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Two years ago, exactly on May 10, I went to the movies with my love. One
Saturday after finishing my homework, my girlfriend came to my house to go
together from there to the movies.
Then we went to the cinema to see a movie called "Anabelle 3." I wanted to
see it because it was a horror movie, it was a movie with a lot of suspense
and that was wonderful.
When the movie ended, we went to "Norkys". We went to that restaurant
because the food is excellent. We ate grilled chicken and drank frozen
lemonade. After lunch we went to take pictures and play in happy land - it
was a nice moment.
Afterward, I walked you to her house. When I got home it was 9 pm, I told my
mom about the spectacular day we had. Then I took a shower, brushed my
teeth, and went to bed. So that the next day I study my courses that I did at
the university.

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