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• To determine how efficient books are in the academic performance of a senior high

school students.

• To develop the awareness of every senior students of the importance of printed

materials as a means of providing access to relevant resources that best influence the

increasing good academic performance of the students.

• To broaden way of understanding the senior student’s construction in gaining more

information to apply in our present conditions.


The research hypothesis is central to all research endeavors, whether qualitative or

quantitative, exploratory or explanatory. At its most basic, the research hypothesis states what

the researchers expect to find – it is the tentative answer to the research question that guides the

entire study. Developing testable research hypotheses takes skill, however, along with careful

attention to how the proposed research method treats the development and testing of hypotheses.

This research study has three research hypotheses:

• As the usage of books in studying increases, the rate of senior students with good

academic performance also increases.

• As the number of books decreases, the rate of good academic performance also


• As the rate of efficiency of books increases, the rate of senior students with good

academic performance also increases.


Because of the fast-growing technology, people nowadays don’t consider books as the main

channel or source of information, so this study tends to encourage people to find the benefits in

using books. The significance of this study is to help the students to understand and know the

relevance of having a book as a reference or sources, the use of books can help them find

accurate information in their assignments and researches. It can also keep them in danger of

using electronic materials that has a high radiation level. Most specially, students are those who

are always in need of looking/searching/gathering new and relevant information, for their

assignments, research papers, reporting and such. Using books as their main source of

information for their assignments, research papers and things that need to be accomplish in
school. They can focus on what they’re doing if they put away themselves in the temptation of

social media. The books can help them a lot because it only serves fact.

To teachers, using of books can help them to be more understandable and presentable when they

were in front of the students discussing their topic holding a book and explain it carefully to the

students. Books can help teachers to gain a lot of knowledge to help them critically understand

the topic that they are about to discuss to the students.

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