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NAME: TABERNA, Catherine T. Yr. & Sec.: BSN 4-2

Date of submission:
EXERCISE #1. Read very well the items below and answer them accordingly.
1. Write down your vision of the future as nursing student. Explain how
you can influence the future by pursuing a specific desired end. Chart the
exact steps toward attaining your vision.
My vision in the future as a nursing student is still unclear, but my
goal is clearly to be successful someday and to be at help to my
family. As a student the only thing that can give a big influence on my
future is by studying hard and working hard now in the present, what
you reap is what you sow, so to be able to pursue and achieved what I
desire in the future, I should work hard now in the present to achieve
Study Graduate Get a Job Earn money Save

Repeat cycle Help my family Success Be stable

2. Discuss your vision of your future with at least three other nursing
classmates. Listen to their visions. Did your vision change as a result of
listening to their visions? Write down how it changed and what new things
and ways of visioning you learned about.
Listening to the visions of my other classmates made me think of my
future more and thorough, even though some of our visions are the
same, which is to be a successful person someday, we have different
plans and paths we wanted to take for ourselves, by hearing their
plans I realized that there are a lot of things to face and encounter
before successfully achieving what we dreamed of.

3. Write down three ways you maintain a belief in your capabilities and the
essential goodness of things. Write about three ways you’ve learned to view
challenges as opportunities.
 No pain, no gain.
 Life is a path full of efforts.
 I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me.
I have believed in this verse and phrases for a very long time, I think
these phrases and verse helps me believed in myself, and to trust me
and God that everything I have hoped for, I will be able to achieve
them someday, I just need to trust not only God but also myself, I
need to be strong to face any difficulties that life will serve me, and to
give my all in everything I do.

4. Discuss your ways of maintaining optimism with at least three other nursing
classmates. Write down what you learned from listening to their ideas and
chart a plan for implementing at least two of their ideas in the next month.

Idea  Implementation 
Tomorrow is another day Everyday is not always the same,
maybe today is not your day, but
tomorrow will. This phrase always
reminds me that mistakes are lessons,
and are part of life, no matter what
mistakes you did today, you can still
correct and change them tomorrow, for
the better.
Its just a bad day, not a bad life  Everyone of us have always had our
bad days, and it is okay. Being a
college student is filled with hardships,
pain, disappointments, and struggle
but, I do believe that when there is bad,
there are a lot of goods, so no matter
what life gives me today, I always
believe that I will be able to learn from
it and use is as tool to be better in the
1. Answer each item above and follow what it requires.
2. Submit your output in WORD document through MS Teams
3. Take pictures of your meetings and post it in the MS Teams.
4. Outputs will be for presentation and discussion in the class.

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