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1. What are the characteristics that define a mineral?

a. They should be natural, inorganic, solid, with a crystalline structure, and with a
definite chemical composition.

b. Almost all minerals can be characterized and classified to their respective types by
their unique physical properties: hardness, luster, color, streak, specific gravity,
cleavage, fracture, and tenacity.

2. What is the difference between mineral streak and color? Why is streak more reliable as
a means of rock identification?

- A mineral’s color is rarely used for identifying its class and type. Many minerals can
be the same in color which can be confusing which is why using a mineral’s color
isn’t as reliable as testing it with its streak. Some minerals of the same color can
have a different streak. Some minerals are also the same appearance as other
metals which can also be confusing. For example:

One of the examples shown above is real gold and the other is the mineral pyrite
which is gold in color.

- A streak however is the color of a mineral’s powder.

- Streak is more reliable because it does not vary between the same types and
classes of minerals.

3. Differentiate cleavage and fracture.

- Cleavage is a property of minerals that allows them to break smoothly along a

specific inner surface called the cleavage plane/surface when the mineral is struck
sharply with a hammer.
- Fracture is a property of minerals that breaks in a more or less random pattern
without a smooth, flat, and planar surface.
Illinois State Geological Survey Prairie Research Institute. (n.d.). Illinois State Geological

Survey Using Characteristics of Minerals to Identify Them | ISGS. Retrieved November

24, 2021, from



Dinh, H. (2018, April 13). Five Characteristics of a Mineral. Sciencing. Retrieved November 24,

2021, from

Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Mineral Identification | Earth Science. Retrieved November 24, 2021,

Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry. (n.d.). Cleavage and Fracture.

Retrieved November 24, 2021, from

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