HRM Preliminary Examinations

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Preliminary Examinations
4. Compensation Management -
I - Introduction to Human Resource Salaries and wages
5. Benefits Management - sick
Definition of HRM leaves, health insurance, paid
According to Wendell L. French: “A leaves
systematic planning, development, and 6. Employee Management Relations
control of a network of interrelated - managing behavior, eagerness to
processes affecting and involving all do the job, and motivation
member of the organization.” 7. Labor-Management Relations -
Legalities and compliance with the
HRM is defined as the process of managing law
human talent to achieve an organization’s
objective (Snell & Bohlander). Scope of HRM
Based on theoretical work in the field of
● Systematic - planning and organizational behavior, it is proposed that
development HRM comprises of the following:
○ Control of network of an 1. A set of policies or procedures
interrelated process, affecting designed to maximize organizational
and involving all members of integration (creating & drafting)
the organization 2. Employee’s competency, people
○ The fault of one tile will affect engagement and commitment,
the others satisfaction, motivation, skills, and
● Managing human talents to achieve talent management
objectives 3. Job design, manpower forecasting,
● A successful organization is and performance appraisal (how you
particularly adept at bringing delegate tasks fairly?)
together different kinds of people 4. Labor Laws
to achieve a common purpose
which is an organizational success. Strategic View of HRM
1. Inputs into the System
HRM Functions & Roles ○ External Environment
1. Talent Acquisition - Employment, ○ Internal Environment
onboarding, workforce planning (not 2. Transformation Process
just through accommodation but to ○ Workforce
plan out their job and function). ○ Jobs
2. Performance Management - ○ Systems
Ensuring the employees’ ○ Processes
performance and managing
objectives, keeping track of their 6 New Roles of Effective HR Professionals
progress 1. Credible Activist
3. Employee Training and 2. Strategic Positioner
Management Development - Train 3. Capability Builder
building, leadership seminars 4. Change Champion

Preliminary Examinations
5. Human Resource Innovator and directly affect employees’ motivation
Integrator and ability to provide goods and
6. Technology Proponent services that customers value.
Companies that attempt to increase
Strategic HRM their investment in state-of-the-art
staffing, training, and compensation
Analysis and design of work
HR Planning
Impact of HRM

Training and Development
Performance Management


Employee Relations

Company Performance

➔ Human Capital - an organization’s

employees described in terms of ● For an organization to succeed, it
their: needs employees with certain
◆ Training qualities, training, and experience.
◆ Experience ● Employees are not interchangeable,
◆ Judgment easily replaced by parts of a system,
◆ Intelligence but the source of the company’s
◆ Relationships success or failure.
◆ Insights ● By influencing who works for the
➔ The concept of HRM implies that organization and how these people
employees are resources of the work.
employer ● HRM, therefore, contributes to such
➔ Managers and economists basic measures of an organization’s
traditionally have seen HRM as a success as quality, profitability, and
necessary expense, rather than as a customer satisfaction
source of value to their ● For example, in chains that see
organizations. employees as more than just an
➔ However, research has expense, retailers outperform their
demonstrated that HRM practices competitors.
can be valuable. Decisions such as ● At Intel, the company’s focus is on
whom to hire, what to pay, what keeping employees loyal, trained,
training to offer, and how to and compensated. In turn, there is a
evaluate employee performance

Preliminary Examinations
low turnover rate and a high degree
of customer satisfaction. accommodations

Support for Human resource planning

Function Responsibilities Strategy and forecasting; talent
management; change
Analysis and Work analysis; job design;
design of work job descriptions

Recruitment Recruiting; job postings;

and selection interviewing; testing;
coordinating the use of
II - Workforce Planning and Recruitment
temporary labor

Training and Orientation; skills and Two Major HR activities in Talent Acquisition
development training; career 1. Workforce Planning - refers to the
development programs preparation offstage of recruitment.
a. This stage determines the
Performance Performance measures;
Management preparation and number of employees and
administration of positions necessary for the
performance appraisals; organization.
discipline b. This also determines the
skills, abilities, competence,
Compensation Wage and salary
and other job specifications
and Benefits administration; incentive
pay; insurance; vacation required for the positions
leave administration, 2. Recruitment - refers to the
retirement plans; profit organizational activities that
sharing; stock plans influence the number and types of
applicants who apply for a job and
Employee Attitude surveys; labor
whether the applicant will accept the
Relations relations; employee
handbooks; company job that is being offered.
publications; labor law
compliance; relocation Workplace Planning
and outplacement

Personnel Policy creation; policy

Policies communication

Employee data Record keeping; HR

and information systems;
Information workforce analytics

Compliance Policies to ensure lawful

with laws behavior; reporting;
posting information;
safety inspections;

Preliminary Examinations
Workforce Planning Demand Forecasting
● Provides a roadmap to execute ● This is the process that identifies the
almost all HR functions number and kind of people that an
● Movements that related to getting organization will need at some point
people into, around in and/or out of in the future (Lunderburg, 2012)
an organization ● Uses data to predict future
● Its objective is to define the right manpower needs
profile of people an organization ● The precision of the manpower
requires to meet its short-term and forecast is dependent on the
long term plans and goals accuracy, completeness, and
● Process of identifying and relevance of the data used, the
addressing the staffing implications method of forecasting employes,
of business strategies and plans and the ability of the forecast to take
(Batchet, 2002) and the changes into consideration as many factors
happening within and outside the that can impact the actual manpower
organization levels
● Has two types;
Internal changes in the organization may 1. Quantitative Forecasting -
lead to workforce planning. Examples: use of statistical or
a. Company expansion mathematical methods in
b. Financial difficulties. Downsizing or analyzing the data. Common
closure methods are Historical ratio
c. Company relocation analysis, Trend Analysis, and
d. Company Mergers Statistical Analysis
e. Introduction to new technologies, 2. Qualitative Forecasting -
systems, or streamlining using less statistical and rely
f. New products or services on expert’s assessment to
g. Increase in targets for production, anticipate future staffing
sales, services, etc needs

Steps in Workforce Planning Analysis of the Supply of Human Resource

1. Situational Analysis ● This involves determining the
2. Forecasting demand availability of manpower in the future
3. Analysis of supply and demand of by looking at the INTERNAL and
human resource EXTERNAL SOURCES: people
4. Development of plans of actions already employed by the firm and
those outside the organization
SWOT Analysis (Lundenburg, 2012)
Helpful Harmful
1. Internal Recruitment
Internal Strengths Weakness a. Succession Analysis -
making a detailed inventory
External Opportunities Threats of how many employees are
currently in various job

Preliminary Examinations
categories or have specific ○ Number of open positions
skills within the organization. ○ The date on which the
positions should be filled
Also making an analysis of ○ Number of applications
the expected movements ○ Type of Applicants
and changes in the inventory ○ Job performance goals for
as a result of retirement, new hires
resignation, promotions, ○ Expected new hires retention
transfers, or terminations rate
b. Markov Analysis - making
projections of movements of Methods of Recruiment
employees over a period of 1. Job Advertising
time which is based on the 2. Internet Posting
historical average rate of 3. Use of Social Media
movement from one position 4. Headhunting or Executive Search
to another 5. Employee Referrals
2. External Recruitment - typically 6. Internal Recruitment
involves a labor market analysis 7. Rehiring former employees
such as employment trends, the 8. Walk-Ins
current strengths, and weaknesses 9. College Recruitment
of the workforce, emerging 10. Internships
employment trends, college, and
university enrollment trends, and
economic opportunities that indicate
the availability of people outside the III - Selection
organization (hiring and recruitment
events) Selection Process
A systematic series of activities that are
Development of Plans and Actions done to assess the qualification and
● The final step in workforce planning competencies of applicants so that the
involves consolidating all the data employer can determine whether or not they
and inputs and determining the most can be hired for the vacancy.
effective strategy to close the gap
and achieve the desired manpower Two Importance Characteristics in Selection
profile. ● Validity - instrument’s ability to
● To guide the HR practitioner in measure what is supposed to be
sourcing candidates, a clear measured
recruitment objective has to be
established (Breaugh, 2009)
● Aided by inputs from the previous
steps of HR planning, establishing
the recruitment objectives means
identifying the following:

Preliminary Examinations
● Reliability - The ability of an ● Pre-Employment Medical or Heath
instrument to accurately, precisely, Records (to identify risk factors that
and consistently measure something may limit their ability to do the job)
● According to Elaine D. Pulakos,
“validity is the most important factor Making the Hiring Decisions
in considering whether or not to use ● Job Offer – is a formal expression of
an assessment method, because an the employer’s decision to hire a
assessment that does not accurately candidate. This includes the
identify who will perform effectively following:
on a job has no value to the ○ Position Title
organization.” ○ Salary
○ Benefits
Methods of Selection ○ Start Date
1. Paper Screening (Resumes, CVs, ○ Job Description
portfolios) ○ Location of work
2. Testing ○ Immediate Head
3. Job Knowledge Test ○ Department
4. Personality Test
5. Integrity Test
6. Situational Judgement Test
7. Work Sample test IV - Performance Management
8. Physical fitness and ability test
● Referred to as a performance
Interview review, performance evaluation,
1. Behavioral Interview (career) development discussion, or
2. Situational Interview employee appraisal is a method by
3. Stress Interview which the job performance of an
4. Structured Interview employee is documented and
Other Selection Methods ● Part of career development and
● Use of Assessment Centers (often to consist of regular reviews of
identify management potential and employee performance within
determine candidate's suitability for organizations.
higher functional positions, used by ● Often conducted by an immediate
managers as tools for the manager, such as line managers or
development process to evaluate front-line managers (Tyskbo, 2020).
candidates' personality traits and ● Annual performance reviews have
abilities). been criticized (Evans & Tourish,
○ Group Simulation Activities, 2017) as providing feedback too
Aptitude, or Psychometric infrequently to be useful, and argue
Exams performance reviews, in general, do
● Pre-Employment Background more harm than good.
Checks ● It is an element of the
● Criminal Records principal-agent framework, that

Preliminary Examinations
describes the relationship of
information between the employer
and employee, and in this case, the
direct effect and response received
when a performance review is
conducted. Establishing Performance Criteria
● A systematic, general and periodic Three types of information which the
process that assesses an individual managers could use in establishing
employee's job performance and performance criteria:
productivity in relation to certain
pre-established criteria and 1. Trait-based - characteristics of the
organizational objectives. individual are believed to affect the
● Other aspects of individual way the employee performs his job.
employees are considered as well, 2. Behavior-based - includes specific
such as organizational citizenship observable and measurable
behavior, accomplishments, the behaviors which are necessary for
potential for future improvement, the effective performance of one’s
strengths and weaknesses, etc. job.
3. Results-based - pertains to the
Steps in Performance Management employee’s accomplishment of
1. Establish performance Criteria and observable and measurable
Standards. outcomes.
2. Clearly communicate the
performance criteria and standards Establishing Performance Standards
to the employee. Standards represent the expected levels of
3. Monitor the employee’s job performance for each of the criteria.
performance and provide ongoing
feedback. Examples of performance standards:
4. Document evaluation of employee’s O – Outstanding
performance. E – Exceeds Expectations
5. Conduct effective performance M – Meets Expectations
evaluation discussions with the I – Improvement Needed
employee and provide intervention NA – Not Applicable
as needed.
6. Redefine performance criteria and *some uses percentage, GvAs, or key
standards for the following achievements
performance cycle.
Communication of Performance Criteria and
➔ Organizations needed to have a Standards
system for managing employee ● It must be explained clearly and
performance in order to endure the ensure that it understood the
alignment of what they do with what importance of these criteria and
the organization needs to standards and accept them.

Preliminary Examinations
behavioral, observable, and
Monitor Employee’s Performance and measurable terms or levels.
Provide Employee Feedback ● Management by Objective (MBO) -
● Ongoing monitoring and feedback to an employee’s performance is
employees help in developing the managed through a goal-oriented,
desired work habits and in avoiding participative, and systems approach.
surprises during the formal
performance evaluation session.
● When feedback is timely, there is a
greater chance for it to bring about a
change of behavior.
● Can be a direct, scheduled monthly
review, or through appraisals

Performance Evaluation Form

● Used to document the observation
and assessment of an employee’s
job performance.
EVALUATION, two important
objectives of evaluating employee’s
performance must be present;
○ To ensure that pieces of
evidence of performance are ● 360 degrees Performance
properly documented. Evaluation - all feedbacks about the
○ To reward or give due employee’s performance come from
recognition to performing everyone around him including
employee or inadequacies himself (from top management to
are dealt with so that the fellow subordinates and customers)
employee’s future ● Balanced Scorecard - often defined
performance will improve as a strategic planning and
management system used to align
Performance Evaluation Tools business activities with the vision
● Checklist - contains a number of statement of the organization.
descriptive statements, employee
traits, and behaviors which the rater
uses in evaluating an employee’s
● Essay Format - rater usually is
required to explain in writing
observed employee behaviors.
● Behaviorally Anchored Rating
Scale (BARS) - the performance
factors here are well defined in

Preliminary Examinations

● Performance Dashboard - a visual Benefits of Training

display of the important information 1. Training helps employees develop
needed to achieve one or more specific skills.
objectives, consolidated and 2. Training increases employees’ job
arranged in a single screen. satisfaction, motivation, and morale.
3. Training improves organizational
strategies, the current system, and
efficiencies in processes resulting in
V - Employee Training financial gain.
4. Training can be used to increase the
A planned effort of a company to contribute capacity to adopt new technologies
to learning or relearning new skills, and methods.
attitudes, and competencies specifically 5. Training can reduce employee
needed to achieve business objectives. turnover.
6. Training can enhance company
Typical Reasons for Employee Training image.
● When a performance appraisal 7. Training is used in Risk
indicated performance improvement Management (Policies on fair
is needed. employment, Security and Safety,
● To benchmark the status of etc.)
improvement so far in a performance
improvement effort. Typical Topics of Employee Training
● As a part of an overall professional 1. Communication
development program. 2. Computer Skills
● As part of succession planning to 3. Customer Service
help an employee be eligible for a 4. Diversity
planned change in role in the 5. Ethics
organization. 6. Human Relations
● To pilot or test the operation of a 7. Quality Initiatives
new performance management 8. Safety
system. 9. New Systems or Procedures
● To train about a specific topic
(usually to adapt into something). Some Problems Associated with Training
● Training requires resources
Training Framework (financial, sponsors, etc).
● A training program can be
time-consuming to implement.
● The impact of training is difficult to
link to the attainment of business

Preliminary Examinations
iii. Person Analysis -
Training Process identifies the
readiness of the
1 Training Needs Analysis
employee in the
2 Identification of Training Objectives training
2. Training Objectives (ASK) (ABCD)
3 Development of Training Program a. Identify the level of
4 Implementation of Training Program knowledge necessary to
achieve your goal. The
5 Evaluation of Training Program’s domains of learning can be
Effectiveness categorized as affective
(Attitude), psychomotor
(Skills), and cognitive
i. Attitude - changes
how the trainee
chooses to act
ii. Skills - focuses on
changing or
improving the task a
1. Training Needs Analysis trainee can perform
a. Needs Assessment - iii. Knowledge - focuses
determine whether training is on increasing what
necessary or the solution to the trainee knows
closing the performance
gaps in the organization. b. Select Action Verbs
Attitude Skills Knowledge
Involved analysis of the
needs of the three domains: Advocate, Compare, Actuate,
the organization, the task, accept, define, adjust,
and the person agree, allow describe, administer,
i. Organizational etc. designate, align, etc.
Analysis - examines etc.
the organization as a
whole (objectives, c. Check your objective by
resources, tools) including the four pieces:
ii. Task Analysis - i. Audience - know
studies the job in the your trainees.
organization to ii. Behavior - determine
identify the skills and the trainee’s different
behaviors needed to behavior after training
do the job iii. Condition - this
describes the

Preliminary Examinations
situation of the
of the training to the
trainees. business?
iv. Degree of Mastery -
this identifies the level Impact Did the trainees
of knowledge applied display the learning
in the job. on the job?
3. Training Program Learning Did the trainees
a. Define your training – this learn the content?
includes the why, when,
where, who, what and how Satisfaction Did the trainees like
the training will be the program?
b. Prepare your Training – this
includes materials and tools
needed in your training.
c. Practice your training –
rehearse how to present the
d. Deliver your training –
always be prepared for
whatever concerns during
the training.
e. Confirm the training –
evaluation of the training is
critical to know its
effectiveness of the training.
f. Audit the trainee’s
performance – always make
a monitoring action after the
4. Implementation of the Training
Program (training methodologies)
a. Lecture
b. Outdoor training
c. Training Simulations
d. On the Job Training (OJT)
e. Online Training
5. Evaluation of the Training

ROI Did the training

investment pay off?

Results What is the impact


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