Generative Adversarial Learning For Robust Text Classification With A Bunch of Labeled Examples

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GAN-BERT: Generative Adversarial Learning for

Robust Text Classification with a Bunch of Labeled Examples

Danilo Croce Giuseppe Castellucci Roberto Basili

Dept. of Enterprise Engineering Amazon Dept. of Enterprise Engineering
University of Rome, Tor Vergata Seattle, USA University of Rome, Tor Vergata
Roma, Italy Roma, Italy

Abstract obtaining annotated data is a time-consuming and

Recent Transformer-based architectures, e.g.,
costly process. A viable solution is adopting semi-
BERT, provide impressive results in many Nat- supervised methods, such as in (Weston et al., 2008;
ural Language Processing tasks. However, Chapelle et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2016; Kipf and
most of the adopted benchmarks are made of Welling, 2016) to improve the generalization capa-
(sometimes hundreds of) thousands of exam- bility when few annotated data is available, while
ples. In many real scenarios, obtaining high- the acquisition of unlabeled sources is possible.
quality annotated data is expensive and time- One effective semi-supervised method is imple-
consuming; in contrast, unlabeled examples
mented within Semi-Supervised Generative Adver-
characterizing the target task can be, in gen-
eral, easily collected. One promising method sarial Networks (SS-GANs). Usually, in GANs
to enable semi-supervised learning has been (Goodfellow et al., 2014) a “generator” is trained
proposed in image processing, based on Semi- to produce samples resembling some data distribu-
Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks. tion. This training process “adversarially” depends
In this paper, we propose GAN-BERT that ex- on a “discriminator”, which is instead trained to
tends the fine-tuning of BERT-like architec- distinguish samples of the generator from the real
tures with unlabeled data in a generative adver-
instances. SS-GANs (Salimans et al., 2016) are an
sarial setting. Experimental results show that
the requirement for annotated examples can
extension to GANs where the discriminator also
be drastically reduced (up to only 50-100 an- assigns a category to each example while discrim-
notated examples), still obtaining good perfor- inating whether it was automatically generated or
mances in several sentence classification tasks. not.
In SS-GANs, the labeled material is thus used to
1 Introduction train the discriminator, while the unlabeled exam-
In recent years, Deep Learning methods have be- ples (as well as the ones automatically generated)
come very popular in Natural Language Process- improve its inner representations. In image pro-
ing (NLP), e.g., they reach high performances by cessing, SS-GANs have been shown to be effective:
relying on very simple input representations (for exposed to few dozens of labeled examples (but
example, in (Kim, 2014; Goldberg, 2016; Kim thousands of unlabeled ones), they obtain perfor-
et al., 2016)). In particular, Transformer-based mances competitive with fully supervised settings.
architectures, e.g., BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), pro- In this paper, we extend the BERT training with
vide representations of their inputs as a result of unlabeled data in a generative adversarial setting.
a pre-training stage. These are, in fact, trained In particular, we enrich the BERT fine-tuning pro-
over large scale corpora and then effectively fine- cess with an SS-GAN perspective, in the so-called
tuned over a targeted task achieving state-of-the-art GAN-BERT1 model. That is, a generator produces
results in different and heterogeneous NLP tasks. “fake” examples resembling the data distribution,
These achievements are obtained when thousands while BERT is used as a discriminator. In this way,
of annotated examples exist for the final tasks. As we exploit both the capability of BERT to produce
experimented in this work, the quality of BERT high-quality representations of input texts and to
fine-tuned over less than 200 annotated instances adopt unlabeled material to help the network in
shows significant drops, especially in classification 1
The code is available at
tasks involving many categories. Unfortunately, crux82/ganbert.

Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 2114–2119
July 5 - 10, 2020. 2020
c Association for Computational Linguistics
generalizing its representations for the final tasks. sidered real, thus belonging to one of the target
At the best of our knowledge, using SS-GANs in classes. The loss function of D is defined as:
NLP has been investigated only by (Croce et al., LD = LDsup. + LDunsup. where:
2019) with the so-called Kernel-based GAN. In
that work, authors extend a Kernel-based Deep LDsup.=−Ex,y∼pd log[pm (ŷ = y|x, y ∈ (1, ..., k))]
Architecture (KDA, (Croce et al., 2017)) with an LDunsup.=−Ex∼pd log[1 − pm (ŷ = y|x, y = k + 1)]
SS-GAN perspective. Sentences are projected into − Ex∼G log [pm (ŷ = y|x, y = k + 1)]
low-dimensional embeddings, which approximate
the implicit space generated by using a Semantic LDsup. measures the error in assigning the wrong
Tree Kernel function. However, it only marginally class to a real example among the original k cat-
investigated how the GAN perspective could ex- egories. LDunsup. measures the error in incorrectly
tend deep architecture for NLP tasks. In particular, recognizing a real (unlabeled) example as fake and
a KGAN operates in a pre-computed embedding not recognizing a fake example.
space by approximating a kernel function (Annesi At the same time, G is expected to generate ex-
et al., 2014). While the SS-GAN improves the amples that are similar to the ones sampled from
quality of the Multi-layered Perceptron used in the the real distribution pd . As suggested in (Salimans
KDA, it does not affect the input representation et al., 2016), G should generate data approximating
space, which is statically derived by the kernel the statistics of real data as much as possible. In
space approximation. In the present work, all the other words, the average example generated in a
parameters of the network are instead considered batch by G should be similar to the real prototypical
during the training process, in line with the SS- one. Formally, let’s f (x) denote the activation on
GAN approaches. an intermediate layer of D. The feature matching
We empirically demonstrate that the SS-GAN loss of G is then defined as:
schema applied over BERT, i.e., GAN-BERT, re-
duces the requirement for annotated examples: LG 2
feature matching= kEx ∼ pd f (x) − Ex ∼ G f (x)k2
even with less than 200 annotated examples it is
possible to obtain results comparable with a fully that is, the generator should produce examples
supervised setting. In any case, the adopted semi- whose intermediate representations provided in in-
supervised schema always improves the result ob- put to D are very similar to the real ones. The G
tained by BERT. loss also considers the error induced by fake exam-
In the rest of this paper, section 2 provides an ples correctly identified by D, i.e.,
introduction to SS-GANs. In sections 3 and 4,
GAN-BERT and the experimental evaluations are LGunsup.=−Ex∼G log[1 − pm (ŷ = y|x,y = k + 1)]
presented. In section 5 conclusions are derived.
The G loss is LG = LGfeature matching + LGunsup. .
While SS-GANs are usually used with image
2 Semi-supervised GANs inputs, we will show that they can be adopted in
SS-GANs (Salimans et al., 2016) enable semi- combination with BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) over
supervised learning in a GAN framework. A dis- inputs encoding linguistic information.
criminator is trained over a (k + 1)-class objective:
3 GAN-BERT: Semi-supervised BERT
“true” examples are classified in one of the target
with Adversarial Learning
(1, ..., k) classes, while the generated samples are
classified into the k + 1 class. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
More formally, let D and G denote the discrim- formers (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2019) belongs to the
inator and generator, and pd and pG denote the family of the so-called transfer learning methods,
real data distribution and the generated examples, where a model is first pre-trained on general tasks
respectively. In order to train a semi-supervised and then fine-tuned on the final target tasks. In
k-class classifier, the objective of D is extended as Computer Vision, transfer learning has been shown
follows. Let us define pm (ŷ = y|x, y = k + 1) beneficial in many different tasks, i.e., pre-training
the probability provided by the model m that a a neural network model on a known task, followed
generic example x is associated with the fake class by a fine-tuning stage on a (different) target task
and pm (ŷ = y|x, y ∈ (1, ..., k)) that x is con- (see, for example, (Girshick et al., 2013)). BERT

is a very deep model that is pre-trained over large
corpora of raw texts and then is fine-tuned on target noise G
annotated data. The building block of BERT is the
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), an attention- k
based mechanism that learns contextual relations real data D classes
between words (or sub-words, i.e., word pieces, BERT is real?
(Schuster and Nakajima, 2012)) in a text.
BERT provides contextualized embeddings of
Figure 1: GAN-BERT architecture: G generates a set of fake
the words composing a sentence as well as a sen- examples F given a random distribution. These, along with
tence embedding capturing sentence-level seman- unlabeled U and labeled L vector representations computed
by BERT are used as input for the discriminator D.
tics: the pre-training of BERT is designed to cap-
ture such information by relying on very large cor-
pora. After the pre-training, BERT allows encoding to optimize two competing losses, i.e., LD and LG .
(i) the words of a sentence, (ii) the entire sentence, During back-propagation, the unlabeled exam-
and (iii) sentence pairs in dedicated embeddings. ples contribute only to LDunsup. , i.e., they are con-
These can be used in input to further layers to solve sidered in the loss computation only if they are
sentence classification, sequence labeling or rela- erroneously classified into the k + 1 category. In all
tional learning tasks: this is achieved by adding other cases, their contribution to the loss is masked
task-specific layers and by fine-tuning the entire out. The labeled examples thus contribute to the
architecture on annotated data. supervised loss LDsup. . Finally, the examples gen-
In this work, we extend BERT by using SS- erated by G contribute to both LD and LG , i.e.,
GANs for the fine-tuning stage. We take an already D is penalized when not finding examples gener-
pre-trained BERT model and adapt the fine-tuning ated by G and vice-versa. When updating D, we
by adding two components: i) task-specific layers, also change the BERT weights in order to fine-tune
as in the usual BERT fine-tuning; ii) SS-GAN lay- its inner representations, so considering both the
ers to enable semi-supervised learning. Without labeled and the unlabeled data2 .
loss of generality, let us assume we are facing a sen- After training, G is discarded while retaining the
tence classification task over k categories. Given rest of the original BERT model for inference. This
an input sentence s = (t1 , ..., tn ) BERT produces means that there is no additional cost at inference
in output n + 2 vector representations in Rd , i.e., time with respect to the standard BERT model. In
(hCLS , ht1 , ..., htn , hSEP ). As suggested in (De- the following, we will refer to this architecture as
vlin et al., 2019), we adopt the hCLS representation GAN-BERT.
as a sentence embedding for the target tasks.
As shown in figure 1, we add on top of BERT the 4 Experimental Results
SS-GAN architecture by introducing i) a discrim- In this section, we assess the impact of GAN-BERT
inator D for classifying examples, and ii) a gen- over sentence classification tasks characterized by
erator G acting adversarially. In particular, G is a different training conditions, i.e., number of exam-
Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) that takes in input a ples and number of categories. We report measures
100-dimensional noise vector drawn from N (µ, σ 2 ) of our approach to support the development of deep
and produces in output a vector hf ake ∈ Rd . The learning models when exposed to few labeled ex-
discriminator is another MLP that receives in input amples over the following tasks: Topic Classifica-
a vector h∗ ∈ Rd ; h∗ can be either hf ake produced tion over the 20 News Group (20N) dataset (Lang,
by the generator or hCLS for unlabeled or labeled 1995), Question Classification (QC) on the UIUC
examples from the real distribution. The last layer dataset (Li and Roth, 2006), Sentiment Analysis
of D is a softmax-activated layer, whose output is over the SST-5 dataset (Socher et al., 2013). We
a k + 1 vector of logits, as discussed in section 2.
From a computational perspective, the additional cost of
During the forward step, when real instances are G is negligible in terms of network parameters: it is an MLP
sampled (i.e., h∗ = hCLS ), D should classify them which takes in input random vectors of 100 dimensions and
in one of the k categories; when h∗ = hf ake , it produces in output vectors in the same 768-dimensional space
of BERT. In other words, it is characterized by about 100
should classify each example in the k + 1 category. thousand parameters that are much less than in BERT base,
As discussed in section 2, the training process tries i.e., 110 million parameters.

80 100 80
80 60


20 0
1 2 5 10 20 30 4050 1 2 5 10 20 30 4050 1 2 5 10 20 30 4050
Annotated % Annotated % Annotated %
(a) 20N (b) QC Coarse Grained (c) QC Fine Grained

80 80
60 60


40 40
1 2 5 10 20 30 4050 0.010.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 0.010.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10
Annotated % Annotated % Annotated %
(d) SST-5 (e) MNLI Matched (f) MNLI Mismatched

Figure 2: Learning curves for the six tasks. We run all the models for 3 epochs except for 20N (15 epochs). The
sequence length we used is: 64 for QC coarse, QC fine, and SST-5; 128 for both MNLI settings; 256 for 20N.
Learning rate was set for all to 2e-5, except for 20N (5e-6).

will also report the performances over a sentence starting with very few labeled examples (about 50-
pair task, i.e., over the MNLI dataset (Williams 70 instances). GAN-BERT is also provided with a
et al., 2018). For each task, we report the perfor- set of unlabeled examples U coming from the un-
mances with the metric commonly used for that used annotated material for each training set sam-
specific dataset, i.e., accuracy for SST-5 and QC, ple (|U | = 100|L|, when available). We replicated
while F1 is used for 20N and MNLI datasets. As the labeled examples of a factor log(|U |/|L|): this
a comparison, we report the performances of the guarantees the presence of some labeled instances
BERT-base model fine-tuned as described in (De- in each batch to avoid divergences due to the unsu-
vlin et al., 2019) on the available training material. pervised component of the adversarial training. All
We used BERT-base as the starting point also for the reported results are averaged over 5 different
the training of our approach. GAN-BERT is im- shuffles of the training material.
plemented in Tensorflow by extending the original The 20N classification results are shown in fig-
BERT implementation3 . ure 2a. The training and testing datasets are made
In more detail, G is implemented as an MLP of 11, 314 and 7, 531 documents classified in 20
with one hidden layer activated by a leaky-relu categories4 , respectively. The plot shows F1 scores
function. G inputs consist of noise vectors drawn of the models: when 1% of data is used (i.e.,
from a normal distribution N (0, 1). The noise vec- about 110 examples) BERT almost diverges while
tors pass through the MLP and finally result in GAN-BERT achieves more than 40% of F1. This
768-dimensional vectors, that are used as fake ex- trend is confirmed until 40% of labeled documents
amples in our architecture. D is, also, an MLP with are used (i.e., about 5, 000 examples).
one hidden layer activated by a leaky-relu function In the QC task we observe similar outcomes. The
followed by a softmax layer for the final predic- training dataset is made of about 5, 400 question.
tion. For both G and D we used dropout=0.1 after In the coarse-grained setting (figure 2b) 6 classes
the hidden layer. We repeated the training of each are involved; in the fine-grained scenario (figure
model with an increasing set of annotated material 2c) the number of classes is 50. In both cases,
(L), starting by sampling only 0.01% or 1% of the BERT diverges when only 1% of labeled questions
training set, in order to measure the performances are used, i.e., about 50 questions. It starts to com-
bert We used the train/test split available within scikit-learn.

pensate when using about 20% of the data in the ence. In fact, the generator network is only used in
coarse setting (about 1, 000 labeled examples). In training, while at inference time only the discrimi-
the fine-grained scenario, our approach is perform- nator is necessary.
ing better until 50% of the labeled examples. It This first investigation paves the way to several
seems that, when a large number of categories is in- extensions including adopting other architectures,
volved, i.e., the classification task is more complex, such as GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) or DistilBERT
the semi-supervised setting is even more beneficial. (Sanh et al., 2019) or other tasks, e.g., Sequence
The results are confirmed in sentiment analy- Labeling or Question Answering. Moreover, we
sis over the SST-5 dataset (figure 2d), i.e., sen- will investigate the potential impact of the adver-
tence classification involving 5 polarity categories. sarial training directly in the BERT pre-training.
Also in this setting, we observe that GAN-BERT From a linguistic perspective, it is worth investi-
is beneficial when few examples are available. gating what the generator encodes in the produced
This is demonstrated by the difference in accu- representations.
racy at 1% of the data (about 85 labeled examples),
where BERT accuracy is 22.2% while GAN-BERT Acknowledgments
reaches 30.4% in accuracy. This trend is confirmed We would like to thank Carlo Gaibisso, Bruno
until about 20% of labeled examples (about 1, 700), Luigi Martino and Francis Farrelly of the Istituto
where BERT achieves comparable results. di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica “Antonio
Finally, we report the performances on Nat- Ruberti” (IASI) for supporting the early experi-
ural Language Inference on the MNLI dataset. mentations through access to dedicated computing
We observe (in figures 2e and 2f) a systematic resources made available by the Artificial Intelli-
improvement starting from 0.01% labeled exam- gence & High-Performance Computing laboratory.
ples (about 40 instances): GAN-BERT provides
about 6 − 10 additional points in F1 with respect
to BERT (18.09% vs. 29.19% and 18.01% vs. References
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