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Lennia Wells

Commerce BGCSE Coursework

Promotion Questionnaire

Greetings. My name is Lennia Wells, and I am a twelfth-grade student at Nassau Christian

Schools. During this school year, I will be taking my Commerce BGCSE Examination. I am kindly
asking if you will assist me with my coursework assignment by answering this brief
questionnaire regarding the importance of promotion to businesses in Eastern New

1. Where do you usually find the most advertisements?

o Television
o Newspaper
o Radio
o Social Media
o Internet
o Billboard

2. Which method of advertising do you think is most effective?

o Television
o Newspaper
o Radio
o Social Media
o Internet
o Billboard

3. Do you feel more inclined to use products and/or services when they are promoted by
celebrities or advertised at large events?
o Yes
o No
4. How often do you attend sponsored events/fundraisers?
o Very Often
o Often
o Sometimes
o Not Very Often
o Never

5. How often do you use coupons/discounts?

o Very Often
o Often
o Sometimes
o Not Very Often
o Never

6. Are you more likely to shop at a store when various items are being sold at a discounted
o Yes
o No

7. What are some of the negative effects advertising can have on consumers?
o Lowers Self Esteem
o Leads to the Development of Hedonism/Materialism
o Causes Impulsive Buying
o Promotes Unhealthy Habits/Lifestyle Choices
o Promotes Dangerous Stunts and Activities
o Provides Deceptive, Misleading Information on Various Products
o Undermines Moral and Social Values

8. What are some of the positive effects advertising can have on consumers?
o Promotes Healthy Habits
o Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Decisions
o Provides Truthful and Helpful Information About Various Products
o Spreads Awareness About Social Issues
o Encourages Viewers to Make Morally Sound Decisions
9. Which of the following factors make you, as a consumer, feel more inclined to invest in
various products?
o Convenience
o Celebrity Influence
o Exclusivity
o Popularity
o Low Price Range
o High Price Range
o Discounts
o Product Safety
o Health Benefits
o Quality and Effectiveness of Goods
o Appearance and Design
o Reputation/Credibility of the Company
o Positive Reviews/Feedback

10. What are some ways in which businesses can improve their promotional strategies?
o Create a Presence on Social Media
o Get Celebrities and Famous Figures to Use Products
o E-Commerce Platforms
o Digital Advertising Techniques
o Promotional Events
o Email Marketing
o Exclusive Discounts
o Give Product Samples
o Listen to Consumers’ Opinions/Feedback


End of Questionnaire

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