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Name: Rhyela Balgos Grade & Section: 10- Einstein

Mathematics (Module 4)
 What I Know
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
 What’s In
1. J 6. H
2. E 7. F
3. A 8. G
4. C 9. D
5. F 10. B
 What’s More
Hours Worked per Number of Students LB <cf
40- 49 5 395 100
30-39 18 29.5 95
20-29 39 19.5 77
10-19 14 9.5 38
0-19 24 -0.5 24
i= 10 N= 100
P75 =28. 49
Therefore, 75% of the 100 community college students worked less than or equal to 28
hours each week (on average).
 What I Have Learned
NCAE Scores f LB <cf
39-81 6 38.5 99
36-38 7 35.5 93
33-35 9 32.5 86
30-32 13 29.5 77
27-29 22 26.5 64
24-26 10 23.5 42
21-23 9 20.5 32
18-20 7 17.5 23
15-17 8 14.5 16
12-14 4 11.5 8
9-11 2 8.5 4
6-8 1 5.5 2
3-5 1 25 1
1. The lower boundaries are obtained by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit of each
given interval. It is called the true boundary. The lower cumulative frequency (<cf)
can be obtained by adding the frequencies starting from the frequency of the lowest
2. The 3rd quartile is 31.87
The 72nd percentile is 31.18
The 8th decile is 33.23
3. The percentile rank of Dennis is 24th
The percentile rank of Christine is 17th
 Assessment
Age Number LB <cf
55-64 20 54.5 100
45-54 28 44.5 80
35-44 29 34.5 52
25-34 23 24.5 23
i= 10 N= 100
Q1= 35.19. Therefore, 25% of the people covered by health insurance has age less
than or equal to 35 years old.
D6= 47.36. Therefore, 60% of the 100 people covered by health insurance has age
less than or equal to 47 years old.
P90= 59.5. Therefore, 90% of the people covered by health insurance has age less
than or equal to 60 years old.
Score f LB <cf
50-54 1 49.5 30
45-49 2 44.5 29
40-48 4 39.5 27
35-39 3 34.5 23
30=34 8 29.5 20
25-29 7 24.5 12
20-24 2 19.5 5
15-19 3 14,5 3
P PR= 69.67
Therefore, 69.67% or 70% of the students obtained scores below 36.
 Additional Activities
Score Frequency Comulative LB
40-45 6 18 39.5
35-39 5 12 34.5
30-34 3 7 29.5
25-29 4 4 24.5

Name: Rhyela Balgos Grade & Section: 10- Einstein

Health (Module 4)
 What I Know
1. D 6. C
2. B 7. A
3. B 8. D
4. D 9. C
5. B 10. B
 Activity 1
Clinical Psychologist

Mental Health Mental Healthcare Guidance Counselor

Cousnelor Epidemiologist

Epidemiology Disease Prevention and Infection Preventionist

Investigator Control
Industrial Hygienist

Health Inspector Occupational Safety Occupational Health and

Safety Technician

 Assessment 1
Self-Assessment Career Exploration Justification
Health Career Chosen Job
Pathways Health Description
 Interested in medical Health Community Focuses on I believe I could work as
matters and enjoys Education Health promoting a community health
reading articles about Educator good health educator since I am good
them. education at promoting and giving
and disease advices especially good
prevention deeds.
within a
 I enjoy helping sick Promotes Since I am good at
people. good health promoting and giving
though advice and also I don’t
Nutrition Nutritionist proper diet tolerate having a poor
and balance diet, I believe I
treatment am capable with this
of diseases. career.
 I enjoy helping sick Personal Practical Takes care I believe it is due of my
people. Healthcare Nurse of basic enthusiasm.
duties in
such as
homes and
long term
 Activity 2
Strengths Weaknesses
 Communicating with  Having a short patience
other people


Opportunities Threats
 Family and my  Financial situation
determination to
pursue the certain
 Assessment 2
1. I will pursue my ambition of becoming a nurse because it is both my desire and my
2. I'll work hard to achieve my goal, and maybe I'll get a part-time job to help pay for
my studies.
3. I'll encourage him to consider what he truly desires and what is appropriate for him.
 Activity 3
 I am capable of caring for  I'll come into contact with
those who are sick. a lot of sick people.
Reflective question:
Considering with Pros and Cons, I will continue to pursue my chosen health job since it
is my passion, what I really wanted, and what I desire. I will continue to pursue it even though
I’ll come into contact with a lot of sick people because of my determination to help my family
and as well as sick people.
 Assessment 3
Chosen Career Reasons in the Possible situations Interventions to solve the
selection of career that may interface situations
the selection of
Nurse I really love to help Financial situation I’ll get some part time job to
sick people and it’s help support my financial
my desire since I needs.
was a kid.
 Assessment
1. B 6. C
2. D 7. C
3. B 8. A
4. D 9. D
5. B 10. B

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