Life Cycle of Cultured Bobtail Squid, Euprymna Hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997

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Life Cycle of Cultured Bobtail Squid, Euprymna hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997

Article · January 2005


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Jaruwat Nabhitabhata
Prince of Songkla University


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Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull. 66: 351–365 (2005)



Jaruwat Nabhitabhata1, Pitiporn Nilaphat2,

Pichitra Promboon2 and Chan Jaroongpattananon2

Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel +66 2 579 1022, Fax +66 2 942 8695, E-mail
Rayong Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center Ta-pong, Rayong 21000, Thailand
Tel +66 38 655 191, Fax +66 38 664 583, E-mail

ABSTRACT: The bobtail squid, Euprymna hyllebergi, was cultured in the laboratory through three
generations. Eggs were deposited as single egg capsules, pyramid shape with a calcified chorion. The
incubation period was 14.0±1.8 days at 28°C. Hatchlings were temporarily planktonic becoming benthic
after 6–8 hrs. Mean mantle length was 2.20±0.04 mm and weight 0.0041±0.0006 g. The squids were fed
on larvae and postlarvae of penaeid shrimps, mysids and gobiid fish during the first month after
hatching. After one month, squids were trained to accept pieces of fish meat. The squids were solitary
in habit and cannibalism was observed in culture tanks. Mating and spawning was observed after
93.9±12.8 days of age. Spawning was more terminal to the life span compared to other cultured sepioid
cuttlefish. Average total numbers of eggs per female was 191.3±107.4 capsules. At the age of 100 days,
mean mantle length was 22.4±0.6 mm and body weight 5.88±0.17 g. Instantaneous growth rate from
hatching to 100 days of age was 2.41±0.46 % by mantle length and 7.51±1.75 % by weight. Growth was
similar among the three generations. Life span was average 98.9±13.6 days due to death of both sexes
after the last spawning.

(Moynihan 1982). The choice between sticky and
The sepiolid bobtail squids of the genus non-sticky is voluntary and fluctuative or obligate
Euprymna are small (less than 100 mm mantle (Moynihan 1982). Shears (1988) suggested that
length), neritic and strictly nektobenthic species, the ability to use a sand-coat for camouflage of E.
inhabiting coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region scolopes might have evolved from the initial use of
(Summers 1985, Norman and Lu 1997). Euprymna the behaviour for sand consolidation when the
spawn single egg capsules with a leathery outer squid is buried.
coat like most other sepiolid eggs (Boletzky 1998) Euprymna is a well-studied group, especially
and the embryos possess unique bilobed external since the symbiotic association between E.
yolk sacs (Arnold et al. 1972). Like sepiid scolopes and the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio
cuttlefishes, the bobtail squids can completely bury fischeri has been a recent focus as a model system
themselves in the substrate (Anderson 1997). The for investigating the process of bacterial
interesting behaviour of Euprymna is the capability colonization of host tissues and its effect on host
to retain a “carapace” (Moynihan 1982, 1985) or development (Ruby and Lee 1998). V. fischeri and
“coat” of sand or other debris on their back when other luminous bacteria form a variety of pathogenic
they emerges from burial to hunt prey (Anderson and cooperative associations with marine animals;
et al. 2002). The sand-coat makes the squid they are increasingly recognized as causes of
difficult to be detected visually from above and invertebrate diseases (Ruby and Lee 1998).
functions presumably to prevent them from being Understanding the factors controlling both benign
seen by predators (Anderson and Mather 1996; and pathogenic bacterial association and hosts will
Shears 1988). The stickiness of the coat depends significantly benefit biotechnological and biomedical
upon secretions of the ectodermal epithelium sciences (Ruby 1999). Since the process of
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.

bacterial colonization of the squid light organ begins without reproducing (Arnold et al. 1972). Hanlon
immediately after hatching (Ruby and McFall-Ngai et al. (1997) succeeded in culturing E. scolopes
1992), studies can yield valuable results when the through one life cycle of about four months after
squids (and their luminous bacterial partners) can hatching. The hatchlings of E. scolopes were
be cultured (independently) in the laboratory planktonic of approximately 2 mm ML and daily
(Nishiguchi et al. 1998). growth was about 8% by weight. The squid
Summers (1985) stated that sepiolid squids spawned several batches of egg but the hatchlings
are capable of laboratory culture and provide of the following generation did not survive.
excellent models of experimentation. They are able Euprymna hyllebergi was firstly described
to tolerate crowding well which is an advantageous from the Andaman Sea of Thailand (Indian Ocean)
feature of adaptability in aquarium conditions. Choe (Nateewathana 1997) (Fig. 1). Occurrence in the
and Ohshima (1963) and Choe (1966a, b) Gulf of Thailand (Pacific Ocean) was also
successfully reared E. berryi from hatching to recorded (Nateewathana et al. 2001). Nilaphat
about 70 days. The hatchlings were planktonic with (2001) successfully cultured E. hyllebergi to one
approximately 2–3 mm mantle length (ML) with life cycle of about 3 months after hatching. Bilobed
daily growth rate of 2–5% by weight. Euprymna yolk sac was observed during the embryonic
scolopes has been studied for embryonic development. The hatchlings were planktonic of
development and hatchlings were reared for 28 approximately 2 mm ML and daily growth rate of
days by Arnold et al. (1972) and Singley (1983). 6.5% by weight. Total number of eggs per one
Some of the reared squids survived up to 202 days female was about 300.

Figure 1. Euprymna hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997 a -dorsal, b -ventral, c -hectocotylus. (Source:

Nateewathana 1997)
Life cycle of cultured bobtail squid

The life history of E. hyllebergi is studied by maintained in 2 m3 concrete tanks. The squids
the Department of Fisheries of Thailand as a mated and spawned in the tanks, attaching their
research project in Cephalopod Culture Research egg capsules in clusters to artificial substrata, coral
and Development Programme. The aims of this gravel (150x100 mm) and pieces of longitudinal-
project are to study the life cycles, behaviour and cut PVC pipe (50 mm diameter, 150 mm length).
aquaculture methodology of E. hyllebergi supplying Substrata with egg clusters were transferred to
basic informations for estimation of the feasibility hatch in fiberglass tanks of 50L capacity with 40L
of small-scale culture of this species as an filtered seawater. Two pieces of longitudinal-cut
ornamental animal. Small-scale aquaculture yields PVC pipe (25 mm diameter, 400 mm length)
higher unit cost of production compared with large- equipped with aeration devices were placed in each
scale culture but it is suitable for developing tank, facing in the same direction, to generate
countries. Supplying live squids as ornamental or artificial current. Tanks were cleaned by siphoning
home-aquarium species should add more value to and water was changed about 50% by volume daily.
the products through higher prices and shorter Temperature change was minimized by means of
period of production compared with food running water around the tank base. Average
production. temperature during the experiment was
28.2±1.6ºC, pH was 8.0±0.4 and salinity was
MATERIALS AND METHOD 32.5±1.7 ppt. Hatchlings were raised using the
same system.
Culture Hatchlings were fed with live, hatchery-
Broodstocks of bobtail squid, Euprymna produced penaeid shrimp larvae (Penaeus
hyllebergi, were collected live from otter board merguiensis, P. monodon) of protozoea and mysis
trawlers and beam trawlers, operating along the stages for 5 days after hatching (Fig. 2). Postlarvae
coast of Rayong Province in the eastern part of of penaeid shrimps of same species as well as wild
the Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea, Pacific mysids (Mesopodopsis oreintalis) were fed to the
Ocean. The squids were transported to the squids from hatching to 40 days. After 30 days,
cephalopod hatchery of Rayong Coastal Fisheries young squids were fed wild palaemonid shrimps
Research and Development Centre and then (Palaemon styliferus) and wild mysids (Acetes spp.)

Figure 2. Diagram of feeding of Euprymna hyllebergi on various live ( ) and dead ( ) food
corresponding to the age (days) after hatching.
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.

and after 50 days, wild dwarf gobies (Stigmatogobius Growth in terms of the mantle length-weight
romeri). After 30 days, the squids were trained to relationship was expressed by power regression
feed on dead fish meat (Caranx leptolepis). Size models from 1,506 individuals. Mantle length-age
grading was performed every 10 days from 30 relationship was expressed by exponential
days after hatching and culture density was reduced regression model in the early growth phase (936
from initial density of 2–6 ind.L-1 for at least 25% individuals) and quadratic regression model in the
after each grading. following phase (741 individuals). Weight-at-age
relationship was determined by exponential
Behaviour regression (936 individuals) and cubic regression
Aspects of behaviour were observed from live models (734 individuals), respectively.
specimens and recorded with drawings, and still and
video photography. The total number of the bobtail W = a1MLb1
squids observed in this study was 3,750 individuals. ML = a2eb2A
ML = a3 +b3A +b4A2
Feeding and Growth W = a4eb5A
Feeding rate (% per day) and gross food W = a6 +b6A +b7A2 +b8A3
conversion efficiency (%) was determined every
10 days from 1,850 individuals and calculated where a is the constant elevations,
according to Choe (1966a, b): b the slope,
A the age (days).
FR = [F/ (tW)] x 100
GFCE = (W2-W1) /F x 100 RESULTS

where FR is feeding rate (% per day), Eggs

GFCE is gross food conversion efficiency (%), Egg capsules are single, lacking a stalk, opaque
F is total food consumed in wet weight white and droplet shape (Fig. 3). The size of the
basis (g), egg capsule was 4.15±0.41 mm in major axis,
W average weight (g) 3.34±0.28 mm in minor axis and 0.021±0.002 g
W1 initial weight (g), in weight. About 2 hrs after being laid, the outer
W2 final weight (g), coat turned brown and leathery. The capsules were
t is number of days (10 day period). laid in single layer or piled up into clusters of several
layers. After 5 days, the capsule became more
Growth was determined every 10 days in transparent and the visible embryo could be
terms of gain in dorsal mantle length (ML, mm) observed.
and wet body weight (W, g). Instantaneous relative
growth rate (%) of ML and weight was calculated
according to Forsythe (1984) and Forsythe and
Van Heukelem (1987) from 1,850 individuals:

IGRL = [(ln ML2-ln ML1)/ t] x 100

and IGRW = [(ln W2-ln W1)/ t] x 100

where IGRL is instantaneous relative

growth rate in terms of ML (%),
IGRW instantaneous relative growth rate
in term of wet body weight (%),
ML1 initial mantle length (mm), Figure 3. Egg capsule of Euprymna hyllebergi (20x),
ML2 final mantle length (mm). tip at right.
Life cycle of cultured bobtail squid

The egg was telolecithal. Eight-cell cleavage through the transparent mantle from hatching to
observed at 10 hrs after fertilization was the third day (Fig. 4). The planktonic phase lasted
asymmetric. Clockwise rotation of the embryo 6–8 hrs. After that, the hatchling adopted a benthic
was observed from 76 to 198 hrs (day 3–8). habit but still entered the water column on a regular
Organogenesis occurred from 98 hrs (day 4). The basis to about 25–30 days. Nocturnal swimming
unique bilobed character of the external yolk sac as well as foraging and eating prey in the water
was observed from 120 hrs (day 5). column was observed in 80–90% of hatchlings
Chromatophores were observed from 164 hrs (day during this period. Then the squid gradually became
6). Four diverticula of the internal yolk sac were fully benthic. Most of the squids were observed
observed from 198 hrs (day 8). First hatching foraging in the water column but eating on bottom
occurred at 288 hrs (day 12) (Fig. 4). substratum instead of eating in the water column.
The embryonic phase was 12–18 days in At night, the squid rose up from the bottom and
length, average 14.0±1.8 days at 27.5±2.0°C. hovered in the water column. The squid returned
Hatching occurred at night until dawn, mostly to the substrate in the morning around 0700–0800
between 0400–0700 hrs. 97–99% of eggs hatched hrs. Camouflaging by disruptive coloration and
at night, 1–3% during the day. Hatching period of inking was functional from hatching.
the eggs in the same cluster took five days from Squid were solitary in habit. No gregarious
the first to the last eggs. About 80% of hatching behaviour was observed. Cryptic behaviour was
occurred on the third day. Hatching rate was exhibited as disruptive coloration on hard substrata
94.35±5.01% (range 82.32–100.00%), the (tank bottom) and burrowing in soft substrata
majority of the remaining eggs were unfertilized. (sand). Burrowing was diurnal and could be
observed from 5–7 days after hatching. Complete
Behaviour burying (whole body under substratum) and partial
The living mode of the hatchling was (upper part of body exposed) burying were
planktonic. The internal yolk sac was still visible achieved by mantle rocking in association with fin
beating and water jetting. The last step of complete
burying was when the third arms were swept
backwards collecting sand grains on to the head.
Angling behaviour, about one-third of the third arm
vertically exposed upward out of the substratum
and waved, was observed while burying in two
specimens. In tanks without soft substratum, the
squids rested on the substrate adjacent to coral
Squid had the ability to adhere a continuous
coating of bottom materials to the mantle, to form
the so called “sand coat” (Fig. 5). Sand coating
was observed during daytime when the squid
emerged from the sand. It also had ability to drop
the sand coat instantaneously as a unit of similar
shape to itself. Sand coating behaviour was
observed from 5–7 days after hatching, the same
period of the first burrowing capability.
Swimming was observed at night more than
during the day. During 1–25 days after hatching,
Figure 4. Hatchling of Euprymna hyllebergi (dorsal, about 80–90% of squids were observed swimming
17x) with internal yolk sacs remaining inside the mantle at night, decreasing to 30% after this period.
cavity. Colour pattern during swimming was a transparent
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.

Figure 5. Euprymna hyllebergi with sand-coat and

coral gravel for camouflaging (bar scale 10 mm).

mantle with small brown spots. If artificial light

was turned on at night and the light period was
prolonged for more than 10 minutes, the squid sank
to the substrate. Swimming was counter-current
in direction and its mantle was at the angle of 20–
40° to the substrate.
Feeding on live prey was observed only at
night, exhibiting nocturnal behaviour. From Figure 6. Growth in terms of: a -mantle length (mm),
hatching to 30 days, the squid seized and ate its instantaneous relative growth rate (IGRL: %) and age
prey in the water column while hovering. The prey (days) after hatching; b -weight (g), instantaneous
was seized and held using the arms. After 25 days, relative growth rate (IGRW: %) and age (days) after
the squid gradually changed to seizing its prey in hatching. Arrows indicate spawning (s) and settling
the water column and then consuming it on the stage (st).
substrate. The live prey was seized using the
tentacles and the dead prey using the arms. (Fig. 6a) and 17.40±0.67 % in weight (Fig 6b).
Crustaceans were preferred over dwarf gobies. Average IGR from hatching to 100 days of age
Cannibalism was observed in squids with size was 2.41±0.46 % in ML and 7.51±1.75 % in
difference of more than 50% between 10 to 30 weight. Food consumption of the bobtail squid
days after hatching. averaged 0.193±0.055 g.d-1 or 37.12±6.75 %body
weight.d-1. Food conversion efficiency was highest
Feeding and Growth between 50 and 60 days (Fig. 7), 63.70±5.91%
Hatchlings of bobtail squid grew from (range 42.83–98.55) with average from hatching
2.20±0.04 mm average mantle length (ML) and to 100 days of 37.22±4.68 % (range 14.20–98.55).
0.004±0.001 g average weight to 7.28±0.20 mm Growth in terms of ML (mm) and weight (g)
ML and 0.263±0.019 g in 30 days (Fig. 6a, b). At was not significantly different (P>0.05) among the
60 days after hatching, the squid had grown to three generations of the bobtail squid (Fig. 8a, b).
16.74±0.78 mm ML and 2.602±0.233 g weight IGR in ML was highest in the first generation (G1),
and at 100 days 22.43±0.56 mm ML and 2.50±0.49 % and in weight in the third generation
5.878±0.168 g. Instantaneous relative growth rate (G3), 9.11±2.33 % (Tab. 1). Feeding was highest
(IGR) was highest between 10 and 20 days after in the first generation (G1) in term of wet weight,
hatching with an average of 4.83±0.23% in ML 0.192±0.0535 BW.d-1, but in term of percentage
Life cycle of cultured bobtail squid

Figure 7. Food conversion efficiency (%) of cultured

Euprymna hyllebergi during growth (age: days after
hatching). Arrows indicate spawning (s) and settling Figure 8a. Growth of three consecutive cultured
stage (st). generations (G1, G2, G3, respectively) of Euprymna
hyllebergi in terms of mantle length (mm) and age
(days) after hatching.
of BW.d -1 was in the second generation (G 2),
48.19±22.26 %. Food conversion efficiency was
highest in the third generation (G3), 50.8±12.4 %.
The growth models showed two phases. The
early phase was from hatching to 30 days and the
second phase was from 30 days to 122 days. The
relationship between mantle length (mm) and
weight (g) was expressed as power regression
models (Fig. 9):
W = 1.320 x10-4ML4.124
(r2 = 0.852, n = 686)
and W = 1.032 x10-3ML2.780
(r2 = 0.947, n = 761)

The relationship between mantle length (mm)

and age (days after hatching) was expressed as Figure 8b. Growth of three consecutive cultured
generations (G1-G3) of Euprymna hyllebergi in terms
the exponential model in the early phase and the
of weight (g) and age (days) after hatching.
quadratic regression model in the second phase
(Fig. 10):
ML = 1.988e4.205 x10*(-2)A and W = 1.952 –0.147A +3.570 x10-3A2 –
(r2 = 0.887, n = 936) 1.728 x10-5A3
and ML = 0.407A –1.553 x10-3A2 –3.648 (r2 = 0.805, n = 734)
(r2 = 0.767, n = 741)
Mating and Spawning
The relationship between weight (g) and age Mating was observed from 66 days after
(days after hatching) was expressed as the hatching. Mating occurred without prior pair
exponential model in the early phase and the cubic formation. Courtship with colour displays and
regression model in the following phase (Fig. 11): agonistic behaviour was not observed. The male
W = 2.750 x10-3e0.153A attended the swimming female then approached
(r2 = 0.895, n = 936) and grasped her from below in male to female neck
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.

Table 1. Feeding and growth in three cultured generations (G) of Euprymna hyllebergi: food
consumption (g, %body weight.d-1), FCE: food conversion efficiency (%), IGRL: instantaneous growth
rate in length (%), IGRW: instantaneous growth rate in weight (%) and LS: longevity of life span (d).
food consumption FCE IGRL IGRW LS
(g) (% body weight.d-1) (%) (%) (%) (d)

1 mean 0.192 24.89 33.91 2.50 7.12 100.4

SE 0.053 11.48 5.97 0.49 1.65 15.5
2 mean 0.179 48.19 39.52 2.22 7.80 91.5
SE 0.053 22.26 6.42 0.49 1.93 10.6
3 mean 0.091 38.28 50.82 2.38 9.11 98.5
SE 0.037 24.03 12.42 0.52 2.33 13.3
1-3 mean 0.193 37.12 37.22 2.41 7.51 98.9
SE 0.055 6.75 4.68 0.46 1.75 13.6

Figure 9. Relationships between mantle length (mm) Figure 11. Relationships between weight (g) and age
and weight (g) of Euprymna hyllebergi, intercept of (days) after hatching of Euprymna hyllebergi. Arrows
the two regressions at 5.5 mm mantle length. indicate spawning (s) and settling stage (st).

position (Fig. 12). The colour pattern of the male

was dark brown during mating. The male initially
grasped the female at her mantle, using arms II,
III and IV, then the grasp shifted to the female
neck. The female was pulled down to bottom
where copulation took place (Fig. 12). The male
hectocotylus was inserted into the female mantle
cavity (Fig. 13). The colour pattern of the female
was pale brown during copulation. Copulation took
7–10 min and the pair separated after that.
Spawning was observed at dawn, 2–3 days
Figure 10. Relationships between mantle length (mm) after mating. Prior to spawning, the female
and age (days) after hatching of Euprymna investigated substrata for attaching her egg
hyllebergi. Arrows indicate spawning (s) and settling capsules by swimming around, touching the
stage (st). substrata with the tip of her arm cone. At the
Life cycle of cultured bobtail squid

Figure 13. Mating behaviour of Euprymna hyllebergi.

Figure 12. Stages in mating behaviour of Euprymna

hyllebergi; a) female hovers by, male attention, b)
male approaches female from below, c) male grasps
female by mantle, d) male-grasp moves to female’s
neck, e) male pulls female down to substrate, Figure 14. Spawning behaviour of Euprymna
copulation follows. hyllebergi, female attaching egg capsules to coral
selected site, the female moved towards the
substratum from her lying position to attach her lateral side of coral, tank wall at about 100–150
egg capsules (Fig. 14). The period of attaching mm above the bottom. Spawning was continuous
was 40–60 seconds (s) for one capsule. The and intermittent, egg capsules were laid in only
interval between each capsule attachment one or several batches in a period of about 1–20
lengthened as the number of capsules increased, days. Number of egg capsules per batch was not
up to 2–3 minutes. During the interval between observed. Total number of eggs per female was
egg-laying, the female twisted her mantle to left 108–464 with average of 191.3±107.4 capsules.
and right several times and stopped for 10–20 s After her last spawning, the female swam up
before attaching another capsule. No subsequent into the water column, her arms spread unable to
maternal care on the egg capsules was observed. form the regular arm cone. Respiratory movement
Spawning behaviour was normally cryptic. In of the mantle was slower than in normal
cultured tanks, the female attached her egg capsules conditions. Swimming became jerky in nature and
to the underside of coral (Fig. 15) and on the ceiling her colour pattern turned pale yellow and then
of PVC pipe “dens”. In tanks without cryptic sites, transparent. Then the female sank down to the
egg capsules were attached in exposed sites i.e. substrate and died within 1–3 hrs.
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.

and Rossia macrosoma 90–120 days at 15ºC

(Boletzky 1975). Boletzky (1998) reported that the
outer coat of sepiolid egg capsules become a rigid
shell or a solid protection that allows the developing
embryo to become a “sessile organism”, as the
development covers several months during which
the temperature were minimal. The leathery coat
of the egg capsule with comparatively shorter
embryonic period of Euprymna at higher
temperature needed further explanation. However,
the embryonic period of E. hyllebergi, 14.0 days,
was comparable to other cultured sepioids that
Figure 15. Egg cluster of Euprymna hyllebergi were 12.6 days in Sepiella inermis (Nabhitabhata
attached to underside of coral gravel (bar scale 0.5 1997) and 14.3 days in Sepia pharaonis
cm). (Nabhitabhata and Nilaphat 1999) at 28ºC. The
single egg capsule and two weeks of embryonic
Life Span development (at 28ºC) are common characters in
Females died within 1–3 hrs after last life history of the cultured sepioid cephalopods.
spawning. The male died within a few days after The bilobed external yolk sac is a embryonic
the female. Life span of the female was 92.7±9.7 character that has also been observed in E. scolopes
days (80–113) and of the male was 108.3±12.6 (Arnold et al. 1972), E. morsei (Watanabe 1997)
days (92–122). Maximum life span of the male and E. hyllebergi (this study). Hatching rate of
was 122 days and 113 days in the female. Life more than 80% in E. berryi (Choe 1966a) and 70–
span of both sexes combined was an average of 90% (Hanlon et al. 1997) in E. scolopes are
98.9±13.6 days (80–122). Life span of the first comparable to 82–100% of E. hyllebergi (Table 2).
generation (G1) was the longest among the three Planktonic mode of hatchling is similar in the three
generations (Table 1), 100.4±15.5 days (80–122), species. The hatchlings were alternatively
and the second generation (G2) was the shortest, planktonic and benthic in the first month after
91.5±10.6 days (84–99). hatching in E. scolopes (Hanlon et al. 1997) as
well as in E. hyllebergi (this study). Burrowing
DISCUSSION behaviour of E scolopes was observed from 5–6
days after hatching (Singley 1983), similar to what
The shape and size of the egg capsules of was observed in E. hyllebergi. Southern bobtail
Euprymna hyllebergi were similar to other species, squid, E. tasmanica, is different. Norman (2000)
particularly in the calcareous leather-like coating reported that hatchlings of E. tasmanica quickly
(Choe 1966a, Boletzky 1998, Arnold et al.1972). settled to the substrates and buried in the sand
The embryonic period of E. hyllebergi was about (benthic mode?). English (1981) and Lu and
14 days at 27.5ºC, which was shorter than the 20 Dunning (1998) also reported immediate settlement
days in E. berryi at 23.5–24.0ºC (Choe 1966a), 20 of hatchlings in E. tasmanica but no successful
days in E. scolopes at 24ºC (Arnold et al. 1972), burying was achieved prior to death at three days
21 days in E. scolopes at 23ºC (Claes and Dunlap after hatching.
2000), 18–22 days in E. scolopes at 21–23ºC Mysid shrimps were used in successfully
(Hanlon et al. 1997) (Table 3), 29 days at 20ºC in rearing Euprymna: Neomysis japonica for E. berryi
E. tasmanica (Lu and Dunning, 1998) and 32 days (Choe 1966a, b; Choe and Ohshima 1963),
in E. morsei at 20ºC (Watanabe 1997). Other Neomysis, Mysidopsis and Amisomysis for E.
sepiolids possess longer embryonic period, e.g., scolopes (Arnold et al. 1972; Hanlon et al. 1997,
Sepiola of about 45 days at 20ºC (at lower Claes and Dunlap 2000) and Mesopodopsis
temperature), Sepietta obscura 45 days at 16–17ºC orientalis for E. hyllebergi (this study). However,
Life cycle of cultured bobtail squid

Table 2. Comparison of life cycle and behaviour of cultured bobtail squids. References: a -Choe
(1966a,b), Choe and Ohshima (1963); b -Hanlon and Messenger (1996), Hanlon et al. (1997), Claes and
Dunlap (2000), Moynihan (1982, 1985); c -Lu and Dunning (1998), Norman (2000), Norman and Lu
(1997) d -Nilaphat (2001), present study.

aspects Euprymna berryia Euprymna scolopesb Euprymna tasmanicac Euprymna hyllebergid

Habitat seagrass (?) sandy beach seagrass, sand, mud mud bottom
Prey mysids, shrimp larvae mysids, fish larvae isopods, amphipods, shrimp larvae, mysids,
palaemonid shrimp palaemonid shrimp palaemonid shrimp,
Mating behaviour:
-age (d) - 61-115 - >66
-motion of male to - lying-lying (?) - lying-swimming
female prior copulation
-motion during copulation - lying - lying
-position - male to female neck male-to-female-neck male to female neck
-period (min) - 25-80 - 7-10
Spawning behaviour:
-age (d) - >58 - 66-115 (93.9)
-period of attachment (s) - 10 - 40–60
-number of eggs per female - 50-250 100-146 108-464 (191.3)
-capsule type single single single single
-embryonic phase (d) 20 18-22 29 12-18
-temperature (°C) 23.5-24 21-23 20 26-30 (27.5)
-hatching rate (%) >80 70-90 - 82-100 (94.4)
-mode of living planktonic planktonic benthic (?) planktonic
-size (ML : mm) 2.4-2.8 1.6-1.9 3 1.4-2.8
Daily growth (% w) 2.34-5.28 7.6-8.4 - 1.50-17.40
Life span:
-average (d) - 80 - 99
-maximum (d) - 139 - 125

live zooplankton, amphipods and postlarval mysids The alternative planktonic-benthic mode
were also used for E. scolopes (Hanlon et al. 1997, during the first month after hatching of cultured
Claes and Dunlap 2000). This is similar to feeding E. scolopes (Hanlon et al. 1997) and E. hyllebergi
the shrimp larvae of comparable size to E. in the present study corresponded to behaviour
hyllebergi hatchlings for 5 days after hatching. observed in wild E. scolopes (Anderson and Mather
Fishes were used as food in rearing of E. scolopes 1996). Anderson and Mather (1996) reported the
(Arnold et al. 1972, Hanlon et al. 1997), E. morsei majority of the juveniles (d ≤ 10 mm ML) swam
(Segawa and Maekawa 2003) and E. hyllebergi in in midwater or just under the surface at night while
the present study but preference of Euprymna on the adults (e ≥ 10 mm ML) sat on the sand surface.
crustaceans (mysids, palaemonid and penaeid The “benthic” mode observed in hatchlings of E.
shrimps) compared to fish was agreed in all studies. tasmanica (Norman 2000) probably corresponds
The general trend for Euprymna culture from to the mentioned planktonic-benthic mode.
Hanlon et al. (1997) and the present study is to The difference in behaviour between the
feed planktonic food to squids before the settling species was the “angling” behaviour during
stage, at which time the squids are column feeders, burrowing which was observed in E. hyllebergi
and benthic food after settling stage, at which time but not in E tasmanica (Norman and Lu 1997,
the squids are benthic feeders. Norman 2000) or E. scolopes (Anderson et al.
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.

2002). Anderson et al. (2002) suggested that the scolopes, around 2–3 months (Singley 1983, Hanlon
angling behaviour observed in Rossia pacifica et al. 1997). Position, male to female neck, and
might be used while partially buried. Angling behavioural process was also similar. Period of
behaviour of E. hyllebergi should be noted as one attachment of egg capsules tended to be longer in
of the differences between the species of E. hyllebergi compared to E. scolopes, although
Euprymna, although it was a rare case. the capsule size of the former species is smaller
Transition in growth is reflected in the nature than that of the latter, 3 versus 4 mm (Table 2).
of the growth models. The stage where the models Along with smaller size of the egg capsules, the
shifted to a higher elevation was at about 30 days number of eggs per female of E. hyllebergi was
after hatching, corresponding to the observed greater, 108–464, compared to 100–150 eggs of
settlement stage (Figs. 9–11). Hanlon et al. (1997) E. morsei (Watanabe 1997), 12–250 eggs of E.
reported the mantle length-age relationship as scolopes (Singley 1983, Hanlon et al. 1997), 38–
ML = 0.102 +0.217A (r 2 = 0.914, n = 49) and 175 eggs of E. stenodactyla (Deepak and Patterson
the weight-age relationship was W = 3.296 x10-3 2003) and 100–146 eggs of E. tasmanica (Norman
e (8.373 x10*-2)A (r 2 = 0.945, n= 34) in cultured E. and Lu 1997). Mangold (1987) suggested that
scolopes. These models differ from the present sepiolid species spawned between 50 and 200 eggs
study for E. hyllebergi. Growth patterns of E. and spawning is intermittent, often irregular and
scolopes were simple for the whole life span may be extended over several weeks which agrees
without the transition stages. The difference may with the present study in E. hyllebergi. The ovary
be due to the differences in the numbers of of these species, all of small adult size, can only
replicates used in model plotting, resulting in contain a fraction of the total number of mature
different model fitting. The length-weight ova at any one time (Mangold 1987).
relationship model of E. scolopes was W = 1.5 The overall life cycle of the four species, E.
x10-3 ML 2.674 (n = 41) (Hanlon et al. 1997). The berryi, E. scolopes, E. tasmanica and E. hyllbergi
slope, 2.674, was similar to 2.780 in E. hyllebergi is similar (Table 2). The common characters were
(n = 761) for mantle length of more than 5.5 mm, egg capsule characters, embryonic phase of 2–3
hence after the settlement stage. weeks, hatching rate of 80% or higher, planktonic
Daily growth in weight, 1.5–17.4%, of E. hatchlings and mating behaviour. The notable
hyllebergi was comparable to other Euprymna; differences for E. hyllebergi were habitat, shorter
2.3–5.4% in E. berryi, from hatching to 67 days period of mating, longer period of egg-capsule
(Choe 1966b), and about 8% in E. scolopes (Hanlon attachment, greater numbers of eggs per female
et al. 1997, Claes and Dunlap 2000) (Table 2). and longer life span. The average life span of E.
Growth variation may be due to differences among hyllebergi was 99 days which was nearly three
species and culture condition. In similar conditions, weeks longer than the 80 days reported for E.
growth was similar among the three cultured scolopes (Hanlon et al. 1997).
generations. From an aquaculture point of view, Compared to other cultured sepioid
the supply of live broodstocks was feasible without cephalopods, E. hyllebergi is the smallest species
any obvious effects of inbreeding, at least through and the spawning of E. hyllebergi was more
three generations that nearly encompass one year. terminal both on basis of age (days) after hatching
Food conversion efficiency (FCE) rose from (Fig. 16a) and period of longevity as percentage
around 30–40% after hatching to 60–70% during of life span (Fig. 16b). The spawning time of Sepia
40–60 days after hatching, potentially relating to pharaonis and Sepiella inermis was at around 80%
the storage of energy for the consequent of their life span while of E. hyllbergi was at 97%
reproductive period (Fig. 7), since the first mating of its life span. This might indicate that the strategy
was observed after 66 days. The FCE appeared of this small species is to spend a comparatively
stable during reproduction, at about 20–30%. longer proportion of its life in collective energy
Mating and spawning of E. hyllebergi storage in order to reach maximal reproductive
occurred at a similar age after hatching to E. output.
Life cycle of cultured bobtail squid

Figure 16a. Comparison of life cycle of cultured cephalopods in age (days). References : sp -Sepia
pharaonis, (Nabhitabhata and Nilaphat 1999); si -Sepiella inermis (Nabhitabhata 1997); eh -Euprymna
hyllebergi present study; h -hatching, s -spawning.

Figure 16b. Life cycle of cultured cephalopods in percentage of longevity (% of life span). References
: sp -Sepia pharaonis, (Nabhitabhata and Nilaphat 1999); si -Sepiella inermis (Nabhitabhata 1997); eh
-Euprymna hyllebergi present study; s -spawning.
Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull.


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