CH S 260 Online Article II: Edgar Bañuelos CHS 260

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Edgar Bañuelos

CHS 260

CH S 260 Online
Article II

1) What is the biggest problem with the Electoral College?

The Electoral College gives disproportionate voting power to states, favoring the
smaller states with more electoral votes per person.

2) What does Article II focus on almost exclusively?

The President shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and Conviction
of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of
the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws.

3) How often must the President give information to the Congress on the State of
the Union?

The President must give information to the Congress on the State of the Union
from time to time.

4) Why does Congressman John Lewis believe your vote does not count in
presidential elections?

5) Under what circumstances could a person have been elected or served as

President of the United States and not been a natural born citizen of the United

There are not any know exceptions.

6) Can a President be sued while serving Office? If so, for what?

A President cannot be sued for their official actions while in office.

7) What did Alexander Hamilton think with regard to “term of office,” for the
President of the United States? What did George Washington believe? How many
terms can a president serve in office? Which President served the most terms?

Alexander Hamilton argued for a long term of office. He said if a president served
only a year or two, America soon would have many former presidents. A President
Edgar Bañuelos
CHS 260

can serve two four-year terms in office. On November 7, 1944, President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented fourth term in office.

8) In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution. What is its significance?

The War Powers Resolution was a federal law intended to check the U.S.
president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the
consent of the U.S. Congress.

9) Define: Advice and Consent as it relates to the U.S. Senate and the President.

In the United States, "advice and consent" is a power of the United States Senate to
be consulted on and approve treaties signed and appointments made by the
president of the United States to public positions, including Cabinet secretaries,
federal judges, Officers of the Armed Forces, United States attorneys,
ambassadors, and other smaller offices.

10) Define: Impeachment

Impeachment, as defined in Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, is the

formal process by which Congress brings charges against high-ranking civil
officers, such as the president, in a bid to remove them from office.

11) Define: President’s Cabinet

The President's Cabinet is composed of the principal appointed officers of

departments of the executive branch of the federal government of the United
States. The Cabinet meets weekly to advise the President on matters relating to the
duties of their respective departments.

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