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Definition of Matrix: A rectangular array of numbers of the form

( )

is called matrix.

---The numbers ,…, are called the elements of the matrix

---The above matrix has m rows and n columns

--- The order of the matrix is ( by )

---The matrix can be written as ( )

Types of matrices

1. Square matrix: A matrix with the same number of rows and columns is called a square matrix.

2. Identity matrix: A square matrix whose elements if and if is called

identity matrix or unit matrix.

Ex. ( ) is an identity matrix of order 3 3

3. Null matrix: A matrix with all the elements zero is called null matrix.
Ex. ( ) is a null matrix of order 2 2

4. Transpose of a matrix: Transpose of a matrix is denoted by . It is obtained by interchanging

the corresponding rows and columns of .

Ex. If ( ) then ( )

5. Symmetric matrix: A matrix is said to be symmetric if .

6. Skew-symmetric matrix: A matrix is said to be skew-symmetric if .

7. Singular and non-singular matrix: A matrix is said to be singular if its determinant value is zero
and said to be non-singular its determinant value is non-zero.

Matrix operations:

Ex. Let ( ) and ( ). Calculate .


( )( )

( )

( )

Exercises 1:

1. If ( ) and ( ) then show that .

2. If ( ), prove that .

3. If ( ), prove that .

4. If ( ), prove that

5. If ( ) and ( ) prove that ( )

Determinant of a matrix:

Determinant of a matrix can be obtained only if the matrix is square matrix.

Ex. If ( ) then it’s determinant is written by | |

Determinant value:

| |

| | | | ( )| |

( ) ( ) ( )

---Matrix is only the arrangement of numbers but the determinant possesses a value.

Exercises 2: Find the determinant value of each of the following matrices and state whether it is singular
or non-singular.

1. ( )

2. ( )

3. ( )

4. ( )

5. ( )

Rank of a matrix: The rank of a matrix A is the order of the largest non zero minor of A.

Ex. Find the rank of the matrix ( )

Solution : Order of A is 3 x 3. ∴ ρ(A) 3

Consider the only third order minor

| | ( ) ( ) ( )

The only minor of order 3 is zero. ∴ ρ(A) 2

Consider the second order minor

| |

There is a minor of order 2 which is non zero. ∴ ρ(A) = 2.

Ex. Find the rank of the matrix ( )

Solution : Order of A is 3 x 4. ∴ ρ(A) 3. Consider the third order minors.

We find, | | ( ) ( ) ( )

There is a minor of order 3 which is not zero. ∴ρ(A) = 3.

Exercises 3: Find the rank of the following matrices:

1. ( )

2. ( )

3. ( )

4. ( )

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