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 Gaining knowledge, you were supposed to gain it, but we didn’t.

 Enlighntment : Buddha
 Something that happened in Europe, enlightment it is a way of thinking or being in realtion to
two instituions, one is state and other is religion.
 18th centutury wali bakloli
 Meaning of life? Why these questions? Beaciuse there was a big political shift…French
revolution..industrial revolution..)
 Historical processes: think in terms of institutuions, concrete examples of instituions, ex:
induatrialixzATION: modern science emerged, industeirs,
 Political instituions were crumbling, modern nations states were coing into being, majpr
changes in languages,
 When kingdoms fell, the language authorized by them it fell ,aurhotiy of church was also
dimidnishing, ideads didinrt disapppered completely the formal structures disappeared.
 We shifted to democracy but instittuions like caste and religion didn’t completely
 Science became a dominant discourse and it became a basis for industrialization, on the other
side unscientific things did nit completely disappwer.
 Latin was the language which was authorized by the church, it was also authorized bythe
state, it was also the language of the elite, very similar to Sanskrit in india. Sanskrit was the
language of the elite, it has lost its authority today as ahistorical process. This is what
happened to latin.
 Shakespehere wqas not allowed to be taught in thcambridge and oxford in the 19 th century,
there was a English nationalist movement.
 Latin ke l lag gaye enlightment ki vajah se.
 Varnaculars were instead brought in place (French,german,italain,English,Spanish )

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