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English Merchant of Venice

Definition:law is a vast subject that is constantly Changing and Evolving it may take easy to
study, and Wrok with, but it takes years to be able to gain Expertise in this feild as one never
stops learning abou

. Experts have struggled to this day to provide a definition that would cover the whole scope of
law as a subject. Many theories have been deduceel 9 ovde to attempt to define our
understanding the meanino of haaw. given and Supported by various jurists.

Natural theory of how.. Natural law theory suggests that law as not formed by human beings. It
is vather. Something that the nature provides us with in the form of Ethics, morality, and the
ability to judge whether any act its right or wrong

positive Theory of how : This is another popular theory that attem -pts to explain what is law
Nather than what should be law. This theory is developed by Tobn Austin and Jeremy bentham
and is widely accepted by many Jurists such as Salmond and kelsen.

Realist Theory of how:

This theory of law was founded by Chipman Gray, Cliver Holmes and kavi llewellyn This theory,
disvegards Orther traditional theories of se low. This theory, deals with the actual wroking of law.

'Maintenance of law and order id Society:Raw are directives that groved regulate human
behaviour and Code of Conduct to ensure order. They are made for people with in a tervitage to
abide with a

International relationis:Paw is responsible for conducting and making international relations it

plays an importa vole in forming Economic, diplomatic and strategic relations with orther

. The regulation's of Economic activity:haw also set the rules and regulations that must be
followed while performing Coconomic activities such as a Sale, trade, labor and inves -ment law
needed to have vaild and legal business cleals and agreements:

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