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You are on page 1of 54 Name: atte; Subtract. Complete each chain. BE\[op[op| pl pl p> > Oo Oe Oe & a a Trt Le a a 30, 32, 34, —_, —_, —_, —_, —, Use the number line to solve each problem. Bio-3- @7.7- The Jumbo Boo of Math Practice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonzale. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (2ge 89) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ———————— ee de Add or subtract. 9 | +6 N ' N— eo Il ON NO a + Nw o I ao at . 0 13 eal O Complete the chain, @>@> OPO? OPO Use the number line to solve each problem. Gos-5-_ Bi7.7-__ BO How much money? Draw @ coin thot has the some value. The Jumbo Book of Math ratice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonz. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (2ge 90) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name: SCSCéO te: w Add or subtract. ao ' oa N + NO © fe ON [So e} ie 779 a ' ND > + oOo | | | OO Complete the chain, @O>@O? OO Use the number line to solve each problem. Gis-7-__ Bovye OB 2 Draw a set of three coins poximichnen a that has the some valve. —___ ¢ The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gonzalen. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 91) sanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ————————— ee Dade! w Add or subtract. I an s : son © . on = . NN won NO NO bad 7 ao O Complete the chain, @)> Oe Or Oe O>O Use the number line to solve each problem. Gs-7- Bis+9- w@ How much money? Draw a set of coins that has the same value, Use as few coins as you can. The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonz. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (p2ge 92) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name: CSCSCéO te“: w Add or subtract. 18 13 wo ' oO iS + o— eo I FO wo o + ar al o ©O CO © 1 Complete each chain. Be) /»p[sbp[| pl pl @>@>CoCe CeO Use the number line to solve each problem. +++ +H Bu-y- Bi7+8- w Complete the number line. n | 1 | n n \ H \ al T T t T T T T i — 52 — —_ 55 —_ —_ 58 59 The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonz. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (p2g@ 98) Scanned with CamScanner Name; Cate: Complete each chain. a 25 |> a7 > >| S| | G Complete the number line. 4 | 1 | J | 1 1 1 TT T T t T T T T 38 43 How much money? @ __¢ Draw a set of coins that has the same Draw a set of coins that has the same ¢ value. Use as few coins as you can. value. Use as few coins as you can. The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonz. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (p2ge 98) -anned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name: SCC te: Complete each chain. Br) 50 > iS>| 30 [> E>} > Oe O> O° OO pa oe ee a a a a Draw a set of coins that has the same value. Use as few coins as you can. Write the time. The Jumbo Book of Math rotice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonzale. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (2ge 95) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner —————————— ee Ode Ss Complete the chain Be) /op[ap| pl pl p> Use the number line to solve each problem. Sr Broo-s-__ Gissye How much money? seee BeseOo ee aoe Draw a set of coins that has the same Draw a set of coins that has the same value. Use as few coins as you can. value. Use as few coins as you can The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonz. Scholastic Teaching Rescues (p2ge 96) sanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 88 Name: Date: Complete each chart. 1 in out w in in out 12 10 45 | a Add. 2 Ht 5 3 8 1+ 2 2+ 8 at 9 at 3 5+ 8 Jumbo Book of Math Practice Poges © 2010 by Casey Gonzale. Scholaste Teaching Resouces (page 97) Scanned with CamScanner (89) Name: Date: Complete each chart. in out in out 15 | 72 out out Complete each chain. Bt: 90 > 86 (S> s2>| | B aE O 50 | 55> so! | © "3 "& : The Jumbo Book of Math ratice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonz. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (2g@ 98) Scanned with CamScanner Name; atte; Complete each chart. w in out 8 | =| 26 12 14 ass | yy | mas | 7 in out ‘out ‘out Complete each chain. Be 70 |> 65 (> som] | b B Compare. Write >, <, or =. Write the time. Geowu_ iy G2) Bo+9__9-0 The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages f 2010 by Casey Gonzale. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (2ge 99) {GS scones nts Conssone Scanned with CamScanner ) Name: Date: Complete each chart. ; 8 in out in out tin = 36 | 3 52 6 | 22 ‘out ‘out Complete each chain. Be 24 > 20 (S> b>} Dl Be +6 Compare. Write >, <, or =. Write the time. Gs.4u_ 19 oe (of hoe The Jumbo Book of Mah Proce Rages © 2010 by Casey Gonzaer Scholas Teaching Resouces (page 100) {GS scones nts Conssone Scanned with CamScanner Name; atte; Complete each chart. ; 8 in out tin tin i =U | 36 | =| 15 | 10 out ‘out Complete each chain. Oi o> 7 >| 14> >} > ad ED) B E Compare. Write >, <, or =. B76 62 Gio. 50 “2 The Jumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorwale. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 101) Scanned with CamScanner (93) Name: Date: Complete each chart. in out in out tin 31 | = 15 6 | 10 m= | 2 a= | gg ‘out out Complete each chain. Oe 24 > 22 {S> E>} fl Be +8 Compare. Write >, <, or =. Write the time. Bis-s 445 of 8S Gis 5 The Jumbo Book of Mah Proce Rages © 2010 by Casey Gonzaer Scholas Teaching Resouces (page 102) {ES scones wth Conscane Scanned with CamScanner Name: atte; Complete each chain. > OPO Compare. Write >, <, or =. G75 225 Bu.0 uo Bo.7__449 Ws-3 541 __ ©® S$ @ the fact family for the set of numbers. (4 3 7 JRE The Jumbo Book of Math Proce Rages © 2010 by Casey Gonzalez Scholas Teaching Resources (page 108) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner C—O Write the fact family for the set of numbers. Use the dots on the domino to help you. (549 )ff { 5 2 7 Write the time. The Jumbo Book of Math rote Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorvalen. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (page 108) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name: CSCO te: Compare. Write >, <, or =. W3-3 2 Bu.o 348 G7.7__ 10+ 4 Bii-1__s+7 SB Subtract. 14 15 9 16 \8 Write the fact family for the Draw the hands on each clock set of numbers. Use the dots to show the time. on the domino to help you. The Jumbo Book of Math rote Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorvalen. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (page 105) CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ———————————— ee Ode Compare. Write >, <, or =. Woy is-s Bis 8:7 Gi2-7__246 BWi-3s_ 9 Bw Subtract. 14 12 10 -O o Use the domino to make a set Draw the hands on each clock of 3 numbers. Then write the to show the time. fact fomily. The Jumbo Book of Math rote Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorzale. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (page 106) CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name; atte; Complete each chart. in out in out 37 | 58 60 19 ‘out ‘out Use the domino to make a set Draw the hands on each clock of 3 numbers. Then write the to show the time fact fomily. =) The Jumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gore. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 107) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner —————————— ee Oe Write each time both ways. B half past ___ @ quarter past Write the answers. ooo Qo By ]2:° Bi [II How many? How many? tens —___ tens ones —__ ones What is the number? —__ What is the number? Use each domino to help you write the fact family. + = + = + = + = The Jumbo Book of Math rote Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorvalen. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (page 108) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name; Date: Compare. Write >, <, or =. Wis-o aia Boru is Wo+.7 8-4 Bos. 50-0 Add or subtract. q 9 1+ 6 2+ 4 37 9 13 0 4. 10 5.+ O Write the answers. Bil; How many? tens ones What is the number? Write each time both ways. ey a quarter ‘til oo a How many? tens ones What is the number? —___ half past The Jumbo Book of Math rote Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorvalen. Scholastic Teaching Resouces (page 108) CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner www. (or) Name: Date: Write the time. cp B Count the dots. Write the number. Then circle even or odd. o eJeee 7 oe Bi i) G “[. i even odd even odd even odd even odd Fill in the missing numbers Draw a set of © @) ond @ Injeachi row: that can be used to buy the pie. Use as few coins as you can. LE Aiohe) Number After 78 12 43 69 p 4l¢ The Jumbo Book of Math Proctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gore. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 110) -anned with CamScanner Gs Scanned with CamScanner (02) Name; —_— Date: Write the time. half past o'clock half past Draw the missing dots on each domino. Then write the total number of dots. B Gr : : . . ° ° . ° ° 16 3 2 | 2 6 4 Total Total Total Total in the missing Complete each chain. numbers in each row. Number After 33 7 19 46 Rule: The Sumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorwale. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 111) -anned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name: Date: Write the time. "@ ° @ quarter past half past Compare. Write >, <, or =. Biss 5+8 Bi2-1_ ss Bo.6 5 OM Ss + NO Complete the chain. C[sbL PL EL Ls Draw place value blocks to show the number. O 34 @ 72 The Jumbo Book of Math Proctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Geral. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 112) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name; Date; Write each time both ways. @ quarter past Compare. Write >, <, or =. GBis-s___ 44 Bsi2 4-7 B7.4u_ 948 half post I4+5_ «17 4+2 Add or subtract. 17 i 21 19 5 + 2 2+ 3 a lO Wa Gan Write the answers. a Bi(iII cI How many? How many? tens —___ tens ones —___ ones What is the number? ___ What is the number? The Sumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorwale. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 113) Scanned with CamScanner ——————————— ee Ode Draw hands on each clock to show the time. half past 1 1 6 o'clock a quarter past 2 Use the number chart to solve the problems. 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 31 | 32 | 33 | 34) 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 i 2 |Qo eee 2.34-6 6.00.4 f= ees 4,23. +5 Complete each problem. Then fill in the dominoes. Use 0 to 6 dots on each side. 7 ‘ +[=2 6+ =8 The Jumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gore. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 118) CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name: Date; Draw hands on each clock to show the time. a quarter ‘til 4 12 o'clock a quarter ‘til 3 Draw place value blocks to show the number. 90 Fill in the missing numbers in each row. Before. || Number || Afi 99 110 45 of Complete each problem. Then fill in the dominoes. a Use 0 to 6 dots on each side. I+ ay +4= 10 The Jumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorwale, Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 118) Gs sanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner (107) Name; OS Date: Draw hands on each clock to show the time. a quarter past 5 half past || a quarter ‘til 8 Circle the odd numbers. Draw an X on the even numbers. 13 52 10 74 67 20 31 15 Write the number that comes next. Bs. 98 59 B Use the number chart to solve the problems. él | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 71 2a | co One| ae io oO 81 82783 (| et | 8571) 86.87 | 88) 82 720 1.65 4+ 10= 2.88 - 13 =___ 3.76-9=___ 4.63 + 18 = The Ambo Book of Mat Pcie aes © 2010 Cs Grae crs each ese (116) Scanned with CamScanner Name: atte; Draw hands on each clock to show the time. a quarter ‘til 5 1 o'clock a quarter past | Count by 10s, Write the missing numbers. 8, 18, __, __, —_, —_, —_, 78, —_, —— Count back by 10s. Write the missing numbers. 92, 82, i uate, B Complete the number line. 4 : 4 4 1 | 4 1 1 al T T T T T T T a 77 1 1 1 1 Write all of the odd numbers from Write all of the even numbers from the number line. the number line. The Jumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gore. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 117) ed with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner —————————— ee Oe Complete each problem. Then fill in the dominoes. = = ca PO Use 0 to 6 dots on each side. *) 6+__ = 12 —_ +1 Ml w Count back by 10s. Write the missing numbers. 96, 86, : f ; ; ; i B Complete the number line. n | 1 \ 1 H 1 H 1 cal T T t T T T T tee 96 Write all of the even numbers from the number line. Write all of the odd numbers from the number line. The Sumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gorwale. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 118) th CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Name; atte; Write the time both ways. half past —__ Fill in the missing numbers in each row. i enn Aile 92 100 125 199 a quarter past Write the fact family for the set of numbers. 5 9 14 Count up. Write the 1297-200) 20) a= ee ee eee ee , 208, , 211, , , , The Sumbo Book of Math roctice Pages © 2010 by Casey Gore. Scholastic Teaching Resources (page 119) Gs sanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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