Izho 2012 Experiment (Problems & Solutions)

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VIII International Zhautykov Olympiad, Experimental Competition, Almaty, Kazakhstan с 1/4


18 January, 2012

Please read the instructions first:

The Experimental competition consists of one problem. This part of the competition lasts 3

Please only use the pen that is provided to you.

You can use your own non-programmable calculator for numerical calculations. If you don’t
have one, please ask for it from Olympiad organizers.

You are provided with Writing sheet and additional papers. You can use the additional paper for
drafts of your solutions but these papers will not be checked. Your final solutions which will be
evaluated should be on the Writing sheets. Please use as little text as possible.

You should mostly use equations, numbers, figures and plots.

Use only the front side of Writing sheets. Write only inside the bordered area.

Fill the boxes at the top of each sheet of paper with your country (Country), your student code
(Student Code), the question number (Question Number), the progressive number of each sheet
(Page Number), and the total number of Writing sheets (Total Number of Pages). If you use
some blank Writing sheets for notes that you do not wish to be evaluated, put a large X across
the entire sheet and do not include it in your numbering.

At the end of the exam, arrange all sheets for each problem in the following order:

Used Writing sheets in order;

• The sheets you do not wish to be evaluated
• Unused sheets and the printed question.
• Place the papers inside the envelope and leave everything on your desk. You are not
allowed to take any paper or equipment out of the room
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Electric currents in volume [15 points]

Instruments and equipment: Vessel 250 ml, two steel spokes, multimeter, power
supply (4.5 V battery), resistor with a resistance of several kΩ, two-pole switch,
plastic tube for a cocktail, connecting wires, clean water, plastic cup, rubber, ruler,
and adhesive tape.

You should be familiar with the formula for calculating the resistance of a thin cylindrical
R=ρ , (1)
where ρ is the specific resistance of the conducting material, l is its length, S is its cross-
sectional area.

However, when an electric current flows in a bulk system, trajectories of charged particles
may be different, so the resistance of the medium depends on the nature of the distribution
of electric currents. You have to measure the electric resistance of the water layer when the
current flows between the spokes submerged in water.

From time to time clean the spokes with rubber.

After each series of experiments, change water in the vessel.
Do not apply strong current through the water because this leads to appearance of a
large number of ions in that can "spoil" the results of your experiments.

Straighten the spokes. In all the experiments try to maintain the spokes in parallel to
each other.

Part 1. [0.5 points]

1.1 Measure the resistance of the given resistor R0 by using the multimeter. Record the
result of your measurement.

To measure the resistance of the water between the

spokes, use an electric circuit shown in the figure on the
right. Here, R0 is the given resistor, R x is the resistance of
the water between the spokes to be measured.

1.2 For this circuit write down the formula which will be
used by you to calculate the water resistance R x between
the spokes.

In the following, please use only the circuit above to obtain the resistance R x !
In any case do not measure water resistance directly by the multimeter. Use
multimeter only as a voltmeter.
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Direct measurement of the resistance with a multimeter leads to a rapid discharge of

its battery, and in addition, the voltage of the battery is rather high (9 V) to change
the electrical properties of water.

Error analysis is not required in this Competition.

Part 2. [5 points]

Put the two spokes provided along the vessel walls keeping
them in parallel at a maximum distance from each other. Bend
the upper ends of the spokes over the edges of the vessel.
Additionally fix them with strips of adhesive tape.
To measure the height of the water level use the scale
engraved on the vessel. Determine in millimeters the grating
period of the scale engraved on the vessel wall.

2.1 Measure dependence of the water resistance between the

spokes as a function of the height of water poured into the
vessel. Plot the obtained dependence in a graph.

2.2 Draw schematic streamlines of electric current in this case (make two draws: one in the
plane of the spokes and the other in the plane perpendicular to the spokes).

Streamlines of electric current are trajectories of charged particles.

2.3 On the basis of physical considerations about the nature of this current flow, make an
assumption about the form of the obtained experimental dependence R(h ) , and write it as a

2.4 Using the linearization method, check the validity of the made assumption by plotting a
graph in such coordinates that it becomes a straight line y = ax + b . Determine the
numerical values of the parameters of the linearized dependence, as well as the unknown
values of parameters entering the function R(h ) .

Part 3. [3.5 points]

Fix one spoke close to the wall inside the vessel. Pour 200
ml of water into the vessel. Move the second spoke along the
wall, changing the distance between the spokes. The depth
of immersion of the second spoke should be maximal.
Spokes should be positioned vertically and in parallel to
each other.

3.1 Measure the water resistance between the spokes as a

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function of the distance L between them. Plot the obtained dependence.

3.2 On the basis of physical considerations about the nature of this current flow, make an
assumption about the form of the obtained experimental dependence R(L ) , and write it as a

3.3 Using the linearization method, check the validity of the made assumption by plotting a
graph in such coordinates that it becomes a straight line y = ax + b . Determine the
numerical values of the parameters of the linearized dependence, as well as unknown
values of parameters entering the function R(L ) .

Part 4. [4 points]

Put one spoke into the given plastic tube so that its lower
end of a length of about 1 cm remains uncovered by the
tube. Fill the vessel with water about to top end. The
upper edge of the tube should be placed above the water
level, and fixed to the spoke by the tape. Put the second
uncovered spoke into the water keeping its lower end at
different heights. Keep the spokes in parallel at a
maximum distance from each other.

4.1 Measure the water resistance between the spokes as

a function of the height l of the end of the second
spoke. Plot the obtained dependence in a graph.

4.2 Draw a schematic streamlines of electric current in

this case (in the plane of the spokes).

4.3 On the basis of physical considerations on the nature

of current flow, make an assumption about the form of the obtained experimental
dependence R(l ) , and write it as a formula.

4.4 In the plot, specify the range of values of l in which the assumed formula for R(l ) is
confirmed experimentally.

4.5 Determine the numerical values of the parameters entering the assumed formula for
R(l ) .

Part 5. [2 points]

5.1 On the basis of the above obtained experimental data (please choose which one to use)
estimate the specific resistance of the water ρ .
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Electric currents in volume

1.1 The resistance of the resistor provided is equal R0 = 2,0 ± 0,1 kΩ.
1.2 Since the resistorts are connected in series the same current flows through each of them, then the
following relation holds
R0 Rx
from which it follows that
Rx = R0 x . (1)
Thus, to measure an unknown resistance it is enough to
measure the voltage drops on the unknown resistance and the
resistor provided.
If the source voltage was stabilized, it would be sufficient to measure the voltage drop on just
one of them.

2.1 The results of measurement of the voltage drops against the height of the water poured into the
vessel are presented in Table 1. This table also shows the calculated resistance of the water between
the electrodes (sзokes).
Note that the height was measured by the scale of the measuring glass.

Table 1. Dependence of the resistivity on the height of the water level.

h , div. 100 / h , div1 U x , V UR , V R , kΩ 1/ R , kΩ-1
30 3,33 3,82 1,08 7,07 0,14
40 2,50 3,60 1,30 5,54 0,18
50 2,00 3,36 1,54 4,36 0,23
60 1,67 3,17 1,73 3,66 0,27
70 1,43 3,01 1,89 3,19 0,31
80 1,25 2,84 2,06 2,76 0,36
90 1,11 2,69 2,21 2,43 0,41
100 1,00 2,59 2,31 2,24 0,45
110 0,91 2,48 2,42 2,05 0,49
120 0,83 2,38 2,52 1,89 0,53
130 0,77 2,30 2,60 1,77 0,57
140 0,71 2,22 2,68 1,66 0,60
150 0,67 2,16 2,74 1,58 0,63
160 0,63 2,08 2,82 1,48 0,68
170 0,59 2,03 2,87 1,41 0,71
180 0,56 1,96 2,94 1,33 0,75
190 0,53 1,93 2,97 1,30 0,77
200 0,50 1,86 3,04 1,22 0,82
210 0,48 1,80 3,10 1,16 0,86
220 0,45 1,76 3,14 1,12 0,89
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The graph of the obtained dependence is shown in the figure below.

Simple measurement can easily show that the volume V0 = 200 ml corresponds to the height
h0 = 170 mm.Therefore, the height of the water poured is calculated by the formula h = V 0 , i.e.the
the division value of the scale is δ = 0,85 mm/ml.

2.2 The current distribution is schematically shown in the figure on

the right.
The current flows between the lateral surfaces of the
spokes, thus the height of water level determines an effective
cross-sectional area.

2.3 It is therefore reasonable to assume that the resistance of water

between the spokes is inversely proportional to the height of water
Rx0 = , (2)
where A is a constant meaning the water resistance of the unit of height. Then, the measured
resistance should be described by the formula
Rx = + B , (3)
where B is a constant denoting the additional resistance (of contacts, of an oxide layer on the surface
of the spokes, etc.).

2.4 To check the validity of formula (3) it is sufficient to plot the dependence of the resistance on the
inversed height of the water column 1 / h . That is, the linear dependence should be observed for the
following values:
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1. (4)
A graph of this function is shown in the figure below.

The parameters of this linear dependence, calculated by the mean square method
a =( 210 ± 3) kΩ ⋅ div
= b ( 0,17 ± 0, 03) kΩ
To determine the parameters in relation (3) it is necessary to recalculate (5) from divisions of the
scale to millimeters. Thus, we get
(178 ± 2 ) k Ω ⋅ mm
A= a ⋅ δ =
. (6)
B=( 0,17 ± 0, 03) k Ω
1 h
Note. Although it is possible to use the linearization of the type = , but this leads to worse
results, since it ignores the additional resistance of the circuit.
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3.1 In order to measure the distance between the spokes it is easier to
measure the length of the arc l between the spokes using the marks made
on a strip of the adhesive tape. Then the distance between the spokes can
be calculated using the geometric formula
L = D sin , (7)
where D = 40mm is the diameter of the measuring glass.
The measurement results of the water resistance on the distance
between the spokes are shown in Table 2.

Table 2.
l, cm L, cm Ux, V UR, V R, kΩ ln L
1 0,990 1,29 3,62 0,713 -0,010
2 1,918 1,45 3,38 0,858 0,651
3 2,727 1,59 3,34 0,952 1,003
4 3,366 1,62 3,27 0,991 1,214
5 3,796 1,64 3,23 1,015 1,334
6 3,990 1,65 3,2 1,031 1,384

The graph of the obtained dependence is presented in the figure below.

3.2 It is theoretically possible to show that the resistance of the medium between two long parallel
electrodes in an infinite medium is given by
ρ L
R = ln , (8)
πh r0
where h is the length of the electrodes (spokes), r0 is their radius.
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We can assume that in this case the water resistance between the electrodes depends linearly on the
logarithm of the distance between them, that is,
R(L ) = A ln L + B . (9)

3.3 To check the feasibility of (9) it is necessary to plot the dependence of the resistance on the
logarithm of the distance ln L . That is the linear dependence should be observed for the following
. (10)
x = ln L
This graph is shown in the figure below which confirms assumption (9).

The parameters of this linear dependence, calculated by the least square method, are found as
a =( 0, 23 ± 0, 01) k Ω
b =( 0, 71 ± 0, 01) k Ω
It is obvious that the value of the parameter b depends on the unit of distance L . In this case,
values in (11) correspond to the parameters in (9).

4.1 The results of the resistance measurements depending on the height of the second spoke in water
are shown in Table 3. In this case, to measure the height one has to make use of the scale of the
measuring glass, so as the units are milliliters.

Table 3
l,ml Ux, V UR, V R, kΩ
20 3,85 1,05 7,3
40 3,96 0,94 8,4
60 4,06 0,84 9,7
80 4,14 0,76 10,9
100 4,20 0,70 12,0
120 4,25 0,65 13,1
140 4,31 0,59 14,6
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160 4,35 0,55 15,8

180 4,38 0,52 16,8
200 4,40 0,50 17,6
220 4,44 0,46 19,3
240 4,47 0,43 20,8

The graph of this dependence is shown in the figure below.

4.2 Approximate distribution of currents in this case is shown in the figure on

the right.

4.3 In this case the distance between the spokes plays the role of the effective
length of a conductor, so the water resistance between the spokes in this case
is approximately linearly dependent on l, which is confirmed by the
experimental data. Additional resistance may be due to a limitation of
currents near the tips of the spokes.
Thus, this dependence is described by
R x = al + b . (12)

4.4 According to the obtained experimental data, the linear dependence holds at all distances l.
Deviations from linearity are possible at small and large values of l. However, in the range of values
l ∈ [50, 150] the dependence is definetly linear.
The parameters in (12), calculated by the least square method, are found as
a′ =( 0, 060 ± 0, 002 ) k Ω / div.
b =( 6, 0 ± 0,3) k Ω
If the height h is measured in millimeters, then the valueof the coefficient a is
= a ( 0, 071 ± 0, 002 ) kΩ/mm . (14)
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Part 5
5.1 In order to estimate the specific water resistivity it is preferable to use data from Part 4.The
linearity of the dependence obtained indicates that in the middle the stream lines are approximately
parallel to the vessel walls. It is also possible to assume that in this region the current flows through
the entire cross section of the vessel. Consequently, we can use the formula for the resistance
presented in this problem.
The obtained value of the slope (14) is the resistance of one millimeter of the water column,
which makes it possible to evaluate its specific electrical resistivity
∆R ρ V
a= = ⇒ ρ = aS = a 0 . (7)
∆l S h0
On substituting numerical values we get
V0 103 Ω 200 ⋅10−6 m3
= ρ a= 0, 071 −3 ⋅ ≈ 83 Ω ⋅ m (8)
h0 10 m 170 ⋅10−3 m

Grading scheme for Experimental Competition

If the resistance measurements were carried out in an ohmmeter mode of the multimeter, all
the points for the measurement results are reduced by two times!

In the table below italics indicates grading for alternative solutions.

N Content total points

1.1 =
Resistance R0 2, 0 ± 0,1 kΩ 0,2 0,2
1.2 Formula (1) 0,3 0,3
2.1 Measurements of the experimental data and plotting the graph 2,5
(reasonable values have been obtained for the resistance in the
range from 1 to 10 kΩ. Otherwise no points are given)
Measurements made in the range that include more than 0,75
180 divisions of the scale (max-min);
in the range that includes more than 150 divisions; (0,5)
in the range that includes more than 100 divisions; (0,25)
less than 100 divisions; (0)
Number of experimental points: 10 and more; 0,75
7-9; (0,5)
5-6; (0,25)
less than 5 (0)
Resistance values are correctly calculated for each measured 0,25
Monotonically decreasing dependence is obtained; 0,25
the resistance changes at least 5 times;
resistance varies less than 5 times; (0)
Plot is made
- size of plot is not less than 1/4 of sheet; 0,1
- axes are denoted by units, digits are indicated; 0,1
- all table data points are correctly drawn in a plot; 0,2
- smooth line passing through the points is shown; 0,1
2.2 Streamlines are shown in the figures 0,5
In the plane of the spokes: straight lines are perpendicular to 0,25
the spokes (slight distortion might appear near the bottom
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and the top of the vessel);

In the perpendicular plane: convex symmetric lines between 0,25
the electrodes filling most of the cross-section;
2.3 Form of dependence 0,8
- Inverse proportionality; 0,6
(otherwise no points are given)
- There is a constant component for the resistance; 0,2
2.4 Linearization and determination of parameters 1,2
Type of relationship:
- Dependence R (1/ h ) ; 0,2
- Dependence R −1 ( h ) , or in a double logarithmic scale; (0)
- Other;
Plotting the graph of the linearized dependence
- All points are plotted; 0,2
- Smoothing line through the points is shown 0,2
- Correct evaluation of the parameters of the
linearized dependence
( 200 ± 30% ) kΩ∙div step, or (180 ± 30% ) kΩ∙mm
- if the deviation is of 30% to 75% - the grade is twice less;
- if there is a large deviation, no points are given)
- By using Least Square Method;
- By using plot (or by using all points);
- By using two points;
Calculation of the height measured in units of length (mm or
- Measuring and calculation of the division value of the scale 0,1
(correct) 0,1
- Calculation of the slope (0,1)
(if all the previous calculations in units of length)
3.1 Measurements and ploting of the experimental data (reasonable 1,5
values for the resistances in the range of 0.5 to 2
kΩ, otherwise no points are given)
Measurement of the distance between the spokes:
- An arc of a circle with calculations; 0,2
- Direct measurement by a ruler; (0,1)
- Measured in the range of 1 to 4 cm 0,3
- (Otherwise nopoints are given);
- Number of points − 6 or more; 0,3
- Number of points − 4 - 5; (0,2)
- Less than 4
An increasing convex relationship is obtained 0,2
Plot is made
- size of a plot is not less than 1/4 of sheet; 0,1
- units of axes are stated, digits are indicated; 0,1
- all table data points are correctly drawn in a plot; 0,2
- smooth line passing through the points is shown; 0,1
3.2 Form of dependence 1
Logarithmic dependence 0,7
There is constant contribution in the dependence; 0,3
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Some other reasonable convex increasing dependence (0,3)

3.3 Linearization and determination of parameters 1
- Dependence R ( ln L ) ; 0,4
- Other reasonable linearization in accordance with the formula
Plotting the graph of the linearized dependence
- All points are plotted; 0,1
- Smoothing line is shown; 0,1
(slope is in the range= a ( 0, 2 ± 30% ) kΩ;
- if the deviation of 30% to 75% the grading points are twice
- if there is a large deviation, no points are given)
- By using Least Square Method;
- By using plot (or by using all points);
- By using two points;
4.1 Measurements of the experimental data and plotting the graph 2,4
(reasonable values have been obtained for the resistance in the
range of 5 to 30 kΩ. Otherwise no points are given)
Measurements are made in the range of more than 0,75
180 divisions of the scale (max-min);
in the range of more than 150 divisions; (0,5)
in the range of more than 100 divisions; (0,25)
less than 100 divisions; (0)
Number of experimental points: 10 and more; 0,75
7-9; (0,5)
5-6; (0,25)
less than 5 (0)
Resistance values are correctly calculated for each measured 0,2
Monotonically increasing dependence is obtained; there is 0,3
linear part in the plot
No linear part in the plot (0,1)
Plot is made
- units of axes are stated, digits are indicated; 0,1
- all table data points are correctly drawn in a plot; 0,2
- smooth line passing through the points is shown; 0,1
4.2 Sketch of streamlines 0,3
Lines - start from the open end of the spoke; 0,1
- go straight up; 0,1
- are distributed along the length of second spoke; 0,1
4.3 Form of the dependence 0,4
- there is term proportional to l; 0,2
- there is a constant component; 0,2
(other than linear types of dependence are not accepted);
4.4 Linearity interval 0,1
- interval is shown (deviations near the ends of interval 0,1
measurement are allowed)
4.5 Parameters 0.8
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- Correct evaluation of the linearized dependence: the slope

( ( 0, 060 ± 30% ) kΩ/div or ( 0, 07 ± 30% ) ) kΩ/mm
-if deviations are from 30% to 75% the grade pointa are twice
- if there is a large deviation, no points are given)
- By using Least Square Method;
- By using plot (or by using all points);
- By using two points;
- Constant component of the resistance:
- In the range 4 - 10 kΩ 0,2
- In the range of 2 - 4 kΩ or 10-12 kΩ; (0,1)
- Otherwise no grade points;
5.1 The calculation of the specific resistivity of water 2
- Dependence from Part 4 is taken; 0,3
- Other reasonable dependence (with a correct formula for
the resistance); (0,1)
Equation (7) is used to calculate the resistance by using:
- The slope of the graph; 0,4
- (using 1 - 2 points for calculation); (0,2)
The calculation of the specific resistance (80 Ω∙m):
- Values in the range 60-100 Ω∙; 1,3
- Values in the range 40-120 Ω∙; (1,0)
- Values in the range 20 - 150 Ω∙; (0,5)
- Otherwise zero grade points.

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