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( Deemed to be University U/S 3 of UGC Act, 1916)
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade
Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam — 530. 045
Website: '. .‹ :

Dr. Sankara Rao Parasana Date: 29.10.2020

Assistant Professo r
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
GITAM Institute of Technology, GITAhI (Deemed to be University)
Phone: +91 9553429928

To the concerned authority,

It gives me immense pleasure to recommend Mr. KESIRAJU ABHISHEK from my section for his
interest to pursue masters at your esteemed institution. 1 was the ‘Academic Monitoring Committee’
member for his class tloougliout the four-year term of his undergraduate sttidy. Furthermore, I was
associated to teaching him a pair of core engineering subjects including different lab coiirscs which are
clearly rrlcntioned as follow s:
Data Communications’, ‘Operating Systems’ and its lab during his second year. One of the insmictors
for his ‘Unified Modeling Language Laboratory’, his guide for the ‘Seminar’ during the third. Also, I
was one of the evaluators for the ‘Summer Internship’ and both his final year mini projects.

I get to handle finite batches of stiidents as an Assistant professor and an ABC member in the GITMI
institute of technology for the department of ‘Computer Science and Engineering’ With utmost confidence,
I can state that Mr. KESIRAJU* ABHISHEK is one of the star stud’ents and can rate hint amongst the top
10% I have come across. He continued to impress me along the three years with his sound knowledge in
fundamentals, programming, and other core subjects in this discipline. He along with his team implemented
the Dining philosophers" algorithm using Data Structures with C language in the OS lab.

1 understood that Mr. KESIRAJU ABHISHEK is a good speaker and is a positive vibe for his class when
ice gave his seminars. He led his team by producing a final semester mini project on Internet of things whilst
simultaneously working as an intern in Cognizant. I have had the chance to observe him closely for a good
timeframe and i can deduce tiiai ice is a committed learner with great potential.

Abliisliek is dedicated towards thinking about applications that can solve real time problems with futuristic
technologies, which makes him the right fit for this ever-changing field. I am positive that with his
determination and mental acumen he will surge forward ]3TOductive1y in the software sphere. He is
deservinp• of any kind of at ds t!iat c‹ould be offered lay yotir institute. With t!iis, I ivoiild like to
concl udc th at 1 acknow’lcdge his interest and strongly recommend him to the graduate study program at
your university, please do reach out if I cci answer any questions abotit Abhisliek.


(Dr. San ara Rao Parasana)

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