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T. E. S O U T H A R D t t. K. A. S O U T H A RDf and R. N. STILE%
ttipartmcnt of Orthodontics and $Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of
Tennessee-Memphis. Memphis. TN 38163. U.S.A.

Abstract-We hypothesized that the anterior component of occlusal force (ACF) generated by mandibular
molars was a function of molar inclination, height of the transverse condylar axis above the occlusal plane,
steepnessof the occlusal plane, gape, molar root dimensions, interproximal tooth contact force when not
biting. and bite force. Our research aim was to identify those biomechanical factors which determine ACF.
Mandibular second molars were axially loaded with a 90 N force (10 mm second molar gape) in IS subjects.
and the resulting ACF was measured at the mandibular first molar-second premolar contact using a
recording technique based on interproximal frictional forces. Morphologic measurements were obtained
from lateral cephalometric radiographs of each subject and included: Frankfort mandibular plane angle,
occlusal plane angle, angles formed by the longitudinal axis of the second molar and the occlusal and
mandibular planes, perpendicular distance from the top of the condyle to the occlusal plane, and second
molar root width and root length. For ten subjects,ACF resulting from axial loads of 50.100,150, and 200 N
was measured. For ten subjects, ACF resulting from an axial load of 50 N and second molar gapesof IO mm,
I4 mm. I8 mm, and 22 mm were measured. ACF increased with increasing gape and increased propor-
tionally to increasing bitt force. Correlation and stepwise regression analyses revealed that ACF varies with
interproximal tooth contact force when not biting (contact ‘tightness’) and molar root width (model
R* =0.71, p-zO.01). The hypothesis that ACF is a function of bite force, gape, molar root width, and
intcrproximal contact tightness has been supported. and the hypothesis that ACF is a function of molar
inclination. occlusal plane stccpncss.condylar axis height. and root length was rejected.

IN TRODU C TIO N terms of the elfect of the center of gravity of the

mandibular molars. Becausemandibular molars erupt
The concept of an anterior component of occlusal into the oral cavity with a mesia! inclination, he
force (ACF) which results during chewing evolved suggested that their center of gravity did not lie
over the past eight decades as a possible explanation directly above their roots but, rather, toward the
ofcertain observations in orthodontics including post- anterior of the dental arch. Therefore, when masticat-
treatment relapse (Stallard, 1923; Newcomb, 1936; ing force is applied axially to these teeth, this force
Grieve, 1944; Waldron. 1942). It is thought that while would be divided into two parts, one axial component
chewing on posterior teeth, a portion of the occlusal parallel to the mesial edge of the tooth and one
load projects towards the front of the mouth as ACF anterior component perpendicular to it. If the second
(Fig. I) and that transmission of this force from the premolar is missing, then the perpendicular force
posterior to the anterior teeth could eventually result component eventually tips the molar forward.
in forward migration and crowding of the anterior A second common clinical observation is that pos-
teeth (Burdi and Moyers, 1988). Although this concept terior interproximal dental contacts continue to wear
is intuitive and has become generally accepted by the throughout life but that interdental spacing does not
dental community, a cause and effect relationship result from this wear. That is, with interproximal wear,
between ACF and dental crowding has not been teeth must shift in order to maintain interproximal
shown. Further, suggestions that certain biomechan- contact. Stallard (1923) proposed that this space clos-
ical factors may influence ACF magnitude have not ure resulted from a forward drifting of teeth which in
been experimentally supported. turn resulted from the elkcts of ACF. He reasoned
It is a common observation that, following ex- that, since teeth swing into occlusion on an arc whose
traction of permanent mandibular second premolars, center is a transverse axis through the condyles, the
the mesial inclination of the mandibular molars in- mandibular teeth are carried in a superior-anterior
creases and these teeth lean into the extraction site. direction during closure. He further reasoned that, for
Trauner (1912) sought to explain this phenomenon in each mandibular posterior tooth, there could be re-
solved an anterior component of closing motion and
force. He suggested that the higher the transverse
Received infine/firm I8 M a y 1 9 9 0 . condylar axis was above the plane of occlusion, the
*This research was supported by the University of greater would be the anterior component of motion
Tennessee Dental Alumni Association. for these teeth during closure, the greater the ACF,
tAddress corresoondence to: Dr T. E. Southard, Depart-
and the greater the forward drift tendency of posterior
ment of Orthodoniics, The University of Iowa. Iowa City.
IA 52242. U.S.A. teeth. Actually, during closure on a bolus between the

1200 _ T. E. SO U T H ARD e t a l.

and (3) to be related to malalignment of mandibular

anterior teeth (Southard er al.. 1990).
Figures 2 and 3 depict the mandibular teeth in-
volved in this study and the mean distribution of ACF
during second molar axial loading, respectively. ACF
magnitude varied widely between individuals for the
same applied axial load.
Based upon the literature we hypothesixed that the
magnitude of ACF was a function of the inclination of
the axially loaded molar with respect to the mandible,
the height of the transverse condylar axis above the
occhisal plane, and the steepnessof the occlusal plane.
If ACF was related to occlusal plane steepnessthen we
also expected ACF to be influenced by the degree of
gape. Biomechanics also suggested that ACF w.ould
vary with bite force, the dimensions of the second
Fig. 1. The anterior componentof oeelusalforce(ACF).
molar root surface, and the ‘tightness’ of the mandibu-
lar interproximal contacts. However, no experimental
evidence to support any of these hypotheses has been
maxillary and mandibular teeth, forward motion of reported. Our research aim was to identify those
the mandible against the bolus should result in a biomechanical factors which determine the magnitude
posteriorly directed reactive force against mandibular of ACF generated by mandibular molars.
Strang (1950) defined ACF as resulting from the
normal mesial inclination of the posterior teeth which
causes the maxillary posterior teeth to meet the man-
dibular posterior teeth in a seriesof angles, the apices
of these angles being dircctcd forward. The masti-
catory force component emanating from this angular
relationship would be partially directed toward the
front of the mouth. He further suggested that, for a
given axial load, the greater the mesial tilt of the
posterior tooth, the greater the forward crown dis-
placement and resulting ACF generated by that tooth.
The probable importance of interproximal contacts Fig. 2. Mandibular dental arch.
in the transmission of ACF was summarized by
Hemley (1944). He proposed that ACF is transmitted HUN MNDIBuIAR Am D1STR1BuT10
anteriorly from one tooth to another through these
contacts and that the effect of ACF on tooth move-
ment was resisted by the anterior dental arch at these
contacts. Following either the lossof a tooth, proximal
caries, or interproximal abrasion, the proximal con-
tact is removed and ACF causes a shifting of teeth
which tends to close the space. Finally, Burdi and
Moyers (1988) suggested that the steepness of the
occlusal plane influences ACF magnitude. However,
their rationale for this suggestion was not presented.
We recently reported measurement of the anterior
component of occlusal force (Southard et ok, 1989).
Axially loading a single posterior tooth resulted in
increased dental contact tightness for all contacts
mesial to the loaded tooth. It was considered that the
anterior component of occlusal force (ACF) from the
loaded posterior tooth drives the more anterior teeth MHDIStJL&R LETT INTEFtPROXIMAL CONTACTS -A
forward, while the roots and periodontium of these
more anterior teeth resist this force. ACF was found Fig. 3. Mean mandibular anterior component of occlusal
(1) to be transmitted anteriorly from the axially loaded force (ACF) distribution as the subjects were biting on the
mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular left second molar with a
mandibular second molar through interproximal
90 N force (n= 15). ACF was measured at each left inter-
tooth contacts; (2) to have an unexpectedly high mean proximal contact anterior to the first molar. The error bars
magnitude during moderate second molar loading; indicate the standard error of the mean.
Occlusal force antCrior component 1201


ACF measurement technique

ACF was calculated from sliding frictional force
measurements. As the dry surface of one body slides
=&5 T E N S I O NT R I N S O U C E R

over that of another, each body exerts a frictional force

on the other parallel to the surfaces and opposite to
the direction of relative motion. The magnitude of this
frictional force is independent of the contact area,
proportional to the normal force transmitted across
the contact surface, and practically independent of
velocity at low velocities. This relationship was dis-
\/ d
covered by Coulomb in 1781 (Shames, 1966).
When a 0.038 mm thick stainless steep strip* (6 mm R\ k

wide and 15 mm long) is slipped between two teeth, +f/

each tooth is displaced and exerts a force against and
normal to the strip at the tooth contact point. For the
purpose of this study this force is termed the inter- Fig. 4. Measurement technique. (a) The tension transducer
proximal force (IPF) of the contact. IPF can be was hooked through .a perforated 0.038 mm thick stainless
steel strip;(b) the strip was slipped into the first molar-second
measured by recording the frictional force (FJ re-
premolar contact and withdrawn. The frictional resistance of
quired to withdraw the strip with a tension transdunr withdrawal was measured as the subject was biting on the left
[Fig. 4(a) and (b)]. With dry tooth contact and a second molar with an axial load approximating 90 N and
known coefficient of dynamic friction (p) between again while the subject was not biting. The anterior compon-
tooth enamel and stainless steel strip material. this ent of occlusal lorca was calculated from the frictional force
technique can be used to relate IPF to Fr by the
following equation:
in the mandibular arch, the mesiobuccal cusp of the
IPF- FJ2p (N). (1) second molar. Since the biting force (FBF) in each
This equation is a slight modification of the Coulomb recording was rarely 90 N exactly, ACF was calcu-
relationship. Osborn (1961) stated this relationship lated and normalized for a 90 N load using the
and conducted experiments which validated the use of following formula:
the technique to measure IPF. A proportionality
ACF = (1P%,,,n, - ff’F,,, t,,,,n,)(90/F,,) (NJ. (2)
constant of 2 p is used instead of )r since the strip slides
along two tooth surfaces, each of which generates a The 90 N force was well within the normal range of
frictional force. chewing force (Proffit et al., 1983). Since difficulties in
An apparatus, consisting of two parallel bars con- accessprecluded measurement of ACF at the mandi-
nected at one end by a hinge, was constructed to bular left second molar-first molar contact, ACF
determine or,One-half of an extracted, sectioned tooth measurements were made at the mandibular left first
was mounted on the upper bar and the other half- molar-second premolar contact, i.e. the next closest
tooth was mounted on the lower bar directly opposite contact to the source of ACF generation.
the half-tooth on the upper bar. Weights were sus-
Experimental procedure
pended from the upper bar so that a known inter-
proximal force was applied in a normal direction Before each experiment, the bite force and tension
through the contacts of the sectioned tooth. A stainless transducers were calibrated outside the mouth using
steel strip was slipped interproximally. and Fp was weights. Both devices responded linearly within the
measured as the strip was withdrawn. The coefficient range of experimental forces used. Fifteen adult sub-
of dynamic friction was calculated from equation (1). jects, each having intact dentitions with healthy
Using five extracted teeth, the mean value of )I was periodontal tissues,participated in this study. No sign
found to be 0.145 (s.d. -0.02) which compares favor- or symptom of temporomandibular dysfunction was
ably with the value reported by Osborn (1961). present in any of the subjects. As a subject rested in the
ACF generated by the mandibular left second mol- supine position, the bite force transducer was placed in
ars was calculated as the difference between IPF when the left side of the mouth. The bite force transducer
the subject was biting with an axial 90 N load and thickness resulted in a gape between the left maxillary
when the subject was not biting. The axial load was and mandibular second molars of 10 mm. The man-
generated by having the subjects bite on a custom- dibular left first molar-second premolar contact was
designed bite force transducer (Southard et al., 1989) air-dried, and the steel strip inserted. To obtain a
which restricted biting by the subject to a single point frictional force reading, each subject was asked to bite
to a 90 N level (as seen on a chart recorder) and to hold
this force as the steel strip was withdrawn 2-4mm
*Star Dental, Lancaster.PA, U.S.A. with the tension transducer. Withdrawal was stopped
1202 - T. E. SO U T H ARD e t a l.

and then started again to provide two IPFbilinr read-

ings. Two readings were then taken while the subject
was not biting [Fig. 5(a) and (b)]. The IPF,i,i,l
measurements were averaged, the IPF,, biuna mcas-
urements were averaged, and ACF was calculated
using equation (2). This procedure was carried out for
each of the 15 subjects.
The following morphologic measurements were ob-
tained from lateral cephalometric radiographs of each
subject (Figs 6 and 7):
(a) Frankfort mandibular plane angle. The angle
formed by the Frankfort plane (anatomic porion to
orbitale) and the mandibular plane @onion to men-
(b) functional occlusal plane angle. This angle re-
presents steepness of the occlusal plane. It is the angle
formed by the Frankfort plane and the functional
occlusal plane (a line averaging the points of posterior Fig. 6. Lateral cephalomctric radiographic landmarks and
planes from which morphologic measurements were made.
occlusal contact for the premolars and first permanent
The angles which were studied included those formed by the
molar); Frankfort p(ane (FP) and the functional occtusal plane (OP),
by FP and the mandibular plane (MP), and by the longitud-
inal axis of the mandibular second molar and OP (angle I)
and MP (angle 2).

Root Width c e -

Fig. 7. !Sccondmolar root width. measured at the ccmento-

enamel junction of each tooth, and root length.

(c) angles formed by the longitudinal axis of the left

mandibular second molar and the occlusal (angle 1)
?tb) I and mandibular (angle 2) planes;
(d) condylar axis height, The perpendicular dis-
tance from the top of the condyle to the functional
occlusal planr
(e) second molar root width. Mesiodistal root
width of the left second molar measured at the cemen-
toenamel junction;
(f) second molar root length. Root length of the left
second molar measured from the cementoenamel
junction to the root apices.
For ten subjects, the experiment was repeated with
second molar axial loads of 50, 100, 150. and 200 N.
The experiment was also repeated for ten subjects at
gapes of IO, 14, 18, and 22 mm. and an axial load of
Fig. 5. Force recordings for the mandibular left first
molar-second premolar contact of a typical subject. (a) Bite 50 N. We were restricted to a minimum gape of IO mm
force recording. The subject attempt& to maintain a con- and a maximum load of 200 N by the construction of
stant 90 N axial bite force on the mandibular left second our bite force transducer. A 22 mm gape was nearly
molar, (b) the simultaneous interproximal contact force the maximum second molar gape attainable by some
recording. Two mcasurcmcnts were recorded while the sub-
ject was biting and two measurements were recorded while
of our subjects. Since the desired biting force (Far) in
the subject was not biting. each recording was rarely 50. 100, 150, or 200 N
Occlusalforceanterior component 1203

exactly, ACF was calculated and normalized to the Table 1. Estimatesof regression coefficients and standard
desired load using a variation ofquation (2) with a 50, errors (SE) for the variables associated with the ACF gener-
ated by the mandibular left second molar and measured at
100,150, or 200 N load substituted for the 90 N load
the mandibular left first molar-second premolar contact. The
A final experiment was conducted to investigate the sample siz.eis 15
degree of IPF decay with time due to viscoelastic
relaxation in the periodontal ligament. Such decay Partial
could result in systematic error in IPF and ACF Variable Estimate SE Rz STB’

magnitudes. A stainless steel strip was placed inter- IPFt 9.7” 0.499 0.871
proximally in each of ten subjects and left while Root width: -7.9 ::: 0.207 - 0.484
IPF, bitinswas measured at 0,5, 10. and 15 s. Fifteen
seconds was more than twice the time typically re- *Standard beta coefficient.
tlnterprorimal contact force (newton) measured at the
quired for an ACF measurement.
mandibular left first molar-second premolar contact when
not biting. The regression coefficient is unitless.
Statistical analysis
JMandibular second molar mesio-distal root width meas-
Analyses were performed using the SAS statistical ured at the cementocnamel junction. The regression coeffi-
software package (SAS Institute. Inc., 1985). Graphic cient is in units of N mm-‘.
$0.01 cpco.05.
depiction of data and correlation analysis for ex-
ploratory data studies identified variables which most
probably influenced ACF generation. Variables in-
cluded were:
(a) Frankfort mandibular plane angle; IPF, b I t i n and the second molar root width. Under

(b) natural logarithm of the occlusal plane angle; such conditions, the following predictive equation
(c) natural logarithms of angles formed by the describes the ACF generated by the mandibular sec-
longitudinal axis of the mandibular second molar and ond molar and measured at the mandibular left first
the occlusal (angle 1) and mandibular (angle 2) planeu. molar-second premolar contact:
(d) combinations (products) of the above angles; ACF=83.6+9.7-IPF,,, b,,,”#-7.5-w (N) (3)
(e) mandibular left second molar root length;
(f) mandibular left second molar mesiodistal max- where w = mandibular left second molar mcsiodistal
imum root width; root width (mm), and the proportionality factor 7.5
(g) mandibular left first molar-second premolar has units of Nmm-I.
No significant correlation was found between ACF
1 P F n, b l t l n #*
Natural logarithms of angles were used instead of and any of the other variables [(a)-(e) above] included
the angles. This transformation corrected for curvilin- in the exploratory analysis. However, as illustrated in
earity and the increased variance of ACF with increas- Fig. 8. there was a proportional increase in ACF with
ing angular values. increasing bite force from 50 to 200 N and an increase
Graphic plots were made to visually depict the in ACF with increasing second molar gape from IO to
potential relationships between ACF generated by the 22 mm. Finally, in testing the periodontal ligament
second molar and these independcnc variables. Cor- viscoelasticrelaxation, IPF,, b,,,nswas found to decay
relation analysis quantified the relationships between by less than 5% over a period of I5 s.
all variables demonstrating potential relationships in
the graphic plots. Stepwise multiple regression analy- DIXUSSION
sis selected optimal subsets of those independent
variables which contributed systematically to the dif- Based upon the literature and our understanding of
ferencesin ACF between subjects. In the final regres- biomechanical principles, we hypothesized that man-
sion analysis, the general linear models procedure was dibular second molar ACF magnitude varied with one
used to estimate beta (regression coefficients) for each or more of the following variables: bite force, gape,
independent variable on ACF. An alpha level of 0.05 steepness of the occlusal plane angle (Burdi and
was set for the significance level of all statistical tests. Moyers, 1988). condylar axis height (Stallard, 1923).
interproximal force when not biting, second molar
root axial inclination (Trauner. 1912; Stallard, 1923;
RE!XI.Ts Strang. 1950), and molar root dimensions.
The major limitation of this study was the measure-
Exploratory analysis revealed a possible relation- ment technique itself. The validity of the relationship
ship between ACF, mandibular second molar root between IPF and frictional forces has been demon-
width, and IPF, b,,,a, measured between the mandi- strated in the laboratory using known loads applied to
bular first molar and second premolar. Table I pro- extracted teeth (Osborn. 1961). But intraorally, the
vides estimates of the regression coefficients relating interproximal insertion of a 0.038 mm thick steel strip
these variables to ACF. For a fixed axial load and must alter to some degree the dental system being
gape, over 70 % of ACF variability between subjects measured. This is expected since the periodontal liga-
(total model Rz=0.71) was accounted for by the ment thickness along the roots of teeth ranges from
1204 - T. E. SW-WARD et al.

MEAN ACF AT DIFFERENT BITE FORCES second molar and perpendicular to the occlusal plane.
Such a method neglects the effects of the cuspal
inclined planes in generating ACF but greatly aids
data interpretation. For instance, during clenching,
inclined plane contacts between teeth in opposing
arches can force teeth together in the ‘contained’ lower
arch and could account for increased IPF. The result
would be an inability to unequivocally ascribe IPF
increases to ACF. However, since teeth are generally
separated by a food bolus during masticatory strokes,
our method should reflect what occurs in viva On the
other hand, as the mandible closes from a retruded
contact position into maximal intercuspation during
100 166 260 1
6 60 clenching, the distal-facing inclines of mandibular
SECOND MOLAR BITE FORCE (NEWTONS) posterior teeth slide along the mesial-facing inclines of
the maxillary posterior teeth, and an additional hori-
MEAN ACF AT DIFFERENT GAPES zontal force should be added to ACF by cuspal incline
interaction. The magnitude and direction of this addi-
tional force would depend on the angles of cuspal
contact between the opposing teeth and the force
11 . vector given to the mandible by the musclesof mastic-
ation (Osborn, 1961). Any externally applied force
which results in the application of an increased mesi-
ally-directed horizontal vector of force to the molars
should increase ACF above the magnitude which
results from the axial load alone.
During this experiment we assumed that ACF
resulted from, and was transmitted to anterior teeth
64,. , , . , , .I
by, the mesial tilting of teeth. Such tilting has been
6 IO 12 I4 I6 $6 26 22 2. demonstrated to occur upon loading of posterior teeth
SECOND MOLAR GAPE (MM) by Picton (1962). Another possible explanation for
increasing levels of interproximal forces could be that
Fig. 8. Mean (n = 10) anterior component of occlusal Dora
the mandible flexes under biting loads and compresses
(ACF) measured at the mandibular first molar-second prc-
molar contact and generated by loading the mandibular the teeth. However, if this latter explanation is true
second molar. The error bars indicate the standard error ol and a significant part of increasing IPF was due to jaw
the mean. (a) ACF at dikrent second molar axial loads and a Rexure, then one should find increasing IPF anterior
second molar gape of 10mm; (b) ACF at different second to open dental contacts. That is, the jaw would still be
molar gapes and a secondmolar axial load of 50 N.
flexing and compressing teeth in the arch beyond such
contacts. Because we could not find transmission of
only 0.15 to 0.38 mm (M&her, 1976). The stainless ACF beyond open contacts in either jaw (Southard et
steel strip, in separating the teeth, must also compress 01.. 1989). we conclude that ACF results from mesial
the adjacent teeth anteroposteriorly in a manner tilting of the teeth and not from flexure of the jaw.
similar to ACF. The impact of this compression is It is interesting to note that ACF did not vary with
reflected in differences of both IPF,, b,t,nl and any of the three factors suggested in the literature:
IPF,,,,,, between subjects. Ideally, a more accurate steepness of the occlusal plane, condylar axis height,
measurement of ACF using this technique would or second molar inclination. Instead, 71% of ACF
possibly result if the strip thickness were narrower. variability between subjects was accounted for by
Thinner (0.0076 and 0.0025 mm) strips were imprac- IPF,, bItIn and mandibular second molar root width
tical however, as they readily tore. at a fixed bite force and gape. Although other factors
Continuously applied forces move teeth orthodon- might be shown to influence ACF if a larger sample
tically, first as a result of viscoelastic relaxation of the size is used, this study demonstrates the relative
periodontal ligament and later as a result of bony importance of IPF,,, bitl,,l and root width in de-
remodeling. Following the insertion of an interproxi- termining ACF.
mal steel strip, viscoelastic relaxation will eventually The finding that ACF. a component of occlusal
result in a decay of IPF,, b,,,n, and changes in ACF load, increases proportionally to increasing bite force
magnitudes. However, over the time span of measure- was anticipated. Pa&t (1961) suggested that the
ment here the impact of viscoelastic relaxation on the amount of tip an incisor tooth undergoes varies with
validity of these experiments appears negligible. the magnitude of force applied perpendicular to the
To simplify force measurements, the occlusal load in longitudinal axis of the tooth. Since ACF results from
these experiments was applied axially against the forward tipping of the occlusally-loaded second
Oczlusal force anterior component 1205

molar, then increasing the occlusal load should in- the dimension of our transducer and at unknown bite
crease foward tipping of the second molar and conse- forces we have measured large values of ACF.
quently result in a proportional increase in ACF. This model also neglects increases in gape resulting
The proportional relationship between bite force from condylar translation. That is, although the jaw
and ACF is important for two reasons. Firstly, the use may initially open by virtue of a hinge or rotary
of the factor 90/F,, in equation (2) to normalize the motion about a transverse axis through the condyles,
axial load to 90 N for each subject is now validated. as the gape increases the condyle begins to descend
Such a factor was necessaryin order to compare ACF along the articular eminence of the temporal bone
generated by different individuals since each recorded (Fig. IO). This descent increasesthe second molar gape
F,, was rarely exactly 90 N. Secondly, we have sug- without increasing Q. In fact, translatory condylar
gested (Southard et al., 1990) that individuals who descent could result in a decrease in a by permitting
load their dentition for extended periods of time each counterclockwise rotation of the mandible until con-
day could, as a result of ACF tipping the canine teeth tact with the bite force transducer is made. A combina-
forward, be susceptible to orthodontic post-treatment tion of mandibular rotation and translation could
crowding of the mandibular incisors. If ACF had been account for the changes we observed in ACF with
found to increase very little with corresponding in- increasing gape [Fig. 8(b)]. That is, with an initial
creasesin bite force, then the concern over the effect of increase of gape from 10 to 14 mm due to clockwise
ACF on orthodontic instability would have been mandibular rotation, a and mean ACF predictably
lessened. However, the finding that ACF increases increased according to our model. As the gape in-
proportionally with bite force heightens the concern creased from 14 to 18 mm, condylar translation may
that extensive and extended axial loading by clenching have occurred in most of our subjects, resulting in a
or bruxing could increase the risk for orthodontic decrease in a and mean ACF. With a further gape
post-treatment relapse. However, it should be noted increase from 18 to 22 mm, a return to predominantly
that clenching and bruxism do not involve bite forces mandibular clockwise rotation may have occurred
that act at a single tooth, but rather involve forces on together with increases in a and ACF.
dilTerent teeth in different temporal patterns. The positive correlation between ACF and the
The load from the bite force transducer (FBF) was interproximal contact force when not biting (contact
expected to generate an ACF that increased with ‘tightness’)can be explained by Fig. I 1.If a steel strip is
increasing gape. A simplilied model (Fig. 9) postulates slipped between the mandibular first molar and sec-
that ACF varies with the sine of the angle (a) between ond premolar [Fig. I l(a)], the premolar will be
the maxillary and mandibular occlusal planes. Max- displaced mesially (anteriorly) by a distance x, [Fig.
imum ACF should occur at maximal opening, as was I l(b)]. While more than one relation may be used to
found experimentally [Fig. 8(b)]. However, such a explain the interaction between displacement of teeth
simplified relationship does not apply at minimal and applied force. Parfitt (1961) suggested that the
openings where maxillary and mandibular planes are displacement of anterior teeth followed a logarithmic
nearly coincident (sine(a)=O) and an ACF=O is pre- function of the applied force. If that relation is taken
dicted. On the contrary, in biting at gapes smaller than for the posterior teeth, then the reactive force of the

FBF (sin a)

Maxillary OP

Mandibular OP

(a) lb)

Fig. 9. Theoretical relationship bclween ACF and increasing gape. (a) A simplified model postuks that
ACF varies with the sine olthc angle (a) bclwccn the maxillary and mandibular cxclusal plana; (b) as the jaw
opens, the gape of the mandibular second molar increased from IO lo 22 mm. a incmascd, and the
component of the bite fora vector (P,& transmitted toward the anterior of the dental arch (ACFJ
correspondingly incnascd.
1206 - T. E 80UThi.4~~
et al.

(a) (bl

Fig. 10. law opening and occiusal plane separation may initially resultfrom a simple clockwise rotation of
the mandible about a transverse axis through the condylc (a). However,as the gape is further increased. a
translatory descent of the condylc occurs along the articular eminence of the temporal bone(b). This motion
may result in a counlcrclockwisc rotation of the mandible and a decrease in a (a, >a,). Further increasing
the gape will eventually result in a predominantly clockwise mandibular rotation and an increasing a.

displaced premolar against the steel strip (the inter-
proximal contact force when not biting) could be
OWN l&SAL defined as follows:

IPF,, bltln~=cICe(C~X~ll
WI (4)
where constants c, and c2, and thcrcfore IPF,, b,,,nF
may vary between individuals, perhaps with the
periodontal condition of each tooth. As the second
molar tips mesially a distance x2 during occlusal
loading, the second premolar will also be tipped
mesially an additional distance x2. The reactive force
of the displaced premolar against the steel strip (the
interproximal contact force when biting) may be de-
fined as [Fig. 1I(c)]:

ACFx cI[eclfx’ +x2)_efcrxl)
1 N. (4
Assuming that the displacement x2 tends to be the
same between individuals under the same occlusal
load, it follows that ACF would vary with c, and c2
and correlate with IPF,, bl,lnl for a given gape and
occlusal load.
As the mesiodistal root width of the mandibular
second molar is increased, there is an increase in the
periodontal supporting tissues of the root in this
dimension. Increasing this area of tissue support de-
creases the stress applied across it and decreases the
strain these tissues undergo in the mesial direction
when the second molar is occlusally loaded. Therefore,
as the second molar root width increases,both second
Fig. 11. Theoretical relationship between ACF and inter- molar tipping and ACF should decrease for a given
proximal contact force when not biting (contact ‘tightness’). axial load. A negative correlation between second
If a steel strip is slipped between the mandibular second
molar root width and ACF is therefore expected.
premolar and first molar (a), the premolar is tipped forward a
distance xI and a reactive force is exerted by the premolar A 90 N occlusal load was used since our goal was to
against the strip(b). fhc magnitude of this force depends on study ACF forces comparable to those generated
c, and cl. constants which vary between subjects. If the during chewing. Lundgren and Laurel1 (1986) re-
tipping of the premolar is increased by distana xz during
ported typical chewing forces of about 100 N. and
oczlusal loading at the second molar. the premolar reactive
force is increased (c). The differena between these reactive Proffit et al. (1983) reported mean chewing forces of
forces is ACF. 158 N. For comparison, maximum bite forces appear
Occlusat loa anterior component 1207

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