - . - - E


I~ I

_1_ _ _ _ ___ B- "

- - _1 _ _ - -~--......
FiG. 92

or the instraaent'. proport1oM.) The radiue ot this

are would theretore be the 'bod7 l~ AD - 451 _. '!'he

next area were prcrri.ded b7 two eirel. . , 1B ftIIioa piso1a

arral"Igesent, centred a~ C and C', which two point. 11.

on the line. produced rro. the edges or the neck ( ...

Pig. 91). Arc I'J' i . thws centncl at C', and 18 ot

97.5 .. r&diua. !his 1. oonttnue4, .. in the Fret lute,
by aD arc, J'K', centred at II, 011 the opposite edge 01

the table, at the rid..t point, triYiD« lID arc radiua 01

m- (bod1 width). '!'he _in arc la X'L', which i .

CeI'ltred at 11. It. radiua, 390 _. is OOIIIeftaurab17

related to the ftIIioa pieola arc radii, o.trecl at C IIIl4

C' (91.5 ..), in tbe ratio 411.

!he ro.. poei tiOll, bri4,. line poeitioB, aDd etrtnc

lertBth are exu1ne4 1B 1'1«. 92. A&a1D, ,nater re8U'4
i. paid to the epaoe aunoundiJt« the eircuat.nnee ot

the roM thu to the poait1oDina ot ita a.tzre. Follow-

ing both the Pni and the AmwIt, the d1.tuo. aboft

and below the ro.. are ..m equal, 1••• 1

AR • R"B • 142.5 _.

'!'hie i . related to R'P' (95 _) 1ft the DOW tudltar ratio

, • 2

while the rl IiniDc ..... be1_ . . ~ctce. BD, u, :Ia

tam, related to J'P' 111 the mUo

76 ~195 •
.. • 5.
'!'he lin. 00' 18 equal in length to the ro•• dialMt.r RR".

The true etrinll length, EB, was alliO round to be in

simple, whole number relationship with both th. ~

length, AD, 81ld the o~erall length, ED, that 18.


451 ... 601(.,) ..
676.5 •• 601(.,) ..
9 • 8.

'niue, b7 the resolution ot th_ atioDal FQport1cme.

the original plan ot thi. 1IIporiallt iDstl'UMDt beOOMtl

apparent, its d.si4P2 .... whol., d.spite the a~ to

i t& tabric. Regret tab17 , tile Dature ot the de-. encl

repair, which PBrl17 obeoand the lower boDt ot the

inatruJlfmt, reeulted iD distortion ot the ftUlt. wh10b

consequent17 cauaed 110M cutttaul V __ the ftlnut

cro......ct1ona . . .!. !he t0110wiDc 'ftOton,
howwr, would appear bJ their iftWrl'elat1onah1p to be

1I'1g. 9' i . the 10DB1tudinal aeoti.OIl ot the m.'bezo. !be

d.aehed line in the lower eectlO1l tracee the pnaet
____ I~



damaged protile or the botto. ot the ~t. Like the

Fre1, th18 lute 18 . . deep as halt it. width, 1ta d. .p-

est point, Q', being the corner ot a 8qU&ft, QQ'D'D,

which contains, and detine., the lower area. '!'he

present lace depth, DB, is related to the oftra11 depth,


in the ratio 1 8 5

The centre of the arc lIS 11. . on the 41apnal, QD', ot

this square, and ita red1ua is 122... 'fbi. relatee to

the "..ioa arce ot the plan I

122.'97.5 •

in the ratio 5. 4.
The arc is continued b7 arc SQ', 1Wtiua 244 . , which 18

in 281 ratio with arc SH and 5.2 ratio with the ftai_

area. '!'he -.1D arc 18 Q'T, centred at a·, or 1"&4i_

487.5 - . '!'hi. 18 exact~ 511 ratio with the ....1_

&1'08, and ap1D (here alloriDg tor a 0.5 • .rg1D ot

error) 281 ra tlo with 1 ta pN0e41ag arc SQ.'. !be pl'Ot11.

ot the ftUlt 1. OOIIJIleted b.J are !V. rUl_ 2« _. wIllall
thu8 .irron arc SQ'. Pig. 9' &lao iDolud_ the b...t
protile which 1IIe&8IINe, II', 195 _, which 18 2.1 to the

'kq' radiua ot the ....1oa p180ia U'08.

The borisontal Czoea-eeot1OD takn at the wUeet point 18

ehOWll in Pig. 94. !he depth, being balt the width,
fiG. 94

Q'VV{'Q, is a square. It contains the smaller square,

YVZX, bearing the rib-seam defining quadrant arc ZY,

centre X. The radius of this arc relates to the larger

square in the ratio 8:9.




\ \


\ \


I ffli~;;:;'= .. . ..... / .



.- •...• I , • • - .

F,x. XXIII, Figs 95-98, Pl. XXII





)fA m;o BUF!Cm~pmmG


Aoo. NOl 218-1882

B3' the tum or the 16th centln7, the need tor lute. wi ttl
an exteneift ban regi8ter, pri-.r1l7 tor the aooc.pu:l-
llent or 8inging, resulted in the tntroduotiOD ot the

rather unlikely-looking, but JIWIioal17 erreotift, lone-

necked t baas lute., called ohi tarrani. '!'hi. d8ftlo~'

coincided with the shitt or the centre ot lute _kin«

from Venice - as, earlier, i t had IlOYed to Yeniae t1'OII

Bologna - to Padua and to Ro.. 'l'hWl, i t . . the -.ken

ot Rome who becaae auoc1ated with the earq 4..-10,...'

or the ohi tarrone (rererred to b7 hMtor1ua .. the Ra.a

'!'heono) and ot th. ., lfatteo HQeohenbera, the .uer ot
our third eDIIlple, ... perhapa the lIOat t'aIIOua.

Conetructionall1, one ot the _jor i.nnoftt1ona touncl 111

the inBtruaellte or thie eobool 18 'the 1ncreuec! nabft

or rib. toming the ftul t. PreYioue17, &8 . . haft __ •


rI ~~~ ~-------~------ ~-



B -;;x"'» - -- - 1
_ __ _=--____---==--_ __ _ _ .1-

nine-, eleftn-, or thirteen-ribbed ftul ta were !!'lOat often

employed, whereas this 'ftul t is constructed fro. no leaa

than torty-one narrow riba, each cut 1'roII a piece ot p1l1.

with dark to light ehading in the grain, aohie-ring a

'trompe l'oeuil' etrect at fluting.

An idea ot the slze or the chi tarrone 18 gained frotl

Fig. 95, where the additionAl long neok, whioh brinp

the instrument'. total length to o'ftr 8ix teet, can be

eeen. Unrortunate1,., thi8 'baas' neok: has been repaired _

and spliced, which i8 ~ i t8 preaent 8tring length of

approxiMte17 1590 _ has not been included ill the

followtn~ anal,.s18.

The colll!lensurable proportions which were round ill Uw

preceding lut.. are alao e'rident in this tine a..iBn of

Buechenberg'8. Here, the whole n_bar proportions an

based on one unit, with rema.rkabl. con8istance. In tact,

this unit ot 121.5 _ is the r&di_ ot the oue'toM17

ftsica p1sc1.s lower-bout COD8tract1on. which . . al80

round in this lute aDd wh1ch i8 di80WJH4 below.

'!'he oo-.nen.urable pmportion8 or legtb can be 88811 in

Fig. 95, the wrtioal ai8taMe between each ..t ot hori-

zontal linea being on. \D'lit ot 127.5 _. ED oo.pri8. .
8ight such unite. 'l'hua, the Dsok length to 'boq 1enath


• 3 I 5
81ld 8trinR length to body length


• 7 I 5
The bridge line, B, 18 placed at 1 of the body length
from D, whila the centra line, R, of the _in lower rosea,

in the triple rose cluster, 18 hal~ between the b~

top, A, and br1dge, B, RD being ~ of AD, and AR t of AD.

The rectangle containing the bod7 outline baa no propor-

tional significance, as was the caee with the Prei'. bod7

plan (which, &8 the reader rill re.IIber, . . inscribed

wi thin a golden section rectangle, al thoUBb the lute &8

a whole was found to be goftmed b,. oc.menaurable ratios).

'!'he present design, using only rational, whole nUliber

ratios of the .... unit, atee no attapt to rationali"

the body width (aM therefore the oontainillc rec~le),

the type ot bod,. outl1De OOlIatruotlon precluding a pro-

portional eolut1on that utilie.. the .... .78t...

'lbe geolletr;y of the Buechenberg'8 body outline is dra1lD

in Fig. 96. '!'he arc ot origin, IDI', i8 .till centrad

at A, the mdlus theretore equalling the 'bod1 length,

637.5 - , which i. emotI,. tift units. '!'he outline 1a

continued by arc I'J', C8fttre C', radius 127.5 _. 'l'b1a


,. ... - --
"' , ,,
, ,
~'-- , _ _ _ _--.1.... .1

I D I'
fI 6. 9f>

arc, ~rl of courne its twin, IJ, are for.ed by the Tesioa

p18ci~ construction oentred at C ~nd C', as we haYe aald,

ita component radii of 127.5 mm forrn the key unit to the

whole number ratios of the design. It was of great

importance, too, in the other luteR so tar disoussed,

an~, llke the Frel lute, its ratto here to the body

length i9 115. In agre8l1umt with the preoettin~ lutes,

too, is the e.rrange1IIIeJlt or the next arc, J'l', whose

centre, M, again lies on the oppoai te edge ot the instru-

ment t at the point of .xillUll width. !he.un &ro, K'G',
is centred at If, 1 ts radiU8, 892.5 _, 1s equal to the

main strin~ length, that ie aeftn tUttt.. The round.r

ahoulders of thia large-bodied lute are proYided b, RD

'extra' arc, G'H', centre P, 1"II4i_ 255 . , exaot17 two

uni te, which oompl.t.. the bod, outline.

The explanation or the positioning ot the ro_ don not

require, as betore, a separate diagrall, . . their GerltriD&'

_8 shown quite clear17 in Fig. 95. In this instl'U88llt,

howewr, two departu.rea rro. the practioe of ros.-

post tioniDg shown in the wt two lute. _re found. 'l'he

first was the harIIonic placing of a rose centre (s. .

Pig. 95) where prenoua17 the clrcu.rerencea alone

found to be of prime Ml'IIOftio 1IIporiance. 'fIbe eeacmcl ...

the harmonic constder&tion ot the 1'Ose dta.8ter. The

_1n drawing shows how the upper l'08e i. a.ller thaD the

lO1Jer two; its outer boroer, however, touch. . , and 'lead.

into't the inner borders of the lower two, and these

three circles, which thus f\orm a trefoil, are ot the ~

diameter, 85 mm, which is related to the unit or

127.5 mm in the ratio 21~.

In 80 lar~ an instrwaent, i t should be or no surpri••

that ite depth ie l.!!!. than half ite width (depth .\~
18 a prinoiple round in the AmVIt., the Prei, and the

Hieber). ne'Yerthel••• , the point or ..xi. . depth, Q',

in Fig. 97, lie. in plane QQ', at a di_tanc. troll the
bottOll ot the inatl'UMnt, i ••• QD, which i8 equal to

half its width, 80 that QD • 195 ma.

DP ia the tlace', or cappiDg _trip, which 1& • l1tt1.

dietorted with age and repair. Th. ftUlt MOtion 1a

cc.menced b,. arc PSt who... radiU8 apiIl equal. that ot

the neie. pisei_ area or the plan (127.5 .). It 1a

continued here by arc SQ', radius 6'7.5 •• thie equal.

the ~ length,and arc ot origiD ratti_,ot n .. .-1te.

The _in arc, Q''', COfttin_ the CNrft or ~ ftult ~

the point or ...x i . . depth. !'hi_ arc i_ ot ft4i_

1020 _, whiob equal_ the o"fftall leDBth troll ..u. mat

to button (m 1ft fig. 95), that 1_ e1Bht Uftita. !be aro

n continues this cunei ita %'IIdi_ i . ,a~.5 ., which

equals the _in neck legth or three unite. 'I'M

I " ...
W~'__~~~+-~~~~~ ____~1W

. .. .1.

sectional curve of the ~ult is completed by a further

arc, VU, whose radius. 85 _. we haft also encountered

before, as the C08lOll rose dia.lleter. which equalled ;- of

a unit.

The section taken at the maximua width and depth of the

lute is shown in Fig. 98. It ifs quite difterent in gee-

metrical plan troa the two preceding instnuaents, . .

Yi8ual comparison will show.

'!'he remarkable degree of proportional ~eit7 found

in this instrument, bo....-r, extends quite notably to

thi8 seotion. Although, all . . haft seeD, ita depth, QQ'.
is not equal to half its width (n'), the width and half-

width ~lues are stl1l used here. Iudeed, the whole

section is related to the design of the boq plan in aD

extl"8lllely beautiful solution. which can be inscribed 1l'l

8. square of side 390 _, the -.xi1lWl width of the inst1'U-

1II8nt. Thus. the cune of the sectiOJl is initiated rz-

the ed8e of the table b7 &l'C W'Y'. whlch 1. a.Ued. at QI

its radius 1a theretore 195 _. halt the bod7 width. It

is continued by arc Y·X·. centNd at Z', whose radiua 1.

127.5 ma, aM, as can be seen boll the d1a«na. tor. part
of another waica piaois arn.n~t. which eohoee the

construction used in the plaD of the and

indeed in the longi tu41nal o1'08_eotiOl1. The ftIIlaa azee


are joined by arc X'QX, centred at 0, and of radius

390 mm - the width of the instrument. This beautiful

figure, which, above all, conclusively proves the plane

geometry derivation of the three-dimensional lute vault,

concludes the discussion of one of the most homogeneously

conceived, and mathematically beautiful, instruments to

be examined so far.
- -- - ----


\ \


I \







VICTORIA AJm ALRmT }ffl:::;:g

Ace. Noe 4274-1856

Ex. XXV. Figs 99-102, Pl. XXIT







Aco. HOI 9-1871

The MIV tin. 1ut.. to OOM ta. GuJ sv ill the ""'11'
18th oeat1n7 rea", the gnat ap1oa1cm ot in'-nlit
which occurred there, wh11at .1. . . .zoe the inatruaent

M8 in ita final reo...1OD. !he.. "baroque lut_"

tended to follow the e1empted proport1on. ot the -.r~,

~ologneee instruMftt., aDd their .u.1'II, the Hofr..m.,

Jauck, 3chelle, etc., were worth,. craftsmen. One 8uch

instrument, by Jacobus Henricus GoUt, was made in Ham-

burg in 17:54. and 18 now in the Victoria 8Jld Albert

~'uAeum collection. It 1s extre1ll8ly well __de, and beara

rioh M.rquetry em neck and fingerboard. The body. how-

rfttr, ill of rather dull Me! ato1irl design, lacking that

e%quisi te, ~t1e tension between the curftS ot the out-

line, which IIU'k8 a . .ll-oonceiftd dee1gn. Neither ia

there inspiration, nor .... aensitiriV. to be round in

the ponderoue, rather bloated. fora ot the ftUlt. It

was l18aaured, drawn, aM ual7sed, but 71elded diaappomt-

ing proportional intonation. A drawiq (Pl. XXIII) ia

included tor the sake ot rieual ooapar1sGn with the other

1utM, but no geoaetrical expose ia neceeaar.r. the in.tN-

Ilent lacking tm1 tnceable hB.rIIorl1c .cheM. 1 ta ftCtora

seaing arbitr&l7 in Wll_. and. d1aorpniHd in &rl'IIftg'e-

aent. Eftn the ubiquitoua . .a1oa piacia construction tor

the 'lower bouts' ..... not used, thus fioutiDg an un-

written 1.w tor the relatiODahip ot the crucial lower
curvea ot one aide or the outline to the llirror Uap

"'el'll ueed. to de8Cribe the lower MOtion ot the lute boq,

although ot CO\U'M theft aft no true 'bouts' to the uni-
directional ourYea of • lute outline.

l:(" .
I "\


--("- ._- --- --- - -- .' [


\ \

~ ---V- --

"" \ I(



I (
, \

I \ !
-- ,-
i, ~-
it ~
-_.-.L.---~J.'.? -' \ ,
t j
~'I· 7~&
. ,'

- -:cL ~-. D -- \

fiG 99
Another lute. also a theorbo. was theretore selected rl'Oll

the Viotoria and Albert MustNII colleotion to represent All

18th-cen'tur7 deftlooaent of the inetJ!'UllMmt (Pl.. XXIV).

Pe~ps not fluite lUI tTPica1 AS the Go1dt. this tine lute
by Vichae1 Rauohe was, in taot, of nen later qte, 1762,

and was, as the 1'Ilther graphic oartouche on the baok

of ita neck procl.u.., in Chandoe street, London. Ita

des18n. al th.ough arguab17 betrq1D« the 110ft relaxed

atU tude of the 18th oent\u:7 toward. seo-trioal anc1

proportional p1arming in dee1p, neftrthel_ belonga to.

the sante de.ign tradition ot the lutee or the preriOUll

two centuries. with their characteristio _ployaent ot

commensurable ratios.

A rew 'simple ratios can be seen in the Oftftl.1 plamttBg

or the instrument in Pig. 99. altbouBh again no haNaft10

significance WB8 tound in the bod7-containiDg reotu«l.,

.. .., the cas. or the Prei lut.. Per exaap1e, the -.1D
string length. Ea, 712 _. t. in aillple rat10 with boq

length, AD. 5'5 _. that 18.


712 -'5" -
• 4. ,.

The poe! tion or the br1dge and mae oluster are alao
shown in Fig. 99. '!'he bridge line, B, a1. . . harina •


1'5 relationship with the body length, AD, by 2 or 3 I11III,

where8.8 the rose oluster, this time positioned by the

lower tangential edge ot the upper hole, point P, ia

atill oentred haltwq between body top, A, and bridAe

line, ~, i.e. A" • FR. "'e l"Oses are also poaitionet! b7

lUI &rC swint up troll the base line, 'XY, am theretore ot

radius 366 II1II, the overRll width or the bod7. the arc
Pfl88e8 throU8h the lower 1'Oee c_ru•• , r and r' (Fig.99),
and thence throueh point P.

The geometry ot the ~ outline 18 anal7Hd ill P1«.lOO.

Th. 'lower bout' ccmatructiaa, . . can be .... , 1. the

cl&8sic .,.aica pieci./ara or or1«iJt OOIIb1nation, whioh

8eems to ha.... been the custOl8r7 solution. It 4Utere,

hOweYer, rro. the preceding, anal:rud luttle, both 1JeO-

I18tricall.y and harmonical17. Unlike it. rorbeare, the

arc ot origin i8 not centred .t I. (thus a radius

equal to body length AD), but inat.. it ia pos1 tione4

somewhat lower on the oentre line (BOre akin to i ttl

posi tion in nolin eeo-tri_), shown here .t O. !hie

gift. the arc or origin rediae, CD, the ftlue ot 415 _.

which i8 the tirst or the ~ble n4ii or the

bod7 outlines, related, not . . PreYioua11 to the weica

piec1s radii (here 116.5 _, and hal'IDOnicall1 isolated).

but to the inner, inlaid radiua or the ro... , that i.

83... ThUD, the radius or the arc or origin, InI', 18

I '
, U

----- - - - Q


related to this unit, 415 . . _a, _

or 5 I 1.

The vesica piscis tigure ia shown centred at C and C',

its arc, I'J', connecting the arc or origin, DI', with

the Main arc of the outline, J'K'. Thi8 i8 centred at

If, and is of radius 498 _, which i8 equal to six unl ta

of a3 _, and i8 theretore in 615 ratio with the arc ot

origin. Th. outline is conoluded b7 arc K'L', centre K,

radius 3,2 _, which is another 'ftOtor oc_lnaurable to
the unit ot 8, _.
that 18 4' 1.
It theretore tollow that thi. arc ia 111 ,,2'.98 ratio

to its neighbour, that 18 .. - 6

or, it JOU prater, 2 • ,.

The gaometr,r ot the 8plend14. i..-oZ)'-ribbec1 ftUlt ot this

lute 1s de8cribed 111 the tollow1ng two MOtion.. !he

longitudinal 8ectioD 18 drae 111 Pig. 101. !he atm1cbt

'lace' rib is DR, troa which the oune ia 1nitiaW bJ'

arc HS, radius 116.5 . , whioh relatea d1rectlJ to tbe

ft8ica paola arc ot the bod1 plait. and thua conro~,

in thi8 detail, to pJ!'actioalq all the lutea prn1ou.e17

anal,." here. and realiaiDc a d_tsn tn41tlOil sparm1Dg

lIOn than two centuria. '1'hls &1'0. HS. 18 OOI'JtimMld bJ

arc SQ, radius .15 . , which, . . in the nueoheDbers. is

the sue as the aro ot origin (81 thOU8h ill this . . . Il10'
0 _ __

I \\




'- t
" x

rIO .102

also equal to the body length). As we have said, 415 mm

is five units of 83 mm. The curve continues with arc QT,

radius 498 mm, again relating to the front of the instru-

ment, 498 rnm being the main arc of the plan, and six

units of 83 rnm. The curve is completed by arc TO, radius

166 rnrn, which is, of course, two units of 83 mm.

166 mm is also the maximum depth, WIve, of the vault, as

is shown in the cross-sectional drawing, Fig. 102, taken

at the point of maximum width, WW', 361 mm. This," as in

the cross-section of the Buechenberg, is also the radius,

OV, of arc VX, the lowest curve of the cross-section of

the vault. This figure can therefore also be constructed

within a square. The curve is completed by arc XY,

radius 150 mrn, a value not harmoniously integrated to

the rest of the Rauche's geometry.

'\.- ...
" .... ,
// \

\ ",,
\ \



l- J
!be "'Oft ... "olm. an hen SIVUf •• __. . . . _

41.1d.n8tift ...usa ot the late t..t17 01 1Mb 'I _•

. . . t.tuz. ot whioll. to • sr-tezo or I ...........
the7 all poll•••••

letll _ . . . . . . ad ,n'.lSM. _ _ .0" •• _ _ •

II .R wicia ia tile IWS. ' , I_la' ••••1 • . ,. . . .

- otme. all.u. to . . _ b ••" . __ ...... tile

~ of the _ " , ' ............ 11e wi. . . .

lOid!""'a.e . . . . . at tile '11 It ••••• ill eft. . . .

~, Ida_... 11Ite, wIdIIa . . - u - .........
....,... ot 1.... to ~ ... t ...... on-. It u.u.
_ . to tile ~, of ... 1. I.I! 1M. . ,. . . . . "" _
JftIGaapt. the . . . ., ... ,.... ..... ~ Sa lIe1Jrc
lJI taot 1t . . tb18 • laa. NjZ . . . . . . . . . ' " _

atuuUft. 11th •• ...,.. 1...14...... t.,. (.. D'fI).

_1a1a , .... , . . . . . . '.11' "' tam .... L1t • ., . .,

P'OUP of 188'" ,•• -.117 .11.. tile "'8UM ~.

u.t_l17. the .... 'I~' Ilea 111 . . . Sa a uttea.,

. . oloc.tea1 _
to tale taB1u.. of
tb1e ____ • tile
_b 'I.
Sa tIle'l

. . l' 111 . . . te Up~ wi. " . "

4-.1_ . . . . .
rJ i( I I f 1 J.. io.~illi!
F1 I I ! ~ f r f i I I
: ~if.i !

I I! i i~ I.. I . ,Ii -. I =
It !.. )I i =-
E rI
~~ Ii I:

I' l ii)."
f I ; . I _ ,. g J ' ~ I ~ i I I
I •t : iii I i ~ · Iii ~ f I ! ~ : i i !
• f f f ~ I I i Ii : J I I I ~ I i I J J i I ~
; ( fl· i , I i i I l~ I ~ ~ ! ~ I ! I f
!. I i , I r .• I • 1" !

.. xxn, ftc8 10,.107, n. BY




o. l6.iO


...... L222. C.",

...... ..t .....U1. .1~. it u __ to fSBI . . . . . . _
t i . nebaiat et, _ .....>t1lilllell ' - 1
JIIri\7 of tile late, til tile _ ' •• rt'" 1Mb I _ ....

ill al •••t all tile. srl- Sa tIdI . . . ,. . . . .

• • bIUI 11 pl.... '" tIIetz . . . . . _ tIIIiz' •• l4IlaUW

.-uu., .. tJIIk an ••) . . ..-..., WZ'tIl. _ .....

. . tMh' r.ou. _ sial u.b 12_.

tId8 cIeltll'u.t ,.. . . _ E .11. Sa - ....,u. ..
w.. ,.lur. I . p1~ .... , . . i,..,. ,.... Sa ......

__ , . . -.1, • • _ ••• taI ..-1......... of

....,. it .. until • '1m" • ..s..1 ethet. . . . . . .U •

....... widell. '" _~. I b •••• 1 . . O ' iO,..,...

i ' _ aU of ....S•••••• tu . . . . . . . . . ., 01 tile

..tl7 i--:r 1ItdcIIa . . . 3 .s it. . . ., .... too, ...
Mea tat. with the ...,-~. a "..~. a ~i­

M, 01'pId.0 aoont1_ ot t . . . .tio. GotbU ~.

!he Oothio 1t71e appeea to haft ooat1DM4 ill - ...

tile . .t Rltabl• •_118t10 .-11_ tor tile n . . of

_10&1 iD.tZ'U8ew. 1-. an.. it ha4 . . . . . to lie f4

lIItenat 1D othe tiel. . of the 4eoonUft uta. !h1II

..a, BO 4aut. . . to _ u-.t _toh •• t.o1Ut7 toJ:
p1'OY.l4Sac ozn ••• tal. pl....t ~ tdtlda a o1.ze1e.

Ia4. . . . . . . . . the eoleetiot. of tile _ieal iMtn-

_ t . . . that a _Mat 1Mb vt Idcht _11 dS8p1aw

a Hftft17 eu.1a1 __ •••n.t _ •••_t_n.~ ...
reot • •1eU.... 11IIeI wlt1l all tile . .teal n-.. of
cU4" JIoneqw •• , wh1le ill . . - - . . . . . . . . wiD lie

a 1'OH of the panat OotIWI.

!h1a prt• •t taatz __ t • •11 . . . . . -.uM _ _

iii 418. . . . . _~. . . . . . . "" _ .-a_ lathte, . . .

lac ill I~ (poea1'~ "_i..,) SllIIMat 1640. "-

nwal1 pnports... haw __ ..., . . .M~ ~

!he W7 ~ f t . aMtl7 1IIto a.;r aot..rt.. ..

...,1. ...... tb1a. ill ftc. 10" !a aD. . . . . . - ,

~249-,"I!,- ... ~
tIl1a 1M'. tile __ . . . . . Sa a1eo . . 1_" ., tile
..... ( _ , . . . . taat) , . . . . tep. It ., tile . , .
_tal . . . . to A, . . . . . . . . ,..t1. t• ., . .
eound-ho1e, _ b e p. 18 lr7 __ ot a _ t laeauUfIal
_tbod.. ODe alao __ la the . . . . theorbo (BE. XIYh
the 11M WX, ehort.ide 01 ~ta1ldDC notua'l. wrtZ.
1. clropped dowe 011 to the 1. . . 1.. (xt 01" 111) to poiDt
C· oZ' C, the real tlq aZOII (WC' . . XC) iata••at . .
CMft~ft 11ae at ". taw uaot o.abe ot the roM. !he

ltridce poe1tioa. I. rithla the ..,. plue. ID. . . ., .

the _ pzopon1aDtas . . 414 tile "ott.baa oMtan..

(BE. XXIII), that la, at a JOiD' ....t1ftIl
ot the 1aeu..,... that II.U • ••,.
rr. tbe

!be woto.n __ la the :l'Mt of the iBau._t' ....t . .

an all cUnot17. OZ' iIIIlinotq. nlaW to a OJ • • 0 . _

able _it. _, the ...U .... _'liM ue . .1_. wid_ . .

t11'IIt •••8U'14 sa 46.5 •• lid • . , aalea1atS.. . . . . .

t1ne4 .. -lac 46."'·" III t.o'. i-. - 15.555·••
al80 aooo.u tor the Oftall _~I .nte ot __ -StItt
aDd widtll, wh1ah ... ____ . . . . . . . . . . be1ltc Y. ..
'1- J:'MJHU~. !hill _t abe - to '- ....., ..
the atriJIc 1...... d •••••..s.. ~.5 •• 1IIt.1eh ia , ....

ab17 1II. . .ed . . .,. (Mtal~ 46."'·. z T • - . " ,••).

!M ~ odUM ta ReOl.... Sato ita IIII.n.' __ Sa
Pia. 104. ,.. aft of USaU. II'. ia . .tnt at 0 _ tile
_be liM, . . . . ., DO.OJ ia ,.,. Ita au. 1a ... _

t . . . . . • t ..... of . . 1101171..... _. Sa ..... of


_ K'
----- -r=:::--!~- H


"----L, D



frG .105

i-l I _ H'
P'- rs----.lp' .
I :

y -' /

fIG .106
f ! f 5f
~ ; I I ~ i ~ , ii' i ~
I ..
~ ~
t I ~
~ ~ f
.. r • ..
:-'" • r: ~Ifielil i J~ I iI it ir 1f ~I Ir I~ ~~ ~~
If i ~
~ I -
; 1 ~
-~ I~
~ f ~ ~ I
r fi

! :If i=- f,
t ;-) I;'
- r 1 ~ ~ ~ I f
I 5 J I ~ .-
~ 2 (
f &• f llti~li § • If ~ •
=- I
I - II! ! 1 • q
~ ~ ~
I e! ~ , .: p i ~ f : r
J ~~ ii I.. '.,1 ' 1;!....
f r , I
1 i f i
i ( i t I , I ~
· ~ , I: I f , r
II I J :-
i I IiI ~ I ~ ~
· !' i f i
r ~ ~

. i .: l'i'.:I' ~ ~
~I f !.,,:Ir[if i (r
i ~ !
~ ~ ~i; .1 11
I~ ! t r ! I J ? I
f It ~
I ,
· 's · f f
.; I I
W v


~ I
fi I
lit ~ t iii i ! f l I ! lIt ~ f ! I ~
let ~ · I III i I ~ 1 ~ c i ~ i a
f f I I
'4' 1_ f il:t e ~!~ f ~1 ~ ~ e: i f~ ~! oi'
I • S I ~f f .: .~ .iii
f ~ ( ~ ~ j ~ ~ ! I 1~ ·
~J ~t ~ !I ,. i i~ Et I ! f~ I(~ i~ f !I l ( !.I [ :f iI
~ E f I f~.:"
f It 11 • It

I -,. I

Jf (~ ~f ~, !j 1: !f If II Jfir
I I I • ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~
f I ~ f i· .. Iii ~ ! I I

E~ ~ I ~ J 1 I ~ ~ I i
~I •

~ . ! II a r I i f r ~ I f ~ ! • ~ ~ r
i i ~II i ' i r.! ~ I( I ~ ~ 1 : ~ II~ r ~

· I ( r. Iff f I 6 • ! ~ ~ r • r , Ii
i ~ J f. I J 1 = f i If! ~ j j f I i J J
I :

the nut, and RSTU, also 21 rom x 42 rom, which borders the

scroll itself. This last rectangle is further subdivided

by horizontal XY, so that XYTU, 21 mm x 31.5 mm (a 1.5 or

2:3 rectangle) exactly contains the spiral of the scroll.

Again, the classical ionic volute is used, here ceasing

on the outer curve at A, to be continued by arc AB,

centre K, radius 18.5 mrn (seemingly not schematically

significant). The underside peg-box line is continued

by straight line BC, and then by arc CD, centre L, and

radius 118 mm, this being the distance between the two

internal ~ rectangles, that is ZR, or VUe The line is

terminated by arc DE (produceable to Q), centred at M,

and of radius 31.5 mm, equal to the longside of the

spiral-containing rectangle, XYTU. The upper peg-box

curve commences at F, with arc FG, centre N, radius

118 mm, echoing that of the main lower arc, CD. A

straight line, GH, connects this with arc HI, centre 0,

radius again 31.5 mm, and small arc IJ, centre P, radius

9.5 mm, marries the upper curve to the inner ionic


---} .y Ih :,~j
f'\ C (iC)
,~ \
~:\ 1
~I '\
'Q/ \

- -

I ,.

... XX'YIl. ftca 108-112, Pl. XXYl

c. 1710
!ttr. AlI'l'OJIO SftlDITARI

U. __ pttOll to tbe c1eooaU... ~ of ,1_JeII-

iftatnaent clMip reart.t ..,.. ill the ta. . . .u. of
\h1a aeotJal. !ben, I Mid 1t . . aft to t1JI4 the

44tOOfttt" Z'HbaiJlt of the noli11, .... ha'e, ta thla

.-.pte. _ haw prec1M17 tllat, • ' . , Jluall:el tnatn-
__ t, which we oou14 oa11 • 1111 •••• ...sols.. of ,laSII
ud r ...:rNd 4_ip. 'l'hla...-.1 ~ 111 s-4Sate-

17 expl.SMd on GaII.lel. . t,. of the Saab _" ........

8blp. tor tile Mlldl1as of . . . . ., tile
lMM, ~q,

\be aarf'l'riDc __ t_,

..m.s of . .
tile ..tatakalt1e .-s.11_ _ of

all pob' to _ _ - Alttl.1e

8tB41ftZ"l. A 4lnot abeok of tile oatlSM wi. . .

_te'a oric1na1 pa,.......... u411 Oz. PID9iW

Sa Ilia

fta:rtbao _t'bat., pa'''' 10. 420,12 • "IoU.

Ceriato". n be1Bc _ aaot --ta,ut lD 'bo47,
~ poe1tl_ • .a4 atriac 4lapoftU. (I. . IloUt.-
___tift z_baSat _ . of ~ ... _Ual ....

taUUo of ftn41........ ___ ... thet1.. .u f_ . .

tb1e .-.- 1a . . .' sl, 110•• , •• p . . . . . the . . . u...

..u.c 01_ . . that fa.t ill tile _ " " 1-.u• . .
. . . of tile -.Iou. .wUillc a _ a t e ........cd_

of 2.,. a . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . of tile BII111u1 Y1011ll

of 110' (III. un), al. . . . BOt 111 tM "Ia7 OU"J,

nelS. of 1", (IL m). " - . tuUwr ~ ..w

,.d1t~ M of . . 1a pSapoiau.. the tate of tile • •. .

liM, tibia at 1a..u.W to .. wltlWa . .

t1zat --V , . . of tile 1ItIl -ta:r.

follow the _ , .. . . . . . tile .., .. It. . NsI . . .

al. . . . . Sa tIda __ tile ~ s ....'v.. "'-cl. . .

_t of a.l7 a ..tft_t ,...,.,u.. !tal e1. . . . . . . . ..

.... 111.. I .... ., ,..sU.". . . . . . . .tn lit'

tI!OJpfac tile net...1• .w. __fult1_ _ _ _ tile
_ t n 1_ . . ~...... s.. 11.8... ....-u-•
....... _ . . . . .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 ..... 101.

Aeata, tile 'IIIUp . . ,..sU••1 at a 1'5••., a~

ot the ~ 1. . . . (. . . . .'5), 81-.- . . . tile

_ ....u. - ... tta1te .. JIII'Mbe -

••D • 191.' "248.5 - • 1.251L

I ~ I !
i I
rI i~ i ~ I I
i I
I i ~ I ~ I
t ~ r i i i :,; I ~ i ,
~ ~
i-I f I
f i ~
I :i I• ! 0:" 5. ~ f =
· i!I ~
I ?jf!l;ii
I r I:E ~ f -, ,.f If!. J2 •~ ~I ~ :tI !I ( rf ~lfJ,'if
I I I i I g I 1

1 f t r I -I : f e I ~
r f I

- f
~ ~
r ~ i
~ i f I ~ I I &5
' I ( i r ( . • s:
~ - i •
. I
· I ~
(11 = I
I It 1 { ~ i. I
I I!~II· ......1'. ,. ff~;!fl
f I ; ~ i. J ~ i f,f;,j~ ~1 i r i l"

I f I · 1I I
.15~~~ Ii"
I•I ~• I liJll!~
I ~ I I'
, t;.
ii' ,~ i

I ~i t £I-
;' I'
. . liP IIi ~


--- Jj~'
-1H:i."~:--~-;;;;--- -. IK"

D I"

!'be MOIII01V ot ton 1JI the ~1'e, 1III1otl applW the

. . . CRU'ft to bod7 plait .... :t.I«lta41Da1 patile. 18

niet_' here (Pi«. 110) ud apia tM bcN1;J i . .1i8htll'

deeper thaD halt 1\. wl4t1l. DI- 18 tile .,,111« 1aoe,

arc I-J" 18 c_u.t at Ow, nd.1_ 49.5 _. or ,., U'O

J"r-. centrad a' r, 1. ot nodi. 116 _ (\be 0ftftl1

wl4th) I ucl are I"L- ta 495 _. or 10..

!be aoe.·seo,1an tUe ., tIM 1I'1o.t ,.1D'• •'. 18

11..- 111 ftc. 111. BP . . R'P' aft "-·1..... of . .
oapp1Jt« :db. !'he aazw of U. :db ..uc. 18 ~

lara oent1'ecl at S: are p •.-(p) 18 f4 a d t . 56 _ ••

ftCtor DOt 1'elaW to the _1' 11Gb ••••

!be .01,._ aact_____ tne 1MeI, with ita '-'1talq

CftU"NCl ~, is _ . ill pNftle 1D ftc. 112. .....

of the . .ta1DiItc no'-Sla. IIe1Ibt. If, . . . . . . . . . to ..-l the d'.lteI" of tbe M q . . . . . . ~

Ire. \be top of ... wl• • to ... ad, a, ..-J.a

141.5 ... -.~",.o.5-~~-. . .

thta 41.'--. 142 _. 18 ... ...,. tall 01 a 2., (1.,)

_tfto ,HIPs• • •, wIdob . . . . . . . . ue aAll of tile
,..,,_ GUu_. altll. . BOt _ _ of tile 'fttbIte. !he
IIU'1ee _tau of tat. tou.o.s.. IlilU. . . . 1Ia1_.
28, 42. 6" (94.6) . . . 142.
z~~ __ ~ __ ~ -==-_______________________ ________
____ ~-~-

t; '.:.

The outer curve of the head starts at 0, with counter-

curve arc OA, centre P, radius 10 mm. The main outer

volute curve, AB, then follows, and this is centred at K,

and of radius 17.5 mm; it is related to the next term,

the radius of arc Be, in the ratio 5:12, arc BC, centre
0, having a radius of 42 mm, the first of our 213 pro-

gression vectors. It is followed by the large arc CD,

centre L, radius 142 mm (2:3), and finally by arc DE,

centre M, radius 63 mm (213). The upper peg-box contour

is initiated by straight line ZQF, leading to main arc

FG, centre N, radius once again 142 mm (2:3). A short

straight line, GH, links this to arc HI, centre ° (shared

with BC), radius 28 mm (213). The volute then completes

the head with inner arc IJ, centre X, radius 6.5 mm.
. . xrrtII, ft8e 11,..118, Pl. XX'fII



!'be _ _tieD or the ",o11tD .....u. a' ... la'SDp

to II1a4 Ute 014 .tozo;r tha, the ~ _ a ........,•••

..., • ~,.... Of OGUM, tile -..,oU." •• IDlDe . .

~17 4....10,.., or IIhcNl4 It '- .,.......... " ' _
- . . .t 11Jceq . . . . . . . of tM " - •• s. ~ of

l.thlua, 1M' It ftPZ~_~ __ • __ f4 . . 11ocioa1

eo1eo'laUa tbat It 18 -.u ........., the suallel of

the . . .1

",1.,. 1. 11m. _ a....

.tc.,r 8bota1d . . . ., lUe1t. !be 1Mb
',2. a .... of ooek..
taU. of p...s.-q aepuate 14eu ... , .. . . . CIIIIIIdII-
ills ftoUa t.dnc wi. 1. . . . trt..,.., .. '-'7 to. ...
u.1tua of . . ."....., the ,..... __e . . . . . ......

. , . _ of tbe p i ' -. . . . . . . wi. . . . . . . . . . . . ......

... ablIt8 . - - . . f4 tile lid........,...... 'lIl•••

1Mt . . t .__ . __1'1'. tile ........ II.' . . . . .
(1............beuI. wi. - " •• nataa alii ,...
. . . wlth ,'ltaiR . - ) , -

. . . .teII t ..... Sa • •Io1s. t •• t. -.., ..

not.....vw, _ ....
lie , . . .
Wh7 - - • IQ'ftthM1II .. the _..,.,11_ .....oU,_ voarl"
111 • -loolodaal ..-tiaB _1Gb .... DOt a __ n -

ben. What..u. the iDtIu..t _ tB~ ..t

1IIponut . . .1da. t. ,.~ • ..., 18 1ta __
paaUftq _ _t ltU1ll. 111 th1a toa o1na 1740. whi_.
t1Z'IItq, _we __ ....,. S_ of f1II4i11c _ ......1.

ftJ:7 - . z ' to tIIe . .tea uaMtna . ., .1"17. ~

erid__ of Id4 18t1l .-ta17 p.I'OJOJ'tiena1 ~ta. wId_.

11 p __ t Sa the ....... ..w ha. 11M to haw . . .

awlS.. .n1wl7.............. . . s a l e h. . . . ,.n of

• JMd- cleas.t -.uu..........uUr ~

.... __ ta. . . .,tBc 11 tile, • •Ull ~ ...11_U.

of PI'O~ ....1tqe . . .1. . . . . . ~ • JIR10I

__ ... ..-11V of i.'•. ot .....u... . . ot _ _
t ..... _ ......... to . .iM Sate • nata of


lB tM 'ff_oeda 11.... _ ..u_.

~_. t..t~ tp;

_ . . . . of riolt.. . . . .1M. IFGeI ••••

.....01111••• , . . till " ' - ' " of tile 18th to till _ of

tile 19th _taiee. tIa1a" I _ ,. ..... UlI' ~

_ to __wi. -m.dIIc - l ' .... L E DIS. fa. . . "B,

UM1e-neJ)be.-...00u8U, zwlatiOJl8hlpe, eaoh ~ B---
log1_1 reepect one to uoUler b7 pua1Dc U'Omtd the

__ t_ Chriatian..... ot their wos. It 1a tau to

aq that, whl1. the Y101iBs theJ pzocJuoed an ather
poor17 oonoelft11 and ___ted. their or1«1Ba1 onaUoM,
the ..-ow, __ol1Ma. 8Il4 tbelr 4. . .t.os--t of' the

Illital',14 __ ~ the bIDte ot tbe .zoe _ I U "

____ ot the t..tl7. are tiM iaau.ln_. both 11s
ottol.. ot _tftt.ale. ~. ancl 4eoon.tlO1l, u4 •

. . will be ft1lal . . ' " tile ~ or til. f'01l.o1riJw

...,1., a1eo 111 a.1p ocmoeptt..

with ....,.... _ _........ OI!._ _ _It

. . . . . . . . __

1 ta pod .-u. --.t- _ ... Me • .t1U1e , . .~

... taw _Clal _ _ ~ ... -.1_'1. Sat. . .

u.. 1IIIIriIIc'" n.nt . . . . . . . . . of ,ta aiIIt.... .
tile "milia _ 1 1 _ · leU_. . . I __ . . . . ......

.... • ~1. til ~ -tate, JIl"I. -'11'

Sa . . . to iliad ••• tile


or air . . . .ts •• , ..
{~ b c
FIG. 113
'"" •••• aII4 the . . . . oaUs. Vleet ..... 111 ......u.
aboIat ' - ,..n. aft . . . . . . . . :III ftc. u,. tile

1a~ 11* lMttw. ...... tbne Utt...... ..ut•••

(at II. 0) 18 tile, . . , lilian a __ •• ....u~ta1

atto ot 1."'· - all . . . . oaUs.. . . . . • .....Sn •• •

ill • '.5 not.«le•

• tOZ'tuDateq. t.heJ:oe 18 80' __ ..... ~ .. ~

_:re tJIaII . . .-.pie ot Yj-.ta -=folt.. . . . t.ta.1

o1IDl_ ... to h .... _ _ _ ' - . . .1•• a n. • d lle

't palla,. tile _ , ••• ".I1'M (....

I U ' " t4 tile

n,.), ... 111 176, '" Alatae10 '".-ta, __ ..u.

ODe of 175' (tne ftc. 11,.) , . . Jrb .e "fI....t ••
tbill 1M'. la . . . . ..u- ... ....u.. et I . t .......
,taB. 1aok4Ml the eopldauaau. of . . _. tile

.Ioha11D.· _ .... to tile • •' . _aha".. (1' 18

the . .1lea' hapollteD .....1t. I "W __ -'le ..
1oo&te) ud -rille a _ , '.r:•• d ... ~.nII _•
. . ebol_ _ .....

..... . . . . of tide 1Mb lit u PI Eat", _ ......

•• •• --"1, .,.... u _ ....UI.'lI' .... ill tile __

.t"'.IM, .1e, ... ~ pU, , . ... blat .,

tile :lzeb dill', tile . . . ill -..'aUJtc ... ..u..l/

1~ ~. . . aft . . . ill " - _tt of . .
(-r ~

:iI :
I ----1---

!-----l-..--=::!::-~D~:O:::: --- _c_____ •C

- _---y- _ _ _..J.

Flu. 114
OGIIpOIMnt area. lather MntU1I11T. Nth _11:.. _ _
u4 1I1Dor, an p.,. 18 the zoo-. of the 1Mb- •••• .,.
II1Dor ani,. 27.25 _, ia the zwl.1._ or the t . . _ I t.

hoI. OJ*tiDtr.... the -.1or WIlt. 47.5 _. 111 the ft4ja

ot the CNter %'08e 1Ioz04_.

!b. notaDplar Il'1d aanta181rw . . bod7 18 . . . 111

n.. 1141 &1104, . . . . _ u - d eu1iH. ill • ,., net-
-.le. ~ m - :It 16,., _ (1."'). All wU ..
the - . l _ t a l 'IUtiaal ub. thin aft . . . . .....u.-
tal Uriltt..• •f . . . . . . . ~I er. _ .ct, ,.... . . . .
.-t1all7 tbroacb -- ......1••• C, the _u. of ...
uo of ol'1cD. 41Y14i1W .... 1IIto...-a .rei, ... I.,
(2.,) ZH'-81e. ute. ........ 111 ld...w • 110ft-
_tal BE'. 1Ib1011, aput r:r. M1Itc tile .uen petat of
the iMu..,. 111 alAo tile aut poel.S. o f " 1Iori-
IIOIltal ....... of the zab4 . . . .- . . . ... the Ridp

u ••

!be 0" bor1saIlW, 1.1, ,w ' - ...... ...n1aala. kl

... _. an fuothat Sa. . . .' 4ineS. . of the 2., ~

-.Ie ufe. lD"ce 114 ~ aft ~ _ to,,,, u...

Hribe . . . . . . . . .le os-illa .., an tbent. . " , ? I e

ot .u. 54e~ - - ' " IdBU' . .te,.. !he tOR .......

_ioh aft .-nen ot et.t. aN all of .u.
D -- --

fIG .115


!he ajozo .t,. V, 41.5 - . nca1a- . . ....uoal/U-r

pzopont.tac . . . 111 fta'. 115. AR. . . atrillc ~•

••. - n 8 »2.5 _. or 7U. l' ill 41ft4e4 a' B, 80 ....., .d.

the MGt . . . . . . . . 142.5 _. 51.... D 190 - . - 41J.

!hi. lu'. 190 _. _ 41f. ill aleo the 41at.Doe PD. I'OM

_u. to tall. !be lu' ' - aU-, bzaaIrete4 Sa n.-


... "
aft tbe.~

_. _ 28..... tile a....... *1.

ot the.t. . . . . . . . ibelt•
UU . .

. . . . D .......... 142.' -... ,w.

OZ'' !he Bat an. I'l'. _ _ 0' . . . a ___ '-

tIae '-SUer ....i_ pi . . . lu ___' ~, 1IIWIIa,

_ . . ., . . _, pI• •' Sa . . laW' YlNOCda

!be .arN b ...,s-a '" _ J'l't . . . . .t _ tile

."..i_ ..... to11Pt,.. . . ID l,...u- ot I'l~

... an. at ... ,.sat of wd .wtll•• mU• ..-1




fiG. t 17


fI G .118

therefore also equal to the radius of the arc of origin;

when produced upwards, arcs J'K' and JK enclose the inner

soundhole in the upper part of a vesica - see previous

two example? The main curve of the outline, arc K'L',

is centred at M, and of radius measured as 409 mm; this

is 2.5 x the width of 163.5 mm (408.75 mm), or l5u.

The longitudinal profile, proporti~nately much deeper

than the preceding mandore and Milanese mandoline, is

drawn in Fig. 117. DP is the wide capping rib, or

'lace'. The curve of the vault is initiated by arc PQ,

a quadrant arc, centred at 0, and of radius 41.5 mm, that

is U. The main curve then continues with arc QR, centred

at N, and of radius of 408.5 mm, or l~ (408.75 mm) - the

same as the main arc of the front of the instrument. The

radius, NQ, of this arc passes through the rake of the

sound board , ED, at 90. The curve of the profile is then

completed by arc RT, centred at S, and radius 82 mm, or

3u (81.15 mm).

Finally, Fig. 118 is the cross-section, made at the point

of maximum width. Here again, a vesica construction has

been used - only once before found in a vault construc-

tion, that of the equally geometrically beautiful chi tar-

rone by Buechenberg (Ex. XXIII). Arc ZX' is the cross-

section arc of origin, centred at E; its radius, 119 mm,

equals 2.5U (1l8.15 mm). Arc X'W·', centre Y', is the

vesica arc and, like the small lower arc, PQ, of the

profile, measures e~actly 47.5 mm, or U. A shallow curve,

WID', centre V, finishes the section before the lace UIH';

its radius measures 163.5 mm, the same as HH', the width

of the mode'l, that is 6u.

The head of this mandoline is of the flat, guitar type,

with posterior pegs. It is mounted at the usual shallow

angle to the neck (about 1500 ), but, to avoid confusion

8~d distortion, has been depicted 'flat' in the main

drawing, in the same plane as the neck and table of the

instrument. This method has been adopted for this type

of head, and the guitars which follow have all been so

ri1i) CIftDD

itA nther ipob1e IdBd of !a,vJlrrnt p1Qe4 . . ooltblen

aM barben lt .. the _ _ _ , .••• 4 GIl tbe oittua tv'
PzutGri_ iD 1'19. 76 other oc.t ... ozu:r zetua. . .

on. rioh 111 ~ Bl1oer, altIo eu.. tb1a .t118

l_q eta__ • _ ~tq ~ rn. tM -tezJr:u.
ot tile ~ of the 17. _~. ~b' .....
111 ""lui, who ~ • oitwlll t. the .antl .iwz-
eS. of -.itiDs _ . . . . . 1IIlt. . . . .telI-. tIae ~

of .table. eb- )Ple. _tal ~, pnrri4s., bz1.abt

tU'II pzo.pW the iHdtUle pualle1a of eM7 ~ •

•• lIuber'. o1t. . . t . ftU7 ~ to ~ .,..:n

In t&ot, hiato17 bu __ wki"" to the o1'tea. , . i '
waH appeal" . .t iu ~ __ of • WII7 uttw.,

_ _ ..., bid ...,la_sn ......s.- to __. .

u..p (... ~ . . . BOt • t.) • ... cd''-'. aft

.Wt ae17 the _ , ~. . ., .... ill • wa:r
zetiBe4 . . -1"11 ••'.'. S.b •• , . . . _ OR

tint -.1e. W.taa, _ 1NIIel18 ., . . .teak of . .

. . . . • Wl

of tt. ~,
2SF j . . .

01" . . . .
tilt - .••••1

et tile

0"', .. ..s..t

~. Iu ftlaU...~ II1apl..... _~t atno-. __ t
that the otttea . . oheaper to ....., tMa the . . . lDbi-

--17 __ tn.,*,

_1v ... oheaper

1_•• whil. 1_ win .~. .

put10uluq 1a tIMt
toft"l4 Italiall aliM. . . . . . . like _ ...,. 0"

_ _ , 1t _ tint .....lope4. Y.t • ...,1. 1ta _ ••

....t popalarit7. the 01"-- . . at tint _ J.e.

ftIIU'4.. u.a the 1. . . . . . . . . ..,.,.a. rn. tile ....18

ot the 16th -tu.r•• ta1r17 at.a1w pdBtet z.,...

to1ft ot 1_ . . .11
Ell. XXIX, ~ U9-l2O. n. nnn

o. 16501


!'be . . . .Uw ri4lhz . . . . . . . .~ NIl pnS. of ...

1'1nt 01"-- I' u..., to tile Ueu.a-
lIe ill . . . . . . . .
_t'. aoIale eta. ill 11'" _~ I~. Ia nwall

t . . . . . ill --V 4eWla of 1_ ~ ouwt . _ -

Uoa, ittou.. the ....ut-t " " . ~ lIr

CUoluo 41 ftroIWI19 la tile . . . . . II&lt of tilt 16t1a
-tu,. !h1a 01'__ , rn. ... Pari? _ . . . .toin

oo11..u_. MIll ita a1Fte Sa tile A-.'-- aft "oUW-

~ ot latea- clate, ~ .........t .-i_ .. late ..
tile, ot 1100 o••d •••lq ct--. ... U . . , . . l8II.
__ l' _ ••••1MA 111-. .t.J. x.u...,-eo the PuU
o1t__ ... ~. _ . . . . . . . to 1ta pn4f.c1-
oatt 7*S•• _tit _ .~, ........... 1aItel.

ot Stn41..zol. A'''' u. (lIM), l' _ .taW ..

_l-..s ... to . . . . .t fte1SaSzt .lluC, _ , l' zhoe1.

- In.1

-tuJ' lat1de1" ... ftelSa _f.... "_ ..

'BII, . . tile __in-law of U. illput_, 1,..
~l~. I . . , . n tIWI pIIrio4 ot ita bUtoz7 to ..

the 0ri«J.a ot tbe .ttrilNu. ..... peMiblJ abo tha, ot

the label - 111 U7 . . .t. it ill • pat to. to the

Idator,' ot 1.tIIerie that tile . . . _tIIonbl, of ......

two tiM o1ttema (~ the Pari. . . ut.Dl_ 0011eo-

'1. . ) 18 BOt a...

!be 00IId1t1.- of the Puta 1aa. . . ., 111 ~ ...... al-

" " ' " the ...u f"Ntte4 me. ill 1I1aa1ltc. !be bridc'e.
too, 111 poaltl••• 1Boca'ftOt17. IN' ... __ . . .iW Sa
the ~t-huI lid. of . . .ttU17.

tbe " " , . _ , h1ch-nlW GU"I'!ac *1aIl . . , . . tile

~k .t the '80114' . . . . _~ • al. _ t...t.
-vr iD • leafJ ~. rz.a. _loll ~ . I p l i
_.I'a-, OIIIIIIOt be . . . rna tile , . . , .1. .U. of tile

nwaled • ftZ7 oaaM _ of ClIW • • .-1e , •• 11..1111,

1'OftIIl" tbe t •
_t _17
.. taU~

. . . . 111 Pia. n,. _.N ...
. . . . . . . .w ' -
• us. ZII4ti.... a1M ...,..

!Ida pU la
.ut.. 11 . . . . withla

340.' - <D> .227- (mr), . . thentore baa. aU.

• t 227 - •
1 5
: /1I
~ __ J[)- - _..
I'-~_ Y-" ) .'0
\y--- : '
. ~r--'),
r . •

rIG. 119
J !. , Ii!' ! I~~ f i ~ i I I 5 '~l ~ c: i ~ i ! ~
I , I!! r I : II • ~ i I "'w l 1
iii f f i ( i; f ~ I : r ! ;i l
i i r
I f ~i~
,; i
II l I f
i EI I
• 'It

.!i &:
~ = Ii
i f
i I fiE'
[ .-. ~ l
Ff ~ ·~ -~ I£
Iff 1 [ f it-
• ~ ~ &
~. f .. ,. It ~.
I' -
= I
Ie . . . :' ~J
g c:
~ ~
I c\' I ~
iii f ,,' f II:
J i ~ r(- I i l .. ~
1 ~I I ~
tot •

a. ! N • I e. ~ I -. ~IN F... I a.
f :i ; • I ~ ~ Ii; ~ ~ i
f :

1 I ~ ~
~ • f I r Ir ·[ l f :
f !--.Ir:i(
1"0 e. (
I ·If' i·!
I.. l~ it: i : :
I It-II: -e
j !.I ! III 'I" i. Ii ..

t ~
f If : ~ f iii ; f i I; J : ~ I~
I• · i
r . f,. , It f i ~ iff a ...
_ O.,·/'_____ 'CL __ __ ~ H'

fic;. 120

AE (444 mm), or, alterantively, the bridge position

within the body axis, BD (ED = 103 mm).

Tne simple ,body outline, consisting of only three arcs

per side, is dravm in Fig. 120. The lower part of the

design, as we have seen, is a semi-circle, centred at C.

Dealing, as usual, with only half .the outline, the arc

of origin, centred at C, is quadrant arc DR', radius half

the width, 113.5 mm. The remaining two arcs are both of

the same radius. The centre for arc H'I' is at G, on

the other side of the model; it was arrived at by a pro-

cess described above .(CG - ~~5 = 11f:;mrn ,. 15.666·mrn)

and gives H'll a radius of 189 nun (measure~, or
l13.5mm x 2 + l13.5mm as calculated = l89.l66·mrn.
1.5 3

The counter-curve of the shoulder are, IK', centre JI,

was also measured as 189 mrn, but here no mathematical

justification for its centring could be found. The

relationship of the two radius vectors of 113.5 nun (DH')

and 189(.166·) mm (Hili and IIKI) is another simple

whole number ratio: l89.166mm = 1.666· = 3:5.


The complex side elevation of this cittern's head was

judged unsuitable for geometrical analysis, as was the

shallow, curved peg-box of the following Tielke cittern.

IlL XXX, J'1&e 121-12" n. XXIX

JELL crrrl'JUl





Aoo. 10. RCI( ,.,

' - - 1D Oem...,. _ tile ft. t-ra- C1~. (UtU.

o1'teDl ot ••'-')' tIdII la. l'OIli of' o1ttuD . . _ ,

, ......~ the iBaw.u. of' tile .-t ~ J.....S·

ftellat, . . . . weft th1a 111' •••' .nBl1e Ia. _ tld8 1a

tM eu>11eet ftelb 01'''' (1676) - l ' ....w _ tIIa,

be . . . ..q tile 'lIeU' tne - ... l ' follow ..., l '
_ , ateo be . . olden ....,.. . . .U 01...... !be
iMa--t _ . . . __ ftalD . . ~.,. ~

old, .......... dUl ...., of Ida la'- _ _, . . .

tbeu t.1lIu", ___. . . .' SIItudM et .'.....1

al~. or. S ' - t10al ••••• , It Sa " ,.,
....... .wa ill . . , . . .......... 1_ .".t-
u.c. iaus... . . . . . . . . . n- _etA.... dah

_ . . . . . . ., bIne not . .W l' Jd.D4q, " " . to _
oan~ ...-t17 of - '. . . . tbe fuotbR u.~

ot ....... .,.... ...... to be _ altaau., too, ..


rIG .121

poa1t1cm, th1. JIG doubt ftftlt1Da .hall the d1tft~,

t.1Dc prob1_ ~t 1JI the oittaa.

!he a..icB swo-tr.r ot thi. 01tteD 18 a ta1r17 oc.p1a

blend. 0' a ~ irftU.oM1v" .n.t aUo, ana

a18ple oa••• Plua'bl. proporiiGla. J.lthovcb, 111 tIll8
.tuq. we haft not cleal t 41raoU,y with ff .,.-~, it
.... , 1ft tact, __ taoitq ..-tuwl _ DGiIIUO_ oooa-
.1oBa 1ft . . . .lats.. with the ftd_ p1H18. !b1a laft

tipn, 80 81ap17 oonau.otea. ia _ _ hae 1ft Pic. la,

. . . . be e!rola, 0IIItn4 at 11 &III at 'Y, . . or earn a.

iDe baa lNMD .u.. to ahow .... at1_1 oa.......le

attud.t1.. of \be llfiU tbel_ h'ats.c..1 ff pI'OpoztlGa
(1.7~). !he .,..1_ p18aia 1. .11 .... air ats., 1•••

~ • 1.7}2. !he Jr notE ale, 111 ftc. 121 'IDZ,

po•••••• ..., o~, ftt1oDa1, ~U_. l'
,_ta1u' two eqa11atea1 t.rIUC1 .. , SW ... Uft. . . .
1n d1a&'o-1 (Zl) 1a ~0Z'8 tw10a 1ta .a.n 8,.,81
i\8 . . . . 18 Wi. ita _ ana, ... ita __ , or aUe,
1. thzw tiMe that ot ita Ne1~.82 ,,-,ff
.,.-u, 1. a111ecl to \be aiIIpl. a ~ ••• taalt1e au.. of
112 aDd 1.,.
111 . . jlllI.t.' plat tIIe';;-...sat atio ill 1.1".
tMa 18 t Z 1.732, ad ia ~ tile aUG of the .....
half of a~ rectangle - in Fig. 121 WXVU or UVYZ. This

is the ratio of the rectangle surrounding, or containing,

an equilateral triangle, or a Gothic arch. It is used

here to herp plan the body area of the cittern, while

the instrument's outline curves are determined by a

related and sympathetic commensurable series.

No significant overall proportions of length concerning

the nut position, string length, or head length could be

discerned; nor could any rationale be determined for the

assured (and certainly not for the actual)8 3 positioning

of the main rose. The proportional discussion there-

fore concentrates on the plan and outline of the body


Rectangle WXFE (Fig. 122) is the overall body-containing

rectangle of the cittern; it is a compound of 1.133

ratio (~~t::), the main division being horizontal U(Q)V.

Point Q is the longitudinal tip of a constructional

vesica, and rectangle WXVU (233 mm x 201.[1] mm), the

short half (1.155) of the~ vesica-containing rect-
angle. UV passes through the corners (U and V) of the

instrument, and through the centres R and R' of the two

small, lower roses. The remainder, rectangle UVFE

(~~~~mm - 3.13[9]), can be expressed as two squares and

a~rectangle or symmetrically as two squares and two

1.155 rectangles. The body length, ED, can also be


E D f
fIG .123

arri'Nd at b7 oalculatiClil troll the ~ n (or XU) -

&Jl 1apo:rtut oat1tM 1'&41_ - amd tile atlo ot ita

The ~ dea1&D t atl11 COD.'' ' witb1a tbe iIIportaat

NOtand.. WXPB ud WlW. ill 4za_ ia Pia. 12,. wi ttl

aro or or1c1a. JII'. ill :Nlah4 to the -.1or nctanc1e

un 'b7 their ___ oatze at C, aa4 b7 the uo'e tIS-
t~ :nuti_, CI' (132 _), .mi_ Ii. . uaot17 .. tile

1Irportut 4laaoMl W. All ..........t ana zelat. ( ....

. .aun.hq) .,. their nail to the tti. . . .l ot the IdJlo1t
notaq1e WXft whl_ WZ'7 __tiMq toma tbe ute •••

:null. ot the nat an. !bill uo. H'." wboae otaUe l1ae
at the oppoeite . " . ooner. W, ot the _Wallie net-
-.1_. OOIIHOU, 1»7 Ita UaorilMNl . . . .t. the ..,

~ ot UPB ...a WDV. Ita n4~. the .,....1 W

of tM latta', 111 ,a6 - - wb10Il - .... a1ftIM1I ____

ten4 .. tile "Net. 'tIlWIh. 1I.r aala.latial, . . ill. . .
"'1u7 . . . . . tbe . . '_taSllt... ftOtIIIt&'l-. . . .
. . uoe. 111' --' B'" ~, lOBI tIMI te.r put of
tile oatU,_.

!he appu" ou.tue It.... _ a' the 00Dft ." with . . n.,
oetncl a' 0' ..... of ads.. 102 _ - th1a 18 tile tun

of the commensurable radii relationships

306 mm 102 mm

= 3 1.
Centre G' appears to be positioned by rectangle EN'G'e

which, measuring 180mm x 120 mm, has a 1.5, or 3:2,

ratio. The outline continues with straight line I'J'

connecting with arc J'K', centre 0, on the opposite

side of the model, and of radius 102 mm - echoing that

of VI'. 0 lies on the diagonal WV, and is positioned

by dropping an arc down from WE (116.5 mm). The final
arc, K'M', is of radius 5lmm and centred at L', rectangle

b'XA'L' having a ratio of 1:2. The 51 mm radius yields

commensurable ratios with the other radii of 1:2 (102 mm)

and 1:6 (306 mm). Moreover, the radii of the roses,
13 mm and 26 mm, themselves in 1:2 ratio, also appear
to conform, though not precisely, to this same commen-

surable scheme.




ix) OtJI!lARS

'1'he origin. aDd ear17 ot the p.1 tu, 11k. thoae

ot 80 ~ :lft.t~b, 11. 111 oonfWI1oD aDI obHar1V.

Pi tltul17 tflfl early a.pl_ eunS..... ftO 4. .' )lU"tlJ
dae to the 1netru.nt'. uu.. OCID8tnot1aBa1 tncUl• •

anc! thus to ocmtualG1l and obaoarlV Sa ..... the .11.tor-

tian ~ ftl'riYbc n14 __ • &1'llI1Uvi17 _1..... '"
aooid_t aD4 . . wh1a ot tate• .,. SpalM -ru..1a
(.lthH 'da ..-0' or faa Jllllht). r. ...,1., 111 . .
tint iIIpOl'...t pltu-v.e iDea 'Ft. Sa 1ta _ _
&II ~ .. the 1.te (ot UP oriclII) . . .t.-
. . . . Y.t thla SDaU._". tw 1IhleIa aiatII • 111. . .1.
l1teatue, 18 f t. . . . . . . . . . . ~ _ ....s.....
....,le.85 _ ut1taet wIWIII 0R14 wl1 _ 1. JIll• • ' "

U. to 1. - ...,u..l ......... -.s-l.

Ifwo epeo~ ot 16....... . , pitan haft __ . . . . .

_. IIIl4 both 01 __ an ...,'s..l17 -.11 (tile
~la. _ the 0" .... _ to lie_ _ _ • ~

lup 1a8u __ t). ~ 01 . . . . . . . Saa" ret., J..t

Dht1.e.86 18 111 tile fGU" NiZIW eta.. Ga,• • •t that

1m 1t7 Je1G1do1' . . . et Lb. . . . . . . . . tiw _U.I•• !lie

. . . of both ..... iDe'____ aft ot .... wdW tne.
tItdcIIa . . pertl,. the _ . . t ..._ --..u.. !M
nat lIMIt VPe 18 "pl'.'" __ "' . . . . . . . "1,.1e
- the iW1!7 CoaM. . . of ... WZ7 . .lied tlat-_.e4

pitas that aft.....,!he Cldtua

""-B_ "" ..... x...... 11M _ _ _1eOW _ the t:IdZ!I


1,.. -tu.r. a ,..w. wIdtIl u. ..taYe . . . . , . . .

, . . , . . of tIda...,. &JUt,.. . . _ . . . fa. ftw
. . .1e 0 . ._ to Ids eDcla 8t:dap. tile _ " III'

t"- . . . . .t ...,. alteau.. _til to ita ..........

wh1ab . , . ..... at 1__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !iili&'ft&u.1 at

the alat . . . . . - ' ....... tlJr. to 1_ S-- .1._tIe

_a.aou...... _ It.f . . . . . . . cu ••• lIuJrIaII
S - - U - Ml,.. to . ._ tile dill •••1'1'* 1IIdAIIIl

aft _ r-u1R te .......... It . . Sa tide patel.

too. . .t ... eM n.Ia n .. Il ..... wi.. Ita _I~

tiel ffttII. _ Rpl .... '" _ ..,ltel n . I fIett.1 _ •

... ... e1....t , ....... a42'eW '" tile _

... __ ..........i_ ..... -
... thet18 ~'. _ ~
.1 •.. * .... ,.. _ .II 3

_ _... _ . . . . . . t ••

W . . tIda . .tp _tu It ••• tile . . , Mil

",11 WIJ Uttle Sa _
iac ......... ael.J ~
..... _..a.. 2.
_sol, ita __at •
• ..
tIIJ- ......... to the .....1. . . . .toan ~ . . . . ._


DOBT.1J8(II COLLJCI!'la.. BOrA!. COt.J . . !II _10, ~

&00. . . . 111

.... ot th1II n..,. l i l a . _ _ _. . . . . . . . Ida ~ ....

'drills S-b pte . . . . . . . ._ .... ( ..... _

eicb' .~) - - •• , '.'7 .. - ,., ,1. ill . .

16'" -'-7. JlU'''.-_~ Sa ..........
t ......... • ut. . . . . ., . . -.zoli8n
l' . .
,.Ie ..
r. tile

JriaW.- Mas'. ___ Sa ~ . . . . . .

pat1e4 "" • . , . . . . . . Sa

ntis ita Sate1aolA. . . . Jtg ,." ••• - .......


a._• I "

ldata of _ _ '..u'-I'11IW ft'- of fftl..... ...._

W Iw iWJr¥ ttn.ta. ' ......... a.....' .......

_ '" _w ....... _" 1Ft., Ita .......' 'aNa,

1lId.oIl to~ ... JIIIII'" alee a .. ~ of tile _tal


NI-----fS~_ __IN'

...;:::--...:~.::::::=-;.~. C

11G j~2r::..
8r'l8i_1 1Bt_u. of z... ... ~ JOG':..... It
....w .........., ......... fa. . . . . . . a.......
. . Sa tol....~ . . . ., pedu.., aI. . . . . . . . _ til

... elJaIltll' 1 . - . . . _ ......... _u.• ..u.W

,.. • ~, ai_I' lata' (17.....~) . . . . . nl"
I'or tMa 21 ' . , . . ., 111 . . .,la••••, of . . blat• •

.r.ll 4IatI1IIc ... ~ of tile pltu -.14 BOt . .

.... , 1ta ZU'l• • 1ta,.9 7_ .... the .-I1V of I •
• S--S1tle pzDJIUt:l_, _ . n. howe. . , .1aaUfJ 1_
laot.ta. __ • i t ~ .. the . ..,.. of _ ..u.s..

o-vtaalq. the Dab _, 111 WI!7 '-'1ttnl, .......

.... ~ ft8Ulate4 . . . JllllliiJUtteal ••, •• - - -

..uq - • -1Itc1e eal .1. IDle -St. !he _u. '" ,.,
flO ..... tbe ~ 1. . . . to IdMla .... pmJIOJL"UGa ( _

Pic. 125)a t. -it: · I." tIII11e the ...... 1&

(146 _ • ldMle . . . . ft'). to __, a. to ___ 1. ....
_•• ,.11.1,. ,. ..... ., 1M.. tile nl'.. . . . .
. ., • " " . . . of ,,.H6.... sa ...... ..u... ....
... ~ ..... of ftc. 115, . . . . . II l i D . ' _

. a t of ftc. 126.

!be __ ..u.s.. f l . S. . . . . 6tU net .,. (1..".),

ill n.. 125 .... !-JJ. ·e. U54 - . . -

aU. . ., . . ,... 111 •••••••• Witlda as. ..' ....
abo4. two . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .tala. 01 at4eI65(.8) - .
0%" 5a, wh10h ooata1M tile..".. laaate. . . . -.I, of.u.
199 _ (198.", _). or . . !be.". . . . . . 18 , . . . . .
eqtalq, 41Y1cle4 illto tOU' b7 ~ta1 . t t ... ftZU-
oallO. poiata I, It, u4 0 all _ _ _ u.-

a .• .,.... ~111q~,.-mt .to., an ~on of

.u. +-
!be .U1M (ftc. 126).. • ••• with an of ori&1a DIt,
_ t a 0, _ the _ ' " u.. (... at tile 41~ ot tile
. . -.jor . . . . . .1.............) . . ot nas.. 199 ...
_. the 16wu laad...... ,... .... 18 ~ "" a
...1___18 an (tile _ b u t t . 18 1_'-4 at I ...
... ot). an ItJt, _ t f t Q' . . . _1_ .. !IIe..n
a' I,
aft, J'X'. 18 . .ta&
aDd . . . , . . ot _t.... . .......tile ... _ _ w.t_ _ta,
tIa1a _, 11111.'

. . . . . . . . . . . . . aft ltXt . . . . . . . . ___ u.. at JOiIIt

0, tile _ _ of tile aft of..scs-. !be _ _ of tile

- . , 18 ~ '" aft X",, _ _ ... w4t. . . . .

199 - . . __

tile on,.lte .... ., tile . . . . . .' , Ita at_, ..

"y" ot . . 1111 . . . . . . . . . 1"(.8) - . _ , . . .

outline is concluded by arc P'R', centre Q', radius

66(.333') mm, or 2u - the same as the vesica arcs of the

lower bouts.
. . IUD, nee 12'I-le, 1'1. III



cxaaanAIfODB • IlUSlQUI. PdIS

AM. . . . . 2090

.,... nat 1sark . . . .u. 01 . . .1s. t ~ tad'-.

lSlra tile 8•• of tile Uttle ••eln ~

- ' M I (. . un), . . "711 •••• of ri. . . . . . . . et

t~......W ., ftl1et8 . , .'1 " .. ., I, III ~

................ -.uftIl_ t ZI.I.t.,. eII'Mt. ...

____t f4 tile _ . . . . . . .III.IU. . , . . . .

•• ~
.n. 111 a18a
....t _ . . .
at.'" .. dU ••• . , ft.
~ 'Nl........ -. tile

. . . . to te tile - ' _ II 11 ... _ •• I.M . .

• .......... 1lllUU. te Ida _ ,.11 • •1 h. • •••

At~t""'''''_• •taot~ ....

(abo . . . . . . . . . c.II8. . . . . . . . . . . .) ....t. . .
late Sa .... AascI t ••t •• ..u••1 .& Sa k D.18• •
. . . . ill . . 1'tft....... m., til ....... 1.
, I f II J!I II II ;j 1 1 ri ~i· r ~
:I •I tI_
Ii • I

t: i l S ~ I .. 0
l-ri £
i I tI I ~
Po 1_If
· 1 • • f 1; P;l ~f.1 Ii
f f J ~ f
1- i ! I I i I ! i ~ i
f Ii
I ( I f '111t!~i t:t"! ~
I f
S ~ ..

fl· - I
f : i [! ~
I1 J JI ff • fir
, " f
f f~ r ~ fir I I i
i f tI

I ! i;:i
I i J I I ~ ~ ~ ! i I ~r I
~ - If; 1 J ~ J -
I •
I " 1

I m I---t-~____ I

I,T .__ -=f=='-=-

-.- ~~-.--y---

fl G. t 27
~ tOllll4 Sa the 1Mb nt. . . ONall __

tal-1 . . not.ap_ aft . . " . . . . . n.~ eN. 1IIId.aIa

. .1GMe .... W7 tJNIIIDta .. the . . . . . . of the

uc1e .... 1IIIHh _ala. . . . . _ 311 11_ alaM, , . . D

to »- the ..,.. . . . ia . . . . .,.U." ....u...

. . xnIII. tile ftnt net...1e. etot. Sa • ct-'1e
aca-n, -Jr --'-cle.............,. - '" ' " . .
Pltopo2U_'~. 1t _ abe _ &pI . . . .1 (apgt , . . tile
_,So 211) .. thea- . . . . aU. ,." the trY.. U' lMtSIw
41Y1cte4 .., ......s.. UftI1JII 11'" . .i_ 79."'·... tile
_1' 110.....' . . . . . 1GIIIR _ tile wi. aft of
oftcia, _ ...... - ...u _. ill . . _ . ., C. of

aarpz •••• 11 '" tile aU. 10." tile

-inc.1 In to ...tIl eN ........ _ Sa _ ....

..1.1 - .tt, ~ .... _ . . ., ••1. 01 ,., .u.

(,'&r • 1....
~ ,77 , _
... u _~
) ... . .....u. of tile II t'.,

. . . . . . . . . . . ' . Sa abe RlaW . . . . lII' •• ~

tal, ...t Sa to .ar. ill . ., . , • IP • 195 . . ill . . . .

. . . . . tile _ _ s. ......1 IJalftIIr ..............

P, ... ~, • •, .. . .

...... --I111 ..'.'Jf'.....,_2 ,...,-


, .~

'1'0POZti. . .1l~ ftlate . . ttll l6 • "_, _ ........
wbiob. 111 __ • _ tllat .....u .... of I...- ...

. . . . 110. . . . ."... to '- ..... a ftlaU . . ." .... t .

U. ..,..... . . . . .a ..t tbe ...... _ etMJ. , ••, .utll.
tala, lit . ' , , , - .
II!.. 189
~. 1~"'. 1.249 (- 1.25. 1••• 514).

!he odU... _ . . . . . . . . E• • •' __ ... . u i 18

. . . . Sa ftc. U8. ilia.. _ a(C,.... 1EIa1eh 1a . .

lowB' IIaU et./4 z-wt .,..,.. ( - n.. 117). ••1.111

-tezJat to tile le • , ••, ••It. . . , tile W . . . . . . . .

pi'" - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .be ~ . . . . . . , .sa:aa.

0. al8u odDdI. . . . . . . . . . . . . et . . net .1.,
t ... Ie • em. whiIII ~II" . . ,1 .. W1S • . , a .....
cdnl. _ _ , altbt ... ill ......u- tile .....1• • • •
_ _ _ _••' . . . . taU . . Z., ..... ..
cda1e' • .uu.r. . . . . . . .,_ (aae) of tile _ fill

odIb (.,), 1IIdIIl ia It J to au lel& 'ad ......

....... ." . . - " (rt EtR •• 79."'-.). tile TEIs..

____ "J', _tnt at 0' • . . u - tile -'1J.Iru.
t . . .s. _uu.. _ ."., ..... _J-.W _
- .... at I - tile . . . .t .....ha _tn - . . . as....
• ...... et -, _ 159.'"·..... ~ tile I.Bu-

bout CNZ"9atue. l·E·. __ ....... 1. GIft • • • the _ _

liM at C. . . . . ~ tile _el, ... ~ tM ue of ozicb.

OM an tor. the an. of the .sat, all l ' . _....

with . . ~ ... 1IIr IIIIoft ItzaScbt U. Je·O·. !Ida

1a an O·L'. _tN4 at .. (.. ~ ..... , . .

IIbon of tbe pea' oin1.) . . of ml t_ 1"., . . . . n

!be appeso __u ... _ ..... -.w, to _t OOZ'JE_. . . . to
__.IIIl.UIIltle _b '. lid 1M. . . ton.

aD SDI.,. . ., __....... _ tbe .nlatecl n4'_. a

(62."'·.), of tb8 ..,.. ...i . piHiI an , •• '-
!h1a 1a oozne,aelSac17 _tnI a' Q . . . Qt . . . . ___

(_ tile riP~" ....) tile . . . . . . (,..,S_ 62."'·...

or .). !he etlter tQIIJU 'cud _ 18 _ - . . _t Sa . .

0"..1te .-1_ a.. . . . . ill the lei. , ... aN •• I.Ft.

IN' _ the .".-1_ ..... - c1Yiac. DIIIS_ ..u-.llat

tOft au.
u.. the " •• s... _t_. _
wHth of tbe baa II', ........
rL'. ___ I,
..... ati_ of _ . . . . . )II. . . . . . . . . . . . tIda aft
_ _ the . . . . . . . of . . _ •• _ . . w.......
.... ..... 62., ., ..u th.nton abe . . ..s4 -.

lie .m t1ea11J ftlaW .. ... . . . . .. • ....,.1e

........ !lab........
__ oatu..
u1etea . . 't.. I t . of . .
· [) , ~
I \ (; ; , ~
) (v.' (('
) ( I ) \.

, ~o I l'~
( . l
~ i 3
I ,,() I
I (

. L!

Following the drawing policy outlined in the discussion

of the Neapolitan mandoline, Ex. XXVIII, the head of

this guitar has been drawn in the same plane as the neck

and body. 'Whilst no proportional significance could be

found in the ratios governing the neck length to either

head or body length, the head itself, measuring 66 rom in

width, and 176 rnm in length, fits exactly into a rect-

angle (in Fig. 129, WXYZ) of 3:8 ratio, the lowest

common denominator, 22 mm, not relating to the rest of

the scheme.
I TIl lillil
... xxxm, ..... l,a..1,I, 1'1. IXIJ
OIIftAlll ."uli/OUfta



&.. 110. 2TI

Pall.,. .. -'
to .... __

~ •• I
i.'att ...
, . tIda
C?3 .W..... ..,
1ItIIIJ'. tide
. . . . . ., , . "'E. . . . . . . . . . . ...,~ ..,.. . . . . . . _

E • • • • • • •, - ...... l1li:••••• ~. . . . ., ,.
,..• •, _ " - _ ..... U _, ......, . . . . 1&. . __

.....s. ,.. • ,__" pi.... . . . . ........

....... . . . - . . . _ ,...u.1 attw ......t-
•••,. ""21. __ ... eId. . . . _ ". . . . tile ...,
.Uta. . . . . . . _ IIILMta ~ ,.ldt- •
_ _ . . . .".. !he .... Ultela. S. _ . , ......

_ .... Ita RIa.......tie ........tIIa1 ......__ •

. . . tile 1Id-- Sa ... eta
• la1PUaa _ ... to • na, W~.
.t •• 1_ &tI'Iap tisA ..
1IIdla . . tId_ _

.." ... (--..... • • 1It.1rDa) Ie a. eta: It I •

..... '--Ie ...... ,..1....... ..w,. (ott. ~

Mit ill pta. " ............" tide ........ . .

talale. or .......... whi_ 11M __ p .. a . . . .-
~ ___ , Sa . . . to _II' Rein the iBa" •••••

...... . . . . stre. ~ ......EI. . Sa .. _ ~

lid. . . tbaI Sa ... lIMe at tile . . . . _at. -.117
"'_te.... _, _.v_.... ...,
of ftUlt . . . . . _ _ _ to obi. . . .

tt., .1aM4

I'd-- ..... --.a •• - 1.11. Sa - - - ~ ....

~. Sa or4_ . . . . . . . Sa tIlSa..,. ..... __ _
tbt. m ,.1e .... __ . . . . .tt.r~. "-
'on_' Sa tile tM18 _ . . . at a .......... 41'tU1a
01 tale __ 1........, ......17 at the eH .,.... 1_
(tile ,.•••, ~ Sa wa1~ . . . . atat.'). . .
nat .-18 ...u ..... __ •• IIJIIA. _ ........ MItt.. a'
th1a ,.sat ...... ~ -., __ ...".. tile . . . . .

liM. the ftM . . 1Iot_ ~ ........ _tP~

leu ••" to
tIWI . . _, _
.1.. .Ia.
tile d . . .u.. . . taft
tea.... abo . . . . . . ,.. tile
. .,

.UaIat Uateftt.ea to tile 11: •• , .......... _ , . ,

1IblIh ..... _ '..-' "o-i. '-1aI ..... tile • •

....... _.........
.... •••n, uttaSIw.... , ... of a_ ... ~

!hi -*, IIIda . . . . . . . . . . . . tal. ts.II ftNtt. at

... - ..w -'i-lOr ,... .. _ , . . ._,. _" .....
11M __ dI •• , . . . '" • .,•• us. EEl.' ( . . . . . . . .
, . . tile Bat). _ _ t .w.n to . . OZ" . . 0" ...
~. 1_a.. eStb' t.Nt tiYiat.c.. to . . __
:1.. .11. !'be _ _ _ _ of the ........ a1eo __t tbe

1... of _ ........ iwz:r pu.a-. whiall ..u haw

."..... _ the .....t of ,... ......... 111 .. AnIMIS •

• ' ' - - .....ttac ........ bM. !M n.z.n _ .

_ .t . . . , et tile . . . . . . . . 01,._ ...._....
. . . . ( . . . . . .teI _ tile tw.t ......... of a .......
4MJt). whil.t ill ~ ........ t.r. tCMII 111 tile
beet, • paU ot ...... an Sa n . . l ....-1t et a .....
!be x•••Sn1Bc ~. at tbe . . • t ....... Ie -S'8"&'
.. JU.JaO

tlbi1. . . oth_ luwe ,~ Sa the _ _ _ _ _

. . . .w4 enet . . . . . . . . . '" ......, with a .........

HadItc tile - - - "".4." -.t.,•• teJ, ..t _ lair

. . . attoe, 1Mt a"....tJ, . . . . . . et wi'" ..
date 111 .... lItIl -tw.r (14_ qao4 1149). tJda
aIa~ _ _ the tate of ita , ••••••t_ (_ poMiltJ, ....
"_> .. _
Salald 4_.,
ot :l.tI lIIat_ _ Ia. . . .

Saeoz'po-ttac ...
8OIt1e _ _• 1M
~ .......
..aUtIlts.. • atu ..tiilill 'lldlla . . . . . tile . . . . Sa
. .th1o b •••.u. ......1... .,. at..,.., -u.. ltUU,
. ". . .tq 8Dde1W,.. _ _ •

!be . . . .u,- of U. Lanao _tao, ,..,. aot 118Z'p1U1DI-

17. aa.bS- ..,.0. of both the 4.Sta .....tr1ee ot

the two ....11e p i - - J'Z'ftl~ ~•

..,1oaiDc the . . . . ID. ,1_ tile . . . . . . ot tile ta1t1e

• (t.e• •) .... Pa4 _tob eel. . . tile ........... D,

aloDe. !be11' pz'O,.,.,u.. aft JIIM1MlJ tile _ ..

.... toaal iD the ~ ad--, 'd••

or. alloriaa - .Ai' .r 0.5 _. 2.1. 10 tIIa. et04 111 •

4_'1e . . . . . -ff net La.le. 14aw18e•

.... • 459 - • 155 - • 1.1 • ,a,.


!be 1IH4le . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . _ . an -.laW Sa

.....tIa .. tile 1..- _ _ , al..........~ . . . . . . .
..,.niGMl Blatt• •', of ..u _ •
. . 1ft'

11' -.191-
• 1.115
flo. 131
file p •••t 1triqe ,.i"-. a1JIO the 1....1 of . .
_ttete . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 1S- at P, tIda . . .
- ha... - " . 18 _ t lltet, te __ tile . . . . ., ~

ai.* ., ..,
,.1tt.aa.... 1He at . . . . . . . . . .

1..... D <I- fie - '.991 C- 8>. .. JIII.'OJIOft,. .l

.!pm....... ,.... ill tile plee1. . fd . . _ .

_be ., U • ......... it ... __ ,., _

.., . . . _ . . _ t n 11M. It ...u ......... 'I' aU.

with ~ __ ~ D, . . . la, aU. with • • ~

Nzl. . . . . .

AI ............ 18 ~ _ ...u..., __ Sa

the 1. . . . of tile ••., •••• , _ .u1 ( _ ..... 1'1). _

...-bte .......Ue of tile 1 - . . . . a180 tur..

tz. the . . Jlic,.".. * ,.1_. 1III1IIa .... ..".. . . . .

. . . . of 0I'lIU . . . . . . . . . . to tile . . . . . au.

( - ftp 116 . . 121). . . .. . . . . . of uIIia . . . .
is _bwI a' '. the _ _ of the ........... .
nIIu. of ~ ... wid• • 1IId1at _t ~ U9ia11t1e

'" the _ t •• -11' .... tmt (., _. _ _ .........

$ 1 - .f tile 1.-r .....) • . " . _ to . . . . _ of
W. _ , ... tile . " . " . , wUtIa ... aft _S_ II'

(21' -) - ...,ua" of . . . . . . . . . 1.00 _ aUfa• •

ri rr
r iii ~ I I ~ i I I
~ I f
l~!tt: i,·~'~t ('i J!5~111
I , i j I f 'I!I"· ; I t~ i,- !s: if 1E!f lI ·i ~I:
fIlii! J;[ tf:r ! !fll~I:11
f r f
e. (
; , ~ ~ i Ji
(! ~ - I ·
i JI ·:-'f I ; ·
iii :
· f
I ~ r. tA
Ir: I 'f • ;~ll·ili ! ~ I I ~ : 11K :
f -

I f" I (
It I
I j . i f i f I
I ~ f • ~ • I ( ~ i I
f s ( ; s fl.
~! i J • I ~ t i ~
; ji IJ
f ~ I i I
~ ~ _i q I ,
~ it:
• iff
"I f!IJJ~

, JI ~ f ~~ ~ ~ f ! ~


rectangle of 2.476 proportion - 1.5 mm short of 2.5, or

a 5:2 ratio. It is curious that 65 mm seems to be

almost a standard width for Italian guitar heads in the

17th and 18th centuries, and was the usual head width

adopted by the makers of Neapolitan mandolines both in

Italy and in the northern centres. In itself, of course,

this is another example of the process of a design tradi-

tion, and thereby an aesthetic code, being established

almost involuntarily by the natural conservatism of

individual makers working within a guild master/

apprentice structure.


, ,,

I ,/

- .~

, , -
tM ~ of tIda_..... _" ..• feet. ., . . . .
the _ , ,.U.' ..._-' -. .... -"', ..........

tab17 tond.dala1e __ .t ,.........u.. Of ___ •

__ ~ (wi... • .,u. ., III. lIlY) Sa til

ltM1t _ ia4l~ tIetIIIIIIr .................

tIIa' .... .., ... - ' - l ,..,.u. - -- IF
_ i. . .u.. et . . . . . ~ . . . . . nata...
. . - - ' - . of . . . . _ _ _ til _ I. I .rt • - •
'. Y!I ....... • 1IMi" • ., ~u. .. -., ••
.... - ' . a.. .1.. Mtt. . . . lie wil1l, .. u.._ ....

tala. Ie tIIa., 'IId1a taab,,-tlaM tMb . . . . . .W Sa

tid• ..., ....u. ..... -SOttIA ....... (wi.... _
In"'.'''' ....). Sa tile .,•• _, ttl . . . . . . . . . ..
41. . . ._ of ~ ill... II' 1.1'. . . . . . .1_
... (•••••.u, ........... tile -tata RtJ.SMI III

1dDs-l -.p1e h-. wid. to 4. . filii .....-1 ~..

• ioIIII. .1til tide ,...uo 18 1I1a4, the t . • •.• 1IIdah

40 appeu- to .'IP r.. th1e ao11at1aD aft 418_•• _,
tol1a1rtJ1a the abut 1. .1t.

The abut 18 .1IIp17 a YUIal. "l7 (witil all tile -.1

. . . . . . . of .., • .,) of . . tat_u. pat , . . . .
18 . . taeb"l •• t . 118 taU. !heft.-
..... ...,.. 'fU'tlaal 4S:d..S-. tile left-hM4 . .~

(balt...,....' I i " a .iIIp1e ~ of the iDa_ lot

_'11M u4 . . . ". . . . .1e 4ieJMlt1a., ........ S.

_ts.. _uu. of
the 1Dtoaa'. t~
ft_ ....uo.1 _1_
at . . . . . . ., __

auple ~ - tala, Sa .7 ..... at '.e, SM. .1'

........1a, _ _ . . - - of 01dcia, _.,
....... _, ... ,.•••, ..........., n ..n~.... 1M'
tea _ 1 _ 4~. 18 .,..1 , . . (..".1111. Sa __

u. 5lt), the .,.dfto ~ W - u . t ..... Sa

........1., tide Sa . . _ . . . . . . . of _:dlI1a , . .

a' the too' 01 1Mb W1.u.1 Saat.. ••

IIIIn14 ..........., . . . . . .s. to

DO' at..,. a ....' ...ttenut _

D' tat. I'
a 4 _I . .

. . .' _ tile . . . . . ,
• ..tal fa .,1_., _, 04"", ..... aDe, tile
. . . . . O~ . . . . . . . . . . atet of .." _ _ . . . . . . .,

..ttlaU' _ tile aU_u. of • , ~ ~

4eIalh tM " " ' . _ .-11tr, ., . . '*1 • " ••• 111.

III the _ .,.. it ehoa14 IIOt ' - ttw....t that iDetn-

- - , . 41apl.qt.Jw • 1uav _.lMa" ot .-bola ...,. .oft

...,1•• , 01" . . . illta.'iItc• ..".... tha thoM ot t_

.,..1., 1a4.... the CIOIIUuJ . . aU ~ ... the
........ ot pari" .... ealBIIIIIJ ot _ .

r ,,-

"} r;::::':1
I;'W· '
- -- , ------- , -

,': @:" r" " C :'

- -ANmNl O I'f-Mrl.
- r(

-<,-- .'
"'' ' '0' LWDON

CID ; r- " ~ c
cJb50 ,""". u"""".." ~ :,
.lL~ut/l~ ~
10000 IWJ
C ., .

,ROt "IUS.
I , .27
':'(0)\ r··..
I ,..., :/.3-
, .
I I'OKlU(,>.!.
, USBOU J582 DIAl.
UlLJ-UOR. DOt.ll\L.llSON
IRU1. hIlS.
'''"- N. 171
--} : :l dl [3 I
-. ~ : W c
r-,:-c<xu - I I JALY
6L1ITAJI. ' V£N1Cl.
, C1IRl!>IOHtli PMlS
I J €I 02 , COCHO
Icai.'IU'iA ro
!k<.No. ( 2D'JO
- MANOO ....,,/"UlNi .. :: :'-v-' i
, .'II f& '' LJ
CID r.... c! I
NAIW , J6 2.~ LONOO ICA .vtlRZtlCO
;.\« ~, 277 --
} ';'-y-':1,[8I 1
CO) 1\ C I
OU ell.....l_ 01 the -.n 1. .11 . . . ,..r-- __
a..tbUoal . . . . . na:r pollU. . . . . . ., • •ttatu.

aft z.l~ • ..-.u- of Yl....tat. ott. take. to

ca-- Wnw Lac. -. . . u.k_ _ . . . 12., ,..... -
t • ..".n • ____ 111.s-U.-.

Caaa14el.Uc..... , the ___ ot 'fUlUt. at theftt. .

paillu of Y1Mr pr •••t, the nal_Uaa ot.., .,..ute
4_i4111 ..,• • _ eetaltlSIId,....tata __ to 'lie.... All - ....

bolli, to ..u1.
aln.tJ .a........., _u. ..... d •• , .. w..
•..uc --z0tcS4 . . .1....., .,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .ns.
of t.atoRaUaa. .., _ ..ta, • ~ .". or __
_ _ IlSalat .1I...I"'~ ...• -11 Sa ........ . , . of
1M'1 £ ••' , . . . apt. of 1IId1la . . '-1... to . . . •

- b I of aScSa - ill tbI8 the . . . . . . -s.- '- ..

tne, or t;rptea1 or ........" Of ...... - ........
..1. _ •••~ to __ . . . .u. -.H IBlr 'lie .-1. . . .,

_taSal, ....., tatoaaUea . . ,'- _11&. . tee __

ttl •• 11.....

•) .... a.' ......, Sa • .....-s- of .,,.....

Sa tale . . . . . -s. _...a.. of . . . . . . .

,luebt !Mba ••ta,

11> -t17 of oricia, ........... of tile a.i.

-Jre-ap of Wa-••• , . . I~, ..........
t... ~t.t, with SM....... ' - tM
0.... ___ of ....,.,

.) .--lAter, ... - .... of ~ .-1ta

tato date . . . . . ..

III ..41'1_ to til_ _, ...d_. 1Ih1ab _ will,.. - '__

!ftc ~. eutaia 0"- ~ Us.ue,.....u. •••••

~, 4aiIW" . . . . ., tile ~ ..... --

pilaU. of . . • Y!I...... a. ~ tile . . .

....tal ,.... of . , of tM ..a ..ct.. ....a-t .....
l.ta., t07t _ _ _ , . . . . . . . . a.,odUG8 of tile

pDu.r 1MB 'aat __ - the _ of atcSa ... tile

....,.,.t '......' __• It s. t
fa ___" , . . ill ....
_ _ tM _ . . . . . . . . . witla .....Iea

,iedII ewt_ 10_ _ . . ' . .awl .... U'" 'IF tile

.... of oftc1a. !Ida UN •• at . . . . . Sa . . II, DI,
mI, nY, mI, xnII, m, DD, IIUI, m, xxtnl,
XIII, DIU. . . with ab ., .........1 •• alee

MJ1t9i11c tile ....lea ill _tau... !Ida u tile

pdM _ Ie tile ....lea Sa ... t ••, . of ..,. (altar" It . . . abe •••• nu. I,

Sa . .

m. 1I.Xl'fI, XI1'II, . . m Sa • '~Iat' •

., U-k1... Sa thia . " . . . . ., .tate.llla1we"

the . . .ip t:to. the aft of ori8ta. the _t1l.... ill p~

a taa111u" ~ ( u - t ftU7 i u u - t tne ... _

. . . .le "l'd.t1Dc tlda 10IIu lI_t pattaa) . . . . a ....
. .10M tOUDdatlaa f . aAl_11nU4 PIQJOftlea. .......
the . .t __tiM aM _taiDe4 ............ of tile

wei. . . 10.4 Sa the . . . . . ., . . ob1t. . . . (11K.

DIll). when the _ ....1_ u.. their 111411 a -.U

of u.. _rioal . . . . . . . . . . . . Sa baat plaa. ~-

'!he •. . .t o1nle'. 1. . the wdaa, ... a ~Ia __

thetio appeal, ... l ' ill _, . . . .uiIW ...' ....

,..tNt n.-- aft on. ,.... '...... !M. '..-'

01n1.· 1. .11 . . eal7 . . . ,... Sa . . . . _,-ta •
...,. Sa pi..... !Ida . . ..u ..... to . . utt_,
_tb04 of •• 18011_ ....... MIl ill . . . . . -'II.dee.
Ia . . . . SMu.. . . . . __ ..... witll
a1Hd ftatpftl.J14 . . _s.....:s, 1.- tee.,
ta. . . . . . . . . the tnee of __ ... 11. . " ........

,.I.a117 ,..t Sa ".. . . . Saeb I. of the JG'1e4•

.... . . . . . . thi8 al~ . . . . . of "J.~ .. 1.....

. .t oria'J,ll of . . . _ _ ..... te - ' ta. _ of •

great circle in a tangential relationship at both


As might be, expected, where grid-planning has been used,

. more often than not a significant containing rectangle

is found, although, of course, these also occur indepen-

dently. It ',vas interesting, too, to note that the

instrument group most consistent in the ingredients of

its design make-up was that of the guitars.

But to return to the main categories of summary:

chart la) makes a specific comparison between bowed and

plucked instruments. The left-hand column denotes, by

symbol, the type of geometry or proportion. Vertical

and horizontal linear proportion are grouped together,

but numbered separately, and the incommensurable symbols

are also given a corporate grouping opposite the symbol

of commensurability with a cross drawn through(~).

The next two columns give the number of incidences of

those symbols among bowed and plucked instruments




--},. . 24 19
_" '-r"

ill 5 8

[5 4 1
$ 1
(\)) 8 12
[ '. 't 4 8
, 14 13
Q{ 10 2

(0 ) (1) (1)

CiS) (3) (1)

(/3) (-) (1)

The conclusions drawn from this comparison, allowing for

the 19:14 (1.351) ratio of bowed to plucked examples,

can be listed thus:


: : Proportionally LESS BOWED than PLUCKED instru-

~ ments exhibit LINEAR RATIOS

to Proportionally LESS BOWED than PLUCKED instru-


[j Proportionally Ll-,'SS BOWED than PLUCKED instru-

ments exhibit GRID PLANNING
Proportionally MORE BOVffiD than PLUCKED instru-
Proportionally LESS BOWED than PLUCKED instru-
ments exhibit a VESICA PIS CIS

[" .~ Proportionally LESS BOWED than PLUCKED instru-

ments exhibit PLANNING ARCS

Proportionally LESS BOWED than PLUCKED instru-


Proportionally MORE BO\VED than PLUCKED instru-

ments exhibit INCO~~SURABLE PROPORTIONS (such
as ¢, v'5 ,/3)
according to the instruments in the survey.

Similarly, summary chart lb) makes a specific comparison

between Italian and non-Italian instruments. Again the

left-hand column denotes the type of geometry while the

others give the breakdown of the Italian and non-Italian




}.o 0

29 14

$ 8 5
[3 4 7
$ 4 3
(ill 13 7
f ".
• • 9 3
C 20 7
~ 6 6
(0 ) 5 3
(v.5) 1 2

(/3) 1

The conclusions drawn from this comparison, allowing for

a 21:12 (1.75) ratio, can be listed as fo1lowsl


"} ..'-r-' Proportionally MORE ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN

instruments exhibit LINEAR RATIOS

Proportionally LESS ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN

$ instruments exhibit a SIGNIF.CONTAINING RECTANGLE
[5 Proportionally LESS ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN
instruments exhibit GRID PLANNING

Proportionally LESS ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN

$ instruments exhibit GREAT CIRCLE GEOMETRY

(0 Proportionally MORE ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN

instruments exhibit a VESICA PISCIS

r"\ Proportionally MORE ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN

instruments exhibit PLANNING ARCS

Proportionally MORE ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN


Proportionally LESS ITALIAN than NON-ITALIAN

~ instruments exhibit INCO~w.ENSURABLE PROPORTIONS
(such as ¢, /5, /3)
according to the in'struments analysed in the survey.

Summary chart lc) is, in effect, a re-ordering of the

main chart 1. It is interesting that no major patterns
are immediately apparent; this suggests (if the selection

of instruments is representative) that the various design

practices belong to a long-established, fairly immutable

tradition. Within this rather static picture, however,

it is possible to make a few tentative observations, and

hope that by giving voice to them they are not given

undue emphasis. Commensurable proportions, for example,

appear consistently, as do the incommensurable schemes,


SUMf'\A.Ry C~T I L

n L~ H(V l1I.tIT IW UNTR¥_ . OAll

ITPE (. -'>lzr.) WIIRL., ~ __ .~:a.." t'V\KEJL

' HHR1WS . 3 IbUO /ll QU
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[. a
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1570 ,.,. ... u.""""" \UWSlR\!AlOa
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I BR £S tlA At.doJ.l , . ! '-v-' :

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I'I.IU on-ollD
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",- } ' "$

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idS85 l g~:~ i~~
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""-No [12l.O35
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4..No. 11m GI~

f\ C
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fOUIfl ll. , e,wml.5
1 G U'J"'Il.NY
I W'\l)l.ft;

c..RfMONA c
aD if-'"
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', tHV ' (; 'NWiY
Wfl:. WoI'1.Buu,
'IH[~ _
t, X'il , 00 I£J'\IA
Y1DU. O""j.)(,

1 ...xx~' W ITAI.>'
MA'-lDOlNl J.t'\PUS
I.. VI j lJV.IJQ
t O(}ol rm I TlJruN c 1760 GfNOVA RC.11 MVS, ~'
° .AnOf'.L
._, IA"No31S
YlQOAA 4HCfl- . }
17 "'2 IWJUIL AlUla I'\US
Att.1IIo ~I&TI -.

.... pt. ___ Sa . . . . . , • • a117 1.- aipUJ..n

_ of Sa..........1e JII'OII01PU-_ ill . . ...u.
......... it ~ 1Nt ..,.... ..., . . . . 111 ••1Stta~

taon........... t . Sa.LlU •• u.....lI' .1. . . . _ - . .

_ _ to . " . . 1&'- _ Sa the . . ..

~ ....i_ ,u.s. . . . . _ ., " . .t . . . . . aft 1n.-

wiN w11 .,. ..........d . . . ret lIetia . . . . . ..

........ • 1....~ - tile ...... , . . . . tIdat . . . . . . et

tile l'th . ...,. to ........ , IIa1t . , tile 11t1l, ... . .
pl. .... . . . III ........... tIdIt ........ ., tile
11. -t.:ar. !be _ ...,.. Sa _ .... _ .,

.~Sac ..... *ilia an ••• til ____ •• 1.... -

.,.etwll' • 10. . . 1&_ un lleel td......., _

pat ....... _ , Sat_.u.. .................. , I ill

lItb ••. . , ."'1 .••• (tile ~ IrwlUla 'Sele'.

1114. ... mI, ... Yln ••ta _ tett., 1""
It .....ld ......... __ ••••' . . . . ., . . . . . .

111,.1. . _ _ tid. - tnee ., l1li. . . ., a' ...

.... et - ' - ' - - , . . . . . . . . . . . . ., .,.nl•• Ie
hu ......"', •• ..w alee ...._ , . . . _ t a __

. . . . . . . of tIIeb pit " . . ....

uu.teJ" l' 111 of _ _ , . tile •• d . Mr,tt ..

.. ---. ....... ..,.. .......... ".

taw ...., -..1. . . . . . wU1 , . . tile ..... u .. e.,•

..,1_ bot to ....wl, . . . . . . 18 _ ..nasa_ tllat,

.... l' ,.,..l'bl. to ...... 411'1-.-' tbiIt7-thne S-u.-
- - wh10b wu1cl -UIIfJ .........27 "'l'1Gu, ...,
llilbt _t ,...,. 41aplq 41ttU'1ac ......

Whatnu the 4.ta1la Idcbt •• boIMuer, . . ~ of tute

4ftwa hw . . . iII_ . . . . ._ t 1zoft1'tltule
~ ••• ..u...
. . ...s.1abl. , . . , that.1I . _ ... - n . l JIIO,...
t1_ _ . . . _taD" ...14aat1clM of . .
laW.. ~t the ,.u.t _ta.l. ~ •
oa •• 4_S. t-.datb. 14*1.. ldII . . to . .t of
..... rn. ..... he . . law __ ......W '" t . ..
plaoa. or .,..W1'" lNt with __ he . . _1.... ", •
..t.tal _~ tad! u..
Adviertafc. que al formar los pUDtos en
la guitarra. (e han de pifar las cuerdas COll
las punta s de los dedos ponicndo Ja maoo

arqueaJa, ynofe hade pirar en Ios-traftes.

FlO. 132.
1a21lft Sa tId8 • . . , _ •••••••1 the IdaIa ...... of
.,...., ..u.t Sa . . . .t. of ..taal _&Ii eta •

nth _I...
. . - - . . ..., tIWI _ _t ,.. . .J, • teet • • •1...

_ieal . . . . .,
ill .",. Ja tan. . . . . . . . 1. . . .
~ . . . . twg' _ u.a ~

1M. . ., 11 .-1.-1-11116_ . . . . . . . . .u.. ___ of

. . . ., . , JIIlI ••1Stide , - , . . to wf. . Sa .... 1,.

. . a1l . . ~t ..... .,.ft......... _,..
i' _ ~ _ • ' •••'''' aU ill s.... Ida . . I i.....'.
t.a 7 . . . . . . .i-.l • • •, [' lee _ - ....... ....
liaM4 Sa ....... Sa 16n. .u '~u.' 11 al8a

....... _b ......... ........... ..,.

. \


-lb, d_ • . . -'11 law _ ... nil."

fr 6.133

to . . . . . . . . . . . . tid.,.. __ MJ,. tile . . . . ,..t.

tt.t "rita! bu St. . . .t ri. .u.., 1od8I4 .... wttlda
the . . . . . . . of . . __ , 111 ......n .. 1"". the
-.1, ot tile SM. _t. Of ___ , . . . . utu.._ •
... .. ....s.. ... ftad. . . . . . al8e ~ Sa . . . . s.... .....

........, an.. all, to . . . . . . . . . Pla'.BS. of . .
01 all w •••.., '8de
...sal , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . fta-s.

ftpIe _ _taM 111 ftc. ,. ,..~ .. _ ......s_

at tbS.• ..twnal ...." of .......... JIIV.......... lid

" 1• •wzUwl._ _ _ _ _ (na. 1") ..

. . . . . . . . . . . LI ......' . __Sa
a.wiItc the ,..t ebo1. . . a•• . , . , _
.t tile ....lI'

~ (nca '1 ... 51). III ••••••• l ' ..u lie _

ill_taU. to hoio11'. II ...

•••• ' - - the ~ ..,. . . . . aU . . . . . . ...

"11' ••• t-u...... Sa it, Sa . . . . , . . .
all . . ...., aU. . . ,..,.u. " ** W
n'.ll .... '_I.' ........ of .......

III..., _ the 4I8ln to 11 od_, 01' Ii.. ..,.. •••s.

to tile _latt.. 1IIdIh . . . . SM. ate _ tel, ..
,a••••• Sa at . . . . . . . .12 _. I ., wt. ak

, . . ...... Sate tiles. _ ..... ,...,.. !Ill8_

-~ ..... ..u rqr-l .. a .,.."at.' t_ et

tot_i_. l' 18 ~q ....... of . . _ _ 01

.,..te~ ... -.10 wi_ wta1ab, . . . . _taU .......

u.-t .. thoaIh tile Yea of _ 5Mb ........... wi.,

tatuc1'1e, 1\ac1Uft, • _tol.
tu - - . ' ........' ...
. .tt_ ritbia taw alNIu.nioB of _io, ba~ _ tat.
U&I', "p , 8OUOI, . . . ~ 41atllfttq _ . Mdt •

• .u.ual toaaa. \be ouw4 .... , . . . ,.,. .1_.1

!be tnioal ..... of .~ . . . . . . . . . . . - 1. .

iD . . . __ , . . _ aUs.. of . . . ., pj,..... u...
i) . . . .'1. - IIIhUh tietatll nftItc 1_. . ......
JOIi'lIa• • oataSn wl_ ., aD e'SII' ..u,
_~ -. • .....--. _ aSh of 1IIIifIIa ' -

the • • DIIII'I,

ill . . . . . . . . *lela nlatll aU tile ,.. ... ' .....

Jl8r.... ,..,s. (tIaSa .".SN 1IIIr, lie. F ,la,

. . . . . . . . ,•••.,., . . . ill •• , .. '1d M 18 _ _

widell aU.- . . . to . . . . . . aU . . nd . ) ,
W) _tM...... ,._.... tilt . . . um-J.' -" III
to...",.., .R'''a I •••• ,..... It .s.
.d.... IIsld... u.a et tatitt., .., . _
MWlI ttIaitIl., ......,_...,. . . . . a

i) ...u., - Ii).. .st., INI. . . . . . .

haw ftfti_ -17 _ ~Uo '-taw.
rn-riJ,. howe. . . _theUee ia a _.~

wIlloll ~u.

- - . ot the otb_ .t
(.... 1M ni •• ) the ~

a PH ••••• -
wId_ 18 ap..... 111 .... ..
we - -
p ...

It . . .DII1M the 11M ot . . . . _ 1a 1Mb v, ........

.. tW. DOt 1IVp1"1a1Da'17. a atlau .ute~, ..,......
to that t .... ill the _us.. .t __, . . . . 01' of
JdII'1Dc. PaiD'1Dc HcUe with thI . . . . . . . . . . . .u.
ot ,til ..... no"'l. wltlda, at .tt. ... u.
won ia buIIoaSHd, '-' walDa __lto_. . . . . . .. .

....aun _tat JdaUlwt Sa .... ,..w ... aft _s......

10 _, ....,.~ 4ea1iac with hut, ...-Wleel1J-4.n..t
bu4en ......... at_ (81th.... tIleR ... at..,. ....
ot tM tz.e 1. .11). ft' with _U. .l 41neUea 01
tone piclillc the ..u... _ .......... the ....... of
the eub.1eot _,t.. ARId. .__ Sa • - - a1eo 'SIS-
with • CIOIlta1D1IIc .Ue, OJ' aU., ..., Sa ot el...u..
(lu tapu) ot I . . . .u., ... of I . pJMa. !IIe __
,1aiV an.. 111MB ......... to , _ 'fIOl_ • .tal_

_ ....... r . . . . . . . . . . .
Sa .-,l.st_ :III altdt••tIIa1 ,........

...., 11M __ put of it. lMes.u. , . . . . . . . . .

t. lilt"",
(*,. . .

..-otl'S- aWDI), .... ill alIIo tile '.UefJiIII JIId_

ot the ~ ot the ....... ., tbia I _ . .,

111 uobi,"_ _ --th1Dc of the _Uiaiac of tile

4_1put sa ....111' . " . . . , to • neepU... 0 . . . . . .
ow1ac to tM - . 1 _teu. of the ~11neaJt to.. of

the 0Z'1c1Ba1 -b:r. !Ide H 1_ _ . . . . ~

1_ _ • ill pdIl'1Iw......... o1waI .... 1M .....u '-

nan _l.lI' ot the -lt3-' _,... Nt IIIdt.ltJ, ....
IlGato.lI', _ R1taltJ, _ .....~, '7 the iMUlltle
. . . . . of the ~1Iw _ _• AIMI of .0 ......... we
rift.tri.Dp4 1aeu-ta. . . .tIl otlla . . . .U ... an
f . . . . . . 40 • to -tiafl .Set'ep -edt. " , 1 9 '•
. . 1M . . , with ,.sa'iIw .. uoblte...... w. __ ...
tom....... 1M _ _ . . . u.b lOt," ....... __

toR. the 001..- . . _tUl11\7 of . . . . . . . .t . . .

the p1q of Ucla'. . . __' - ' of a.. ..taU. . . 1.
'-laaoe alii 't.1' ......wU.e4 ...jed. ID, . . . ..

Jda'-', .. .., '- _1. . . . . - - of "'\7 ...

.., _01_
. . . . . . "" • •Ub aRId. . . . . . totaUr "s__ et
pnputiGMl" at. . . . . ,..... . .
_plot. tba, __ illtepl\7 of , . . _ Mt . . . .

.-1, of "1~ 1IIda _ ,..14••

!Ide ie , . . . . . . . ._ . _at.Idac of . . . . . .te.

liD ...t ot paiaUac. 1a • . 1IrtbDle _ .... l' 1a.
_tIaOA of U'JL'1"fi1tc at • • • 11 , ., ,.. wltlda ... _ _
.....14. .U . of . . . . , . , llEl ••
I' 1. aD 1n1a1.1. pzooeea, UII pao'loa117 wlthad

uoep'1oa 111 the a.a. "'M1Hd. no' ftljWIDe&'I.... "-

OM olee ...,ts. 111, or ___ , the dllple loa or
the Anal, lute 4~ (-. XX, o. 14&), whieh 1t
-17 b7 ftrlue of it. be1ac _ 1Mtwo'''' t . the _ _
.'No'laa at ., inau-." baa to . . . . . . . . .1. r.r.
a 110111'. ,*-W1oal ,lanIa1ac _ , ""17 etaI'W
.1IIp1. tom., __ .. 1,. -'-7 Am_I' lute.
wi til the

n' 8O)IIdaUoa'- 1'.....

the oc.p1a1t7 .... of ~
4_tpe, aD4 "'11" 1&'- ~. WI7 __ , . .

ola1l.. aD7 ,..1.111_ fd tIIeb _'11._ .........

• uacn.t lq • 1111' of ftfta1 _ ct'- ~ _
to~. !heft..u ... 80 pu;. . . . . theb -s.. _.
aDCl tact.... ,...1U. . . . . . . __ ..., ..-.14 _, lie . . .

00II"0"••1...... . , . ....1e. ...... the a. . .' ..,

at. DD. aD Italt. ot,__ • lMt . . . tId8 ....., _tUM

ooal4 _, lie ...,l.W . . . . . . . . . . of iM....u...

!Il1a o1eutlJ 111 _ _ _ • JUt of tile t.euoB of ..s.a1
5Mb' _, _ _ . . . l ' 18 tile ~ of . . ~

alllc _ _ of • ,.sat...

!bt. R1ap . . IdIII .....1U. pMIIlt.- to ... 1I.1.t-

deal . . . . . ., _Hal . . . . •••• -11 . ., .111re

~, ...., . . . . uUtaot ...t ..u ..-1-.1tJ1' 1Mt _
,lanDed. then 18 DO U. 'up' 0"' 'clowa'. DO oe1"tdD

nlat1oDah1p with poaYit7 0"' the plane ot the tNI1'Ul.

wt.a . . 41apltv iDeu..ta Sa 001*'1. . 0"' 111 . . . .
the t.a_a;, la to at....... tile apr1cIlt ......loa]. uta
ot -.,-tz:r whlob . . OU1'Mlft8 haw (like . . 4a1r1JIp

and n.-- 8iwn heft). bIa' 111 . . tbe7 aN ~,

nnu __ iJJ nab • toBal ...uea11t7. IIOt . . . thoM
wu-.u ... 111 tbe ,~ ...... ,..1Uea.
" - tu. Gar eta41_ be... ill. . . . . . _ to tile _*-
_Uoal _u.t of ~ ........f MIl' 0IIl __ , . . .

. . haw _ _..... 1• ...-W ,.•••••tt.18 wi. . .

PlateD1e a-'e -lair. We haw. .,... ,---"~

_tho4e . f . . . . auu., ...... 01 pN,.ntea. wid_

.. late ..........W . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ...... . . . .
of tJd.zV-.... IdatGIU . . . . , . ..._ • • • .... ~t-

..uaw ...
Sac ill41..u.1 41._.1_ . . . . . . .
• as....... -.let ...............u... btldu..,
... ____u._ _1..... _ ..w __ tie 41 Pf
.... wi.... III tId8 ~, tile . . . .Ml til ••, . . . . .,
_ _ ............i • •' . . . . . _ . . . _ ...

lftht_ of tile 16tIa, 1.,.. . . l8tIl ............ ....

..tUlS........ tIaU _ _ . . . Sdtlal .pi.., _
... I,... ,UV _... tMla .-u-.... " Sa
_t ..,..., .. • • • 1 . . . . 'a ..., ..... .., _
JnIM1'1oa1 pmporil_ law __ app11e4 to ~

iDau_._. .1111. tt.J 414 lathi. . . . . . . IIP-- Sa

thea 4."... aDd. MOOIId1.J. _ tIM _ Wlt. nt...

. .M or nooN ot thea poporlioMl . . .14. ." - .....

.... to lich"

ot OOUH, Sa the abe._ ot tdatoriaal to- ntau..,

Hi.... ''''laB .. -11.,. • ooaol_lw ___ ,
1M. . . . apl_'laD will haw to be .....,. lit' .......

.....'ioB. _the . . . u . . . '" 8OleUfto ,..,.t.

A apl.J .. the ftnt ca-ttc. - .... .,.'1 r .1 ,.,....
,laB u4 . . . ._ ....... lit' ......:., 1.tId_ • w11l
haw to .. ....,....a ,.. ... - , t••u..,
the !'I9!,.J, the -"'Ut..... fa - ' of - -
Rttab1e tuainoleer, the ""*,,"'.
'Ibeft aft ...". . . . , , , , . . . . . I . ~ ..... .

4.taa JlNO_. !be atri.apt baa IlIta - .... . . .

.,.....uw. wltll the . . . .1eqI. . . . . as. of . . _

olal»oftteJ., teato.... _ola, .. all, II It"""..a-

nl'i_, ...,1_ of the oW. , . . ..................
_tlleUO., ·,...to1~·, tIIeU •• Ul .... of

tOBl . . . . . . . . . . UldtaU- ., ••••• u.. _ aU

..... "" ... _U..J. .........u. of Ualtt-

_ ... ta •• I_ of . . .u.. ,....,... tareU , . . .
...........,-u, ... et tIleD '.llfIr. 4...... .at
_ .1altoaU. O~ .....u_ u.u.ou.. _, ... paw
t ..t. tal~ 00IIII14..... 1ait1al _o.,u. 01 ,... liB. .

..,. ftc14 ~i_. !he -.4.......iBa ot . . . • t

. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . iB . . , . . . . . . .t . . . ot ....


to the ldh1a.
tbawton ~ ... -
___ JIIIIOUOal ....
tuu-_ aunt_ Wi...
... o~ .... with little _ _ _ _....U. . . ,

w.. 1alcMr1edp, ,..a1~~ . . . _ ..... " . ' ' ' ' ate ..

• itbu b7 ..s4., of tate, ,.. ta.u Rdoelir .t_•

.. t • .. ,...In. n . . . . . .t . . . . . .' . . . ha_

II01ID4e4 _111 w-t.... ....1. s. paq..
_, ... _

iIIs~ paW .. . " . . . .. . . . . 18 ne. 154.

............. a _ of .....uu. to tM . . . . . . Sa

...t _ , tUfte' ........1. mid... .. I,. ....

' " - ~I • • Sa . . . . . . . . to IaS8 IlITlltII . , . , • t•
. , I I• •

. . .~ . , a ...Ie _ .s,w. • teel t . . . ,

. . . . . . 1IbiaIl __lei tile to ... lilt.
." ~ 1IhieIa otIwaNlee .. 1114 .....
__ ....1..__ III .I.talatr.-

_ , ha... Me _ u...1aalt1e ..........., . . . . .

eub'l.th1e. !he lelia. 1Dtanla,,..,S, of . . . . of
. . . .1p allcnr l ' to be .sa,.. to aUt__' pitell al_

01 . . . . ., ....,pont. - • alluuUJrtaUo of ....'

iIIponu.. to tale 1Bab I '.,. of tile I . d •••• , . . .
the . . . cl1tteriJtc ,1toh ....... 01 _ I '" t..u,
~ - - . 01 tiII'bft. . . . .11 .. tM __ ..."..
Y1aaal _1V.

!be . . . ." . _ _ _ _ of _ _ ... ..-riaal JIIOI'D-

' t . haw ~ __ all.... to, _ . Sal.... olIMIN4

a' '110ft 111 __ 01 .... ...",.. . . . . . . . . . .11ft. tMb

_ :bI • 4erlp ...... " . • . , _ . . . . . , . . . . . a 1M-

u.taea .i,.1101,,. a 'ftaIt. . ., of ft' •••. wIdeIa 11

-.117 oalW 11 •• Q. a ' - " __ of the ~

llldta's... ot " •• _1eote4 , . . . . Saftaite ,..1-

..1l1UM at ......u.. IIdr _tftoUw ..c•••••
_like tile . ,........... of _1_ ·iataiUw· . .ita •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . IIS. .le . . . . . .

tata tn.1 of _1_'.li....... JllllGUtIG..... . . .

...lS.'. a 4eej. . . . . wIdeIa ...w ...., ••• _ •
.....J -.-s. ................. _. Sa . . ..
I .b.,ire a -s......a1 ........ Sa ' " ' " ttl , . . .
rs_J~. Sa • "rp;" ..... tile _ of _ _ Sa
. . fopwl.U. of a __aaJ. Sllrb .nt ._i.- sa tile
.taal ....,..,.., of . . ...,. u.. ........,.....
uta. aft ..ttel '-7 b _no.. __ ...
botll _1. . . . . -. . . . of tile ,... Plataaio
• thlMtloa1 ....,.nioa ill lat. . . . .Uta. ... ldhta
a1eo . b. . . . aD uot._t ........ '-41t'--, a _

.--.1 aU.....•• _. too, ,.. . . iIIluau. of tIWI

__ , t_ 111 • • teA,.. _....
u. _ UIIiaIrUe
.'..n.l pat..u., _ ... __• tbe ~ . . . __

p1u , . . . .,ult.l ........ 01 - s... ._, .,

·1 to _t ......., tIdIIk . . a"1 I ' .. tell

ill the __of .....
.t _ _ " , .-...
... ....,.1e u"
_ . . . . . . . .of
.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . tee ttl •••1. . . . . .
11"10 ..S..... III .. __ at . . - - ' ..
.. _...,.. .....teia _ _ ~

..,.. _ ..s_
- - - . - ill a thu. at4.J eft. slw IMItS.,
ill ...... -'ala 10ftIr . . ...... _ it
~ len.-

. . . ......... . . . . . _ - ' lie _1'• • • • __

.... _ ,... at ........ S7l..... IIIdIIa IIM·1 'S,

al..- as •• , • as" ........ ...., at . . . . .u....

. . pasdt ., .., .,slt·'I.I. . . _ ..n.
)IlfOp8ftt.c. of wldeh _ .. ~ _ _ _ . . . to

their ......... - that 111 tile "lID OJ1ct.'. *lela

llaw ....... JNtplu~, . , . . lIOOial _ .ueol.....:a

1ltA'-7 ....... "" tile _a...' 11.. . . pt, . . .

pt_ tlWI pnlG11Ct14 u.u..... of ....... _ ........ _

-~ ....uaoUGM. wbloh Ie'Nal tile rital •• s.a

pn ••••••• WIIl4 ..... to ....... ..mWll. . . . tile
8ta41ftd uohlw. ill a.. D., *MIa ..... tile . . . . t.
~.Eda"" 110II14II --' , . , . ..t . . . . _tala _ .1.7 •
..., ~ . . . ,...... 1..1._ _ ia'-"- 'ftla ~t

.'1SM, .... _, tbn tual ~ ..... widell 11M

__ ,..... to ......,.......]~ . ' 7711, . . _ ..,

_,Un uo _ _ _UozaJ -.z U1M . . . . . ,.... _ tile

__ I _ ul. to ~_ ..... _. I _ .....,..

-17 ...1114. tbat ..... Aft watdac ,....... , .......

l..o"" ,.. the at,s.., '_tan.I' IedIIa oatlSM.
_1_ _ ....... .., ................ __ • __Ie

,..,1&_ ... __ ... ,... ... t . . . . . . . . . ..

OllIe, I ttdzk, -s.- -'Ct.' ~ tridell . . . ..-W.

al...... fa. _ ..u.. ......., ie, . , . . . . . . . late

....... '" . . . . . ' •••It ('S._....... _ ... II)

. . . ., .. _ .... all" •• .,. edt, _ ., ,.. ",.le
...... to .. ...,..W '" • un of ...... "''''1•••,
. . ., . ., . . .. . . . . .17 Sa Ids . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .

a.z.t_ _u. ... tMt . ., taU . .tea t.a ~

wltlda a . .tatat. . wdea fIMll. . . . thia, __ , _

liD ,apJM. a n...- *' it . . _, ...... of _tt..,
. . . . _1 __ of it' Qat . . it .t'9ll' Bet -a . . .
~ .. _u.s ... ph.1 I'

A .,.... at apJ_tsw A wU1 4_ _ _ _t -11 tile

-t.Joft17 .... 11 ;aU. wi. ,. . . .u.t - " " ' .

lNt a180 ... _ _t to wtatala ~. aRId...... ...
_10 tIMIaU_ . . . wl11u. .. -11 to tt.a_. . . a•• . ,
u4,..,.u.. ... Sa ......... a ...... ,. _ ..
_ .... _ .... uUadate,. .Sat ttaeoI'Sata . .

....1aB ... lIas...... tIIIah- ... w . . . . IdIIda '- tIda

_ t . t •• h_ ••••!eIr. 1IIId1e _ . . . . . . _ .... _
~ - S - t ...,.. -..aUla, ........... _
••1"'11. ..... I. l.teI aaJr wi. . . . "I ..
tn.t ... 1IPi. _ m .... to ..,n
iaSUatei to tile
__ u.u.u., ........ '" I_ ...aU_.. IIdle
1D • paet1-.1 _ 1eop1a..... ,... ~

IIN14 __ ~ Sa - alMlt """*,,...n~ - '" •

waltllr ,.__ ........ ., GIld....... _ . . .t
with tile la. . . -..u.., _ ...."'......1 1. . _

, •••Dle t.a tile .......... . , 181 diU ( . . . . . . . It

. . ~ ......tJ1t1e) ..........tta. .
..... ..uri., a 1. _'_J~ .. ~ .. till
't. . . .,' ...... of ~ adD 11.11,.• •
....t, w.s, . . tbe . . . . of tile eaR _lRUe _lola

wen pl. to r •••2ft the . . . . . of thU bII41U.,

!beH .... the OUl0 01", . . tbe7 __ ....u-, ...
beN pubapI _n apt~, ao., the lI1.ted_. !be h114

171'-" • ntal pari ot ~._, npla'u. nR7

p:l'Otecntnc the 11.,.11hoo4. of olU_, . . . . .tzoll_

tad, .... iD41Ie'~. Wtthia. -.1- bluuabiaa1 .u.-

ttan of 1'1114. of AzU ~ (1Ib1ob. ill Itaat......

nu._... 1e4 bJ L·An. 4. 01tllUcd • •tai - the

QU14 ot J. . . . u4 ~). UU I184laBe. a4 UU
1IiDori. ~ ot the ut1eu8 woa14 -J.oa.r to ..... IIZ'· •
. . ........, •• Guild - .. the _ priaoip1e that .at•
..... tu 18 1rI1e4 w..,. ia tha, tile oa.n- lmd't
. . _teria1(.) . . lilt • ..taotan4 _.alS._. !Ida

nplaiaa .., _INae . . . . . . . . . ..,. tal1a4 to .aonw

nid __ ot • ., ·l.tIa1. .•• p1l4'. " ....

PIW'1c1aaa u. Sa 1. b1a~ ( .... .un Sal' _

.....1eIied ...... ot . . , _,_• ...,. 1IId.u., ..
_, JOt ~eA . . . .,....u....... Hel eaR),

. . pU.• of ,.saten, _ .... tile ...,.iaMd ......

_ _ _ Saol.... , of the 1eIr _tftaa, Sa the , . . .

aau of It WEe (al...... Sa . . . . . . . . theft . . a1IIo

• pnoUoal n . . . of . . . . ,.....u. to _ " -..

1'1..... bupe1abozU -i118 tiDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '"

pdntwoft) •

. . kDow tI'OIIlabel. !NOb . . that or . . eu17 Sta41.n.

Y101tD ot 1666 (JIx. XII) that a pD.p11 or ~u.....

whoa. hOUH M4 at whoM tabl. h • ...w pnlIabll' Ii.....

_t11 _ &Obi.... hill _ "CaJo __ Uo·. At . . .

tDe __ the appI'aU. .•• aId.11a ............. - . . .

-Z't19' '" _tb _tao ... _14 • ••.-11· . . . . wnH lie

be .at,,,, 1IIto the p1l4 . . ~ of tile _ ••• 'II

t_, or toke. ot - - . ...t likeJ,. 1t 1IIDd4 ... at

thu ''-P. Ilia . . .lbilltiea .....,.... that . . _J4
...... - - SaltSaW. , l _ t """'lk !!!1Mttk. lllto tile
.....Uloal ..-_d.. ot hIa ut, ........ to . . . . . . .
wtdob, an. all. - U __ •
III Ide _ ........... " -

iDIInaU........... s.. of - oftcSal ___, to ,...

pan Ilia _ .., . . . ad .-iIIIa ........ to tile ••HI
pdnolp1_ whiah ... _ _ _ _ _. . to Ida. . . . 11 . .t.
,.. .s..,l7 .1 the ,... . . . ot
_w. •....
gt. . . . . .

1IIIIalW , . . Ida WI. . . u.uu..

both .,11 I.W . . . . . . . . . .1 itae1t. Jta_,
. - - . -.......... dea1~ .... ot 1ta .ob.... 1er iD
w.. tedt _ ••••• wIa1CIIl . . . '-11'
the . .___UllIn of

up _1ftft&l _tbeu. ............. '" ..........u.••


1DdootZ'1natlCl1l act aooe.t._ or 1_ pr1Jaol~. 00II41-

t10nal to hie 0Wft . .teRM. u4 oltU.aato17 1'li14 .......

• hlp, qulet17 IUI4 1MDrab~ _tablUhe4 • __ poll. of

d"18n phl1080,..

Hue. ~ 18 the flaal ..,.te17 of the 1. ., ta41UGa .f

d_taa. wb10h I haft IIO'tIIht .. tIWt .-.q to .....u. "-

deGUM of "10 a.uU_.... 11Yi11&' . . . . . . -.I. .
• tood, b7 1_ paMt1U. . . , iDeY1ta1t1l . ..,.aiel ...

ctl.lIOlu'1oD of the _tal . . . . . . . of the pil4a. wid.

bad toatend u4 a1DtaiM4 1t.....11' tate ... uu.
aopUloatlaa 411Z".iDc the 4_law . . . .1_ or tile

1D4ustrial N'fOlu'1Ga .ulttKt the a, .. _ haw . .,

DOt 3M' of t1ft _ .ix o.tvt_ or p114 . . . . . . . . t

but of & .,1r1' - l Jb11oaoJ1!cr of __ 1IIh1GIl ... 1. . . .
u4 huB..... the aoble ....... of .....tte. of
__tl" Idada.

!banD to . . .Ucta.......1_ of • , . .....1ftaal

ettatll. howe. . . . . . . . , . . . to 1Nfti. 111 •• ISet..

iD.m I ••ta .. the Saapba'" . . . . .1 01 1&....
. . . . ., , . . of OO)7I1Ita. Ira, _ _" - . . 11____

.. tal._ of 1_ ........., ,..u......... at

or llltlwfte will . . . . _ _ ~ the _ ..... of

tal1alatem ••t, .t ,...u. _t1• .,• •1•• " _

fttuzll to 1 til tzue oeau., 811 undere __ u. 01 the loa'
prino1ple. that DOU1'1ahe4 the .-1_ _ BOW aSa41_~.

01' at 1_' 1IOUl1"17, . . . to repzod1lOe.

"OeoIIetz7••• tea. to 4nw

the eoul to tnth,
aM be Pft41aot1w ot • pb110110Jh1oa1
.'UW. of 1IiBIl. 41fto'lIIc .,..
fMNl'* h'_
wud the
WZ"CIIII'17 an
~ ..
tuM4 ,1


1 ••1'~ - Al'lhl'•• tu.1 fftDotpl.. 111 the • of

_u., lhIIJolt 1ft'" au, tu., ,.'118be4 1949.
2. . . . . . . c.1. . . - . . . .u. 111 . . . . . 0IIl __ •

111&, I",. ...

... • _tboI, _
IIoft'U IUM, Pe1t.D . . . . 1911. fiR' ,.'U.... ill
DS-. . . . . . .u. ia ....
an, .... '... ... It III • . . ,
of mo.1.... dth _ _, tile, . . . . . . . Jltlaioa1
... ..tIl _ _'III'. tile ,..1111.,"2. . . 1ttciet-•
... the uUat, ....., . ., un,
ot .tat•• _ ...
... ..ned" et
theo1..,•••, _ .., ..., .u.n.
. . . . . . .

tile _ . . . . . , . . . . . . ., _ . .

... _ _, . ., hall .I.t.,.". 11 - u . .

the _ . . _ _ _ tile ......... of. 1taJ _ .,.,

..,tl'1I'• ....,.. the ___ of . . . . IWltoIr.·

t ,.~

,...U.· -... '-11 ••• t_,

s......u. '- . . IMt
DIp ot ........ (. oolleoUae of Plato'. ~),
r....u 1"7.

,. ez-__ - A1IIO . . of . . . . .IS.' . . .1&. . of

6• ."dll'ClRu, - L
,. 1,., too. . . 1.
.,ttr.••, Ulldte.'-"l . . . . . . . .
7. . . . . .u.. - ......
Jr••• I . . . . . . . ,
~ of tile a_._""
the t1e8b . . the __tile of . .

wzolc! 1a t1M .ub4 tile -"U'7 ls..

obaeh·. ~U. ad ..,la'-I., 111
:nepeet, tbeoloet •• a41eopla_s.ta
. . . . . . the
"'J:r otIMnr
... _
oloMq tocetbel' ..., .alii ot t - . aft . . " .. . .17 a'
.... ...., - JIeoplataat_ '-7 Mo1.t .m,ok ..
Joha MaleollllU.....U. IDe. IIdt. 14th ....
8. ~ - _ L. Chapa,te. the IPta-t.. of
....... Catbl4ft1. 1912.
,. binll -!be fiBt book "'1,s..1~ ...,teA-
ba"f'iJlc . . . priaW tz. . . u l . - . . _ tile 0.__
lNaIr I1ltlo, s..... a' llaba Ia 0.• .., Ia . . ., U54.
10. Albat1 - . .lla ft, __ (14").

11. 8)1da • I. Wi. . . . . AftIaiteetaal PdMip1ea.

pp. Ut. 121. 14', u.t ft.
12. _~ •• - Plate, ~••

1,. afthi. . . . • .. Wi"lna•• Ueb1. . . . 1'-.. ......
14. Jldlluap - ... o. 1INl••• 'Ibe hIa. .•. . . . .,
0.-." &1. . . . 801'. . . . ., . Sa . . .
15. 8) •.,. - . . B _ _
....sq., tal. 1Ja1....
1'" '--. to _ _• • I.,
1941 ....
16. JlIIl.a - .lusQ. • . . Ms.. • Ill' ... -....t . .
.... _.. 1515, 1"'. 1,,..
I i......... Ia 1481_. . . . . . . . . ._ c.p ....
LaUa ' - l a , S . Pula
1'' _ ... A. . . . . l~.

lei. Oft,.,.
11. uoId. . . . . - Glaa....,.,. , " ' - 111 Fa. . . . . .
(IU&D 1970). 1M Ys. 0... •
Jola JU.....U. Aa_ 1m. !lilt 01.,. .. - J-..,
-.a. '.0. a,. ....
11........... - Jilt 011__, . . . . . . w. IItUU.IIIre
19. . . - . . If, ..... Y101 '" ~ I.,. (JM1).

10• .aJaltr •
-.,Id, ..
..w.. ___
.1...t., ...
ot tile II_liM . .eel,
.1 ...
- la_ -
'•.,...21' ,.,....
GOJrietII G.I • •
3 r

....... ball. . . . ___ t . . . . . tile --tt..

•• • •l ~
• •~ ~:I
• • =

ifi ~ J~ I~j I~ liJ fl:ll~! l(iirilir lii:lll!if~~il

~'. i
I ' · ' ~(, (i!~ It
- ~!(a I lit .Ii[r-,
i I •. ~r·
~I ~
!= fll!~i·
f·r~li o-~
I~I I ~ lir ! .~! Ili&!rl I!:II; ;l!::ilfi~!;i

r f ,fr ; t! :fiiil-
if i
· i hr~fti~' \It
e ~









!!~lrl r Ii'! i
fill r~ ~ I'sa IfIIIII ~~ i :1£ ~~ IEf !f Iii;! [I
f ~
,f. lG ~ •
"II'. .::
r £~! · e.. ~
I I,r·
.. I~" -!.,.. . .. ~'" If
F.! , , ~ r ~ J ~ ~ f
i r r· .. c: I~. i'" =. I ~·a

I ,.11- r ;1, Ii :rl~11 ~t ' ii' ~I fit _, !I~

I" ..

-- _It (~~_i.i.1 ~ _~. 'i ·.f· is- (! I·~f

-, "'&. f i' ,. -, 81 8"1 1
"11··' ~: ·f li!i I ~ ,-E ~~ j!.!
•__ .11 ~ il .'l:~
~ !I • f j I~~f -
,i j~. If r II I ill
f l ! f! F ,II
lr I ii ~ Ii I It!
Illfl I; ~ 'J' J ;i ~ ! ~ i~1 ~ ~
StIwlSftZIl aas-u ... o.ew.... - *lie . ., or
Ia..... _ of tapno14 ton. Both tnu an
zoepozied f.wuab17 111 'HhiD4 the oariaia' . . . .UO
tee... at. ,.u.otu~. . .1. . MtWrN4 .", . . . .
ot ........ ill . . . .~~ a • • • •U ...
'1101'14 01 tale _lota8•
• ,. puttoe - _ tabocbaoto17 __ to tile Y10lJa croup
(De 141-4> with . I a. . . to ftae 41 ... 48.

44. walth. - -1."1000 __ Su..IlftZ'l- Mtaa1~ ......

_u.n.'. *'* _
tb8 On•••••• _ • • •

45. _ki .... • 0Iae ....
ta. P8}I Ida deatll. ia
9re . . . . . .ther. 01 1m.
iMcIarl1le4 -. . .
-D'~ "~we

.,. .1.. 'M - Sba4t..z1 ~1t Sa • • Id. . _ tall

41. iD*. - . . poU07 _ •••.a•••, .,at 1 . -
MOtt. w. !hit o..aa... iHb ... __ • ~
lu17 41tt1.a!' _ , to ..a., ••••• lift
l' • "Ml. Wl7i11« , . . ".15 - 40.' __
48. b. ill.). • 15 1Ir. Sa. •
01 . . .1oola AaatS . . . .,~
........ wIa11e . ., of tlle1M6 It
..-lA ' " - ...
lit p"

.,• ..t._) - _ _u. ... (.. t .. tao. 41).

. . . . . . . . . _ of 1.11._"_ ....,..
,.,. . . .Ut,r. - It _ , lie .....'d.W...........,
tile _ ot
.., .,.. . . . . . . . . au - . fMdU.r -tftII/
...,.1 ...... ...w lie .........

51. 1••aSRd • Ad.8S............ - , .... I.'., ...

A... Itll......R ..ll. . . ., l-.a..t'. wMl.-
'If-....t.·"'......... ....
eell. t.a .... __ . . . . .t. ......, of Ida 0 . . . .
~. ia ' - ' , _ _ .ldtaU..".., . .,

IWt a - t
__ . . tee aU . . .
es.. 01 the 'ff.o'--ll•• -
,.,..,u.. ftaI
... IfA.A

,I. ' ..u. - au. 30' 7F .11ene .,.,,.., o. 1m•

. . 11 ia . . . . . I ••••••• , 1..u..otIeB (. .
Sa ... a•••, ••1.).
" . li1d.... • - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aI1'rwte Onh...... ,
Rubus In,.
54......t t . - flllppo.7 ' I wtUIIC 111 1716. ·AIIou.-
••• _ . . . . ., wtdah _ _ ,..,1. . . 18 oa11e4 . .
~o1a 4'UIOft, tor _1oh I ..... __ ..,1. to cU.8-
. . . . tba ~... _ t . ita ____ . . . . _ ••

" • ....,. - .......ffMtw thaoft'haIl . . pI'aOt1eabft

. .10 8u1, Ifuwabaa. 11)2.

56. tiHl - . .1_ . . . .~, ~. I",..

57. 4' . . . . - !Ida . . .., abo l1atII tile ...s-

t._ .", 11K. XU.
51. 4eatll. - •••• hI-. ""- 2' ...lot..,..
L.9.J. Yol. 1. . . &1_ tIIfIIe au Late-
.......... L.8.1. Yol. ,. " . . _ _ _,
014 LaUe·,

59. . . . - "" .', L.8 •.1. 'fel. ,.

'«). wltta.· • .,.. . . . . .II ..... 1, . , . ID.
61. . . . . . . - J.D. . . . . . ., "1M t.tee IUtedoal . " . ,
L.S •.1. .,.1. I, ,. 11.
61. tw.t. - All . . . . .18 -.uae ....... ..w .....
'alla ........... of 11M 9iela, ... - ~b •
. .t t..a 111 . . e1opf~ . " .. . . . . .
tile ClcdU • ( ... m).
" . _ _wi. JUt _ _. . .u.. ., tIda fta, _ tile
MlaiIII' ____ et ........." .. Cldt'AlI I.

64. __ • lee s.. ........ 21 .... _ las. tle_• •

ot tId8 11Ite ill ·A ftfta.. • • . . , . . .
..,1lIIa 'fd
L.8 •.1. Yel. .. . . ,... !Ida""".u.1e die
,...,.,.. • ftdl
tau. ....
.11.U. 01 . . _t'.
'" ".m _11.' · ft, ........
1..... 16"', Put D, .....
,..... .. 10"
m (,. 49, -'1"_1 eta).
M. ...... • ..... fa 1.a.J. YIII. XL
61. - -•••• • ,,'II Sa ...1.41• .,.". ,.
M..... • ,,1*'. XI II t, ! .cr, 1"'. . . . II.
ea.,. DI (,. ........ _ . ) .
69• •ttaW -
L.S.J. .01. PaJ-,
5, ,.
014 lela•• Lat, .......

10. '_teal' • _ .t_iaa ot . . O1dU.ol fte1,

II&. DI.

n ...... • IIaftII . . . .n•• , . • t. Ud.,.••l1e.

hrb 1'''-
12. . . . 410, • JI4IO 111 tile ._J_.
8MI.nlls hill ......U U 8 .. tlwad·. "-
111 . . .t t . 18 111_taW 111

3 _ _. . _

175, ,. .,..
..... _
.. tM ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ fa.•

-'-to .........
'-'I , • .", ..... -, _ ..

14. ad_ - Ole ... of . . . . . . .s. t..u, ... - -

GNU... witll tile . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . OR'''. . .
....1e-......... _ tile 1Id-- ot ••_ ......
e1a1a 18 ~ t . . . . .,~ to wnt:r. . .
u..tu, ......... ~ 21 ..w.
15. plNI . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ~ ........- . . . ......
.. • • ...._ tide . . ..,.

n • .,.·. !tIa •• ' .."a. . . . _ , ...... (r w,

. . . .I • • of . . . . .1. . . . . . III .t ..... ).
TI. _ . . . . . dttlra ........... , a..... A. .... nt,
.... M. I .... I. AJIP11 1m.
19. ftnIde • Olttla" . .. ftnIde. ails.".
1514- I rr'rnnI 81_ • ItH . . . . . . . . A.A, . ....
Ida........ "SI_,
ftars. a
eo. 1M. TE". 1..1. 1QId_ ... W. . . . . r slea1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.t . . . . t.,
81. " ••1 •
ilia . . .
!lie rs.-. w4dtla. . . . . . . . .t ' • • WI.U
Pl. . . . . . 81. . . . .
1M .............. D. ls •••s me
it. ..... _

ftaae ot .t.,........
12. . .1,.,11 - ... Rd,....l of • _tn .,. Sa •
1IId -.l~ ...., 't Sa
.it1atecl ill . . . . o~ \be ~ ...~., ......
. . . . .14. ~__ the ~14e of tile ftd,..I.
th1II poatUae, the " , _ , of .... ...,. ... tllet of
. . IWOlprooa1 Sata•• n at ftabt - . ' . . . .
Bubi4p, Pan It I •••• 4•
• , • ...-J. - Ald4at tile Ua~ ... .., • . , . . . . .t
lett of . . _ _ 1_. 'I.
Sa the tMb I.t. tile ...... ,.... to .. , _
till tIala te . . . . .
Sa ~. the __ ,.au. ... __ • •eetll
Sa tM 4awSac.

84..... - .,.... , -......... ,..lUea t .at JOII1U1a,

... ~ _lati •• da1, 4ut. _ i.....~ , . .
tile UNdQ I IBt , . . . Sa tile Y II A tfteu.' 1Ie11
oit__ - _ blb'l.u •• ' wIdIIa Sa _us. ..Ita Sa

.,. _.1.. _'-

WI7 811.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . .u.). lle•
.r.lpi . . . . . ..

a6. JIi1rt1at - tAlI ....iMtt.. ot - . . . . .i . l . . . . .
_tnt, asa.....,
11....... • 1M Cldtua Ia. . . . . . . ot tIda s....
_ t 1a _ , li_~ • lata al__ts. of fla.u. •
_ ill.......... to tbe· .. '--I .. Dim.
II. priaW - ,.... wi. . . . ..u..u. e6 .._Sa. .ie,
... ., '1 ••••
14. . . . . . . . . ..
,._. ,.saw Sa 1" .. IRe

It• .,,4_.- -......_ (•.

ia !II. . . . . ..
~, .c) . -. . '" Plate

90e ilia.. •.... lid. . a1eo .... Sa . . . . . . . . .1. . . . .

'IIda Sa . . . . .' . . __ a.. ....... ~ •
.u..1a ...... , . . tile 91bT.l. . . _ . . . . . .
loa. ......
. _ •• aJ., •••••s.,
i.'Ir.,. ,..sUa'.
of . . . . . tile ..sat I.a .un
tile .,
••••• tile . '....

11. .&PPJaIDIX A
s(u lWlLY fl)uaal . . . . . .IOAL




.. D1ria ~. Y.-f.oe 1",
a - .. US....u.. a-bSa. ~.
. .UAl. . .ISlI.'• .au.... 1494 (led)
"114, !.au. eliUGa. 1509
fUI08X) GIS!
. . . .aBia ....... y..tee 1515
L'!talSa lU •••• tat. ioU, 1541

..11& ......U-. . . . . . . &1 ••11". 1,."
QIa"- 1i1lar1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " ,
,• ._a...-sa. 1515
. . . . . DPJa
~ OOn'.....t_, 1596
. . . .ta . . .l, 1619
Ia. BlftISft ~
•• zoe Ml1fteatofta (0. 1450). 141'. 1'50
fattato U uohltettaa (0. 1461)


!lattate 41 ualdtettlla elftle • .ul__ (ana
pDftO QAfdII)
I tat- pI'SId U.s t i atIIIdtet__ • Ye1el 1'54
GUcx.o ..IOPJ DA u.u
__Ie ..lie oS..- . .iDl. 1_

PllILDWI • L ' "

J.e ,. .. ta " - .. 1 'UIId. . . . . . 1567

liftt. tell 'UIId..' . . . . . . .tee 1'10
IIAM'DO "'-1
..,...s Sa _tGta
.....s. 1511
.·aRllite,.... et ......,u._•

U. tell'MIId..' .... .t.._ale. 1615
am_ ,.. tlHlU.

............. lila'i . . ., a... 1511

1_'1. eliUa. ~
eUu.• .,...
1'1'" "
.. 'fttIWU., .. 1IftId.. . . . . lDari tl".

IBIIllftlBD 1111111
lena Pi. . . . (14")
n.o DJILLl PIWftD!l8CA
de Pn;pettl_ PUc-d1 (1410-90)
de s-l,. . . (150')
. . . ...,. • d_ •••• F'C att ... 2PIat1 . .
~ta0be74 (1525)
ft..................11__ . . ,. . . ., -..11111,_
tau. e41U., ~I ' . . 1,.
h_oh e41U_. Pu1a 1551
ltd_ eUu.. Y.lee 1591
......... e41tt., I " ,
...... .atS_. , ..... 16IJ
IJIot'AIIt PAOLO ..... .
tat• • "11' An. . .lla Pi. . ., Iaal__. . .
beIlStet. . (1.>
14_ de !Wpio della Pit__ (1590)

dIel1J8 JIdLI1II untDI8 . .D_ ( .. 415-514 AD)
. . "1Ga, ...,... uti
. . . .111) . . . .
!beul_ • •tee, 149•
...uallll'•• ,149C
~te. . . . . . . 0,.. "'lee, 1,..
.. a.-ia . .1__ • __ . - - , 1511

..s_ on.tatat, 1M,.. 1511
...t._ 1M.. & •• tal.. I, 2••, 8tt, t . . 1_
Int..u.i.1 11'.... 1".
IoJtlS-U --...u.....lee 1".
" _ _'Se! . . . I.SW, 1511
__- . . . .,.... 1619
1fAID . . . . . .
• • _ie aat.....t1e. 1'"


BODr 011fLlII CJWl! a. s..u Pm

~ or POUR aa..non nOLDB

!be tollalr1ltc ta • abut. tor 4iftot . . . . -'-.a••

&i'dDe the ....-'S... .u. . of tile ........' . . a4U
of the .soliD.' lMM17 onU,....
~ with _ bti__

t t . ot tbeu pnpoft1oM.l 'OIIIPt.te..:lJaSa

ot . . lD41'fi4a1 lIoII7 l1li4 .............. witll • , . , . . .
t10Bal apoaS,*. ta. of ODUM. Sae1.... ill tile

Nlnu' _tlolta of the ten.

!lie 41 ...... ftc. 1". Sacl1._ the _ U. . ., . . .

ea __ to \he t.,.. - . ' - . 1Ih1ah _ . . . lSaW Sa

au ••• left-h." 'faUea1 _ _ of tile...... ...

_ _ aft c1wn Sa 1Ill1.a. ~_. tolt..l _ •

. . . .'Se , ..U.ft_'S. or SatapNtau.. ........1

( ) ~ I.h •••
L J ••a..·.,., .. td'UU7 I.UII
- Jro .......tme1 atpift_.



OF ARC (1564) (c.1670) (1666) (1703)
GM 65.5 (¢4 ) 68 ( ¢1 /2 ) 68 ( ¢1 /2 ) 68 ( C )

MN 79 - 84 ( ¢ ) 83.5 (-:!!: ¢ ffiil ) 83.5 -

NS 21 - 30 LIt 18 £! 17 ( C )
r- sx 9.5 ( ¢ ) 12 £i 10 - 10 -
XI 25 ( ¢2 ) 30 £1* 24 Ll 24 -
YZ 70.7 £CJ 68 ( ¢l /2 ) 92.5 - 85 ( C)

ZT 15.4 (¢1) 18 L1 18 £i 11 ( C)
I\" TR 29 - 18 Li 18 L! 11 ( C )

RP )
• 104 - 103.5 - 102(.25) ( c )
) 10.1 LCJ
PH ) 11.5 f5 Br. inJ (CJ 11.5 15 Br.ind [e] 11 £CJ
...It HD 111.5 ( ¢6 ) 219.5 ( ¢2 ) 220 ( ¢2 ) 354.5 LCJ \j.I

.&I.IatI. L1III 1lftI8rA.

- . . IW ..aus-toI'Sa. 1415 (b. " - "-1, 1155).
- Die fto1a .................. W..s..
- . . . . . . . . . Meri._ . .1_1 _ _ I II.,
r..•• 1"'-
- Gat.1.... ot . .1ea1 x... ••of ... Al. . .
••••• Y.l. 11 (~.tII .ta) I ••, . 1"'-
lLAD, J.l__" ,
- . . , . . . of 'f1at... PaJ ..S... 1"'-
1CIrA.x. nLIPfO.
- fleWllette ....,.. (1116), . . . 1.,.,.
.... fIlLIP J.,
- 1M 1Id_ ........lill. L••• 1971 ....
IOIUIlV, . . . ..
_ .. ~ ............ , . ft .... '0'"., .,.
101181. DAYD D.,
-.. lUll a.n..u., 0.8.'.. 19IDe
. - ' _ , JAIaI.
- CiYiliaaU. of . . ' •• t •• , •• (tal ... 1,.,)•

-.111.' • Il!W,
Aft ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1"'.
00&"', DfD,
• 'ftae ....oUaa. - ...... MaMIe, . .~ . . . . ,
'01. 5, •• 1, Ju1lU7 1m.
- III »-1'. . . ot • ""-'I*u., 1tCl, o.s. ,.,.. 110. 1.
• Plato'. no.o1ocr. Lon4oa 1952.
- !he nola D'AIIoft, 1018 4• ..,..... 1916.
• !be ftola . . . . . ., ...... I"'.
QAu,IJI, JlAftla •
• a.tal_ 4el • • • ",li Ita .Itt . .iGali. . . . .u.
at......, 011
II. ti IIU_. 1",.
• lfatllook ot "pea -.taal lila. rta. Melt. 1,,.,.
• ~1a of Anhlteo..... 'r •• 1194.
JW)AWAY, Il0l111,"
_ !he C1ttea, "17 lfuaie, M. 1, JIG. I, Apdl 1m.

• . . ltalt.laW Lia . . Ixa..s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
• 1M a .... of II rAt • . , ._. tale -.sWlld•
..... 1948.
• PaoUaa1 APflS.u.. of _ do., • ." tale
atl..s" ' - I 1949.
IAY_• •AJ.D.
• ftola ... otllea' . . . . . . ." • • ( • •1_1 - - - .•
... tIaeU 1500-1-,,0. M. I). 1'~.

1IBLUrIa, •• ,
• t.te
ill tile late
11 m, 1974.
1'.... 1Hl _ . ., Late

."......... !'e"I_. aa..111W.. . ." ' - I ' ••e
- .ADtaato SbwUftd. 1118 Lit..... WaR. Load. 1901.
- . .1aa1 IMu.ln_, blatorio. an ... - - . .

1014'. IIICIWIL.
- . " , ' i.. in Aft. S ••• , LaMoe 19n.

JALOnC, I ••
- ltaliM Yiolia .un, Olrbu. Pnpe 1952.

-.....'1_ ill . . . . . Oaal. . . . "It... 1911.
LmU_ ~ ... o.Yd, AD _ . J.B. Yd la,
- Deampti_ OaWoc- of tIae a..1 ... t .. __
ID __.. 0011"'_ of . .ioal IDa_ • • , t ....

LUJJ), , .. .101 1lA0000,
• Ad Q\wI _ _ • I. 8~ 01 the . . . .tftea1 ..... of
bahi. . . . . . ~ 1911.

-"lok'. __t, 1676.

'-SIdle ... , PuSII 1"'-
JlARILta·, ••
• Catalope
0..4-a"U .. ~
.. .....
_ _ II_tal .. c..a ..toift IIra1 . . . .~.
_ •••111 1912.
JUIlOU8I, a.,
- a.laa1 X.u •••••• Oa ,111t_d_ Dlott-eurr, . .
Yolk 1964.

. . . . .te W..-lle, 1'" (I... ..... w, . . J:.-
- Cst" of Iew1aUaa, , _ _ , ...... 1m.
• 1M ft_ 0.. AtluUe. Da_, ' ••
t . 1m.
lIuxOf, IlL_II,
t•• IMU.... lee I I I * - ....S. . . .
• IDa
mue. 1lMl........ et Ole, ruu 1".,.
..wr. IDI!lIB.
- Yiburia, 1M .... IooIaI .. AnId.. . . . . . . . . . . (_.T.)

- 11
___ ,
- tM ftn, look of a.114'.

.,.... DAYD.
- Iaau-nta of ... 1114418 ........ ...., . . . . . O.V.p••
- 4e I1YiM ~. l5Of. eA. '" ea......u.
.1D~ (u.". "PdaW 1"4 .. QIe1~

wad 4. . 01." ODa .-1-..

tfk . . . . . . .S. . . - ' ".tta.' Sir . . . .ttela1~
Bead,. BW.......
- J'aaIt booD of Anlatt. . . . . . . . . . (_.T.). 1"'....sat
or 17" atal1all • •
PAm.. B.II.W••

• ",.,..l1aheI . . . . . . . . ._ ,... tile . . . . . . .U

• . . . . . . . . . tile LlMa1 AnII. , • .,,_ 1"'-

_ ft • • • , w. LI.'..... P pt_ 1965-
- . . IMt . , . of .......... tit...... .,.dl·I96T.
- 0011___ ••1_ _ ..... _ • • IIIIdltaB ...
bUacte . t I M. . . Toft 1_.
JQIL1flII, I.,
• late. ttIeofte. ad_ _ • 1.1. II 1"'-
• ..,.. . . . . . . . . 1619 (w. lal1". 1",'•
. . . . 1Il10.&.
- ....1&...... of . . 1.'1_,••t .......... 1,,,.
BAaRS, em,
- Ieal-l. . . . . . . . . .I'd-" I" (I...... ltiJ).
- Iatal. . _ ct_ s.-1_ _ ... RIa4e1....... Sa JIa11e.
6 fe'l. "1JdMu . '•• M='-. .t.,aIl
SuptlMu-te, RaIl. lUI ct_ 8M1e, 1912.

- Chi........ tMorbe ... uehl_•• Jut~ . . S., Yol. 4,
Bo. 4. OOto....z. 197'.
S'tAllIBR. C.,
- A Diot1ODa17 ot 'fSolb Makea, lIoftllo. ftPI'la' ot
1896 eclD.

S'l'ALBr, B.,
- !he CJld.1cle ot na..e.... T_, 1967 eIID.
8'l'IRLDO, WILLIAII ( • • ).
- !he 0 . . , au..... '--. 197...
-!be CJu1tu, rz. the . . .1._08 to the Pz. . . . . . .
Ia.tozd 1914.
- Diot'ONIa!'" . '......1 t . Lath1ae,
- !be Ll.... 01 . . utta_, . , 1971.

~ .•.•.,
- . .1_ ..tutu" 1,U (1••••1, 1"1).

- "- Pl...._ l . . . . . . . . . . 1"'.

- ...Seal Waulll.U • .& Lla' ., . . . . . . . AaUe1_ Sa
!h• •'1ana1 ut LSltzu:r, ftotoda . . .&1'-'... •
191' and 197'.
W1tlfalIft, . . . . .,
- . .1-.1 x.b" lb • • of tile . . . . . . . .u Ca.••••
" ' _ , 1"').
- a.loal IM __ I.u ... tIIIJht • • , S_ Sa . . . . . . .
(..-, 1"7). '

- ..
».t.e . .ill Sa .....SIIl. . . . .
'flU, C.••l1, I,..

_1ft_, LltDlJIIOW e.,

- Apollo, ~t . . . DIrd4, J. . . .l of . . . . . . . .
...ioa1 Iaau-t 8oo1et7, 1'01. I, 1m.
_ AftJd.t.otual Prinot,l. ill . . Ap of
(L0D401l 1952).
n .i_
- UGhi. ._' Teu . . . 1'. t.c.a. 195'.

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