Conversation Club Words 3

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What music do you listen to?

What is your favorite day of the year?

Conversation Club

Frankly- in an honest and direct way (I frankly don’t know

what is he talking about)

Perky- happy and full of energy (I look perky every Friday


Praise- things that you say that express your admiration and

approval of someone or something (I always praise my

parents hard work)

Flattering- making someone look or feel better or more

attractive than usual (That suit is very flattering)

Tell me about it – used to say that you feel the same way or
have had the same experience (My mom is always
complaining about how late I arrive home- tell me about it)

Jaded- not having interest or losing interest because you

have experienced something too many times (Business travel
is exciting at first, but you soon become jaded)

Language Practice Center Aventourist

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