Componente de Fuerza

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The anterior component of occlusal force

Part 2. Relationship with dental malalignment

Thomas E. Southard, DDS, MS,* Rolf G. Behrents, DDS, PhD,** and Elizabeth A. ToileT, PhD***
Memphis, Tenn.

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the anterior component of
occiusal force and malalignment of the mandibular anterior teeth. The anterior component of occlusal
force that resulted from axially loading the second molars was measured in 15 subjects with varying
degrees of mandibular anterior dental malalignment. Malalignment of the mandibular anterior teeth
was found to be related to the magnitude of the anterior component of occlusal force and to the
tightness of interproximal contacts in the mandibular posterior segments. (AM J ORTHODDENTOFAC
ORTHOP 1990;97:41-4.)

T h e anterior component of occlusal force and two women with a mean age of 27.6 years
(ACF) is believed to arise as a result of the mesial axial (SD = 2.3) and an Irregularity Index > 2 mm but
inclination of the permanent teeth.~'2 Because of this < 4 ram, and group 3 included two men and three
inclination, forces of occlusion are dissipated axially women with a mean age of 24.2 years (SD = 1.5)
and toward the front of the mouth, through the proximal and an Irregularity Index of > 4 mm. All subjects
tooth contact points. were in good health and had intact dentitions with
The primary interest surrounding ACF has centered healthy periodontal tissues and no signs or symptoms
on its possible role in causing mesial migration of of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. All subjects
teeth T M and subsequent dental malalignment. ~-9 The of group 1 and three subjects of group 2 had received
first suggestion that malalignment could be directly at- fixed orthodontic treatment several years previously.
tributed to this force was reported by Stallard. 3 None of these subjects had worn a retainer in the past
Newcomb ~ and Waldron 7 hypothesized that without har- 2 years and only one had worn a retainer in the past 5
monious arch form and proper proximal tooth contact, years. None of the group 3 subjects had received ortho-
ACF could not be resisted and malalignment would dontic treatment.
result. The collapse of many orthodontically treated For each subject, we measured the interproximal
cases was attributed to ACF, with the first relapse in- contact force (IPF) for all contacts mesial to the first
dication being the tendency of the mandibular incisors molars. The IPF was measured while the subject was
to rotate, s However, these reports were largely based biting on the left second molar with approximately 20
on conjecture; ACF was never measured. The existence pounds of force and again while the subject was not
of a relationship between ACF and dental malalignment biting. The ACF resulting from this biting force at each
remains unknown. The objective of this study was to contact and the ACF dissipated by each tooth into its
determine whether such a relationship exists. supporting periodontium were calculated from IPF val-
ues. The technique used to measure IPF (biting) and
METHODS AND MATERIALS IPF (not biting) and to calculate ACF and ACF dissi-
Three groups of five volunteer subjects were se- pation is described in Part 1 of this article (AM J OR-
lected on the basis of the extent of mandibular anterior THOD DENTOFAC ORTHOP 1989;96:493-500).
malalignment. Group 1 consisted of three men and two Dental models were made for each subject. Using
women with a mean age of 26 years (SD = 1) and an calipers calibrated to tenths of a millimeter, we mea-
Irregularity Index ~°< 2 mm; group 2 included three men sured the anatomic contact point displacements between
each of the mandibular anterior teeth. These displace-
ments were summed to provide the Irregularity Index. *°
From the University of Tennessee. Statisitical analyses were performed with the SAS
*Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry. statistical software package.t1 For each subject, we used
**Professorand Chairman, Departmentof Orthodontics, College of Dentistry.
***Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
the nonlinear, least-squares procedure to estimate the-
8/I/10439 oretical exponential spatial decay constants for ACF in
42 Southard, Behrents, and Tolley Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
JanuaO, 1990

Table I. Estimates of correlation coefficients relating mandibular anterior contact point displacement to the
anterior component of occlusal force (ACF), the dissipation of this force (DIS), and the interproximai
contact force (IPF)i in the mandibular left posterior segment (n = 15)
Contact point displacement

Midline Left [ Left

Force 1-1 1-2 I 2-3 Sum~

Left 3-4 0.32 0.41 0.26 0.40
Left 4-5 0.61" 0.14 0.52* 0.54*
Left 5-6 0.19 0.37 0.16 0.30
Left 3 0.04 0.76* -0.28 0.44
Left 4 0.65* 0.17 0.67* 0.63*
Left 5 -0.09 0.33 -0.08 0.05
Left 3-4 0.59* 0.14 0.46 0.50
Left 4-5 0.57* -0.20 0.05 0.15
Left 5-6 0.53* - 0.05 0.29 0.32

*0.01 < p < 0.05

IIPF when not biting.
:[:Sum of displacements at midline 1-1, left 1-2, and left 2-3 contacts.

the mandible (kt) and the maxilla (k2) and for ACF central incisors and kl (p = 0.09), ka (p = 0.06), and
dissipation in the mandible.(k3) and the maxilla (1<4). A k, (p = o. 10).
one-way analysis of variance determined the relation- The estimates of correlation coefficients relating
ship between the ACF and ACF dissipation decay con- mandibular anatomic contact point displacements of
stant and tooth alignment group 1, 2, or 3 for both subjects to the ACF, the~ACF dissipation, and the IPF
arches. (not biting) in the left mandibular posterior quadrants
Correlation analysis was used to quantify the rela- are presented in Table I. Significant correlations were
tionship between all IPF (not biting), ACF, and ACF detected between the irregularity of the mandibular an-
dissipation measurements of the left mandibular pos- terior teeth and a number of these forces. Also noted
terior quadrant with each of the following: (1) anatomic was a significant correlation between the magnitude of
contact point displacements between each of the man- the mandibular left IPF (not biting) at contact 5-6 and
dibular anterior teeth; and (2) the sum of the mandibular all other such forces in the left posterior quadrants of
anatomic contact point displacements between the left both arches.
2-3, left 1-2, and midline 1-1 contacts (interproximal
contact designations are described in Part 1). Investi- DISCUSSION
gation was limited to the left quadrant, because the A correlation between occlusal forces and dental
effects of the ACF would most likely be observed in m~lalignment was demonstrated. This study also re-
the side where this force was generated. An e¢ level of vealed a correlation between interproximal forces when
0.05 was set for the significance of all statistical tests. the subject was not biting (contact tightness) and dental
malalignment. A cause and effect relationship has not
RESULTS been proved and may not exist. Other unmeasured vari-
The mean Irregularity Index for subjects grouped ables may actually promote both malalignment and the
according to mandibular anterior crowding was 0.94 forces measured here. However, the results of this study
mm (SD = 0.65) for group 1, 2.82 mm (SD = 0.85) indicate a relationship between malalignment and these
for group 2, and 7.1 mm (SD = 2.47) for group 3. No forces, a relationship anticipated by orthodontic re-
significant correlation existed between grouping ac- searchers 50 years ago but recently ignored.
cording to Irregularity Index and either the ACF rate It is likely that the ACF can cause dental malalign-
constants or the ACF dissipation rate constants. We ment in persons who clench, brux, or in any other way
found tendencies toward significance between the an- load posterior teeth axially for extended periods of time.
atomic contact point displacement ol~ the mandibular Continuous soft tissue forces as small as 0.0035 pounds
Volume97 Anterior component of occlusal force 43
Number I

are capable of moving teeth, t2 and forces of 0.12 pounds

are routinely used to move teeth orthodontically. ~ As
reported in Part 1, the ACF applied against the canine
teeth during a conservative chewing force on the second
molar is typically 8 to 200 times greater than these
forces. Much higher forces are expected in persons With
greater bite strengths or possibly functional third mo-
lars. Therefore, if these forces are applied for hours
each day in persons who abnormally load their teeth,
then the mandibular canines could tip mesially under
their influence and crowd the mandibular anterior teeth.
If a significant correlation did exist between either
ACF or IPF forces and anterior malalignment, then we
anticipated that it would relate forces acting on the
canine to anatomic displacements of the mandibular left
2-3 contact. As the ACF vector reaches the canine, it
progresses tangentially (ACFt) to the curvature of the
arch (Fig. 1). A lessened component of the ACF con- ACFt
tinues along the arch to affect the incisors. Significant
lateral dissipation of the ACF should occur as the arch
Fig. 1. Progression of the anterior component of occlusal force
turns the corner at the canines, and there should con- tangential (ACFt) to curvature of dental arch,
sequently be an increased likelihood of contact slippage
at that point.
The pattern of dental irregularity found in the man- mand!bular posterior segment contacts measured. The
dibular anterior teeth in this study, which is in agree- ,~ariables that affect the tighmess of these contacts have
ment with that reported by Williams, t4 seemed to con- not been identified, but probably include forces from
firm this belief. There was a general increase in contact the surrounding musculature, periodontium, or the ACF
point displacements proceeding laterally from the mid- itself. It seems likely that if teeth are squeezed together
line. However, analyses revealed that forces acting on through such interproximal forces, the narrow mandib-
and dissipated by the first premolars were more often ular anterior contact s would be the first to slip. Such
correlated with anterior irregularity than were the fmces slippage could be initiated by buccolingual displace-
involving the canines. This may be partially explained ments of the teeth under the in.fluence of ACF. Once a
by the number of s!ipped mandibulrr left 2-3 contacts contact has slipped, the chances of spontaneous realign-
present in the samp!e. Because measurements could not ment would be negligible. The forces that maintain tight
be recorded at these slipped contacts, the number of contacts would only tend to exacerbate the irregularity.
observations of canine force dissipation small Although this investigation demonstrates that man-
(n = 8). This substantially reduced the power of all dibular anterior dental malalignment is related to ACF
statistical analyses involving this force and may have and the tightness Of interproximal contacts, we do not
accounted for the lack Of significant Correlations. recommend that inteiproximal contacts be stripped for
The mandibular canine was the only tooth that dem- the exclusive purpose Of preventing the ACF from
onstrated a significantly increased ACF diss!pation as reaching the anterior teeth or for the purpose of reducing
a result of a widened' gape, as reported in Part 1. There the IPF. However:, the orthodontist should be of
was a Simultaneous decrease in ACF dissipated by the any paranormal habits exhibited by the pat!ent and in-
lateral incisor. It appears as though, for larger ACF form the pat!ent of the possible deleterious influence
values, the ACF vector has even more of a tendency to these habits cotild have on retention of aligned man-
emerge from the arch at the canines. In such instances, dibular anterior teeth.
the Canines may be tipped out of dental alignment,
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