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Cells and human reproduction 3.1. The basic unit of living things (00... 5 1) [A] __ Living things are made up of cells e014 p.119 The basic unit of living things is the (1) Many living things are made up of more than one cell. Different types of cells have different shapes, sizes and functions. Some living things are made up of only one cell. They are called (2) organisms. Amoeba and bacteria are examples, B Observing cells using microscopes (00k 14, p. 120) OD Wecan use a(3) (sds) to observe tiny (ftv) objects in detail. It produces a magnified (ic) image of a small object. 0 Structure of a light microscope (3/88): ae a ) 6) (10) 6) ( / 0 (12) (13) (8) Mastering Science (© Oxford University Press 2010, = 22 - Lesson Worksheet 1A Scanned with CamScanner D— Steps of using a light microscope: 1 Puta microscope in front of a 2 (4 or near a window. Choose the (15) eyepiece and rotate the (16) power objective into position. power 3 Look down the microscope with both 4 eyes (17) Adjust the (18) until you see a bright circle of light. 5 Look at the stage from the side. Turn the (20) 6 adjustment knob until the objective is very close to the object but does not touch it, magnification of (23) 0D Total magnification of a microscope 0 The higher the (25) Mastering Science (© Oxford University Press 2010, Clip the sample or slide onto the a9) Look down the microscope. Turn the Ql) adjustment knob to raise the objective slowly. Stop when you see a clear image. Turn the (@) adjustment knob to geta sharper image. =_ magnification of (24) of the microscope, the smaller the diameter of the field ~ 23 - Lesson Worksheet 14, Scanned with CamScanner of view (S25). The image formed in the microscope is (26) and (27) compared with the original image. original image image under the microscope O Structure of cells: (28) (1) (33) Plant cell a _ Animal cell Structure Function, Cell membrane cea [2 4) the movement of substances into and out of the cell Cell wall (#8) 0 protects, supports and gives shape to the cell Cytoplasm (iat) 0 where (35) reactions of the cell take place —— 0 contains (36) ____ materials which control the cell activities Vacuole (#82) 0 contains mainly water; stores dissolved (37) a resent in green parts of a plant Chloroplast (s#%#) t en tf Othe site for carrying out (38) Mastering Science (© Oxford University Press 2010, = 24 - Lesson Worksheet 1A Scanned with CamScanner O Similarities and differences between green plant cells and animal cells: ‘Structure Green Plant cell Animal cell Cell membrane Vv Vv Cell wall 9) (40) Cytoplasm cD) (42) Nucleus (3) (44) ‘Vacuole (43) (46) Chloroplast 47) (48) O Inorder to observe onion cells and ox eye cells clearly under the microscope, we can add a few drops of (49) solution (ji) to stain the onion cells, and a few drops of (50) solution (3i"71uzii2 to stain the ox eye cells. [ec] Cell division and growth (600K 14, p. 132) 0 Living things grow by increasing the (51) and (52) of cells. 0 New cells are formed by a process called (53) tana 2 1 (54) materials in the 2 The (55) divides into two. nucleus make a copy of themselves before Each nucleus contains a complete set of cell division. genetic materials of the original cell 3 The(56)___——_soondivides into 4 The (57) _ end die ‘two equal parts, each containing a nucleus cytoplasm are completely separated. Two new cells are formed. 3.2 A new life is boEN (2.0.15. 125 Al Types of reproduction (c00K 14, p. 124) There are two types of reproduction: Mastering Science (© Oxford University Press 2010, = 25 - Lesson Worksheet 1A Scanned with CamScanner Asexual reproduction (mi@=m) Sexual reproduction (aiz=78) does not involve sex cells (fl) — male sex cell with a female sex cell the cell formed from the fusion of undergoes cell (2) to give tise to two new individuals Go eels then dlvides and grows genetic materials of each new 1 genetic materials of the cell formed are individual are the (4) (5) from the sex cells as the original cell of both parents 1 Human sex cells (200k 14. p. 135) a Reproduction in humans (600% 4, ». 135) In human, the male parent produces male sex cells called (6) (HF). The female parent produces female sex cells called (7) OR. Sperm Egg aoe ion [2 inthe @) D inthe (9) Structure] tooks like a (10) looks like a (14) (88h); with two parts: ee (11)___ (carries call membrane the (12) «roots which contains the genetic materials A {contains a tot of of the male parent) / / eee ese ae ‘materials of the female parent) kau a (16) Qo «7 Movement |) (18) (Can / D 0) (Can/ Cannot) move (by beating its Cannot) move 9) ) 2 The male reproductive system (00% 14. 138) Mastering Science (© Oxford University Press 2010, = 26 - Lesson Worksheet 14 Scanned with CamScanner

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