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Palayan City National High School

Atate, Palayan City



Hacel Airasol C. Pacun

Richmond C. Gillaco

Frances Allyssa P. Tersol

Jam Monique C. Balderas

Jemaiah Kyle Apilado

Mery Joy C. Espiritu


Ms. Elaine Ramos



With the advent of the Internet, a new generation of

distance education emerged. E-learning as a modern form of

distance education opens a new generation of distance education,

through the form of digital education, teaching and learning

through the Internet, and online training. The newest method of

acquiring knowledge through the use of computers and the Internet

by e-learning involves studying in a virtual environment, blended

learning combines such elements as information techniques,

interaction, educational resources, team and individual work,

formal and informal education, as well as support techniques

(Hamberg, 2009).

Due to the pandemic, a global pandemic happened to force a

widespread disruption to schools and universities. As a result of

this, educational institutions came out with remote learning as

an alternative solution. A sudden shift from face-to-face

learning to the immediate transition of complete online learning

has been implemented all over the globe. With the sudden shift to

e-learning, students have to quickly adjust to the situation, and

with the help of online platforms, technology can enable digital

learning through the internet.

This type of education is a way of providing learning

opportunities to every learner, whatever their circumstances

might be. This means that distance education through online

learning platforms brings education, reaching out students

wherever they live or wish to study.

That’s why this study was conducted to help thestudents

todevelop their learning skills further in which can be

particularly beneficial for academic learners who need to

understand a certain lesson. Online learning platforms allow all

of those things as well as provide a tool for students to keep a

record of progress made, these platforms allow learners to have

more ownership of their learning which helps them learn better.


The purpose of this study is to determine the effects and impact

of online learning platforms and how they may help them to

improve their academics through self-learning

“Different Learning Platforms Utilized by Grade 11 Stem Students

and Its Impact on Their Academic Performance” sought to answer

the following questions:

1.What are the different online learning platforms that

are being used by students?

2. What are the factors that may affect the performance

of the student on using different online platforms?

3. What are the possible impacts of using online learning

platforms on the student’s academic performances?


DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (DepEd). This study can help contribute

on how to adjust and handlethe new way of learning through online

by knowing the point of view of the students in using online


TEACHERS. This study will guide the teachers to know the

students’ learning proficiency by assessing the student’s way of


STUDENTS. This study was able to make the students grasp the

concept of the effectiveness of e-learning.

PARENTS OR GUARDIANS. This study will benefit the parents or

guardians of the students, who have been struggling in handling

their child’s new way of learning.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study can surely benefit future

researchers by using this as their guide and basic.


The general focused of the study was to determine these

different learning platforms and their impact on the academic

performance of Grade 11 students. The study also deals with

the effect of the different learning platforms used by

students to help them in their academic learning. The study is

delimited only for the students in Grade 11 STEM of Palayan

City National High School.



This section contains foreign literature, local literature.

The literature review has shown previous work done in this area.


Utilizing Online Learning Platforms To Improve Students’ Academic


Higher education organizations over the previous two

decades have offered full courses online as an integral part of

their curricula, besides encouraging the completion throughout

the online courses. Additionally, the number of students who are

not participating in any courses online has continued to drop

over the past few years. Similarly, it is perfectly possible to

state that learning online is an educational platform (Allen,

Seaman, Poulin, &Straut, 2016). Courses online are trying to

connect social networking components, experts’ content, because

online resources are growing daily. Such courses depend on the

active participation of a significant number of learners who

participate independently in accordance with their educational

objectives, skills, and previous background and experience

(McAuley, Stewart, Siemens, & Cormier, 2010). Nevertheless,

learners differ in their previous background and experience,

along with their education techniques, which influence the

results of their online courses besides their achievement

(Kauffman, 2015). Consequently, despite the online learning

evolution, learning online possibly will not be appropriate for

each learner (Bouhnik& Carmi, 2013). Nevertheless, while online

learning application among academic world has grown rapidly, not

enough is identified regarding learners’ previous background and

experience in learning online.

The findings showed that the students’ background,

experience, collaborations, interactions, and autonomy positively

affected students’ satisfaction. Moreover, effects of the

students’ application, remembering, understanding, analyzing, and

satisfaction was positively aligned with students’ academic

achievements. Consequently, the empirical findings present a

strong support to the integrative association between TDT and BTT

theories in relation to using online learning platforms to

improve students’ academic achievements and satisfaction, which

could help decision makers in universities and higher education

and colleges to plan, evaluate, and implement online learning

platforms in their institutions.

The Role Of Internet In Self Study

The Internet opens a new generation of distance education,

introducing sophisticated delivery tools and creating a paradigm

shift with profound implications on the design of distance

education courses. Distance education, also referred

interchangeably as distance learning, is not a new phenomenon. It

evolved from correspondence study, open universities,

teleconferencing, networks and multimedia delivery to today's

Web-based technologies. This evolution is characterized by new

teaching approaches, including the adjustment of instructional

materials supported by different delivery media. With the advent

of the Internet, a new generation of distance education emerged.

Complementary to the other models, Internet facilitated

instruction allows for the implementation of synchronous and

asynchronous interaction and opens a new series of learning

opportunities for education. Increases in bandwidth technologies

and worldwide access to interconnected networks enable the

Internet and the World Wide Web to develop into a viable delivery

system for distance education (Passerini& Granger, 2000). Digital

education, distance education, teaching and learning through the

Internet, online training and learning are the forms of education

that create good conditions for lifelong learning. The newest

method of acquiring knowledge through the use of computers and

the Internet by e-learning involves studying in a virtual

environment, blended learning, combines such elements as:

information techniques, interaction, educational resources, team

and individual work, formal and informal education, as well as

support (Hamberg, 2009).


A Challenge To The New Normal Education Institutions In The


This pandemic has brought a dilemma to educational

institutions especially when the government announced and ordered

not to open face to face classes for Academic Year 2020 - 2021

until the Covid-19 vaccine. In response to this order, the

Department of Education (DepEd) released department order

nos. 007, 12, 13, and 14 series of 2020 instructing all

basic education institutions to come up with their

learning continuity plan (LCP) and health and safety

protocols in the new normal in education during the pandemic. The

bigger challenge is now passed on to the private basic education

schools. Literature cited herein develop a framework as to the

necessary measures every private basic education institutions

must do in the re-opening of the schools. As there are limited

studies written on the same nature, the author suggests a

thorough study on the various facets of the online learning

involving the children of the private basic education


This is a real time online learning with live interaction

between teacher and students using specific online platforms. The

learners and teachers are in the same place online at the same

time for learning to take place (Finol, 202). It includes

video conferencing, live-streaming lectures and chatting using

Google classroom, Google meet, Zoom, MS Teams, and other

platforms (The Best School, 2018). This allows similar face to

face classes through a virtual room. For most of the

learners, it gives opportunity for online interactions

(Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, &Zvacek, 2012), allows immediate

question and answer session (Hrastinski, 2008) and offers

personalized learning opportunities (Lorenzo &Ittelson, 2005).

For example, in a study conducted by Park & Bonk (2007) in a

synchronous graduate class found that there was no difference

between the online and in-class students in terms of learning

strategies for synchronous discussions. However, the case is very

much different for the school children.

An Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of E-Learning

E-learning system is designed to aid students build their

comprehension towards their respected academic subjects to make

their experience in learning more nourishing and engaging. The

researchers decided to conduct this study to be au fait the

benefits of online education and how the students accept the

change this innovation gave. A survey questionnaire was

distributed to the enrolled college students of AMA Computer

College Year 2018-2019 to make the research more reliable,

accurate and at the same time tackle the benefits of the said

innovated education system. The said research was a success in

defining what helps the students in their education as well as the

improvement it can do in terms of catering different subjects and

assessing the learners’ competency. The researchers recommend the

future researchers to further expand and elaborate the topic in

order to enhance the study. To further extend the scope and

distribute further information regarding the tackled study.

The advancement of technology today has activated vast

changes by the way we get to, expend, talk about, and offer

substance. Academic Institutions that offers E-learning program

that integrates with blended learning and face to face method of

delivery. Normally, learning is sticking to this same pattern.

Whereas numerous need learning at a state of need, numerous learn

during evening and at weekends. By giving a contrasting option to

the paper-based learning and testing of customary classrooms, e-

learning is a successful route for associations to essentially

lessen their carbon impression. On one hand, it is noticed that

e-learning is at any rate as viable as customary instructional

techniques (Rosenberg, Graduate and Matear, 2003), and that there

are no significant contrasts in scholastic execution between the

more conventional and more innovation arranged methods of

guideline (Cavanaugh, 2001). Then again, many surveys go further,

mirroring a primarily inspirational state of mind towards the

effect of e-learning (Mayer, 2003). When we measure the students’

performance using e-learning, it gives quantifiable information

followed continuously all through every period of learning. This

information can be utilized to enhance their learning technique.



This chapter holds the discussion about the research

methods, and how those samples are chosen, employing the

appropriate sample procedures. The respondents, including the

instruments used by the researchers in gathering necessary data

discussed in this section.


Qualitative research method was used in this study to

introduce findings of the researchers. Interview Guide

questionnaires are utilized to gather the needed

information and data. Additionally, observation was conducted to

support the data that has been collected through the interview

guide questionnaire. The researchers followed the research ethics

while conducting this interview and observation.


In the completion of this study, the researchers prior

instrument is interview. In order to gather the necessary data

and information about the study, Interview Guide questionnaire

was used in this study.


The set of guide questions are applied to grade 11 STEM

student who became the respondents of this study after asking

their permission. In order to collect more information about the

implementation of using online learning platforms in their

academic performances, the researchers conducted a formal

interview with the respondents.

In analyzing the data, the findings upon the respondents’

answer that is based on the different sets of questions, asked by

the conductor of the study, was carefully examined by the


This chapter deals with the analysis of the data gathered under

the Chapter III of this study. These data were presented through

interpretations and were done through a contextual form.

1. Different online platforms that are being used by students.

Online learning platforms used by students has a huge impact

in their academic performance. According to the respondents,

google classroom and google meet is the best online learning

platforms to recommend to students. The majority of the

different online learning platforms that are being used by

students is google classroom and google meet. Hence, the least

online platforms that the respondent think help them least are

zoom and facebook/messenger. Therefore, the best online

learning platforms that most of the respondent think help them

the most are google classroom and google meet.

2. Factors that may affect the performance of using online

learning platforms

Based on the different view point of the respondents, the

everyday challenges they are facing has large effect in their

academic performance using online learning

platform. Poor connection or unstable network and noise

distraction is the common challenges faced by students. The

respondents also stated that socio economic factor can affect

the academic performance using online learning platforms such

as availability of resources, level of accessibility, and

change of perspective that hinders to improve their academic


3. Possible impacts of using online learning platforms on the

performance of the student.

Based on the different view point of the respondents, most of

the respondents stated that using online learning platforms

can have a good performance in their academic. Online learning

platforms provide accessed information to deliver the lessons

in more efficient ways that understand students better.

However, due to unstable network one could missed anything

posted on the platforms. The respondents stated that online

learning platforms can have a good and bad effects in academic


Performance of using online learning platforms is the poor

connection or unstable network. The respondents also stated

that their environment highly affect their

performance like distraction due to the disturbing noise to

their surroundings. Struggling to adapt, having a lack of

time, and time management.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings based on the

data gathered, presented, analyzed and interpreted. Moreover, it

presents the conclusion drawn based on the result and

recommendation given.


The research entitled "Different Learning Platforms Utilized By

Grade 11 Stem Students And Its Impact On Their Academic

Performance" was conducted to determine the impacts of using

different online learning platforms to their academic

performance, as well as recognize its advantages and disadvantage

of this system among students and parents. Qualitative research

methods are established from the students of Palayan City

National High School became the respondents for this study.

Interview guide questionnaire and observation were also obtained

to help the researcher to gather data and information.

The research findings are as follows:

1. Based on our survey different online learning platforms that

are being used by students. They most being used platforms are as


1. Google Classroom

2. Google Meet

2. Based on the answers of the respondents there are some factors

that affect their academic performance, the everyday challenges

they are facing has a large effect in their academic performance

using online learning platform. Poor connection or unstable

network and noise distraction challenges faced by students. They

added also socio-economic factor can affect their academic


3. Using online learning platforms have possible impacts to the

student performance. Online learning platforms can have a good

performance in their academic that online platforms accessed

information to deliver the lessons in more efficient ways that

students better. However, some of the

respondents said due to unstable network one could missed

anything posted on the platforms. Also, environment highly affect

their performance like distraction due to the disturbing noise to

their surroundings. The respondents stated that online learning

platforms can have good and bad affects in academic performances.


Based on the above stated findings, the following conclusions

have been arrived.

1. Majority of the students have claimed that Google classroom

and Google meet is the most helpful platforms used by them. Their

answer concludes that online learning platforms can help them

have a positive impact to their academic performance.

2. Poor connection/unstable network and noise distraction are the

most challenging problems that the students have to faced in

using online learning platforms; Socio-economic can also

influence this negative factors.

3. Due to online platforms that gives accessed to information

that can help deliver lessons in more efficient ways, it

concludes that online learning platforms can have

a good impact on the student’s academic performance. However,

there are also factors that can have a negative impact on their

performance and it is due to distractions around them.


According on the stated information on the previous pages the

researchers recommended the following;

1 Find a legitimate and trusted platforms that can give

better performance on helping students to their education.

2 Networks must improve the system and upgrade its source

that can give better performance used by students.

3 To make sure that students are using online platforms for

the reason of wanting to have a good academic performance,

self discipline is a must.












Interview Guide Questions

Different Learning Platforms Utilized by Grade 11 Students and

Its Impact on Their Academic Performances

Name: _________________________________ Date:_/_/_

Grade and Section:__________________ Age:______

INSTRUCTION: Read the questions carefully and write your answer

on the space provided. Please answer the following questions with

pure honesty. Do not leave each item unanswered.

Part 1: Different Online Learning Platforms That Are Being Used

By Students

1. What do you think are the best online learning platform to

recommend to students?



2. What are the different online platforms do you think helped

you the least?


3. What do you think are the best online learning platforms that

helped you the most?



Part 2: Different Factors That May Affect The Performance Of

Using Online Learning Platforms

1. What are some of the most common challenges you are facing

with using online learning platforms?



2. Can socio-economic affect the factors of using online learning

platforms? Why?



3. What are the problems that you are encountering when using

online learning platforms?



Part 3: The Possible Impacts Of Using Online Learning Platforms

On The Performance Of The Students

1. Can online learning platforms help student to have a good

performance on their academic? If yes, then why?



2. What are the possible reason on why online leaning platforms

can have a bad impact on your performance?



3. How has online learning platforms affects your performance?


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