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Student: Brunella Rita Nuñez del Arco Cabañin
Teacher: Nacy Laynes

ESSAY………………………………………………………….. 3
VOCABULARY………………………………………………… 6
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
W1………………………………………………………………. 11
Draft 1
Final W1
W2………………………………………………………………. 13
Draft 2
Final W2

WORKSHEET…………………………………………………. 15
I started the ARW1 course with great excitement since I had very
little to finish the advanced course at icpna. When I started it I
noticed that I needed to work hard to get a good grade. In the first
place, I learned a lot about responsibility in this course Miss Laynes
left us many tasks to be able to learn to understand correctly. We
must read and complete our homework the day before if we want
the time in class to be enough. In other courses I was a bit
irresponsible and I did my homework 20 minutes before class or I
did it in class, but now I take adequate time to do my homework. 

In second place; I worked a lot with my patience. Advanced 10 is a

course that requires a lot of concentration. The readings Miss
Laynes gave us were simple to read, but in my case, it was very
difficult to analyze them and find every piece of information. So, I
just took a deep breath and tried to keep looking for them. I thought I
knew how to write a paragraph well, but in this course I learned
many more things and also perfected others such as finding a good
topic, writing my support ideas in the right way or making a good
paraphrasing in the conclusion

We can all pass this course if we work hard, complete assignments

left in class, pay attention in class, and participate appropriately.
ARW1 is not a difficult course, it just needs a lot of dedication.
Remember, the key to success is discipline and dedication.
Thesis statement: Genetic testing can provide types of selected
information, such as sickness, different types of DNA, family
heritage, and more.


Topic: Genetic testing for abnormalities saves children from a life of
significant disability and spares their parents painful stress.
Support: Prenatal testing can determine disabilities, we are able to
do some extraordinary things with technology to take preventative
measures with diseases and cancers.
Topic: Genetic testing can potentially alter someone’s life and future
generations forever.
Support: One of the largest benefits of genetic testing lies in its
ability to show the probability of diseases and disorders.

Restate the thesis: It is important to take genetic testing because it
helps us learn   about ourselves in the future. We are able to do
some extraordinary things with technology like provide types of
selected information, such as sickness, different types of DNA,
family heritage, and more.
Final wrap up: Genetic testing is a rapidly advancing scientific field
that can potentially revolutionize not only the world of medicine but
many aspects of our lives.
Unit 1
1. Likelihood: The chance that something will happen.
-There's no likelihood of that happening.

2. Expertise: A high level of knowledge or skill.

- She has considerable expertise in French history.

3. Attained: Reach or succeed in getting something.

- He has attained the  highest  grade in his exams.

4. Pebbles: A small stone.

- The pebbles at the edge of the lake are black.

5. Average: A standard or level that is considered to be typical.

- I expect to spend an average of $50 on a meal in a restaurant.

6. Leading: A very important or most important.

- She's the country's leading mezzo-soprano.

7. Stitch: A length of special thread used to join the edges.

-She can do all these fancy stitches.

8. Target: An object shot at during shooting practice

- Aim the arrow a little above the target.

9. Fringe: The outer or less important part of an area, group, or

- the southern fringe of the city.

10. Frightened: Feeling fear or worry

- The police officer found a frightened child in the hut.
Unit 2
1. Glistening: If something glistens, it shines.
- Their faces were glistening.

2. Boyish: Behavior or characteristics that are like those of a boy.

- Even as an old man he retained his boyish charm.

3. Squirm: Move from side to side in an awkward way.

- The fish squirmed on the ground and then lay still.

4. Whisper: Speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice.
- What are you two girls whispering about?

5. Willing: Be happy to do something if it is needed.

- They need an assistant who is willing to stay for six months.

6. Docks: An area of water in a port that can be closed off.

-The ship sailed into the dock to be refitted.

7. Telltale: Allowing a secret to become known.

- These are some of the telltale signs.

8. Idioms: A group of words established by usage as having a meaning

not deductible.
- Shoot yourself in the foot = to do something that hurts
9. Leaf: A part of the plant.
- The trees are in leaf early this year.
10. wits: Practical intelligence or understanding.
-She’s learned to survive on her wits.
Unit 3

1. Belief: The feeling of being certain that something exists or is

-His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.

2. Disease: Illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by

-Regular exercise reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

3. Nudge: Push something or someone.

-The children were nudging each other.

4. Embark: Go onto a ship.

-We embarked at Liverpool for New York.

5. Shattering: Making you feel extremely tired.

-It was a shattering schedule.

6. Wills: Legal document.

-My grandfather left a will 5 years ago.

7. Hesitant: Show of indecision.

-She gave me a hesitant smile.

8. Copes: Deal successfully with a difficult situation.

-Will she be able to cope with the work?

9. Backer: Someone who gives financial support.

-We need financial backers for the project.
10 . Embedded: Fixed into the surface of something.
-The thorn was embedded in her thumb.


Marie Curie became the first

person to win a Nobel twice but
her path to success was difficult.

First, Marie Curie was from a big

family and she lost her mother when
she was only 10 that's why they didn't
have much money.

Also, Marie couldn't attend the University of

Warsaw because was it only for male.

Finally, she went to Paris, enrolled at the

Sorbonne, and completed her master's degree
in physics.

Marie Curie was a physics savant but she had

many challenges before reaching her
Summary paragraph

Marie Curie became the first person to win a Nobel twice and the
first woman to win a Nobel Prize but her path to success was
difficult. First, Marie Curie was from a big family and she lost her
mother when she was 10. That's why they didn't have much
money. Both of Marie’s parents were teachers and she was the
youngest of five children.

Also, Marie couldn't attend the University of Warsaw because it

was only for male but she and her sister Bronya continued her
education in Warsaw's "floating university," a set of underground,
flexible classes held in secret. Marie Curie dreamed of going
abroad to earn an official degree, but they lacked the financial
resources to pay for more schooling.

Finally, she went to Paris, enrolled at the Sorbonne, and

completed her master's degree in physics with the help of her
sister and her effort. She would work to support her sister while
she was in school, and Bronya, her sister, would return the favor
after she completed her studies. For five years, Marie worked as a
tutor and a governess, her success was predictable for her

Marie Curie was a physics savant but she had many challenges
before reaching her achievements.
 It’s supposed to be 1 paragraph!

Summary paragraph
Marie Curie became the first person to win a Nobel twice and the
first woman to win a Nobel Prize but her path to success was
difficult. Marie Curie was considered as a savant because she
discovered polonium, radium and she championed the
development of X-rays even though had to struggle for recognition
of the scientific community and was considered as minor, if she
had given up she wouldn't be leading and inspired figures in the
battle for the emancipation of women in the sciences. When she
received a second Nobel Prize in chemistry the press remained
silent and the recognition in her field of work was rather limited,
she may have been more recognized in the science field. Marie
Curie was a predictable physics savant and she was able to face
challenges while reaching her greatest accomplishments.
W1 correction:
Marie Curie became the first person to win a Nobel twice and the
first woman to win a Nobel Prize but her path to success was
difficult. Marie Curie was considered as a savant because she
discovered polonium, radium and she championed the
development of X-rays even though she had to struggle from
recognition of the scientific community and was considered as
minor, if she had given up she wouldn't be leading and inspired
figures in the battle for the emancipation of women in the sciences.
When she received a second Nobel Prize in chemistry the press
remained silent and the recognition in her field of work was rather
limited, she may have been more recognized in the science field.
Marie Curie was a physics savant and she was able to face
challenges while reaching her greatest accomplishments.

My mom, Elvira, overcame incredible obstacles, failed many times,

and defied grim odds in order to succeed. Is a very brave woman
because when she was pregnant she found out he had an
immunodeficiency virus. At this moment she felt that her world fell
apart and He couldn't anticipate having this trouble but she decided
to focus on her future baby, she appreciated having the family
support. At times she felt hopelessness because the treatment for
her illness was scant and she needed the treatment for her and her
baby, she never felt ashamed to ask for help from many health
centers. Elvira was never defeated; she even fought for other
people's rights. In short, Elvira never stopped Fighting for the thing
she loved most and the life of this little person was the motivation to
overcome poverty and achieve the yearned health of the baby.

My mom born in March 1970, Elvira’s life is filled with challenges

and she overcame the obstacles and defied grim odds in order to
succeed. She is a very brave woman because when she was
pregnant she found out she had an immunodeficiency virus at the
age of 32, she never felt ashamed to ask for help from many health
centers, she couldn't anticipate having this illness, Elvira couldn't
stop to overthink but she decided to focus on future. The treatment
for her illness was scant and Elvira needed the treatment for her so
she felt suddenly overcome by that sense of confusion and
hopelessness but she never felt ashamed to ask for help from many
health centers, thanks to that, she was able to get her treatment
despite the fact that many people didn’t support her. In short, Elvira
never stopped fighting for her life, she even fought for other people’s
treatment. Definitely she overcomes significant obstacles and I think
my mom is fearless and bold person because she considered
quitting the problems

 The topic sentence needs edition

W1 correction:
Elvira, my mom, overcame the obstacles despite the barriers
imposed by society. She is a very brave woman because when she
was pregnant she found out she had an immunodeficiency virus at
the age of 32, she never felt ashamed to ask for help from many
health centers, she couldn't anticipate having this illness, Elvira
couldn't stop to overthink but she decided to focus on future. The
treatment for her illness was scant and Elvira needed the treatment
for her so she felt suddenly overcome by that sense of confusion
and hopelessness but she never felt ashamed to ask for help from
many health centers, thanks to that, she was able to get her
treatment despite the fact that many people didn’t support her. In
short, Elvira never stopped fighting for her life, she even fought for
other people’s treatment. She definitely overcomes significant
obstacles and I think my mom is fearless and bold person because
she considered quitting the problems
 Pg. 17: Synthesize
Daniel Tammet, we know that every autistic has different abilities
and skills but you considered that a savant autistic is a mix of talent
+ hard work or is it just a skill? I would also like to ask you how do
you see the numbers? I read many things about you and your
relationship with numbers, you have a special talent with it but this
also has certain difficulties in your life, could you tell me what is the
greatest difficulty?
. Many people like me are born with this talent, which makes us
geniuses without all the hard work, although we need to focus on
other aspects of life.
. I’m a math prodigy who sees numbers and letters with colors,
shapes, emotions.
. Well I have epilepsy and synesthesia, an uncommon ability to hear
colors, see sounds, or have taste sensations when touching an

Malcolm Gladwell, so you think just the experts work harder than
other people? Is it not possible for someone who is not an expert to
work hard? according to what you said of course.  My last question
do you think it is possible to achieve expertise in different ways?
. Yes, just the experts work harder than other people that why they
are experts.
. I mean is possible but is not common, everybody needs to work
hard in some point of life.
. No, the only way to achieve expertise is practicing a lot.

 Pg.35:
1.There are many different kinds of obstacles: physical and
economic are two examples. what are some other examples of the
kinds of obstacles that people face?

2.what are some ways that people overcome their obstacles?

3.what obstacles have you faced in your life? How have you tried to
overcome them?

There are many different types of obstacles, such as health, culture,

and society. For example, many people have diseases which
become great obstacles for them, making it difficult to live a normal
life, also being able to take the example of social obstacles, many
people find themselves with great people for having a different
surname or for not going to a school. college or university
recognized by the society. People face this type of obstacle in many
ways, some try to excel in studies and become recognized for
money or for their knowledge although this does not always mean
that they no longer have more difficulties in life but it helps a lot. My
life has been relatively easy since I always have the financial and
emotional support of my family, so I believe that I have not yet had
to overcome a great obstacle in my life.

 Pg. 49: Synthesize

Write a paragraph comparing the live of frank McCourt and
Marla Runyan.
Everyone has their own obstacles which they have to face and
conquer. However, it is not easy to deal with. Therefore, I am going
to introduce two persons, Frank McCourt and Marla Runyan, who
conquer their disabilities successfully and compare their obstacles
they faced, personal values that help them face their obstacles, and
talents that resulted from the challenges they faced. poverty when
he was a child. Although he is interested in reading and writing,
because of poverty, he had to work to support his family after the
eighth grade. Different from McCourt, Runyan has a physical
disability on her eyes. At the age of nine, Runyan was diagnosed
with Stargard’s Disease, which caused her progressive vision loss.
The specialists told her to lower her expectations because of her
disease. Even though they all have big obstacles, nevertheless, they
didn’t give up and overcome them.

 Pg. 63

Genetic testing can potentially alter someone’s life and future

generations forever and subsequently discover prospective diseases
and related problems. Genetic testing creates a positive future for
medicine and people’s everyday life. one of the largest benefits of
the technology lies in its ability to show the probability of diseases
and disorders. Early detection can significantly alter a person’s daily
habits and improve their lifestyle quality. For example, a person who
learns of a high risk of heart disease may be provoked to make
changes in his eating and exercise habits considerably reducing the
risk for heart disease. Finding substantial cures for health issues
today is an arduous and costly process; preventative methods like
genetic testing are extremely vital in helping individuals attain
healthier lives.

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