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Before the law

Before the law is about a man from the country who lis to get through a gateway that will be
moet him tenter into law. He sees a gatekeeper in fornt of the gate. Even through it was open

The Gatekeeper says that he cannot be granted Entre at the moment The man asks if he will be
allowed later. The gatekeeper says it possible but not noco. The reason being unclear' about
why be is not allows to Enter The gatekepper Warns him that there are moreful gatekeeper
ahead. The man wonders that the law should be easily accessible as the did not except Such
clifficulties and decides to wait till he gets permission to Enter because the gatekeeper was
powerful and seemed to have atte authovity. The man waits for years and gives up all his
possesion is order to win over the gatekeeper.

Gatekeeper tools the item but told the mean that be was only taking them so that he would not
feel Iike a failure Giving items to the gatekeeper. con be seen as bribery which bumans often
use to make their preblemos go away quickly. This type of corrup -tion can be seen in today's
society. As the years pass . the man forgets about the gatekeeper abead" and thinks of him as
his any obstacle even through he was tempted he chooses to trust the authority and waited
patiently  till he was granted access the man tries everything to persuade the gatekeeper but
does not  succeed and eventually grows old when the man was about to die he asked the gate
keeper responded that the entrance was assigned only to him and closes the gate

The ma went on a journey to try and understand the law and to try and get a sense of
guaidance and purpose we can assume that the law is inaccessible and some people try to
change it for years which might not even be possible through this parable we can also say that
the relationship of a man and law is constant and life long

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