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Matrix Inversion

 A matrix is said to be invertible if it is square and non-singular matrix.

 Let and be two square and non-singular matrices such that , then B is said to
be the inverse of A and we write . Also is said to be the inverse of and we write

Adjoint of a square matrix:

Let ( ) be the square matrix, then the adjoint of is denoted by

and is obtained by ( ) , where are the cofactors of

Theorem: Show that , where and both are square and non-singular
Proof: By definition we have

Now Again
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Example1: If ( ), prove that and hence fin

Hints: 2nd part

Exampl2: Find the inverse of the matrix ( )

Solution: Let D be the determinant of the matrix , then

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So the matrix is non-singular and exists.


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( ) ( )

And ( ) ( )

Exercises: Find the inverse of the following matrices

1. ( )

2. ( )

3. ( )

4. ( )

5. ( )

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