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 Angga Maulana Pasaribu {21100285} SISTEM INFORMASI

 Arlius Lukas Sauduken {21100038} SISTEM INFORMASI
 Andyanto Duha {21100177 } SISTEM INFORMASI
 Alexius Giawa {21100136 } SISTEM INFORMASI
 Andi Sanjaya MN Hulu {21100250} SISTEM INFORMASI
 Agus Lisna Citra Yanti Mendrofa {21100093} SISTEM INFORMASI
 Ayu Wandira Sakoan {21100247} SISTEM INFORMASI
 Amelia Putri {21100071} SITEM INFORMASI
 Sayutin Samongan Muntei {21100132} SISTEM INFORMASI
 Ady Syahputra Sitorus {21030271} AKUTANSI
 Agustina Lestari Nainggolan {21030294} AKUNTANSI
 Lestari Selvyanti Simanjuntak {2104200} TEKNIK INFORMATIKA
European Central Bank Stops Printing 500-Euro Banknote

The European Central Bank has announced that it will stop producing the 500-euro banknote. It
has become popular among money launderers, drug traffickers and terrorists, who move large
amounts of money in small bags or briefcases. The banknotes that are in circulation now can
continue to be used, but they will slowly be exchanged for smaller bills. The 500-euro banknote
will be phased out completely by 2018. It can be exchanged at national central banks of EU states
at any time after this date.

Such large banknotes are not so popular in many countries. In the United States, the largest
banknote is the $100 bill. After World War II the US stopped producing $500 and $1000 bills.
Money experts welcome the decision by the EU’s main banking authority. They say that with
smaller banknotes criminals will find it more difficult to handle large amounts of money without
being noticed.

500-euro banknotes are not used very much in everyday life. While many people are afraid of
losing them, some shops do not even accept them. The 500-euro banknote accounts for 30% of the
value of all euro banknotes but only 3% of all paper euros in circulation.

The discussion about large banknotes has been going on for a long time. Especially after the
terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels many experts have called for a ban on large bills because
terrorists may use them to pay for their activities. While there are many illegal ways of hiding and
transferring money, using cash is among the most popular.


 Accept = take them

 Account for = to form the total of something
 Amount = how much of something
 Announce = to say officially
 Authority = here: an organization that controls something
 Ban = forbid
 Bill = banknote
 Briefcase = flat box used for carrying documents and business items
 Cash = banknotes and metal money
 Circulation = here: the money that moves around in a country
 Completely = altogether
 Handle = deal with
 Decision = choice
 Drug trafficker = person who buys and sells drugs
 Especially = above all
 European Central Bank = the central bank for countries that use the euro
 Exchange = to give something instead of something else
 Illegal = against the law
 Main = most important
 Money launderer = person who moves money that has been made from illegal
activities through other banks so that it is hard to find out where it came from
 Notice = to see or become aware of something
 Phase out = to slowly stop using something
 Popular = much liked
 Value = what something is worth
 Welcome = here: to be in favour of something

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