Omayan - Directed Research Final Paper

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University of San Carlos

Talamban Campus

Directed Research

“Youth Involvement in Arts-related Organization”

A Research Paper Submitted to

The Professor of Directed Research of the

Sociology & Anthropology


Department of Anthropology, Sociology, & History

Submitted by:

Omayan, Gloribieve N.

Cebu City Philippines

October 2016


Content Page

Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Rationale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Review of Related Literature ----------------------------------------------------- 5

Statement of the Problem---------------------------------------------------------- 6

Research Methodology ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Research Setting--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Research Participants---------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Research Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Research Instrument ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Data Gathering Methodologies ----------------------------------------------------- 9

Data Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Scope and Limitations --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Definition of Terms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Presentation of Findings ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Personal Reasons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------11

 Reasons of joining
 The Motivation to Stay in the Organization

Social Influences -----------------------------------------------------------------------------15

 Reasons of joining

 The Motivation to Stay in the Organization

Organizational Goals and Objectives-------------------------------------------------------19

 Reasons of joining

 The Motivation to Stay in the Organization

Summary and Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

Recommendations------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25

Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

Annexes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

A. Interview Guide---------------------------------------------------------------------------26

B. Field Observation Guide-----------------------------------------------------------------27

C. Curriculum Vitae-------------------------------------------------------------------------28


There are many programs, projects and activities that can empower the young people.
These young people serve as an instrument to help make our country better or worse. It’s been a
long-standing problem in our country that at the very young age, they commit crimes and be an
object for human trafficking. That is why parents send their children to school because of the
thought that they may not be gone astray and be very obnoxious. They believe that the school has
the capability to nurture their children’s talents and skills and it may allow them to explore more
and be not tempted of the negative activities in the outside world.

Filipino as we are, we are so inclined with all the things that involve creativity. These
include arts and music. I have observed that even in riding a jeepney. Some people will go all out
crazy with their headphones on and just do lip-syncing. Some really loves graffiti and we can see
that almost everywhere along the street. We can never deny that Filipinos are so much involve in
this kind of activities. Philippine Art has been developed and started in the beginning of
civilization up to present time. Our society has diverse cultural influences. Philippine Art can
also be referred to visual arts, performing arts, sculptures and textiles. It is mostly evident in
everyday life that these kinds of activities can be a tool to boost up the confidence of the young

That is why it led me to do a research about the arts-related organizations and how it
affects the students who joined the organization. I want to know whether it’s true that it made
their lives better and be inspired to go to school. One of the reason also why I want to focus on
this topic is because I want to really know if these students who are involve in these activities are
eluded from the crimes and other negative stuffs in this world.

I also want to know the influences of how it pushed them to join these kinds of
organizations. What is also evident to me about arts-related organization is that, they have
different goals and visions to motivate the students especially when it comes to their passion. In
this paper I want to test whether if it is one of the main reasons why students engage themselves
and be bold enough to show their different skills and talent.
The relevance of the arts-related organization for the empowerment of the youth is that it
motivates the students and helps them to speak boldly of themselves in a very much creative
way. It also serves as a tool to students who are so stressed out with their subjects and just want
to have fun and let all the worries be put into dancing, singing, painting, playing and acting.

Review of Related Literature

There is no universally accepted definition of art. It is commonly used to describe

something of beauty, or a skill which produces an aesthetic result; there is no clear line in
principle between (say) a unique piece of handmade sculpture, and a mass-produced but visually
attractive item. Art is a global activity which encompasses a host of disciplines, as evidenced by
the range of words and phrases which have been invented to describe its various forms.
Examples of such phraseology include: "Fine Arts", "Liberal Arts", "Visual Arts", "Decorative
Arts", "Applied Arts", "Design", "Crafts", "Performing Arts", and so on. In this paper, the focus
is more likely to be in the field of performing arts. Performing art is a kind of art that is
performed in front of an audience and hence includes the inclusion of music, singing, dancing
and drama. The influence of the performing art brought numerous groups that perform around
the globe.

In this paper the focus is mainly on the organizations of how it contributes to empower
young people and how it affects their life. In the Annual Review of Sociology “Organizational
Performance”, it talks about the interesting area not only in the technical but conceptual and not
only the measure of effectiveness or productivity but how to measure the definitions and
techniques are chosen and how they are linked to other aspects of organizations structure,
functioning and environmental relations. The influence of having confidence in participating in
the arts-related organization gives an impact to study the empowerment of many young people
especially it is common in the generation today to be expose to many bad vices and negative
practices in the society.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the factors that drive USC students to join arts-related
organization. Specifically it focuses on a.) Personal Reasons, b.) Social Influences, and c.)
Organizational Goals and Objectives.

Research Methodology

Research Setting

The research will be done inside the University of San Carlos. It is one of the top and
oldest universities here in the Philippines. It was founded by the Spanish Jesuits on August 1,
1595 and USC was formerly known as the Colegio de San Ildefonso. In 1769, it was closed upon
the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Philippines. It reopened in 1783 along Martires Street on the
initiative of Bishop Mateo Joaquin de Arevalo under the name Colegio-Seminario de San Carlos,
named after St. Charles Borromeo, the great patron of ecclesiastical training in the Renaissance.
In 1867, the Vincentians took over the administration of San Carlos. Now,it consists of five
campuses in different areas of Metro Cebu – the Downtown Campus(formerly the Main
Campus) along P. del Rosario St.; the Talamban Campus (TC) along Gov. M. Cuenco Ave.,
Brgy. Talamban; the North Campus (formerly the Boys High Campus) along Gen. Maxilom
Ave.; the South Campus (formerly the Girls High) along corners J. Alcantara St. (P. del Rosario
Ext.) and V. Rama Avenue; and the newest is the Montessori Academy along F. Sotto Drive (at
the back of USC North Campus). The research interview will be done both inside the Downtown
Campus and Talamban Campus.

Research Participants

The target respondents of the research are the students who joined the arts-related organizations
namely, the Theater Performing Arts, USC Choristers, and USC Symphonics Band. All students
are selected randomly with their respective course and year. There are 6 students that are
randomly chosen to participate in this research.

These are the chosen organizations:

Theater Performing Arts

The University of San Carlos Theatre Guild (USC-TG) began its Existence thirty three
years ago.It started with a group students headed by Attorneys Rex Fernandez and Frank Dinsay
and the late Evelyn Neri. From 1975 to 1977, The Theatre Guild made a name for itself by
joining the first LUDABI Drama Contest where USC TG garnered six out of seven
awards,including Best Original Play “Ang Kamatayon ni Kulas”.The members also ventured into
one-act plays and joined other minor and major productions.USC Theatre Guild Facilitates:
Acting Workshop,Business Communication Seminar,Leadership Training Seminar, Time
Management Seminar,Team Building Workshop and many more. To date, USC TG is revered as
the oldest and most established University-base theatre company
in the Visayas and Mindanao.The Guild is managed and administered by bonafide students of the
University of San Carlos.

USC Choristers

The University of San Carlos Choristers is recognized as the official chorale of the
University of San Carlos. It is a singing group composed of college students who are enrolled in
the different courses of the academe. The Choristers aim to promote cultural awareness through
its wide range of songs and likewise hopes to inculcate the appreciation of fine arts among the
students. The group has performed numerously throughout the city as a way of sharing the
member's individual talents as well as upholding the name of the university. Since its birth in
1965, the group has performed numerously and has held many concerts. Under the baton of
Professor Ricardo Narciso, the group has garnered the respect of both local and national scenes.
Now, under the leadership of Professor Roberto del Rosario, the group still follows the same
path and has been training and performing constantly. The USC Choristers' name is fast rising
and its influence is far-reaching.

USC Symphonics Band

The University of San Carlos Symphonic Band is one of the most important performing
arts organizations in the University. The organization is led by Mr. Obette Giron Del Rosario.
They play different kind of instruments namely, trumpet, clarinet, flute, drums, bass, violin,
viola, cello and many others. They play in various events both inside and outside the campus.
The group is composed of students and alumni that graduated in the University of San Carlos.
The Band is considered one of the top organization because of its marvelous orchestral plays.

Research Procedure

The research carried out is known as qualitative research. This study intended to collect
information regarding the life and involvement of USC students in different arts-related
organization and to construct a finding that transparently tells how their participation changed
their lives. The following chapters will relate in detail how this information was collected. First,
the procedure used to select the participants of the study will be stated. Second, the research
instrument will be presented. Third, procedures for data gathering will be outlined. Finally, the
analysis procedure to be applied to the data will be presented.

Research Instrument

In this study I used Key informant interview as a tool in gathering the data from the
chosen respondents. There are three different categories in the Key Informant Interview. First is
the KII with the Officers in the organization. Second is the KII with the new members in the
organization. Lastly, is the KII with the active members inside the organization. The next
instrument used is regarding with the field observation. The researcher used field notebooks,
audio recording and do some jottings while observing the physical setting of the interview and
even before the interview took place.

Data Gathering
For the purpose of this research, in depth interviews were used. In depth interviews are
personal and unstructured interviews, whose aims is to identify participant’s emotions, feelings
and opinions regarding a particular research subject. This research is a qualitative kind of
research and thus the following correct use of data gathering should be considered. The data will
be gathered through a conduct of a Key Informant Interview. The interview will help the
researcher get more answers and opinion by doing in-depth interviews. The KII is very helpful in
the area of a qualitative research because the researcher will be able to probe the answers that are
necessary for the research. The main advantage of personal interviews is that they involve
personal and direct contact between interviewers and respondents, as well as eliminate non-
response rates but interviewers need to have developed the necessary skills to successfully carry
an interview.

As far as data collection tools were concerned, the conduction of the research involved
the use of semi-structures questionnaire, which was used as an interview guide for the researcher.
Some certain questions were prepared, so as for the researcher to guide the interview towards the
satisfaction of research objectives, but additional questions were made encountered during the

Data Analysis

Content analysis was used to analyze the data which was gathered from personal
interviews. According the Moore and McCabe (2005), this is the type of research wherby data
gathered is categorized in themes and sub-themes, so as to be able to be comparable. A main
advantage of content analysis is that it helps in data collected being reduced and simplified,while
at the same time producing results that may then measured using qualitative techniques.
Moreover, content analysis gives the ability to researchers to structure the qualitative data
collected in a way that satisfies the accomplishment of research objectives. However, human
error is highly involved in content analysis since there is the risk for researchers to misinterpret
the data gathered, thereby generating false and unreliable conclusions.

Scope and Limitation

As it is for every study, this research had following limitations:

The size of the sample was relatively small- 6 participants. A bigger sample would
probably enhance the reliability of the research. Qualitative research is not allowing the
measurement of the examine problems. The analysis of the USC students’ involvement in arts-
related organization may be influenced by factors which were not mentioned in this research. In
some cases participants may refused to speak against their organizations.

Definition of Terms

Choristers- University of San Carlos’ official chorale group

KII- Key informant interviews are qualitative in-depth interviews with people who know what
is going on in the community. The purpose of key informant interviews is to collect
information from a wide range of people—including community leaders, professionals,
or residents—who have firsthand knowledge about the community.

TG- Theater Guild- a shortcut used in this research paper referring to the organization USC
Theater Guild

USC Symphonic Band- USC official orchestral Band

USC Theater Guild- USC Official Theater group

USC- University of San Carlos, Cebu City

Qualititave Research- Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain

an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights
into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential
quantitative research.

Presentation of Findings
This paper is all about the participation of USC students in arts-related organizations

specifically USC Symphonic Band, Choristers and USC Theater Guild. This study focuses on the

reasons why students join these organizations and eventually looking at the different reasons of

their motivation of why they decided to continue being part of the organization. This is done

through a conduct of qualitative method and by using Key Informant Interview. The following

research findings will be presented into this section. The Findings is divided into three sections,

first is about their Personal Reasons followed by the Social Influences and lastly their

Perceptions on the Organizational Goals and Objectives. Each section will have two sub-themes

and that would be the Reason of Joining and the other one is their Motivation to stay in the


Personal Reasons

There are various reasons why people attached themselves into groups, organizations and

even clubs. People even have a coping mechanisms to let themselves pursue their dreams with

the help of the people in these groups and eventually to let them have sense of belongingness.

This first factor is no different from that because students that are interviewed for this research

have various reasons why they join organizations and that include their personal intentions. This

section is all about the students’ personal intentions of joining the organization and how that

reason inspired them to stay in the organization. In the following data presentation under this

section, you will encounter answers from the students regarding their personal point of views and

how the researcher will analyze the data basing on the data gathered.
Reasons of Joining

The first sub-theme wants to look at different answers from the chosen respondents that is

related to the personal reasons of joining. This section also will also explain how it affects

students to have confidence in joining the organization.

From the gathered data, six students didn’t miss the question “what is you personal

reason of joining?” All of them answered the question. The researcher comes across with

answers that are so similar with each other.

A student that comes from the USC Theater Guild said “Talent nako maka act.” (My
talent is to act.) Another student from Choristers answered “Inig kanta nimu ba mura kag naa sa
broadway kay mao baya na ako dream nga mukanta jud ko,” (If I sing it feels like I’m in
Broadway because that’s my dream, to sing.)
A member/student also from Choristers also said the same thing that she loves to sing.

The other three students answered the same way but in different context. A member/student from

the USC Symphonic Band said that it was her passion why she joined and same as true with

another member from the same organization. To be specific she said “I want to be with people

who have the same passion like me with music.” The last student said that he wants to do some

soul searching and by doing such it involves his passion in singing.

As you can see, all the respondents somehow relate their own interests of why they join

in the organization. Majority answered that it is by their passion and their talents that’s why they

have the confidence to join the organization. In conclusion, all the students join the organization

because they have the passion and skills to be part of the organization. In this section, the

students satisfy the question being asked when it comes to the personal reasons as to why they

really want to be part of the different arts-related organization. By the help of the data, this will
help the researcher look at the main and majority personal cause of their involvement in the

organization they are in right now.

The Motivation to Stay in the Organization

Not only looking at the causes why students join the arts-related organization is the focus

of the paper but also looking at the effect of their involvement in their lives and what pushed

them and drives them to stay still in the organization. So basing from the gathered data above,

this section will connect to the personal reasons of joining, that because of personal reasons still,

the researcher want to know why students are motivated and inspired to stay in the said


From the gathered answers from the respondents, which are the students that got

themselves involve in various arts-related organizations, there is somehow a big impact of the

reasons of joining to the motivation they have now to be still part of it. First is the respondent

from the USC Theater Guild.

He said “And ofcourse my passion in myself nga I really want to be in this guild and ang
first sad kay kanang naka motivate sad nako kay na actor ko sa akoa palang first try palang
nako as in a probationary member pag human nakog audition kay natagaan dayun kog role , big
role jud siya , major play pajud to siya so , mao tong naka motivate nako nga kanang I can do
something diay, I am someone nga kanang , I have kanang the guts to be an actor, to be a stage
actor.” (Of course my passion that is, I want to be in this guild and first thing that motivated me
is that I was selected to be an actor in my first try-out as probationary member after I auditioned
they already gave me a role, big role and a major play and that’s the reason I was motivated
because the thought of I can do something and I am someone who have the guts to be a stage
The next respondent from Choristers said that because of her being so transparent and a

listener to her co-members, she was inspired to stay and because of all the positive comments
from her co-members because she is available and open to them. The next respondent coming

from the same organization said that before he doesn’t have the kind of confidence that other

people have. He said that he is prideful and he has an ego before entering the Choristers and

joining. He noticed this change that he has in his life compared before that he was being bullied

but now when he got the chance to perform in the school his friends will say comments that

according to the respondent will lift his soul. A new member that comes from the same

organization, Choristers, said “and also the passion for singing that actually makes me and also

other people want to stay in that choir for so long even until we graduate.” Another member from

the USC Symphonic Band said that her determination because of her passion for music is also

the one that motivates her to stay and to be able to help her family. Another respondent from

USC Symphonic Band said that she feels that she gained new skills and that would make her be

able to teach other new members in the organization and she said that she didn’t stop learning

because she will learn a lot more in the journey especially when it comes to music.

The respondents somehow connect their reasons of joining to the kind of personal

motivation they have to stay in the organization. Majority of the respondents said that it is their

passion and by that they can feel a change that stirs up in their lives. They are

motivated to stay by means of wanting to know more and to inspire others. Some respondents

plainly said that it is through their passion and whatever they’ve experienced in the past changed

overtime. Some even said that they would stay until they would graduate. There is also a moment

when respondents similarly said that they are someone that has the guts to be someone that is

beyond their expectation. By joining the organization, they realized that their confidence builds

up and it helped them learn according to what field and area they are in.
In conclusion, majority of them have the same reason as to why they are motivated to

stay in their organization and that is their passion to share their talent and learn from it. The

effect of the personal reason of joining is evident that still it is their passion that drives them to

inspire other members of the organization and be motivated to always be part of the family in

their respective organizations.

To sum everything in the first section Personal Reasons, students tend to be involved in

the different organizations not only because of other factors outside their interests but also their

own intentions and passion in whatever talent they have. The same goes applied to the kind of

motivation they have to stay and be part of the organization. This section is one of the focus of

the paper, to see if it will answer the statement of the problem and that is the kind of factors that

drive USC students to be involved in arts-related organization.

Social Influences
“No man is an island”, a quotation that we inspired sociology students often used. Indeed

we cannot stand-alone. Without our family, friends or even people around us, we can’t define

who we really are, for we also see ourselves how they see us. Same as true when applied in

involving ourselves in different groups of people, we tend to look at not only our personal views

but also are influenced of what people may say or do about it. So aside from the personal reasons

why students join the organization, this paper would also look at other factors. This section will

examine the different social and environmental influences that drive the students to join the

organization. This section will also present data that explains why some students have some

other reasons of joining and staying in the organization other than their personal reasons.
Reasons of Joining

This section will talk about the different kind of social factors that drive the students to

join the arts-related organization. Aside from their personal interests of joining the said

organizations this paper will examine whether the social factor or the environment gives a

highlight for their involvement.

From the gathered data, all the respondents answered the question “What or who

influenced you to join the organization?”

From the first respondent from USC Theater Guild he answered “ Yes naay naka
influence nako actually akong friends sad naa man jud sad akong friends jud nako nga ni help
sila.” (Yes my friends influenced me and they helped me.)
An officer/respondent from the Choristers said that she didn’t plan to join in the first

place but because of her friend’s sibling that is part of the Choristers influenced her and helped

her from getting in the Choristers. Another member from the same organization said that because

of her friends that influenced him same with the new member from the Choristers. He said that

his friends that graduated from USC and are Alumni in Choristers influenced him to join. A

member from the USC Symphonic Band said that it was her friend who happened to be part of

the Band influenced her and said that it would be a lifesaver in tuition fees. Lastly from same

organization, she said that it was her classmate who brought an instrument and she asked him

where he plays and he said that he is a member of USC Symphonic Band so the student asked a

question about it and then her friend referred her to the Director in the organization. That’s why

she auditioned because her classmate influenced her.

Upon the gathered data we can see that most of the respondents joined the organization

due to the influence of their friends. It is common to them that because of the social influence it
brought them to the act of involvement. All of them answered the same way but in different

context. They were greatly influenced to the fact that their friends supported them and

encouraged them to join.

In conclusion, aside from the personal reasons and interests of joining in the organization,

students tend to be influenced by other factors and that is evident from the gathered data that not

only because of their passion that they joined but also from the encouragement and referrals from

their friends.

The Motivation to Stay in the Organization

This part of the second section will explain why the social factors motivate the students

to stay in the organization. It is still the same application of the case and effect here. Their

friends are causes of their involvement and this part will try look at if there are some other

factors or the same factors that are the effects of the involvement which is their motivation to

still stay in the organization.

From the gathered data, a student from Theater Guild that he is motivated to stay in the

guild because of her Mon that constantly encouraging him to never quit.

The next student that is also a member of Choristers said that “Ay supportive kaayo ako
parents sa akong choir kung unsa may events hala sige sa kadtong akong China (event) sige
pangitaan lang tanang paagi.” (My parents are very supportive when it come to choir because
even in events like the one held in China, they’re very supportive and they find ways.)
Another student that comes from the same organization said that he was motivated to

stay because before he was a member, his friends bullied him and now that they’ve seen him post
some pictures in Facebook from the events he is part of, his friends who were insulting him,

appreciated him and gave positive comments and he said that because of that he was able to

prove his worth by the things his friends said to him. Another student coming from the same

organization said that he was motivated to stay because of the newfound friends. Two

members/students from the USC Symphonic Band said the same thing that they are helping their

parents if they continue to be part of the Band.

They almost have the same answers to the question being asked about their motivation of

staying in the organization. Most of them answered that it is because of their parents who are

very supportive and they are also staying to help them. Other two students answered that because

of their friends that encouraged them to stay. For one he said that because he found new friends

and the other compared his past life of not having friends and now he gain their approval. The

built confidence from the social factor encouraged them to stay and motivates them to continue

what they’ve started. So aside from the personal reasons they too have other social factors that

are conducive to their participation and involvement in the different chosen arts-related


In conclusion, the researcher now has a concrete data that will explain the reasons of the

USC students’ involvement in different organization. Not just basing from the first section of the

presentation of findings but also considering the second section, which deals with the influences

whether social or environmental factors.

But that will not stop there, for there is still another section that will elaborate more of the

students’ reasons of participation in the different arts-related organization. The next section will

explain why personal reasons and social influences are not enough to explain their involvement.

The researcher will try to connect everything in the last part but first the researcher will explain

the gathered data according to the last section’s Organizational Goals and Objectives, which will

be the next presentation of data.

Organizational Goals and Objectives

From the personal reasons down to social influences, we encountered different factors

why students inclined themselves to join the organization. But this part of the section, will also

try to look at if the organization itself influenced the students from joining. There are many ways

that these organizations promote itself, from the outcome of the goals and their objectives that is

to help students gain confidence, promote family and friendship, give certain workshops, boost

energy in a great way and stir their passion. This is the last section which the researcher wants to

examine and basing from the gathered data, the researcher will also try to understand why certain

students are not only joining out of personal interest and social influences but also the kind of

goals, objectives and vision an organization has.

Reasons of Joining

Different from the two sections above, this section will try to look at the different ways of

how the organization incline the students to join in the organization. This section will also
elaborate what was said above in the second section as to why students are motivated to stay in

the organization and by saying they want to help their parents. This section will explain it why

the students want to help their parents and in what area does the organization help them.

From the gathered data, the students tried to explain how these arts-related organizations

was able to give the kind of attention that makes anyone willing to join.

First student from the USC Theater Guild said “Pero mao to first kay workshops, a lot of
workshop siya so management conflict workshop and daghan pato about theater workshops then
usa sad kay full tuition.” (First there are a lot of workshops like management conflict workshop
and many others then another thing is the full tuition.)
Another student from the Choristers said that she was inclined to join the organization

because of the scholarship so that she can pay her tuition fees and she told the researcher how the

process works like, it is not really at full scholarship at first because the new members are under

the probationary terms and if that member continues the passion and the willingness to join by

being present at all times and do their respective jobs then he/she will be granted the full

discount scholarship. Then another student from Choristers said the same thing that she decided

to join because of the offered scholarship. A new member/student from the USC Symphonic

Band said that she joined because she wants to help her parents by paying her tuition fees

through the organization; she even said that her course cost a lot so she really wanted to help her

parents. Another member/student from the USC Symphonic Band said that it would be a

pleasure to be in the band because of the Music Director. She said that the Director is a well-

known music artist and that encouraged her to join and she also added that it was because of the

scholarship program of why she really joined the organization.

Upon gathering the data under this section, the researcher analyzed that all of the students

said that the organization gives a benefit to their schooling. First thing is about the scholarship.
Second reason is the workshops given by the organization and lastly about how famous and great

their Music Director is. From the data in the second section under the social influences that

motivates the student to stay in the organization, we can conclude that by of helping their parents

is mainly the reason why they stayed in the organization through the help of the organization’s

goal to give a scholarship program to those students who have the talents, skills and abilities.

The Motivation to Stay in the Organization

In this section will talk about how students are motivated to continue the journey inside

the organization. Aside from the reason of helping their parents through the scholarship program,

this part of the section seeks to know whether if there are some other factors why they are

motivated to stay. This section will also complete the statement of the problem of this paper.

From the gathered data, the student that comes from USC Theater Guild said that it was

the people inside the organization, the TG (Theater Guild) family that motivated him to go to the

rehearsals every day. He also said that because of the good impact of the bond that they have

makes him inspired to stay. He also stated that he takes their negative and even positive

comments by heart for him to learn. He was able to be open to them because they too are very

transparent of their lives. Another reason from the student that comes from the Choristers said

that she belittle herself at first because she thought that she doesn’t contribute to that

organization but things changed when her friends inside the organization encouraged her to push

through the limits. They encouraged her to do better each day. She even said that she doesn’t

have any friends inside the school except the family in the Choristers. Another student that

comes from the same organization said that because of his priorities in life, he was able to choose

what gives him the best opportunity in life. He said that because he made the organization a first
priority that makes him motivated to still continue to be part of Choristers. Another

member/student from Choristers said “Simply is just we are really well bonded family that

actually looks at for its own of course were as any family very large one sometimes there’s

challenges but we always overcome those obstacles and actually rise up above as better

individuals making this family more stronger and well bonded.” In that case he stated that

because of how strong the Choristers’ family is, it inspired him to move forward and continue

what he started. A student from the USC Symphonic Band said that it is because of the events

that motivate her to stay. She said that she had his best experiences by being part of big events.

She explained how great it is of how other people appreciate someone who does her job and she

is so clear that it makes her a better person. Another student from USC Symphonic Band said

that because of the new learning the organization taught her is what motivates her to stay. She

was able to hang out with other Band members. There was this moment when she shared how

family oriented the organization is because at one time a member of the Band lost someone in his

life. She said that all of the Band members together with the Music Director and their

instruments, they went their even if it takes them 3 hours of travel time to go there. She sensed

the kind of family they had and she told the researcher how great it is to be part of it. Another

thing is that she wants to bless others because she was blessed with a talent.

It is clear that it is not only the reason of having the scholarship why students stayed in

the organization. Most of the students answered that it is because they felt that it was their

second home, it was in fact their family. Emotionally, the students felt that they have this sense

of belongingness because of the treatment of their co-members in the organization. It is also by

the kind of bond they have during rehearsals and events. They too are very similar with each

other. They chose to stay not only of the mere fact of personal gain and benefit but also they
want to learn more of their respective fields. One student explained how the organization gives

lessons like time management and boosting their confidence. Almost all of the students have

similar answers regarding this concern. They are very sure that the organization itself influenced

them to stay and continue what they’ve started.

In conclusion, the students tend to participate more and more because emotionally, they

are being supported by the organization-the people and even the lessons learned. They too are

harnessed through the kind of learning that they can’t learn outside the organization. They are

attached with members of the organization and hence motivate them to stay longer. They saw

how important a family is. It is only not by the fact that financially they can benefit from the

organization but they are also inspired both physically and emotionally. It is clear to us that it is

not by personal reason nor the social influences that incline the students it is only the

organization itself that helped students be willing to participate and join in the first place.

Summary and Conclusion

In a nutshell there is a wide range of reasons why students let themselves involve in

different arts-related organization. From the personal factor, they find that the drive was because

of their passion itself and kind of expectation they have for themselves. Second, because of the
social factor such as their friends, classmates and family, they are influenced to join. In the last

section, they are encouraged to join the organization because they thought that it would help

them financially because of the scholarship being offered.

From the factors that motivate them, it is clear from the data presented that they want to

continue the journey inside the organization because of three things. First is that they want to

pursue their dream by using their talents and capabilities. Second is that they are encouraged to

continue because they have a very supportive community and pushed them to be positive and

never quit. Lastly because they already built a family inside the organization and they too want

to inspire other members.

All the gathered data, represents that there are various factors to consider to be able to

analyze the involvement of the USC students in different arts-related organization. In conclusion,

all of the three sections namely, Personal Reason, Social Influences and The Organizational

Goals and Objectives are important and conducive to come up with such kind of research that is

relevant in the theme Youth Empowerment.


In lieu of the short time given to finish this research, there is quite a small relative number of
respondents. There should be more respondents participating in this research in other arts-related
organization inside the University of San Carlos. Another recommendation is that there might be
some other factors that influence USC students to participate in the said organizations.

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A. Interview Guide
For Officers:
 How long have you been part in the organization?
 What position are you now?
 Who and what influence you to join in the organization?
 How did you join?
 What kind of lifestyle do you have before entering in the organization and
 How did you manage you schedule?
 What motivates you to stay in the organization?
 In what way does your participation impacts the organization?

For Active Members:

 What triggered you to join in the organization?

 Who and what infleucned you to join?
 What are the ebst experiences you had during your involvement?
 What motivates you to stay?
 What kind of lifestyle do you have before and after participating in the

For New Members:

 What pushed you to join in the organization?

 When did you start participating?
 What are do you think are some other influences that caused you to join in
the first place?
 How did you join?
 What motivates you to stay?

B. Field Observation
 Observe the kind/type of facilities- Physical Setting- they have during
their practices.
 Observe the Social Environment- the students’ interaction with its co-
 Observe the activities they have whether the things they do before, during
and after their practices
 Observe what kind of language they use/have and what are their general
and common words used.
 Observe what are the things they use (Physical clues) as a group and as an
individual during practices.
 Observe whether they have a non-verbal language in order to
communicate to other members as a cue to do something.

C. Curriculum Vitae

4th floor RD Bldg, Talamban, Cebu City

09232159524 •


2002-2008 Banilad Elemtary School, Banilad Cebu City

10th honors

2008-2012 University of Southern Philippines Foundation, Salinas Drive, Cebu


2012- Present University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus

WORK EXPERIENCE_________________________________________________

2012-2014 Working Student- University of San Carlos

2014- Present Theater Director- Cebu Metro Psych Facility Inc.

Nov.2015- Feb.2016 Data Processor/ Technical Staff- Center for Social Research
and Education


Accuracy and Attention to details.

  Strong verbal and personal communication skills.
Public speaking
Knows how to use SPSS and other software like Microsoft Word and Excel
Editing skills- Adobe Photoshop
Organization and prioritization skills

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