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Engaging the Right Partners

Worksheet: Developing a Recruitment Action Plan

This tool is designed to help you map out and track which potential partners you will recruit, and when and how you will reach out to them.

Outcome and

Potential Partner Recruiter Desired Action Approach Timeline

Next Steps

Whom do you want Who will do the What do you want What actions will you What is your timeline How did things work
to recruit? recruiting and why? your potential take to recruit? for engagement? out? Is the partner
partner to do? on board? What are
(If you don’t have (Remember that what your next steps?
individual names, list you do should depend
the organization.) on your relationship with
the individual and how
much time you have.)
Example: Dr. Bill Miriam: She and her (Short-term): Want Miriam will: drop off 9/1: Send initial 9/10: Dr. Haddock
Haddock, Director of son are both patients Dr. Haddock to materials on the introductory email and interested in
Pediatrics, at South Bay present on brain upcoming conference at drop off materials presenting at
South Bay Community Community Health development in Dr. Haddock’s office (also conference. Will ask
Health Center Center adolescence at include a written note 9/8: Follow-up phone him after conference
upcoming prevention asking if he’s available to call if he is willing to join
conference. present in October). the coalition.

(Long-term): Want Miriam will also send an

Dr. Haddock to join email. Will follow up within
our coalition to a week for a response.
provide medical
credibility to our

Prevention Collaboration in Action was developed under the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for the Application of Prevention
Technologies task order. Reference #HHSS283201200024I/HHSS28342002T.
For training and technical assistance purposes only.
Worksheet: Developing a Recruitment Action Plan

Outcome and
Potential Partner Recruiter Desired Action Approach Timeline
Next Steps

Whom do you want Who will do the What do you want What actions will you What is your timeline How did things work
to recruit? recruiting and why? your potential take to recruit? for engagement? out? Is the partner
partner to do? on board? What are
(If you don’t have (Remember that what your next steps?
individual names, list you do should depend
the organization.) on your relationship with
the individual and how
much time you have.)


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